Project Report on Hotel Reservation

September 15, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction/Objectives…………………………………………............6 2. Sste! An"#sis 2.1 Identi$ic"tion o$ Need………………………………………………%&' 2.2 (re#i!in"r Investi)"tion……………………………………............' 2.* Fe"sibi#it Stud…………………………………………………..+&12 2., (roject Sc-edu#in)………………………………………………1*&16 2. SS………………………………………………………………1%&2, 2.6 So$t0"re En)ineerin) ("r"di)!…………………………………2&26 2.% "t" ode#s…………………………………………………….2%&*2 *. Sste! esi)n *.1 odu#"ris"tion………………………………………………..…**&*6 *.2 "t"b"se esi)n………………………………………………....*%&,3 *.* 4ser Inter$"ce esi)n…………………………………………....,1&,* *., Test C"ses 54nit Test C"ses "nd Sste! Test C"ses…….……..,,&, ,. Codin)……………………………………………………………….,6&,' ,.1 S"!7#e (roject Codin)…………………………………………..,'&1 ,.2 Co!!ents "nd escri7tion o$ Codin) Se)!ents…………….....2&* ,.* Error 8"nd#in)………………………………………..…………….., ,., ("r"!eters C"##in)/7"ssin)…………………………………………, ,. 9"#id"tion c-ec:s…………………………………..……………&6 . Testin) .1 Testin) Tec-ni;ues "nd Testin) Str"te)ies used…………….…..%&' .2 Test e7orts 54nit Test C"ses "nd Sste! Test C"ses…………'&61 6. Sste! e"sures 6.1 "t"Securit Securit…………………………………………………….62&6* %. e7orts………………………………………………………………6,&6 '. Future Sco7e "nd Furt-er En-"nce!ent o$ t-e (roject…………………66 +. Bib#io)r"7-…………………………………………………………….6% 13.



STE is deve#o7ed $o##o0in) sste! deve#o7!ent st")es $or s!oot- runnin) "nd !"n")e!ent o$ t-e -ote#. T-e sste! 0"s c"re$u## desi)ned to ensure !"?i!u! e$$icienc o$ t-e sste! "t t-e -ote#. T-e sste! c"ns:i#$u## "nd c"re$u## coded to se"# "n 7ossib#e #oo7-o#es in t-e sste!. T-e sste! 0i## indeed -e#7 t-e -ote# !"n")e!ent "nd t-e estee!ed st"$$ !e!bers to !"n")e "nd steer t-e -ote#@s $unction"#it "nd tr"ns"ctions to re"#ie its !"?i!u! 7otenti"# in "ddition to its co!7etence in t-e -ote# business $ie#d. T-e objective o$ STE ANAL>SIS  Identification of Need: T-e current !"nu"# sste! uses 7"7er0or: "nd direct -u!"n #"n)u")e co!!unic"tion b !out- to !"n")e t-e -ote#. T-is de#"s in$or!"tion tr"ns!ission in t-e -ote#. Boo:in) is done t-rou)- 7-one c"##s or t-rou)- visit to t-e -ote# boo:in) o$$ice. T- e )uest@s 7erson"# det"i#s suc- "s N"!e A)e N"tion"#it "nd ur"tion o$ st" "re in7ut durin) boo:in) in. T-e boo:in) o$$ice orders $or 7re7"r"tion o$ t-e )uest@s roo! be$ore -is/ -er c-ec: in d"te. T-e docu!ents "re tr"ns$erred !"nu"## to t-e $i##in) de7"rt!ent $or co!7i#"tion o$ t-e )uest@s $i#e. On t-e re7ortin) d"te t-e $i#e is tr"ns$erred to t-e rece7tion. On c-ec:in) in t-e )uest is )iven t-e :e to -is "##oc"ted roo! -e "#so s7eci$ i$ -e needs roo! service. T-e rece7tionist -"nds over t-e )uest@s $i#e to t-e "ccount"nt on t-e ne?t t"b#e. 8ere t-e )uest 7"s "cco!!od"tion "nd !e"#s $ee. T-e )uest@s $i#e is u7d"ted on d"i# b"sis o$ -is e?7enditure T-e "ccounts )ener"tes on7"s d"i#"tb"sis "nd de#ivered t-e )uests incosts. t-eir roo!s "t des: de7"rt!ent b t-e service !"ids. t-e T-ebi##s )uest t-e "ccounts des: to 0-ere t-e recei7ts "re )ener"ted.

urin) c-ec:in) out o$ )uests t-eir e?7enditure out#ines "re )ener"ted " d" be$ore c-ec: out d"te. T-e )uests receive t-eir out#ines "t t-e "ccounts des: "s t-e c-ec: out 0-ere t-e 7" $or bi##s b"#"nces i$ "n. (OBLES IN T8E AN4AL S>STE 1. Difficulty in location of guest files: due to t-e #"r)e nu!ber o$ )uests@ $i#es #oc"tion o$ )uest $i#es durin) c-ec:in) in u7d"tin) o$ d"i# e?7enditures recei7t )ener"tion "nd c-ec:in) out is e?tre!e# di$$icu#t $or t-e -ote# e!7#oees. 2. Large storage space: t-e 7-sic"# $i#es occu7 too !uc- s7"ce o$ "bout t0o roo!s $u## o$ stor")e c"binets. T-is occu7ies t-e -ote#@s s7"ce t-"t cou#d -"ve ot-er0ise been used $or inco!e )ener"tion b t-e -ote#. *. Human and computational errors: !"n errors en"b#ed b t-e sste! due to tedious co!7ut"tions re;uired durin) d"t" 7rocessin) cost t-e -ote# !"n")e!ent -e"vi#. odi$ic"tion )ener"tes dirt "nd un7resent"b#e re7orts ,. Poorly generated records: 7oor# )ener"ted records encour")e o!ission o$ so!e i!7ort"nt d"t" b t-e e!7#oees. Suc- d"t" "s t-e )uests@ #u))")e is o!itted. T-is #e"ds to securit 7rob#e!s "t t-e -ote# suc- "s "r!ed robberies. . Complains from guests: due to 7oor !"n")e!ent o$ docu!ents encour")ed b t-e !"nu"# sste! sever"# c"ses 0ere re7orted 0-ere )uests co!7#"ined o$ overc-"r)in) c-"r)in) o$ services not used b t-e )uests. 6. Poor communication: due to 7oor co!!unic"tion bet0een t-e de7"rt!ents )uests "re o$ten served 0it- services t-e didn@t order.


