Prohibitions and Penalties - Fisheries Code
Short Description
A summarized enumeration and guide to the prohibitions and penalties of the RA 10654, amending the Revised Fisheries Cod...
The Fisheries Code of the Philippines (as amended by RA No. 10654
Prohibitions and Penalties A. Serious Violations The Fisheries Code (Sec. 4) (a Fishin! "itho#t a $alid li%ense& a#thori'ation or permit (b Fishin! "itho#t reportin! the %at%h or misreportin! the %at%h (% Fishin! in a %losed area or d#rin! a %losed season (d Fishin! of prohibited spe%ies (e Fishin! "ith the #se of prohibited !ear or methods (f Falsifyin!& %on%ealin! or tamperin! "ith $essel mar)in!s& identity or re!istration re!istration to %on%eal $essel identity or la%) of re!istration re!istration (! Con%ealin!& tamperin! or disposin! of e$iden%e relatin! to an in$esti!ation of a $iolation (h Assa#ltin!& resistin!& intimidatin!& intimidatin!& harassin!& serio#sly interferin! "ith& or #nd#ly obstr#%tin! or delayin! a fisheries la" enfor%er& a#thori'ed inspe%tor or obser$er or other d#ly a#thori'ed !o$ernment offi%er offi%er (* Committin! m#ltiple $iolations "hi%h ta)en to!ether %onstit#te a serio#s disre!ard of this Code.
B. Unauthorized Fishing (+e%. ,6& RA 10654 1. Capt#re or !ather or to %a#se the %apt#re %ap t#re or !atherin! of fish, fry or fingerlings of any fishery species or fishery products without license or permit from the epartment or !"# Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Sum Summary fi findin ding
$ %oa %oatt ca captain $ Three highest ran&ing officers $ 'wner and 'perator
Court finding
$ %oat captain $ Three highest ran&ing officers
$ Confiscation of catch gear $ Administratie Administratie fine of fie times the alue of the catch or* a. Small Scale Commercial fishing* +hp -,---$1--,-- . /edium Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1-,--- 0 --,--c. !arge Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1,---,--- 0 --,---,--$ months imprisonment $ Confiscation of catch and gear and twice the amt. of administratie fine
2. Fishin! of %ommer%ial $essels in m#ni%ipal "aters3 any person not listed in the registry of municipal fisherfol& to engage in any commercial fishing in municipal waters Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Summary finding
Person iable
$ Any offender
$ Twice the alue of the catch or +hp ,---, whicheer is higher $ Confiscation of catch gear or rendering of community serice
. Prima Fa%ie Pres#mption of /na#thori'ed Fishin! 0 possession of a fishing gear or operating a fishing essel in a fishing area without license C. Unauthorized Fisheries Activities (+e%. ,& RA 10654 1. 2ploitation& o%%#pation& prod#%tion& breedin! or %#lt#rin! of fish, fry or fingerlings of any fishery species or fishery products or construction and operation of fish corrals, fish traps, fish pens and fish cages or fishponds without a license, lease or permit. Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any offender
Court finding
$ Any offender
$ ismantling or remoal of structure $ 6ehailitation of area affected $ Administratie fine of +hp --,--- to 1,---,--$ months imprisonment $ ismantling or remoal of structure $ 6ehailitation of area affected $ Fine twice the alue of administratie fine
2. Prima Fa%ie Pres#mption of /na#thori'ed Fishin! A%ti$ities 0 engaging in aforementioned without license or permit D. Failure to Secure Fishing Permit Prior to Distant Water Fishing (+e%. ,,& RA 10654 1. Fishin! in the hi!h seas& in the territorial seas& ar%hipela!i% "aters& 2%l#si$e %onomi% 3ones of other states using a +hilippine flagged fishing essel without first securing a fishing permit from the epartment and authori5ation from the coastal state. 2. Commission of a%ts in %ontra$ention of the terms and %onditions stated in the fishin! permit or as may e promulgated
Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ 'wner and operator $ Three highest officers of a commercial fishing essel
Court finding
$ Three highest officers of a commercial fishing essel
$ Confiscation of catch and gear $ Administratie fine e7uialent to fie () times the alue of the catch or* a. Small Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 2/ to 8/ . /edium Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1-/ to 1/ c. !arge Scale Commercial fishing less than 9- gross tons* +hp 1/ to 2-/ d. !arge Scale Commercial fishing 9gross tons or more* +hp 2/ to 4/ $ months imprisonment $ Confiscation of catch and gear $ Fine twice the amt. of administratie fine
. Prima Fa%ie Pres#mption possession of a fishing gear or operating a fishing essel in aoementioned areas without a fishing permit
