Project on Fortis Hospital
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Organizational Structure Project Fortis Hospital – Noida
We would like to express our gratitude to all those who gave us their valuable tie and support to coplete this project! We want to thank Pro"! Neeraj #uar "or giving us the opportunit$ and challenge to explore our knowledge in organizational structure and design skills through this topic which has ultiatel$ enhanced our understanding on the subject besides giving us a practical iplication o" the real tie structure and design o" an organization! %t gave us a chance to visualize and anal$ze the strateg$ and design& which would help us in a long run in our streas o" corporate lives! 'r! Neeraj(s stiulating suggestions during the course o" project were a great help! We would also like to thank )r *!+!,hordi$a& )irector Fortis Noida who supported us on necessar$ research work which laid the "oundation "or our project! -esides& the tea work within the group has been indispensable at di""erent stages o" work and "or the success"ul copletion o" the project! .ach one/s contribution and constant suggestions "or iproveent have gone a long wa$ in bringing the project to the "inal shape!
About Fortis Healthcare
Fortis Healthcare 0iited& a leading healthcare organization in %ndia has a vision o" 1creating a world2class integrated healthcare deliver$ s$ste in %ndia& entailing the "inest edical skills cobined with copassionate patient care1! Fortis Healthcare 0iited is one o" the leading chains o" Hospitals and a leader in healthcare consultanc$ in %ndia which is bencharked to %nternational standards 2 achieving 3ualit$ through the relentless adherence to the protocols observed in soe o" the world4s leading hospitals! %n line with its growth strateg$ and with the recent ac3uisition o" the Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre& Fortis Healthcare has taken its total operational hospital strength to 28 hospitals (including 2 satellite!heart command centers"# 5he Fortis Healthcare group has progressive plans to change the healthcare deliver$ landscape in %ndia b$ being the preier healthcare provider in the region driven b$ 3ualit$ and ost iportantl$ 1patient2centricit$1!
0eading healthcare group in %ndia atching international standard
First hospital opened in 678889 at 'ohali
Hallark is 6patient2centricit$9 approach
*t present it has :: hospitals and :&;s and %,,>s! .ver$ unit identi"ied a 3ualit$ chapion& ideall$ a senior clinician& who was supported b$ a "ull2tie 3ualit$ tea leader and two executive assistants! *ll eplo$ees were trained on 3ualit$ protocols and copliance! Code o0 conduct
5his talk about the guiding principles which are expected to underpin all operations o" Fortis group copanies and actions o" its people! *dherence to this code o" conduct is expected to be odeled and rein"orced at all tie b$ directors& anageent& eplo$ees and other "ull tie associates o" the Fortis Healthcare group! 5he Fortis Healthcare group o" ,opanies is coitted to uphold its value in all endeavors and shall partner with business associated who believe in and proote siilar values!
*EC'I)1 A% )R,A1IA'I)1A3 4ER*4EC'I$E* 4hilosoph
5he Fortis Healthcare group believes in creating& sustaining and growing success"ul businesses based on 3ualit$ products and servicesA value to custoers and shareholdersA partnership with eplo$ees and other stakeholdersA ethical practices and good corporate citizenship! ni5ersal Causes
5he Fortis Healthcare group is coitted to "ostering the universal causes o" .nvironental Protection& Huan Bights and Health "or all! * Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ shall strive to contribute activel$ to these causes where possible and& iniall$& shall ensure that no sphere o" its activit$ ipacts detrientall$ upon an$ o" these causes! 1ational Interests
* Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ is coitted to contribute to the econoic and social developent o" %ndia and other countries in which it operates! %t shall strive to align its activities to the econoic developent and "oreign policies& objectives and priorities o" the nation/s governent and conduct its business a""airs within the legal and statutor$ "raework! 5he copan$ will respect the socio2cultural and religious ores o" the countr$ in which it operates! 4olitical 1on6Alignment
5he Fortis Healthcare group is coitted to and shall support a "unctioning deocratic s$ste in %ndia! * Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ shall not& directl$ or indirectl$& support an$ speci"ic political part$ or candidate "or political o""ice! Communit *er5ice
* Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ shall activel$ engage in& and contribute to& iproving the 3ualit$ o" li"e o" people in the counities in which it operates& through speci"icall$ identi"ies initiatives! %t shall also encourage and support volunteer activities "or counit$ service b$ its eplo$ees! Industries -e5elopment
5he Fortis Healthcare group shall activel$ engage with polic$ akers and industr$ associations towards developing the regulator$ "raework o" the industr$& establishing 3ualit$ bencharks "or products and services and prooting ethical business and trade practices! *hareholders
* Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ is coitted to enhance shareholder value! 5he copan$ shall copl$ with all regulations and laws that govern shareholders/ rights! 5he board o" directors o" the copan$ shall dul$ and "airl$ in"or its shareholders about all relevant aspects o" the copan$/s business!
* Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ shall position the custoer as the central "ocus
o" all its business activities and providing value to custoers as its central preise! %t shall provide high 3ualit$ products and services towards eeting identi"ied needs and re3uireents o" its custoers and strive to continuall$ upgrade the bencharks o" custoer value and experience! * Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ shall adhere to the highest standards o" legal and ethical behavior in creating and developing its relationships with custoers! Emploees
5he Fortis Healthcare group recognizes its people as the ke$ source and drivers o" its endeavors! %t is coitted to upholding its core HB values in all dealings with eplo$ees and other signi"icant associates – huan dignit$& respect& trust and epowerent! * Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ shall be an e3ual opportunit$ eplo$er& with erit being the prie consideration in both recruitent and advanceent& and will not discriinate on the basis o" race& caste& religion or sex! %t will be an a""irative action eplo$er and will activel$ "oster diversit$ in eplo$ent! * Fortis Healthcare =roup ,opan$ shall deand& deonstrate and proote pro"essional behavior and respect"ul treatent o" all eplo$ees! * Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ shall provide a sa"e& health$& gender2unbiased and supportive work environent to its eplo$ees& "ree "ro an$ t$pe o" harassent& sexual or otherwise& ph$sical or verbal abuse or intiidation! * Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ shall base its HB anageent s$stes and processes on the value o" eritocrac$& e3uit$& objectivit$& teawork& collaboration and epowerent! 5he Fortis Healthcare group shall provide opportunities "or& and support eplo$ees in exploring& developing and utilizing their potential and ac3uiring new knowledge and skills! 5he Fortis Healthcare group encourages and supports its eplo$ees in "ollowing the code o" conduct laid down b$ their pro"essional associations and accrediting agencies! *uppliers
5he Fortis Healthcare group recognizes that suppliers are iportant contributors to its business activities and is coitted to partnering suppliers in utuall$ bene"icial and respect"ul relationships! * Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ shall copl$ with agreeents and conditions o" engageent with suppliers& in letter and spirit! ,o5ernment Agencies
* Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ and its eplo$ees shall not o""er or give an$ copan$ "unds or properl$ as donation to an$ governent agencies or their representatives& directl$ or through interediaries& in order to obtain a "avorable decision in an$ atter!
5he Fortis Healthcare group believes in sustainable developent and is coitted to
best practices in environental attersA * Fortis Healthcare =roup ,opan$ shall copl$ with all applicable environental laws and regulations in conducting its business a""airs! %t shall prevent waste"ul use o" natural resources and iniize an$ hazardous ipact o" developent& production& use and disposal o" its products and services on the environent! Health and *a0et
5he Fortis Healthcare group attaches great iportance to a health$ and sa"e work environent! * Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ shall provide good ph$sical working conditions and encourage high standards o" h$giene and housekeeping! 5he copan$ shall ensure training o" eplo$ees to increase sa"et$ awareness and adoption o" sa"e working practices to prevent workplace accidents and iniize occupational health hazards! Related Compan 'ransactions & Cooperation within the ,roup
* Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ shall cooperate with other copanies within the group b$ sharing ph$sical assets& huan resources and knowledge& where possible& without adversel$ a""ecting its own business interests! * Fortis Healthcare group ,opan$ shall "ive pre"erences to another Fortis Healthcare copan$ in the procureent o" products and services on arket copetitive ters! Aligning 7ork *stems & 4rocesses
%t is the responsibilit$ o" the ,hie" .xecutive o" each business to ensure that the ,ode o" ,onduct is appropriatel$ counicated and propagated in their businesses& and that polic$& s$stes and processes in all areas o" their operations re"lect and rein"orce the guiding principles!
