CERTIFICATE This is to certified that Mr. SHASHANK DUBEY & VIKRANT MATHUR, student of B.Tech in Mechanical Engg. (4th sem ) from Hi-Tech Institute Of Engineering & Technology Ghaziabad (U P) has successfully completed his training in PAINT shop from 25th July 2011 to 7th August 2011 under guidance of Mr. OM PRAKASH (HOD) PAINT shop.
During this period I found his to be very co-operative , sincere & Working. I wish his good luck and success for all his future assignments.
Painting is a process of making surface fine by the addition of various emulsions & chemicals. This is accomplished under controlled conditions of temperature & pressure.
STAGE NO: - 1 LOADING Process of dispatching the components for further operations, often receiving it from fabrication shop. It is hanged to conveyer belt which is supported by trolleys and the components refer to other stages of the paint shop.
STAGE NO: - 2 HOT WATER SPRAY Hot water spray is similar to saturated steam process. In that steam is the driving force for reaching centre of the components. In this process hot water is used to cleanising the dirt & lubricants.
STAGE NO: - 3 KNOCK OFF DEGREASE (SPRAY) This process is also known as Saponification process. In which the chemical REDOLINE 1352 is used at 50-60ο C for washing the components to remove the lubricant (grease) by nozzle spray.
STAGE NO: - 4 DEGREASE (DIP) This process is same as that of stage-3 but in this the components is dipped in the tank filled with REDOLINE 1352 at same conditions.
STAGE NO: - 5 WATER RINSE – 1 (SPRAY) The components which are coming from previous stage are washed away by NORMAL water spray. This is done at ambient temperature.
STAGE NO: - 6 WATER RINSE – 2 (DIP) This stage is same as that of stage 5 but operations are carried out in NORMAL water.
STAGE NO: - 7 MIST SPRAY WITH FRESH D-M WATER Mist spray is done to wash the components by DI-MINERAL WATER, which prevents unnecessary chemical reactions in next stage.
STAGE NO: - 8 SURFACE ACTIVATION (DIP) In this stage the surface activation chemical (FEXODINE 56) activates the component to obtain the fine crystalline structure for phosphate coating which increases the corrosion resistance and adhesive property.
STAGE NO: - 9 PHOSPHATING (DIP) Phosphating is done for covering the component surface by the layers of zinc, nickel and manganese-phosphate which allows the better adhesion for electro coated paint. In this stage PHOSPHARIC ACID [H3PO4] is used as phosphating chemical.
STAGE NO: - 10 WATER RINSE-3 (SPRAY) In this stage the components are washed out by spray for removal of phosphating chemical leftovers.
STAGE NO: - 11 RCDM (DIP) RCDM (Recirculation with de-minral water). This process is also known as pre-treatment process. The components are dip in D-M water for RE WASH.
STAGE NO: - 12
FRESH D-M (SPRAY) This is the last stage where fresh DM water is sprayed. It consists of the enclosure, drain pan, associated piping with accessories, nozzles, etc. Fresh DM water is sprayed only when vehicle presents by interlocked with the limit switch detecting carrier travel, and rinsed water will be cascaded.
STAGE NO: - 13
ACED COATING (SPRAY) ACED(Acrylic Cathode Electro deposition) is hearth of paint shop. In this stage the components are dip in aced. There is 200 volt current by the arrangement of anode and cathode. There are 30 cathodes in aced and the copper plate which are fitted in the conveyer belt works as anode. This arrangement conduct the paint on the components.
STAGE NO: - 14 ULTRA FILTRATE-1 (SPRAY) Ultra filtration means extremely fine filtration. This is a necessary stage after the aced coating because, the drops are produce on the weld part in the aced coating. These drops are remove by spray.
STAGE NO: - 15 ULTRA FILTRATE-2(DIP) In some cases the paint drops are not remove in ultra filtration-1, so the components are dip into the normal water to completely wash out the components in this stage.
It is dipping process in which electrically conductive Substrate is immersed in a waterborne paint and the paint Dispersed in water is electrically deposited on the Substrate to form a uniform & water insoluble film. Depending on the charge on polymer functional group, The deposition takes place either at cathode or at anode.
STAGE NO: - 17 FLASH OFF ZONE Under this process the components are passing through the normal temperature to ready the Owen process.
STAGE NO: - 18
CURNING (OVEN) The components are baked at 180-190 οC , so that paint particles get cling to the surface of components firmly.
STAGE NO: - 19 UNLOADING The components are dispatched to sub assembly shop.
INSPECTION The components are visually inspected & manually observed so that the major defects can be analysed & remedies. If components are defected then they send for rework.
DISPATCH FOR SUB ASSEMBLY After the paint and inspection components are dispatch for sub assembly.
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