Project Integration Management Questions

May 27, 2016 | Author: Subramanian Ramachandran | Category: N/A
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1. Question 1016:During the project execution phase, one of the team member asks about his or her work. Which of the following document would you ask the person to refer?

Scope Statement Wo rk Breakd o w n S tru ctu re (WBS ) d ictio n ary Activity List Project Charter I n co rrect The WBS dictionary defines each element in the WBS. Therefore, descriptions of the work packages are in the WBS dictionary.

2. Question Which statement is NOT true about the configuration management system?

The configuration management system will define procedures to control any changes. The configuration management system is a sub-component of the overall project management system. It documents the functional and physical characteristics of a product T h e co n fig u ratio n man ag emen t system d o esn 't in clu d e ch an g e trackin g system. I n co rrect The configuration management system includes a change tracking system. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 532]

3. Question You are a project manager of a company and you are assigned to a project that has already been decided to be out sourced. As a project manager, you need to organize a formal bid process and select the vendor for this project. Your senior management is forcing you to select a vendor which has a good relation with your senior management. What is the BEST course of action for you?

Report to your Manager about this. Fo llo w th e fo rmal b id p ro cess, an d sh o w th e sen io r man ag emen t ab o u t w h y th e favo red ven d o r is o r is n o t th e b est ch o ice. Report to legal department of your company.



Project Integration Management Questions Get a written permission from your senior management to bypass the formal bid process.

I n co rrect The best option is to follow the formal bid process, and show the senior management about why the favored vendor is or is not the best choice.

4. Question A project is being done for an external customer. Which of the following is not an input to the Develop Project Charter process?

Business Case Project Statement of Work Agreements S takeh o ld er reg ister I n co rrect The stakeholder register is not an input to the Develop Project Charter process. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 66]

5. Question 1026:You were the project manager of X company for a long time, and have done lots of project management practices. Recently, you have joined another company Y and assigned to a project. You should _________.

Use the forms of company Y Talk to change control board Use the forms of company X and instruct about the good project management practices Use th e fo rms o f co mp an y Y an d in stru ct ab o u t th e g o o d p ro ject man ag emen t p ractices p racticed in co mp an y X I n co rrect The best option is to use the forms of company Y and instruct about the good project management practices practiced in company X.

6. Question You are a Project Manager for a company that designs and develops automation systems for car companies. You are in the Close Project process for a project in which a new automation system has been designed and created for a car company located in Korea. You need to obtain formal acceptance for the new automation system. All of the following statements are true with respect to the final acceptance of the new system EXCEPT?

Fin al accep tan ce fo r th e n ew au to matio n system can b e in fo rmal o r fo rmal. Performance tests on the new automation system should be completed by the car company. A formal statement is issued indicating that the new automation system meets the terms of the contract A checklist can be used to determine whether the new automation system meets the car company's specifications I n co rrect Final acceptance for the product deliverables is formal; and must be formally signed off on by the customer or sponsor. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 100, 101]

7. Question 1054:Scope Management , Risk Management and Quality Management are examples of ___________ skills.

Team management Pro ject man ag emen t



Project Integration Management Questions Schedule management Executive management

I n co rrect Based on PMBOK, scope and risk are examples of project management skills.

8. Question 1020:You are a project manager of a company. You have been assigned as the project manager in the middle of the project. The customer is not happy with the performance of the project. What is the FIRST thing you should do?

Try to achieve the performance. Ignore the customer. T alk to cu sto mer ab o u t th e co n cern s. Leave the project and ask your manager to assign another project. I n co rrect The best option is to talk to the customer about the concerns.

9. Question 1035:_______ is the road map for the execution of the project.

Strategic Planning WBS SOW Pro ject Plan I n co rrect Project Plan is the road map for the execution of the project.

10. Question 1028:Project Integration Management includes ______.

Develop Project Management Plan All o f th e ab o ve Perform Integrated Change Control Develop Project Charter I n co rrect All of the above

11. Question During the weekly change control board meeting, you invited the facilities manager to speak about the change request to increase the BTU’s to the air conditioning system in the new data center. This is an example of what type of tool and technique in the Perform Integrated Change Control process?

Project Management Information System



Project Integration Management Questions Variance Analysis Ex p ert Ju d g men t Project Management Methodology

I n co rrect The facilities manager would be considered an expert in the A/C system, thus this is an example of Expert Judgment. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 98]

12. Question You and your team have diligently been working on a project over the past 2 years and yesterday you met with the Operations department to turn over the production system to the Operations team. You came back from the meeting with signed formal documentation indicating the project was completed to the specifications and the deliverables have been officially turned over to production for ongoing maintenance. This is an example of what?

