Project Computerised Hotel Management System

June 4, 2016 | Author: Makinde Yung Freeman | Category: Types, School Work
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Since the emergence of electronic computer, decision making and processing of information has been very easy. Data can now be stored on computer in a considerable low space and retrieved within a short period of time compared with the manual method which is tedious and time consuming as the size of the file increases (kennedy, k, 1999). Though, the ability of computer to store, retrieve and process data can also be done by human but the major difference is that computer can reliably execute millions of instructions within a nanosecond and store the result while it takes a longer period of time for human being to execute. Hotel Management System is a software system where the management of entire hotel is computerized (KuljitKaur, Pooja1982). The application stores customer record and daily activities performed in the hotel such as customer details, reservation details, creating a new room, vacating the rooms, etc. all are computerized and the management is done without any difficulty. It also generate report for authorized user on a daily basis and weekly report, thereby reducing the time and stress that will be undergone using the manual method. 1.2


The mission of this project is to facilitate easy management and administration of a hotel with capabilities to do Booking or reservations of the rooms, Cancellation of the rooms, creating of new user, Room service, Total billing etc. using the computerized hotel management software. One can keep detailed records or info on an unlimited amount of customers. The system lets the user know which all rooms are available for occupancy at any point of time. This makes the booking considerably faster. And thus helps the hotel in better management and reduce a lot of paper work as well as manpower. 1.3


The main objective of the entire activity is to automate and to manage the process of day to dayactivities of Hotel like: 

Room activities 1

Admission of a New Customer

Creating an account for new staff

Delete existing account

Lodge in / Lodge Out

Check room if it is currently in use

Assign properties to room according to new update of the room

Assign a room according to customer‟s demand,

Checkout of a computer and releasing the room

Finally compute the bill etc.



During peak time like December period people travel a lot and lodging in Hotel cannot be over emphasized. Currently,the system of most hotels used is manual method. It requires a lot of time spared in writing the details in the paper and manually validates and maintains the records. It can involve lots of search and time wastage. Preserving and maintaining large amount of data manually is a difficult task. The manual system being is too slow, erroneous in data collection, lack of security etc. Finding out the final payment amount completely relies on the hotel manager and if he is absent, it takes a long time to find out the details during check out and is prone to errors. Drawbacks of the Manual Method 

Manual entry consumes more time.

It is difficult to maintain bulk of record in manual.

Restrictions in the users.

Not easy to prepare the daily reports.

Lack of accuracy and error prone.

Overall efficiency is less.

Lot of paperwork.


No perfect maintenance of report. 2

No method to trace details

Human errors

The manual system is too slow

Searching is more time consuming



The proposed system is to facilitate easy management and administration of a hotel with capabilities to do Booking or reservations of the rooms, Cancellation of the rooms, Cash billing, ordering of food, Adding new staff, Generate bill, Review of report, etc. using the computerized hotel management software. 1.6.

Basic Terminologies

 Software:This is the collection of program that solve a particular problem, it solve a particular problem by using the computer to perform the job instead of manual method that is time consuming, software works together with the hardware to achieve a common goal.  Database:A collection of data designed to be used by different people is called a database, it can also be defined as the data repository;it is the back end of application where data store, update and it can be recovered for later use.  Computer: This can be defined as an electronic machine that stored data, processed data and give a feedback that is known as information.  System: This can be defined as an interrelated component that work together to perform a specific action.  GUI: Graphical User Interface.  SQL SERVER: This is a Relational Database Management System. The abbreviation is Structure Query Language. It is the product of Microsoft.  Vb.Net:Visual Basic (VB) is a programming language based on the original DOS language called BASIC (Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). Is an object-oriented programming language based on VB that is implemented using the Microsoft .NET framework.




The hotel proprietors Act, 1956, a hotel is an “Establishment held out by the proprietor as offering food, drink and if so required, sleeping accommodation, without special contract to any traveller presenting himself who appears able and willing to pay a reasonable sum for the services and facilities provided and who is in a fit state to be received” (KuljitKaur, Pooja, 1982). Hotel is a place where all who conduct themselves properly, and who being able to pay and ready to pay for their entertainment, are received, if there be accommodation for them, who without any stipulated engagement as to the duration of their stay or as to the compensation, are while there, supplied at reasonable cause with their meals, lodging and other services and attention as are necessarily incident to the use as a temporary home‟(KuljitKaur, Pooja, 1982). Hotel keeping can be traced back to many centuries and its evolution through the ages has been brought about by Britain‟s economy and industrial changes and developments. During the seventh and eight centuries, it was the monasteries that supplied hospitality to strangers and, as no charge was made for the accommodation; all travelers were expected to contribute according to their means to the abbey funds(KuljitKaur, Pooja, 1982). As more people began to travel there group themselves together, not only for the company, but for mutual protection from highway men and robbers. Consequently, travelers arrived in groups at a monastery and it was often difficult to accommodate them all. In the early nineteenth century the concept of a hotel room in the bedroom, and this period is known as “Golden age of hotel of the great Britain and the world”. Hotel proprietors were legally referred to as „Common Innkeepers‟ (George Koch, 1998). The turn of the century saw an era that was called „Belle Epoch‟ when grand and luxurious hotel flourished. A few hotels are still operating today. In London and some other cities attempts have


