The study aims at product awareness and its acceptance by the customers of ‘Pure-it’ ‘Pure-it’ along with its comparative analysis with other manual water purifiers. purifiers.
A qu quan anti tita tati tive ve samp sample le su surv rvey ey wa wass co cond nduc ucte ted d amon among g th thee cons consum umer erss of Durgapur and Asansol region.
Apart from interviewing the consumers the study analy!ed the purifier purifier mar"et and its acceptance.
Two-third of the purifier mar"et is #$ based indicating that the low- cost and non-electric.
Aqua-%ure &'ure"a (orbes) Pure-it &*#+) %wach &Tata) and ,ent ( based) are the maor brands in the non-electric storage water purifiers mostly thriving in mar"et.
The consumer research revealed: revealed:
*ouseholds in Durgapur and Asansol primarily depended more on tap water.
%upply of water was generally reported to be adequate.
The average daily consumption of drin"ing water is close to /0 liters for a family of about 1.
2auging quality of water &purity) was related to visibly clean water ¬ muddy no foul smell)
Though it is difficult for them to gauge the purity of water but they are quite concerned about the purity of the water. 2
They were aware of the fact that impure water can cause diseases.
Awareness Aw areness about the methods of purification of water was largely restricted to ‘boiling of water’.
3t is said that the TD% percentage in water should not be more than 400 and the water of Asansol and Durgapur contains more than 100 of TD% percentage.
Awareness about non-electric purifier was highest among the different types of
purifiers. purifiers. #sers of purifier are close to 15.
6aintenance of purifier was more impulsive than planned.
#sers #se rs of pu purif rifier ierss wer weree gen genera erally lly satisf satisfied ied with with th thee servi services ces and cost cost of maintenance was between 7s.840-900:- depending on the type of purifier.
About one-third of the non-users of purifiers have e;pressed their desire to own a purifier-more than half wants to buy a non-electric purifier.
7eplacement guarantee is desirable.
s lin"s with 3ndia were forged in =9C9. #nilever acquired +ipton in =C@/ and in =C@@ +ipton Tea &3ndia) +imited was incorporated incorporated.. Pond>s &3ndia) +imited had been present in 3ndia since =C@. 3t oined the #nilever fold through an international acquisition of ?hesebrough Pond>s #%A in =C91. %ince the very early years *#+ has vigorously responded to the stimulus of econ ec onom omic ic grow growth th.. Th Thee gr grow owth th pr proc oces esss ha hass be been en acco accomp mpan anie ied d by u udi dici ciou ouss diversification always in line with 3ndian opinions and aspirations. The liberali!ation of the 3ndian economy started in =CC= clearly mar"ed an in infl fle; e;io ion n in *# *#+>s +>s an and d th thee 2r 2rou oup> p>ss gr grow owth th curv curve. e. 7emo 7emova vall of th thee re regu gula lato tory ry framewor" allowed the company to e;plore every single product and opportunity segment without any constraints on production capacity. %imultaneously %imultaneo usly deregulation permitted alliances acquisitions and mergers. mergers. 3n one of the most visible and tal"ed about events of 3ndia>s corporate history the erstwhile Tata s Pond>s talc talcss an and d crea creams ms $aseline $aseline lotions lotions (air (air and and +ove +ovely ly creams creams +a"me +a" me beaut beauty y prod product ucts s ?le ?lear ar ?lini ?linicc Pl Plus us ?linic ?linic All All ?lear ?lear %uns %unsil" il" and Dove Dove shampoos $36 dishwash Ala bleach Dome; disinfectant 6odern bread A;e deo sprays and ?omfort fabric softeners.
(ive of *#+>s leading brands L +u; Dove Pears ?linic Plus and %unsil" L won the 7eader>s Digest Trusted Brand /009 Awards.
(our *#+ brands featured in the top =0 list of the 'conomic Times Brand 'quity>s 6ost Trusted Brands /009 survey.
*#+ was awarded the Bombay ?hamber ?ivic A Aw ward /00@ in the category of %ustainable 'nvironmental 3nitiatives.
*#+ was selected as the top 3ndian company in the (6?2 sector for the Dun Bradstreet - American ';press ?orporate Awards /00@. 11
PRODUCT PROFILE made by *industan #nilever currently P()*-+, is a ra rang ngee of water purifiers purifiers made 3ndia 6e;ico 6e;ico Bra!il Bra!il %r %rii lan lan"a "a Figeria Figeria 3ndonesia 3ndonesia an and Bangladesh Bangladesh sold in 3ndia consisting of si; modelsK Pure-it ?lassic Pure-it ?ompact Pure-it ?lassic Autofill Pure-it 3ntella Pure-it 6arvella and Pure-it 6arvella. Pure-it was first launched in ?hennai in /00. Pure-it claims to meet the '.P.A. ?hennai in '.P.A. germ-"ill germ-"ill criteria. Pure-it ?lassic 13
removes germs without needing electricity or pressuri!ed tap water. Pure-it ?lassic costs 7s. /800.