%. Difficulty in data analysis: T-e "ccount"nts usu"## $ound it di$$icu#t to "n"#se t-e )uests@ d"t" durin) )ener"tion o$ e?7enditure bi##s due to !issin) o$ so!e records. '. "t" entr 7rocedure is 7rone to errors. T8E A9ANTA=ES OF T8E (O(OSE S>ST>E .

1. T-e sste! en"b#es e"s "nd $"st "ccess to t-e )uest $i#es. 2. T-e sste! 7rovides better d"t" !"n")e!ent $"ci#ities. *. T-e sste! en"b#e on#ine boo:in) o$ )uests into t-e -ote# -ence intern"tion"# )uests c"n e"si# boo: into t-e -ote#. ,. T-e sste! 7rovides 7er$or!"nce ev"#u"tion o$ t-e e!7#oees to ensure !"?i!u! out7ut $ro! t-e e!7#oees. . T-e sste! 7rovides securit !e"sures to "ccess to t-e -o te#@s in$or!"tion #o0erin) d"t" securit t-re"ts. 6. T-e sste! -e#7 reduce t-e con)estion o$ )uests ensurin) best service out7ut $or custo!er s"tis$"ction 7ur7oses. %. E"s u7d"te o$ t-e )uest records. '. 8i)- custo!er service st"nd"rds "ttr"ct !ore )uests to t-e -ote#. +. eduction o$ d"t" entr "nd 7rocessin) errors. 13. =re"t# reduce 7"7er use "t t-e - ote#. 

Prei!inar" In#e$ti%ation

T-e 7roject entit#ed On#ine 8ote# eserv"tion is " 0eb b"sed sste! 0-ic- $"ci#it"tes on#ine reserv"tion o$ -ote# "cco!!od"tions $ro! "n0-ere in t-e 0or#d. I$ " 7erson 0"nts to reserve -is "cco!!od"tion -e 0ou#d to :no0 t-e #ist o$ -ote#s in t-e cit -e 0"nts to visit di$$erent "!enities 7rovided in e"c- -ote# t-e di$$erent t7es o$ roo!s "v"i#"b#e t-e r"tes o$ t-ose roo!s t-e constr"ints o$ t-e -ote# "nd $in"## t-e "v"i#"bi#it o$ t-e desired roo!s on t-e desired r"te. 8e !" "c-ieve "## t-is t-rou)- tr"ve# ")encies t-e )uides "v"i#"b#e b !":in) en;uiries in 7erson b !":in) en;uiries t-rou)- te#e7-one. I$ -e 0"nts to !":e " c-oice bet0een t-e -ote#s -e -"s to re7e"t t-e 0-o#e 7rocess $or " nu!ber o$ -ote#s .A$ter bein) s"tis$ied 0it- t-e c-oice -e -"s to con$ir! -is reserv"tion b 7"in) t-e "!ount 7erson"## or t-rou)- !idd#e 7ersons. T-is 7rocess is #"borious "nd -is c-oice is#i!ited. So 0e $ound t-e necessit o$ 7rovidin) "## t-e in$or!"tion "nd t-e $"ci#it to reserve -is "cco!!od"tion t-rou)- t-e net so t-"t !"?i!u! s"tis$"ction is "c-ieved b t-e custo!er 0it- #e"st e$$ort. T-e so#ution 0e "re 7rovidin) to t-is is to desi)n " 0ebsite t-"t cont"ins in$or!"tion "bout v"rious cities "nd t-e re7uted -ote#s in e"c- cit "#on) 0it- t-e $"ci#ities t7es o$ roo!s "nd t-eir r"tes. T-e tourist c"n "#so c-oose t-e -ote# o$ -is interest


Fea$i&iit" Stud" Accordin) to t-is $e"sibi#it stud t-is re7ort is inte)r"ted 0it- so!e i!7ort"nt 7oints. T-ose 7oints "re • • •

e$inition/7ur7ose o$ " $e"sibi#it stud. -o conducts t-e $e"sibi#it stud Co!7onents o$ " $e"sibi#it stud $or " 8ote# eserv"tion sste!.

T-is re7ort -"s 0ritten $or " 8ote# eserv"tion sste!. T-e !"in object o$ 7re7"rin) t-is docu!ent is to )ive t-e c#e"r ide"s "bout c-"n)es "nd !odi$ic"tions o$ t-eir ne0 sste! $or user.

'efinition(Pur)o$e of a Fea$i&iit" Stud"

A $e"sibi#it stud is de$ined "s "n esti!"te or "n"#sis o$ t-e 7ossib#e i!7"ct o$ " 7ro7osed sste!. In t-e ot-er -"nd 0e c"n s" t-"t 0-et-er decision !":ers c"n i!7#e!ent t-e 7roject "ccordin) to custo!er@s re;uire!ents or not. T-e $e"sibi#it stud 0i## inc#ude 0ide d"t" "ssoci"ted to $in"nci"# "nd o7er"tion"# i!7"ct. It "#so consisted 0it- "dv"nt")es o$ ne0 sste! "nd dr"0b"c:s o$ current sste!. T-e $e"sibi#it stud is conducted to su77ort t-e decision&!":ers in cre"tin) t-e decisions 1. -"t 0i## be t-e )re "t i!7ort"nce o$ t-e -ote # reserv"tion sste! 2. -"tever t-e decision t-"t t-e t":e it s-ou#d i!7rove t-e ;u"#it o$ deve#o7in) sste! *+o Conduct$ t+e Fea$i&iit" Stud",

Accordin) to t-e 7roject $e"sibi#it stud !" be conducted b t-e 8ote# reserv"tion "n")er. T-e -ote# reserv"tion !"n")er over "nd over ")"in does not -"ve t-e ti!e re;uired to 7er$or! in det"i# "n"#sis re;uired to co!7#ete " $e"sibi#it stud. A#so t-e director !" #"c: t-e :no0#ed)e essenti"# $or co!7#etin) t-e stud. T-ere$ore " s7eci"#ist o$ten is -ired to 7er$or! t-e $e"sibi#it stud. T-e individu"# conductin) " $e"sibi#it stud s-ou#d -"ve t-e $o##o0in) c-"r"cteristics

• • •

E?7erience in conductin) $e"sibi#it studies. E?7erience in 8ote# reserv"tion sste! o7er"tion. S-ou#d -"ve t-e "bi#it !":e decisions 0-"tever t-e !ost suit"b#e. 6

Co!)onent$ of a Fea$i&iit" Stud" for a Hote Re$er#ation S"$te!

