Project Report on Front Office Department in Hotel Final

May 3, 2017 | Author: anish_10677953 | Category: N/A
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I thank almighty for keeping me hale and healthy for successful completion of the project.

To carry out this research work I have got the help from my parents who have given full support to carry out this research work. They are the one who motivated and helped for the completion of this project report. Further, I would like to thank Mr. XXXXX (HR Manager, Taj Varanasi) and their employees who have given full supported and co operated with me to carry out this research work. Then I would like to thank Mr. XXXX(Manager) who has supported me to fill the questionnaire and carry on my research work. I am also thankful to the employees of Taj, Varanasi bank who have supported me. The HR Manager of Taj Ganges and their employees who have helped me for the project work by filling the questionnaire. I express my deepest gratitude to Our Principal Mr. XXXXX for giving me this opportunity to do this project.

I profoundly thank our Head of the Department Dr.XXX M.B.A., Ph.D for providing a great opportunity to do this project.


The present study was under taken with such a task in mind and it aims at unearthing the strengths and weakness of the Front office Department in The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi that is prevalent in the organization that sponsored this project work. Since organizations exist to achieve goals. The degree of success that individual employees have in reaching their individuals goals is important in determining organizational effectiveness. The assessment of how successful employees have been at meeting their individual goals, therefore, becomes a critical part of Human Resource Management. This leads us to the topic of FRONT OFFICE DEPARTMENT. This project aims at knowing the “Front Office”. In this project the work all aspect of the Front Office has been studied. It also aims at finding out the employee’s relationship with the management. This survey is done within the organization. The sample size is 110. The data was collected by administering questionnaire and by adopting direct personal contact method. The persons met are all employees of the concern. Collections of data were analyzed and tabulated in a sequential manner and the interpretations are given along with the tabulation. The conclusion and suggestions are also given in this report for the improvement of this system in the organization.

Contents Sl. No.



Chapter 1 

Page No.



Literature Review

Statement of the Problem

Purpose of the Study

Scope of the study

Objectives of the Study

Chapter 2

        



HR PRACTICES Objective of HR Practices:Objective of the Project HR practices of Mahindra & Mahindra Recruitment and Selection: The Recruitment Process of MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA Performance Management System Training and Development Job Analysis & Evaluation

Chapter 3 

Results & discussion with Charts & graphs




Chapter 4 




Joining Report

Weekly Reports

Introduction In hospitality industry, the front office department is believed as the core of a hotel, where the guest cycles occurred, encompassing from pre-arrival, arrival, occupancy until departure. Moreover, the front office department, specifically the reception desk, is considered a vital unit in generating guest’s first impression towards the hotel itself (Baker et al. 2000). A wellorganized front office department is important due to the fact that this particular department is known as the largest source of hotel room revenue (Kasavana and Brooks 2009). This paper will analyze the front office department and the key factor affecting it in the actual operation. The FRONT OFFICE is the nerve center of a hotel. Members of the front-office staff welcome the guests, carry their luggage, and help them register, give them their room keys and mail, answer questions about the activities in the hotel and surrounding area, and finally check them out. In fact, the only direct contact most guests have with hotel employees, other than in the restaurants, is with members of the front-office staff.

The Front Office Department comprise of the Reception, Guest Service Offices, Bell Services, Reservation, Operators, Executive Club, Health and Recreation Center and Business Center. The purpose of the Front Office Department is to provide guests assistance with luggage, transportation, information concerning the hotel and the city, and any other service arrangements needed during their stay. Employees of the Front Office Department often provide the first and last impression of the hotel to our guests. It is therefore vitally important that employees display a prompt and courteous attitude to all guests and demonstrate the excellence in service. The Front Office Manager who comes under the direct supervision of the Director of Rooms and supervises the Front Office Department, Important of Front Office, Department to the Hotel, Hospitality, warm welcome, Often provide first and last impression. Often have longest contact with guest. Continuity: Long term service, recognition of repeat guests; remember names, guest histories. Acquaint guest with hotel. Sell hotel food and beverage outlets. Up sell: Suggest deluxe and suites. Smoother over disgruntled guests. With travel increasing day-by-day, whether it is for business, pleasure or for any other reason, there is a mushrooming growth of hotels-big and small. At the same time there is a demand for people to work in these hotels. Most people working in smaller hotels learn on the job which proves expensive. Hence there is a growing demand for trained persons who are able to perform the basic front office operations in a hotel, efficiently.