Pure-it consists of four parts that purify the water in four stagesK a >microfiber mesh> a >compact carbon trap> a >germ "ill processor> and a >polisher> as branded by *industan #nilever. (or the Pure-it 6arvella model the microfiber mesh has been rebranded as a >pleated filter> while the compact carbon trap has been rebranded as an >activated carbon filter> along with a prefi; of >unique>. The microfiber mesh parasites and functions as a sieve filtering out visible dirt. The carbon trap removes removes parasites pesticides. The pr proc oces esso sorr is a ta tabl blet et co cons nsis isti ting ng of chlorine. chlorine. This stage removes pesticides. The bacteria bacteria and viruses. viruses. The polisher improves taste and clarity of water and removes th thee resid residual ual form form of chl chlor orine ine from from the water water.. These These fo four ur parts parts are collec collectiv tively ely branded the the germ "ill "it or th thee battery battery.. This battery needs continual replacing as indicated by a germ "ill battery indicator visible on the front of the device. Pure-it also features an >auto switch off> mechanism whereby the filter prevents the flow of water following the consumption of the germ "ill "it. This "it itself comes in various models.
The model of the germ "ill "it determines how much water it can purify before the "it needs replacing. There are currently four germ "ill "its available ranging from 15
//40 liters for 7s. 440 to a =000 liter "it available for 7s. /@0. The germ "ill "it is conditions. s. The volume specified by designed to wor" at /4N ? in moderately humid condition the germ "ill battery assumes these conditions. The germ "ill "it has an e;piry date of three years from the date of pac"aging.
MODELS Pure-it is available in si; modelsK ?lassic ?ompact Autofill 3ntella 6arvella and 6arvella 7hydrosensor>. Pure-it Autofill is available for 7s. 8/00. Pure-it ?ompact is available for 7s. ==00. 3t has a capacity of =0 litresK 4 in the top chamber and a further 4 litres in the bottom. These three models are available in a choice of two colors branded by *industan #nilever as burgundy and royal blue.
Pure-it Pureit 6ar 6arvel vella la has bee been n br brand anded ed as >3ndi >3ndia>s a>s fi first rst fu full lly y autom automati aticc water water purifier>. Pure-it 6arvella is capable of automatically filling itself. 6arvella also has an >3nsta-serve> ugK a ug that can be plugged into the purifier and automatically filled. Pure-it 6arvella 6arvella also has a capacity of .4 litres. 3t is available for 7s. @/00. All si; Pure-it models claim to provide water that meets the germ"ill criteria of '.P.A. in regards to bacteria viruses and pesticides without the use of electricity.
PROMOTIO!" POIT O# $I%&: 3n /00C Pure-it had issued a 7s. = ?rore safety challenge i.e. 3f anyone can find a purifier which meets Pure-it>s 8 safety features then Pure-it would give them 7s = crore. 3t>s been / years and till date no purifier in 3ndia has been able to meets Pure Pu re-i -it> t>ss sa safe fetty ch chal alle leng nge. e. Pu Pure re-i -itt is no now w cele celebr brat atin ing g it itss unbe unbeat atab able le safe safety ty performance by distribut distributing ing the same 7s. = ?rore amongst people who will be buying Pure-it th this is monso monsoon. on.
3f you buy any mode modell of Pure-it Pure-it this mons monsoon oon you could could either either get the same 17
Pure-it for free or get a Double warranty on it for free. *ence there is an assured gift for everyone. hat>s more as part of this offer Pure-it is distributing upto 7s. = ?rore worth of Pure-it for freeOO
OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The maor obective of the study is to assess mar"et viability of the product Pure-it among various manual water purifi purifiers ers available in the mar"et. 6ore specifically the study will aim at understanding the current mar"et scenario for the product Pure-itK
19 A0 ,* ,/)*, /(+** =(,0*)9: 19
a) Perception on about safe potable water - what is considered as safe potable water *ow water can be made potable
b) ?urrent practice-what is the source of water for drin"ing drin"ing *ow safe:potabl safe:potablee do they feel is the available water
c) Purifying water for drin"ing- Do they do anything to ensure that the water is potable hat hat do th they ey do
d) Perception usage of purifier - Awareness about the different types of purifier Desire need for purchasing water purifier hat is the perceived cost that they can spend on a water purifier
e) Perceived benefits of a water purifier.
f) Perceived value for money of a water purifier.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The Data for this proect was collected through Primary and %econdary sources. PRIMARY PRIM ARY DATA DATA::
3t is essential to collect PRIMARY DATA to ma"e sample survey. A successful and the most popular technique of data collection is through a questionnaire thus a questionnaire was framed and distributed manually among different people who are residing in the Asansol and Durgapur region. 21
This 7eport is dedicated to %econdary information about company profile and various decisions ta"en by the company regarding product line e;pansion product line pruning and various other matters related to product line. 3 have collected this information with the help of internet and ournals. This report gives you relevant information about various activities ta"en by *industan #nilever limited.
3n this proect all the information are collected with the help of questionnaire 3nternet Gournals and %econdary source.
#nits- People residing in Asansol and Durgapur region.
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