Project Management

June 4, 2016 | Author: fahimafridi | Category: Types, School Work
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Short Description

course outline for Project Management...


Rev No 1 Dated: 23.08.04

Course Outline SUIT

Credit Hours : 3

Page 1 of 2 pages

Fall 2005 Project Management Text Book :Practical Project Management, by Colin Bentley, NCC Educational Services, 1999. References:

Software Engg Project Management 2nd Edition, Richard H. Thayer, 1997.

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMI Standards Committee Automated Graphics Systems, 1996.

Managing innovative projects, by Alan Webb, International Thomson Business Press, 1996.

Microsoft Project 2000 Manual.

Course Description This course will expose the students to the peculiarities of project management, and impart to them an appreciation of the complexities involved in managing the affairs of a project. It helps differentiate between ongoing operations and projects. It also introduces CPM and PERT as the two major techniques and Microsoft Project as a tool for Project Management. Major topics include project planning, integration, project staffing, scope and time management, risk management and quality management. The course aims at producing project managers equipped with necessary tools, techniques and skills for effective and efficient handling of projects of all sizes. Pre-requisite:-

Principles of Management

Grading Policy:In-semester Evaluations:


End Semester Evaluation:


Rev No 1 Dated: 23.08.04

Course Outline SUIT

Credit Hours : 3

Page 2 of 2 pages

Week-wise Breakdown

Week 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Topics / Activities Project Management: Introduction, characteristics, Methods, Benefits The Business Case: Contents of business case, investment appraisal, cash flows, gap and sensitivity, risk integration, sample forms Project Organization: Funding, customers, independent observers, support, resource provision Useful life of product, external suppliers, project organization, role descriptions Project Plans: What is a plan? Failure to plan effectively, benefits of planning, hierarchy of plans, tolerances, contents of plans, the planning process, allowances Activity Networks: Why use network analysis, creating networks (earliest start and finish times, latest start and finish, the critical path, dependency types) Network Analysis practice: Finding critical path and minimum possible duration Estimations: Good estimators, generic techniques, Metrics, Counting rules, Monitoring productivity Gantt Charts: Introduction, the resource histogram, resource leveling Risk Assessment: Addressing risks, continuous monitoring and management, risk management approach, related questions Project Controls: Monitoring and control; project controls; controlled start, progress and closure System Development Life Cycle Change Control: documents for change control; change request; offspecification, the quality file Configuration Management: definition, configuration librarian, methods, coverage, choice of product level, configuration management plan, baseline, configuration control and audit.




End Semester Exam

Chapter 1 2 3 3 4


6 7 8 9 Reference books 11 12

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