been made to recapture some of the grandeur of the past Vera in the making of the modern hotels, and bring back the memories the grand hotels and old days (George Koch, 1998). According to my research on this project it was discovered that the term „Hotel‟ was used in England in about 1760. Hotel or inn is defined by British law as a place where travelers can receive food and shelter, provided he is in a position to pay for and is in a fit condition to be received‟(George Koch, 1998). 2.2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM A management information system (MIS) is a system that provides information needed to manage organizations effectively. Management information systems are regarded to be a subset of the overall internal controls procedures in a business, which cover the application of people, documents, technologies, and procedures used by management accountants to solve business problems such as costing a product, service or a business-wide strategy. Management information systems are distinct from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in the organization. Academically, the term is commonly used to refer to the group of information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making, e.g. Decision Support Systems, Expert systems, and Executive information systems 2.3


A student information system (SIS) is a software application for educational establishments to manage student data. Student information systems provide capabilities for entering student test and other assessment scores through an electronic grade book, building student schedules, tracking student attendance, and managing many other student-related data needs in a school, college or university. The Student Information System also known as student information management system (SIMS,SIM), student records system (SRS), student management system (SMS), and campus management system (CMS) or school management system (SMS). The SIS is equivalent to an Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP system for acorporate customer. As such, many of the issues with ERP System Selection Methodology, implementation, and operation of an ERP system apply to schools and their SIS systems. These 5

systems vary in size, scope and capability, from packages that are implemented in relatively small organizations to cover student records alone, to enterprise-wide solutions that aim to cover most aspects of running large multi-campus organizations with significant local responsibility. Many systems can be scaled to different levels of functionality by purchasing add-on "modules" and can typically be configured by their home institutions to meet local needs. Until recently, the common functions of a student records system are to support the maintenance of personal and study information relating to:  Handling inquiries from prospective students  Handling the admissions process  Enrolling new students and storing teaching option choices  Automatically creating class & teacher schedules  Handling records of examinations, assessments, marks and grades and academic progression  Maintaining records of absences and attendance  Recording communications with students  Maintaining discipline records  Providing statistical reports  Maintenance boarding house details  Communicating student details to parents through a parent portal  Special Education / Individual Education Plan (IEP) services  Human resources services  Accounting and budgeting services  Student health records In larger enterprise solutions that have student data at their core, further functions include Student financial aid management and more may be customized by the developer. Where national or government systems exist for student finance or statistical return purposes, student records system often provide functionality that caters for this, by way of modules or coreelements that handle the production of required files, or deal with the formatted transfer of information. Examples are the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) process in the United States, the United Kingdom's Student Loans Company processes (SSAR, 6

SSAC and ATFEE file processing), the UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) in the United Kingdom, or the HESA and HESES student statistical returns in the United Kingdom. In the past, universities and large school districts in particular have created their own bespoke student record systems. One such example is the ROSI system at University of Toronto. With growing complexity in the business of educational establishments, most organizations now choose to buy customizable software, and increasing numbers are buying software as a service (SAAS) such as, Orbund, EMPOWER, WeBSIS, Spiral Universe, and Renweb. Most student information systems in use today are server-based, with the application residing on a central computer server, and being accessed by client applications at various places within and even outside the school. But student information systems have been moving to the web since the late 1990s and that trend is accelerating as institutions replace older systems. 2.4


In recent years, several forces have been driving an evolution of student information systems and as a result, leading many institutions to replace theirs. Those forces are:  Demand for 24x7 web-based access to information by students, instructors, and (in primary and secondary education, or K-12) parents  Increasing demands in the amount and frequency of data reporting for accountability and other purposes (so-called "vertical reporting" up to state, provincial, and national agencies)  Importance of integrating student information systems with other tools, especially relating to instruction (IMS systems like Orbund, Maestro, School Net and School City in the US), courses (CMS systems like Blackboard, RM Learning Platform, Chamilo, Claroline, eFront, elearnapp, Dokeos, Sakai, Moodle, Spiral Universe) and learning (LMS systems and on-line course ware like APEX).




Unlike an upgrade to a web browser or a word processor, changes and upgrades to these systems tend to have significant impact on the day-to-day operations of every school employee. These systems typically touch every aspect of school operations even when only the base modules are used. For these reasons, care should be taken to consider the impact on:  Workflow: Since these programs are tightly tied to a school's business workflow and processes, a change to a SIS system can force changes to workflow. This can have a significant impact on daily operations if not considered carefully prior to implementation.  Data Conversion: Data conversion of historic data (transcripts, attendance, health records, etc.) for both current and past students can also be a significant issue to transitioning to a new SIS. Since most schools are required to keep historical data on past students, considerations should be given to what information will be converted and what will be archived.  Customized Reports: Since there is little standardization in what and how student information is stored, most schools have their own processes and procedures (e.g. formatting and layout of data reports) for student grade printouts or attendance records. As most SISs are not perfectly compatible with the previous SIS, upgrading can be a long and tedious process.  Training: Some new SIS programs have a tendency to include some unnecessary features, primary for the use of power users, so training employees to use the new SIS program will most likely be a costly and time-consuming process. Like with an ERP system, schools should consider processes similar to the ERP System Selection Methodology when selecting a SIS system. 2.6