Front Office function of a Hotel

The Front Office function of a Hotel is to act as the public face of the hotel, primarily by greeting hotel patrons and checking in guests. It also provides assistance to guests during their stay, completes their accommodation, food and beverage, accounts and receives payment from guests. Department is typically composed of

nuity: Long term service, recognition of repeat guests, remember names, guest histories

Smoother over disgruntled guests.

a) Front Office: Sell guestrooms; register guests and design guestrooms, Coordinate guest services, Provide information, Maintain guest account statements, accurate room statistics, and room key inventories and complete proper financial settlements b) Reservation: Receive and process reservation requests for future overnight accommodations with technology development, the Reservation Department can, on real time, access the number and types of rooms available, various room rates, and furnishings, along with the various facilities existing in the hotel.

Front Office Function The main function is Night Auditing:What is Night Audit?

The hotel’s financial management starts in the front office. This responsibility is shared with the controller’s office; it begins with the accurate and timely processing of guest accounts. This can be a time-consuming process for the night auditor; it provides a balance of debit and credit entries to guest and

departmental accounts, which includes income and expense-generating areas of the hotels, like restaurants, banquets. Night auditor is also known as the in house auditor who is responsible for conducting audit and generating reports for management. In a five star hotel, night audit is very complicated and it requires basic accounting, computer and hotel management knowledge and background. Night Audit (NA) is basically composed of following important jobs like settling credit cards for the day with bank to ensure money transfer from the guest's account to the hotel account. After that, charging Room Tax from all the guests automatically to make sure that all staying guests are been charged to their agreed rates against the room rent. Arranging reports for management to reflect that day's business activities like revenue earned and expenses done. Night Auditor also ensures that all phone calls and guests coming to front desk for different matters are properly addressed and taken care of properly. In short its one of the most responsible position in hotel management considering its responsibilities. The night audit in the hotel, motel and bed and breakfast industry is a very important part of the smooth running of a hotel or motel. In fact, next to the provision of excellent customer relations this is the most important aspect of the business side of the hotel, motel and bed and breakfast industry. Taxes is the reason for this, the night audit is the determining factor for the amount of taxes owed by the hospitality facility on tax day each year. Under the heading Taxpayer Record of the facility are listed the Registration card, Room revenue balance sheet, Daily control report, Housekeeper's report, City

ledger, Monthly Summary, Tax report room revenue sheet, and if the hotel is residential hotel then a Residential record sheet is also needed. The daily and monthly report and the room sale, daily and monthly accounting sheet must each balance with the daily and monthly tax sheet. Night audit follow the prescribe designed routines: • to update the client folio, • Perform account closing for the day, • Prepare and distribute daily bill to the client. • Prepare and distribute a range of report. One of such report to management is perpetual inventory of account receivable, that tell, how many receivable where owed at the beginning of the day, how many were paid and how many were charges during the day and at the last the closing balance of the day. At the end of the year all of the summaries must balance with the annual tax sheet and this is the amount of taxes owed to IRS for the hotel, motel or bread and breakfast facility. If, there is also a restaurant or other sales departments within the main facility this also must be recorded and reports prepared daily, monthly and annually. DUTIES OF FRONT OFFICE DEPARTMENT

Different Departmental Totals: Each department in the hotel is required to provide a daily sales report to the front office. These figures are listed and compared to the budget goal. General Managers of hotels use these figures to determine the profitability of income – generating departments and the success of marketing programs.

