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COIR BOARD  Project report  report  Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the  Degree  Degree of  MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

From Cochin University of Science And Technology


LINESH P RAJ Reg. No: 85290192

Under the guidance of  M.Be!o" J P##$%#& F#$'&(" o) MBA DEPARTMENT OF MANA*EMENT STUDIES



I, Linesh P R, Register Numer!"#$%&'%$, $&&%!$&'' (tch )th semester *BA student of + - - * College College of .ngineerin .ngineering g (nd Inform(tion Inform(tion Tech Technology nology,, Cherth(l( Cherth(l( herey decl(re decl(re,,

/ro0ect /ro0ect

re/ort entitled, 1A Study 2n Customer S(tisf(ction of Coir Products3 is (n origin(l 4or5 (nd the s(me h(s not een sumitted to (ny (n y other institute for the (4(rd of (ny other degree

Cherth(l( &'!&)!$&''

Linesh P R(0


I, Linesh P R, Register Numer!"#$%&'%$, $&&%!$&'' (tch )th semester *BA student of + - - * College College of .ngineerin .ngineering g (nd Inform(tion Inform(tion Tech Technology nology,, Cherth(l( Cherth(l( herey decl(re decl(re,,

/ro0ect /ro0ect

re/ort entitled, 1A Study 2n Customer S(tisf(ction of Coir Products3 is (n origin(l 4or5 (nd the s(me h(s not een sumitted to (ny (n y other institute for the (4(rd of (ny other degree

Cherth(l( &'!&)!$&''

Linesh P R(0


Any (ttem/t (t (ny level c(nnot e s(tisf(ctorily com/leted 4ithout the su//ort (nd guid(nce of  le(rned /eo/le The (uthor t(5es e6treme /le(sure to e6/ress her dee/ sense of gr(titude to D.M#e/ R P&&#, 7irector of *(n(gement Studies, +-* College of .ngineering (nd Inform(tion Technology for  his ins/iring guid(nce (nd encour(gement throughout the /re/(r(tion (nd com/letion of this  /ro0ect The (uthor8s sincere th(n5s to her /ro0ect guide M.Be!o" J P##$%e&  , 7e/(rtment of *BA, +-* Colleg Collegee of .ngine .ngineeri ering ng (nd Inform Inform(ti (tion on Techno echnology logy for his v(lu(l v(lu(lee guid(n guid(nce ce (nd immense hel/ throughout the /ro0ect 4or5 The (uthor 4ish to e6/ress her dee/ (nd sincere feeling of gr(titude to (ll the f(culties of  7e/(rtment of *BA, +-* College of .ngineering (nd Inform(tion Technology Technology Author t(5es this o//ortunity to th(n5 M. Boo#&#, R97 7e/(rtment, Coir Bo(rd, Cochin for  his v(lu(le suggestion (nd encour(gement throughout the /ro0ect The Author (lso 4(nts to th(n5 M.%'3 *(r5eting ing 7irect 7irector or of this this org(ni org(ni:(t :(tion ion for his su//or su//ortt M.%'3## ## /4#3" &&#, *(r5et reg(rding the /ro0ect th(t led to the successful (ccom/lishment of this /ro0ect The (uthor e6/resses his dee/ (nd sincere th(n5s to (ll the st(ffs of Coir Bo(rd Cochin



