Project Report

April 18, 2019 | Author: abhinav11021990 | Category: Retail, Brand, Marketing, Advertising, Marketing Strategy
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SMART Search More Aggressively Retail Territories


Mayank Gupta(14010309!

April " May #01$

SMART Search More Aggressively Retail Territories


Mayank Gupta

%n&er the gui&ance o' 

Shri R.K. Chaudhary CEO, Ferrino Mizzoni Donear "ndustries #i$ited

Dr. Shailja Agarwal Associate ro!essor   "M%, &hazia'ad

April " May #01$

erti'icate o' Approval

%he !ollowing Su$$er roject Re(ort titled ) SMART (Search More Aggressively Retail Territories) is here'y a((ro*ed as a certi!ied study in $anage$ent carried out and (resented in a $anner satis!actory to warrant its acce(tance as a (rere+uisite !or the award o! )ost*Gra&uate +iplo,a in Manage,ent !or  which it has 'een su'$itted. "t is understood that 'y this a((ro*al the undersigned do not necessarily endorse or a((ro*e any state$ent $ade, o(inion e(ressed or conclusion drawn therein 'ut a((ro*e the Su$$er roject Re(ort only !or the (ur(ose it is su'$itted. Su$$er roject Re(ort Ea$ination Co$$ittee !or e*aluation o! Su$$er roject Re(ort  -a$e

. Faculty Ea$iner




0. & Su$$er Su$$er roject roject Co1coordi Co1coordinator nator ///////// ///////////// //////// //////// ////// //

///////// ///////////// ///////// //////  / 

erti'icate 'ro, Su,,er )ro-ect Gui&es

%his is to certi!y that Mr. Mayank Gupta, a student o! the )ost*Gra&uate +iplo,a in Manage,ent/ has wor2ed under our guidance and su(er*ision. %his Su$$er roject Re(ort has the re+uisite standard and to the 'est o! our 2nowledge no (art o! it has 'een re(roduced !ro$ any other su$$er (roject, $onogra(h, re(ort or 'oo2.

Dr. Shailja Agarwal Associate ro!essor "M%, &hazia'ad Date

Mr. R.K. Chaudhary CEO, Ferrino Mizzoni Donear "ndustries #i$ited Donear 3ouse 4th !loor, lot -o. A 5 67 Road -o. , M"DC, Andheri East Mu$'ai 1 87779: Date


SMART Search More Aggressively Retail Territories %he (roject SMAR% ;Search More Aggressi*ely Retail %erritories< was ado(ted to !ind out (otential retail outlets which could stoc2 in and sell the (roducts o! Ferrino Mizzoni the (re$iu$ 'rand o! Donear. FM is an "talian 'rand which was recently ac+uired 'y Donear in order to (enetrate the (re$iu$ seg$ent o! the !a'rics $ar2et in "ndia. %he (roject was not only to !ind the retail territories !or FM 'ut also to (ro$ote the FM 'rand, (ro*ide (roduct in!or$ation and (ricing o! the (roduct at the retail sho(s *isited. %he sco(e o! the (roject was to co*er 6 districts o! Rajasthan= Kota, Sawai Madho(ur, Karauli, >harat(ur and >undi. A total ?7 retail outlets and wholesalers were *isited during the sur*ey. %he (roject was to gauge whether the retail (otential could 'e ta((ed using the D%R ;Direct to Retail< (olicy.

%he sur*ey +uestionnaire techni+ue was used to as2 the +uestions to retailers. A(art !ro$ de$ogra(hic +uestions it had +uestions related to 'rands they stoc2 in, a'out the (rice range o! the stoc2 which is sold at the sho(. "t had a +uestion related to the sho( di$ension also, which was hel(!ul in gauging the  (otential retailers. "! a retailer does not ha*e enough shel! s(ace he cannot (ro*ide shel! s(ace to FM. #ow sho( di$ension $eans that the retailer $ight not 'e a'le to stoc2 in FM as it would lead hi$ to sto( stoc2ing in other 'rands. %here was a se(arate *ery i$(ortant section re$ar2s in the +uestionnaire which would hel( in understanding the 'rand (re!erences o! the retailers as well as the custo$ers and the reasons why they (re!er a (articular 'rand. %he (otential retailers were identi!ied a!ter the co$(letion o! the sur*ey, this was 'ased on certain (ara$eters li2e sho( di$ension, (rice 'and, 'rand (re!erence o! the retailer.

