Project Buff FREE Program!k

March 9, 2017 | Author: Faris Muhamedagic | Category: N/A
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Download Project Buff FREE Program!k...



The Ultimate Male Strength + Muscle Guide By: OMAR ISUF

Table of Contents PB




How to Use This Program



Who This Program is For



The Seven Stages

9 – 11


Finding the Right Weight



Test Day



Your Week 1



How Strong are You?



Principles of Size



Buff Rules

18 – 20


Exercise Program Outline

21 – 23


Exercise Form

24 – 25


The Science Behind Project Buff

26 – 27


More Important Exercise Rules



What Supplements do I Recommend?




30 – 34


Buff Nutrition

35 – 42


Meal Plans

43 – 63


Recipe Index (Bonus!)

64 – 66


Nutrition Rules

67 – 68





Training Schedule Evaluation Sheets

71 – 117


Secrets of Gaining Size: Customization

118 – 119


Exercise Index

120 – 125


Evaluation Sheet



Chef Buff Codex

127 – 128

Page 2

Badass and Beyond Overview You have before you the FREE version of the most complete, effective and simple male size/strength program ever designed. I can say such a bold statement after meticulously tweaking and experimenting with it on hundreds of client successes over the years and am confident of the proven results. The FREE version is a sampler of the FULL program. It includes 4 weeks of the 24 weeks of work outs (with HD video!), a 3 day sample diet for normal body types, and about 40% of the written content of the FULL version. To recap what the FULL version has:  24 Weeks of Intense Muscle Building Routines designed to get you MORE results in LESS time.  All 25 training sessions filmed in High Quality HD to view on your computer, TV and/or iPod!  DIGITAL DOWNLOAD and ready to rock on your iPod.  Meal Plans for Ectomorphs, Endomorphs and Mesomorphs  24 Week Calorie Calculator to customize your macronutrients for you.  DIGITAL LIBRARY of exercise form and specific techniques to get MORE out of every exercise!  Training schedule and training sheets for all 24 weeks for every single training session so you can track your progress.  Badass and Beyond Master Food List, if you want to make your own meals and want to know what is allowed and what is not.  Unlimited Support from myself! Ask any question by going here.


Page 3

HOW to use this program As soon as you are ready, immediately begin the training and the diet. The diet conveniently has three levels: Skinny Fat, Skinny Jimmy, and Super Skinny. You get to customize it according to your preferences! You should measure yourself using the progress evaluation sheet attached to record results.

WHO this program is for This program is designed for someone who is TIRED of not seeing results in the gym. He wants to get BIGGER and LEANER but doesn’t know where to start. This program is for the beginner and intermediate lifter, looking to break out of their rut. It’s for the man who wants to make the MOST progress in the least amount of time. In short, it’s for the person who wants to kick ass and take names. It’s the program I wish I had when I first started exercising. I wasted a lot of time doing barbell curls in the squat rack. This program is the product of years of experience (both personal and professional), cutting edge science (both theoretical and practical) and thousands of hours of infield experience. I can confidently say that this is the best SIZE program I have ever come across for a beginner. In short, this program is for everyone (except women…I don’t want them to have big muscles... call me crazy).

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Who is a BEGINNER? A beginner is anyone who:  has not trained over two years  cannot bench 225, squat and deadlift 315 for a single rep  does not have 16 inch arms (flexed) If any of the three above fit you, you are a beginner. Truth be told, anyone can benefit from this program but it is designed to help get you from looking like everyone else to looking awesome.

This is a time lapse of one year of a Badass fan following Project Buff principles. (Great job, Kike Moreno!)

My Progress

Page 5

Measurement Time

Make sure to fill out your progress evaluation sheet with these measurements. Do the same for the training sessions with the training sheets provided. Record your weights. Your GOAL is to INCREASE the weight ALWAYS. When measuring yourself weekly make sure to do: 1. Scale weight first thing in the morning once per week. 2. Bodyfat % (if you have one) once per week. 3. Tape measurements of body: a. b. c. d.

Shoulders (you’ll need help with this one) Chest (across the nipple line) Waist (the smallest part of your waist) Love Handles (the widest part of your waist a.k.a. love handles area) e. Biceps (flex your arm in a bicep hold and measure at the peak) f. Butt (at the widest part) g. Upper Thigh (right under where your butt ends) As a benefit, you will now know your measurements to get a pimp shirt made! THIS WILL KEEP YOU ON TRACK.


WHAT can you EXPECT from this program If you are eating cheeseburgers, pizza and Kit Kats this program won’t do shit for you. Hold the cheez whiz, skippy. It’s time to get SERIOUS. And we’re serious about size. Every road has a starting point, get ready to embark on your own cosmic odyssey. Get ready to kick ass and take names! You can expect, over the next 24 weeks, to get the MOST results you’ve experienced yet. If you follow this program you will add inches to your arms, pounds to frame and plates to your lifts. Everyone is unique so to quantify numbers would be misleading but I’d expect you in one cycle to gai n about 8-10 pounds of solid weight (that would be about 6 pounds of muscle and 4 pounds of glycogen). Remember this is actually muscle and not BLUBBER. When you consider that between my two photos (see page 5), the weight difference is 15 pounds (8 months of work), you can see what adding TRUE, QUALITY muscle looks like. I’ve had guys pack on over 20 pounds of lean muscle in six months and move their deadlifts up from 155 to over 405. Everyone is unique. THE POINT IS TO GET WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT!

OK, I want to go FAST... How do I do that? With this program, we do NOT work out. We TRAIN. Housewives work out at the gym. We train with purpose. HERE is what you will NEED to complete this program:


1. A gym membership (don’t be cheap its worth it, or if you have your own home gym with barbells, dumbbells, a bench and power rack, you’ll be 2. Be over the age of 16 (sorry guys, legal reasons!) 3. The DESIRE and WILL to transform your body. 4. Follow the Program!

Leave the rest up to me!


What BODY TYPE are you? Training according to your body type is absolutely critical. If you get fat eating a lot of carbs, you shouldn’t be eating a lot of carbs. For the record, there are NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL distinctions of body types. This is the principle of the Nutrition Program. Someone could easily build muscle in certain areas but struggle in others. Others could add body fat with the wrong types of foods but if they ate clean they would stay lean, even if they eat 5000 calories! You must listen to your body. I’ve broken down the average male into three different body types: 1. Skinny Fat 2. Normal 3. Skinny Jimmy Basically what type you classify yourself will influence what your nutrition program looks like. If you are UNSURE of what type you are, start with the lowest calorie/carb plan and slowly increase calories to add size. Note: the photos used for each body type stage are merely illustration. (For the record I’d classify myself under the NORMAL STAGE 3 category.) Here is a photo prior to ever REALLY training. Don’t laugh... this was actually after 3 months of barbell curls!

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Here are multiple photos of bodies under each type to give you an idea of WHAT TYPE of body you are. It’s our starting point!

Skinny Fat

Skinny Fat means you don’t weight much but you still have extra fat. It’s caused by not eating enough and working out. Basically you’ve lost all your muscle so your fat looks even MORE than it actually is. For those that ever were overweight in their life, this is where you would be. CURE: Properly timed carbs and a high protein diet with frequent eating periods + heavy lifting.

STAGE 1: Slightly overweight/ very skinny fat – the above guy is a perfect example of skinny fat: thin arms, saggy moobs (man boobs) and a tummy.

STAGE 2: Moderate skinny fat – the above guy at first might just look skinny, but he has about ten pounds of extra fat and saggy moobs (a sure sign that the muscle hormone testosterone is low). This separates him from normal.