E. Unreorted Fishing (+e%. ,& RA 10654 1. 6efers to fishing actiities which hae not een reported, or hae een misreported, in contraention of national laws and regulations of the +hilippines, or underta&en in the area of competence of a releant 6F/' which hae not een reported or hae een misreported, in contraention of the reporting procedures of that organi5ation and further elaorated y regulations to e promulgated y the epartment. 2. Committed "ithin national *#risdi%tion Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ 'wner and operator $ Three highest officers of a commercial fishing essel
Court finding
$ Three highest officers of a commercial fishing essel
$ Confiscation of catch and gear $ Administratie fine e7uialent to alue of the catch or the following, whicheer is higher* a. /unicipal fishing* +hp ,--- or community serice . Small Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1--,--c. /edium Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 2--,--d. !arge Scale Commercial fishing* +hp --,--$ months imprisonment $ Confiscation of catch and gear $ Fine twice the amt. of administratie fine
. Committed beyond national *#risdi%tion Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ 'wner and operator $ Three highest officers of a commercial fishing essel
Court finding
$ Three highest officers of a commercial fishing essel
$ Confiscation of catch and gear $ Administratie fine e7uialent to alue of the catch or the following, whicheer is higher* a. Small Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 2/ to 8/ . /edium Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1-/ to 1/ c. !arge Scale Commercial fishing less than 9- gross tons* +hp 1/ to 2-/ d. !arge Scale Commercial fishing 9gross tons or more* +hp 2/ to 4/ $ months imprisonment $ Confiscation of catch and gear $ Fine twice the amt. of administratie fine
F. Unregulated Fishing (+e%. 0& RA 10654 1. Constitutes fishing of* (a) :essels without nationality ut operated y Filipino and;or Filipino corporation3 () +hilippine flagged fishing essels operating in areas managed y 6F/'s to which the +hilippines is not a party to3 or (c) +hilippine flagged fishing essels operating in areas or fish stoc&s where there are no applicale conseration and management measures. 2. Committed "ithin national *#risdi%tion
Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ 'wner and operator $ Three highest officers of a commercial fishing essel
Court finding
$ Three highest officers of a commercial fishing essel
$ Confiscation of catch and gear $ Administratie fine e7uialent to alue of the catch or the following, whicheer is higher* a. /unicipal fishing* +hp ,--- or community serice . Small Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1--,--c. /edium Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 2--,--d. !arge Scale Commercial fishing* +hp --,--$ months imprisonment $ Confiscation of catch and gear $ Fine twice the amt. of administratie fine
. Committed beyond national *#risdi%tion
Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ 'wner and operator $ Three highest officers of a commercial fishing essel
Court finding
$ Three highest officers of a commercial fishing essel
$ Confiscation of catch and gear $ Administratie fine e7uialent to alue of the catch or the following, whicheer is higher* a. Small Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 2/ to 8/ . /edium Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1-/ to 1/ c. !arge Scale Commercial fishing less than 9- gross tons* +hp 1/ to 2-/ d. !arge Scale Commercial fishing 9gross tons or more* +hp 2/ to 4/ $ months imprisonment $ Confiscation of catch and gear $ Fine twice the amt. of administratie fine
!. Poaching in Philiine Waters (+e%. 1& RA 10654 1. Fishing or operating of any fishing essel in +hilippine waters y any foreign person, corporation or entity Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any foreign person, corporation or entity
Court finding
$ Any foreign person, corporation or entity
$ Administratie fine* #S< --,-- to #S< 1/ or e7uialent in +hilippine currency $ Confiscation of catch, fishing e7uipment and essel $ Administratie Fine* #S< 1,2--,--- or e7uialent in +hilippine currency $ =f caught w;in +hilippine internal waters* =mprisonment of mos. And 1 day to 2 years and 2 mos. $ =f caught for the second time w;in +hilippine internal waters* imprisonment of years > fine of #S< 2,4--,-- or its e7uialent in +hilippine currency
2. +resumption of +oaching 0 entry of any foreign fishing essel in +hilippine waters ". Fishing through E#losives$ %o#ious or Poisonous Substance or Electricit& (+e%. & RA 10654
1. Catching, ta&ing or gathering or causing to e caught, ta&en or gathered fish or any fishery species in +hilippine waters with the use of e?plosies, no?ious or poisonous sustance such as sodium cyanide, which will &ill, stupefy, disale or render unconscious fish or fishery species 2. @?ceptions* a. #se of poisonous or no?ious sustances to catch, ta&e or gather fish or fisher species with proper permit and endorsement from the epartment and !"#s, respectiely . #se of poisonous or no?ious sustances to eradicate predators or pests in fishponds in accordance with accepted scientific practices and without causing aderse enironmental impact in neighoring waters and grounds . Actual use of e?plosies, no?ious or poisonous sustances Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person actually using aforementioned