T-e $e"sibi#it stud $or " 7ro7osed reserv"t ion sste! 0i## be 0ides7re"d. T-ere "re sever"# co!7onents t-"t s-ou#d be inc#uded in t-e stud "nd e"c- 0i## be discussed.

-ac.%round Infor!ation

So!e b"c:)round or settin) in$or!"tion is i!7ort"nt to 7rovide t-e circu!st"nce o$ t-e $e"sibi#it stud. Inc#uded in t-e b"c:)round in$or!"tion

Accordin) to our investi)"tion 0e -"ve c-osen one o$ t-e best business c#"ss -ote#s. Tot"## it -"s *33 roo!s 0it- inc#udin) 16 suites "#so. Accordin) to t-e IT !"n")er@s ide" t-e -"vin) so!e doubts 0it- t-eir reserv"tion sste!. It@s not " ver user $riend# one. ":e one o$ t-e best "nd e$$ective reserv"tion sste! $or co!7"n is !"in )o"# o$ !":e t-is sste!.

Pro)o$ed Onine Hote Re$er#ation S"$te!

escri7tion o$ t-e Sste! B"sic"## t-is sste! -"s t0o inter$"ces. T-ose "re $ront end "nd b"c: end.

Front end




T-ese "re t-e !ost b"sic $unction"#ities t-"t "77e"r in $ront end.


B"c: end5/eserv"tion st"$$6

Arriv"# #ist


Fo##o0 u7 re7ort

T-ese "re t-e b"sic $unctions t-"t inc#ude in b"c: end sste!. . FEASIBILIT> ST4> /01 ECONOMIC FEASI-ILITY Econo!ic "n"#sis is !ost $re;uent# used $or ev"#u"tion o$ t-ee$$ectiveness o$ t-e sste!. ore co!!on# :no0n "s cost/bene$it "n"#sist-e 7rocedure is to deter!ine t-e bene$it "nd s"vin) t-"t "re e?7ected $ro! "sste! "nd co!7"re t-e! 0it- costs decisions is !"de to desi)n "ndi!7#e! ent t-e sste!.T-is 7"rt o$ $e"sibi#it stud )ives t-e to7 !"n")e!ent t-e econo!icjusti$ic"tion $or t-e ne0 sste!. T-is is "n i!7ort"nt in7ut to t-e!"n")e!ent t-e !"n")e!ent bec"use ver o$ten t-e to7 !"n")e!ent doesnot #i:e to )et con$ounded b t-e v"rious tec-nic"#ities t-"t bound to be"ssoci"ted 0it- " 7roject o$ t-is :ind. A si!7#e econo!ic "n"#sis t-"t )ivest-e "ctu"# co!7"rison o$ costs "nd bene$its is !uc- !ore !e"nin)$u# in suc-c"ses. In t-e sste! t-e or)"ni"tion is !ost s"tis$ied b econo!ic $e"sibi#it.Bec"use i$ t-e or)"ni"tion i!7#e!ents t-is sste! it need not re;uire "n"ddition" # -"rd0"re resources "s 0e## "s it 0i## be s"vin) #ot o$ ti!e. 201 TECHNICAL FEASI-ILITY Tec-nic"# $e"sibi#it centres on t-e e?istin) !"nu"# sste! o$ t-e test!"n")e!ent 7rocess "nd to 0-"t e?tent it c"n su77ort t-e sste!.Accordin) to $e"sibi#it "n"#sis 7rocedure t-e tec-nic"# $e"sibi #it o$ t-esste! is "n"#sed "nd t-e tec-nic"# re;uire!ents suc- "s so$t0"re $"ci#ities7rocedure in7uts "re identi$ied. It is "#so one o$ t-e i!7ort"nt 7-"ses o$ t-e sste! deve#o7!ent "ctivities.T-e sste! o$$ers )re"ter #eve#s o$ user $riend#iness co!bined 0it)re"ter7rocessin) s7eed. T-ere$ore t-e cost o$ !"inten"nce c"n be reduced. Since 7rocessin) s7eed is ver -i)- "nd t-e 0or: is reduced in t-e !"inten"nce7oint o$ vie0 !"n")e!ent convince t-"t t-e 7roject is o7er"tion"## $e"sib#e. 31 -EHAVIO4RAL FEASI-ILITY (eo7#e "re in-erent# resist"nt to c-"n)e "nd co!7uter -"s been :no0n to$"ci#it"te c-"n)es.

An esti!"te s-ou#d be !"de o$ -o0 stron) t-e user is#i:e# to !ove to0"rds t-e deve#o7!ent o$ co!7uteried sste!. T-ese "rev"rious #eve#s o$ users in order to ensure 7ro7er "ut-entic"tion "nd"ut-ori"tion "nd securit o$ sensitive d"t" o$ t-e or)"ni"tion.


, OPERATIONAL FEASI-ILITY: T-e 7ur7ose o$ t-is 7roject is to deve#o7 " eb b"sed sste! 0-ic- $"ci#it"tes on #ine reserv"tion o$ -ote# "cco!!od"tion $ro! "n0-ere in t-e 0or#d. T-e "ctivities o$ t-e sste! suc- "s d"t" entr in$or!"tion retriev"# u7d"tin) "nd de#etion o$ records $ro! v"rious t"b#es etc. "re !"de e"s .A## t-e o7er"tors o$ t-is 7roject "re tr"ined in t-is "re". So t-is 7roject is o7er"tion"# $e"sib#e.




