Project on Bsnl
March 14, 2017 | Author: aditya verma | Category: N/A
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4. Customer Relationship Management
MARKETING STRATERGY • Marketing Objective • Marketing Process • Social Responsibility
Complaints Handling Complaints: A Critical Form of Communication
Why is Complaints Handling Important? Complaints Management System: Management's Role Customer Retention Strategy: Costs and Savings
Complaint Handling Staff
Publicizing the Customer Complaint Management System Third-party Dispute Resolution Basic Steps for Effective Complaint Management Complaint Management System Conclusions Complaint Management System Checklist 6.
Acknowledge ment Success of every project depends largely on the SELF & encouragement and guidance of many others. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this study project.
First of fall I would like to thank the Management at BSNL for giving me the opportunity to do my two-month project training in their esteemed organization. Internal Guide) for providing me with valuable advice and endless supply of new ideas and support for this project.
I would like to thank Mrs. Ruby Mam for providing practical exposure for the project and his valuable guidance during the project work.
INTRODUCTION Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (known as BSNL, India Communications Corporation Limited) is a public sector telecommunication company in India. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. formed in October, 2000, is World's 7th largest Telecommunications Company providing comprehensive range of telecom services in India: Wireline, CDMA mobile, GSM Mobile, Internet, Broadband, Carrier service, MPLS-VPN, VSAT, VoIP services, IN Services etc. Within a span of five years it has become one of the largest public sector unit in India. BSNL has installed Quality Telecom Network in the country and now focusing on improving it, expanding the network, introducing new telecom services with ICT applications in villages and wining customer's confidence. Today, it has about 47.3 million line basic telephone capacity, 4 million WLL capacity, 20.1 Million GSM Capacity, more than 37382 fixed exchanges, 18000 BTS, 287 Satellite Stations, 480196 Rkm of OFC Cable, 63730 Rkm of Microwave Network connecting 602 Districts, 7330 cities/towns and 5.5 Lakhs villages. It is India's largest telecommunication company with 24% market share as on March 31, 2008. Its headquarters are at Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Harish Chandra Mathur Lane, Janpath, New Delhi. It has the status of Mini Ratna, a status assigned to reputed public sector companies in India.
BSNL is India's oldest and largest Communication Service Provider (CSP). Currently has a customer base of 73 million as of June 2008. It has footprints throughout India except for the metropolitan cities of Mumbai and New Delhi which are managed by MTNL. To look for details and to collect data for my project I worked in B.S.N.L Office to gather full information about the system and working of whole region and found out the facts about various processes adopted by reliance to pay its advisors and the time period taken for this study are 2 months
Marketing strategies of BSNL Marketing vision of the BSNL has to be based on overall mission and vision of the organization. The mission of BSNL is i.
To provide world class State-of-art technology telecom services on demand at affordable price.
To provide world class telecom infrastructure to develop country's economy.
And the vision of BSNL is
i. To become the largest telecom Service Provider in Southeast Asia. In dynamic environment anything permanent is “CHANGE”. So we must revise and review so that focus is never lost.
Marketing Objective The ultimate objective of any marketing activity is to satisfy the customers and today even a step ahead i.e. ‘delighting’ the customers, for which customers are offered something beyond their expectations from the service or the product. The objective being to acquire and retain the customers, who should continually feel that they are getting more value of the money, they are departing with. Marketing is the establishment, development, maintenance and optimization of long-term mutually valuable relationships between consumers and organisation. Successful Marketing focuses on understanding the needs and desires of the customers and is achieved by placing these needs at the heart of business by integrating them with the organisation strategy, people, technology and business processes. At its most basic, Marketing involves customers, organisations and relationships and the combination creates the need for the management. Marketing is about creating a competitive advantage by being the best at understanding, communicating, and delivering and developing existing customer relationships in addition to creating and keeping new customers. The concept of the product life cycle is giving way to customer life cycle, focusing on developing products that anticipate the future needs of existing customers and creating services that extend
the existing customer relationship beyond the mere transaction. The customer life cycle will focus on lengthening the life span of the customer with the organisation rather than the endurance of a particular product. Customers have changing needs as their life styles alter- the development and provision of products and/or services that continuously seek to satisfy those needs is good Marketing. The Marketing will focus greater attention on how to deliver customer satisfaction and organisation will begin to structure itself around customer segments and not product lines. A good Marketing Strategy will take the business vision and apply it to the customer base. “Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.”