The Hotel Management System (HMS) is a software application for hotel establishments to manage customer information and employee information for quick results. Hotel Management System provide capabilities for entering customer data, facilitate easy management and administration of a hotel with capabilities to do Booking or reservations of the rooms, Cancellation of the rooms, Cash billing, Room service, Total billing etc. using the computerized hotel management software. 8

Features of Hotel Management System  User Authentication  Fast Data & Insertion  User friendly interface Advantages of proposed system The following are the advantages of the proposed system  Secure data  Faster process  Error Free  Better management  Save a lot of manpower  Elimination of Paper work.  High reliability and security.  Fast and economical.  Maintains large Terabytes of data.




The methodology used for this project is Rapid Application Development (RAD). Rapid Application Development (RAD) refers to a type of software development methodology that uses minimal planning in favor of rapid prototyping. The "planning" of software developed using RAD is interleaved with writing the software itself. The lack of extensive pre-planning generally allows software to be written much faster, and makes it easier to change requirements. 3.2


The Model to be employed in the development of this system is the Rapid Application Development model. This is an adaptation of the traditional Waterfall model and is better suited for this project because the development steps can be carried out concurrently i.e. While more data is been gathered to make the system robust and fully effective, design and coding can start and additions made as the project moves on. This will also make room for early testing to ensure that the system meets its requirement. The steps involved in Rapid Application Development are:  Planning and Document Requirements  System Analysis and Design  System Development  Testing  User Review 3.3


The goal of the planning phase is to map broad capabilities of the system from the student perspective. The phase is further divided into the following sub-phase:  Project Definition  Session 10

 Final Document 3.3.1 Project definition This has to do with identifying what the management wants from the project. These include the Purpose, Scope, Objectives, Business Process, Constraints, Resources Requirements, Assumptions and Open issues. The purpose of this particular project is to provide a platform that allows customer and staffs to automate their work in the hotel by keeping information about customer and staffs in the database and generate daily or weekly report for management decision making. 3.3.2 Session This stage defines how information is entered into the system via computer screen. The two type of defining screens are screen flow and screen design. The session also includes the definition of all outputs from the system and any other printouts. 3.3.3 Final document The final document contains the entire documentation of the project meetings, procedures and other relevant documents needed for the successful execution of the project. 3.4


The design phase is divided into two tiers; the front-end and the back-end. The front-end is a graphical interface developed using VB.NET and the back-end which is the database was developed with Microsoft SQL Server. 3.5


As earlier stated, the database was built using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and it consists of various tables storing varying information. The description of each table is stated below. 1.

BILL TABLE:It contain information about charges of customer such as food variety charges, room bill, service tax, and extra charges.



CHECK TABLE: This contain information about check-in time of customer and checkout time of customer, this table also keep record of number of days spent in the hotel.


CUSTOMERS TABLE:This contains record of customers such as customer id, customer name, customer address, and phone number.


LOGIN TABLE:It contains the login information and the information about authenticated user of the system, such as user name, password, first name, last name, phone number.


RESERVATION TABLE:It contains information about customers who reserved for later use. Information stored in this table include reservation id, reservation name, address, phone number, reservation date, and no of days used to reserve the room.


ROOM_MASTER TABLE: Data stored in this table includes room number, room type, status of the room, and tariff charge of the room.


VARIETY TABLE:This table keeps the record of different variety bought in the hotel such as food variety and the full details of the variety such as variety id, variety name, customer id of the customer that bought the variety, costs of the variety.



The application activity illustrates the flow of activities that needed for the operation of the proposed system. In other words, application activity shows how the program is started till when the program is terminated. i.

The process begins; the splash screen is displayed that contain the picture and logo of the hotel welcoming the user “welcome to Daktad Hotel& Suite Hotel Management System” then the system automatically proceed to login page. The user logs in either as an administrator or staff.


If the user is an administrator, he can add a new staff according to their designation, review daily transaction, daily report, weekly report and monthly report, mobilized report for printing, edit or delete staff account.



If user is a staff he/she can make use of interface like the input customer information, view room status, order for food according to customer request, assign room for customer, generate receipt for customer after lodge-out and


The administrator can access any page in the Admin modules


The user signs out.


The process ends



The input requirement of the design phase includes the following: Admin username: This is the required username for administrator to enter in the application Admin password: This is the password of an administrator Staff username: This is the users‟ username Staff password: This is the users‟ password 3.8



Room Enquiry and Reservation Module

This module deals with reservation enquiry and reservation. During reservation, the details of the customers, type of room required and number of room required are fed in to the system. Once these in formations are entered, the system searches for the unoccupied rooms and displays the result. In reservation enquiry, customer can get the information such as rent of rooms and details of rooms available. 2.