T-e Pro%ra! 5or

Pro5ect E#auation and Re#ie6 Tec+ni7ue  co!!on#

"bbrevi"ted PERT is " !ode# $or 7roject !"n")e!ent desi)ned to "n"#e "nd re7resent t-e t"s:s invo#ved in co!7#etin) " )iven

7roject. It is co!!on# used in conjunction 0it- t-e

critic"# 7"t- !et-od or CPM0 (ET is " !et-od to "n"#e t-e invo#ved t"s:s in co!7#etin) " )iven 7roject es7eci"## t-e ti!e needed to co!7#ete e"c- t"s: "nd identi$in) t-e !ini!u! ti!e needed to co!7#ete t-e tot"# 7roject. (ET 0"s deve#o7ed 7ri!"ri# to si!7#i$ t-e 7#"nnin) "nd sc-edu#in) o$ #"r)e "nd co!7#e? 7rojects. It 0"s deve#o7ed $or t-e 4.S. N"v S7eci"# (rojects O$$ice in 1+% to su77ort t-e 4.S. N"vGs (o#"ris nuc#e"r sub!"rine 7roject. H1 It 0"s "b#e to incor7or"te uncert"int b !":in) it 7ossib#e to sc-edu#e " 7roject 0-i#e not :no0in) 7recise# t-e det"i#s "nd dur"tions o$ "## t-e "ctivities. It is !ore o$ "n event&oriented tec-ni;ue r"t-er t-"n st"rt& "nd co!7#etion&oriented "nd is used !ore in 7rojects 0-ere ti!e r"t-er t-"n cost is t-e !"jor $"ctor. It is "77#ied to ver #"r)e&sc"#e one&ti!e co!7#e? non&routine in$r"structure "nd ese"rc- "nd eve#o7!ent 7rojects. An e?"!7#e o$ t-is 0"s $or t-e


inter O#!7ics in =renob#e 0-ic- "77#ied (ET $ro! 1+6 unti# t-e o7enin) o$ t-e 1+6' ="!es. T-is 7roje ct !ode # 0"s t-e $ir st o$ its :ind " reviv"# $or scienti$ic !"n")e!ent  $ounded b Frederic: T"#or "nd #"ter re$ined b 8enr Ford 5 Fordis!. u(ont cor7or"tionGscritic"# 7"t- !et-od 0"s invented "t rou)-# t-e s"!e ti!e "s (ET.




A Gantt c+art is " t7e o$ b"r c-"rt t-"t i##us tr"tes " 7roject sc-edu#e. ="ntt c-"rts i##ustr"te t-e st"rt "nd $ini s- d"tes o$ t-e ter!in"# e#e!ents "nd su!!"r e#e!ents o$ " 7roject. Ter!in"# e#e!ents "nd su!!"r e#e!ents co!7rise t-e 0or: bre":do0n structure o$ t-e 7roject. So!e ="ntt c-"rts "#so s-o0 t-e de7endenc 5i.e. 7recedence net0or: re#"tions-i7s bet0een "ctivities. ="ntt c-"rts c"n be used to s-o0 current sc-edu#e st"tus usin) 7ercent&co!7#ete s-"din)s "nd " vertic"# JTOA>J #ine "s s-o0n -ere. A#t-ou)- no0 re)"rded "s " co!!on c-"rtin) tec-ni;ue ="ntt c-"rts 0ere considered revo#ution"r 0-en t-e 0ere introduced. In reco)nition o$ 8enr ="nttGs contributions t-e 8enr L"urence ="ntt ed"# is "0"rded $or distin)uis-ed "c-ieve! ent in !"n")e!ent "nd in co!!unit service. T-is c-"rt is used "#so in In$or!"tion Tec-no#o) to re7resent d"t" t-"t -"ve been co##ected. A co!!on error !"de b t-ose 0-o e;u"te ="ntt c-"rt desi)n 0it- 7roject desi)n is t-"t t-e "tte!7t to de$ine t-e 7roject 0or: bre":do0n structure "t t-e s"!e ti!e t-"t t-e de$ine sc-edu#e "ctivi ties. T-is 7r"ctice !":es it ver di$$ icu#t to $o##o0 t-e 133K u#e. Inste"d t-e BS s-ou#d be $u## de$ined to $o##o0 t-e 133K u#e t-en t-e 7roject sc-edu#e c"n be desi)ned. A#t-ou)- " ="ntt c-"rt is use$u# "nd v"#u"b#e $or s!"## 7rojects t-"t $it on " sin)#e s-eet or screen t-e c"n beco!e ;uite un0ie#d $or 7rojects 0it- !ore t-"n "bout *3 "ctivities. L"r)er ="ntt c-"rts !" not be suit"b#e $or !ost co!7uter dis7#"s. A re#"ted criticis! is t-"t ="ntt c-"rts co!!unic"te re#"tive# #itt#e in$or!"tion 7er unit "re" o$ dis7#". T-"t is 7rojects "re o$ten consider"b# !ore co!7#e? t-"n c"n be co!!unic"ted e$$ective# 0it- " ="ntt c-"rt. ="ntt c-"rts on# re7resent 7"rt o$ t-e

tri7#e constr"ints 5cost

ti!e "nd sco7e o$ 7rojects bec"use t-e $ocus 7ri!"ri# on sc-edu#e !"n")e!ent. oreover ="ntt c-"rts do not re7resent t-e sie o$ " 7roject or t-e re#"tive sie o$ 0or: e#e!ents t-ere$ore t-e !")nitude o$ " be-ind&sc-edu#e condition is e"si# !iss co!!unic"ted. I$ t0o 7rojects "re t-e s"!e nu!ber o$ d"s be-ind sc-edu#e t-e #"r)er 7roject -"s " #"r)er i!7"ct on resource uti#i"tion et t-e ="ntt does not re7resent t-is di$$erence.


/0Initia In#e$ti%ation 839 +r$1 20Fea$i&iit" Stud" 839 +r$1 30S"$te! Ana"$i$ 89 +r$1 ;0S"$te! 'e$i%n 8/99 +r$1 0Po$t I!)e!entation 839 +r$1 ?0Fini$+



Onine Hote Re$er#ation S"$te! /0 Introduction T-e $o##o0in) subsections o$ t-e So$t0"re e;uire!ents S7eci$ic"tions 5SS docu!ent 7rovide "n overvie0 o$ t-e entire SS.