Once marketing is understood, we can define marketing management process as analyzing marketing opportunities, researching and selecting target markets, designing marketing strategies, planning marketing programs, and organizing, implementing, and controlling the marketing efforts. In simple words it implies a buyer, a seller, bonded by the mutual need, satisfying offer and a medium/process to exchange the offer.
Marketing Process
We often talk of marketing & Sales and often use it interchangeably without understanding the difference in it. Marketing is everything we do to get and leverage a client relationship. Marketing process is broad and includes all of the following: -
Discovering what customers want.
Producing a product features and quality.
product, with
service the
Pricing the product correctly.
Promoting the product; spreading the word about why customers should buy it.
Selling and delivering the product into the hands of the customer.
Social Responsibility We were the most trusted telecom brand in year 2003 & 2004. We have been given Golden Peacock award for Best Corporate Social responsibility. How can we leverage these distinctions? These achievements need to be highlighted through public relation exercise like press meet. This will help us in building our marketing image. In sales and distribution front though we have over one-lakh retailers, 1000 franchisees, 3300 CSCs, 36000 exchanges why are we not visible like others? Why can’t we utilize all possible space? Can’t we leverage our franchisee
and STD-PCO strengths? Can we make these outlets as our core strength? Why our recharge coupons, India Telephone Cards are in shortage when there is no capacity constraint? Does it imply that our planning for printing, inventory management, logistics, and supply chain and of course franchisee management is inefficient? Do we have targets for these just like DELs & CellOne? Why can’t we leverage this huge network for better customer care and improve collection efficiency? We must realize that with waiver of security deposits, no OYT schemes, no advance rentals, adjustment of landline security for CellOne, we don’t get fixed deposits to meet our funds requirements. Everything has to be met from Operating revenues. We need to improve collections, realize bills early, not on the last day of payment and reduce bad debts. We need to provide 24X7 culture in our organization, though we have been providing operation and maintenance on 24X7 basis in the past and we will continue to provide in future too, but what about provisioning customer care and marketing on 24X7 basis?
In anybusiness industry,unit the recruiting ability to Once The system enablesthrough managers Enabling approval theto understand yourtheir organization's The new system would allow leads explained specific look at the their needs, the BlackBerry givesown managers needs from workforce and sense managers toaenter requisitions, It's not about the tools and requirements, they gained Key Factors freedomof to work remotely,awithout
agile enough to focus your and the without reports they need take get action requiring improvement. they saw to move the recruiting process recruiting strategy to meet those instantly. along. administrative involvement. it in a is different light. needs essential
Several Steps have been taken at BSNL to augment the quality of customer care to international standards Access round the clock help at following toll free numbers • • •
Dataone Broadband '1600-424-1600' PSTN Call Center '1500' (in select states) Sancharnet Help Desk '1957'
CellOne all India Help '9400024365' All BSNL Customer Service Centers (CSCs) now remain open on all seven days from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM without any break for all activities. Cheque deposit machines have also been installed in many cities, so that customers can make payments 24X7 at their convenience. Customers can also make payments by cheque/Demand Draft to BSNL franchisees all over the country. With a view to simplify and offer customer friendly services, more than one Bfone connections can be applied on a single application form. Accordingly, a single demand note would be issued to the customer in respect of all the connections applied for. Shifting charges for local as well as all India shifting of fixed telephone (bfone) has been abolished. Pagers being given to outdoor staff in a phased manner for speedy rectification of faults. Majority of the local network is built up on jelly •
filled and OFC for trouble free service. Internal Distribution Points (DPs) being provided in the customer premises to eliminate the faults arising out of overhead wires. Extensive use of digital loop carrier (DLC)/Wireless in Local Loop (WLL) system for improving reliability of external plant. Remote Line Units (RLUs). Remote subscriber Units (RSUs) being provided extensively to reduce the long lengths of copper cables. Establishing call centers across the nation to provide single window solutions and convenience to customers. Countrywide Network Management & Surveillance System (NMSS) to ensure uninterrupted and efficient flow of telecom traffic. Application Forms for new connections have been made free of charge for all services. Procedure for restoration of telephones disconnected due to non-payment simplified and powers delegated to Secondary Switching Area (SSA) heads. Payment of telephone bills being received on Saturday and Sunday through cheques in City Telecom Offices (CTOs). More than one Public Call Office (PCO) permitted at the same premises. Various application forms and procedures being simplified for new telephone connections, shifting and third party transfer.
