Prokon Tutorials

February 9, 2017 | Author: Ahmed Faraz | Category: N/A
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‫دورة في‬ ‫تصميم العناصر الخرسانية المختلفة باستخدام‬ ‫برنامج‬

‫اعداد‬ ‫م‪.‬محمد مصطفى ميـــط‬

Concrete Design The concrete design modules can be used for the design of reinforced and pre-stressed concrete beams and slabs, columns, column bases and retaining walls.

Concrete Structural Systems Floor slabs Transmit live loads as well as stationary dead loads to the horizontal beams, which are part of the frame. Slabs do this in bending and shear.

Beams Transmit loads from the slabs to the vertical columns in bending and shear.

Columns Columns carry all vertical loads to the foundations in compression. There may be bending moments as a result of the frame action.


Carry all vertical loads to the soil. Vertical loads include all dead load and live loads.

Typical Beam/column/slab

Concrete Design using PROKON Beam and slab design

-The Continuous Beam and Slab Design. -Rectangular Slab Panel Design . -Finite Element Slab Design. -The Punching Shear Design module.

Column design

-Rectangular Column Design. -Circular Column Design. -General Column Design .

Substructure design

-Column Base Design -Retaining Wall.

Section design

- Concrete Section Design. - Section Design for Crack width.

Continuous Beam and Slab Design The Continuous Beam and Slab Design module is used to design and detail reinforced concrete beams and slabs as encountered in typical building projects. The design incorporates automated pattern loading and moment redistribution.

Downwards redistribution The downward distribution method aims to reduce the hogging moments at the columns without increasing the sagging moments at mid span.

Slabs Slabs may be simply supported and span in one or two directions.

One - Direction If Ly/Lx < 2 If Ly/Lx > 2

Two - Direction

the slab spans in two directions as shown in the sketch the slab spans only in the shorter direction.

One-Way Continuous Slabs And Beams The following sketches show some one-way spanning continuous slabs and beams.

Beams and girders

T-beam and slab

One-way joist and girder

Two-way Spanning Slabs

Rectangular Slab Panel Design Design scope The program designs rectangular reinforced concrete flat slab panels. Design loads include own weight, distributed and concentrated dead and live loads. Slab edges can be made free, simply supported or continuous.

List of symbols The design code symbols are used as far as possible :Slab geometry dx : Effective depth for reinforcement in the longer span direction, i.e. parallel to the X-axis (mm or in). dy : Effective depth for reinforcement in the shorter span direction, i.e. parallel to the Y-axis (mm or in). h : Overall slab depth (mm or in). Lshort : Length of the short side of the slab,Duration taken parallel to the Y-axis or ft). of load € time(m factor or to more Llong : Longer side length of the slab, takenyears parallel the5X-axis (m or2.0 ft).

Material properties fcu : Concrete cube strength (MPa or psi).

months 12


months 6


months 3 fy : Reinforcement yield strength (MPa or psi). Instantaneous €: Time factor for long-term deflection n : Poisson’s ratio, typically equal to 0.2. g : Unit weight of concrete (kN/m³ or lb/ft³)

1.0 0.0

Applied loads WADL : Additional distributed dead load (kN/m² or kip/ft²). WLL : Additional distributed dead load (kN/m² or kip/ft²).). PDL : Additional dead point load (kN or kip). PLL : Additional live point load (kN or kip).

Design output Abotx : Bottom steel parallel to the X-axis (mm²/m or in²/ft). Atopx : Top steel parallel to the X-axis (mm²/m or in²/ft). Aboty : Bottom steel parallel to the Y-axis (mm²/m or in²/ft). Atopy : Top steel parallel to the Y-axis (mm²/m or in²/ft).

Reinforcement calculation The finite element analysis yields values for bending stresses about the X and Yaxes and tensional stresses. Due to the practical difficulties involved in reinforcing a slab to resist torsion, the Wood and Armer equations are used to transform the bending and tensional stresses to effective bending moments in the X and Y-directions.

Column Design The concrete column design modules are suitable for the design of the following column types: Rectangular Column Design, RecCol: Solid rectangular columns of which the larger column dimension does not exceed four times the smaller dimension.

Circular Column Design, CirCol: Solid circular columns where the simplified design approach applicable to rectangular columns may be applied. General Column Design, GenCol: Columns of any general shape and columns with openings.

All column design modules can design reinforced concrete columns subjected to biaxial bending. Bending schedules can be generated for editing and printing using the

PROKON Drawing and Detailing System, Padds.

Conditions of columns in Prokon Short Column

S.C with axial load

S.C with bi-axial bending

Slender Column

Braced column with bi-axial bending

Cantilever column

Unbraced column with bi-axial bending

with to bi-axial bending

eneral Column Geometry Input GenCol is used to design columns of any general shape and hence has a reasonably intricate input procedure.



Retaining Wall Design

The Retaining Wall Design module

is used to analyze retaining walls

for normal soil and surcharge loads or seismic load conditions. Various types of walls can be considered, including cantilever, simply supported and propped cantilever walls.