 Bank Deposit: In large hotels, bank deposits are made several times a day to satisfy security concerns. The bank deposit includes both cash and credit-card deposits. It is important to note that cash, business checks, and checks from credit-card companies are received several times throughout the business day. After these credit-card companies are received several times throughout the business day. After these to the corresponding guest or city ledger account.  Accounts Receivable: The accounts receivable is an ongoing listing of outstanding amounts owed to the hotel. As mentioned, these potential sources of revenue are essential to providing positive cash flow. Managing and updating these accounts, by reviewing them daily, is a primary responsibility of the controller and general manager. 

Cashier’s Report: In some hotels, the front desk clerk or cashier is responsible for proofing and collecting the various departmental daily reports. In those situations, the cash and credit-card vouchers are added into the individual cashier’s shift report. Also included in that report are the amounts of cash and credit-card checks. received for application to accounts receivable. Each cashier’s shift report is verified by departmental daily reports, cash and credit-card vouchers, and accounts receivable cash and credit-card check transactions. These figures must be verified in the daily bank deposit. The cashier’s report will also note any variances in actual totals and PMS totals. Usually, the hotel will set a policy regarding the front desk clerk or cashier’s

liability for these variances. For example, if the actual amount collected is one cent to one dollar less than the amount obtained in the cashier’s report, the front desk clerk or cashier is not liable for the difference. Amounts significantly larger than one dollar will be investigated to see if such losses are regular occurrences. When the actual amount collected is more than the amount obtained in the cashier’s report, the extra money will be maintained in a house fund to compensate for under collections. These amounts should also be investigated as to regularity and source. Substantial overages and shortages must be investigated for proper debiting and crediting of a guest’s account.

 Manager’s Report: The manager’s report is a listing of occupancy statistics from the previous day, such as occupancy percentage, yield percentage, average daily rate, Rev PAR, and number of guests. Data such as these are necessary for monitoring the operation of a financially viable business. The general manager, controller, front office manager, and director of marketing and sales will review these statistics on a daily basis.

 Room Service: Some hotels report room service sales as a separate figure from total restaurant sales. If a hotel has organized a special marketing and

merchandising campaign to increase room service sales or feels that careful monitoring of this potentially profitable service is necessary, then the night auditor will report this figure. Room service 1 may represent breakfast sales only; 2, lunch sales; and 3, dinner sales.

 Banquet Sales: Hotels with large banquet operations will report the banquet sales figure separately from restaurant sales. These figures are a total of the guest checks, which tally the individual banquet charges. The night auditor will also check the daily function sheet to ensure that all scheduled functions have been billed. The general manager can use banquet sales figures to determine how effective the food and beverage manager is in controlling related expenses for this division. They also indicate how effective the

director of marketing and sales is in generating business. Banquet breakfast, banquet lunch, and banquet dinner figures are reported separately because they provide marketing information on which areas are successful and which could be more successful. The banquet sales figures (and the room sales figure) also provide information on the cash flow activity of the hotel. If the hotel has scheduled $25,000 of banquet business and $25,000 of rooms business for a weekend, it can meet various financial obligations due on Monday, depending on method of payment. The controller in a hotel will therefore watch room and banquet sales very closely.

 Banquet Bar and Total Lounge Sales: The sales figures for the banquet bar and lounge areas originate from the point-of-sale cash registers. The total sales figures from the various outlets that serve alcoholic beverages are reported to the front office on a daily sales report after each shift. Each report is accompanied by the cash register tapes or audit tapes. These sales figures from the various lounges and banquets are reported separately because the food and beverage manager will want to determine how well cost-control efforts have been maintained for that department and the director of marketing and sales may want to know how successful certain marketing and merchandising campaigns have been.

 Room Rental: The charges for room rental—these are not guest rooms but meeting and function rooms—are reported on special room rental guest checks. The night auditor will cross- checks these guest checks against the daily function sheet to be sure the banquet manager has charged room rentals to the appropriate guests. This figure is reported separately at those hotels that charge fees for the rental of facilities when no food or beverage is ordered. For example, banquet rooms may be rented for seminars, meetings, demonstrations, and shows. Since room rental represents a potentially large profit area (especially during slow banquet sales periods), general managers will want to know how effective the marketing and sales department has been in maximizing this profit center.