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Normal is a broad term. It means you have neither a lightning fast metabolism (can you eat two pizzas without gaining weight?) and don’t suffer from moobs. The vast majority of people are under the three different normal categories. CURE: Real carb cycling, a higher volume of exercise and avoiding spiking cortisol (less stress, less alcohol, etc.)

STAGE 3: Puffy Normal – the above guy is borderline normal. He might have a couple pounds extra fat, but he has no moobs and his ribcage is showing. He needs to lift heavy! This is basically where I was...

STAGE 4: Normal – the above guy has more muscle than the guy above and about the same level of fat.

STAGE 5: BORDERLINE Skinny Jimmy – he’s leaner than the above photo with the same amount of muscle. He’s almost a Skinny Jimmy!

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Skinny Jimmy

Skinny Jimmys are guys that have been lean all their life, can get away with eating bad food and not get fat, and have big potential to grow.

STAGE 6: Skinny Jimmy – If you don’t really exercise but have faint abs and can get away with eating a fair amount of junk food, you have a fast metabolism and will gain size easily.

STAGE 7: Ripped – The above guy is born with great genetics. He might not have a lot of muscle, but he’s lean. He can get away with eating quite a bit and gain a lot of size. Very good body type (don’t worry only about 2% of guys are like this).


Finding the Right Weight Now that you have this super awesome program, how much weight should you EXACTLY lift to gain size? Well that’s the million dollar question, skippy! The best answer: use the maximum weight that you can SAFELY control and dominate the lift. If you struggle, the weight is not for you! Before you ever begin this program, I’d like you to find out how strong you are. We are going to retest these levels at the end of the program to prove the tremendous gains you will have received!

Test Day You will need to set aside ONE DAY BEFORE actually beginning the program to find out what weights you should lift. The program makes sense to begin on a Monday, so the test day should either be on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday. You will be testing 4 things: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Deadlift Squat Benchpress Pull-up

Note: if you have NEVER worked out before in your life, please use a very light weight for testing purposes. Do not exert yourself. It is HIGHLY recommended (mandatory) that you have someone come with you so they can be there to make sure your form is fine.  What you will be doing: trying to lift the heaviest weight that you can DOMINATE for 6 reps on the Squat, Deadlift and Benchpress.  To do this: start with just the Olympic bar (it’s the standard bar in all gyms). It weighs 45 pounds. Lift this for 6 reps. If this very easy, keep adding ten pounds per side until it starts to get somewhat chal lenging. Then start adding only 5 or 2.5 pounds per side until you reach your max weight (the weight you can only get 6 perfect reps at. No more, no less).  Next page gives you an example!

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Exercise Example – Bench Press     

Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar

(45 pounds) with 10 pounds per side (65 pounds): you find this easy with 20 pounds per side (85 pounds): 6 reps pretty challenging with 25 pounds per side (95 pounds): 6 reps challenging with 27.5 pounds per side (100 pounds): you only do 4 reps

This means: YOUR MAX TRAINING WEIGHT for the Bench Press is 95 pounds (as you failed at 100 pounds). Do this with all three movements in this order and then do the Pull Up. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Deadlift Squat Bench Press Pull Up*

*For the Pull Up, just try to get as many clean reps in ONE GO.

Project Buff Exercise Form Please refer to the videos for exercise form. To get more in-depth about particular exercises that are important, I made videos for them – check it out!  How to SQUAT Right  How to BACK SQUAT Right  How to DEADLIFT Right  How to do Proper PULL-UPS  How to perform the BENCH PRESS




Page 14


Your Week 1 “Starting Weights” for the Big Lifts! Now that you had your first taste of the gym, the weights you will use in Week 1 of the program will be LESS then your MAX weight. Please see the chart below: EXERCISE



-30 pounds from 6 Rep Max


-30 pounds from 6 Rep Max

Bench Press

-20 pounds from 6 Rep Max












Bench Press Pull-Up


These are the weights you will be using on Week 1! After Week 1, once you feel comfortable and when the weights become easy, immediately increase the weight!


How Strong are You? Figuring Out Your “1 Rep Max”. REPS















The above chart allows you to calculate your estimated “1 Rep Max” on all major lifts! EXAMPLE: For the squat, I can get 6 reps for 100 pounds. You would take your 100 pounds and multiply it by the number next to the amount of reps you did, in this case, 1.12. So 1.12 x 100 pounds= 112 pounds (sorry there is math involved but its basic!). For the benchpress, using the same calculation, if you got 6 reps for 100 pounds, you would multiply it by 1.24 (see above chart) to get a “1 Rep Max” of 124 pounds. Add your three numbers together to form your “1 Rep TOTAL”. In other words, if your squat was 200 pounds, deadlift was 250 and benchpress was 100 pound, your total would be 550 pounds. At this end of the program I’d like a total of at least 800, with 1000 being absolutely fantastic! We want to compare this number. WRITE DOWN your starting number.

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Principles of Size

Here are undeniable truths about trying to get muscular. 1) Muscles grow when they are being stimulated in new, more challenging ways. I am not talking P90X BS, I mean that in order to continue to see growth, you have to get better. This means more weight, more reps, more sets, less rest. Not all at once, but each in their own time. Strength is the easiest indicator of gaining size; its tangible, useful and satisfying. Pursue strength. 2) The stronger you are, the easier it is to gain size. Think about our first statement... you have to stimulate a muscle for it to grow. If you had to lift a feather, do you think it would cause you to grow any size? Hell no. Now, what if you had to lift a car? Lifting a car is freaking heavy, and challenging. If you could do it, you best be sure you would gain size. Think about it another way, if you could benchpress 225 pounds for 10 reps vs being able to benchpress 100 pounds for 10 reps, what do you think will add more size? Yep, 225 pounds (if you answered otherwise, please stop reading this, this training thing is not for you). 3) Stick to what works, dedicate yourself wholly to a program. Quite honestly there are a lot of programs that work. But they work because the entire FRAMEWORK is set up in the program. This program is the EASIEST way to gain size for a BEGINNER, that is what it is designed for. Nothing more, nothing less. Follow it exactly and you will get results. 4) Fuel your body for growth. Depending upon your body type (skinny fat, normal, or skinny jimmy), you need to eat appropriately (timing, amount and frequency) to get enough nutrition. Do not skimp on your food. Ramen noodles are not your freaking friend. Eat enough protein and calories CONSISTENTLY. Rule of thumb: Marry a girl whose father is a farmer and you’re all set. 5) Track Progress. Muscle takes time to grow. In fact, what you do today will NOT reflect on your body for at least 4 weeks. And you’ll only start to notice big differences about 4 months into this program. Be PATIENT and remember to measure yourself to objectively assess how well you are doing.

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Buff Rules

These rules are 100% true about training and will help explain a lot of the core concepts of the program! 1) Train for performance and aesthetics will follow Weight training is a sport. You are an athlete. Focus on trying to become better and I guarantee your body will start looking better. Don’t hop on the scale every morning hoping for a change. Instead go into the gym with focus and watch as you explode. 2) A beginner and an advanced lifter should not train the same Bodybuilders and advanced lifters have been training for years. 95% of bigger guys built their awesome bodies off of a solid foundation of full body training and heavy compound movements. This includes Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman and even Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (too bad it can’t help his acting, YOU SMELL WHAT I AM COOKING?). 3) You CAN Gain Muscle and Lose Fat As a Beginner Being a beginner is an awesome time, because you have not awakened your body, nor its potential. This means your metabolism is slower than it should be and when you first start working out, you can lose fat and gain muscle (you won’t lose A LOT of fat, but it’s a great side benefit). Being a beginner is one of the best, most anabolic times ever! 4) Training to Failure and Strength Do NOT Go Hand in Hand You ever see the guy that consistently beats himself into the ground when he trains? And yet year after year he looks the same? I have and it’s bad. Strength is an art form. It requires giving the RIGHT amount of effort for every training session. You want to dominate every set as if you are being filmed. Your form must be perfect. 5) Strength builds size Case in point: A lot of powerlifters become bodybuilders. Not a lot of bodybuilders become powerlifters or can become powerlifters. It’s the foundation. 6) The Reason You Can’t Gain Size Fast Now is Because of Strength Limitations If you can only benchpress 100 pounds, how are you going to grow? 100 pounds even performed for 30 reps will not stimulate growth. Your body needs to be challenged. There is a minimum requirement of strength to gain a decent level of size. Strength can be measured in numbers, and once you can benchpress 225 pounds, it’s more than enough of a stimulus to add size. It will become easier to add even more size in the future!

