Project Report on Godrej & Boyce Ltd

April 14, 2017 | Author: Subhakanta Dash | Category: N/A
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This is to certify that work entitled Project title” Consumer buying behavior of Godrej home appliances through Direct Sales” is a piece of work done by Student’s name Subhakanta Dash under my guidance and supervision for the partial fulfillment of degree of

PGPM, Asian School Of Business

Management, Bhubaneswar.

To the best of my knowledge and belief the thesis: a. Embodies the work of the candidate himself. b. Has duly been completed. c. Fulfills the requirements of the rules and regulations relating to the summer internship of the institute. d. Is up-to the standard both in respect to contents and language for being referred to the examiner

Signature of the Faculty Guide

Name of faculty guide Date Prof. Bhaktabandhu Dash



I, Subhakanta Dash of 1st Year PGPM, Asian School Of Business Management ,Bhubaneswar, hereby declare that the project titled “Consumer






through Direct Sales” was done by me under the guidance of Prof. Bhakatabandhu Dash, Faculty of Human Resource Mnagement,






Bhubaneswar, Mr. Niladri S. Chatterjee, Dy.Manager, Direct sales, Appliance Division, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd, Bhubaneswar, during 13th April, 2010 to 4th June, 2010.

I also declare that this project has not been submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma, literature or recognition earlier.

Place: Bhubaneswar

Subhakanta Dash



(Regn: PGPM/09-11/51)


I am indebted to Mr. Niladri S. Chatterjee, Dy. Manager, Direct Sales, Appliance division, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Bhubaneswar, for giving me an opportunity to work as a summer project trainee in this esteemed organization. His knowledge and experience was a great motivating factor. This effort would not have been possible without his able, efficient, valuable and timely advice, insights and thoughts. I am very much thankful to sir for his valuable guidance and support. I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to my faculty guide Prof. Bhaktabandhu Dash, Faculty of Human Resource Management, Asian School Of Business Management. I am thankful to sir for his valuable support and guidance throughout the project.


I am also thankful to

the Director, Dean and all the faculty members of

Asian School of Business Management for their valuable support throughout the project. I am equally grateful to each and every member of Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., Bhubaneswar for their whole-hearted co-operation in completing this project in stipulated time. I extend my sincere thanks to all customers of Godrej Appliances who helped me for my project. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family members and friends whose unbounded support facilitated the successful completion of the project.

On the job training

1. On The Job Training (OJT) gives a practical exposure and helps in acquiring the on road skills. 2. First and foremost objective is to know the response of existing customers of Godrej Direct sales division..


3. To gain the complete knowledge about the products of Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing co. ltd, Appliances Division 4. To generate the leads through the survey. 5. To sort out the prospective leads from the data I have collected through the survey. 6. To make the relationship stronger with the existing customers and to follow up them, make sure that they are satisfied with the product. 7. To maintain good relationship with the corporate employees. 8. To get more references from the customers and generate new leads by following a chain process. 9. To find out the customer awareness on booming financial market and to find out the investment patterns of the people. 10.

To make the customer aware of the benefits of the products from

different competitors. 11. On the job training we also came to know about the various products of

Godrej Appliancesand its detail benefit that the customer will get. 12.

How to convince a customer through the telephone to sell products by

following the customer database. 13.

After all how the claims of the customers will be settled quickly.

Things which I learnt from OJT


1. You have to achieve your target within due time.

2. I have to know more than my client 3. Patience 4. To understand the clients perception (how to motivate them) 5. Enjoyment is also a part of work(work-life balance) 6. Punctuality 7. Discipline 8. Hard worker 9. patience to take tension 10.

Dedication towards the work


continuous effort


Leading character


Courage to deal the situation


knowledge to recruit the person


knowledge about the product

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In this research the benchmark practices has been assessed. In this era of competition it is high time to realize for an organization regarding what is its strength, its core competencies, what is to be benchmarked, how it should be benchmarked and with whom. This project studies the consumer buying


behavior of Godrej Home appliances through Direct sales with reference to existing customers. The project gives a detail description of consumer buying behavior process. It covers the application of designing and managing the sales force strategy of the company in order to manage, shape and motivate the customers as well as employees. Certain policies followed by the company are jotted as well as certain suggestions have been given. Today the biggest asset of an organization is its pool of human resource. The better is its human resource the more productive the company becomes. So it is highly essential for an organization to identify, train and recruits talented people. Only by selling products to people does not end. Another big deal for the organization is how to retain those customers. The company has to provide good after sales service. But above all it is not just these parameters which retain a customer but other factors like having regular contact, providing them the ambience, the sense of feeling that they are being needed by the organization. So the issues regarding customer retention is discussed. Apart from these, relation building is a matter of immense concern now days. Relation building is referred to as a corporate asset in this study. In this fast moving competitive era and growing population of service providers the major task rather than to create a customer is to retain him.


Indian market was weak in providing good after sales service but now a day there is huge competition. This report also includes the analysis of the psychological as well as Demographical analysis which will be very much helpful for a company. This report also says about various marketing and advertising strategies that can be followed by the company in order to grab the prevailing opportunities. CHAPTER-1


INTRODUCTION Company background -

Introduction to company


Corporate Profile


Product Profile




SWOT of the Company



The Godrej Group is one of the largest players of Home Appliances in India and has always delighted the consumer with relevant technology in a wide range of efficient products. In 1958, Godrej was the First Indian Company to manufacture Refrigerators and has become synonymous with the category. Godrej pioneered the launch of Polyurethane Foam (PUF) which became the new benchmark for the refrigerator industry. In the last 1 year, Godrej








categories- Refrigerators, Air conditioners, Microwave Ovens, Washing Machines and DVD Players.

With new innovative

technologies like Silver Shower technology in refrigerators, iSense and EM5 in Air conditioners, Steam Microwave Ovens, DAC+









technology space in Indian Appliances context.

In 1958, Godrej Appliances makes the very first refrigerator in India. Fast forward to today. Eon is bringing you cool new features to meet today’s needs. Our addiction to innovation is an old story. We launched PUF (polyurethane foam) technology way back in the 80s. Created 100% CFC free fridges much before green got fashionable. And added colorful doors to these cooling machines. And so on. We continue moving forward. Not just with Refrigerators, also washing Machines, Air Conditioners, Microwave Ovens, DVD Players and Televisions and more. Not to be cheeky here, but we were voted the Most Trusted Brand, Gold award (Reader’s Digest consumer survey) 4 years in a row by our consumers. And earned the CNBC Consumer Awaaz Award, 3 years in a row. Eon, in the Consumer World Awards, was chosen as Mera Brand of the year, 2008. Next. Godrej Appliances becomes a Super brand.


Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. deals in both the consumer products as well as industrial products. Both have wide ranges of products in it. From appliances to personal care in consumer products while the storage solution, machine tool service, agro products, chemicals etc comes in the industrial products category. Recently it has announced to increase the number of retail stores from 49 to 100 by 2010. Investment of Rs 20 crore will be made to make it a success. Godrej Appliances Ltd. brings out refrigerators, washing machines, air-conditioners, microwave ovens, and DVD players in India with the latest technology. Every consumer good comes with price range and variety to serve absolutely all the strata of the society. Fully sensing the need and demand of the market of IT in India Godrej InfoTech Limited provides IT solutions like the development of software, e solutions development, customization & ERP. It also provides database outsourcing and consultancy services Godrej Industries ltd. manufactures Oleo chemicals. Over two dozens of industries in India use the chemicals made by Godrej industries. They all in all make more than hundred of such chemicals. Besides this it also produces edible oil, vanaspati and bakery fats, and deals in medical diagnostic and real estate. Product has quality that of international standard and yet at competitive price. Company's' profile shows that Godrej Properties ltd a real estate arm of Godrej Group is doing wonders in residential sector in India. it is coming up with property project in Bangalore.

Our Divisions: Appliances Construction Furniture (Interio)

AV Solutions (Prima) Electricals & Electronics Lawkim Motors


Material Handling

Precision Engineering

Precision Systems

Process Equipment

Security Solutions


Storage Solutions


Vending (Prima)

Godrej India has seen both the post and pre independence days as it got established in 1897. It started its business with locks manufacturing and at present it a provider of wide variety of services in India, like doors, furniture, locks,







industries, home appliances etc. The website on different associates gives full details on the dealers, their locations and maintenance tips on each product manufactured by Godrej India. Godrej has captured a consumer market in India at large scale with its brands like Soaps, Toiletries, Hair Care, Household Care, Fabric Care, Baby Care and Keyline Brands. Godrej Appliances - The largest engineering and consumer products company in the country having varied interests from engineering to personal care products. We are also one of the most respected corporate houses known for our philanthropy and initiation of labour reforms besides being recognized for our values of fair, transparent and ethical dealings. Godrej's appliance division aims to achieve a growth of 40 per cent in turnover this year. The division posted 30 per cent growth in turnover at Rs