/Pur)o$e T-e So$t0"re e;uire!ents S7eci$ic"tion 5SS 0i## 7rovide " det"i#ed descri7tiono$ t-e re;uire!en ts $or t-e 8ote# eserv"tion Sste! 58 S. T-is SS 0i## "##o0 $or " co!7#ete underst"ndin) o$ 0-"t is to be e?7ected o$ t-e 8S to be constructed. T-e c#e"r underst"ndin) o$ t-e 8S "nd its@ $unction"#it 0i## "##o0 $or t-e correct so$t0"re to be deve#o7ed $or t-e end user "nd 0i## be used $or t-e deve#o7!ent o$ t-e $uture st")es o$ t-e 7roject. T-is SS 0i## 7rovide t-e $ound"tion $or t-e 7roject. Fro! t-is SS t-e 8S c"n be desi)ned constructed "nd $in"## tested. T-is SS 0i## be used b us $or constructin) t-e 8S "nd t-e -ote# end users. e 0i## use t-e SS to $u## underst"nd t-e e?7ec t"tions o$ t-is 8S to construct t-e "77ro7ri"te so$t0"re. T-e -ote# end users 0i## be "b#e to use t-is SS "s " Mtest to see i$ t-e constructed sste! is u7 to t-eir e?7ect"tions. I$ it is not to t-eir e?7ect"tions t-e end users c"n s7eci$ -o0 it is not to t-eir #i:in) "nd t-e SS 0i## be c-"n)ed to $it t-e end users@ needs.

2Sco)e T-e so$t0"re 7roduct to be 7roduced is " 8ote# eserv"tion Sste! 0-ic- 0i## "uto!"te t-e !"jor -ote# o7er"tions. T-e $irst subs ste! is " eserv"tion "nd Boo:in) Sste! to :ee7 tr"c: o$ reserv"tions "nd roo! "v"i#"bi#it. T-e second subsste! is t-e Tr"c:in) "nd Se##in) Food Sste! t-"t c-"r)es t-e current roo!. T-e t-ird subsste! is " =ener"# "n")e!ent Services "nd Auto!"ted T"s:s Sste! 0-ic- )ener"tes re7orts to "udit "## -ote# o7er"tions "nd "##o0s !odi$ic"tion o$ subsste! in$or!"tion. T-ese t-ree subsste!s@ $unction"#it 0i## be described in det"i# in section 2& Over"## escri7tion. T-e end users "re t-e -ote# st"$$ 5custo!er service re7resent"tive "nd -ote# !"n")ers. Bot- user t7es c"n "ccess t-e eserv"tion "nd Boo:in) Sste! "nd t-e Food Tr"c:in) "nd Se##in) Sste! T-e 8ote# eserv"tion Sste!@s objective is to 7rovide " sste! to !"n")e " -ote# t-"t -"s incre"sed in sie to " tot"# o$ 133 roo! s. it-out "uto!"tion t-e !"n")e!ent o$ t-e -ote# -"s beco!e "n un0ie#d t"s:. T-e end user s@ d"&to&d" jobs o$ !"n")in) " -ote# 0i## be si!7#i$ied b " consider"b#e "!ount t-rou)- in t-e" "uto!"ted sste!. sste! 0i##be beuser "b#e "77ro7ri"te to -"nd#e !"n to t":e c"re o$ "## custo!ers ;uic: !"nner. T-eT-e sste! s-ou#d e"sservices to use 7rovide e"s recover o$ errors "nd -"ve "n over"## end user -i)- subjective s"tis$"ction.


3'efinition$@ Acron"!$@ and A&&re#iation$ SS  So$t0"re e;uire!ents S7eci$ic"tion 8S  8ote# "n")e!ent Sste! Subjective s"tis$"ction  T-e over"## s"tis$"ction o$ t-e sste! End users  T-e 7eo7#e 0-o 0i## be "ctu"## usin) t-e sste!


O # er# i e6

T-e SS is or)"nied into t0o !"in sec tions. T-e $irst is T-e Over"## escri7tion "nd t-e second is t-e S7eci$ic e;uire! ents. T-e Over"## escri7tion 0i## descri be t-e re;uire!ents o$ t-e 8S $ro! " )ener"# -i)- #eve# 7ers7ect ive. T-e S7eci$ic e;uire!ents section 0i## describe in det"i# t-e re;uire!ents o$ t-e sste!.

/ T+e O#era 'e$cri)tion It describes t-e )ener"# $"ctors t-"t "$$ect t-e 7roduct "nd its re;uire!ents. T-is section does not st"te s7eci$ic re;uire!ents. Inste"d it 7rovides " b"c:)round $or t -ose re;uire!ents 0-ic- "re de$ined in section * "nd !":es t-e! e"sier to underst"nd.

(E -t!# (4BLIC J&//*C//T Q8TL 1.3 Tr"nsition"#//ENJ J-tt7//000.0*.or)/T/?-t!#1/T/?-t!#1&tr"nsition"#.dtdJW -t!# ?!#nsV"http://,,,),-)org/('''/xhtml"W -e"dW !et" -tt7&e;uivV"Content$.ype" contentV"text/html; charsetiso$%%&'$(" /W tit#eW4ntit#ed ocu!ent/tit#eW scri7t srcV"js/j*uery$())()pac0)js" t7eV"text/javascript"W/scri7tW scri7t srcV"js/j*uery$easing)())pac0)js" t7eV"text/javascript"W/scri7tW scri7t srcV"js/j*uery$easing$compati1ility)())pac0)js" t7eV"text/javascript"W/scri7tW scri7t srcV"js/coda$slider)()()()pac0)js" t7eV"text/javascript"W/scri7tW scri7t t7eV"text/javascript"W juer50indo0.bind5J#o"dJ function5 X juer5Jdiv[s#ider1J.cod"S#ider5 // juer5Jdiv[s#ider2J.cod"S#ider5 // etc etc. Be0"re o$ cross&#in:in) di$$icu#ties i$ usin) !u#ti7#e s#iders on one 7")e. YP /scri7tW st#e t7eV"text/css"W 2myta1le X 7"ddin) 3P !"r)in 3 autoP border&#e$t&0idt- pxP border&to7&0idt- (pxP border&ri)-t&0idt- (pxP border&botto!&0idt- (pxP border&to7&st#e solidP border&ri)-t&st#e solidP border&botto!&st#e solidP border&#e$t&st#e solidP border&to7&co#or 233''44P border&ri)-t&co#or 233''44P border&botto!&co#or 233''44P border&#e$t&co#or 233''44P Y td X b"c:)round 2fffP 7"ddin) 5px 5px5px5pxP co#or 2--''CCP $ont&sie (5pxP te?t&"#i)n centerP border thin dotted 23'4P


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+t!D & T-e !"in cont"iner $or 8TL 7")es

+eadD & T-e cont"iner $or 7")e -e"der in$or!"tion

titeD & T-e tit#e o$ t-e 7")e

&od"D & T-e !"in bod o$ t-e 7")e

$cri)tD& T-e 8TL scri7t e#e!ent is used to insert c#ient side scri7t code into " docu!ent. T-is c"n be "c-ieved in t0o 0"s insertin) t-e code direct# "s content o$ t-is e#e!ent or re$errin) to "n e?tern"# $i#e cont"inin) scri7t code 0it- t-e JsrcJ "ttribute. In t-e second c"se user ")ents s-ou#d i)nore t-e content o$ t-e e#e!ent.