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7) Eat For Fuel Not For Comfort Your body is a machine and you are the Captain. What you eat will directly affect how you look. The cleaner you eat, the leaner and bigger you will be. Always remember this - even the ectomorphs that need a lot of calories. Natural peanut butter over chocolate bars any day of the week. 8) It Takes TIME Whatever you do NOW will take 4 weeks to show up. Give it time, hold tight and keep it right! 9) Develop a High Capacity For Training Anything that drains your CNS (central nervous system) will limit how many times you can train. Things like consistently going to failure, lifting too heavy of a weight for your body and working out too long in a single session are a couple things that are very neurally draining. To prevent this, always give the right effort when training. After finishing a session, you should be happy, have some fuel in the tank and potentially more energy than before you started (you are “awake”). Training AT your current work capacity will develop a HIGHER work capacity. Training ABOVE your work capacity will drain and defeat you. 10) ALWAYS Think About the Muscles you are Training, Squeeze Where Possible Learning to “activate” your muscles is one of the best things a beginner can learn. This means learning to flex your muscles and doing so while training. If you are doing bicep curls and don’t feel it in your bicep, you are not flexing it hard enough and thinking about it. Granted, as a beginner its VERY HARD to activate your muscles initially but by keeping them tight and contracting them, it becomes far easier!


Rules for Maximum Strength We talk A LOT about gaining strength in this program. So I guess we should dive into how exactly to get stronger, right? 1) Be As Explosive As Possible: How to Lift Weights The Proper Way 2) Grip the Bar As Hard As Possible: How to Get Stronger: Five Quick Tips Remember…You can lift more than you think! Trust me, right now there are women that can lift double the weight you (and I) can on the deadlift (not that there is anything wrong with that). Point is, whatever you think your “max” strength is, is actually something subjective and ever changing. Your mood, intensity and focus influence how much you can lift. NEVER OVERLIFT and INJURE yourself but train like the champ that you are! ***

Buff Commandments If you need short rules to repeat to yourself, here they are! THOU SHALT LIFT HEAVY Lift a weight that you can handle and that is challenging. But be able to lift it properly. THOU SHALT NOT GET PUFFY Don’t turn into a fatass trying to gain size. Eat for performance, not for your stomach. THOU SHALT NOT WORSHIP FALSE IDOLS Follow this program exactly as written and in its entirety. BUT BRO… I DON’T HAVE ABS... SHOULD I DO THIS? Bro, calm down! Look at my photos. Upon first exercising, I was “skinny” with no abs. With proper training, I developed abs. Do this program.

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Project Buff exercise program outline When it comes to the exercise portion of this program, there are several key rules that you have to follow. Please take the time to review this!

How Heavy Should You Lift?  LIFT HEAVY!  Only select a weight that you can DOMINATE. This means to have complete control over the weight and its speed.  Select a weight that is hard, yet challenging. Always attempt to be lifting more weight every work out – this is KEY!  The key point is to not use the same weight for all sets. If you want a video on how to use an appropriate weight, click HERE!

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Muscle Building Secret: WAVE LOADING The key point is to not use the same weight for all sets. Lets say you’ve figured a good weight for you is 185 pounds and that you wanted to lift it 5 times – don’t just do 185 each time. This will easily cause you to plateau and stagnate! There are two steps to increase your strength with this weight. The first is to ramp up the weight and warm up for more volume. This means that before you start sets at 185, you are going to warm up with several lighter sets with the same reps. From your training weight of 185, select a weight that is at least 50 pounds less. So: 

First warm up with 135 and do 5 reps.

Then add 20 pounds each set until you get to your training weight

So set 2 would be 155 pounds for 5 reps

Set 3 would be 175 pounds for 5 reps

After this set, you are ready to begin your TRUE sets. By ramping up before it primes the nervous system and gets in extra volume without stressing your body because you are using a lighter weight. It also will make you more efficient at this exercise because you are doing it more frequently. At first you might be tired by the extra sets, but your body will quickly adapt. Rest little, lift the weight fast and pick an appropriate weight.


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After you got to your training weight. Its time to wave the weight you use. Instead of just doing 185 for four sets, here is what you are going to do:    

Set Set Set Set

1 2 3 4

185 175 180 185

for for for for

5 5 5 5

Reps Reps (-10 pounds) Reps (+5 pounds) Reps (+5 pounds)

This is the basic concept of wave loading for leg exercises it would be (Max Weight -40, +20, +20) Wave loading is smart because force equals mass multiplied by acceleration. The heavier the weight, the less you can accelerate, the lighter the weight the faster you can lift it. This will allow you to recruit all muscle fibres. Translation, this is smart and will work and you should do it. Now this only applies to compound movements, not isolation exercises and if you are doing a leg exercise, it is 40 pound increments, not 20 pounds. Every 3 weeks, you can increase your training weight by 5 or 10 pounds, so instead of 185, you would do 190 using the same principles. Compound movements work more than one muscle group, like the bench press or squat (squat works your quads, hamstrings, glues, core and lower back.) Isolation movements work one muscle group, like the bicep curl (works just your biceps).

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Project Buff Exercise Form Please refer to the videos for exercise form. To get more in-depth about particular exercises that are important, I made videos for them. Check it out! Here are the top ten most important exercises to master! 1. How to Squat Right 2. How to Deadlift Right 3. How to Do Proper Pull-Ups 4. How to Do Proper Push-Ups 5. How to Perform the Bench Press 6. How to Perform the Bent-Over Row 7. How to Do the Military Press 8. How to Front Squat 9. How to Back Squat 10. How to Do Lunges Really, to keep up to date about everything, you should subscribe to my youtube channel as I’m uploading MORE videos everyday that would be relevant for YOU. See the channel here!


How to follow the training sessions

If this is your first time following a training session on paper it might seem a little confusing. Lets break down the training to make it easier to understand. The videos will also be helpful to watch the form and flow of the routine.

Legend! Letters

The letter next to the exercise indicates the order that is to be followed. You do all of exercise A before you do exercise B, etc. IF there are multiple exercises with the same letter (like A1, A2), this is a super SET, you would perform A1, rest (if it SAYS to rest) and then go to A2, then you would rest and go back to A1, thats ONE set!


The number of times you perform an exercise


The number of times you perform a group of reps. So if it says 3 sets of 12 reps. You would do 12 reps, rest do 12 reps, rest, do 12 reps and move on!


How long you rest between sets.


Your tempo for all reps will be FAST, try to be as EXPLOSIVE as


You are supposed to warm up before exercising, then proceed to training and if it indicates cardio, do cardio afterwards - simple!

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Project Buff: The science behind it You can 100% skip this portion of the guide if you don’t care about WHY this program is awesome. However if you need to understand a program to BELIEVE in it, here ya go chief! This revolutionary system is designed to maximize building muscle while getting stronger and potentially leaner. The twenty-four weeks are divided into 3 sections, Foundation, Strength and Build. With the twenty-four weeks, typical results for the program are anywhere between 6-12 pounds of muscle.