1,700 crore in 2009-10, Mr Menezes said, the C.O.O of the Appliances division.. Appliance division accounts for almost one-third of Godrej and Boyce's total turnover. Godrej Appliances, one of the largest manufacturers of Home Appliances in India, has won the National Energy Conservation Awards 2009 –a prestigious award from the Ministry of Power, Government of India for its Eco-friendly Refrigerators. The Government of India has recognized the eco-friendly technology and manufacturing processes as well as the eco-friendly innovation in design adopted by Godrej Appliances making it a clear winner for this award. Bags The National Energy Conservation Award 2009, The Super Brand Award 2010 for Eco-Friendly Refrigerators & The NSCI Safety Awards for its Mohali Plant. Godrej Refrigerators has been repeatedly awarded Consumer Superbrand in its category – the first time being in 2004, followed by 2009. This also makes Godrej Appliances the only Indian brand in the consumer durables space to have won this award. 25% of the shares of the Godrej Group’s holding company are held in a trust that invests back in the environment, healthcare and education. Which means business is not just about big bucks but keeping our land green, our folks happy and healthy and our kids smart. In 1920, our founder Ardeshir Godrej gave a donation of Rs. 3 lakhs to the Tilak Swaraj Fund – then considered a princely sum - for liquor prohibition and upliftment of the downtrodden. His gesture of philanthropy grew into the Godrej corporate policy. Giving back turned into our way of saying thank you to the 400 million Indians who are Godrej loyalists. Corporate Profile Company Profile


The Company celebrated its centenary in 1997. In 1897 a young man named Ardeshir Godrej gave up law and turned to lock-making. Ardeshir went on to make safes and security equipment of the highest order, and then stunned the world by creating toilet soap from vegetable oil. His brother Pirojsha Godrej carried Ardeshir's dream forward, leading Godrej towards becoming a vibrant, multi-business enterprise. Pirojsha laid the foundation for the sprawling industrial garden township (ISO 14001certified) now called Pirojshanagar in the suburbs of Mumbai. Godrej touches the lives of millions of Indians every day. To them, it is a symbol of enduring ideals in a changing world. The Godrej Group touches the lives of 400 million Indians who use at least one of our products every single day. Our commitment to quality, attention to detail and customer centricity has helped us earn the trust of generations of Indians.

Mission, vision & Motto Vision Of godrej: Godrej in Every Home and Work place. Mission sTATEMENT: •

Godrej Mission is to operate in existing and new businesses which capitalize on the Godrej brand and corporate image of reliability and integrity.

Godrej objective is to delight it’s customer both in India and abroad.


Godrej shall strive for excellence by nurturing, developing and empowering it’s employees and suppliers.

Godrej entourages’ an open atmosphere, conducive to learning and team work

Accelerate the growth of Indian household insecticides market.

To globalize the business rapidly.

Enriching Quality of Life Everyday Everywhere.

Motto of godrej: We care the quality of your life.

Values of Godrej:•Commitment to Quality •Customer Orientation •Dedication & Commitment •Discipline •Honesty & Integrity •Learning Organization


•Openness & Transparency •Respect/Care & Concern for People •Teamwork and Trust The Evolution Of Godrej

1897 – Establishment Of The Company 1918 – Launched the first soap in the world to be made without animal fat. 1923 – We maid our first Almirah. 1932 – Incorporated with limited liability. 1951 – It made ballot boxes for free India’s first election. 1958 – We made our first refrigerator. 1978 – Our employee count stood at 12000. Today it’s 20,000 and growing. 1986 – Godrej launched its Hair Dye. 1995 – We discovered that Godrej Washing machine had hatke use to whip up lassi. 1997 – We turned to 100.


2008 – We helped develop the launch vehicle and lunar orbiter for Chandrayaan-1, india’s


first unmanned mission to the

moon. It’s our pride. 2008 – Godrej logo colour changed.

Incorporation Established in 1897, the Company was incorporated with limited liability on March 3, 1932, under the Indian Companies Act, 1913. Sales-Subsidiaries and Affiliates The Company is one of the largest privately-held diversified industrial corporations in India. The combined Sales (including Excise Duty) of the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates, during the Fiscal Year ended March 31, 2008, were about Rs. 90,000 million (US$ 1,900 million).

Jamshyd Godrej:

Jamshyd Godrej is the Chairman of the Board of

Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co.

Ltd. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering

from Illinois Institute of Technology, USA. He is the Chairman of Aspen Institute – India.


Adi Godrej: Adi Godrej is the Chairman of the Godrej Group and several entities that are part of one of India’s leading conglomerates. These include Indian companies like Godrej Industries, Godrej Consumer Products, Godrej Properties as well as international companies such as Keyline Brands U.K and Rapidol South Africa. Nadir Godrej:

Nadir Godrej is the Managing Director of Godrej

Industries and Chairman, Godrej Agrovet. He is also a Director of numerous firms including Godrej & Boyce, Godrej Foods, Godrej Consumer Products and Godrej Sara Lee. Other Executive Directors: P. D. Lam, K. A. Palia, V. M. Crishna, A. G. Verma Non-executive Directors: A. B. Godrej, N. B. Godrej, K. N. Petigara, B. A. Hathikhanavala,F. P. Sarkari,

P. P. Shah, A. Ramachandran

Shareholders Since its inception, the Company is controlled by the GODREJ family based in Mumbai, India. Its shares are not listed on any Stock Exchange. About onefourth of the Company's share capital is held by Pirojsha Godrej Foundation, a public charitable trust.

Godrej & Boyce Mfg.Co.Ltd

Branches (Sales and Service) and Retail

Showrooms The Company has a network of: •

38 Company-owned Showrooms 18

more than 2,200 Wholesale Dealers, and more than 18,000 Retail Outlets.


Company has Representative Offices in Sharjah (UAE), Nairobi (Kenya), Colombo (Sri Lanka) and Riyadh (Saudi Arabia). Hierarchy: Personnel department comprises of four employees- one deputy and 3 seniors under him. Over all there are 19 plants make all different products like security systems, locks, doors, etc. Each of this plant is considered as a separate profit making center. Profits made by each of the plants are accounted for separately in its Annual report also.

Management: Different levels of management are as follows: A

- Base level - In this level, new-entrants are trained about the various

levels of the department. O - Operation P - Promotion of product T - Technical S

- Sales


- This level consists of owners and M.D.

Each of this level consists of three sub-sections, through which each employee has to pass to reach a higher level. An employee, before moving into the next level, he has to be in each sub section for at least two years. GODREJ DIRECT 19

It is a division of GODREJ appliance, where company’s representatives go directly to the customer and fulfill the requirement. It is a initiative towards CRM. It has started its operation in 2002 by selling contracts and AMCs. But looking at the need of the customer and after understanding the customer in a better way we have started selling appliances from 2005.Presently it has its operation in 15 branches. NCR,Mumbai,Chennei,Kolkata,Lucknow,Jaipur,Hyderabad,Pune,Bangalore,Ah emedabad,Bhopal,Chandigarh,Cochin,Coimbatore and Bhubaneswar. National head is Mr.Rajinder Kool Zonal manager (ME)-Mr.Bharat Bhusan Agarwal Zonal Manager (SW)-Mr.Sumit Malik

GODREJ DIRECT, BHUBANESWAR Started operation in May 2008 It has 2 division telecalling and D2D 10 executives are there who put up camps in different location and visit to the homes in that locality. The average knocks per executive is 35 to telecalling 4 executives are there who call to the existing customer and generate the leads and the sales executive follow up the leads.




Washing Machine

Frost Free

Split A.c

Microwave Oven


Fully automatic

Convection •

Direct Cool

Window A.c

Semi automatic

Grill &

Combination Solo Steam From locks to aerospace, furniture to construction, appliances to custombuilt critical equipment, and several more, Godrej & Boyce has a diverse range of products and services.

Major Competitors of Godrej Appliances 1) LG 2) Samsung

3) Whirlpool

4) Videocon Godrej believe in Brighter Living Brighter Living = Progression + Expression + Empathy + Experience




SWOT of the Company Strength: 

The Company has got wide range of branches within the country.

The Company has wide range of product line.

The Company has there respectable and believable brand name.

Company is having large number of customer with higher satisfaction.

 Exchange offer. Weakness:  The Company does not go for advertising, which is one of the biggest disadvantage of Godrej. 

Manpower is less at sale officer level so that it affecting directly on

the way of sale. 

The effective selling schemes are not available like payment on

installments. 

Sales executives are not well mannered

Opportunities:  Godrej has more opportunities to grow as it has earned good market

share in Orissa.  Technical up gradation time to time is also one of the opportunities.  Opportunity in providing exchange offer in Air-conditioners and microwave oven.


Threat: The growing competition in the Appliances sector

is threat for all

manufacturing companies so it is also threat for Godrej to stand in the market with the higher position.




MARKETING Marketing is the process by which companies determine what products or services may be of interest to customers, and the strategy to use in sales, communications and business development. It is an integrated process through









strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return. Marketing is used to identify the customer, to keep the customer, and to satisfy the customer. With the customer as the focus of its activities, it can be concluded that marketing management is one of the major components of business management. The evolution of marketing was caused due to mature markets and overcapacities in the last 2-3 centuries. Companies then shifted the focus from production to the customer in order to stay profitable. The term marketing concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions. It proposes that in order to satisfy its organizational objectives, an organization should anticipate the needs and wants of consumers and satisfy these more effectively than competitors.