Fi*e districts o! Rajasthan= Kota, Sawai Madho(ur, Karauli, >harat(ur and >undi were sur*eyed. "n!or$ation related to the 'rands they stoc2 in, +uantity o! stoc2 and (rice range were gathered. Di!!erent outlets stoc2 in di!!erent 'rands, di!!erent +uantity o! stoc2 and ha*e di!!erent (rice range. Mar2ets o! Sawai Madho(ur, Karauli and >undi were !ound to 'e $ore (rice sensiti*e than the $ar2ets o! Kota and >harat(ur. "n totality the $ar2et o! Rajasthan was !ound to 'e (rice sensiti*e. Retailers in Rajasthan used to stoc2 in the !a'rics o! Donear so$e 816 years 'ac2 when it was !a$ous there, since then the $ar2et share o! Donear has declined su'stantially. @ery !ew retailers ha*e awareness a'out Ferrino Mizzoni. FM is considering o! relaunching the 'rand in Rajasthan.

oly 1 @iscose and oly 5 ool are high in de$and in Rajasthan $ar2et. A nu$'er o! retailers were chosen as (otential custo$ers o! FM, this is 'ased on so$e criteria li2e= i! a retailer stoc2 in Ray$ond or Siyara$Bs he can stoc2 in FM also and (rice range o! the stoc2 should 'e $ore than Rs. 877$etre. %hese

retailers will 'e a((roached 'y the sales eecuti*es o! FM. %he sur*ey re(ort shows that there are so$e local 'rands also which are !a$ous 'ecause o! their low (rice range and good +uality !a'ric, >hilwara is one o! the$. #ocal wholesalers also (ush these local 'rands 'ecause o! the easy a*aila'ility o! the !a'rics and 'etter (ro!it $argin on these (roducts. FM should also target these wholesalers through 'etter  (ro$otional sche$es.

%hough Donear is 2nown in the Rajasthan $ar2et 'ut it needs re1energize the 'rand through new ad*ertise$ents 'e it %@Cs, (rint $edia ad*ertise$ents. rint $edia ad*ertise$ents and (a$(hlets can hel( the 'rand in $a2ing o*er the 'rand i$age. %he !la*or o! the ad*ertise$ents should 'e e$otions and senti$ents 'ecause then the 'rand can easily connect "ndian $iddle and u((er class crowd. So$e cele'rity endorse$ents can also hel( the 'rand. A(art !ro$ $ar2eting e!!orts, (ac2aging is an i$(ortant as(ect in Rajasthan tetile $ar2et. %hey can !ollow Siyara$Bs and (ro*ide 'etter (ac2aging to attract custo$ers. ac2aging is an as(ect which engenders trust in the 'rand. As stated a'o*e Donear is 2nown to the Rajasthan $ar2et and hence to ha*e the credi'ility with the 'rand FM they should carry the na$e o! Donear with it 'ut there is another side to it. Donear is not a (re$iu$ 'rand and (rice range o! its stoc2 is lower than that o! Ray$ond and Siyara$Bs and hence custo$ers $ay not (ercei*e it as a (re$iu$ 'rand.

A!ter sales ser*ices and distri'ution channels are also i$(ortant in Rajasthan $ar2et. holesalers in Kota and Karauli $ar2et (ointed out things a'out distri'ution channels. A(art !ro$ this they (ointed out a'out sche$es, they said Siyara$Bs (ro*ide 'etter o!!ers in co$(arison to FM. FM should increase the credit  (eriod so as to $a2e the 'rand $ore (ro!ita'le to wholesalers as well as the retailers. %he tetile $ar2et in Rajasthan is *ery co$(etiti*e and hence FM $ust ha*e (ush strategy there to gain the $ar2et share.

Acknowledgement " e(ress a dee( sense o! gratitude to Dr. Shailja Agarwal !or hel(ing $e to $a2e this (roject a success!ul one. " got a chance to learn so$e 'asic and so$e new conce(ts o! sales and $ar2eting under her $entorshi(. " was a'le to co$(lete this (roject success!ully under her guidance, where " learnt how to deal with retailers and wholesalers due to her $entorshi( and guidance. " also ac2nowledge $y industry $entor Mr. R.K. Chaudhary who is the CEO. Ferrino Mizzoni in Donear "ndustries #i$ited. "t was his idea to na$e the (roject and $a2e it success!ul !or 'oth the co$(any and $e. 3e led $e through out the duration o! the (roject whene*er " !elt heat. 3e taught $e how to deal with retailers, what the distri'ution channel o! Donear is, how to i$(le$ent di!!erent conce(ts in the (ractical world. Donear "ndustries #i$ited ga*e $e a wonder!ul o((ortunity to (ursue the internshi( !ro$ there. %he wor2 culture o! the co$(any is *ery $uch e$(loyee !riendly. Manage$ent and e$(loyees always ac2nowledge each other, they always a((reciate othersB achie*e$ents. 3ence it was  (leasure !or $e to wor2 under the Mu$'ai 'ranch o! Donear "ndustries #i$ited and learn di!!erent conce(ts o! sales and $ar2eting. %his will surely 'e a great start o! 0 nd year o! M>A a!ter co$(leting $y internshi( in such an estee$ed organization.

