Project Management (Sample case study solved example)

January 20, 2017 | Author: lostpung | Category: N/A
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Model answers To Case study Questions In Project management. Note: These Q are used to test the over all understanding of the project management. Thus, there are variations in the Q’s asked. Also, the case study asked, needs to be analyzed to understand the exact project. The answer needs to be # According to your personal understanding of the project with you being in the project management’s shoes & # According to the syllabus (Notes which u all refer). Also, there is no need at all to keep on writing history about the project / case study asked. The examiner checking the paper expects the student to write less (Not less enough to get fewer marks) but precisely to the point. “A simple definition & relate it with the current project” is enough. I guess, that’s all u need to know abt these type of Q’s. Still, any further queries, mail me. (My contact details in the end of this doc.)

Q paper 1 Î May 2005 Q. Tsunami hits the costal line of India, thousands of people suffered. Government decided to have technology with them using which they can detect the possibility of such natural disaster in advance. Considering this as the project: (i) Define the scope of the project (ii) What are the chances of failure of project? Why? (iii) Conduct a feasibility study. (iv) On what factors do the above project depends? (v) Which organization structure will be suitable for project? Why?

[Note: Usually these are the only 5 types of Q’s asked till now. The way of asking is different, but the Q’s remains the same]

Ans: In clear terms, the project here is to develop a new technology with which we can detect the possibilities & probability of the occurrences of the natural disasters before they occur so as to save lives of many people.

(i) Scope of the project: The scope of the project is defined as the sum total of the projects products & their requirements or features. Thus according to this definition of ours, the scope of the current project is: # Finding is a similar technology (Less advanced & useful) available so that it’s easy to modify the same to create a new & better one.

# Decide whether the new technology should be feasible enough as to accommodate almost all types of disasters (Like tsunami, earthquakes, cyclones, etc) # Finding the availability of the technical & other staff so that the project is not delayed. # Whether this is to be a portable hardware machine (as a technology), one for each type of disaster OR a heavy one, dealing with (almost) all types of disasters. # In case this technology fails at any point of time, what are the backups.

(ii) Chances of failure of project: [Note: Whenever you give the answer to this Q, always say that the chances are less stating at least 1 genuine reason. Else, what’s the use of having time wasted on making a project which will fail? Lolzzz] The failure of this type of project is not too high as it’s a project made for a worthy cause & there will be full support from the government. However, each project has some probability to fail, which even this one is bound to. There are some factors upon which this project will fail, they are:

# Project scope is not defined clearly: As the scope of the project is vital to know what exactly the project holds, ignoring it will result in the failure of the project. # Insufficient support from senior management: Lack of willingness of the top management to provide the necessary resources & authority for the project implementation.

# Appointing the wrong project manager: The project manager is the person which has the most responsibilities. He / she should be able to address all problems & find a quick & reliable solution to the same. For this, he /she should be technically as well as administratively knowledgeable. He / she should be very well aware of the scope & the limitations of the new technology. Lacking in any of the above mentioned qualities of the manager may result in the failure of the project. As the project manager is the top head (like a captain) of the team (members), its said that “A team with the captain as lion & the team members as donkeys can still win, but there is no hope for a team with the captain as donkey & the members as lions”. Thus the project manager has to be skillful like a lion. [It’s up to you to write this ‘lion – donkey’ proverb ... lolzzz]

# Poor planning: Planning is the next vital thing in thing in the project life cycle. Poor planning of this technology will surely lead to the failure of this project. As this is a new technology to be implemented, there needs to be a careful planning & execution of the steps of the project to make it a huge success.

Apart from the above mentioned reasons for the project failure, there are some other points to be considered for the project not to fail. # Time & Cost estimates should be made & executed properly # There should be proper communication, consultation & active listening to all impacted parties. # There should be availability of the required technology (Like computer servers, hardware, other mechanical devices) as & when needed so as to keep the flow of the project smooth.

# Ability of the team members as well as the leader to handle the unexpected crises & deviations from the plan.

(iii) Feasibility study: A feasibility study is defined as an evaluation or analysis of the potential impact of a proposed project or program. A feasibility study is conducted to assist decision-makers in determining whether or not to implement a particular project or program. Thus our feasibility study here will cover the impacts of this new technology on various fields.

Components of a Feasibility Study for the new technology to detect the possibility of the natural disasters:

The feasibility study for a proposed new technology will be extensive. There are several components that should be included in the study, and each will be discussed.

1) Executive Summary An executive summary should be included at the beginning of the report. In 2-3 pages, the main points of the feasibility study are summarized for a quick review by busy administrators and high officials. The executive summary provides the reader with an overview of the feasibility study and will help them see the entire picture before they read the details. Some decision-makers may only read the executive summary. Thus, the executive summary should be concise and include the major findings of the study followed by a recommendation.