Different Types of Marketing. Print Advertising Print campaigns include newspaper and magazine advertising. This type of marketing can carry a variety of messages (either brand oriented or direct response) and can be focused on a particular audience based on who reads the publication in question. So for example, if you want to reach people who 26

live in San Diego, put your marketing efforts into the San Diego daily newspapers. If you are selling a new line of cat collars, look into Cat Fancy or other feline-related periodicals. Print advertising must be prepared well in advance to meet the deadlines of the publications – especially with monthly magazines, since they are printed months before their release date. Direct Mail Although many believe Direct Mail marketing has seen its best days already passed; there is still some life in this powerful, traditional form of advertising. Direct Mail refers to postcards, brochures and flyers that are sent through the mail and generally contain a direct response call-to-action. Using direct mail means having to purchase some necessities for the campaign, including printing materials, postage and the address lists of the demographic you wish to target. TV and Radio Among the most high profile campaigns in the industry, television and radio advertising offer the opportunity to reach the largest number of people in the shortest time frame. Among the disadvantages of these marketing efforts are the potentially high cost and the inability to truly target your demographic with precise accuracy. However, the prestige associated with television advertising can elevate a business in a way no other marketing format can. Online Marketing The rising star in the world of marketing is online. The web continues to explode and along with it so do the advertising opportunities. Billions and billions more advertising dollars are spent every year online, as business try to find ways to tap into the Internet user. The most common types of Online 27

Marketing include: Pay Per Click – bidding on search terms and having the business’ ads appear when the relevant keywords are searched for in Google and Yahoo! Banner Advertising – creating a graphic advertisement and placing it on relevant websites. The ad then takes customers directly to the advertiser’s website. Email Marketing – Using lists of email addresses to deliver content and promotional offers to potential customers. Organic Search – Using search engine optimization (SEO) to rank high on Google and Yahoo! in your given area of business. This is achieved by manipulating the copy on a website and in the HTML code that forms the backbone of the web pages. It is worth nothing that many businesses are abandoning the more traditional, print forms of marketing in favor of reaching out to the online world. As print and direct mail see their numbers decline, more and more businesses are choosing the cost effective, highly targeted marketing options found online.


Consumer Behavior and Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning Segmentation, targeting, and positioning together comprise a three stage process. We first (1) determine which kinds of customers exist, then (2) select which ones we are best off trying to serve and, finally, (3) implement our segmentation by optimizing our products/services for that segment and communicating that we have made the choice to distinguish ourselves that way.


Segmentation involves finding out what kinds of consumers with different needs exist. In the auto market, for example, some consumers demand speed and performance, while others are much more concerned about roominess and safety. In general, it holds true that “You can’t be all things to all people,” and experience has demonstrated that firms that specialize in meeting the needs of one group of consumers over another tend to be more profitable. Generically,








the undifferentiated strategy, all consumers are treated as the same, with firms not making any specific efforts to satisfy particular groups. This may work when the product is a standard one where one competitor really can’t offer much that another one can’t.

Usually, this is the case only for

commodities. In the concentratedstrategy, one firm chooses to focus on one of several segments that exist while leaving other segments to competitors. For example, Southwest Airlines focuses on price sensitive consumers who will forego meals and assigned seating for low prices. In contrast, most airlines follow the differentiated strategy: They offer high priced tickets to those who are inflexible in that they cannot tell in advance when they need to fly and find it impractical to stay over a Saturday. These travelers— usually business travelers—pay high fares but can only fill the planes up partially. The same airlines then sell some of the remaining seats to more price sensitive customers who can buy two weeks in advance and stay over. Note that segmentation calls for some tough choices. There may be a large number of variables that can be used to differentiate consumers of a given product category; yet, in practice, it becomes impossibly cumbersome to work with more than a few at a time. Thus, we need to determine which variables will be most useful in distinguishing different groups of consumers. We might thus decide, for example, that the variables that are most relevant 30

in separating different kinds of soft drink consumers are (1) preference for taste vs. low calories, (2) preference for Cola vs. non-cola taste, (3) price sensitivity—willingness to pay for brand names; and (4) heavy vs. light consumers. We now put these variables together to arrive at various combinations. Several different kinds of variables can be used for segmentation. Demographic variables essentially refer to personal statistics such as income, gender, education, location (rural vs. urban, East vs. West), ethnicity, and family size. Campbell’s soup, for instance, has found that Western U.S. consumers on the average prefer spicier soups—thus, you get a different product in the same cans at the East and West coasts. Facing flat sales of guns in the traditional male dominated market, a manufacturer came out with the Lady Remmington, a more compact, handier gun more attractive to women. Taking this a step farther, it is also possible to segment on lifestyle and values.” Some consumers want to be seen as similar to others, while a different segment wants to stand apart from the crowd. Another basis for segmentation is behavior. Some consumers are “brand loyal”—i.e., they tend to stick with their preferred brands even when a competing one is on sale. Some consumers are “heavy” users while others are “light” users. For example, research conducted by the wine industry shows that some 80% of the product is consumed by 20% of the consumers —presumably a rather intoxicated group. One




on benefits

demographic explanatory variables.




Some consumers, for example, like

scented soap (a segment likely to be attracted to brands such as Irish Spring), while others prefer the “clean” feeling of unscented soap (the


“Ivory” segment). Some consumers use toothpaste primarily to promote oral health, while another segment is more interested in breath freshening. In the next step, we decide to target one or more segments. Our choice should generally depend on several factors. First, how well are existing segments served by other manufacturers? It will be more difficult to appeal to a segment that is already well served than to one whose needs are not currently being served well. Secondly, how large is the segment, and how can we expect it to grow? (Note that a downside to a large, rapidly growing segment is that it tends to attract competition).

Thirdly, do we have

strengths as a company that will help us appeal particularly to one group of consumers?

Firms may already have an established reputation.


McDonald’s has a great reputation for fast, consistent quality, family friendly food, it would be difficult to convince consumers that McDonald’s now offers gourmet food. Thus, McD’s would probably be better off targeting families in search of consistent quality food in nice, clean restaurants. Positioning involves implementing our





Computer has chosen to position itself as a maker of user-friendly computers. Thus, Apple has done a lot through its advertising to promote itself, through its unintimidating icons, as a computer for “non-geeks.” The Visual C software programming language, in contrast, is aimed a “techies.”


Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema suggested in their 1993 book The Discipline of Market Leaders that most successful firms fall into one of three categories: Operationally








advantage by maintaining exceptional efficiency, thus enabling the firm to provide reliable service to the customer at a significantly lower cost than those of less well organized and well run competitors. The emphasis here is mostly on low cost, subject to reliable performance, and less value is put on customizing the offering for the specific customer. Wal-Mart is an example of this discipline. Elaborate logistical designs allow goods to be moved at the lowest cost, with extensive systems predicting when specific quantities of supplies will be needed. Customer intimate firms, which excel in serving the specific needs of the individual customer well. There is less emphasis on efficiency, which is sacrificed for providing more precisely what is wanted by the customer.


Reliability is also stressed.

Nordstrom’s and IBM are examples of this

discipline. Technologically excellent firms, which produce the most advanced products currently available with the latest technology, constantly maintaining leadership in innovation.

These firms, because they work with costly

technology that need constant refinement, cannot be as efficient as the operationally excellent firms and often cannot adapt their products as well to the needs of the individual customer. Intel is an example of this discipline. Treacy and Wiersema suggest that in addition to excelling on one of the three value dimensions, firms must meet acceptable levels on the other two. Wal-Mart, for example, does maintain some level of customer service. Nordstrom’s and Intel both must meet some standards of cost effectiveness. The emphasis, beyond meeting the minimum required level in the two other dimensions,







Repositioning involves an attempt to change consumer perceptions of a brand, usually because the existing position that the brand holds has become less attractive. Sears, for example, attempted to reposition itself from a place that offered great sales but unattractive prices the rest of the time










Repositioning in practice is very difficult to accomplish. A great deal of money is often needed for advertising and other promotional efforts, and in many cases, the repositioning fails. To effectively attempt repositioning, it is important to understand how one’s brand and those of competitors are perceived. One approach to identifying consumer product perceptions is multidimensional scaling. Here, we identify how products are perceived on two or more “dimensions,” allowing us to plot brands against each other. It may then be possible to attempt to “move” one’s brand in a more desirable direction by selectively promoting certain points. There are two main approaches to multi-dimensional scaling. In 34

the prior approach, market researchers identify dimensions of interest and then ask consumers about their perceptions on each dimension for each brand.

This is useful when (1) the market researcher knows which

dimensions are of interest and (2) the customer’s perception on each dimension is relatively clear (as opposed to being “made up” on the spot to be able to give the researcher a desired answer).

In the similarity

rating approach, respondents are not asked about their perceptions of brands on any specific dimensions. Instead, subjects are asked to rate the extent of similarity of different pairs of products (e.g., How similar, on a scale of 1-7, is Snicker’s to Kitkat, and how similar is Toblerone to Three Musketeers?) Using a computer algorithms, the computer then identifies positions of each brand on a map of a given number of dimensions. The computer does not reveal what each dimension means—that must be left to human interpretation based on what the variations in each dimension appears to reveal. This second method is more useful when no specific product dimensions have been identified as being of particular interest or when it is not clear what the variables of difference are for the product category.