A new project for Operations Contract Closure Quality control Pro ject o r p h ase clo su re d o cu men tatio n I n co rrect Project closure documents consist of formal documentation and the official turnover to Operations. [PMBOK 5th Edition, Page 104]

13. Question As a project manager, you periodically do project performance reviews to compare cost performance over time, schedule activities or work packages overrunning and under-running budget, milestones due, and milestones met. Which of the following is not a valid analytical technique?

Earned Value Performance Trend Analysis Variance Analysis I n terp erso n al skills I n co rrect Interpersonal skills is not a valid choice. The other three choices, namely Variance Analysis, Trend Analysis and Earned Value Performance, are analytical techniques. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 91, 92]

14. Question 1049:The project management plan can be composed of one or more of the __________ subsidary plans.

All o f th e ab o ve Project scope management plan Schedule management plan Cost management plan I n co rrect The project management plan can be composed of one or more of the following subsidary plans: Project scope management plan, Schedule management plan, Cost management plan, Quality management plan, Process improvement plan, Staffing management plan, Communication management plan, Risk management plan, and Procurement management plan



Project Integration Management Questions

15. Question The Close Project or Phase process is not applicable for?

Projects being closed Pro jects b ein g reactivated Project phase being closed Projects being cancelled I n co rrect The Close Project or Phase process allows the project manager to close or finish a specific phase of the project. [PMBOK Page 100]

16. Question 1037:Assumptions in the project plan should be _________ .

Not understandable Understandable Written d o w n No need to write I n co rrect Assumptions that are not written down are the most dangerous – so they should always be written down.

17. Question A first-time project manager is trying to understand the difference between configuration control and change control. The difference is:

C o n fig u ratio n co n tro l is fo cu sed o n th e sp ecificatio n o f b o th th e d eliverab le an d th e p ro cess w h ereas ch an g e co n tro l is fo cu sed o n id en tifyin g , d o cu men tin g an d co n tro llin g ch an g es to th e p ro ject. Configuration control is focused on ensuring that all changes are documented whereas change control is focused on the approval process. Change control is focused on the specification of both the deliverable and the process whereas configuration control is focused on identifying, documenting and controlling changes to the project. Change control is focused on ensuring that approved changes are documented and controlled whereas configuration control is focused on ensuring that changes are properly identified and approved by the change control board. I n co rrect Configuration control is focused on the specification of both the deliverables and the process whereas change control is focused on identifying, documenting and controlling changes to the project. A configuration management system with integrated change control provides a standardized and effective way to centrally manage approved changes within the project. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 96]

18. Question You have presented a unique and verifiable product to your customers for their approval. Approval of this product may allow you to move on to your next phase. This unique and verifiable product is also known as:

A Portfolio A Project A Plan A Deliverab le



Project Integration Management Questions

I n co rrect A unique and verifiable product produced in each phase or end of the project is known as a deliverable. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 537]

19. Question 1063:Which of the following is an output of Project closure?

Fin al Pro d u ct, S ervice, o r R esu lt Administrative Closure Procedure Agreements Closure Procedure None of the above I n co rrect Output of Close Projects are: a) Final Product, Service, or Result b) Organizational process updates

20. Question 1034:Which of the following statement is true about Strategic Planning ?

Strategic Planning determines the projects that are selected and are funded. Strategic Planning determines which projects will be chosen in order to achieve the organizational goals. All o f th e ab o ve Strategic Planning determines which projects will be sponsored in order to achieve the organizational goals. I n co rrect Strategic Planning determines which projects will be chosen or sponsored in order to achieve the organizational goals. Strategic Planning determines the projects that are chosen and funded.

21. Question 1061:Which of following are types of change requests?

All o f th e ab o ve Legally mandated Optional Internally initiated I n co rrect Change Request may be oral or written, direct or indirect, externally or internally initiated, and legally mandated or optional.

22. Question A new CEO has come into your company and has promptly shut down your project because it no longer met the business needs of the company. While not pleased with the decision, you document the level and completeness of the project to date. What activity or process is this part of?

C lo se Pro ject o r Ph ase Close Procurements Control Scope Validate Scope



Project Integration Management Questions

I n co rrect Documenting the completeness of the project to date in case of premature termination of a project is an activity under the Close Project or Phase process. PMBOK 5th edition, Page 101]

23. Question 1046:Which of the following is useful in your current project planning?

Reviewing WBS from other projects Contact with former project managers Utilizing databases from past projects All o f th e ab o ve I n co rrect Old data is useful for your current project plan.

24. Question 1041:Which of the following are inputs of Develop Project management Plan ?

Enterprise Environmental Factors Project Charter All o f th e ab o ve Organizational Process Assets I n co rrect Inputs of Develop project management plan: Project charter, Enterprise environmental factors, and Organizational process assets and output from planning processes

25. Question 1024:A project manager has created a document and wants to track the changes made in the document. The project manager should create _______.