Phase I - Foundation We keep the volume lower when we are first starting out to make sure you give maximum effort in each work out. We focus more on full body days and compound movements as they stimulate the largest amount of muscles and lead directly to the most amount of growth! We keep the volume low and the intensity high, this is where we start. Focus on good form always! Weeks 1-4 Anatomical Adaptation We start with three full body days, each with a different emphasis. This is where it all starts. It’s my favourite way to do a full body split, it allows each muscle group to be stimulated and get used to lifting heavy. Reps are kept in the hypertrophystrength zone. Weeks 5-8 Foundation We switch now to a push, pull, leg split. So each major muscle group (pressing, pulling and legs) get their own day. Expect more site-specific fatigue (you will probably will be more sore). The days are organized so nothing conflicts with one another. An optional work out is added for those ready to go!

Phase II - Strength Now that your muscles have been properly activated and taught how to fire, we can focus on slightly lower reps and more volume. We now add a fourth official day and to avoid too much volume, we split from full body days! Weeks 9-12 Push/Pull Heavy + Moderate We have four different training sessions. Two heavy sessions, emphasizing either the front (push) or back (pull) of the body. We then follow up with an additional moderate day that has a higher rep range to get more hypertrophy and stimulate muscle growth. Both work in conjunction with one another to equal a stronger, bigger you.

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Weeks 13-16 Upper/Lower Now we are doing either upper body movements or leg movements. Same concept as the previous four weeks but with a different split. Your goal is to become efficient at handling a high volume of work in ONE area (like the legs or upper body). A good combo of lower reps and higher reps work to get that body working. By now you should be up several pounds!

Phase III - Build Weeks 17-20 Four Day Size (one each major muscle group) This is one of my favourite splits. Each day is dedicated to ONE MAJOR movement. The goal is to accumulate site specific fatigue and become efficient at each major lift. As the weeks go on, the reps get lower, allowing you to lift more weight. Expect to break through plateaus and build a more solid, dense, thicker you. Weeks 21-24 Full Body with Specialization Oh boy, this is a lot of volume. I’m talking five work outs that are basically full body with different emphasis and isolation exercises. As you can tell, we keep the movements big, the volume high and training hard…this is meant for four weeks and nothing more. Your body will be shocked, you will be rocked, and your body will be adding some serious size! This is the program, this is the outline, the results are there for you to take, what are you waiting for? YOU GOT THIS!! ***

EXERCISE RULES REGARDING PROGRESS You are making progress, if you are: 1. Getting stronger (you lift more weight) 2. Your measurements are getting bigger (except your waist, it should be going down) 3. You are noticing a positive change in your body. THAT’S IT!


Project Buff Exercise Rules Here are the steps for following the exercise program portion of the Project Buff routine. Obey these rules at all time! 1. DO NOT DO THIS PROGRAM IF YOU ARE INJURED OR NOT MEDICALLY APPROVED TO WORK OUT (or below the age of 16). 2. ALWAYS use a weight that you can handle, always underestimate the amount of weight to lift. Get someone to spot you if you feel unsafe. 3. ALWAYS explode on the way up and control the weight on the way down. 4. STOP performing an exercise if: a) The speed of the movement slows down (you can’t lift it fast and are struggling) b) Technique breaks down (you are using momentum and look like an idiot) c) Shortened range of motion (you are doing half reps instead of full reps) d) It hurts...AT ALL (see this video for more info). 5. ALWAYS warm-up before working out and stretch (and foam roll if you have one) after. Listen to me on this: you DO NOT want to be injured working out. This will make your training MUCH more effective. 6. SUBSTITUTE exercises that you can’t do or do not feel safe doing. Here is a short non-comprehensive list. Chin-ups = Lat Pulldowns Dips = Machine Assisted Dips or Bench Dips Squats = Box Squats or DUMBBELL Squats (or if really struggling, Leg Press) Benchpress = Flat Dumbbell Press Deadlift = Leg Press (feet wide) 7. Follow the exact training program, completing EVERYTHING, and only doing each program for the specific amount of time and in the exact order! 8. OBEY THESE RULES AT ALL TIMES- NO EXCEPTIONS! If you have any questions you can ask them by going here.

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What Supplements Do I Recommend? I get asked ALL the time... What protein should I buy? What fish oil should I buy? Here’s the SHORT answer (Note: I am NOT ENDORSED by ANY COMPANY, so my thoughts are my own.)

Protein Powder The highest quality protein with zero added bullshit I recommend is: True Protein Use the discount code OUF142 to get 5-10% off. I have a friend who owns a supplement shop, I have tried over 100 protein powders and I like True Protein the most. Why? Because they have the HIGHEST quality ingredients. They are a WHOLESALER (meaning you pay for the product NOT a cheesy label or hype). Which protein should I buy? As you can tell, there are A LOT OF different choices. Here are your best options: 

For BULK High Quality Protein Buy THIS ONE (This is the one I usually recommend, its about a six month supply and budget friendly)

For GENERAL Protein, buy THIS ONE


For WORK OUT Fast Absorbing Protein, buy THIS ONE

If you want a NAME BRAND because True Protein is not available to be shipped in your area, I’d go with BIOTEST’S GROW!.

Fish Oil I recommend a high quality fish oil in either LIQUID or CAPSULE form. Take 1 teaspoon of liquid or 3-6 capsules per day (in general). 

For LIQUID Go with Carlson's Liquid Fish Oil

For COST-EFFICIENT Capsules Go with True Protein's Fish Oil

For HIGH QUALITY CAPSULE Go with Biotest's Flame Out

*Remember to use the DISCOUNT CODE OUF142 to save 5-10% on all orders at check out (thanks to the fans for getting this code for everyone)! Page 29

Here is the LONG answer: Why Most Protein Sucks: SOURCE The supplement industry is not regulated by the FDA which means just about anyone can start their own protein powder company and sell it to you. I could make up my own protein powder, called Buff N' Stuff and sell it to you at $20 at your local supplement store. The problem with the lack of regulation is a lot of protein powders contain toxic ingredients. In fact, the MOST popular protein powders have some of the highest levels of chemicals like lead, mercury and arsenic, all of which are terrible for you. Supplement companies DON'T want you to know about this and it is a little known fact. Look at the list. Amongst them are muscle milk, EAS and Optimum. Today I'm going to tell you what to watch out for when selecting your protein powder, so you can get the most bang for your buck. Before selecting a protein powder, you have to determine why do you want to use it. Do you use it to get in extra protein? Do you use it as a meal replacement, or do you use it around your training sessions? Most people should use protein powder around their training to shuttle protein into their bodies quickly to help repair the muscles. In this case a whey protein powder is the best idea. Whey protein contains particular amino acids that are important for helping to regulate your nitrogen balance. Now this is where the confusion comes in. There are three different types of whey and every single supplement company wants to convince you they have the best source. Whey concentrate Whey Isolate Whey Hydrolyzed The main difference between the three are how fast they are absorbed in the body and utilized. Hydrolyzed whey is the most expensive and is the fastest absorbed, while isolate is second and concentrate is 3rd. I'd like to point however that the effects between the three are relatively minor and especially when you consider hydrolyzed whey is four times as expensive as concentrate, most people are better off with a quality concentrate. And furthermore, although I recommend that protein powder be used in my programs, for a young trainee or beginner, protein powder isn't some wonder supplement that’s going to pack 30 pounds of muscle on you, its just a useful tool. Page 30