 Valet: One of the services a hotel offers is dry cleaning and laundry. This feature must be closely monitored because the hotel pays cash to the offpremises dry cleaner or laundry service when the clothing is returned. These costs, plus a markup for hotel handling charges, are posted to the guests’ folios. Some hotels maintain a valet or dry cleaning/ laundry journal indicating valet tags, control numbers, processing dates, vendor charges, handling charges, posting activity, daily totals, and the like. Transfer slips are prepared to indicate the charges for valet service. The charges on these transfer slips are then posted to the guests’ folios. The total of the transfer slips comprises the valet total for the night audit.

 Telephone Charges: After the telephone industry was deregulated in the early 1980s, call accounting became a standard practice in hotels. This allowed hotels to set individual surcharge rates, rates for adding service charges for out-of-state long-distance telephone service. The telephone department became a very

profitable area in the hotel business. Since all phone calls are charged to the guest folio, an accurate accounting of the charges is necessary. In a hotel with a call-accounting system that interfaces with a property management system, this tally is electronically obtained.

Gift Shop Sales and Tax: The gift shop in a hotel prepares a daily sales report for the front office. Cash register tapes or point-of-sale audit tapes will accompany the report. The general manager will want to examine the financial activity of this profit center. This is another area in which cash flow potential is monitored. Recording the tax collected on gift shop sales and reporting this figure is a necessary accounting procedure.

 Vending: Hotels that maintain their own vending machines will monitor the daily collection of cash. If a facility has a large number of vending machines, the food and beverage manager assigns one person to collect and count the

money and prepare a daily sales report. These reports provide the total sales figure for vending.

 Spa: The use of health facilities at a hotel may be provided free to guests. However, other products and services—such as swimsuits, health-related products and equipment, the services of a masseur or masseuse, sports lessons, and rental of equipment—are sold to the guest. These costs will usually be charged to the guest folio. A daily sales report will be prepared at each of the health/recreation facilities. Some hotels offer their health/ recreation facilities for a fee to the general public. Transfer slips for charges to the guest accounts for future billing in the city ledger provide a total against which total spa charges are verified

 Parking: A hotel that offers valet parking or parking spaces to guests and the general public will acquire large amounts of cash during a business day. Cash, business checks, and debit- and credit-card payments are collected throughout the day for general parking, long-term business parking, and parking valet services. Guests in the hotel who are charged for parking services will have this amount charged to their accounts. The parking garage manager will prepare a daily report of the cash and charge activities for each shift of the day. Supporting documentation, including parking tickets, cash register tapes, transfer slips, and monthly parking permit renewals, accompany the daily report. The night auditor will prepare a summary total of this account from these reports.

 Cash Sales and Accounts Receivable Balance: The total revenue represents both cash and charge guest sales. A separate figure is reported for total cash sales for the day. This figure represents the totals reported and received from the various departmental daily reports and is also required to justify the daily bank d Charge sales are reflected in the outstanding accounts receivable. This is the amount that remains to be received from the guests. Total paid-outs, total discounts, and total writeoffs have been subtracted from that figure. Today’s outstanding accounts receivable figure is added to yesterday’s outstanding accounts receivable to obtain a cumulative balance of outstanding accounts receivable.

 Credit Cards and Cash Applied to Accounts Receivable: Throughout the business day, the controller of the hotel will request front desk clerks or cashiers to post business checks and cash received from credit-card companies, direct- billing accounts, and city ledger accounts. The charges from these groups were previously moved to accounts

receivable. These checks and cash payments represent charges from previously held banquets, guest room rentals, and the like. The general manager of the hotel watches this figure to determine cash flow activity. Again, the outstanding balance of accounts receivable is updated.