Diffusion of Innovation Products tend to go through a life cycle. Initially, a product is introduced. Since the product is not well known and is usually expensive (e.g., as microwave ovens were in the late 1970s), sales are usually limited. Eventually, however, many products reach a growth phase—sales increase dramatically. More firms enter with their models of the product. Frequently, unfortunately, the product will reach a maturity stage where little growth will be seen. For example, in the United States, almost every household has at least one color TV set. Some products may also reach a decline stage, usually because the product category is being replaced by something better. For example, typewriters experienced declining sales as more consumers


switched to computers or other word processing equipment. The product life cycle is tied to the phenomenon of diffusion of innovation. When a new product comes out, it is likely to first be adopted by consumers who are more innovative than others—they are willing to pay a premium price for the new product and take a risk on unproven technology. It is important to be on the good side of innovators since many other later adopters will tend to rely for advice on the innovators who are thought to be more knowledgeable about new products for advice.

At later phases of the PLC, the firm may need to modify its market strategy. For example, facing a saturated market for baking soda in its traditional use, Arm ü Hammer launched a major campaign to get consumers to use the product to deodorize refrigerators. Deodorizing powders to be used before vacuuming were also created. It is sometimes useful to think of products as being either new or existing. Many firms today rely increasingly on new products for a large part of their sales. New products can be new in several ways. They can be new to the market—noone else ever made a product like this before. For example, Chrysler invented the minivan. Products can also be new to the firm— another firm invented the product, but the firm is now making its own version. For example, IBM did not invent the personal computer, but entered after other firms showed the market to have a high potential. Products can 36

be new to the segment—e.g., cellular phones and pagers were first aimed at physicians and other price-insensitive segments. Later, firms decided to target the more price-sensitive mass market. A product can be new for legal purposes. Because consumers tend to be attracted to “new and improved” products, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) only allows firms to put that label on reformulated products for six months after a significant change has been made. The diffusion of innovation refers to the tendency of new products, practices, or ideas to spread among people. Usually, when new products or ideas come about, they are only adopted by a small group of people initially; later, many innovations spread to other people.

The bell shaped curve frequently illustrates the rate of adoption of a new product. Cumulative adoptions are reflected by the S-shaped curve. Thesaturation point is the maximum proportion of consumers likely to adopt a product.


In the case of refrigerators in the U.S., the saturation level is nearly one hundred percent of households; it well below that for video games that, even when spread out to a large part of the population, will be of interest to far from everyone. Several specific product categories have case histories that illustrate important issues in adoption. Until some time in the 1800s, few physicians bothered to scrub prior to surgery, even though new scientific theories predicted that small microbes not visible to the naked eye could cause infection. Younger and more progressive physicians began scrubbing early on, but they lacked the stature to make their older colleagues follow. ATM cards spread relatively quickly. Since the cards were used in public, others who did not yet hold the cards could see how convenient they were. Although some people were concerned about security, the convenience factors seemed to be a decisive factor in the “tug-of-war” for and against adoption. The case of credit cards was a bit more complicated and involved a “chickenand-egg” paradox. Accepting credit cards was not a particularly attractive option for retailers until they were carried by a large enough number of consumers. Consumers, in contrast, were not particularly interested in cards that were not accepted by a large number of retailers. Thus, it was necessary to “jump start” the process, signing up large corporate accounts,


under favorable terms, early in the cycle, after which the cards became worthwhile for retailers to accept. Rap music initially spread quickly among urban youths in large part because of the low costs of recording. Later, rap music became popular among a very different segment, suburban youths, because of its apparently authentic depiction of an exotic urban lifestyle. Hybrid corn was adopted only slowly among many farmers. Although hybrid corn provided yields of about 20% more than traditional corn, many farmers had difficulty believing that this smaller seed could provide a superior harvest. They were usually reluctant to try it because a failed harvest could have serious economic consequences, including a possible loss of the farm. Agricultural extension agents then sought out the most progressive farmers to try hybrid corn, also aiming for farmers who were most respected and most likely to be imitated by others. Few farmers switched to hybrid corn outright from year to year. Instead, many started out with a fraction of their land, and gradually switched to 100% hybrid corn when this innovation had proven itself useful. Several forces often work against innovation. One is risk, which can be either social or financial. For example, early buyers of the CD player risked that few CDs would be recorded before the CD player went the way of the 8 track player. Another risk is being perceived by others as being weird for trying a “fringe” product or idea. For example, Barbara Mandrell sings the song “I Was Country When Country Wasn’t Cool.” Other sources of resistance include the initial effort needed to learn to use new products (e.g., it takes time to learn to meditate or to learn how to use a computer) and concerns about compatibility with the existing culture or technology. For example, birth control is incompatible with strong religious influences in countries heavily influenced by Islam or Catholicism, and a computer database is incompatible with a large, established card file. 39

Innovations come in different degrees. A continuous innovation includes slight improvements over time. Very little usually changes from year to year in automobiles, and even automobiles of the 1990s are driven much the same way that automobiles of the 1950 were driven. A dynamically continuousinnovation involves some change in technology, although the product is used much the same way that its predecessors were used—e.g., jet vs. propeller aircraft. A discontinous innovation involves a product that fundamentally changes the way that things are done—e.g., the fax and photocopiers. In general, discontinuous innovations are more difficult to market since greater changes are required in the way things are done, but the rewards are also often significant. Several factors influence the speed with which an innovation spreads. One issue is relative advantage (i.e., the ratio of risk or cost to benefits). Some products, such as cellular phones, fax machines, and ATM cards, have a strong relative advantage. Other products, such as automobile satellite navigation systems, entail some advantages, but the cost ratio is high. Lower priced products often spread more quickly, and the extent to which the product istrialable (farmers did not have to plant all their land with hybrid corn at once, while one usually has to buy a cellular phone to try it out) influence the speed of diffusion. Finally, the extent of switching difficulties influences speed—many offices were slow to adopt computers because users had to learn how to use them. Some cultures tend to adopt new products more quickly than others, based on several factors: Modernity: The extent to which the culture is receptive to new things. In some countries, such as Britain and Saudi Arabia, tradition is greatly valued —thus, new products often don’t fare too well. The United States, in contrast, tends to value progress.


Homophily: The more similar to each other that members of a culture are, the more likely an innovation is to spread—people are more likely to imitate similar than different models. The two most rapidly adopting countries in the World are the U.S. and Japan. While the U.S. interestingly scores very low, Japan scores high. Physical distance: The greater the distance between people, the less likely innovation is to spread. Opinion leadership: The more opinion leaders are valued and respected, the more likely an innovation is to spread. The style of opinion leaders moderates this influence, however. In less innovative countries, opinion leaders tend to be more conservative, i.e., to reflect the local norms of resistance. It should be noted that innovation is not always an unqualifiedly good thing. Some innovations, such as infant formula adopted in developing countries, may do more harm than good. Individuals may also become dependent on the innovations. For example, travel agents who get used to booking online may be unable to process manual reservations. Sometimes innovations are disadopted. For example, many individuals disadopt cellular phones if they find out that they don’t end up using them much.


Buying Behavior A marketing firm must ascertain the nature of the customers buying behavior, if it is to market its product properly. In order to entice and persuade a consumer to buy a product, marketers try to determine the behavioral process of how a given product is purchased. Buying behavior is usually split in two prime strands, whether selling to the consumer, known as business-to-consumer (B2C)






as business-to-business (B2B). B2C buying behavior This mode of behavior concerns consumers, in the purchase of a given product. As an example, if one pictures a pair of sneakers, the desire for a pair of sneakers would be followed by an information search on available types/brands. This may include perusing media outlets, but most commonly consists of information gathered from family and friends. If the information search is insufficient, the consumer may search for alternative means to satisfy the need/want. In this case, this may be buying leather shoes, sandals, etc. The purchase decision is then made, in which the consumer actually buys the product. Following this stage, a post-purchase evaluation is often conducted, comprising an appraisal of the value/utility brought by the purchase of the sneakers. If the value/utility is high, then a repeat purchase may be bought. This could then develop into consumer loyalty, for the firm producing the pair of sneakers. B2B buying behavior


Relates to organizational/industrial buying behavior.B2C and B2B behavior are not exact, as similarities and differences exist. Some of the key differences are listed below: In a straight re-buy, the fourth, fifth and sixth stages are omitted. In a modified re-buy scenario, the fifth and sixth stages are precluded. In a new buy, all aforementioned stages are conducted.