Peri-Training Nutrition: It’s Freakin’ Confusing... Listen, the most important time to get quality nutrients is AROUND your training. This is to help both your performance IN the session AND to help your muscles recover faster. The TRUTH NOW. For anyone below 18 and who cannot meet my basic size requirements, avoid supplementation. You should follow either OPTION 1 or OPTION 2. With those with a little bit more experience you can try the official advanced supplementation program. The reason I always say this is that the body is so anabolic (pro-muscle building) on its OWN, that to use more advanced supplementation early would be a waste of money and effort. Basically to summarize what we are doing peri-training (that means around the training session), is we are trying to shuttle as many nutrients as possible to: 1) Increase Training Energy and Performance 2) Help Muscles Recover As Fast As Possible 3) Turn the Anabolic Switch in Your Body to Build MORE Muscle. To do this we use a fast acting carb that helps shuttle the protein into the muscle. Protein alone is great but a good carb source makes the transfer a lot faster. Now there are two popular choices for fast acting readily absorbed carbs: 1. Amylocel (Waxy Maize Starch) 2. Dextrose + Maltodextrin Dextrose + Maltrodextrin has been the standard for about 8 years now. It can work but I find in over 50% of people they develop abdominal cramping and its not absorbed efficiently. Waxy Maize Starch is the newer kid on the block but empirical evidence, personal supplementation and rigorous testing with clients has proven to me that it is absorbed faster and leads to more muscle growth. BUT... Are these fancy carbs even necessary? The truth is, I’ve had great success with clients and myself without having to use powdered carbohydrate sources. They are useful and convenient but you will not die if you do not use any of the above solutions! BROKE ASS SOLUTION IN FACT if you are 16 and don’t know if your parents would approve of you ordering $300 worth of protein powder…I have your dirty solution: Chocolate Milk. I shit you not, it has carbs and protein in a 2:1 ratio which is ideal for recovery. It tastes great and will help you add size. Drink 500ML post -training.

Page 31

The Official Peri-Training Protocol:

Most important time to get the right nutrients Around your training is the MOST IMPORTANT time to be consuming the proper foods. You can modify everything else but this is set in stone. We have to shuttle the nutrients BOTH pre and post-training. Now I’m going to say some things that are CONTRADICTORY from what you have heard. In fact some of it will go against what I have said in previous programs. This is because for this program there are specific guidelines to follow. We will be ingesting our major nutrients PRIOR to exercise to help increase our work capacity, fuel our training and ensure that our muscles are getting nutrients in our bodies while we train! Some nutrition is also consumed post-training (the fast absorbing kind) to prevent your muscles from going catabolic and wasting away!

OPTION ONE: THE NATURAL APPROACH If you cannot get protein powder (which I highly recommend) and want to use whole foods, this is your protocol (note for EXTREME Skinny Jimmy’s, double the dose!)! Pre-Training (30 Min. Before) 1 Banana 6 Egg Whites Post-Training (Immediately After) 500ML Chocolate Milk

OPTION TWO: THE PROTEIN NATURAL APPROACH For those that do not want to buy a powdered carb source (like dextrose, maltodextrin or waxy maize). Note for EXTREME Skinny Jimmy’s, double the dose of fruit for each serving! Pre-Training (30 Min. Before) 1 Banana 2 Scoops Whey Post Training (Immediately After) 1 Banana 1.5 Scoops Whey

Page 32

THE MOST ANABOLIC APPROACH (ADVANCED SUPPLEMENTATION) This is the recommendation that I would give for those desiring maximum results. For the record it is NOT necessary (in fact if you are below 20, use the protein natural approach), but for those who have used supplements before and want to know what works best…here it is. Pre-Training (30 min. Before and sip into training) 2 scoops of the Buff MIX 2 grams of beta alanine 5 grams creatine Post-Training (Immediately after) 2 scoops of Whey Protein Powder


Page 33

The Custom BUFF MIX

Once again to save money (like serious money), you can MAKE YOUR OWN pre training mix, I call it my BUFF MIX. 1. Go to 2. Enter the formula:   

Amylocel (Waxy Maize Starch) 75% L-Leucine by the Pound 15% Citrulline Malate by the Pound 10%

Make sure to select either Citrus Lime-Ade or Forbidden Fruit Punch as the flavour, otherwise you probably will not like the taste! 3. Enter the code OUF142 to save 5-10%. For the Beta-Alanine, order THIS ONE and measure out 2 grams of betaalanine (this is LESS than half a teaspoon). For Creatine, order THIS ONE and measure out 5 grams with a scooper. So what the F*$@ am I recommending? Lets break it down: Waxy Maize Starch: In my opinion the best fast-acting carb to help shuttle protein to your muscles. WMS bypasses the stomach, is absorbed by the intestines and immediately is assimilated faster than dextrose and maltodextrin Creatine:

Naturally occurring compound that increases training performance in strength exercises lasting below 12-15 seconds


Simply put this allows you to get MORE work done


Protein amino acid that’s the most anabolic and sends a signal to your body to partition nutrients for building size rather than storing fat!

Citrulline Malate:

Basically this bad boy reduces the “burning” sensation and build up of lactic acid that allows you to do more sets.

The basics of my recommended supplements are to INCREASE TRAINING PERFORMANCE. If you can lift more weight MORE times and RECOVER faster, you will gain MORE muscle. It’s that simple! While things like waxy maize, dextrose and maltodextrin all have their use (and other fancy training supplements), for a beginner, eating WHOLE, CLEAN foods are your #1 friends. Page 34

Buff Nutrition Lets be clear about one thing. There is a LARGE difference between eating to gain size and eating to lose weight. With losing weight, we have to be very restrictive about what we eat, when we eat. There are a lot of rules. With gaining size, there are some core principles we have to follow but a great deal more customization is available to us. In fact here is a GREAT rule. If you are NOT gaining weight after four weeks (if you are still within one pound of your starting measurement), you are NOT eating enough! INCREASE YOUR CALORIES! And as a further guideline, you need the MINIMUM requirements of each macronutrient to build size OPTIMALLY:   

Protein: 200 grams Carbs: 100 grams Fat: 80 grams

This equals 2120 calories, which is NOT A LOT of calories! In fact, depending upon your activity level and body type, you will need between 2500-5000 calories to gain size! So as you can see developing a one size fits all nutrition program is a stupid idea.

Options for Your Nutrition OPTION 1: COMPLETE CUSTOMIZATION This is where you will use the calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you should be eating and use the food master menu to construct your own meals. This is my recommended choice as it will get you to customize it EXACTLY to how many calories you need to eat. OPTION 2: PRE-SELECTED PLAN Look up your weight and body type under a menu and from that menu, you will be given a guideline as to what meals you should be eating and you can create your own. This is the second best option. OPTION 3: SAMPLE PLAN I’ve included three different one week sample plans, each for the three different body types. If you just want to get started and don’t want to customize anything, use this option. Recommended for complete beginners!


Here is WHAT YOU NEED TO FOCUS ON! Below is the MASTER FOOD LIST and it is organized by type of macronutrient and gives amounts which will be relevant for customizing nutrition under option 2! NOTE: BOTH SKINNY FAT and NORMAL guys are NOT allowed to eat the dirty carbs. Skinny Jimmy’s can eat these as interchangeable with other carbs!

MASTER FOOD LIST Protein (cooked) One Serving= Approx. 15-22 grams protein 80-140 calories

Serving size

Fruit One Serving= Approx. 20-25 grams carbs 80-100 calories

Canned Fish (Salmon)

100 g


Chicken Breast

65 g



Deli Meat (lean version)

100 g


150 g

Egg Whites

3/4 Cup


150 g

Extra-lean beef



150 g


100 g


150 g

Lean Pork

65 g



100 g


Other White Fish

100 g




65 g




100 g


Sole Fish

100 g



100 g



100 g




100 g



Turkey Breast

65 g



Whey Protein

1 Scoop


150 g


150 g

Whole LARGE Eggs


Serving size


1 150 g

Half 1 150 g

Wild Meat (Buffalo etc)

65 g


Beef (trim fat)

80 g


150 g

Lamb (any cut, trim fat)

80 g

Animal Meat (any cut, trim fat off)

80 g


100 g

Green Veggies These are healthy, one serving = one cup, eat unlimited amounts!

