'he onep) of *ou!le +ndemni)y as an impor)an) aspe) of )he ,on)ra) of +ndemni)y has no) ye) !een adop)ed and adap)ed !y )he ,our)s in +ndia. As a onseuene of )he lassial onep) of )o physial indiiduals" hain/ eual !ar/ainin/ poer" freely and olun)arily en)erin/ in)o )he on)ra)" on)rol oer )he )erms of )he on)ra) as limi)ed )o )he minimum. +n )he presen) en)ury" )he use of dou!le indemni)y lauses in indemni)y on)ra) has !eome ery ommon and i) is ar/ua!le )ha) a us)omer ho on)ra)s on suh s)andard )erms has !een imposed on him and does no) really a/ree )o )hem a) all. +ndemni)y a/reemen)s are re/ularly used )o alloa)e risk !e)een par)ies on ons)ru)ion proje)s. Reen)ly" some dou!) has surfaed as )o he)her )he lan/ua/e found in a )ypial indemni)y a/reemen) is suffiien) )o reuire indemni)y in si)ua)ions here )he indemnifyin/ par)y ()he indemni)or& is i)hou) faul).
*ou!le indemni)y ,lauses in +ndemni)y ,on)ra)s0)hese )ypes of on)ra)s are found in our eeryday parlane and of ourse e for/e) )o no)ie )hem in our day-)o-day life and ho i) /oes on )o affe) our lies. 'hese form of on)ra)s hae !een in e1is)ene sine anien) )imes like ,ons)ru)ion proje)s e)." hih are in e1is)ene een no and has )aken a muh omple1 form een )oday. 2en in )his era of )ehnolo/y and moderni3a)ion )here has opened up arious aenues for )he dou!le indemni)y lauses like in insurane on)ra)s" proje) on)ra)s e). No )he ues)ion arises as )o he)her )here is reasona!ili)y !e)een )o par)ies hen )hey are e1eu)in/ an a/reemen) )hrou/h an indemni)y on)ra) and as suh )he res)ri)ion or e1lusion" refle1ie indemni)y lauses.
'here are learly iden)ifia!le s)eps in )he in)erpre)a)ion of on)ra)s. 4irs)" )he par)ies5 ommon in)en)ion ()ha) hih )hey an)ed )o re/ula)e& is sou/h)6 ne1)" an a))emp) is made )o !uild up a pi)ure of )he relean) ondi)ions" he)her )hey !e ommon or le/ally reuired ()hose hih" /ien )he irums)anes" )he par)ies ould hae ished )o es)a!lish" on ei)her ra)ional or le/al /rounds&6 finally" )he jud/e may end up applyin/ le/al proisions far remoed from )he par)ies5 e1 an)e ommon ill" suh as )he on)ra proferen)em rule" hose purpose is )o preen) )he use of unin)elli/i!le )erms )hrou/h )he )hrea) of applyin/" in eah
suh ase" an in)erpre)a)ion in faour" no) of hoeer is responsi!le for rea)in/ suh unin)elli/i!ili)y" !u) of )he o)her par)y.
7pinions differ and in )his re/ard one shool of )hou/h) says )ha) dou!le indemni)y lauses are an adan)a/e hereas i) is a disadan)a/e and i) should !e done aay i)h. 'hey ome )o )his onlusion as !eause a dou!le indemni)y on)ra) is a uniersal on)ra) hain/ or enumera)in/ )he same se) of )erms and ondi)ions and )he onep) of iarious lia!ili)y omin/ up in ,on)ra)ion ,on)ra)s. No in suh )ype of on)ra)s )he ues)ion )ha) arises is )ha) he)her )he o)her par)y has )ha) same !ar/ainin/ poer or )he freedom of on)ra) as )he )erms and ondi)ions are one sided. As suh )hrou/h )his proje) repor) an a))emp) is !ein/ made )o anser )his !asi pro!lem and )hus reah )o a defini)e end in )he ourse of )his researh.
,on)ra)s are /enerally onluded !y offer and aep)ane. No aordin/ )o di)ionary meanin/" indemni)y is a pro)e)ion a/ains) loss" esp. in )he form of a promise )o pay" or paymen) for loss of money" /oods" e). +) is a seuri)y a/ains)" or ompensa)ion for loss e). 4or ins)ane" A on)ra)s )o indemnify B in respe) of a er)ain sum of #$$ Rupees. 'his is a on)ra) of indemni)y. +n a on)ra) of indemni)y" )he person ho promises )o indemnify is knon as indemnifier" and )he person in hose faour suh a promise is made is knon as indemnified or indemni)y holder.
Aordin/ )o Se)ion %#: of )he +ndian ,on)ra) A)" a on)ra) of indemni)y means a on)ra) !y hih one par)y promises )o sae )he o)her from loss aused )o him !y )he on)ra) of )he promisor himself" or !y )he ondu) of any o)her person. 'his proision inorpora)es a on)ra) here one par)y promises )o sae )he o)her from loss hih may !e aused" ei)her (i&
By )he ondu) of )he promisor himself" or"
By )he ondu) of any o)her person.
'his defini)ion oers indemni)y for loss aused !y human a/eny only. +) does no) deal i)h )hose lasses of ases here )he indemni)y arises from loss aused !y een)s or aiden)s" hih do no) or may no) depend upon )he ondu) of )he indemnifier or any o)her person" or !y )he reason of lia!ili)y inurred !y some)hin/ done !y )he indemnified a) )he reues) of )he indemnifier. +n fa)" hoeer )here are )o )ypes of indemni)y lauses- )hey are )he refle1ie indemni)y lause and )he insurane indemni)y lause. ;here )he former indemni)y reuires B ho has suessfully sued his fello-!u) defaul)in/0on)ra)in/ par)y A )o indemnify A. suh lauses orrespond ery muh )o
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