Check In/Check-out Module

This module deals with the reservation checkin (i.e., allocating room for the customer who has already reserved) Direct checkin (i.e., checking in without reservation), handling checkout of guest and Bill payment. 3.

Bills and Payments Module


This module deals with the generation and tracking of bills and payments made by the guest. The bills are classified into lodging bills and Restaurant Bill. The lodging bill is calculated using the check in and checkout details of the person. The Restaurant bill is generated based on the food items consumed by the guest during his stay in the hotel. 4.


This module deals with the generation of the reports for the various modules. The customer list can be generated. Room status list can be retrieved for reference. The check in and check out registers can also be retrieved for any future queries. 3.9


The requirement of the output design phase is: Report of Hotel Management System



Software development like any other field requires a prompt and proper planning in order to have stable and reliable foundation for further development. 3.11


This phase test the system before proper deployment to check for errors in its design, where the code modules produced are tested to unravel bugs and ensure that they conform to the stated Users‟ Requirements. The type of system test used during the development of this application is “UNIT TEST”. This test ensures that each unique path of this project performs accurately to the documented specifications contains clearly defined inputs and expected results. 3.12


The data flow diagram (DFD) is one of the most important tools used by system analysts. Data flow diagrams are made up of a number symbols, which represent system components. Most data


flow modeling methods use four kinds of symbols. These symbols are used to represent four kinds of system components such as Processes, data stores, data flows and external entities. Circles in DFD represent processes. Data Flow is represented by a thin line in the DFD and each data store has a unique name and rectangle represents external entities. Unlike detailed flow chart, Data Flow Diagrams do not supply detailed description of the modules but graphically describes a system‟s data and how the data interact with the system. An arrow identifies the data flow in motion. It is a pipeline through which information is flown like the rectangle in the flowchart. A circle stands for process that converts data into information. An open-ended box represents a data store, data at rest or a temporary repository of data. A square defines a source or destination of system data. DFD for Hotel Management System DFD for Overall System:



Hotel Manageme nt System

Data Database

DFD for Authentication: Alert Message

User Name & Password User

Invalid User Validate the User

Valid User

Data Processing




DFD for modules in the Hotel Management System

Restaurant Billing

Restaurant Bill Details Food Entry

Food Details Bill Entry

Bill Details Reservation Enquiry

Enquiry Data Da t a



Process the Request

Room Data Database Customer Data D a t a

Customer Entry

Reservation Data Reservation Entry

Check-in Data Check-in Entry

Checkout Data Check-Out Entry

Report Data Report Generation

















































This chapter deals with the implementation and evaluation of the designed system for verification and validation of the various program/function modules embedded in the design. It introduces the software and hardware requirements for the system to work properly. 4.1


The programming language used for this application is Microsoft Visual Basic.Net. Visual Basic (VB) is a programming language based on the original DOS language called BASIC (Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). VB.NET 2010, an offshoot of Visual Basic, is an object-oriented programming language based on VB that is implemented using the Microsoft .NET framework. Visual Basic .NET can be used to create win forms or web applications and create programming based in any object-oriented programming language (OOP), ADO.NET, Multithreading or Windows Services. VB.NET programming utilizes concepts connected to string encryption, forms inheritance, regular expressions and deployment. During the course of using this approach, the following techniques were adopted: The Top-down design approach the development process begins with the most general view of the application and progressively moves towards a more detailed view. The top-down philosophy ensures that testing of each of the modules begins as soon as they are developed without necessarily completing the project. 4.2


The software requirements for this application include:  Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7  Microsoft SQL server  Microsoft.Net Framework  Anti-virus software to prevent unwanted attack to the system  Firewall software to prevent malicious user attack to the system




The hardware requirements for this software to run are:  Processor Intel Pentium class 833MHz or higher  RAM 256Mb or higher  60Gb Hard-Disk or higher(recommended)  VGA 800X600, 256 colour  Laser Jet Printer  Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) 4.4


The respective interface of the new system design to be human friendly and function are explained below.

APPLICATION SCREEN SHOT WELCOME SPLASH This is the page shown to the user immediately the application is launched, it is a splash screen that welcomes the user.



USER LOGIN This is the main login of the application that allow the user to login as Administrator or Staff


ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL PANEL This is the main login of the application that allows the user to login as Administrator or Staff.


ADD NEW USER This is the interface that allows the administrator to add new staff to the database.

FIGURE. 4.3 ADD NEW STAFF SCREEN SHOT DAILY REPORT This is the interface that allows the administrator to check the amount of the total sales make daily. It automatically generates the amount and prints the report.



VIEW ALL USER This is the interface that allows the administrator to check the profile of staffs and can also delete any staff.

FIGURE. 4.6 VIEW USER SCREEN SHOT STAFF MAIN MENU This is the interface of staff page. The interface automatically changes the User name, Department and the login time according to staff that login.


ADD NEW CUSTOMER INFORMATION This is the interface that allows the staff to fill in customer information according to their choice of room.

FIGURE. 4.8 NEW CUSTOMER DETAILS SCREEN SHOT RESTAURANT INPUT This is the interface that allows the staff to input customer restaurant information according to customer purchased and calculate their bill.