Low Glycemic Carbs One Serving= Approx. 25-30 grams carbs 120-150 calories




1/4 cup

Bok Choy

Any bean (kidney etc)

1/4 cup



1/4 cup

Brussel Spourts

Kamut Bread

2 slices



1/4 cup

Cauliflower (counts!)

Low Carb-wraps

1 wrap



1/4 cup

Collard Greens

Rolled Oats

1/2 cup

Page 36



Rutabaga, squash, pumpkin, parsnips


Brown Rice

1/4 Cup


Small Sweet Potato

150 g


Sprouted Ezekiel Bread

2 slices

Swiss Chard

Steel Cut Oats

1/4 cup

Wild Rice

1/4 cup


Serving size

Zuccini Dairy One Serving= Approx. 10 grams fat, 10 grams protein, 100-130 calories


1% milk

100 ml

All Natural Peanut Butter

18-25% fat cheese

25 g

Two Egg Yolks

4% fat cheese

40 g

Almond or any nut butter

1 tablespoon

Cottage cheese 1% fat



25 g

Fat-free yogurt, no sugar

100-125 g



Coconut Oil

1 tablespoon

One Serving= Approx 12-15 grams fat, 100-120 calories 1 tablespoon

Goat Cheese

30 g

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 tablespoon

Goat Yogurt

120 g

Organic Red Palm Oil

1 tablespoon

Natural Greek Yogurt


Fish oil

3 g/3 caps

Skim milk

150 ml

Flax Seed

1 tablespoon

Goat Butter

1 tablespoon

Other nuts

25 g

Less Clean Carbs One Serving= Approx. 25-30grams carbs 120-170 calories


White Potato

150 g

White Rice

1/4 cup

Other Bread Rice Pasta

2 Slices 1/2 cup cooked


1/4 cup


1/4 cup

Whole Wheat Bagel

1/2 serving

Cereal (healthiest kind)

1 serving)

Page 37

Option One: Complete Customization

Please refer to the COMPLETE CUSTOMIZATION calculator that came with this program. Once you figure out your macros, go to, create an account and use my BUFF MENU to select the right foods for you to eat!

Option Two: Pre-Selected Plan

Find which category you fit into and from there, follow the meal plan, choosing which foods to eat from the master food list! NOTE: Dairy can be interchanged for protein on a one to one serving size ratio

Skinny Fat Individuals under 150 pounds Meal/Time

Food Category and Portion

1st Thing in the Morning Breakfast Snack (2-3 hours after breakfast) Lunch (2-3 hours after snack) PM Snack (2-3 hours after lunch)

1 Serving Fruit; 2 Servings Protein

Supper (2-3 hours after snack) Pre-Training (40 min. Before exercise) Post-Training (only on days you train) 1 Hour Before Bed

2 Servings Protein; 1 Fat; 1 Serving Green Veggie 1 Serving Carb; 2 Serving Protein 2 Serving Protein; 1 Serving Fat; 1 Serving Green Veggie 2 Serving Protein; 1 Serving Fat; 1 Serving Carb; 1 Serving Green Veggie 2 scoop Whey; 1 banana blended 1.5 scoop Whey; 1 banana blended 1 Serving Protein;; 1 green veggie

GET THE FULL PROGRAM HERE Normal Individuals over 180 pounds Meal/Time

Food Category and Portion

1st Thing in the Morning Breakfast Snack (2-3 hours after breakfast) Lunch (2-3 hours after snack) PM Snack (2-3 hours after lunch)

1 Serving Fruit; 1 Serving Carb; 2 Servings Protein

Supper (2-3 hours after snack) Pre-Training (40 min. Before exercise) Post-Training (only on days you train) 1 Hour Before Bed

Page 38

2 Servings Protein; 1 Fat; 1 Serving Carb; 1 Serving Green Veggie 1 Serving Carb; 2 Serving Protein; 1 Serving Fat 2 Serving Protein; 1 Serving Fat; 1 Serving Green Veggie 2 Serving Protein; 1 Serving Fat; 1 Serving Carb; 1 Serving Green Veggie 2 scoop Whey; 1 banana blended 1.5 scoop Whey; 1 banana blended 2 Serving Protein; 1 Serving Fat; 1 green veggie

Options Three: Done For You MEAL PLANS! If you don’t want to completely customize things, or you are below 18 and just want something done for you, look no further! These are great meal plans to get you STARTED on your quest of building a bigger body. They work! NOTE: ON DAYS THAT YOU TRAIN, FOLLOW YOUR PERI-WORK OUT PROTOCOL!!!!! And the timeline of when to eat is a GUIDE not 100% necessary, don’t panic if are off in time, it’s just a good GUIDELINE!


Page 39


This is where most people fit in. If you have never been fat, and have no health problems, this is for you. Between 2800-3700 calories per day with minimum 200 grams of protein and at least 100 grams of carbs. Probably 60% of everyone fits in this category.


Normal Meal Plan: MONDAY TIME PLAN




10:00am Tuna (1 can) Avocado (½ mixed in)



Steak LEAN (6 oz) cooked in olive oil (1 tbsp) Sweet Potato (1 medium)



Whey (1.5 scoop) Fruit (1 piece)



Grilled Chicken Breast (1) cooked in olive oil (1 tbsp) Mixed greens thrown in


10:00pm Greek 2% Yogurt (1 cup) Flaxseed (1 tbsp)

Page 40

Shake Whey (2 scoops) Natural Peanut Butter (1.5 tbsp) Almond Milk (2 cups) Fruit (1 piece)



Breakfast 7:00am

Whey (1 scoop) Oatmeal – you can boil the oats or eat it raw (1 cup) Almond Milk (1.5 cup) Mixed Berries (1 cup)


10:00am Egg Whites (6) + Whole Egg (1) scrambled



Sweet Potato, baked (1 medium) Uncooked fish (200 grams) – cook it and use minimum oil!



Greek 2% Yogurt (1 cup) Flaxseed (1.5 tbsp)



Lean Meat (6 oz) Olive/coconut oil to cook mix veggies + meat in (1 tbsp)


10:00pm Whey (1.5 scoop) Natural Peanut Butter (1.5 tbsp)

Page 41

Normal Meal Plan: WEDNESDAY MEAL TIME PLAN Breakfast 7:00am

Whey (1.5 scoops) Natural Peanut Butter (2 tbsp) Almond Milk (1.5 cups) Mixed Berries (1 cup) Cinnamon (dash) BLEND ALL TOGETHER


10:00am Tuna (1 can) Almonds (20)



Chicken Breast (1) Cooked quinoa (¾cup) Mix with veggies of choice



Egg whites (6) + Whole Egg (1), scrambled



Salmon Fillet (175 grams uncooked) Cook in olive oil (1 tbsp) Big side of Bok Choy


10:00pm Whey (1.5 scoops) Flaxseed (1.5 tbsp)


Project Buff Recipe Index (BONUS!) FREE VERSION ONLY INCLUDES 17/65 recipes!

For additional recipes, here are over 65 recipes that have A BASE amount of calories of either 200-300 calories. OBVIOUSLY when trying to gain muscle this is NOT ENOUGH, but it serves as a GREAT baseline with which to add more calories to!