$t"eW& t") is used to de$ine st#e in$or!"tion $or "n 8TL docu!ent. di#W &t") de$ines " division or " section in "n 8TL docu!ent. T-e Scri7t#etA scri7t#et c"n cont"in "n nu!ber o$ DA9A #"n)u")e st"te!ents v"ri"b#e or !et-od dec#"r"tions or e?7ressions t-"t "re v"#id in t-e 7")e scri7tin) #"n)u")e. Fo##o0in) is t-e snt"? o$ Scri7t#et

K code $r")!ent KW •

JSP 'ecaration$: A dec#"r"tion dec#"res one or !ore v"ri"b#es or !et-ods t-"t

ou c"n use in D"v" code #"ter in t-e DS( $i#e. >ou !ust dec#"re t-e v"ri"b#e or !et-od be$ore ou use it in t-e DS( $i#e. Fo##o0in) is t-e snt"? o$ DS( ec#"r"tions KZ dec#"r"tionPH dec#"r"tionP_... KW

JSP E)re$$ion:

A DS( e?7ression e#e!ent cont"ins " scri7tin) #"n)u")e e?7ression t-"t is ev"#u"ted converted to " Strin) "nd inserted 0-ere t-e e?7ression "77e"rs in t-e DS( $i#e. Fo##o0in) is t-e snt"? o$ DS( E?7ression KV e?7ression KW 48

JSP Co!!ent$: DS( co!!ent !"r:s te?t or st"te!ents t-"t t-e DS( cont"iner s-ou#d i)nore. A DS( co!!ent is use$u# 0-en ou 0"nt to -ide or Jco!!ent outJ 7"rt o$ our DS( 7")e. Fo##o0in) is t-e snt"? o$ DS( co!!ents K&&T-isis DS( co!!ent &&KW

JSP 'irecti#e$: A DS( directive "$$ects t-e over"## structure o$ t-e serv#et c#"ss. It usu"## -"s t-e $o##o0in) $or! KU directive "ttributeVJv"#ueJ KW

JSP Action$: DS( "ctions use constructs in QL snt"? to contro# t-e be-"vior o$ t-e serv#et en)ine. >ou c"n dn"!ic"## insert " $i#e reuse D"v"Be"ns co!7onents $or0"rd t-e user to "not-er 7")e or )ener"te 8TL $or t-e D"v" 7#u)in. T-ere is on# one snt"? $or t-e Action e#e!ent "s it con$or!s to t-e QL st"nd"rd js7"ctionn"!e"ttributeVJv"#ueJ/W


 Error 8"nd#in) Error -"nd#in) usin) tr "nd c"tc- st"te!ent. A#t-ou)- t-e de$"u#t e?ce7tion -"nd#er 7rovided b t-e D"v" run&ti!e sste! is use$u# $or debu))in) ou 0i## usu"## 0"nt to -"nd#e "n e?ce7tion ourse#$. oin) so 7rovides t0o bene$its. First it "##o0s ou to $i? t-e error. Second it 7revents t-e 7ro)r"! $ro! "uto!"tic"## ter!in"tin). ost users 0ou#d be con$used 5to s" t-e #e"st i$ our 7ro)r"! sto77ed runnin) "nd 7rinted " st"c: tr"ce 0-enever "n error occurredZ Fortun"te# it is ;uite e"s to 7revent t-is. To )u"rd ")"inst "nd -"nd#e " run&ti!e error si!7# enc#ose t-e code t-"t ou 0"nt to !onitor inside " tr" b#oc:. I!!edi"te# $o##o0in) t-e tr" b#oc: inc#ude " catc+ c#"use t-"t s7eci$ies t-e e?ce7tion t7e t-"t ou 0is- to c"tc-.

("r"!eter C"##in)/("ssin) GET !et+od: T-e =ET !et-od sends t-e encoded user in$or!"tion "77ended to t-e 7")e re;uest. T-e 7")e "nd t-e encoded in$or!"tion "re se7"r"ted b t-e  c-"r"cter. " -re$Vedit7ic.js7idVKVrs*.)etStrin)5Jroo!idJKWWedit roo!/"W

POST !et+od:


T-is !et-od 7"c:")es t-e in$or!"tion in e?"ct# t-e s"!e 0" "s =ET !et-ods but inste"d o$ sendin) it "s " te?t strin) "$ter "  in t-e 4L it sends it "s " se7"r"te !ess")e. T-is !ess")e co!es to t-e b"c:end 7ro)r"! in t-e $or! o$ t-e st"nd"rd in7ut 0-ic- ou c"n 7"rse "nd use $or our 7rocessin). DS( -"nd#es t-is t7e o$ re;uests usin) )et("r"!eter5 !et-od to re"d si!7#e 7"r"!eters. KVre;uest.)et("r"!eter5J$irstn"!eJKW

9"#id"tion C-ec:s Ja#aScri)t For! Vaidation D"v"Scri7t c"n be used to v"#id"te d"t" in 8TL $or!s be$ore sendin) o$$ t-e content to " server. For! d"t" t-"t t7ic"## "re c-ec:ed b " D"v"Scri7t cou#d be

-"s t-e user #e$t re;uired $ie#ds e!7t

-"s t-e user entered " v"#id e&!"i# "ddress

-"s t-e user entered " v"#id d"te

-"s t-e user entered te?t in " nu!eric $ie#d

Re7uired Fied$ T-e $unction be#o0 c-ec:s i$ " $ie#d -"s been #e$t e!7t. I$ t-e $ie#d is b#"n: "n "#ert bo? "#erts " !ess")e t-e $unction returns $"#se "nd t-e $or! 0i## not be sub!itted

scri7t t7eV"text/javascript"W functionv"#id"teFor!5 X #ar "Vdocu!ent.$or!sHJ$or!1JHJn"!eJ.v"#ueP if 5"VVnu ^^ "VVJJ X "#ert5J(#s. t7e our n"!eJP returnfa$eP Y #ar cVdocu!ent.$or!sHJ$or!1JHJ!ess")eJ.v"#ueP if 5cVVnu ^^ cVVJJ X