ROOM RESERVATION This is the interface that allows the staff to reserve a room for customer according to customer demand

FIGURE.4.9.0 ROOM RESERVATION SCREEN SHOT CHECK RESERVATION This is the interface that allows the staff to check if room is reserved or available.



CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT This is the interface that allows the staff to check-out the customer in the room when the duration has expired.

FIGURE. 4.9.2 CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT SCREEN SHOT VIEW ROOM STATUS This is the interface that allows the staff to view all the room status.


FIGURE is the Customer bill table

FIGURE 4.7.2 This is the Screen shot of check-in-check-out table


FIGURE 4.7.3 This is the Screen shot of customer table

FIGURE 4.7.4 This is the screen shot of login table 27

FIGURE 4.7.6This is the screen shot of reservation table

FIGURE 4.7.2 This is the screen shot of room_master table




The manual approach involved in managing Hotel Record is considered to be time consuming and monotonous. Therefore, the Hotel Management System was able to a large extent eliminate the manual approach. The overall system test and evaluation shows that the system is capable of keeping, maintaining records of hotel within the shortest possible time at the same time reducing the complexities with the manual methods. 5.1 RECOMMENDATION A series of future work in this research area is highly recommended. This project has actually provided a platform for further studies in the area of Hotel Management System. The following research areas could be exploited to further enhance this research. 

Online Hotel Management System


REFERENCES Akeel I Din (2008), „Introduction to SQL‟, NCC BLACKWELL Publisher

Brad Siler, William Spot (2006), „Understanding VB.Net‟,(pp 1-200)

Craig Utley (2005), „Programmers Introduction to VB.Net‟ ,(pp 30-120)

Dave Grundgeiger (2007), „Programming Visual Basic.Net‟, BOOKMAN Publisher

David McAMis (2008), „Crystal Report for Visual Studio.Net „,(pp 1-70)

Kennedy, k (1999), „Synopsis of Online Hotel Management System‟

KuljitKaur, Pooja (1982), „Report for Hotel and Hospitality Industry‟,(pp 5-189)


APPENDICES Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager PublicClass AddNewUser Dim cp AsString = ConnectionStrings("Hotel").ToString Dim cn AsNew SqlConnection(cp) PrivateSub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If txtPass.Text = ""Then MsgBox("username/password cannot be empty") ExitSub EndIf Try cn.Open() Dim cmdText AsString = "select * from Login where password='"& txtPass.Text &"'" Dim cmd As SqlCommand cmd = New SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) Dim rea As SqlDataReader rea = cmd.ExecuteReader Dim a AsString = "" While rea.Read a = rea("username") EndWhile cn.Close() cn.Open() If a = ""Then cmdText = "Insert into Login values('"& txtPass.Text &"','"& txtFirst.Text _ &"','"& txtLast.Text &"','"& txtAdd.Text &"','"& txtPhone.Text &"','"& cbxDept.SelectedItem & _ "','Staff')" cmd = New SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) cmd.ExecuteScalar() MsgBox("Inserted") clear() Else MsgBox("This username exists!") EndIf Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub Sub clear() txtAdd.Text = "" txtFirst.Text = "" txtLast.Text = "" txtPass.Text = "" txtPhone.Text = "" cbxDept.SelectedItem = Nothing EndSub



PublicClass AdminMeni PrivateSub AdminMeni_FormClosing(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) HandlesMe.FormClosing Form1.Show() EndSub PrivateSub AddNewUserToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddNewUserToolStripMenuItem.Click AddNewUser.Show() EndSub PrivateSub ViewUserToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ViewUserToolStripMenuItem.Click Dim allusers AsNew ViewAllUsers allusers.Show() EndSub PrivateSub DailyReportToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DailyReportToolStripMenuItem.Click Dim dReport AsNew DailyReport dReport.Show() EndSub PrivateSub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.Click Form1.Show() Me.Hide() EndSub EndClass

Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager PublicClass CheckInCheckOut Dim cp AsString = ConnectionStrings("Hotel").ToString Dim cn AsNew SqlConnection(cp) PrivateSub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If txtCust.Text = ""Then MsgBox("You must enter customer ID") ExitSub EndIf Try


Dim cmdText AsString = "select * from [check] where cust_id='"& txtCust.Text &"'" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) cn.Open() Dim reader As SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader While reader.Read txtChkD.Text = reader("chkInDate") txtChkT.Text = reader("chkInTime") txtRoomNo.Text = reader("room_no") txtNoD.Text = reader("noOfDays") txtChkOutD.Text = reader("chkOutDt") txtChkOutT.Text = reader("chkOutTime") EndWhile If txtChkOutD.Text = ""Then MsgBox("No record found") EndIf Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub PrivateSub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Try If txtRoomNo.Text = ""Then MsgBox("Room Number can't be null") ExitSub EndIf Dim cmdT AsString = "select * from [check] where cust_id='"& txtCust.Text &"' " Dim comand AsNew SqlCommand(cmdT, cn) cn.Open() Dim rea As SqlDataReader Dim status AsString = "" rea = comand.ExecuteReader While rea.Read status = rea("status").ToString EndWhile cn.Close() cn.Open() If status = "check out"Then MsgBox("This user with id: "& txtCust.Text &" has already checked out") clear() Else Dim cmdText AsString = "update Room_Master Set Status='Available',checkOutDate='Not Set' where Room_No='"& txtRoomNo.Text &"'" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) cmd.ExecuteScalar()