Table of Contents A'stract............................................................................................................................................6 Ac2nowledge$ent...........................................................................................................................? #ist o! Figures................................................................................................................................7 #ist o! %a'les.................................................................................................................................. #ist o! A''re*iations.....................................................................................................................0  "ntroduction.................................................................................................................................: . A'out Donear "ndustries #i$ited........................................................................................: 0 >ac2ground to the (ro'le$........................................................................................................8 0. roducts...............................................................................................................................8 0.0 otential Custo$ers.............................................................................................................6 0.: Distri'ution channels...........................................................................................................6 : #iterature Re*iew.......................................................................................................................? :. "ndian %etile "ndustry.........................................................................................................? 8 Research ro'le$.......................................................................................................................9 8. Research Design..................................................................................................................9 8.0 Sa$(le and Data Collection Method...................................................................................9 8.: Sa$(ling %echni+ue............................................................................................................9 8.8 "nstru$ent............................................................................................................................9 8.6 Areas !or Field @isits...........................................................................................................07 6 Analysis.......................................................................................................................................0 6. orterBs Fi*e Forces.............................................................................................................0 6.0 SO% Analysis...................................................................................................................0: 6.: Co$(etitor Analysis............................................................................................................08  ri$ary Research........................................................................................................................06 . Analysis o! the ri$ary Research Data...............................................................................0 .. Collation o! the ri$ary Research Data.......................................................................0 ..0 Manual Data Filtering...................................................................................................0 ..: >rand Distri'ution Cur*e 1 Rajasthan..........................................................................0 ..8 Cross %a'ulation...........................................................................................................0? ..6 Cross %a'ulation Results..............................................................................................04 .. Analysis o! Cross %a'ulation Results...........................................................................: ? #earning !ro$ Rajasthan Mar2et................................................................................................:0 4 Reco$$endations.......................................................................................................................::

4. Mar2eting ;Ad*ertisingrand "$age o! DonearSe(aration o! Donear and FM.......................................................:? 9 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................:9 7 A((endi ................................................................................................................................87  Re!erences.................................................................................................................................8

List of Figures Figure = Sil*assa lant.................................................................................................................0 Figure 0= roduct Categories, Ferrino Mizzoni.............................................................................: Figure := Distri'ution Channels.....................................................................................................8 Figure 8= "ndian %etile Mar2et Size............................................................................................. Figure 6= "ndiaBs %etile and A((arel Sector.................................................................................? Figure = orterBs Fi*e Forces.......................................................................................................07 Figure ?= SO% Analysis..............................................................................................................00 Figure 4= >rand Distri'ution Cur*e...............................................................................................06 Figure 9= Mar2eting *s. >rand re!erence.....................................................................................0? Figure 7= A!ter Sale Ser*ices *s. >rand re!erence.....................................................................0? Figure = ac2aging *s. >rand re!erence...................................................................................04 Figure 0= rice Range *s. >rand re!erence................................................................................04 Figure := Distri'ution Channel *s. >rand re!erence..................................................................09 Figure 8= E$otions, Father and 2id.............................................................................................:: Figure 6= E$otions, Father and Daughter....................................................................................:8 Figure = Cele'rity Endorse$ent.................................................................................................:6 Figure ?= rint Media Ad*ertise$ent..........................................................................................: Figure 4= ac2aging used 'y Mistair...........................................................................................:?

List of Tables

%a'le = otential Custo$ers ;Ferrino Mizzoniundi and >harat(ur districts o! Rajasthan, &anja$, Khordha, and uri districts o! Odisha and Delhi, -oida and &hazia'ad. Around 077 sa$(les were ta2en in each state. "  (roduced the results o! the !ield *isits in Rajasthan area.