 Analysis of Accounts Receivable: The front office manager maintains an analysis of the accounts receivable balance. It will indicate the source of the account receivable—city ledger, direct billing, or various credit cards. (It is important to note here that city ledger accounts may have a credit balance but are maintained as an account receivable. For example, if a guest pays a $500 deposit on a future banquet, a credit balance will be maintained on the account. When this credit balance is computed with other debit balances, a debit balance is realized.) The controller will use this information to track the aging of accounts, determining the stage of the payment cycle—such as 10 days old, 30 days overdue, 60 days overdue— and to operate an overdue payment collection program.

 Bank Deposit and Amount Transferred to Accounts Receivable: The cash, credit-card vouchers, and charges received during the business day from cash, charge, and accounts receivable transactions must be deposited in the hotel’s bank accounts or transferred to the hotel’s

internal accounts receivable. The night auditor will provide a summary of the components of the bank deposit. Bank deposits are made throughout the business day. Those individual totals make up the total bank deposit (TTL BANK DEP). Credit-card totals are listed here because, in some circumstances, the credit- card voucher is considered cash at the time of deposit. The cash and various credit-card totals that have been deposited must match the total cash sales plus the cash received and applied to outstanding accounts receivable (Cash Rec’d A/R) minus total paid-outs. The total actual cash and credit-card payments received, which are reported on the cashier’s report, will match the total bank deposit figure. The amount transferred to accounts receivable (AMT TR A/R) will correspond to today’s outstanding accounts receivable (Today’s Outstd A/R).

Operating Statistics The night auditor will prepare the daily operating statistics for the general manager and the various department directors. This quick summary provides a review of the day’s activities and the hotel’s success in meeting financial budget targets. Hotel general managers rely on these statistics as operational feedback mechanisms because they provide information on the need to modify existing operational procedures and offer insight into budgeting for future operational procedures. Also, these figures become part of the hotel’s historical operations record. The rooms sold, rooms vacant, and rooms out of order are determined by assessing the housekeeping module and the housekeeper’s report. The number of

complimentary rooms (rooms comp) is determined by reviewing guest reservations, registration cards, and folios. A quick method used to determine occupancy percentage, double occupancy percentage, yield, average daily rate, and RevPAR is shown. Room income for the day is obtained from the total room charges that were posted after a certain time in the evening (between 11p.m. and midnight) and any half-day rate charges. The number of guests is provided by the PMS registration module. The number of no-shows is compiled by tallying the number of reservations with a confirmed status that did not show. Not included in this figure are guaranteed reservations, which are processed with a creditcard number regardless of whether the guest showed. The preparation of a night audit report can be very time-consuming. However, with a great deal of cooperation, planning, and organization, combined with the use of a PMS that interfaces with a point-of-sale system, the time can be greatly reduced. The accurate preparation of the night audit report provides an essential control and communication tool for management.

 Daily Flash Report: The daily flash report, a PMS listing of departmental totals by day, period to date, and year to date, is a very useful report for general managers and department managers and supervisors. This report is reviewed on a daily basis to indicate how successful a department manager was the previous day in achieving sales. This tool is important in discussing strategies for the successful achievement of financial goals.

The Gateway Varanasi – Hotel In Varanasi Five star The Gateway Varanasi is


eclectic blend of material pleasures


aesthetic beauty. Overlooking Lake Ulsoor, The Gateway offers picturesque views of the city of gardens. Strategically located, The Gateway Varanasi is equipped to handle the needs of business travelers and the whims of holidaymakers.

All 150 rooms at the The Gateway Varanasi are cocoons of plush comfort and endearing warmth. Replete with modern room amenities, the rooms at the The Gateway Varanasi are perfect for business and holiday travelers. The Gateway Varanasi accommodation reflects a collage of artistic furniture, colorful tapestries, room facilities, ethnic décor and state-of-the-art gadgets.

There are a variety of Restaurants and Bars at the The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi including Cafe Mozaic that serves an eclectic mix of Mediterranean, Mexican, Italian, Lebanese and Indian delicacies as well as regular coffee-shop items and pre-plated platters, served in innovative styles. The The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi hotel offers an array of business facilities including a fully equipped Business Centre, offering 24-hour Internet connectivity, copier/facsimile facilities and secretarial service. The The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi hotel Bangalore also offers meeting Rooms and Banquet Facilities. Category:

5 Star


40 kms from Airport, 7 kms. from Railway Station, 7 kms. from Bus Stand.