cmdText = "update [check] set status='check out' where cust_id='"& txtCust.Text &"'" cmd = New SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) cmd.ExecuteScalar() MsgBox("Customer succcessfully checked out") clear() EndIf Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub Sub clear() txtChkD.Text = "" txtChkOutD.Text = "" txtChkOutT.Text = "" txtChkT.Text = "" txtCust.Text = "" txtNoD.Text = "" txtRoomNo.Text = "" EndSub EndClass

Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager PublicClass CustomerDetails Dim cp AsString = ConnectionStrings("Hotel").ToString Dim cn AsNew SqlConnection(cp) PrivateSub CustomerDetails_Load(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMe.Load Dim RanNum AsNew Random txtCust.Text = RanNum.Next(9999, 999999) EndSub Sub Customers() Try cn.Open() Dim cmdText AsString = "Insert Into customers VALUES('"& txtCust.Text &"','"& txtCustName.Text &"','"& txtAddress.Text &"','"& txtPhone.Text &"')" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry


EndSub Sub checkIN() Try Dim ccc AsString = "Insert into [check] VALUES('"& txtCust.Text &"','"& dtChkIn.Text &"','"& _ txtChkTime.Text &"','"& txtRoomS.Text &"','"& txtNoD.Text &"','"& dtChkOutDate.Text &"','"& dtChkOutTime.Text &"','check in')" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(ccc, cn) cn.Open() cmd.ExecuteScalar() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub Sub UpdateRoomNo() Try Dim cmdText AsString = "UPDATE Room_Master Set Status='unavailable',CheckOutDate='"& dtChkOutDate.Text &"' where Room_No='"& txtRoomS.Text &"'" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) cn.Open() cmd.ExecuteScalar() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub PublicSub LoadDataSet(ByRef cmdText AsString) Dim da AsNew SqlDataAdapter(cmdText, cn) Dim ds AsNew DataSet da.Fill(ds) EndSub Sub InsertTax(ByRef cust_id AsString, ByRef servTax AsInteger, ByRef Total AsInteger) Try Dim cmdText AsString = "Insert INTO Bill(CustomerID,theDate,ServiceTax,Total_Charge) Values('"& cust_id &"','"& dtChkIn.Text &"','"& servTax &"','"& Total &"')" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) cn.Open() cmd.ExecuteScalar() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub Sub Print() Try


Dim cmdText AsString = "Delete from cust_Report INSERT INTO cust_Report Values('"& txtCust.Text &"','"& txtCustName.Text &"','"& txtPhone.Text &"','" _ & txtAddress.Text &"','"& txtChkTime.Text &"','"& dtChkIn.Text &"','"& dtChkOutTime.Text &"','"& dtChkOutDate.Text &"','"& txtNoD.Text &"','"& txtRoomS.Text &"')" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) cn.Open() cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Dim tText AsString = "Delete from BillTemp Insert INTO BillTemp(cust_id,servT,Tot_Charge) select CustomerID,ServiceTax,Total_Charge from Bill where CustomerID='"& txtCust.Text &"'" cmd = New SqlCommand(tText, cn) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() cn.Close() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) EndTry EndSub PrivateSub cbxRType_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cbxRType.SelectedIndexChanged Try Dim cmdText AsString = "select Room_No from Room_Master where Room_Type='"& cbxRType.SelectedItem &"'" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) cn.Open() Dim rea As SqlDataReader rea = cmd.ExecuteReader lstRoom.Items.Clear() While rea.Read lstRoom.Items.Add(rea(0).ToString) EndWhile Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub PrivateSub lstRoom_SelectedIndexChanged_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstRoom.SelectedIndexChanged Try Dim cmdText AsString = "select * from Reservation where Res_Date='"& dtChkIn.Text &"' and Room_No='"& lstRoom.SelectedItem &"'" Dim da AsNew SqlDataAdapter(cmdText, cn) Dim ds AsNew DataSet da.Fill(ds, "Reservation") Dim RoomNo AsString = "" Dim theDate AsString = "" ForEach s As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows RoomNo = s("room_no") theDate = s("Res_date") Next cmdText = "select * from Room_Master where room_no='"& lstRoom.SelectedItem &"'"


da = New SqlDataAdapter(cmdText, cn) ds = New DataSet da.Fill(ds, "Room_Master") Dim RoomNo2 AsString = "" ForEach t As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows RoomNo2 = t("status") Next cn.Open() Dim myText AsString = "select * from Room_Master where Room_No='"& lstRoom.SelectedItem &"'" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(myText, cn) Dim rr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader While rr.Read txtTariff.Text = rr("Tariff") txtRoomS.Text = lstRoom.SelectedItem If dtChkIn.Text = theDate And lstRoom.SelectedItem = RoomNo Then txtRStatus.Text = "Reserved" ElseIf RoomNo2 = "unavailable"Then txtRStatus.Text = "unavailable" Else txtRStatus.Text = "Available" EndIf EndWhile Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub PrivateSub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click 'Const SerChar As Single = 0.02 Dim tarriff AsInteger tarriff = txtTariff.Text Dim NoD AsInteger NoD = txtNoD.Text Dim TM AsInteger TM = tarriff * NoD Customers() checkIN() UpdateRoomNo() InsertTax(txtCust.Text, 0.02, TM) Print() PrintCustomerReport.Show() Me.Hide() EndSub EndClass