Complaints: A Critical Form of Communication
Complaints is a goldmine of information Complaints offer businesses an opportunity to correct immediate problems. In addition, they frequently provide constructive ideas for improving products, adapting marketing practices, upgrading services, or modifying promotional material and product information. While occasional problems with service of merchandise are, to some extent, inevitable, dissatisfied customers are not. Companies can learn to recover from mistakes. A good recovery can turn angry, frustrated customers into loyal ones. Recognizing the importance of responding fairly and efficiently to buyer disappointment in the marketplace, many businesses have established effective and innovative systems for resolving consumer complaints. Within any industry, those companies with a positive philosophy and a reputation for fair complaint-management have a competitive edge. A management philosophy that embraces customer satisfaction as a primary goal of business, instead of defending the company in the face of complaints, can change the rules of the game for
companies. It shifts the emphasis from the cost of pleasing a customer to the value of doing so, and trusts front-line employees to use their judgment. British Airways' customer-relations department can claim to be a true champion of the customer. The retention rate among those who complain to customer relations has more than doubled, while its return on investment (the value of business saved plus increased loyalty and new business from referrals relative to the department's total costs) has risen 200%. British Airways employees are never happy to have service failures but are eager to hear about them when they occur because they know that ignorance is anything but bliss.
2. Why is Complaints Handling Important? Generate Loyalty, Goodwill and Word-of-Mouth by talking back when they believe they have not received their money's worth, consumers give businesses an opportunity to correct the immediate problem and restore goodwill. Experience shows that consumers who complain about products and services continue to frequent the businesses and buy the products they complain about if they believe the complaint was resolved fairly. Research into complaint behavior reveals that only a fraction of dissatisfied consumers
complains to business and, thereby, gives the company an opportunity to correct the problem. There is evidence that some consumers do not complain because they are skeptical about business's willingness or ability to resolve disputes fairly. Consumers simply withdraw their patronage and criticize the company or the product to others. Such findings underscore the importance to business of a complaint management system that is well-publicized and easily accessible. An unregistered complaint may do as much harm as one that is mismanaged or not resolved. Careful complaint management can save business unwanted costs. For example, negative wordof-mouth publicity from dissatisfied consumers means lost revenue and necessitates additional investment in advertising to attract replacement customers. Complaints and complaint trends tell business how to do its job better by alerting management to problems that need prompt attention and correction. Furthermore, they indicate long-range opportunities for product innovation and problem prevention. A wellplanned system for screening and recording complaint data can provide business owners and managers answers to such important questions as the following: ? Are products "oversold" or "over advertised?" ? Is advertising clearly understood? ? Are salespeople overzealous?
? Do product disclosures (such as labeling, warranty information and service agreements) need to be improved? ? Are user's manuals clear, complete and easy-to-read? ? Would changing warranty coverage reduce complaints? ? Complaints also provide information about product quality: Are there opportunities for product improvements or better quality control? Are there indications of safety defects that should be reported and corrected, or that justify a recall? To get this valuable feedback, complaint-reporting must generate information swiftly and systematically to the appropriate managers or departments. Initial screening should trigger immediate action, when necessary, and statistical summaries should identify trends and long- range courses of action.
3. Complaints Management System: Management's Role Demonstrate a commitment to complaints management attitudes are reflected in the conduct of employees and the performance of the company. Toplevel commitment to effective complaint management establishes the motive and incentives for all personnel
to strive for consumer satisfaction. Management's responsibility begins with the preparation of written policies and procedures for speedy and fair complaint resolution. These policies and procedures should be put in writing and communicated to all appropriate departments, emphasizing the accountability of individual employees to resolve complaints courteously and fairly. Employees whose primary responsibility is sales or service, for example, may have difficulty resolving complaints objectively if they feel their performance rating could be adversely affected. If management establishes clear lines of authority, consumer problems should be solved quickly and effectively. Management should regularly review and, when necessary, find ways to improve complaintmanagement procedures, paying particular attention to refining communication and coordination between the complaint-management and operating departments. Periodic surveys of consumers will reveal whether they feel they have been well served by the complaint-processing procedures, and whether they find the company's policies on refunds, repairs, exchanges and other forms of redress to be fair.
Customer Retention Strategy: Costs and Savings 4.