Consumer Buying Behavior

Possibly the most challenging concept in marketing deals with understanding why buyers do what they do (or don’t do). But such knowledge is critical for marketers since having a strong understanding of buyer behavior will help shed light on what is important to the customer and also suggest the important influences on customer decision-making. Using this information, marketers can create marketing programs that they believe will be of interest to customers. As you might guess, factors affecting how customers make decisions are extremely complex. Buyer behavior is deeply rooted in psychology with dashes of sociology thrown in just to make things more interesting. Since every person in the world is different, it is impossible to have simple rules that explain how buying decisions are made. But those who have spent many years analyzing customer activity have presented us with useful “guidelines” in how someone decides whether or not to make a purchase. In fact, pick up any textbook that examines customer behavior and each seems to approach it from a different angle. The perspective we take is to


touch on just the basic concepts that appear to be commonly accepted as influencing customer behavior. We will devote two sections of the Principles of Marketing tutorial to customer behavior. In this section we will examine the buying behavior of consumers (i.e., when people buy for personal reasons) while in section 4 we will examine factors that influence buyer’s decisions in the business market. This tutorial includes the following topics: 1. Consumer Buying Behavior 2. Types of Purchase Decisions 3. Why Consumers Buy 4. What Influences Purchasing 5. Internal: Perceptual Filter 6. Internal: Knowledge and Attitude 7. Internal: Personality and Lifestyle 8. Internal: Roles and Motivation 9. External: Culture and Groups 10. External: Situation 11. How Consumers Buy 12. Purchase Decision Steps 1 and 2 13. Purchase Decision Steps 3, 4 and 5

Types of Consumer Purchase Decisions


Consumers are faced with purchase decisions nearly every day. But not all decisions are treated the same. Some decisions are more complex than others and thus require more effort by the consumer. Other decisions are fairly routine and require little effort. In general, consumers face four types of purchase decisions: • Minor New Purchases – these purchases represent something new to a consumer but in the customer’s mind is not a very important purchase in terms of need, money or other reason (e.g., status within a group). • Minor Re-Purchases – these are the most routine of all purchases and often the consumer returns to purchase the same product without giving much thought to other product options (i.e., consumer is brand loyalty). • Major New Purchases – these purchases are the most difficult of all purchases because these are important to the consumer but the consumer has little or no previous experience making the purchase. This type of decision often (but not always) requires the consumer to engage in an extensive decision-making process. • Major Re-Purchase - these purchase decisions are also important to the customer but the customer feels more confident in making the decision since they have experienced purchasing the product in the past.

For marketers it is important to understand how consumers treat the purchase decisions they face. If a company is targeting customers who feel a purchase decision is difficult (i.e., Major New Purchase), their marketing strategy may vary greatly from a company targeting customers who view the purchase decision as routine. In fact, the same company may face both situations at the same time; for some the product is new, while other customers see the purchase as routine. The implication of buying behavior


for marketers is that different buying situations require different marketing efforts Why Consumers Buy As we discussed in Part 1: What is marketing? Customers make purchases in order to satisfy needs. Some of these needs are basic and must be filled by everyone on the planet (e.g., food, shelter) while others are not required for basic survival and vary depending on the person. It probably makes more sense to classify needs that are not a necessity as wants or desires. In fact, in many countries where the standard of living is very high, a large portion of the population’s income is spent on wants and desires rather than on basic needs. In this tutorial when we mention the consumer we are referring to the actual buyer, the person spending the money. But is should also be pointed out that the one who does the buying is not necessarily the user of what is bought and that others may be involved in the buying decision in addition to the actual buyer. While the purchasing process in the consumer market is not as complex as the business market, having multiple people involved in a purchase decision is not unusual. For example, in planning for a family vacation the mother may make the hotel reservations but others in the family may have input on the hotel choice. Similarly, a father may purchase snacks at the grocery store but his young child may be the one who selected it from the store shelf. So








understanding how decisions are made but also understanding the dynamics that influence purchases. What Influences Purchasing?


As we discussed the decision-making process for consumers is anything but straight forward. There are many factors that can affect this process as a person works through the purchase decision. The number of potential influences on consumer behavior is limitless. However, marketers are well served to understand the KEY influences. By doing so they may be in a position to tailor their marketing efforts to take advantages of these influences in a way that will satisfy the consumer and the marketer (remember this is a key part of the definition of marketing).

For the purposes of this tutorial we will break these influences down into three main categories: Internal, External and Marketing. However, those interested in learning more about customer buying activity may want to consult one or more consumer behavior books where they will find additional methods for explaining consumer buying behavior.


For the most part the influences are not mutually exclusive. Instead, they are all interconnected and, as we will see, work together to form who we are and how we behave. For each of the influences that are discussed we will provide a basic description and also suggest its implication to marketers. Bear in mind we only provide a few marketing implications for each influence; clearly there are many more.

INTERNAL INFLUENCES We start our examination of the influences on consumer purchase decisions by first looking inside ourselves to see which are the most important internal factors that affect how we make choices. Perceptual Filter Perception is how we see ourselves and the world we live in. However, what ends up being stored inside us doesn’t always get there in a direct manner. Often our mental makeup results from information that has been consciously or unconsciously filtered as we experience it, a process we refer to as a perceptual filter. To us this is our reality, though it does not mean it is an accurate reflection on what is real. Thus, perception is the way we filter stimuli (e.g., someone talking to us, reading a newspaper story) and then make sense out of it.

Perception has several steps. • Exposure – sensing a stimuli (e.g. seeing an ad)


• Attention – an effort to recognize the nature of stimuli (e.g. recognizing it is an ad) • Awareness – assigning meaning to a stimuli (e.g., humorous ad for particular product) • Retention – adding the meaning to one’s internal makeup (i.e., product has fun ads) How these steps are eventually carried out depends on a person’s approach to learning. By learning we mean how someone changes what they know, which in turn may affect how they act. There are many theories of learning, a discussion of which is beyond the scope of this tutorial, however, suffice to say that people are likely to learn in different ways. For instance, one person may be able to focus very strongly on a certain advertisement and be able to retain the information after being exposed only one time while another person may need to be exposed to the same advertisement many times before he/she even recognizes what it is. Consumers are also more likely to retain information if a person has a strong interest in the stimuli. If a person is in need of new car they are more likely to pay attention to a new advertisement for a car while someone who does not need a car may need to see the advertisement many times before they recognize the brand of automobile. Marketing Implication: Marketers spend large sums of money in an attempt to get customers to have a positive impression of their products. But clearly the existence of a perceptual filter suggests that getting to this stage is not easy. Exposing consumers to a product can be very challenging considering the amount of competing product messages (ads) that are also trying to accomplish the same objective (i.e., advertising clutter). So marketers must be creative and use various means to deliver their message Once the message reaches 49

consumer it must be interesting enough to capture their attention (e.g., talk about the product’s benefits). But attending to the message is not enough. For marketers the most critical step is the one that occurs with awareness. Here marketers must continually monitor and respond if their message becomes distorted in ways that will negatively shape its meaning. This can often happen due in part to competitive activity (e.g., comparison advertisements). Finally, getting the consumer to give positive meaning to the message they have retained requires the marketer make sure that consumers accurately interpret the facts about the product. Knowledge Knowledge is the sum of all information known by a person. It is the facts of the world as he/she knows it and the depth of knowledge is a function of the breadth of worldly experiences and the strength of an individual’s long-term memory. Obviously what exists as knowledge to an individual depends on how an individual’s perceptual filter makes sense of the information it is exposed to. Marketing Implications: Marketers may conduct research that will gauge consumers’ level of knowledge regarding their product. As we will see below, it is likely that other factors influencing consumer behavior are in large part shaped by what is known about a product. Thus, developing methods (e.g., incentives) to encourage consumers to accept more information (or correct information) may affect other influencing factors.

Attitude In simple terms attitude refers to what a person feels or believes about something. Additionally, attitude may be reflected in how an individual acts 50

based on his or her beliefs. Once formed, attitudes can be very difficult to change. Thus, if a consumer has a negative attitude toward a particular issue it will take considerable effort to change what they believe to be true.

Marketing Implication: Marketers facing consumers who have a negative attitude toward their product must work to identify the key issues shaping a consumer’s attitude then adjust marketing decisions (e.g., advertising) in an effort to change the attitude. For companies competing against strong rivals to whom loyal consumers exhibit a positive attitude, an important strategy is to work to see why consumers feel positive toward the competitor and then try to meet or beat the competitor on these issues. Alternatively, a company can try to locate customers who feel negatively toward the competitor and then increase awareness among this group Personality An individual’s personality relates to perceived personal characteristics that are consistently exhibited, especially when one acts in the presence of others. In most, but not all, cases the behaviors one projects in a situation is similar to the behaviors a person exhibits in another situation. In this way personality is the sum of sensory experiences others get from experiencing a person (i.e., how one talks, reacts). While one’s personality is often interpreted by those we interact with, the person has their own vision of their personality, called self concept, which may or may not be the same has how others view us. Marketing Implication:


For marketers it is important to know that consumers make purchase decisions to support their self concept. Using research techniques to identify how customers view themselves may give marketers insight into products and promotion options that are not readily apparent. For example, when examining consumers a marketer may initially build marketing strategy around more obvious clues to consumption behavior, such as consumer’s demographic indicators (e.g., age, occupation, income). However, in-depth research may yield information that shows consumers are purchasing products to fulfill self-concept objectives that have little to do with the demographic category they fall into (e.g., senior citizen may be making purchases that make them feel younger). Appealing to the consumer’s self concept needs could expand the market to which the product is targeted. Lifestyle This influencing factor relates to the way we live through the activities we engage in and interests we express. In simple terms it is what we value out of life. Lifestyle is often determined by how we spend our time and money. Marketing Implication: Products and services are purchased to support consumers’ lifestyles. Marketers have worked hard researching how consumers in their target markets live their lives since this information is key to developing products, suggesting promotional strategies and even determining how best to distribute products. The fact that lifestyle is so directly tied to marketing activity will be further examined as we discuss developing target market strategies (See Part 5 – Targeting Markets). Roles Roles represent the position we feel we hold or others feel we should hold when dealing in a group environment. These positions carry certain


responsibilities yet it is important to understand that some of these responsibilities may, in fact, be perceived and not spelled out or even accepted by others. In support of their roles, consumers will make product choices that may vary depending on which role they are assuming. As illustration, a person who is responsible for selecting snack food for an office party his boss will attend may choose higher quality products than he would choose when selecting snacks for his family. Marketing Implication: Advertisers often show how the benefits of their products aid consumers as they perform certain roles. Typically the underlying message of this promotional approach is to suggest that using the advertiser’s product will help raise one’s status in the eyes of others while using a competitor’s product may have a negative effect on status. Motivation Motivation relates to our desire to achieve a certain outcome. Many internal factors we have already discussed can affect a customer’s desire to achieve a certain outcome but there are others. For instance, when it comes to making purchase decisions customers’ motivation could be affected by such issues as financial position (e.g., can I afford the purchase?), time constraints (e.g., do I need to make the purchase quickly?), overall value (e.g., am I getting my money’s worth?), and perceived risk (e.g., what happens if I make a bad decision). Marketing Implication: Motivation is also closely tied to the concept of involvement, which relates to how much effort the consumer will exert in making a decision. Highly motivated consumers will want to get mentally and physically involved in the purchase process. Not all products have a high percentage of highly involved


customers (e.g., milk) but marketers who market products and services that may lead to high level of consumer involvement should prepare options that will be attractive to this group. For instance, marketers should make it easy for consumers to learn about their product (e.g., information on website, free video preview) and, for some products, allow customers to experience the product (e.g., free trial) before committing to the purchase. EXTERNAL INFLUENCES Consumer purchasing decisions are often affected by factors that are outside of their control but have direct or indirect impact on how we live and what we consume. Culture Culture represents the behavior, beliefs and, in many cases, the way we act learned by interacting or observing other members of society. In this way much of what we do is shared behavior, passed along from one member of society to another. Yet culture is a broad concept that, while of interest to marketers, is not nearly as important as understanding what occurs within smaller groups or sub-cultures to which we may also belong. Sub-cultures also have shared values but this occurs within a smaller groups. For instance, sub-cultures exist where groups share similar values in terms of ethnicity, religious beliefs, geographic location, special interests and many others. Marketing Implication: As part of their efforts to convince customers to purchase their products, marketers often use cultural representations, especially in promotional appeals. The objective is to connect to consumers using cultural references that are easily understood and often embraced by the consumer. By doing so the marketer hopes the consumer feels more comfortable with or can relate better to the product since it corresponds with their cultural values.


Additionally, smart marketers use strong research efforts in an attempt to identify differences in how sub-culture behaves. These efforts help pave the way for spotting trends within a sub-culture, which the marketer can capitalize on through new marketing tactics (e.g., new products, new sales channels, added value, etc.).

Other Group Membership In addition to cultural influences, consumers belong to many other groups with which they share certain characteristics and which may influence purchase decisions. Often these groups contain opinion leaders or others who have major influence on what the customer purchases. Some of the basic groups we may belong to include: • Social Class – represents the social standing one has within a society based on such factors as income level, education, occupation • Family – one’s family situation can have a strong effect on how purchase decisions are made • Reference groups – most consumers simultaneously belong to many other groups with which they associate or, in some cases, feel the need to disassociate.

Marketing Implications: Identifying and understanding the groups consumers belong to is a key strategy for marketers. Doing so helps identify target markets, develop new products, and create appealing marketing promotions to which consumers can relate. In particular, marketers seek to locate group leaders and others to whom members of the group look for advice or direction. These opinion 55

leaders, if well respected by the group, can be used to gain insight into group behavior and if these opinion leaders accept promotional opportunities could act as effective spokespeople for the marketer’s products. Situation A purchase decision can be strongly affected by the situation in which people find themselves. Not all situations are controllable, in which case a consumer may not follow their normal process for making a purchase decision. For instance, if a person needs a product quickly and a store does not carry the brand they normally purchase, the customer may choose a competitor’s product. Marketing Implications: Marketers can take advantage of decisions made in uncontrollable situations in at least two ways. First, the marketers can use promotional methods to reinforce a specific selection of products when the consumer is confronted with a particular situation. For example, automotive services can be purchased that promise to service vehicles if the user runs into problems anywhere and at anytime. Second, marketers can use marketing methods that attempt to convince consumers that a situation is less likely to occur if the marketer’s product is used. This can also be seen with auto products, where marketers explain that using their product will prevent unexpected damage to their vehicles.

How Consumers Buy So now that we have discussed the factors influencing a consumer’s decision to purchase, let’s examine the process itself. This process is presented in a sequence of 5 steps as shown below.


However, whether a consumer will actually carryout each step depends on the type of purchase decision that is faced. For instance, for minor repurchases the consumer may be quite loyal to the same brand, thus the decision is a routine one (i.e., buy the same product) and little effort is involved in making a purchase decision. In cases of routine, brand loyal purchases consumers may skip several steps in the purchasing process since they know exactly what they want allowing the consumer to move quickly through the steps. But for more complex decisions, such as Major New Purchases, the purchasing process can extend for days, weeks, months or longer. So in presenting these steps marketers should realize that, depending on the circumstances surrounding the purchase, the importance of each step may vary.

1. Need/Want/Desire is recognized In the first step the consumer has determined that for some reason he/she is not satisfied (i.e., consumer’s perceived actual condition) and wants to improve his/her situation (i.e., consumer’s perceived desired condition). For instance, internal triggers, such as hunger or thirst, may tell the consumer that food or drink is needed. External factors can also trigger consumer’s needs. Marketers are particularly good at this through advertising, in-store displays and even the intentional use of scent (e.g., perfume counters). At this stage the decision-making process may stall if the consumer is not motivated to continue (see Motivation above). However, if the consumer does have the internal drive to satisfy the need they will continue to the next step. 2. Search for Information Assuming consumers are motivated to satisfy his or her need, they will next undertake a search for information on possible solutions. The sources used 57

to acquire this information may be as simple as remembering information from past experience (i.e., memory) or the consumer may expend considerable effort to locate information from outside sources (e.g., Internet search, talk with others, etc.). How much effort the consumer directs toward searching depends on such factors as: the importance of satisfying the need, familiarity with available solutions, and the amount of time available to search. To appeal to consumers who are at the search stage, marketers should make efforts to ensure consumers can locate information related to their product. For example, for marketers whose customers rely on the Internet for information gathering, attaining high rankings in search engines has become a critical marketing objective. 3. Evaluate Options Consumers’ search efforts may result in a set of options from which a choice can be made. It should be noted that there may be two levels to this stage. At level one the consumer may create a set of possible solutions to their needs (i.e., product types) while at level two the consumer may be evaluating particular products (i.e., brands) within each solution. For example, a consumer who needs to replace a television has multiple solutions to choose from such as plasma, LCD and CRT televisions. Within each solution type will be multiple brands from which to choose. Marketers need to understand how consumers evaluate product options and why some products are included while others are not. Most importantly, marketers must determine which criteria consumers are using in their selection of possible options and how each criterion is evaluated. Returning to the television example, marketing tactics will be most effective when the marketer can tailor their efforts by knowing what benefits are most important to consumers when selecting options (e.g., picture quality, brand name, screen size, etc.) and then determine the order of importance of each benefit.


4. Purchase In many cases the solution chosen by the consumer is the same as the product whose evaluation is the highest. However, this may change when it is actually time to make the purchase. The “intended” purchase may be altered at the time of purchase for many reasons such as: the product is outof-stock, a competitor offers an incentive at the point-of-purchase (e.g., store salesperson mentions a competitor’s offer), the customer lacks the necessary funds (e.g., credit card not working), or members of the consumer’s reference group take a negative view of the purchase (e.g., friend is critical of purchase). Marketers whose product is most desirable to the consumer must make sure that the transaction goes smoothly. For example, Internet retailers have worked hard to prevent consumers from abandoning online purchase (i.e., online shopping carts) by streamlining the checkout process. For marketers whose product is not the consumer’s selected product, last chance marketing efforts may be worth exploring, such as offering incentives to store personnel to “talk up” their product at the checkout line. 5. After-Purchase Evaluation Once the consumer has made the purchase they are faced with an evaluation of the decision. If the product performs below the consumer’s expectation then he/she will re-evaluate satisfaction with the decision, which at its extreme may result in the consumer returning the product while in less extreme situations the consumer will retain the purchased item but may take a negative view of the product. Such evaluations are more likely to occur in cases of expensive or highly important purchases. To help ease the concerns consumers have with their purchase evaluation, marketers need to be 59

receptive and even encourage consumer contact. Customer service centers and follow-up market research are useful tools in helping to address purchasers’ concerns. As we’ve seen, consumer purchasing is quite complex.

Cognitive and personal biases in decision making It is generally agreed that biases can creep into our decision making processes, calling into question the correctness of a decision. Below is a list of some of the more common cognitive biases. Selective search for evidence - We tend to be willing to gather facts that support certain conclusions but disregard other facts that support different conclusions. Premature termination of search for evidence - We tend to accept the first alternative that looks like it might work. Conservatism and inertia - Unwillingness to change thought patterns that we have used in the past in the face of new circumstances. Experiential









the scope of our past experiences; rejection of the unfamiliar. Selective perception - We actively screen-out information that we do not think is salient. Wishful thinking or optimism - We tend to want to see things in a positive light and this can distort our perception and thinking. Recency - We tend to place more attention on more recent information and either ignore or forget more distant information.