"#ert5J(#s. t7e our !ess")eJP returnfa$eP Y #are!"i#Te?t V docu!ent.$or!sHJ$or!1JHJe!"i#J.v"#ueP #ar 7"ttern V /`H"&A&a3&+&_5.H"&A&a3&+&_]UH"&3&+_5&H"&3&+_]5.H"&3&+_5&H"&3& +_]].H"&X2,Y\/P if 57"ttern.test5e!"i#Te?t X returntrueP Y e$e X "#ert5GInv"#id E!"i# Address G _ e!"i#Te?tP returnfa$eP Y Y /scri7tW

T-e $unction "bove cou#d be c"##ed 0-en " $or! is sub!itted $or! n"!eV"form(" idV"email8form" "ctionV"savecomment)jsp" !et-odV"post"onsub!itVJreturn v"#id"teFor!5J n"!eV"contact"W 7WN"!ebr /W in7ut n"!eV"name" t7eV"text" c#"ssV"ed" /W br /W E!"i# Addressbr /W in7ut n"!eV"email" idV"email" c#"ssV"ed" /W br /W ess")esbr /W te?t"re" idV"message" n"!eV"message" ro0sV"%" co#sV"-" c#"ssV"ed"W/te?t"re"W br /W in7ut n"!eV"!nput" t7eV"su1mit" v"#ueV"u1mit" idV"1utton("/W /7W /$or!W



Testin) tec-ni;ues "nd Testin) str"te)ies TESTING

So$t0"re testin) is " critic"# e#e!ent o$ so$t0"re ;u"#it "ssur"nce "nd re7resents t-e u#ti!"te revie0 o$ s7eci$ic"tion desi)n "nd codin). In $"ct testin) is t-e one ste7 in t-e so$t0"re en)ineerin) 7rocess t-"t cou#d be vie0ed "s destructive r"t-er t-"n constructive. A str"te) $or so$t0"re testin) inte)r"tes so$t0"re test c"se desi)n !et-ods into " 0e##& 7#"nned series o$ ste7s t-"t resu#t in t-e success$u# construction o$ so$t0"re. Testin) is t-e set o$ "ctivities t-"t c"n be 7#"nned in "dv"nce "nd conducted sste!"tic"##. T-e under#in) !otiv"tion o$ 7ro)r"! testin) is to "$$ir! so$t0"re ;u"#it 0it- !et-ods t-"t c"n econo!ic"## "nd e$$ective# "77#i ed to bot- str"te)ic to bot- #"r)e "nd s!"##& sc"#e sste!s

STATE=IC A((OAC8 TO SOFTAE TESTIN= T-e so$t0"re en)ineerin) 7rocess c"n be vie0ed "s " s7ir"#. Initi"## sste! en)ineerin) de$ines t-e ro#e o$ so$t0"re "nd #e"ds to so$t0"re re;uire!ent "n"#sis 0-ere t-e in$or!"tion do!"in $unctions be-"vior 7er$or!"nce constr"ints "nd v"#id"tion criteri" $or so$t 0"re "re est"b#is-ed. ovin) in0"rd "#on) t-e s7ir" # 0e co!e to desi)n "nd $in"## to codin). To deve# o7 co!7uter so$t0"re 0e s7ir"# in "#on) stre"!#ines t-"t decre"se t-e #eve# o$ "bstr"ction on e"c- turn. A str"te) $or so$t0"re testin) !" "#so be vie0ed in t-e conte?t o$ t-e s7ir"#. 4nit testin) be)ins "t t-e verte? o$ t-e s7ir"# "nd concentr"tes on e"c- unit o$ t-e so$t0"re "s i!7#e!ented in source code. Testin) 7ro)resses b !ovin) out0"rd "#on) t-e s7ir"# to inte)r"tion testin) 0-ere t-e $ocus is on t-e desi)n "nd t-e construction o$ t-e so$t0"re "rc-itecture. T":in) "not-er turn on out0"rd on t-e s7ir"# 0e encounter v"#id"tion testin) 0-ere re;uire!ents est"b#is-ed "s 7"rt o$ so$t0"re re;uire!ents "n"#sis "re 53

v"#id"ted ")"inst t-e so$t0"re t-"t -"s been constructed. Fin"## 0e "rrive "t sste! testin) 0-ere t-e so$t0"re "nd ot-er sste! e#e!ents "re tested "s " 0-o#e. T"b#e =iven be#o0 out#ines t-e tests t-"t 0ere 7er$or!ed on t-e sste! to ensure correctness "nd une"rt- errors 0-ic- 0ere subse;uent# debu))ed.

Testin) (-"se


4nit Testin)

T-e v"rious $unctions 0it-in e"c- 7ro)r"! "nd t-e 7ro)r"! b#oc:s "re tested $or 7ro7er 0or:in).

odu#e Testin)

A !odu#e is co!7osed o$ v"rious 7ro)r"!s re#"ted to t-"t !odu#e. odu#e testin) is done to c-ec: t-e !odu#e $unction"#it "nd inter"ction bet0een units 0it-in " !odu#e

Inte)r"tion Testin)

Inte)r"tion testin) is done to test t-e $unction"#it"nd inter$"cin) bet0een t-e !odu#es.

Acce7t"nc e Testin)

Acce7t"nce testin) is done "$ter i!7#e!ent"tion to c-ec: i$ t-e sste! runs success$u## in t-e custo!er environ!ent/site.

T"b#e s-o0s t-e Tests Conducted on t-e 8ote# eserv"tion Sste!

4NIT TESTIN= 4nit Testin) 0i## be done to test $ie#d v"#id"tions n"vi)"tion $unction"#it o$ t-e 7ro)r"!s "nd its b#oc:s. T-ese tests "re "77#ied on v"rious $unctions 0it-in e"c7ro)r"! "nd ot-er critic"# 7ro)r"! b#oc:s. 54

O4LE TESTIN= odu#e testin) 0i## be done to test t-e inter"ction bet0een t-e v"rious 7ro)r"!s 0it-in one !odu#e. It c-ec:s t-e $unction"#it o$ e"c- 7ro)r"! 0it- re#"tion to ot-er 7ro)r"!s 0it-in t-e s"!e !odu#e. It t-en tests t-e over"## $unction"#it o$ e"c- !odu#e.