Complaint Management Return on Investment Even though a good customer retention strategy incurs cost, so does a badly performed service. No business can
afford to lose customers, if only because it costs much more to replace a customer than it does to retain one -- five times more, most industry experts agree. A customer recovery service allows a business to shift its cost from constantly courting new customers to cutting customer defection. Also keep in mind that dissatisfied customers almost always get stuck with certain costs: the money they spend for phone calls, the time they spend making their cases, and the aggravation they must endure throughout. The customer left stranded on the highway because her car was not repaired properly might miss an important meeting, have to pay for a tow truck, and spend time waiting for the repair to be made. Many service companies conveniently overlook these hidden costs, but the customer surely will not. Companies known for excellent service will go the extra mile to cover all the costs a failure incurs or, if the inconvenience is so great that the company cannot completely compensate the customer, respond in a tone that signals the company's regret.
Complaint Handling Staff
What Makes a Great Complaint Manager? Complaint managers need to be patient, articulate, and able to balance fairly the interests of the company with those of the consumer. They also should be able to communicate legitimate consumer complaints to management to help determine whether there is a
need for changes in company policies or procedures. All members of a complaint-management department should be familiar with the operations of the company and with its products and services. Prior experience in other departments may be an asset. Training can strengthen interviewing and communications skills and heighten the staff's awareness of the special needs of consumers from different cultural, economic or educational backgrounds. Also, complaint-management staff should be familiar with consumer protection laws and with the operations of third-party dispute-resolution mechanisms to which particularly difficult complaints may need to be referred. Finally, customer-relations personnel should have professional status, adequate salaries and opportunities for advancement consistent with the importance management assigns to the function.
Publicizing the Customer Complaint Management System Visible and Accessible Complaint Management System 6.
A complaint management system must be visible and accessible in order to serve consumers and accomplish company goals. Management, sales, service and public relations personnel should all cooperate to make the complaint system accessible to consumers. How to publicize the complaint management system: on posters and signs in the sales and service area? On contract forms and sales slips? In charge account mailings? In the use and care manual? In advertising -your company's complaint system could be the theme of an advertising campaign? On product packaging and labeling Instructing consumers of their responsibilities can help avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary complaints. Include advice in the material that advertises your complaint system and have sales and service personnel encourage consumers to do the following: Carefully read promotional material and product literature before buying. ? Follow instructions in the use and care manual.
? Understand the terms of sale (warranties and guarantees, contracts, credit terms, refund policies, and so on).
Third-party Dispute Resolution Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration 7.
If complaints cannot be resolved directly between the consumer and retailer or manufacturer, they should be referred to third-party dispute resolution. Third-party mechanisms use the services of unbiased individuals or panels to resolve disputes through conciliation, mediation and arbitration. Conciliation: A neutral conciliator brings the parties together and encourages them to find a mutually acceptable resolution to the dispute. Mediation: A neutral mediator becomes actively involved in negotiations between the parties. The mediator can
propose a resolution, but cannot dictate a settlement of the dispute. Arbitration: An independent individual or panel hears the facts on both sides of a dispute and reaches a decision. Usually both parties have previously agreed to abide by the decision, but in some systems, only the business agrees in advance to abide by the outcome of the arbitration. Third-party dispute resolution is advantageous to business because it enables expeditious, economical and fair complaint resolution without government regulation or legal action. In fact, government agencies encourage the use of third-party mechanisms when complaints cannot be resolved directly between buyer and seller. Proponents of thirdparty systems point out that their use can help make manufacturers and retailers more responsive to consumer problems. By submitting disputes to a neutral decision-maker, a business can demonstrate goodwill through its willingness to seek unbiased solutions to consumer complaints. A small percentage of consumers and businesses seek more formal thirdparty complaint resolution in small claims courts. Use of the courts can be cumbersome and costly for both sides and can usually be avoided if a good faith effort is made to resolve disputes at the company level or through informal dispute resolution.
Basic Steps for Effective Complaint Management 8.
i. Designate a Location to Receive Complaints Consumers need to know where and how to file complaints or make inquiries. Select a place to receive complaints that is visible and accessible to consumers? Publicize the complaint system to encourage consumers to voice their dissatisfaction and to make the good intentions of the company apparent.
ii. Develop a System for Record-keeping Prepare forms for recording, categorizing and filing complaint records. Design the system to perform functions such as the following: ? Communicating complaint data to top management? Permitting swift identification and response when complaints need to be reported to other departments or companies in the distribution network, or to law enforcement or regulatory agencies; providing market research through complaint trends; and ? Enabling management to monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of the complaint- management system.
iii. Process and Record Complaints? Log in the complaint and any relevant data.