Repetition bias - A willingness to believe what we have been told most often and by the greatest number of different of sources. Anchoring - Decisions are unduly influenced by initial information that shapes our view of subsequent information.

Group think Peer pressure to conform to the opinions held by the group. Source credibility bias - We reject something if we have a bias against the person, organization, or group to which the person belongs: We are inclined to accept a statement by someone we like. Incremental decision making and escalating commitment - We look at a decision as a small step in a process and this tends to perpetuate a series of similar decisions. This can be contrasted with zero-based decision making. Inconsistency - The unwillingness to apply the same decision criteria in similar situations.

Attribution asymmetry We tend to attribute our success to our abilities and talents, but we attribute our failures to bad luck and external factors. We attribute other's success to good luck, and their failures to their mistakes. Role fulfillment - We conform to the decision making expectations that others have of someone in our position.


Underestimating uncertainty and the illusion of control - We tend to underestimate future uncertainty because we tend to believe we have more control over events than we really do. Faulty generalizations - In order to simplify an extremely complex world, we tend to group things and people. These simplifying generalizations can bias decision making processes. Ascription of causality - We tend to ascribe causation even when the evidence only suggests correlation. Just because birds fly to the equatorial regions when the trees lose their leaves, does not mean that the birds migrate because the trees lose their leaves CHAPTER-3

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY o Research Objective o Research Design o Sample Size o Research Hypothesis




To study the consumer buying behavior for Godrej & Boyce manufacturing Bhubaneswar branch.

To study the view of people about various factors while buying from Direct Sales Bhubaneswar

To know customer income range and their ability to purchase

To know the reaction regarding after sales service.

Research Design 2 Age*2 Sex TYPES OF RESEARCH •

Exploratory Research 63

Descriptive Research

UNIVERSE Bhubaneswar city –Nayapalli, Khandagiri, Oldtown ,Kalinga Vihar, Acharya Vihar,Unit-8, Pallashpalli SAMPLE SIZE 156 SAMPLING METHOD •

Area sampling

DATA COLLECTION METHOD Primary data collection – Through questionnaire.

Secondary data collection – Books, Magazines & Websites

Data collection 1. Measurement instrument: structured questionnaire 2. Method: survey

Sources of data

A. Primary data- primary data were collected through a well structured

questionnaire designed separately for consumers. A pilot survey was


conducted to test the utility of the questionnaire and necessary changes being made.

B. Secondary data- secondary data are collected from various WEB

SITES (,, ) Book (Philip Kotler) etc.

Sampling Sample size: Total sample size is 156 individual customers, out of which all are valid. Sample procedure Area sampling Sample area: Bhubaneswar In BBSR the area covered is, Nayapalli, Khandagiri, Oldtown ,Kalinga Vihar, Acharya Vihar,Unit-8, Pallashpalli because in this particular area there are so many existing customers as per company’s register. Analysis Data collected from the survey through systematically framed questionnaires and those are being analyzed and shown in graphical representation


Chapter -5

Results and Interpretation

Analysis of data


Graphical presentation

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Sample Size- 156 Nayapalli- 78 Male- 111

Khandagiri- 30

Oldtown- 34

Others- 14

Female- 45

Age Grouop- Young Age group (20-34) , Middle Age Group (35-50), Old Age Group (51-69) Consumer Profile Analysis


The survey included 156 individuals out of which 111 are Male respondent and 45 are female respondents. The survey is basically conducted in Nayapalli, Khandagiri, Oldtown and some other areas. The ratio of male respondent to female respondent is 2.46:1. Psychographic Analysis Life style Analysis


Interpretation From the above chart it can be interpreted that 53.8% of the total sample are more culture oriented irrespective of place and age. Nayapalli area alone holds 25.6% of the total population, then followed by old town, khandagiri and other regions. 24.25% of the sample are sports oriented , it includes mostly the agegroup of 20-34.the rest 21.95% are outdoor oriented. Scope for Godrej So eventually it can be interpreted that most of the people in Bhubaneswar are culture oriented. So Godrej has to take care of that. It should sponsor or arrange some cultural programme in the heart of the city to catch the attention of the culture oriented people. More specifically Godrej can attract to the younger by sponsoring the local club matches and can provide some youth awards to the emerging students which will be less expensive and highly productive.

Personality Analysis


35 30 25 Nayapalli


Khandagiri 15

Oldtown Others

10 5 0 Compulsive




Personality Analysis The column chart of demographic analysis says that most of the respondent of the representative sample are ambitious followed by gregarious and authoritarian and compulsive respectively.

Scope for Godrej From the above analysis it is clear that respondent belonging to age group 20-34 and 35-50 are mostly ambitious. Yes obviously they will expect more in comparision to their pay. This generation always wants to be the best in a stipulated time period. So Godrej has the opportunity to attract the young mass by providing attractive offers especially in festive seasons.

Demographic Analysis


From the revealed survey it is clear that people belong to three age group i.e. 20-34, 35-50,51-69. The average annual income of the young age group i.e. 20-34 is 4lakh per annum having 4 family members. The little older age group with comparison to the former is also in the same trend which has the average annual income of 3.9 lakh with 4 family members. The older part of the sample has the highest average salary of 4.7 lakh per annum with 5 family members. Scope for Godrej Godrej is able to touch the heart of young and middle age people so it should march forward without loosing their faith. It is only possible by providing qualitative product.


Q.1. Which appliance have you purchased from Direct Sales?

Interpretation From the above Chart it can be interpreted that Refrigerator is the first choice of everyone . the middle age group has taken the aerial root by covering the no. of 66 refrigerators. From this it is clear that Godrej has an impressive market share in Refrigerator. But godrej will not be happy with the no. of washing machine and airconditions sold during the year. So it clearly sights that Godrej is quite back in comparision to its competitors. Microwave Oven is also in the same trend. But the most shocking thing is that Godrej is unable to open its account in DVD, Water Purifier and UPS. So Godrej has to exercise its brain towards heavy advertisement in order to stay tuned in the track. Scope for Godrej Godrej has the opportunity to promote its Dog category products with the likes of its star product Refrigerator. So the management of Godrej should exercise its brain on this.


Another factor can not be omitted that Godrej is able to attract the young as well as middle age group. so there is a huge opportunity to march forward with the ambitious and gregarious personalities. 2. Why you purchased appliance from Direct Sales? 50 44

45 40

Availability of varied choice

35 Competitive pricing

30 25 20 15 10

Exchange offer

20 14


10 7





5 1 0

0 20-34

Sales Person





Notime spent on finding a dealer


Interpretation As general human tendency is always searching good products with less price and it certainly becomes more when a company offers an exchange offer. From the above chart it is clear that the middle age group has taken the most benefit from the offer so as the most oldest age group. though the young age group is also in the trend but availability of various choices has attracted them very much. Competitive pricing is also somehow a point of concern for both young and middle age group. But the old age group has not taken competitive pricing into count. In direct sales sales person is the biggest factor. But the respondents have not given importance to the sales person during their purchase decision. Only middle age group has put some importance. Life becomes very busy now days. So general expectation is that people will not spend many time in searching dealers to buy product. But the respondents have proved this wrong. They are well concerned about the product that they are going to buy. 73

Scope for Godrej Godrej has got a positive response from its customers by providing exchange offer. But the point of discussion is that it is only offering this offer in three products. So the management should think about providing exchange offer on other products, so that Godrej will satisfy its tagline.

3. What are the factors responsible to select a product?

Interpretation Normally when we are going to buy some valuable product generally we focus on brand name and quality primarily. Like us brand name and quality are also the first preference of the respondents which is pretty clear from the above chart. The respondents has given priority on brandname followed by quality, price, after sales service. But nobody is influenced by their peers. Scope for Godrej


Godrej should target the gregarious personalities in different areas in order to increase its public relation. Public relation and publicity can be easily done through existing customers who have gregarious personalities. 4. What is the most important factor in a Sales Person making Direct Sales?

Interpretation When we are going to buy some product from Direct sales generally we test his product knowledge so that we can get the most valuable product with satisfaction. This survey has also proved that product knowledge is the most important thing that they expect from a sales person. These views are especially from the young and middle age group respondent. The old age group has put their importance on the grooming and appearance of the sales person which is placed in the second position by both the young and middle age group. Communication skill and Ability to clear concerns have also opened their account but they have been placed 3rd and fourth respectively. Scope for Godrej


The survey reveals that Godrej should put more emphasis on training which will enrich their knowledge regarding the products. The sales persons should also be given motivational training in order satisfy the demand of the market in every condition 5. Will you prefer to pay a little more amount to get a better quality product and services?

Interpretation Certainly one will be eager to pay a little more amount than the existing if he is offered a qualitative product satisfying his need. If we will put our eye towards the various age groups Yes is quite superseding over No. So we can also interpret that the ambitious and greagarious personality group has strongly put positive view. But the authoritarian and compulsive group has strongly disagreed to the point. Scope for Godrej


Godrej is always getting massive positive response from the gregarious and ambitious personality. So Godrej should take this as an advantage. Through the gregarious personalities it can be able to get publicity.

