Air Ticket Booking System, Air Ticket Reservation, Project Report Presentation, ppt file on reservation system,...
Submitted Submi tted by b y: Ishan Jand Roll no.- 10703041 Thapar University Patiala- India
Technologies Used: FRONT-END: ASP.NET (2.0) using C# BACK-END: SQL SERVER 2005 SOWTWARE: Visual Studio 2005
Why did I choose this project? Manual system very time consuming. Errors are generated manually. Storage of records very difficult manually.
BENEFITS: Ticket is booked online while sitting at home. Time saving process. Payment is done through credit card. User friendly web application. Brokerage charges not present.
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CUSTOMERS: New customer accounts can be created online. Customer can view all the flights run by the airline. He can view flights run between 2 cities. He can book flight ticket online. He can view flights booked by him. He can update his profile on the web site itself. ADMINISTRATOR: Administrator Administrator can add new flights in the airlines. He can edit information like costs of current existing flights. He can view flights booked by a certain user. He can view user information.
Software Quality Assurance Waterfall Model Requirements Specification Design Implementation Test Maintenance
Login Control. User ID created successfully with proper validations. User profile update successful. Flights successfully booked by the user.
Flight information correctly updated in the database when updated by the administrator. New flights successfully added from the web site itself.
Limitations and Future Scope
Flight cancellation feature can be added. Ticket price can be divided on the adult and child basis.
Airport information can be added. Special offers can be given to users. Frequent fliers can be given bonus points and other schemes. Optimum pricing algorithm for cost of flights can be created. Future scope is that the application can be extended to mobile phones.
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