*EC'I)1 % 4ER*)1A3 C)1-C'
5he directors& anageent and eplo$ees o" the copan$& though their personal conduct& shape and conve$ the culture and tone o" the copan$ and its pro"essional
pursuits! %t is expected that each eber o" the Fortis Healthcare group shall constantl$ rein"orce the stated values o" the organization in their behavior and actions& in both internal and external interactions! usiness with Integrit
.plo$ees are expected to carr$ out copan$/s business with pro"essionalis& honest$ and integrit$& displa$ing high oral standards and ethical business practices& and without in an$ anner& coproising the interests o" the copan$ or group! Con0lict )0 Interest
* Fortis Healthcare eplo$ee shall not engage in an$ business& relationship or activit$& which a$ potentiall$ con"lict with the interest o" his copan$ or the =roup& without prior perission "ro the anageent! 5his would include but not be liited to concurrent eplo$entA business relationships with suppliersCcustoersA eplo$ing relatives or introducing the "or eplo$entA engaging in business with relatives or introducing relatives "or business relationshipsA "inancial investent with an actual or potential copetitor& supplier& custoer or other business associate! Customers
.plo$ees shall alwa$s keep the interests o" the custoers in the "ore"ront o" their activities and give the top priorit$! 5he$ are expected to interact with custoers with a high degree o" respect and in the spirit o" services! .plo$ees shall not acceptCgive an$ gi"ts& onetar$ or non2onetar$& "roCto custoers! *uppliers
.plo$ees are expected to ensure that the interests o" the copan$ are aintained in ters o" 3ualit$ o" products& services and copetitiveness o" prices and ters o""ered b$ suppliers! .plo$ees shall ensure that the copan$/s interests are never coproised in dealing with suppliers and will not accept gi"ts& other than those o" a coeorative nature& or an$ gratuit$& pa$ents& coissions or bene"its in kind "ro suppliers! 4rotection o0 Con0idential In0ormation
.plo$ees shall not disclose or use an$ con"idential in"oration gained in the course o" association with the copan$& "or personal gain or "or the advantage o" an$ other person! No in"oration shall be provided to the press& other publicit$ edia or an$ other external agenc$& "orall$ or in"orall$& expect within approved policies! 4ublic Representation
No eplo$ee& expect speci"icall$ authorized directors and eplo$ees& shall inter"ace with the edia and other public constituencies& such as the "inancial counit$ and shareholders& or disclose an$ in"oration pertaining to the business a""airs o" the copan$& to an$ external agenc$! 'eam 7orking
.plo$ees are expected to cooperate with their colleagues and work together
cohesivel$ and supportivel$& towards delivering re3uired per"orance and achieving organizational goals! 7orkplace eha5ior
.plo$ees shall ensure that their behavior at work is aligned with the Fortis Healthcare values and the$ conduct theselves with discipline and decoruA exhibit respect "or others in their dealingsA and do not subject an$ eplo$ee& associate& custoer& supplier or visitor to an$ harassent& sexual or otherwise& verbal or ph$sical abuse or intiidation! Relationships with Colleagues
%t is expected that eplo$ees shall not allow an$ personal relationships with colleagues to ipact their work related decisions& ani"est in unacceptable conduct in the workplace andCor during working hours& or result in isuse o" copan$ "acilities or bene"its! Adherence to Code o0 Conduct
%t is expected that all eplo$ees will adhere to and proote the Fortis Healthcare code o" ,onduct& in letter and spirit& and will be coitted to building up the iage& reputation and business o" the copan$ and the group! *n$ instance o" non2adherence to& or potential violation o"& the ,ode should be brought to the attention o" the iediate reporting superior or noinated authorit$ and shall be addressed appropriatel$!