6. By Satisfaction of a product you mean

Interpretation When the matter comes into satisfaction level we generally hope for the best. The data from the survey says that all age groups put quality as their first choice that they expect from a product. By giving this kind of response this kind of response they have proved that if the quality of the product is good and if the product is reliable then after sales service is not required. That’s why good after sales service has come in second place followed value for money and price. Scope for Godrej


After sales service is a headache for every company now. So Godrej has to consider about producing quality products so that after sales service will not be required. So the management should think over this.

7. Please rank the overall satisfaction level from the product bought from Direct Sales on a scale of 10?

Interpretation During the survey the respondents were asked to rank the product from the scale 1-10. The respondents also responded well. Both young and old age group have given the rank 7.8 in average where as the middle age group has given the average rank of 7.2. Scope for Godrej


Godrej’s position is Average which is clear from the analysis. So the top management should think about this to get rid of excellent position.

8. Feedback

Interpretation The survey report states that most people are satisfied with the product and brand. All the age group did not hesitate to put their view in favour of satisfied towards this corporate giant. But the management should not sleep it should improvise its after sales service. So that it can secure no.1 position undoubtedly.



Findings, Suggestions & Recommendations



No proper Advertisement

Not widely spread in the rural area

After sales service is not satisfactory

Management is quite rigid

There is a huge gap between words and work

It aims at increasing the sales volume rather after sales service

No proper co-ordination among the sales executives

Motivation level is quite low

The sales executives are not disciplined

The sales executives lack Professionalism

It has an opportunity to capitalize its sales growth by taking the advantage on Peoples’ faith.

There is no communication with the customers after the selling of the product


Godrej , Bhubaneswar is not trustworthy due to the undisciplined sales executives

Many customers fail to register their complain

Godrej has become no. 1 in Orissa due to the Exchange offer rather its Brand impact.


It should highly promote itself in rural areas.

It should offer a free insurance scheme/package of a little amount with every appliance.

It should follow market development strategy for Orissa circle.

In rural area it should call for exclusive dealers rather opening its own sales division initially.

Improvement in after sales service.

Good motivational training should be provided to employees.

They should be taught general etiquettes.

It can go for advertisement through leaflets.

According to the study it can target the gregarious personalities in different areas through which it can increase its public relation.


As many of the existing customers are having ambitious and gregarious personality it should not loose their faith.

As the study reveals that most people are culture oriented so it can arrange / sponsor some cultural programmes in order to sustain faith of the existing customers so as to attract other culture oriented people.

As some people are sports oriented it can sponsor some important club and state level matches in order to attract sports oriented people.

The company should offer exchange offer in every product.


The company should follow the following advertising strategy

It should do its advertisement by distributing its leaflets which will be very less expensive

It can get publicity by organizing interesting games with small prizes.

Tangible advertisement of product which are new in market

Advertisement in front of Malls, Big Bazaar, City Centre It will be less time consuming and less expensive in comparison to electronic and print media. Another benefit from this advertisement is that you can come across directly with consumers and can study their behavior.


Implications for senior management to design strategies

Godrej is operating in 2 cities of Orissa. Now it extended its branch into one more place. But it can not be avoided that Godrej is no.1 Brand in Orissa though it is operating in 2 cities. From this the management can easily forecast the future if it opens its outlets in every major towns and it should call for exclusive dealers in rural areas.

It should change in its policy of appointing less educated employee. They might give you a handsome sales volume initially but for longterm it’s not possible to continue the trend because of their negative attitude.

It should put more emphasis on Customer Relationship Management.

For Orissa circle Market development strategy will do the business instead product development strategy.

Godrej is well known in rural areas for its security equipments. So the management should think on taking the advantage from this. 84

The top management should consider about providing small insurance schemes as the parents of 20th century are very careful towards their children. Which will not only help the company to increase the sales volume but also it will provide an opportunity to start a new business in the form of insurance.

It should update itself with the most advanced technology

As population is growing every business entity is busy in increasing its sales volume rather after sales service. It provides an opportunity for Godrej to take advantage from this.

It should target high sales volume through best service rather best sales team.









A clearly defined professional service and a marketing message (brand)

At first Godrej should communicate the essence of its product and service to potential clients. It must generate immediate attention and interest.

Well designed and implemented marketing activities or strategies that get the word out about the products and services. Godrej should design its strategies to build familiarity and convey vital information while building a relationship with its future clients.


Godrej should follow an organized, step-by-step selling process that turns qualified prospective clients into motivated paying clients as quickly and as efficiently as possible.


Call Planning

Follow-up and service


The Visitpreliminarie s Trial Close

Presentatio n

Objection handling

Trial Close

Listening to the Objection

How to understand consumer behavior better

When market researchers begin evaluating the behavior of consumers, it is a mistake to rely on conventional wisdom, especially when it is possible to study the actual activity in which consumers are engaged when using a product or service. Where are they when they buy certain items? When do they use it? Who is with them when they make the purchase? Why do they buy under certain circumstances and not others? Researchers need to determine the major needs being satisfied by that good or service in order to effectively sell it. 86

There are two principal ways to evaluate the motivation behind consumer purchases. These are by direction (what they want) and intensity (how much they want it). Direction refers to what the customer wants from a product. For example, if a customer is selecting a Refrigerator, they may like the idea is one Refrigerator is cheaper than another, but what they really want is fast Refrigerator, and will probably pay more if they think the more expensive brand can satisfy their requirement. Godrej needs to understand the principal motivation behind each type of product to correctly target potential customers. The other way to evaluate consumer behavior, intensity, refers to whether a customer's interest in a product is compelling enough that they will go out and make the purchase. Good marketing can create that kind of intensity. While it is easy to speculate on all these elements of consumer motivation, it is much harder to actively research motivating factors for any given product. It is rare that a consumer's reasons for buying a product or service can be accurately determined through direct questioning. Godrej has to develop other ways to get real responses. These include asking consumers "How do you think a friend of yours would react to this marketing material?" While consumers do not like to admit that marketing affects them at all, they are often willing to speculate on how it would affect someone else. And most often they answer with what would be their own responses. Another tactic that has proven successful is to ask consumers "What kind of person would use this type of product?" By asking this question, it can be determined what the consumer believes buying the product would say about them, as well as whether or not they would want to be seen as that type of person. One of the best ways to influence consumer behavior is to give buyers an acceptable motive. This is somewhat related to the idea of asking what type of person would buy a certain product in evaluating consumer behavior. Consumers want to feel they're doing something good, being a 87

good person, eating healthy, making contacts, keeping up appearances, or that they just deserve to be spoiled a little bit. If marketers can convince consumers that they need a product or service for some "legitimate" reason, customers will be more likely to make a purchase. Finally, another alternative for influencing customer behavior is by offering specialized goods.



Limitations and Conclusion

Limitations of the study

Getting accurate response from the customers due to their inherent problems. They may be partial or may refuse to cooperate.

Many of the people don’t find time to give response. 89

Due to poor after sales service customers strictly rejected the brand.

Conclusion After the successfully completion of my summer internship I understood that market research is an important aspects for a company through out the life cycle of a particular product. It helps in knowing the changing taste, preference, life style etc. of the consumer. During the training I found that Area Sampling method is a perfective market research technique. With reference to my research topic that is “CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR TOWARDS GODREJ HOME APPLIANCES”. It was found that, 70% of the respondents have responded with a positive note. That means they are satisfied with their product. From the study it was found that most of the customers had gone for Godrej brand only due to exchange offer i.e. 85%. It was also found that Brand name and quality of the product are the first preference for the customers apart from age group. From the study it was also found that customers put more preference on product knowledge of the sales person during the purchase of the product. So the company should provide effective training to its sales person regarding product features. Eventually it can be concluded that Godrej Appliance has the market share in Orissa. Exchange offer has been the reason to buy the Godrej product.




Marketing Management, A south Asian Perspective-


Kotler Philip, Keller Kelvin, Koshy Abraham, Jha Mithileshwar, Edition-Twelfth edition…. Publisher- Prentice Hall of India (p) Ltd,

Research Methodology- Kothari C.R., Edition-2004, reprint 2006 Publisher – New Age International (P) Ltd, publishers Methods of Data Collection, page no- 95 Sampling Fundamentals, page no- 15





Name: Address: Age: Family Members:


Annual Household Income:

Q1) Which appliance have you purchased from Direct Sales? a) Refrigerator b) Washing Machine c) Air-Conditioner d) Microwave Oven e) DVD f) Water Purifier g) UPS Q2) Why you purchased appliance from Direct Sales? a) Availability of vaired choice b) Competitive pricing c) Exchange offer d) Sales Person e) No time spent on finding a dealer

Q3) What are the factors responsible to select a product? a) Brand Name b) Quality c) Price


d) After Sales Service e) Peer pressure Q4) What is the most important factor in a Sales Person making Direct Sales? a) Communication skills b) Product Knowledge c) Grooming / Apperance d) Ability to clear concerns

Q5) Will you prefer to pay a little more amount to get a better quality product and services? a) Yes

b) No

Q6) By Satisfaction of a product you mean ... a) Price b) Quality Product c) Good after sales serivce d) Value for money (ready to pay bit more for a quality product)

Q7) Please rank the overall satisfaction level from the product bought from Direct Sales on a scale of 10?

Q8) Feedback


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