
May 3, 2018 | Author: Yuri Fadli | Category: Data, Microsoft Excel, Technology, Computing, Computing And Information Technology
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Project Cumulative Cost Data

Your Corporate Name and Logo goes here

Project Name: Reporting Periods:

week 1

week 2

week 3

week 

week !

Planned P%ase $osts Initiation &1'('''











Project *otal Planned $ost:


*ime unit o+ project:


Budgeted $ost per Reporting Period:











$umulati,e Plan $ost:











-ctual $ost:






$umulati,e -ctual $ost:











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Your Corporate Name and Logo goes here

Project Cumulative Cost Data

Instructions: Before you enter any data, do the following:

* Determine the total cost of each project phase * Determine the num+er of reporting periods that each project phase ,ill last -e.g. ' months/ * Determine -or guestimate/ the dollar cost that ,ill occur during each reporting period for each phase To enter planned project values (note: all data entry cells are white):

1. nter project name in the space provided !. nter reporting periods in cells D) through ) -e.g. ,ee2s% months or 3uarters as dates -sho,n/ or month1% month!% etc./ '. nter cost of each project phase under Planned Phase Costs ). nter the phase cost planned for each eporting Period in the ,hite cells provided. -see
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