163 Rooms


Indian, Chinese, Continental

Room Facilities:

Centrally Air-conditioned, Room Service, H/C running water, Telephone, Fax, T.V., Safe Deposit, Channel Music


Business Centre, Executive Lounge, Banquet & Conference Facilities, Beauty Parlour, Health Club, Swimming Pool


Doctor on Call, Laundry, Money Changer, Safe Deposit, Baby Sitting, Valet, Travel Desk Service

The gateway Hotel, Varanasi

Rooms: The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi Bangalore offers completely air-conditioned rooms that are cocoons of silken pleasures that entwine you in a smooth luxurious caress.

There are 166 rooms that are categorized into Residency rooms, Executive rooms and Standard rooms. Each room is equipped with facilities such as refrigerators, mini bars, computers, Internet, color televisions, satellite

television etc.

Stay at the The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi rooms and unwind in style. Feel ensconced by expensive tapestries, modern furniture, soft and calming ambience and above all swift and efficient room service.

Restaurants: Visit the The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi hotel for a sumptuous dining experience that would linger on your taste buds for a long time. Right from formal to casual dining, you can enjoy them all at the The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi restaurants. GAD Menu

Experience the international delicacies at this modern coffee shop & bar. With a wide range of Indian, panasian and continental dishes you will have plenty of choices to please your palate. You can pamper yourself from an elaborate buffet or can choose from the tempting a-la-carte menu.

Attire: 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m

Casual Hours:

VARUNA:- Serving authentic Indian cuisine, Varuna is the synonym for fine dining in Varanasi. The Satvik Thali served at the restaurant has been at the epicenter of cuisine at Varanasi. Attire: Causal

Hours: Lunch : 12:30 p.m. to 03:00 p.m. Dinner: 7:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m

PRINSEP BAR This colonial style bar serves world-class selection of wines, spirits and exciting concoctions & range of cocktails. Tantalize your taste buds with the delicious kebabs and finger food while you unwind at the bar.


12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Your taste buds would surely love every moment of your stay at the The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi hotel in Bangalore. It would not be surprising to see you return for an encore in the near future.

Front Office department in The gateway Hotel, Varanasi: The FRONT OFFICE is the nerve center of a hotel. Members of the front-office staff welcome the guests, carry their luggage, help them register, give them their room keys and mail, answer questions about the activities in the hotel and surrounding area, and finally check them out. In fact, the only direct contact most guests have with hotel employees, other than in the restaurants, is with members of the front-office staff.

The front office functions can be divided into five general areas:

1. reception 2. Bell service 3. Mail and information

4. Concierge 5. Cashiers and night auditors

two major departments are represented in this list. The employees staffing the first four areas are in the rooms department. The fifth is the financial area, where guest charges are accumulated and posted to the bills, and all cash transactions are consummated. These are all accounting-department functions, and so the cashiers and night auditors are in that department. a) Front Office: Sell guestrooms; register guests and design; Maintain accurate; Provide information; Coordinate guest services; guestrooms Maintain guest account statements; room statistics, and room key inventories and complete proper financial settlements b) Reservation: Receive and process reservation requests for future; With technology development, the Reservation; overnight accommodations. Department can, on real time, access the number and types of rooms available, various room rates, and furnishings.

Research Problem

To analysis customer’s satisfaction level and Response with respect to The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi. Statement of the Problem

Today’s customers are an important element in every business so to retain a customer and make the loyal company is a great challenge.


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study on Front Office Department is regarding sales services and to know any suggestions to improve The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi

Scope of the Study

In this competitive world retaining the customers has become important part and parcel of the business activity, since in these arena the people who adopt to changes and new technologies will survive. This study will help to understand customer need, preference and what they require from the service station and this study will not only help me as a student but it will also The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi to improve its service standard. Objectives of the Study: -

1. To know the customer’s satisfaction level at The Gateway Varanasi 2. To know the perception of customer’s regarding the charges/ rates offered by the hotel. 3. To know the suggestions from customer’s to improve the service center.