Cantilever Wall .The base is fixed against rotation with the wall cantilevering from it

Simply supported

The base has no fixity, i.e. free to rotate. The wall is supported horizontally at the bottom and at the level defined by Hr.

Propped Cantilever Wall

Fixed at the bottom and simply supported at the level defined by Hr.

Gravity Wall

Reservoir Wall

List of symbols Where possible, the same symbols are used as in the design codes. Wall geometry At : Wall thickness at the top (m). Ab : Wall thickness at the bottom (m). B : Horizontal base dimension in front of the wall (m). C : Depth of the base (m). D : Horizontal base dimension at back of the wall (m). F : Depth of the shear key (m). H1 : Total wall height (m). H2 : Height of soil in front of the wall (m). H3 : Height from top of wall to soil level at back of wall (m). Hr : Height of the support point from the top of the wall for a simply supported or propped cantilevered wall (m). Hw : Height of water table, measured from the top of wall (m). X : Inclination of the wall (m). Xf : Position of the shear key, measured from the front of the base (m). XL : Position of the line load, measured from the front edge of the wall (m). XP : Position of the point load, measured from the front edge of the wall (m). ß : Angle of soil behind wall (°).

Material properties fcu : Concrete cube compressive strength (MPa). fy : Reinforcement yield strength (MPa). δ : Angle of friction between wall and soil (°). Must be zero if Rankine theory is specified. Ф: Angle of internal friction (°). ν: Poisson’s ration for the soil. The plane strain value should be used rather than the triaxial value – see geometry and loads input.

Applied loads kh.( : Horizontal acceleration for seismic analysis (g k v.(: Vertical acceleration for seismic analysis (g .(L : Line load on or behind the wall (kN/m Lh.( : Horizontal line load at top of wall (kN/m .(P : Point load on or behind the wall (kN .(W : Uniform distributed load behind the wall (kN/m2

Design parameters DLfact : Ultimate limit state dead load factor. LLfact : Ultimate limit state live load factor. Pmax : Design bearing pressure at serviceability limit state (kPa) SFOvt : Allowable safety factor for overturning at serviceability limit state. SFSlip : Allowable safety factor for slip at serviceability limit state.

Design output As1 : Flexural reinforcement in the wall (mm2). As2 : Flexural reinforcement in the back part of the base (mm2). As3 : Flexural reinforcement in the front part of the base (mm2). Ac1 : Compression reinforcement in the wall (mm2). Ac2 : Compression reinforcement in the back part of the base (mm2). Ac3 : Compression reinforcement in the front part of the base (mm2). Ds : Density of soil (kN/m3). K : Active pressure coefficient, including seismic effects. Ka : Active pressure coefficient. Kp : Passive pressure coefficient. Kps : Passive pressure coefficient including seismic effects. M1 : Maximum ultimate moment in the wall (kNm). M2 : Maximum ultimate moment in back part of the base (kNm). M3 : Maximum ultimate moment in front part of the base (kNm). Pfac : Pressure factor used for Terzaghi-Peck pressure distribution diagram. V : Shear force in wall at base-wall junction (kN). v : Shear stress in wall at base-wall junction (MPa). vc : Allowable shear stress in wall at base-wall junction (MPa).

General assumptions 

 width of the wall is considered.  A unit

 Predominantly active soil pressures are assumed to act on the righthand side of the wall.  Predominantly passive pressures are present on the left-hand side of the wall.  Soil pressure, soil weight and wall self-weight are taken as dead loads.  Applied distributed loads, line loads and point loads are considered to be live loads.  If a water table is specified behind the wall, a linear pressure distribution is used along its depth. The pressure applied on the bottom of the base is varied linearly from maximum at the back, to zero at the front.  Point loads are distributed along the depth of the soil. In contrast, line loads are taken constant in the transverse direction of the wall.

Determine Ka:The equation for determine Ka is deferent for all types of walls Example:Ka = tan 2(45 – (Ф/2)) …………for Cantilever & simple support wall Check Factors of Safety :- Overturning: F.S > 2.0 …………. Ok - Sliding: F.S > 1.5 ……….………..Ok Base pressure :-

‫ ـــــفحة‬86 ‫يتم شرح هذه الصفحة من كتاب الدكتور محمد عوض صــــ‬

Section Design for Crack width The Section Design for Crack width can be used to design reinforced concrete sections to meet specific crack requirements. Both beam and slab sections can be designed for the combined effects of axial tension, bending moment and temperature.

Design scope 

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Codes of practice 

List of symbols 



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Section dimensions bt : Width of the section (mm or in). h : Overall height of the section (mm or in). he : Effective surface zone depth (mm or in).

Material properties fcu : Concrete cube strength (MPa or psi). fy : Main reinforcement yield strength (MPa or psi).

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  

Applied loads R : Restraint factor. T1 : Hydration temperature difference (°C). T2 : Seasonal temperature variation (°C). a : Thermal expansion coefficient of concrete (m/m per °C or in/in per °C). TSLS : The tensile force on the full section at serviceability limit state (kN or kip). TULS : The tensile force on the full section at ultimate limit state. (kN or kip).