/ Anal&sis "ndian tetile industry is +uite 'ig, it contri'utes 8J to the countryBs &D and e$(loys 86$n (eo(le directly and 7$n (eo(le indirectly. "t is a la'our and $achine intensi*e industry, raw $aterial is  (rocured !ro$ *arious (arts o! the country to the !actories and yarn is (roduced there. Fro$ yarn, !a'ric is  (roduced in di!!erent !actories ;$illshilwara


E(ensi*e 'rand %hey (ro*ide good (ro!essional o!!ers and sche$es to retailers Easily a*aila'le at all wholesale and retail counters @ery good 'rand i$age 'ecause o! the

@ery !ew retail counters ha*e stoc2  #ac2 o! *isi'ility has caused its etinction !ro$ the $ar2et Al$ost all the retailers 2now the 'rand 'ut $any ha*e issues Co$'o (ac2s are good and are a*aila'le at so$e

#ow (riced (roducts 5 !a$ous in (rice sensiti*e $ar2et Stoc2ed 'y al$ost e*ery retailer  holesalers and retailers are ready to sell these !a'rics as $argins are high and sales *olu$es are high


7 "rimar& $esearc %he (ri$ary research was re+uired to get the retailer as well as the custo$er (erce(tion 'e!ore i$(le$enting D%R ser*ices. %he goal o! the (ri$ary research was to get the !eed'ac2 o! the retailers regarding the $ar2eting and ad*ertising strategy, distri'ution channels, (ricing strategy, +uality o! the  (roduct, de$and o! the custo$ers, satis!actiondissatis!action with the a!ter sales ser*ices, (ac2aging etc. %o (ro*ide a (lan or strategy to FM to enter into D%R $ar2et or hel( the$ regain their 'rand i$age ;Donear< it was re+uired to !irst get the !eed'ac2 o! the retailers and wholesalers. %he in1de(th inter*iews were conducted in this (ri$ary research which hel(ed to get to 2now the o!!erings o! the co$(etitors, their (ac2aging, sche$es to the retailers as well as to the wholesalers, +uality o! the (roduct etc.

ri$ary research was conducted with the hel( o! a sur*ey +uestionnaire which is shown in A((endi . %he sur*ey +uestionnaire consists o! !ollowing +uestions=

)ricing Strategy ricing is an i$(ortant as(ect in tetile industry. As FM is targeting custo$ers

!ro$ tier0 and tier: cities also along with tier cities, it 'eco$es i$(ortant to 2ee( in $ind the cost to custo$ers. %hose retailers were identi!ied who stoc2 in the !a'rics o! the sa$e (rice 'and. As FM is targeting $ainly on suiting in co$(arison to shirting, (rice 'and o! suiting was targeted. Bran& )re'erence Co$(etitor analysis is always i$(ortant to these ty(e o! (ri$ary research. Guestions related to co$(etitors were as2ed. hich 'rand o! suiting is stoc2ed in 'y the retailer, why does he (re!er the (articular 'rand, does custo$er as2 !or a (articular 'rand, what $atters to the custo$ers= 'rand, +uality or (rice. A7areness o' +onear an& M Guestions related to awareness o! Donear and Ferrino Mizzoni were also as2ed. Mar2eting o! a 'rand is the 'ac2 'one o! the tetile industry. "n so$e o! the sur*eyed (laces custo$er co$es with the 'rand na$e to the retailer. Custo$er can ne*er to a retailer with a 'rand na$e which heshe is not aware o!. Re,arks Guestions related to distri'ution channels, (ac2aging, a!ter sales ser*ices, $ar2eting and ad*ertising (ro(ositions, discount sche$es to the retailer as well as to the wholesaler, (rice ranges and +uality o! the !a'ric etc. were as2ed. So$e o! the retailer and wholesalers (ro*ided genuine !eed'ac2 and ga*e so$e strategies to !ollow. %he +uestions consisted the (re!erence o!  'rands according to the retailer;with the (re!erence orderrand (ositioning and $ar2eting strategies o! these are two 'rands are so solid in this region that e*en a *illage custo$er co$e to a retailer and as2 !or these 'rands. @illage custo$ers 'uy suit !a'ric only on the occasion o! $arriage and they are $ostly interested in dura'le and chea( !a'ric.

Siyara$Bs has a wide range o! o(tions in this $ar2et which cater to the de$and o! *illage as well as ur'an custo$er. Reid  %aylor was !a$ous in the region o! country 'ut de$and has di$inished o*er the years. Many retailer who now sells Siyara$Bs used to sell Donear so$e 816 years 'ac2 'ut the $ar2eting strategy, (oor  distri'ution channel, (oor sche$es to the retailer, (oor (ac2aging in co$(arison to these 'rands were the cause !or the$ to change their (re!erence.