PublicClass MainMenu PrivateSub ReserveRoomToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ReserveRoomToolStripMenuItem.Click RoomsReservation.Show() EndSub PrivateSub ViewReservationsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ViewReservationsToolStripMenuItem.Click viewReservation.Show() EndSub PrivateSub AddCustomerDetailsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddCustomerDetailsToolStripMenuItem.Click CustomerDetails.Show() EndSub PrivateSub CheckINcheckOUTDetailsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckINcheckOUTDetailsToolStripMenuItem.Click CheckInCheckOut.Show() EndSub PrivateSub RoomStatusToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RoomStatusToolStripMenuItem.Click viewRoomStatus.Show() EndSub PrivateSub MainMenu_FormClosing(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) HandlesMe.FormClosing Form1.Show() EndSub PrivateSub MainMenu_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load lblTime.Text = DateTime.Now lblDept.Text = userInfo.dept lblUName.Text = userInfo.name1 &" "& userInfo.name2 EndSub PrivateSub NewRestaurantDetailsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewRestaurantDetailsToolStripMenuItem.Click Dim rd AsNew Restaurant rd.Show() EndSub PrivateSub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.Click Form1.Show() Me.Hide() EndSub EndClass


Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager PublicClass Restaurant Dim cp AsString = ConnectionStrings("Hotel").ToString Dim cn AsNew SqlConnection(cp) PrivateSub cbxCategory_SelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cbxCategory.SelectionChangeCommitted Dim cmdTet AsString = "select * from variety where category='"& cbxCategory.SelectedItem &"' " Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(cmdTet, cn) Try cn.Open() Dim reader As SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader lstVarName.Items.Clear() While reader.Read lstVarName.Items.Add(reader("varName").ToString) EndWhile Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub PrivateSub lstVarName_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstVarName.SelectedIndexChanged Dim water AsString = "select * from variety where varName='"& lstVarName.SelectedItem &"' " Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(water, cn) Try cn.Open() Dim rr As SqlDataReader rr = cmd.ExecuteReader While rr.Read txtAmount.Text = rr("cost") EndWhile Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub PrivateSub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Try If txtQuan.Text = ""Or txtAmount.Text = ""Then MsgBox("supply quantity") ExitSub EndIf Dim quantity AsInteger Dim amount AsInteger Dim Total AsDouble quantity = txtQuan.Text


amount = txtAmount.Text Total = quantity * amount txtOverallAm.Text += Total Dim cmdText AsString = "INSERT INTO Restaurant VALUES('"& txtResID.Text &"','"& txtCustName.Text &"','"& _ lstVarName.SelectedItem &"','"& txtQuan.Text &"','"& txtAmount.Text &"','"& DateTimePicker1.Text &"')" cn.Open() Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) cmd.ExecuteScalar() MsgBox("saved") Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub PrivateSub Restaurant_Load(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMe.Load Dim RanNum AsNew Random txtResID.Text = RanNum.Next(10000000, 30000000) &"eA" EndSub PrivateSub btnPrint_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrint.Click If txtCustName.Text = ""Or txtAmount.Text = ""Or txtQuan.Text = ""Or txtOverallAm.Text < 0 Then MsgBox("You can't print with an incomplete information") ExitSub EndIf Try Dim cmdText AsString = "delete from RestaurantTemp Insert INTO RestaurantTemp Select Rest_ID,Cust_Name,FoodOrdered,quantity,amount from Restaurant where Rest_ID='"& txtResID.Text &"'" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) cn.Open() cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() cmdText = "delete from header INSERT INTO header VALUES('"& txtResID.Text &"','"& txtOverallAm.Text &"')" cmd = New SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() RestReportForm.Show() Me.Hide() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub EndClass


Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager PublicClass RoomsReservation Dim cp AsString = ConnectionStrings("Hotel").ToString Dim cn AsNew SqlConnection(cp) PrivateSub RoomsReservation_Load(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMe.Load Dim ranNum AsNew Random txtResID.Text = ranNum.Next(2000000, 3000000) EndSub PrivateSub cbxRoomT_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cbxRoomT.SelectedIndexChanged Try cn.Open() Dim cmdText AsString = "select * from Room_Master where Room_Type='"& cbxRoomT.SelectedItem &"'" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) Dim rea As SqlDataReader rea = cmd.ExecuteReader lstRooms.Items.Clear() While rea.Read lstRooms.Items.Add(rea(0).ToString) EndWhile Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub PrivateSub lstRooms_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstRooms.SelectedIndexChanged Try Dim cmdText AsString = "select * from Reservation where Res_Date='"& dtDate.Text &"' and Room_No='"& lstRooms.SelectedItem &"'" Dim da AsNew SqlDataAdapter(cmdText, cn) Dim ds AsNew DataSet da.Fill(ds, "Reservation") Dim RoomNo AsString = "" Dim theDate AsString = "" ForEach s As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows RoomNo = s("room_no") theDate = s("Res_date") Next cn.Open() Dim myText AsString = "select * from Room_Master where Room_No='"& lstRooms.SelectedItem &"'" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(myText, cn) Dim rr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader While rr.Read txtTariff.Text = rr("Tariff") txtRoomN.Text = lstRooms.SelectedItem If dtDate.Text = theDate And lstRooms.SelectedItem = RoomNo Then


txtStatus.Text = "Reserved" Else txtStatus.Text = "Free" EndIf EndWhile Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub PrivateSub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Try If txtCustName.Text = ""Or txtDays.Text = ""Or txtPhone.Text = ""Or txtAdd.Text = ""Then MsgBox("No field can be empty") ExitSub EndIf cn.Open() Dim ccc AsString = "Insert into Reservation Values('"& txtResID.Text &"','"& txtCustName.Text & _ "','"& txtAdd.Text &"','"& txtPhone.Text &"','"& dtDate.Text &"','"& txtDays.Text &"','"& txtRoomN.Text &"','"& txtTariff.Text &"')" Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(ccc, cn) cmd.ExecuteScalar() ccc = "Delete FROM ReservationTemp INSERT INTO ReservationTemp SELECT * from Reservation where Res_Id='"& txtResID.Text &"'" cmd = New SqlCommand(ccc, cn) cmd.ExecuteScalar() MsgBox("Room Reserved successfully") ReservationReportForm.Show() Me.Hide() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub EndClass

Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager PublicClass ViewAllUsers Dim cn AsString = ConnectionStrings("Hotel").ToString PrivateSub ViewAllUsers_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load EndSub


PrivateSub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim cp AsNew SqlConnection(cn) Dim cmdText AsString = "select * from Login where designation='Staff'" Dim da AsNew SqlDataAdapter(cmdText, cn) Dim ds AsNew DataSet da.Fill(ds, "Login") DataGridView1.DataSource = ds DataGridView1.DataMember = "Login" EndSub PrivateSub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click If txtPassword.Text = ""Then MsgBox("You must enter password") ExitSub EndIf Dim cmdText AsString = "select * from Login where password='"& txtPassword.Text &"'" Dim cp AsNew SqlConnection(cn) Dim cmd AsNew SqlCommand(cmdText, cp) cp.Open() Dim reader As SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader Dim a AsString = "" While reader.Read a = reader("password") EndWhile cp.Close() cp.Open() If a = ""Then MsgBox("No record to delete") Else Dim ccc AsString = "DELETE FROM Login where password='"& txtPassword.Text &"'" cmd = New SqlCommand(ccc, cp) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() MsgBox("record deleted") txtPassword.Text = "" EndIf cp.Close() EndSub EndClass Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager PublicClass viewReservation Dim cp AsString = ConnectionStrings("Hotel").ToString Dim cn AsNew SqlConnection(cp) PrivateSub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click If txtCust.Text = ""Then MsgBox("You must enter customer ID") ExitSub


EndIf Dim cmdText AsString = "select * from Reservation where Res_Id='"& txtCust.Text &"'" Dim cmd As SqlCommand Try cmd = New SqlCommand(cmdText, cn) Dim rea As SqlDataReader cn.Open() rea = cmd.ExecuteReader While rea.Read txtCustName.Text = rea(1) txtAdd.Text = rea(2) txtPhone.Text = rea(3) txtResDate.Text = rea(4) txtDays.Text = rea(5) txtRoom.Text = rea(6) Button1.Enabled = True EndWhile If txtCustName.Text = ""Then MsgBox("NO record found") EndIf Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally cn.Close() EndTry EndSub PrivateSub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click ReserveItems.Res_Name = txtCustName.Text ReserveItems.Address = txtAdd.Text ReserveItems.Phone = txtPhone.Text ReserveItems.Res_Date = txtResDate.Text ReserveItems.noOfDays = txtDays.Text ReserveItems.room_no = txtRoom.Text ReserveItems.tariff = txtTariff.Text CustomerDetails.Show() Me.Hide() EndSub EndClass Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager PublicClass viewRoomStatus Dim cp AsString = ConnectionStrings("Hotel").ToString Dim cn AsNew SqlConnection(cp) PrivateSub Button1_Click(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim cmdText AsString = "select * from Room_Master" Dim da AsNew SqlDataAdapter(cmdText, cn) Dim ds AsNew DataSet


da.Fill(ds, "Room_Master") DataGridView1.DataSource = ds DataGridView1.DataMember = "Room_Master" EndSub EndClass


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