2) Description of the System. There is a need for many discussions about what characteristics will be needed from the proposed technology. The technology should be, at any cost, be able to do what it is supposed to do, i.e. find the probability of the occurrence of the natural disaster. Also, if at any point, the system fails; there should be a quick backup to facilitate the prime functions of the system.Also, the system should be safe to use (Since it will be hardware system).

3) Advantages and Disadvantages of the Proposed System: The advantages and disadvantages of the proposed new technology, needs to be clearly explained in the feasibility study. Not only should the potential gains be discussed, but decision-makers need to know possible disadvantages of the system. It is better to have the potential disadvantages described so that there will be no big surprises when the new system is in operation. Also, it will help the decision-makers determine if there are characteristics/outcomes of the new system that they will not be able to accept; thus, helping them make decisions to modify the system before it is too late. Knowing the potential disadvantages also help the decision-makers to be realistic and determine ahead of time what they are willing to accept.

4) Staffing. A description of the staffing requirements includes the number, hours, and positions of employees needed at the site and at the various satellite locations.

5) Space Requirements. The space requirements for both the central system and the satellites are included in the feasibility study. That will provide the basis for space cost comparisons, particularly for determining costs for constructing a new place for keeping the hardware system.

6) Equipment Needs and Costs. A list of equipment required for the central system and the satellite locations are included. Cost estimates for the equipment and renovations at the sites are needed to provide realistic cost estimates for the project.

7) Computer Software Requirements. The various functions required for computerization are listed. In this system, computers are used for a variety of functions such as inventory control, new parts ordering, production planning, and data management, highly specialized statics, etc.

8) Comparison of Current and Proposed Systems: Since there are no similar systems & this is one of its kinds, there cannot be any comparisons made.

9) Project Schedule A “best guess” schedule for the project would be included as part of the feasibility study. Realistic dates for each phase of the project would be included; however, there often are delays during implementation of a project, particularly one with a major construction component. Thus, at least a month should be considered more while actual schedule dates as a deadline.

10) Final Recommendation A final recommendation is provided in the feasibility study based on the research conducted. This recommendation includes the rationale for the recommendation and financial evidence that supports the recommendation.

(iv)Factors on which the above project depends:

# The frequency at which the natural calamity / disaster occurs. # The technical staff’s knowledge (So as to make the system more useful & innovative) # The location at which the project is to be placed. Like if the location is at a place which is more prone to earthquakes, there is no need of having a cyclone, or tsunami detection system. # Population of the place where the system will be implemented (So as to give a rough idea, as to how many people is to be saved from where) # Exact map of the location where the system is to be implemented (So as to facilitate, how to reach the exact disaster site, in case it occurs)

(v) Organization structure suitable for project: [Note: Here in this Q, u need to give with reasons which structure the current project, i.e. new technology to find the possibility of natural disaster occurrence before hand. So, it’s vital for u to know all the different organizational structures & in which one, does this projects fits in. No wonder, the answer might be different for different student, this is not what the examiner checks. He is interested to know why you choose this ‘organization structure’ here. No doubt, this answer requires skills in you to justify the correct structure for this project] The main organization structures are: 1) Functional Organization structure 2) Pure project Organization 3) Matrix Organization 4) Mixed organization

This project falls under the “Mixed organization”. Reason: # This project requires the use of various organizations. (Like Finance – to provide with the finances, Engineering – to provide the spaces & help in the construction work, Manufacturing – to help in the manufacturing of the hardware, etc) # Here, each respective organization is specialized in its field, so the work done by each is deprived of OR has very less flaws. # Since there are different organizations working as a team for a bigger & a better cause, there is a project manager (Leader) represented as the head of the overall project.

# This leader, is not always aware of the types of work & its quality with respect to different organizations, so he always consults with the project leaders of the respective organizations.

[At present, I can think of only these reasons. Try giving as many as possible, for which u need to have immense knowledge of the different organizations]

Well, with this concludes this CASE STUDY sample answer. Other case studies too have all the same Q’s, only the “way of asking” & the “project given” is different. So, I hope, the tension about the case study Q is relived. Also I’d like to make a suggestion about all the subjects paper Î DON’T EVER LEAVE ANYTHING BLANK. KUCH BHI LIKHO, BUT LIKH KAR AAO (Even a love letter will do ... lolzzz)

Still, if any 1 has any kind of problems, here are my contact details: Gmail (For email / chat): [email protected] Yahoo (For chat only): [email protected] MSN (For chat only): [email protected]

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Cell No: (Come on, I have give u enough ways to contact me, don’t ty to get too personal ... lolzzzzz)

Best of luck to all. May lord bless you. -DJ

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