Court finding
$ Any person actually using aforementioned
$ Confiscation of catch including those not caught illegally if co$mingled with those caught illegally, gear, e?plosies and no?ious or poisonous sustances, or electrofishing deices and paraphernalia and gear $ Administratie fine e7uialent to times the alue of the catch or the following, whicheer is higher* a. /unicipal fishing* +hp -,-- . Small Scale Commercial fishing* +hp --,-- . /edium Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1./ c. !arge Scale Commercial fishing* +hp / $ Confiscation of catch including those not caught illegally if co$mingled with those caught illegally, gear, e?plosies and no?ious or poisonous sustances, or electrofishing deices and paraphernalia and gear $ =mprisonment* to 1- years $ ithout preBudice to institute separate criminal case if action led to physical inBury or loss of human life $ Fine twice the amt. of administratie fine
4. @lectrofishing deices Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Court finding
Person iable
$ Any person actually using aforementioned
$ =mprisonment* months $ Fine* +hp ,---
. +ossession of @?plosies and no?ious or poisonous sustances Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person actually using aforementioned
Court finding
$ Any person actually using aforementioned
$ Confiscation of catch gear $ Administratie fine e7uialent to times the alue of the catch or the following, whicheer is higher* a. /unicipal fishing* +hp 1-,-- . Small Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1--,-- . /edium Scale Commercial fishing* +hp --,--c. !arge Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1/ $ Confiscation of catch and gear $ =mprisonment* mos. to 2 years $ Fine twice the amt. of administratie fine
. +rima facie +resumption* a. discoery of dynamite, other e?plosies and chemical compounds which contain comustile elements, or no?ious or poisonous sustances, or e7uipment or deice for electrofishing in any fishing essel or in the possession of any fisherfol&, operator, fishing oat official or fishwor&er3
. discoery in any fishing essel of fish caught or &illed with the use of e?plosies, no?ious or poisonous sustances, or y electricity. '. Use o( Fine )esh (+e%. 7& RA 10654 1. Fishing using nets with mesh smaller than that determined or proided y law Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Summary finding
Person iable
$ Commercial :essel* 'wner, operator, captain, master fisherman $ /unicipal fisherfol&
Court finding
$ Commercial :essel* Captain or /aster fisherman
$ Confiscation of catch gear $ Administratie fine e7uialent to times the alue of the catch or the following, whicheer is higher* a. /unicipal fishing* +hp 2-,-- . Small Scale Commercial fishing* +hp -,-- . /edium Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1--,--c. !arge Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 2--,--$ Confiscation of catch and gear $ =mprisonment* mos. to 2 years $ Fine twice the amt. of administratie fine
$ /unicipal fisherfol&
2. @?ception* use of fine mesh to gather fry, glass eels, elers, taios, and alaman! and other species that y their nature are small ut already mature . +resumption of #se of Fine /esh 0 discoery of fine mesh in a fishing essel *. Fishing in +vere#loited Fisher& )anagement Areas (+e%. 4& RA 10654
Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Summary finding
Person iable
$ Confiscation of catch gear $ Administratie fine* a. /unicipal fishing* Three times the alue or +hp 2-,-- . Small Scale Commercial fishing* Fie times the alue or +hp 1--,--,. . /edium Scale Commercial fishing* Fie times the alue or +hp --,--c. !arge Scale Commercial fishing* Fie times the alue or +hp --,--Court finding $ Any person $ Confiscation of catch and gear $ =mprisonment* mos. and 1 day to years $ Fine* +hp --,--- to +hp / $ Cancellation of fishing permit or license Use o( Active !ear in )unicial Waters$ Ba&s and +ther Fisher& )gmt. Areas (+e%. 5& RA 10654 1. Actie Fishing "ear $ deice characteri5ed y the pursuit of the target species y towing, pushing the gears, surrounding, coering, dredging, and scaring the target species to impoundments3 such as, ut not limited to, trawl, pu rse seines, anish seines, paalin! and drift gill net Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
$ Any person
Person iable
Summary finding
$ 'wner, operator, oat captain, master fisherman $ Chief e?ecutie officer, managing partner
Court finding
$ 'wner, operator, oat captain, master fisherman $ Chief e?ecutie officer, managing partner