According to the estim(tes y the *inistry of St(tistics (nd Progr(mme Im/lement(tion, the Indi(n economy h(s registered ( gro4th of ;) /er cent in $&&%!'&, 4ith "< /er cent ye(r!on! ye(r gro4th in its fourth =u(rter The gro4th is driven y roust /erform(nce of the m(nuf(cturing sector on the (c5 of government (nd consumer s/ending >7P gro4th r(te of  ;) /er cent in $&&%!'& h(s e6ceeded the government forec(st of ;$ /er cent for the full ye(r According to government d(t(, the m(nuf(cturing sector 4itnessed ( gro4th of 'olden Fire3 h(d c(/tured the euro/e(n (nd the 4orld m(r5ets The ruling 4orld m(r5et By '%ross 7omestic Product >7P gro4th, (nd (n even stronger /redictor of Person(l Consum/tion .6/enditure PC. gro4th 2n the microeconomic level, rese(rch h(s sho4n th(t ACSI d(t(  /redicts stoc5 m(r5et /erform(nce, oth for m(r5et indices (nd for individu(lly tr(ded com/(nies Incre(sing ACSI scores h(s een sho4n to /redict loy(lty, 4ord!of!mouth recommend(tions, (nd /urch(se eh(vior The ACSI me(sures customer s(tisf(ction (nnu(lly for  more th(n $&& com/(nies in )? industries (nd '& economic sectors In (ddition to =u(rterly re/orts, the ACSI methodology c(n e (//lied to /riv(te sector com/(nies (nd government

(gencies in order to im/rove loy(lty (nd /urch(se intent T4o com/(nies h(ve een licensed to (//ly the methodology of the ACSI for oth the /riv(te (nd /ulic sectorM CFI >rou/, Inc (//lies the methodology of the ACSI offline, (nd Foresee Results (//lies the ACSI to 4esites (nd other online initi(tives In s/ring $&&), Qu(d stone commissioned ( study of the (//ro(ch th(t l(rge consumer  enter/rises (re t(5ing to im/rove customer service e6/eriences The rese(rch m(inly consisted of  in!de/th intervie4s 4ith e6ecutives in the fin(nci(l services (nd telecommunic(tions sectors, ut it (lso included (n e!m(il =uestionn(ire 4ith consumers (nd ( mystery sho//ing investig(tion into customer service centers The study finds th(t im/roving customersD s(tisf(ction 4ith service is ( r(/idly rising cor/or(te  /riority (nd com/(nies  (re incre(sing investment in tr(c5ing customer s(tisf(ction (nd 4h(t drives it hile the m(0ority of com/(nies (re eginning to underst(nd (ggreg(te!level trends in customer s(tisf(ction, only ( fe4 com/(nies (re (le to system(tic(lly identify ho4 to ch(nge service delivery /rocesses for the etter ! yet this is 4h(t (ll of the intervie4ed com/(nies most 4(nt to do Addition(lly, the study defines ( success model for emr(cing (nd driving ch(nge (sed on customer s(tisf(ction metrics, (nd it l(ys out the c(/(ilities th(t com/(nies must develo/ to fully lever(ge customer s(tisf(ction d(t( in driving ch(nge (cross the org(ni:(tion The survey finds th(t telecommunic(tions com/(nies (re, in gener(l, more committed (nd so/histic(ted in their (//ro(ch to customer s(tisf(ction th(n fin(nci(l services com/(nies Fund(ment(lly, org(ni:(tions (re striving for ( level of underst(nding th(t is dee/er (nd more s/ecific th(n gener(l customer feed(c5 

C#(e! A#&"// #7 I(ee(#(o

An(lysis (nd inter/ret(tion c(rried out y (n(ly:ing the customer8s feed(c5 on the (sis of  v(ri(les fi6ed, ieE gender, income, living (re( (nd /eriod of (ssoci(tion This (n(lysis is e6/l(ined in the follo4ing /(r(gr(/hs T(le )' >ender (nd Income 7et(ils of res/ondents


Income $#,&&&! ' l5h

>ender  *(le



'!$ l5hs

Aove $




L(5hs ';

ender  *(le


Tr(de F(ir

F(mily9Friends Tot(l




r(/h )% Period of Customershi/ (nd Br(nd Loy(lty

T(le )'& Income (nd Br(nd Loy(lty 2nly from Coir Bo(rd Income

$#&&&!' l5h

' l5h to $ l5h

Aove $ l5h




< ';'J $)J '# ??)J ender (nd 2/inion (out Coir Bo(rd  2/inion Coir Bo(rd is Coir Bo(rd is not >ender  *(le



the Best )'

the est '%

ood Averge



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