Configuration Management System Project Management Information System Project Management System C o n tro l Man ag emen t S ystem I n co rrect Control Management System tracks the changes in a document.

26. Question You are in the final phase of a low cost car manufacturing project. This project, as designed, has delivered a low cost car that runs on the battery. However, to close this project, many administrative standards are required to be followed in order to avoid auditing from Government authorities. Since your organization possesses experts who have tremendous knowledge in closing procedures and standards, you would like to use them to close this project. This effort is an instance of:

Using organizational process assets in closing the project



Project Integration Management Questions Usin g ex p ert ju d g men t in clo sin g th e p ro ject Using enterprise environmental factors in closing the project Poor project management practice

I n co rrect Projects are closed during the Close Project or Phase process. One of the tools which can be used in this process is the expert judgment. Expert judgment can be obtained from consultants or industry experts. These experts make sure that all project standards are followed when they are closed. In this scenario, you want to use experts from your own organization in closing the project. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 102]

27. Question During the Control Scope phase, analysis of the scope performance resulted in a change request to the scope baseline. This change request will be processed for review and disposition in the:

Control Quality phase Perfo rm I n teg rated C h an g e C o n tro l p h ase Validate Scope phase Monitor and Control Project Work phase I n co rrect Analysis of Scope performance is done as part of the Control Scope phase. Determining the cause and degree of variance relative to the scope baseline is an important aspect of this activity (called Variance Analysis). Change requests that result from this activity are processed in the Perform Integrated Change Control phase. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 94]

28. Question 1044:EVM is a methodology that deals with _______ management.

Natural None Varian ce Schedule I n co rrect In Project Integration Management, the methodology that is used to measure variance in projects is called Earned Value Management (EVM).

29. Question 1025:A project manager has created a document and wants some of the team member to have read access and some of them to have write access also. The project manager should create __________.

Project Management Information System C o n fig u ratio n Man ag emen t S ystem Control Management System Project Management System I n co rrect Configuration Management System addresses controlling documents



Project Integration Management Questions

30. Question 1048:The requirements, designs, and specifications are part of _________________.

Scope Statement T ech n ical d o cu men tatio n WBS SOW I n co rrect The requirements, designs, and specifications are part of Technical documentation.

31. Question You are a PMP reviewing project files to help you write a lessons learned document on a software project you are finishing. Which of the following is not a part of a project file?

Change management documentation Pro ject d eliverab les Project management plan Project calendars I n co rrect The project deliverables are not part of the project file. The rest of the choices are components of the final project file. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 104]

32. Question Which of the following is neither an input to nor an output of the Develop Project Charter process?

A project charter Pro fessio n al an d tech n ical asso ciatio n s A business case A project statement of work I n co rrect A project statement of work and a business case are inputs to the Develop Project Charter process. A project charter is an output of the Develop Project Charter process. Professional and technical associations are used as tools to gather expert opinions while developing a charter. Hence, ‘Professional and technical associations’ is the correct answer. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 66]

33. Question Which process is concerned with providing forecasts to update current cost information?

Project Management Information System Direct and Manage Project Work Mo n ito r an d C o n tro l Pro ject Wo rk Close Project or Phase I n co rrect The Monitor and Control Project Work process is responsible for keeping track of the project’s measures, including cost. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 86]



Project Integration Management Questions

34. Question 1029:Which of the following statement is true about the Project Charter ?

The Project Charter provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities. Requirements that satisfy customer, sponsor, and other stakeholder needs, wants and expectations. The Project Charter is the document that formally authorizes a project. All o f th e ab o ve I n co rrect Project Charter: The Project Charter is the document that formally authorizes a project. The Project Charter provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities.

35. Question 1045:Project Plan Development includes:

The need and techniques for communication among stakeholders How work will be executed to accomplish the project objectives How changes will be monitored and controlled All o f th e ab o ve I n co rrect Project Plan Development includes: How changes will be monitored and controlled, How work will be executed to accomplish the project objectives, The need and techniques for communication among stakeholders, and How the selected processes will be used to manage the specific project

36. Question You are working on a mainframe upgrade, however the charter is constantly changing. Who has the responsibility to determine if these changes are necessary.

Project Team Project Manager S p o n so r Project Coordinator I n co rrect The project initiator or sponsor is responsible for authorizing and issuing the charter, and is responsible for determining if changes are needed and the subsequent updates. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 68]

37. Question 1064:Project Management Plan comprises two major sections _____________

S u b sid iary Man ag emen t Plan an d b ase lin es Agreements Closure Procedure and base lines Administrative Closure Procedure and base lines None of the above



Project Integration Management Questions

I n co rrect Project Management Plan comprises two major sections Subsidiary Management Plan and base lines.