7.1.+ Cross Tabulation Cross ta'ulation is a techni+ue which hel(s in !inding out the !actors which a!!ect out(utresults in a situation. "n this research, data suggests that there are $any !actors which can a!!ect the inclination o! a custo$er or a retailer or a wholesaler towards a (articular !a'ric 'rand. %he 'rand (re!erence o! a custo$er can 'e a!!ected 'y $ar2eting strategy o! a 'rand, distri'ution channel, +uality o! the !a'ric, discount sche$es to the retailer or the wholesaler, a!ter sales ser*ices o! the co$(any or its wholesaler,  (ac2aging, (rice range and color $atching etc. %hese !actors were selected with the hel( o! co$(any eecuti*e and then cross ta'ulation was (er!or$ed. For Rajasthan area the research data was used to !ind out the e!!ect o! $ar2eting strategy, distri'ution channels, a!ter sales ser*ices, (ac2aging and (rice range on the 'rand (re!erence o! the retailer who  (ro*ides the shel! s(ace according to the (re!erence o! the custo$er. hile (er!or$ing the cross ta'ulation on the Rajasthan research data the 'rands were distri'uted into scale ,0 and :. Scale = Ray$ond, Siyara$Bs and &rasi$ ;Most (re!erred< Scale 0= Donear, &ra*iera and Reid  %aylor ;A*erage< Scale := Mayur, >S#, >el$onte, Ma2ers and others ;#east (re!erred<

7.1./ Cross Tabulation $esults

igure 9 Marketing vs. Bran& )re'erence

igure 10 A'ter Sale Services vs. Bran& )re'erence

igure 11 )ackaging vs. Bran& )re'erence

igure 1# )rice Range vs. Bran& )re'erence

igure 13 +istriution hannel vs. Bran& )re'erence

7.1.7 Anal&sis of Cross Tabulation $esults

Tale # ross Taulation Results

A< Cross ta'ulation results say that the 'rand (re!erence o! a retailer de(ends on $ar2eting strategy o! a 'rand. %he 'randing o! a 'rand $atters to a retailerwholesaler as well as to a custo$er. Custo$er in Rajasthan co$es to a retailer with the na$e o! a 'rand, it $ostly is either Ray$ond or Siyara$Bs. Mar2eting ;digital $ar2eting, social $edia $ar2eting, (rint $edia $ar2eting< or ad*ertising $atters to a custo$er. One !eels what one see, FM should also ado(t the (ath o! $ar2eting. One retailer in Karauli as2ed !or (a$(hlets and s$all 'ill 'oards as he wants $ar2eting !ro$ FM and Donear, he said the +uality o! the cloth is 'etter than Siyara$Bs 'ut their $ar2eting strategy does not su((ort the (roduct. %hey $ust (lan 'etter and go to resurrection o! their 'rand i$age. >< As the signi!icance *alue o! a!ter sales ser*ices are higher than 7.76, a!ter sales ser*ices are insigni!icant in Rajasthan. 3ence a!ter sales ser*ices o! the tetile co$(anies do not $atter to a retailer to (ro*ide the$ shel! s(ace. C< >rand (re!erence o! a retailer de(ends on (ac2aging. As (ac2aging $atters to a custo$er in Rajasthan, it $atters to a retailer as well as to a wholesaler. hen (ac2aging is good the $aterial inside attracts to a custo$er and it lures hi$ to 'uy. Ray$ond and Siyara$Bs 2ee( it in $ind and sell their (roducts in attracti*e (ac2aging. %his is a $ar2eting strategy, FM should also ado(t it.

One retailer in Keshorai(atan showed the (ac2aging o! Siyara$Bs and said custo$er as2 !or these 2ind o! attracti*e (ac2aging. D< Custo$er o! Rajasthan does not (re!er costly !a'ric. %hey (re!er the !a'ric which is in their (rice  'and and dura'le, which is in attracti*e (ac2aging. Custo$er o! tier0 and tier: city $ostly (re!er clothes which are not costly, hisher (oc2et does not allow to a!!ord such costly !a'ric. rice range o! FM starts !ro$ 77 to the end consu$ers and it does not co$e under the 'udget o! these  (eo(le, they want chea( !a'ric which is a*aila'le in >hilwara. >hilwara is sold on $ore than ?7J o! the sho(s sur*eyed in Rajasthan. >hilwara cloth starts !ro$ Rs.67$eter and hence it is a!!orda'le to the *illage and tier0 and tier: custo$ers. -ow a days custo$ers as2 either ready$ade gar$ents or chea( !a'ric. E< Distri'ution channel is not a (ro'le$ in Rajasthan. eo(le 2now FM and Donear in Rajasthan and hence they ha*e their wholesalers esta'lished there and ha*e shel! s(ace in $any retail counters. %hough according to so$e retailers there is a (ro'le$ o! su((lies to so$e *illages or towns otherwise the reach is to al$ost all the *illages and towns o! the state. So$e areas o! Sawai Madho(ur and Karauli ha*e so$e (ro'le$s otherwise distri'ution channel is good, !or retailers it is not a (ro'le$ and hence it is co$ing out to 'e insigni!icant !or the$. Signi!icance *alue is $ore than 7.76, it is 7.0? hence it is insigni!icant.