Design MSLS : output Serviceability limit state moment (kNm or kipft). MAst : Area Ultimate limit statereinforcement moment (kNmlayout. or kipft). ULS : of suggested (mm² or in²). Ro : The minimum percentage(MPa of reinforcement to be fstcritical : Tensile stress in reinforcement or psi). supplied. Mu : Ultimate moment capacity of section (kNm or kipft). TU : Ultimate tensile capacity of surface zone (kN or kip).

Desgin Scope The following checks are considered for each load case at serviceability limit state: · The combined effect of bending moment, tensile force and the seasonal temperature variation, i.e. MSLS + TSLS + T2. · Early thermal movement, T1 only. · Early thermal movement and seasonal variation combined, i.e. T1 + T2. · The section is also evaluated at ultimate limit state by considering the combined effect of bending moment and tensile force, i.e. MULS + TULS.



The Concrete Section Design module is a simple utility for designing concrete sections for combined bending, shear and torsion. Rectangular and T-sections are accommodated.

Design scope 

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List of symbols 



Section dimensions B : Width of the web (mm). Bf : Width of the flange (mm). Dct, Dcb : Distance from the top or bottom face to the centre of the steel (mm). H : Overall height of the section (mm). Hf : Depth of the flange (mm).

Material properties fcu : Concrete cube strength (MPa). fy : Main reinforcement yield strength (MPa). fy : Shear reinforcement yield strength (MPa).

Design output As : Bottom steel required for bending (mm2). A’s : Top steel required for bending (mm2). Anom : Nominal flexural reinforcement (mm2). Asv : Required shear reinforcement (mm2/mm). Asvn : Nominal shear reinforcement (mm2/mm). Mu : Ultimate moment capacity for bottom reinforcement only (kNm). v : Shear stress (MPa) vc : Allowable shear stress (MPa). vt : Torsional shear stress (MPa).

‫سمير‬.‫شرح مثال مشابه موجود في كتاب د‬ ‫ــــة‬165‫صفحـــــــ‬

ome Reinforcement Configurations Are Also Suggested: · Number and diameters of reinforcement bars to resist bending only. · Links to resist shear only in the web. · Links to resist torsion only in the web and flange. · Longitudinal reinforcement bars to resist combined bending and torsion in the web. The bottom and top bar configurations are chosen to exceed the required flexural reinforcement at that position plus half the total longitudinal torsion reinforcement.

Punching Shear


The Punching Shear Design

module designs flat slabs for punching shear at

edge, corner or internal columns. Only reinforced concrete slabs are designed – to design pre-stressed concrete slabs for punching shear, use the Pre-stressed Beam/Slab Design module, Captain, instead.

Design scope 

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List of symbols   

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Slab geometry A : Horizontal column dimension, as shown on the screen, or diameter of circular column .((mm or in .(B : Vertical column dimension, as shown on the screen (mm or in .(Deff : Average effective depth of the slab (mm or in X : Horizontal distance, as shown on the screen, from the column centre to the slab .(edge (mm or in

Material properties

.(Y : Vertical distance from the column centre to the slab edge (mm or in fcu : Concrete cube compressive strength (MPa of .(psi fy : Yield strength of flexural reinforcement (MPa or (psi

Slab reinforcement Asx1-4 : Average area of main steel parallel to the X-axis crossing each of the four perimeters (mm² or in²). The first perimeter denotes the innermost perimeter. Asy1-4 : Average area of main steel parallel to the Y-axis crossing each of the four perimeters (mm² or in²).

Design output Asv : The total area of stirrups to be provided within 1.5Deff inside a perimeter (mm² or in²). Ucrit : Length of critical perimeter (mm or in). vc : Allowable punching shear stress (MPa or kip). Vc : Shear force capacity at a stress of vc (MPa of psi). Veff : The effective shear force as a function of Vt, Mtx and Mty (kN or kip).

Applied loads Mtx : Ultimate bending moment about the X-axis (kNm or kipft). Mty : Ultimate bending moment about the Y-axis (kNm or kipft). Vt : Ultimate vertical load on column (kN or kip).

Design The design procedure includes the following steps: - The effective shear force, Veff, is calculated. - The program chooses four shear perimeters. The first perimeter is taken a distance 1.5 · Deff away from the column face. Subsequent perimeters are spaced at 0.75 · Deff. The perimeters are chosen to be as short as possible, extending to the slab edge when necessary.

Flat Slab ‫ في‬Punching Shear ‫ وكيف يتم حساب‬345 ‫سمير في صفحة‬.‫رؤية مثال د‬ :‫في‬

Interior Columns

Edge Columns Corner Columns.

Pre-stressed Beam and Slab Design

Captain C omputerA idedP ostTensioning) A nalysisI(nstrument

Captain (Computer Aided Post Tensioning Analysis Instrument) can be used to design and detail most types of continuous pre-stressed beam and slab systems encountered in typical building projects. The design incorporates automated pattern loading and moment redistribution. Both unbounded systems, e.g. flat slabs, and bonded systems, e.g. bridge decks, can be designed. Estimates for quantities are calculated and tendon profile schedules can be generated for use with Padds.

Finite Element Slab Analysis 

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