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Project sem 1 hydraulic...



Assalamualaikum, firstly we would like gratitude to God because giving us the opportunity to complete this assignment within the time given by our lecturer. We also want to say thank you to our parent because they keep given us supporting words, money and facilities that we need to solve any work or assignment that have been received. Not forget to our friends who had been very helpful, thanks you very much for your contribution of information as well as your cooperation in works and discussion till we can finish the assignment completely. Last but not least, we would like to thank to our lecture Puan Noor Aliza Binti Ahmad because she always helps and spends time although just for a while for us to complete this assignment. Once again, thank you to all of our teammate who had helped so much in completing this construction engineering project.



An open channel is a conduit in which a liquid flow with a free surface. The free surface is an interface between the moving liquid and an overlying fluid medium and will have constant pressure. In civil engineering applications; water is the most common liquid with air at atmospheric pressure as the overlying fluid. As such, the intention will chiefly focused on the flow of water with the free surface. The motivating force for open channel flow is gravity. Open channels are designed to carry a design discharge in a safe and economical way. Normally, the design discharge is obtained from hydrologic study of upstream watersheds. Designing an open channel involves the selection of channel alignment, size and shape of the channel, longitudinal slope, and the type of lining material. Most of characteristics of open channel flow able to hold pressure constant along water surface, the gravity drives the motion, pressure is approximately hydrostatic and the flow is turbulent and unaffected by surface tension. In this “Open Channel Hunt”, the selection of channel alignment generally based from the topography of the area, available width of right-of-way, and existing and planned adjacent structures and transportation facilities control the channel alignment. The main objectives of the project are able to describe the flow measurement in the open channel in the selected area, requires the estimation of uniform velocity, V and the rate of flow, Q. Also, there are other objectives need to achieve in doing this project: 

To develop a basic knowledge of open channel flow relationships by applying fluid properties, hydrostatics, and the conservation equation for mass, momentum, and

energy. To gain proficiency in applying the conservation equations to open channel flow

problems. Ability to make reasoned choices in open-ended design problems.


STUDY AREA This study focused on the drain channel 14 adjacent to the building C10. This is because the study area is an area covered walkways for people to building C. The environment in accordance with the shape and size of the channel used. There is also a toilet adjacent to the channel selected for the study. Features selected drain channel is the result of two forms, namely rectangular and semicircular. The channel is also made of concrete where the manning roughness coefficient, n = 0.017. The size of the rectangular shape is the height of 5cm, 23cm width and diameter to the size of the semicircle is 23cm. We have carried out activities to collect data on 15 November 2016 at 6 pm with the cooperation of all members of the group. The weather on that day was rain from 4pm until 5.30pm. Drains damp and there was a reservoir of water to make it easier to collect data. There are also leaf trees and grasses that need to be cleaned to make sure the drains are not blocked while collecting data to get velocity. We use methods of water restrictions for water velocity channels with a length of 3m. We get two readings to get the average velocity of water moving downstream. The first step is to fill out a 11cm-deep water into drains and close at both ends with a distance of 3m. Further downstream channels to open and put ping pong balls to take the time to get to point A and point B. Every point on the mark with 1.5m distance.

According to the table below, we have two readings in order to facilitate obtaining the average velocity of the water. The data collect from upstream to point A and point A to point B. No. 1 2

Point A (s) 15.5 18

Point B (s) 6.5 8

Velocity (m/s) 0.1364 0.1154


Average Velocity (m/s) 0.1259

Location: Channel no.14 adjacent to C10 building.


METHOD AND EQUIPMENT 1. METHOD OF COLLETING DATA. Step 1: Close upstream and downstream of the channel using polystyrene with 3m length.

Step 2: Fill the water into the channel until reach 11cm (depth of channel).


Step 3: Release the Ping-Pong ball at the upstream channel and open the polystyrene at the downstream.

Step 4: Collect data (time the Ping-Pong ball move from upstream to the downstream)











Calculate the velocity and discharge of the channel by using data collection. From the data, the average of velocity from two trial is 0.1259 m/s. Formula for discharge, Q Q=AV Formula for velocity, V V=

1 2 1 R S n 3 o2 23 cm

5 cm

Given: y = 5 cm @ 0.05 m B= 23 cm @ 0.23 m D= 23 cm @ 0.23 m n= 0.017



1. Flow Area, A 2θ 2θ−sin ¿+ By A= D2 ¿ 8 π π −sin ¿+0.23 (0.05) A= 0.232 ¿ 8 2 A = 0.0319 m

2. Wetted Perimeter, P P = θD+ B+ 2 y π P = 2 ( 0.23 )+ 0.23+2 ( 0.05 ) P = 0.691 m 3. Hydraulic Radius, R A R= P R=

0.0319 0.691

R = 0.0462 m 4. Velocity, V (By data collection) 1st trial = 15.5 + 6.5 3m Average 1st trial = 22 s = 2nd trial = 18 + 8 Average 2nd trial =

0.1364 m/s

3m 26 s

= 0.1154 m/s 5. Bed Slope, S o



1 2 1 R S n 3 o2

0.1259 =

1 0.046223 S o21 0.017

0.1259 = 7.5738


S o2

0.1259 =S o21 7.5738 S o21=0.0166 So

= √ 0.0166


= 0.1288 m

6. Discharge, Q Q = AV

Q = 0.0319 (0.1259) −3 Q = 4.0162 ×10

m3 /s


Open channel is a channel through which the liquid flows with free surface. Free surface is an interface between the liquid and the liquid medium overlying move and need constant pressure. Based on the research that we do, we obtained the data by selecting a predetermined 11

place of building C at University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. Feature selected channel drains are the result of two forms, namely rectangular and semi-circular.

In conclusions can be made based on the data that has been taken, we found that the drain was slow and there was a reservoir of water to make it easier to collect data. There are also trees of leaves and grass that needs to be cleaned to make sure the drain is not blocked while collecting data to obtain velocity. We get two readings in the average velocity of water moving downstream. The first step is to fill out a 11cm-deep water down the drain and closed at both ends by a distance of 3m. Further downstream channels to open and put ping pong balls to take the time to get to point A and point B. Each point on the mark at a distance of 1.5m.

The data obtained through studies conducted, we found each different point A to point B. The reading of the first to point A reading of 15.5 seconds and to point B of 6.5. After that, we took a second reading by the same distance but what is obtained for the captured data is a different point A and point B 18 seconds to 8 seconds. The average time taken for each is different from point A to point B. Finally, the conclusion to be drawn from the study we can describe that it is taking longer-term upstream compared with downstream where the time frame is shorter.

REFERENCE 1. UTHM Hydraulic Jump Slide for civil engineering student.


2. Website PDF hydraulic jump – Research Gate 3. Website academia on Hydraulic jump experiment


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