: Learning from $a9astan -arket . 0. :. 8. 6. . ?. 4.

>rand (erce(tion leads to (urchasing and it needs $ar2eting and ad*ertising e!!orts Distri'ution networ2 is good 'ut dealerBs res(onse is not good ac2aging $atters in Rajasthan tetile $ar2et >rand $atters $ore to the custo$ers in co$(arison to +uality and (rice o! the (roduct >etter discount sche$es should 'e (ro*ided to the retailers to lure the$ to (ro*ide shel! s(ace oly @iscose is in de$and in Rajasthan tetile $ar2et roduct o! Ferrino Mizzoni is e+ui*alent to that o! Siyara$Bs Awareness o! Ferrino Mizzoni is *ery low

; $ecommendations ;.1 -arketing (Advertising* As shown a'o*e in the cross ta'ulation results $ar2etingad*ertising'rand i$age is i$(ortant in Rajasthan $ar2et. Custo$er in Rajasthan 'uy 'ecause o! the 'rand i$age o! a co$(any. Ray$ond and Siyara$Bs ha*e *ery good 'rand i$age and hence the sale o! these two 'rands is *ery good here and retailer stoc2 in these 'rands. %hey $ust use (rint and social $edia $ar2eting to $a2e Donear and FM 'rand *isi'le in the $ar2et.

;.1.1 ,ocial -edia -arketing As the age grou( o! target audience o! FM is 06 to 67 years and inco$e grou( is 6la2h and a'o*e, these  (eo(le $ust 'e tech 1 sa**y and internet 5 sa**y. 3ence it should 'e hel(!ul to reach the$ with the hel( o! $ass $edia channels li2e social $edia $ar2eting. e can use social $edia (ortals li2e !ace'oo2, youtu'e to $a2e (eo(le aware a'out the 'rand.

;.1.2 T0 Commercials Ray$ond and Siyara$Bs use %@Cs to strengthen their 'rand i$age. Ray$ond has tried to use these %@ co$$ercials to target e$otions, !eelings and senti$ents o! (u'lic. "n the %@Cs shown 'y the$, the y  (ortray the relation o! a son and $other, daughter and !ather, son1in1law and !ather etc. %hey want to show that to 'eco$e a co$(lete $an you should wear !a'rics o! Ray$ond. %hese are so$e ad*ertise$ents showing e$otions= !



8 outu'e. ;078, Oct?ollywood. %hough in the (ast Donear has tried @i*e2 O'eroi yet again they can try so$e other >ollywood cele'rity or cric2eter and so$e other s(orts (layer to endorse their  (roducts.

6 outu'e. ;0774, -o* :7ased on the analysis o! the research data $ar2eting strategy o! a !ir$ in the tetile industry, (ac2aging and (rice range see$s to 'e *ery crucial in Rajasthan. Kota and >harat(ur are 'ig $ar2ets and custo$ers co$e !ro$ near'y *illages and towns to districts to (urchase !a'rics. %hough Sawai Madho(ur, Karauli and >undi are not 'ig $ar2ets yet 3indaun, a tehsil in Karauli district, has *ery $uch (otential. Data o! ?7 retail outlets were collected and out o! those around 67 were !ound to 'e (otential custo$ers o! FM. FM should (roject itsel! as a (re$iu$ 'rand, a(art !ro$ the +uality o! the !a'ric they should (roject  'etter distri'ution channel, a!ter sales ser*ices. FM should !irst target tier cities and then stretch itsel! to tier0 and tier: cities o! "ndia.

1> A!!endi% 1

11 $eferences •

hili( Kotler, Ke*in #. Keller, A'raha$ Koshy and Mithileshwar Qha ;070
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