HIGH PROTEIN + FAT MEALS (300 Calories) Egg White Avocado Omelette Egg Whites (1 cup) Olives (8 medium) Avocado (1/2) Zucchini cooked in it Mixed Green Veggies (side)

Almond Protein Shake Protein Powder (1 scoop) Almond Milk (1 cup) Almond Butter (1 tbsp.)

Chicken Salad Chicken Breast, cooked (135 g) Olive Oil (1 Tbsp.) Spinach and Green Peppers Lemon, sea salt, black pepper, red chili flakes

Egg White Goat Cheese Omelette Egg Whites (1 Cup) Olives (30 grams) Goat Cheese (40 grams) Zucchini cooked in it Mixed green veggies (side)

Steak Eye Round Roast Steak (0 Fat, 200 g) Mixed green veggies (cooked in 1/2 tbsp. coconut oil)

Steak and Eggs Eye Round Roast Steak (0 Fat, 100 g) Eggs, scrambled (2) Spinach Salad

Tuna Avocado Supreme Tuna (1 can: 180 g, regular size) Avocado (1/2) Frank’s Red Hot Sauce

Grilled Salmon Grilled Salmon with Lemon (200 grams) Bok Choy, steamed Fish oil (6 capsules)

Eggs with Turkey Bacon Eggs (whole, 3 large) Turkey Bacon (2 Slices) Broccoli, steamed

Turkey Pecan Salad Turkey Meat, cooked (135 grams) Roasted Pecans, chopped (20 grams) Lettuce, green peppers, apple cider vinegar

Coconut Chicken Stir Fry Chicken Breast, cooked (135 g) Coconut Oil Shredded Cabbage Add other green veggies, cook and season

Canned Salmon Salmon (1 can) Olive Oil (1 tsp) Apple C ider Vinegar (1 tbsp.) Mix with leafy greens (like romaine)

Extra Lean Ground Beef Extra Lean Ground Beef (180 g) Asparagus, steamed

Protein Shake with Flax Protein Powder (1.5 scoops) Flax (1 tbsp.)

Grilled Tilapia with Kale Grilled Tilapia (200 g) Season with lemon, parsley, salt, Kale Stir Fry Olive oil (1 tbsp.), red pepper flakes, season

Beef Liver and Side Green Salad Beef Liver (200 grams) Side Salad with Olive Oil (1/2 tbsp.)

Page 43

Classic Buff Boiled Eggs Eggs, boiled (4) Lettuce Salad

Project Buff Nutrition Rules

Here are the steps for following the diet and master food list that I’ve given you. Follow these strictly for the next 12 weeks to get awesome results! 1. ONLY EAT WHAT IS ON THE LIST 2. To calculate how many calories you are eating, go to and track your calories. Log EVERYTHING. Compare this to your week to week plan and make sure it is TRUE to what it SHOULD BE. 3. It is best not to cheat...REMEMBER THIS. 4. Follow the diet, but note that it is actually better to eliminate the following foods from your diet: 

COW dairy products. It causes inflammation. If you must eat dairy, eat either SHEEP or GOAT. Do not eat the cow variety.

Gluten (wheat, pasta, bread, barley and rye)

Corn and corn-containing products

All processed food bullshit (and anything with a lot of caffeine)


Artificial Sweeteners

5. The diet is to be followed strictly for at least 6 of the 7 days. To follow it 7 out of the 7 days is even better. However if you completed all of the training sessions and have eaten clean, on the seventh day you can have ONE CHEAT MEAL (that means a slice of pizza NOT a whole pizza!) and then go back to your diet for the rest of the day 6. Use one of the peri-training protocols 7. The best liquids to consume are water and Green Tea (or any herbal tea). Crystal light, coffee, diet pop, and zero-calorie flavoured water are not encouraged but if necessary can be used instead of something worse (see below). 8. No liquid calories (except for your post work out shakes), meaning no juice, Red Bull, V8, Gatorade or soft drinks. If you have any questions you can ask them by going here.

Page 44

Helpful Videos I cover A LOT of useful tips on my Youtube Channel. If you haven’t already subscribed, you should. Here are the most relevant videos on my channel that will help you with this program! 

How Heavy a Weight You Should Lift

How to Get Stronger: Five Quick Tips

How to Lift Weights The Proper Way

Best Sources of Protein


Top Tips On Saving Money Grocery Shopping!

How to Avoid Becoming a Fat Ass

How to Naturally Raise Your Testosterone


Project Buff FAQ This is a section if you have any other questions about the program. Its very straight-forward but if you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask me here. HELP! I have not gained any weight in ONE WEEK! Relax skippy! As stated before, your goal is to gain 8-10 pounds over 24 weeks MAXIMUM (with about 4-6 pounds being COMPLETELY FINE). When you divide this over 24 weeks, you should gain ¼-1/2 pound per week on AVERAGE! If after ONE MONTH you have gained NO WEIGHT…you should be eating a little more! Can I repeat the program after I complete it? Yep! If you desire to gain more size + strength, I would take one week in between restarting the program again. I would not recommend doing this program more than 2 full cycles however (your body will adapt with time!) What Protein Powder should I use? First watch this to see what I believe about protein powder. If I had to recommend a protein powder that is high quality, cost-effective, tastes good and doesn’t have toxic chemicals, I’d go with Biotest’s Grow! Whey. It is bioactive, which means it is easier to absorb and unlike most protein powders it is produced in America vs. China. I’m not endorsed by them and I ask you to make your own objective opinion. Also if you want to completely customize your protein powder and cost is NOT an issue then is a great choice as you get to choose what type of protein goes into it and everything else! What Fish Oil Should I Use? I like either Biotest’s Flameout or Carlson’s Liquid Fish Oil. I’m a female. Can I do this program? NO. This is a GUY size + strength program. Page 46

Project Buff FAQ continued... I’m vegetarian are there any substitutes for me? As a vegetarian you can still do the program, your protein will just be of the vegetable variety (protein powders, more lentils, egg whites, fish etc). Can I train on another day (it says Wednesday but what if I can’t do it then)? Yes. What if I have to pause the program (sickness) or don’t have access to equipment? Simply stop where you are and resume afterwards. Can I eat something other than what is on the list? Generally no, but if it is something healthy (rutabaga, brussel sprouts, beets) then yes, just be smart about it! We want to be lean and big, not kind of big and puffy! NO PUFFINESS! I cheated and ate a lot... should I starve myself the next day? NOPE, just keep going like NOTHING else happened. Incorporate some extra cardio in subsequent days however to utilize the excess energy!


Project Buff Training Schedule WEEKS 1 – 4  FULL BODY Monday – Leg Heavy A – BACK SQUAT

Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Reps 4 – 6 reps

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 _______

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________


Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Reps 4 – 6 reps

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Rest 90 – 120 sec.

Rest 90 – 120 sec.

C – FLAT DB PRESS (NEUTRAL) Reps 6 – 8 reps Rest 75 – 120 sec.

D – SEATED ROW (NEUTRAL) Re ps 6 – 8 reps Rest 75 – 120 sec.

Page 48


Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Rest 75 – 90 sec.

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Rest 75 – 90 sec.

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________


Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

F – DUMBBELL UPRIGHT ROWS Re ps 8 – 10 reps

Re ps 6 – 8 reps Rest 75 sec. in between

OPTIONAL 10 MINUTES OF HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Observe STRICT FORM on all exercises.

Page 49

Project Buff Training Schedule WEEKS 1 – 4  FULL BODY Wednesday – Back Heavy A – BENT-OVER ROW (OVERHAND)

Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________


Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Re ps 4 – 6 reps

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________


Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Re ps 4 – 6 reps/side

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Re ps 4 – 6 reps Rest 90 – 120 sec.