INTE=ATION TESTIN= Inte)r"tion testin) is done to test t-e $unction"#it "nd inter$"cin) bet0een t-e !odu#es. T-e sste! is bui#t u7 o$ v"rious !odu#es 0-ic- 0or: to)et-er to "uto!"te t-e "ctivities o$ t-e -ote# !"n")e!ent sste!. T-ese !odu#es s-ou#d 0or: to)et-er in " se"!#ess 0" to "c-ieve t-e desired resu#ts. Inte)r"tion testin) 0i## test $or t-is 7ro7ert o$ t-e !odu#es. T-e !odu#es dis7#" " c"use "nd e$$ect re#"tions-i7 i$ d"t" in one !odu#e is c-"n)ed t-en it "$$ects t-e d"t" to c-"n)e in so!e ot-er !odu#e "#so. Inte)r"tion testin ) needs to c-ec: i$ t-e !odi$i c"tions do not "dverse# "$$e ct so!e ot-er !odu#es. ACCE(TANCE TESTIN= Acce7t"nce testin)i$0"s done "$ter t-e correct# i!7#e!ent"tion o$ t-e sste!. T-e testin) 0i## c-ec: t-e sste! 0or:s in t-e user environ!ent "nd"cce7t"nce i$ t-e entire user s7eci$ied $unction"#ities "re 7resent. It "#so tests i$ t-e sste! "d-eres to t-e co!7"n 7o#icies "nd ;u"#it st"nd"rd.

Test e7orts

Ad!in odu#e


4ser odu#e




"t" Securit

"t" Securit or "t"b"se Securit is " ver essenti"# o7er"tion needed to be done in order to 7rovide securit $or d"t" ite!s in t-e d"t"b"se."t"b"se securit "##o0s or dis"##o0s user "ctions on t-e d"t"b"se "nd objects 0it-in it. It 7rotects " d"t"b"se $ro! unintende d "ctivit. 4nintended "ctivit c"n be c"te)oried "s "ut-entic"ted !isuse !"#icious "tt"c:s or in"dvertent !ist":es !"de b "ut-oried individu"#s. T-e M'< !ess")e&di)est "#)orit-! is " 0ide# used cr7to)r"7-ic -"s- $unction 7roducin) " 12'&bit 516&bte -"s- v"#ue t7ic" ## e?7re ssed in te?t $or!"t "s " *2 di)it -e?"deci!"# nu!ber.  -"s been uti#ied in " 0ide v"riet o$ cr7to)r"7-ic "77#ic"tions "nd is "#so co!!on# used to veri$ d"t" inte)rit. T-e $o##o0in) code is used in our 7roject to encr7t t-e 7"ss0ord KU7")e i!7ortV"java)s*l)+ou c"n boo: our $"vourite roo! "n ti!e o$ t-e d" $ro! "n0-ere in t-e 0or#d. T-e !ost i!7ort"nt "dv"nt")e o$ on#ine -ote# boo:in) is convenience ou c"n boo: our roo! b si!7# sittin) in -o!e. Internet -e#7s ou to bro0se t-rou)- t-e -ote#s "round t-e 0or#d "nd co!7"re t-e $"ci#itie s "nd r"tes e"si#. -en ou c-oose our $"vourite -ote# $or our "cco!!od"tion si!7# ou c"n co!7#ete our reserv"tion 0-en re;uired. So!e o$ t-e -ote#s "#so o$$er s"!e d" -ote# boo:in) on#ine. It is ver -e#7$u# $or t-ose 0-o 7#"n t-eir 0ee:end )et"0" in #"st !inute. ost o$ t-e -ote#s o$$ers co!7et itive 7ricin) bec"use it is ver e"s to co!7"re t-e 7rices o$ one -ote# to "not-er. So!e on#ine boo:in) service 7roviderGs 0ebsites even "##o0 ou to co!7"re t-e 7rices o$ !u#ti7#e -ote# 0-en se#ectin) our on#ine -ote# boo:in)s. B t-is 0" it is ver e"s to $ind 0e##&e;ui77ed -ote# roo!s in c-e"7 7rice. It is better to $ind " #"r)er 62

on#ine -ote# boo:in) service 7rovider i$ ou "re #oo:in) $or " c-e"7 -ote# roo!. So!e o$ t-e service 7roviders 0onGt "##o0 ou to c-oose our -ote# t-e on# "##o0 ou to se#ect #oc"tion "nd ;u"#it o$ t-e -ote#. Consider"b#e discounts on -ote#s !" be "v"i#"b#e in o$$&se"sons. So!e !" )ive )re"t discount in se"son "#so due to t-e co!7etition in t-e $ie#d. >ou 0i## )et !uc- )re"ter discount i$ ou "##o0 t-e on#ine -ote# boo:in) service 7rovider to se#ect our -ote# "nd $#i)-t. >ou c"n s"ve !uc- b se#ectin) t-e services o$ on#ine -ote# boo:in) service 7roviders. >ou c"n de$inite# s"ve on "ir#ine $#i)-ts c"r services "nd even entert"in!ent. >ou 0i## )et consider"b#e discounts i$ ou "##o0 t-e! to se#ect "## services ou need. It is sure t-"t ou c"n s"ve " consider"b#e "!ount "nd -"ve e?tr" $unds to enjo on our tri7. T-ere is no "d!inistr"tive cost $or -ote#s to 7rovide t-is service. T-e boo:in) so$t0"re c"n be connected re)u#"r# t-rou)- "))re)"tors. Custo!ers c"n co!7"re t-e 7rices "nd $"ci#ities $ro! one -ote# to "not-er b uti#iin) t-is $"ci#it. (#"nnin) " v"c"tion -"s never been e"sier "nd !ore re"son"b#e t-"n no0. E"siness "$$ord"b#e 7ricin) "nd si!7#e co!7"rison s-o77in) !":e on#ine -ote# boo:in)s "cce7ted to "##.


1. i:i7edi" 2. So$t0"re En)ineerin) boo: b "jib "##


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