Fortis )perational +anagement and *tructure
5he Fortis hospital network was based on a 6hub and spoke9 odel with ulti2 specialt$ 6spoke9 hospitals providing coprehensive health care services and 6hub9 hospitals with sub specialt$ services in one or ore areas! 5his odel helped Fortis provide coprehensive health care services "ro within its own network to a large geographical area! 5o ake optial use o" the intra2network re"erral odel& the nuber o" patients re"erred "or surgeries "ro within the network versus those who cae "ro outside were constantl$ onitored! Fortis/ hospital services prices were aong the highest in %ndia! Fortis justi"ied the higher prices b$ noting its large investents in in"rastructure& e3uipent& nursing "acilities& and proinent doctors with high salaries! 5he price o" procedures at sub2 specialt$ hospitals was higher than the 6spoke9 hospitals! Fortis bundled services at hospitals as 6Packages&9 a single charge "or a range o" services associated with a diagnosis& including exainations& coon tests& roo charges and procedure costs! Fortis re"ined an$ hospital protocols iported "ro the west "or the %ndian arket! For exaple& a t$pical %ndian patient checked in accopanied b$ three to "our attendants and this nuber soeties grew to 7< to :< "or patients "ro rural backgrounds! Fortis ensured that the higher nuber o" patient attendants was "actored in hospital design and work"lows! %t also accoodated cultural practices which varied draaticall$ across the countr$! 5he hospitals provisioned "or pra$er roos "or di""erent counities at di""erent sites! Fortis9 Human Resource 4olicies
Fortis considered the recruitent and retention o" highl$ skilled doctors& nurses and other personnel its top priorit$! 5he sta"" at hospitals operated and anaged b$ Fortis was copensated b$ the respective hospital owners! *t its owned hospitals& Fortis hired reputed ph$sicians at above2arket salaries to access the patient roster and increase the copan$/s standing in the industr$! ,ultural "it was also used as selection criterion in the interview process! *ll specialists and ost general practitioners were copensated on a salar$ plus incentive basis! 5he$ worked across the network hospitals& depending on deand! 5he ph$sicians who practiced exclusivel$ within the Fortis network earned a guaranteed incoe and had predictable working hours! 5he$ could also provide better continuu o" care to patients& and had ore tie "or resource developent and research! *lthough Fortis paid ore in salar$ costs during the initial $ears& it hoped to lower personnel costs in the "uture as ph$sicians/ practices expanded! Fortis outsourced housekeeping& securit$& grounds aintenance and various other edical support services! %n ost cases& Fortis replaced the ph$sician2led anageent o" ac3uired hospitals with pro"essional anagers! 5his practice soeties disturbed the power structure within the hospitals& creating "riction between ph$sicians and anagers! * senior cardiologist at the recentl$ ac3uired .scorts heart hospital rearked& 6Fortis/ anageent is generating ill2will aongst the ph$sicians& soe o" who are the best in the countr$! 5he$ overrule the decisions o" senior surgeons and introduce policies without consulting the ph$sicians!9 5o address such concerns& the Huan Besources departents o" Fortis group hospitals "ocused on balancing business re3uireents with the otivational concerns o" the ph$sicians! ,opensation o" ph$sicians varied signi"icantl$& depending on seniorit$& specialt$& reputation and deand "or their services! Fortis had developed a "orula to calculate
the variable coponent o" salar$& which "actored success rate o" various procedures& patient re"errals& and rapport with patients& adinistrative responsibilities and publications! 5hough Fortis encouraged ph$sicians to conduct research& it had not developed a clear odel to copensate "or the tie! 5he ph$sicians in non2core specialt$ areas& such as dentistr$ and ophthalolog$& and in ulti2specialt$ practices& were peritted to aintain their own separate private practices and to consult at other hospitals! 5he$ were copensated on a "ee2"or2service or revenue2 sharing basis! Fortis/ salaries were considerabl$ higher than the national average! 5he salaries o" the ost senior consultants ranged "ro >SD7! #her& 6Outsourcing $our heart&9 5ie 'agazine& 'a$ :8& :
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