Project Dbms

October 20, 2018 | Author: sidrabba | Category: Databases, Data, Information Retrieval, Computer Data, Data Management
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Employee Record System


COURSE: Data Base Management System Project On Employee Record System



Employee Record System


Employee Record System


1. Introduction 2. Significance 3. Users 4. ERD 5. Flow Chart 6. Queries


Employee Record System

1. Introduction to DBMS A collection of related pieces of data: •

Representing / capturing the information about a real world enterprise or part of an enterprise. Collected and maintained to serve specific data management needs of the enterprise. Activities of the enterprise are supported by the data base and continually update the data base.

Introduction to employee’s record system For organizational and legal purposes, you should maintain an up-to-date employee record on every employee. But be careful to compile only job-related information in the personnel file. Further it is strongly suggested that you keep more than one file on each employee .How should I design an Employee Records system? You should keep all employment action forms in the employee file including the employment application, payroll changes, performance reviews, disciplinary notices, and other  employment action forms. Generally it is recommended that whether you have hard copy files or a computerized system to keep three separate files on each employee. •

General Employee Information – this includes forms like the employment application, performance review, disciplinary actions, promotions, or other standard operational issues.

The other reason to keep this information in independent files is because of varying time limits on how long the information must be kept.


Employee Record System

2. Significance •

Record the required details for each employee employed in their organization.

Establish procedures to enable employees to access their records and to obtain a copy of the records.

Ensure all records are maintained in a secure and confidential area.

Establish systems and procedures regarding the authority for access to and the availability of employee records. Access to employee records should only be on a 'need to know' basis or for official purposes.

The following details regarding employees are to be kept. •

designation and any previous designations assigned to the employee •


full name and any previous names

residential and postal address

next of kin and/or emergency contact

entitlements and use of those entitlements


details of citizenship

date of birth


Employee Record System

3. USERS There are four types of users these are the following: 1. Employee 2. Administrator  3. Head of department 4. Finance manager  5. Top management

Statements Employee: •

Employee can view his attendance

Employee can view his leaves.

Employee can view his salary.

Employee can view terms and condition.

Employee can view his project.

Employee can view update qualification.

Top management •

Top management can view performance of organization.

Top management can hire and fire the employees. 6

Employee Record System

Top management announces bonuses.

Top management introduces the new strategies.

Top management can control the organization.

Head of department •

Hod can view his attendance.

Hod can view his leaves.

Hod can enter the attendance.

Hod can assign the project.

Hod can check the project.

Hod can view the salary of employees.

Hod define terms and condition.

Finance department •

Finance manager can view salary.

Finance manger can enter the attendance.

Finance manager can enter the salary.

Finance manger can enter the bonuses.

Administrator  7

Employee Record System

Administrator can control the employee.

Administrator can enter the attendance.

Administrator can view the attendance.

Administrator controls the top management.

Administrator can control the HOD.

Administrator can control the finance manager.

Administrator can control the strategies.


Employee Record System



Employee Record System


Employee Record System

Requirement 1. Company has several DEPARTMENT a. Each DEPARTMENT has a name, number, location and Employee who manage the DEPARTMENT. b. One DEPARTMENT can locate in several places. c. Starting work date from manager need to be saved. 2. Each DEPARTMENT control PROJECT Each PROJECT has name, number, and located in one place. 3. Personal data of EMPLOYEE include SSN, Address, Salary, Sex, and Birth date. a. Each EMPLOYEE works on one DEPARTMENT, but able to involved in several PROJECT. b. Amount of Employee works hour each project must recorded. c. Supervisor direct from each EMPLOYEE must recorded too. 4. Employee have DEPENDENT Data of dependent include Name, Sex, Birth date, Relationship (connection dependent with Employee).


Employee Record System vi e vi w

Employe e

Attendan ce

e w vi e w

en te r

Leaves vi e w

vi e w

salary vi e w

condition vi e w

qualificat ion

en te r vi e w vi e w defi ne


Bonuse s

performa nce

Hi re fir e

Finance Departm ent

HOD che ck

annou nce

assi gne d

vi e w vi e w

en te r

Top Manageme nt

en te r

cont rol

cont rol

introd uce


cont rol cont rol

Administra tor


Employee Record System



Employee Record System

6. QUEERIES Create table employee ( employeeid int auto_increment, Name varchar(20), Fname varchar(20), Homeaddress varchar(20), Dob varchar(20), Designation varchar(20), Sex varchar(20), Emailaddress varchar(30), Contactno int(15), Department varchar(20), City varchar(20), Constraint pk_employee primary key(employeeid) );

Create table department ( Departmentid int auto_increment, Name varchar(20), Location varchar(20), Type varchar(20), Constraint pk_department primary key(departmentid) );


Employee Record System

Create table project ( Projectid int(20), Name varchar(20), Location varchar(20), Nature varchar(20), Type varchar(20), Year int(20), Constraint pk_project primary key(projectid) );

create table salary ( employeeid int auto_increment, name varchar (20), salary int (20), year int (20), constraint pk_salary primary key(employeeid) );



Employee Record System

insert into project (name, location, year) values ('drug addiction', hitec university, 2009); insert into project (name, location, year) values ('kohinoor mill anaylsis', rwp, 2010); insert into project (name, location, year) values ('unicef', islamabad, 2010);

insert into employee (name) values ('ahsan'); insert into employee (name, salary, year) values ('jamil', 10000, 2010); insert into employee (name, salary, year) values ('sidra', 12000, 2010); insert into employee (name, salary, year) values ('asad', 7000, 2010); insert into employee (name, salary, year) values ('abrar', 8000, 2010); insert into employee (name, salary, year) values ('ali', 50000, 2010); insert into employee (name, salary, year) values ('irum', 89000, 2010); insert into employee (name, salary, year) values ('kiran', 36000, 2010); insert into employee (name, salary, year) values ('hina', 45000, 2010); insert into employee (name, salary, year) values ('jack', 69000, 2010); insert into employee (name, salary, year) values ('anu', 23000, 2010); insert into employee (name, salary, year) values ('sidd', 45000, 2010);


alter table salary add constraint fk_employee foreign key(employeeid) references employee(employeeid) on update cascade on delete restrict;

____________________________________________________ select*from salary; select *from employee where salary=20000; select*from employee where salary>35000; select*from employee where salary
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