Training and Development

The needs of individual are objectively identified & necessary interventions are planned for identified groups, which get rolled out in a phased manner through training calendar.

The training and development program is charted out to cover the number of trainees, existing staff etc. The programs also cover the identification of resource personnel for conducting development program, frequency of training and development programs and budget allocation. Training and development programs can also be designed depending upon job requirement and analysis. Selection of trainees is also facilitated by job analysis.

The company has a strong focus on manpower training according to their requirements. The internal training department aims at improving the skill sets relevant to the work profile of employees. • This includes improving communication • Different skills • E-mail programming • Operation systems.

The design of the training program can be undertaken only when a clear training objective has been produced. The training objective clears what goal has to be achieved by the end of training program i.e. what the trainees are expected to be able to do at the end of their training. Training objectives assist trainers to design the training program.

Training Design-

The trainer – Before starting a training program, a trainer analyzes his technical, interpersonal, judgmental skills in order to deliver quality content to trainers.

The trainees – A good training design requires close scrutiny of the trainees and their profiles. Age, experience, needs and expectations of the trainees are some of the important factors that affect training design.

Training climate – A good training climate comprises of ambience, tone, feelings, positive perception for training program, etc.

Trainees’ learning style – The learning style, age, experience, educational background of trainees must be kept in mind in order to get the right pitch to the design of the program.

Training strategies – Once the training objective has been identified, the trainer translates it into specific training areas and modules. The trainer prepares the priority list of about what must be included, what could be included.

Training topics – After formulating a strategy, trainer decides upon the content to be delivered. Trainers break the content into headings, topics and ad modules. These topics and modules are then classified into information, knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Sequence the contents – Contents are then sequenced in a following manner: • From simple to complex • Topics are arranged in terms of their relative importance • From known to unknown • From specific to general • Dependent relationship

Training tactics – Once the objectives and the strategy of the training program becomes clear, trainer comes in the position to select most appropriate tactics or methods or techniques. The method selection depends on the following factors: • Trainees’ background • Time allocated • Style preference of trainer • Level of competence of trainer • Availability of facilities and resources, etc

Improve performance “Training & Development is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge.”


The need for Training and Development is determined by the employee’s performance deficiency, computed as follows.

Training & Development Need = Standard Performance – Actual Performance

Training: Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills. An employee undergoing training is presumed to have had some formal education. No training program is complete without an element of education. Hence we can say that Training is offered to operatives.

Development: Development means those learning opportunities designed to help employees to grow. Development is not primarily skills oriented. Instead it provides the general knowledge and attitudes, which will be helpful to employers in higher positions. Efforts towards development often depend on personal drive and ambition. Development activities such as those supplied by management development programs are generally voluntary in nature. Development provides knowledge about business environment, management principles and techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis and the like is useful for better management of a company.

The Training Inputs are • Skills • Education • Development • Ethics • Problem Solving Skills • Decision Making • Attitudinal Changes

Importance of Training & Development

• Helps remove performance deficiencies in employees • Greater stability, flexibility and capacity for growth in an organization • Accidents, scraps and damages to machinery can be avoided • Serves as effective source of recruitment • It is an investment in HR with a promise of better returns in future • Reduces dissatisfaction, absenteeism, complaints and turnover of employees

Needs of Training

Individual level • Diagnosis of present problems and future challenges • Improve individual performance or fix up performance deficiency • Improve skills or knowledge or any other problem • To anticipate future skill-needs and prepare employee to handle more challenging tasks • To prepare for possible job transfers

Training given on • Safety aspects • Behavorial aspects • Technical aspects • Communication skills

Identification of Training Needs (Methods)

Individual Training Needs Identification 1. Performance Appraisals 2. Interviews 3. Questionnaires 4. Attitude Surveys 5. Training Progress Feedback 6. Work Sampling 7. Rating Scales