Rest 90 – 120 sec.

C – SNATCH GRIP DEADLIF T Re ps 4 – 6 reps Rest 90 – 120 sec.

Rest 90 – 120 sec.

Page 50


Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Re ps 6 – 8 reps

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________


Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Re ps 6 – 8 reps

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________


Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Re ps 6 – 8 reps

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Rest 75 – 90 sec.

Rest 75 – 90 sec.

Rest 60 – 75 sec. in between

OPTIONAL 10 MINUTES OF HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Observe STRICT FORM on all exercises.


Project Buff Training Schedule WEEKS 1 – 4  FULL BODY Friday – Chest Heavy A – BENCHPRESS

Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Re ps 4 – 6 reps

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________


Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Re ps 4 – 6 reps

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Set 4 ________

Rest 90 – 120 sec.

Rest 90 – 120 sec.

C – BARBELL UPRIGHT ROW Re ps 4 – 6 reps Rest 90 – 120 sec.

D – ONE-ARM DUMBBELL ROW Re ps 4 – 6 reps/side Rest 90 – 120 sec.

Page 52


Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Re ps 6 – 8 reps

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Rest 75 – 90 sec.

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________


Wee k 1 Weight Used

Wee k 2 Weight Used

Wee k 3 Weight Used

Wee k 4 Weight Used

Re ps 6 – 8 reps

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 1 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 2 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Set 3 ________

Rest 75 – 90 sec.

F – DB REVERSE LUNGE Re ps 6 – 8 reps

Rest 60 – 75 sec. inbetween

OPTIONAL 10 MINUTES OF HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Observe STRICT FORM on all exercises.


Project Buff Training Schedule Optional Core Routines Training your abdominals is not 100% necessary on this program. After all, the greatest exercises to activate the core are heavy chin-ups, deadlifts and front squats! However if you are dissatisfied with your abs and would like to build bigger, thicker, more defined abs, the following three core routines can be added into ANY of the training sessions (or on their separate days) to get results!

Ab Training 1 A1 – KNEELING CABLE C RUNC HES Re ps 10 – 12 reps Rest None A2 – LEG RAISES ON BENCH Re ps 20 – 30 reps Rest 75 sec. B1 – SERRATUS C RUNC HES SUPERSET Re ps 10 – 12 reps Rest None

B2 – HANGING LEG RAISES Re ps 10 – 20 reps Rest 75 sec.

Page 54

Weight Used

Weight Used

Weight Used

Weight Used

Set Set Set Set Set

Set Set Set Set Set

Set Set Set Set Set

Set Set Set Set Set

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

Weight Used

Weight Used

Weight Used

Weight Used

Set Set Set Set Set

Set Set Set Set Set

Set Set Set Set Set

Set Set Set Set Set

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

Weight Used

Weight Used

Weight Used

Weight Used

Set Set Set Set Set

Set Set Set Set Set

Set Set Set Set Set

Set Set Set Set Set

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

Weight Used

Weight Used

Weight Used

Weight Used

Set Set Set Set Set

Set Set Set Set Set

Set Set Set Set Set

Set Set Set Set Set

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 _______ 5 _______

Secrets of Gaining Size: CUSTOMIZATION Don’t expect any of what I’m about to say to be backed up by your local newspaper telling you to eat a McDonald’s salad to lose weight. The PROBLEM with most advice is that its not geared towards YOU. What works for someone ELSE might not work for YOU. This is where customization comes in. With this program you’ll be given instructions on how to ALTER this program to BEST match you. The training program is beyond stellar. But if you find on a particular movement you get MORE stimulation and RESULTS than another…this is where you can SUBSTITUTE an Exercise for another one! What can you substitute with what? PLEASE CONSULT THE LIST BELOW!

Substitutes within Muscle Families IF for WHATEVER reason your gym does not have access to any of the exercises listed above, you can interchange any of these exercises for each other! CHEST     

Flat Bench Press Incline Bench Press Decline Bench Press Flat DB Press Incline DB Press

   

Decline DB Press Wide Grip, Lean in Dip Floor Press Hack-Rack Press

 

T-Bar Row Seated Row (Under, Overhand, Neutral)

  

Lat Pulldown Overhand Lat Pulldown Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown Underhand Grip

BACK- Horizontal Pull  

Bent-Over Row (Underhand, Overhand) DB Bent-Over Row (Parallel Grip)

BACK- Vertical Pull    

Chin Ups Pull Ups Neutral Pull Ups Upright Row

Page 55

LEG (Front)   

Front Squats DB Squats Back Squats

  

Zercher Squats Split Squat Short Lunge

  

Romanian Deadlifts Sumo Deadlifts Long Lunge

LEGS (Posterior)   

Deadlifts Half Rack Deadlifts Snatch Grip Deadlifts

Triceps (Compound) 

Close-Grip Benchpress


Triceps (Isolation)    

Deadstop skullcrusher Flat skullcrusher Decline Dumbbell skullcrusher Seated overhead skullcrusher

  

Rope extension Triangle bar pulldown Cable tricep pushdown

 

Alternating DUMBBELL Twist Curl Scott Curl

  

Reverse Curl Reverse Cable Curl Reverse Preacher Curl

   

Standing DB Press Seated Neutral Grip DB Press Arnold Press Bradford Press

Biceps (Isolation)   

Barbell curl Preacher curl Incline Dumbbell Curl

Brachialis (Isolation)   

Hammer Curl Pinwheel Curl Cable Hammer Curl

Shoulders (compound)    

Military Press Push Press Seated DB Press Seated Barbell Press


Page 56

EXERCISE INDEX The work out videos explain how to do every single movement, but in case you need to see the masterlist of all exercises, what area they target and tips on how to maximize effectiveness, look no further than below! 45 Pulldown Keep chest up, squeeze and bring down to sternum and retract shoulder blades back Arnold Press Keep elbows parallel to the ground and rotate outward and THEN upward. Reverse movement on the way down, remember to concentrate on the medial deltoid! Back Squat Look straight ahead, hips out as you come down, push down on the heels and outside of the foot. Thrust hips up as you ascend and keep core very tight! Barbell Curl Keep form strict! Do not use momentum. Control on the way down and squeeze at the top. Use appropriate weight (less weight, better form) Barbell Lunge Chest up, back straight, do not let the lead knee go past the toe, push off with the heel, core tight. Barbell Shrugs FIRM grip, shrug to top and hold for a nanosecond and relax all the way down. Barbell Split Squat Chest up, back straight, sink all the way down and explode up, push with heel. Barbell upright Row Chest up, shoulder width grip, pull to nipple line, keep elbows up! Benchpress Elbows tucked, firm grip, bring to lower chest, upper abs, push up in straight line. Core tight, feet firmly planted into the ground. Bent-Over Reverse Flye Body parallel to the ground, arms slightly bent, lift all the way up and squeeze shoulders together at top and then bring back down in a controlled tempo.












START STATS Date: ___________________________________

Short Term Goal



______ ______ ______ ______




______ ______ ______ ______


Fat Mass


______ ______ ______ ______


LM Mass


______ ______ ______ ______




End Goal Date



______ ______ ______ ______



Bodyfat %


______ ______ ______ ______

Bodyfat %


Fat Mass


______ ______ ______ ______

Fat Mass


LM Mass


______ ______ ______ ______

LM Mass




______ ______ ______ ______




______ ______ ______ ______




______ ______ ______ ______


Right Arm


______ ______ ______ ______


Left Arm


______ ______ ______ ______


Upper Waist _____

______ ______ ______ ______


Lower Waist _____

______ ______ ______ ______




______ ______ ______ ______


Right Thigh


______ ______ ______ ______


Left Thigh


______ ______ ______ ______


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