38. Question 1014:Which of the following documents justify the project – whether the project is worth or not?

Project Charter Bu sin ess C ase Project Management plan Scope statement I n co rrect Business Case contains business need and cost-benefit analysis. Business Case document provides justification for the project – whether the project is worth or not. PMBOK page no , 529

39. Question 1039:The Project Plan helps team members to ________.

Discipline C o mmu n icate Establishing the activity logic All of the above I n co rrect Project plan shows what should be done to execute the project, all team members can communicate about their progress on the project by referring to the project plan.

40. Question You are a project manager of a company and you have been assigned to take over managing a project that should have been 60 percent complete according to the schedule. After evaluation, you discover that the project is running far behind schedule, and that the project will probably take double the time originally estimated by the previous project manager. However, the sponsor has been told that the project is on schedule. What is the BEST course of action you will take?

S h o w yo u r evalu atio n to sp o n so r. Add new resource to the project and complete the project on schedule. Ask your senior manager to deal with this. Turn the project back to the previous project manager. I n co rrect You can’t turn the project back to the previous project manager because he or she may be busy with other projects. The best option is to show your evaluation to sponsor.

41. Question You are presented with a situation in a project where you need to measure the performance of the project. Which of these techniques would suit your requirement?



Project Integration Management Questions Learned Value Technique Earn ed Valu e T ech n iq u e Expert Judgment Analogous Estimating

I n co rrect The Earned Value Technique measures performance of the project as it moves from initiation to closure. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 217]

42. Question 1056:Who develops project management plan?

Executive Management Only Project Manager Pro ject Man ag er an d team Sponsor I n co rrect Project Manager and team develops the project management plan.

43. Question 1043:In Project Integration Management, the methodology that is used to measure variance in projects is called __________.

Earned Value (EV) Earn ed Valu e Man ag emen t (EVM) Accounting Scheduling I n co rrect In Project Integration Management, the methodology that is used to measure variance in projects is called Earned Value Management (EVM). EVM is a project integrating methodology, whereas EV is the technique.

44. Question You are a project manager of a company and you are assigned to a project that has already decided to be outsourced. As a project manager, you need to organize a formal bid process and select the vendor for this project. You own stock in one of the vendor companies who also participated in the bidding process. What is the BEST course of action for you?

Get the vendor company selected for the project T ell yo u r man ag er an d remo ve yo u rself fro m th e ven d o r selectio n co mmittee Keep the information to yourself Ask other members of the selection committee to select your vendor company I n co rrect The best option is to tell your manager and remove yourself from the vendor selection committee

45. Question



Project Integration Management Questions

1036:Assumptions are factors that, for planning purposes, are considered to be ______.

T ru e, real, o r certain only True True, real, or uncertain Real I n co rrect PMBOK describes assumptions as “factors that, for planning purposes, are considered to be true, real, or certain.”

46. Question You have your project team members record the time they spend on different activities during the day such as: programming, electrical, HVAC, etc. This is an example of a tool and technique in what process?

Mo n ito r an d C o n tro l Pro ject Wo rk Manage Communications Direct and Manage Project Work Manage Project Team I n co rrect The Monitor and Control Project Work process tracks and reviews the project’s progress. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 86]

47. Question Which of the following is accurate regarding Project Integration Management?

T h e n eed fo r it b eco mes evid en t in situ atio n s w h ere in d ivid u al p ro cesses in teract It involves the integration of process groups and not individual processes Project deliverables are not part of Integration Management It involves disregarding trade-offs and focuses on clearly articulating how accomplish all requirements by the deadline I n co rrect Project Integration Management is needed more where individual processes interact. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 63, 64]

48. Question You are fairly new to project management, but have been successfully managing a small project and now management has given you another project to manage, which you are excited about. However, the new project is growing exponentially everyday, you have also learned a project manager you work with managed a similar project last year. What should you do?

O b tain Histo rical R eco rd s an d g et g u id an ce fro m th e p ro ject man ag er Speak to the other project manager to develop your project plans Get the project assigned to the PM who managed the similar project Wait to see if the scope of the project continues to grow I n co rrect The historical records will give you an understanding of the past project; however you should also obtain guidance from the project manager. [PMBOK 5th edition, Page 76]



Project Integration Management Questions

49. Question 1021:Which of the following is a common problem in administrative closure?

R etain in g reso u rces to co mp lete th e p ro ject Completing a project charter Completing a project plan Completing a QA plan I n co rrect The biggest problem is retaining team members until closure of the project.

50. Question 1053:A request to expand or Agreements project scope, budget, schedule, or resources is called _______.

Risk C h an g e req u est Corrective action None of the above I n co rrect Change request: A request to expand or Agreements project scope, budget, schedule, or resources.




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