? Categorize it for resolution and record-keeping. Categories must be clearly defined and exclusive of one another. ? Assign the complaint to one person for handling. ? Forward the complaint to another level of authority, if appropriate.
iv. Acknowledge Complaint Consumers do not register complaints with only a casual interest in their disposition. Complaining involves some inconvenience and, possibly, expense. Loyal customers with strong feelings are often involved. ? Personalize the response. ? Talk to the customer, if possible, by phone or in person. ? Use letters when necessary, but avoid impersonal form letters. ? Take extra time, if needed, to help consumers with special needs, such as language barriers.
v. Investigate and Analyze the Complaint ? Be fair. ? Get both sides of the story. ? Keep records in the complaint file of all meetings, conversations or findings.
vi. Resolve the Problem in a Manner Consistent with Company Policy ? Forward the complaint to the appropriate level of authority for resolution. ? Keep the consumer informed through progress reports. ? Notify the consumer promptly of a proposed settlement. vii. Follow-Up? Find out if the consumer is satisfied with the resolution. Was it carried out? ? Refer the complaint to a third-party disputeresolution mechanism, if necessary. ? Cooperate with the third-party.
viii. Prepare and File a Report on the Disposition of the Complaint, and Periodically Analyze and Summarize Complaints ? Circulate complaint statistics and action proposals to appropriate departments. ? Develop an action plan for complaint prevention. ? Make sure the consumer viewpoint is given appropriate consideration in company decision making.
Complaint Management System Conclusions 9.
Complaint management systems and company policies on refunds, exchanges and product service vary widely depending on the nature of the product or service, the terms of purchase, consumer use patterns, and so on. There is no single formula that will provide universal relief for dis-satisfied consumers. The commitment and continuing involvement of company management is critical to successful complaint resolution and to the optimum use of complaints as a management tool. Managers will help discover new ways to improve both the complaint-management system and the fairness of remedies offered to consumers.
Complaint Management System Checklist 10.
Evaluate your complaint management system In planning a system for complaint management or evaluating the one you have in place, consider the following questions: ? Does your company depend on repeat customers? ? Do you have written procedures for your complaintmanagement system?
? Is staff throughout the company well aware of the procedures and the importance of your complaintmanagement system? ? Does top management directly oversee your complaint-handling procedures? ? Do incentives exist to reinforce staff commitment to consumer satisfaction? ? Is your complaint system easily accessible to consumers? ? Do you publicize your complaint system to consumers? If yes, how? Printed media (posters, advertising, monthly statements) ? Communications by sales personnel? ? Is your complaint system organized so that: o front-line employees have clear responsibilities for resolving complaints in one department or location? O larger or more serious complaints are referred to designated senior managers? ? Are you providing adequate training for your complaint-management staff? ? Does the customer-relations staff feel they have equal stature with other professionals in the company? ? Do you periodically survey your customers to see if they are satisfied with your complaint-management system? Do you encourage feedback?
? Do you regularly review your complaint-management system and make necessary improvements? ? Do you utilize your system of complaint management for more than settling individual complaints? For example, do you use it for quality control and problem prevention? ? Does your complaint system swiftly generate systematic information about causes of complaints and complaint trends? ? Does this data meet your management needs? ? Do you circulate to top management periodic reports of data from complaint records with suggestions for action to prevent recurring problems? ? Can you identify areas in the company in which your complaint-management system is having an effect? Has it been positive or negative? ? Do you coordinate your complaint-management system with others in the distribution chain for your products or services? Do you have a direct line of communication with them? ? Do you have an adequate understanding of how these external organizations are affecting your relationship with consumers? ? Do you work cooperatively with local and governmental consumer agencies? ? Do you use third-party dispute-resolution mechanisms for those problems not resolved in-house (i.e. mediation or arbitration)?
Conclusion Hence, from this report it is clear that BSNL is the best service provider in Asia. BSNL provides world class State-of-art technology telecom services to its customers on demand at competitive prices world class telecom infrastructure in its area of operation and to contribute to the growth of the country's economy.
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