Group Level Training Needs Identification 1. Organizational Goals and Objectives 2. Personnel / Skills Inventories 3. Organizational Climate Indices 4. Efficiency Indices 5. Exit Interviews 6. MBO / Work Planning Systems 7. Quality Circles 8. Customer Satisfaction Survey 9. Analysis of Current and Anticipated Changes

Benefits of Training Needs Identification

1. Trainers can be informed about the broader needs in advance 2. Trainers Perception Gaps can be reduced between employees and their supervisors 3. Trainers can design course inputs closer to the specific needs of the participants

4. Diagnosis of causes of performance deficiencies can be done.

5. Talent Management

It is a holistic and systematic process, across the group. It is built on the work done so far on people processes, and has a Talent Identification and Talent Development Strategy for all the 3 levels of management i.e. Senior, Middle & Junior Management. This is facilitated by Development Assessment Center followed by Individual Development Plan, enabling planned succession and career management.

The talent management process includes HR process for • Recruitment, • Performance, • Compensation, • Succession planning, • Learning and other capabilities around self-service, • Analytics • Reporting.

With businesses going global and competition becoming intense, there is mounting pressure on organizations to deliver more and better than before. Organizations therefore need to be able to develop and deploy people who can articulate the passion and vision of the organization and make teams with the energy to perform at much higher levels.

Talent management is a key business process and like any business process takes inputs and generates output.

Talent management is a professional term that gained popularity in the late 1990s. It refers to the process of developing and fostering new workers through on boarding, developing and keeping current workers and attracting highly skilled workers to work for your company. Talent management in this context does not refer to the management of entertainers.

Companies that are engaged in talent management (human capital management) are strategic and deliberate in how they source, attract, select, train, develop, promote, and move employees through the organization. This term also incorporates how companies drive performance at the individual level (performance management).

The term talent management means different things to different people. • To some it is about the management of high-worth individuals or “the talented”. • To others it is about how talent is managed generally - i.e. on the assumption that all people have talent which should be identified and liberated.

Talent management decisions are often driven by a set of organizational core competencies as well as position-specific competencies. The competency set may include knowledge, skills, experience, and personal traits (demonstrated through defined behaviors)

Job Analysis & Evaluation

It is broadly categorized in two parts. Job Analysis is a process to understand the job, identify and disaggregate the activities, competencies and accountabilities associated with the job. It defines and clusters the task required to perform the job. It also clarifies boundaries between jobs. The output of Job Analysis exercise is referred to as job description.

INTERPRETATION Satisfied with overall service provided by The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi

1. Strongly Agree


3. Neither agree not disagree 31 5.Strongly Disagree


2. Agree 4. Disagree

25 18


According to my survey, out of 100, responds 31% of the people says neither agree nor disagree about overall service provided by Sutaria Automobiles. And 25% of the people agree. And 18% of the people disagree, and 16% of the people says strongly disagree, and lastly 10% of the people strongly agree about overall service provided by The Gateway Hotel, Varanasi.

2. Authorized service station has sophisticated tools and techniques. 1. Strongly Agree


3. Neither agree not disagree 32 5.Strongly Disagree


2. Agree 4. Disagree

28 25


Out of 100 respondents 32% of the people moderate about tools & techniques & 28% of the people agree, &25% of the people disagree & 9%of the people says strongly disagree & 6% of the people strongly agree for services.

3.Authorised service station has sufficient and genuine spares. 1. Strongly Agree


3. Neither agree not disagree 30 5.Strongly Disagree


2. Agree 4. Disagree

36 17


40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1. Strongly Agree

2. Agree

3 .Neither 4. Dis agree 5. Strongly Agree nor dis Dis agree Agree Respondents

From the source of field survey, out of 100 respondents 36% of the people agree with sufficient & genuine spares, & 30% of the people moderate with the spares, & 17% of the people disagree, & 10% of the people strongly disagree,& remaining 7% of the people strongly agree. 4. Staff charges compared to other Hotels. 1 Very high 3 Economical

60 08

2 High


4 Low


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