$ Confiscation of catch gear $ Administratie fine three times the alue of the catch or the following, whicheer is higher* a. /unicipal fishing* +hp 2-,--- or community serice . Small Scale Commercial fishing* +hp -,-- . /edium Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1--,--c. !arge Scale Commercial fishing* +hp --,--$ Confiscation and forfeiture of catch and gear $ =mprisonment* 2 to years $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine
-. Ban on Coral E#loitation and E#ortation (+e%. 6& RA 10654
1. "athering, possessing, commercially transporting, selling or e?porting ordinary, semi$ precious and precious corals, whether raw or in processed form, e?cept for scientific or research purposes. 2. amaging of coral reefs. Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Summary finding
Person iable
$ Forfeiture of corals $ Administratie fine eight () times the alue of corals gathered, possessed, commercially transported, sold or e?ported or +hp --,--- to +hp 1-/, whicheer is higher $ Compensation for the restoration of the damaged coral reefs Court finding $ %oat captain $ Forfeiture of corals $ /aster fisherman $ =mprisonment* 1- to 2- years $ 6ecruiter or organi5er $ Fine e7uialent to twice the of fishwor&ers administratie fine ). Ban on )uroAmi$ +ther )ethods and !ear Destructive to Coral /ee(s and +ther )arine "abitat (+e%. & RA 10654 1. Fishing with gear or method that destroys coral reefs, seagrass eds, and other fishery marine life haitat as may e determined y the epartment. 2. 8#roami and any of its ariation, and such similar gears and methods that re7uire diing, other physical or mechanical acts to pound the coral reefs and other haitat to entrap, gather or catch fish and other fishery species are also prohiited. Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Summary finding
Court finding
$ 'wner;operator of the fishing essel;s $ %oat captain $ /aster fisherman $ 6ecruiter or organi5er of fishwor&ers
Person iable
$ 'wner, operator $ %oat captain $ /aster fisherman $ 6ecruiter or organi5er of fishwor&ers $ Fisherfol& who sered as pounders $ %oat captain $ /aster fisherman $ 6ecruiter or organi5er of fishwor&ers
$ Confiscation of catch gear $ Administratie fine fie () times the alue of fish caught or +hp 2/, whicheer is higher $ Compensation for the restoration of the damaged coral reefs $ Administratie fine of +hp 2-,--- or community serice $ =mprisonment* 2 to 1- years $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine
. "athering, possessing, commercially transporting, selling or e?porting coral sand, coral fragments, coral roc&s, silica, and any other sustances which ma&e up any marine haitat. Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person or corporation
Court finding
$ %oat captain $ /aster fisherman $ 6ecruiter or organi5er of fishwor&ers
$ Confiscation of sustance $ Administratie fine* +hp / or fie times the alue of the coral sand, coral fragments, coral roc&s, silica, etc. $ Confiscation of sustance $ =mprisonment* 2 to 1- years $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine
4. 5. 6. . ,. .
%. 'llegal Use o( Suerlights or Fishing -ight Attractor (+e%. ,& RA 10654 1. Superlights 0 refers to a type of light using halogen or metal halide ul which may e located aoe the sea surface or sumerged in the water 2. #se of superlights using candlelight power eyond the standards set y law Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ Any person
+. Conversion o( )angroves (+e%. & RA 10654
$ Confiscation of catch, gears and superlight apparatus $ Administratie fine* +hp 2-,---;superlight or community serice =F municipal fisherfol& $ Confiscation of catch, gears and superlight apparatus $ =mprisonment* mos. to 2 years $ Fine* +hp 4-,---;superlight or community serice =F municipal fisherfol&
Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ Any person
$ Administratie fine e7uialent to the ecological alue of a hectare of mangroe or +hp 1-/;hectare, whicheer is higher $ Compensation for restoration or rehailitation of damaged area $ Fine* +hp -,--- > fine e7uialent to administratie penalty $ =mprisonment* mos and 1 day to 12 years $ @nironmental damages* +hp--,---;hectare;year until area is restored $ Compensation for restoration or rehailitation of damaged area
P. Fishing During Closed Season (+e%. 100& RA 10654 Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Summary finding
Person iable
$ Any person
$ Confiscation of catch gear $ Administratie fine* a. /unicipal fishing* times the alue of catch or +hp 2-,--- or community serice . Small Scale Commercial fishing* Fie times the alue of the catch or 0. +hp 1--,--c. /edium Scale Commercial fishing* Fie times the alue of the catch or +hp --,--d. !arge Scale Commercial fishing* Fie times the alue of the catch or +hp --,--Court finding $ 'wner, operator, oat $ Confiscation and forfeiture of catch captain, master and gear fisherman $ =mprisonment* mos. and 1 day to $ Chief e?ecutie years officer, managing $ Fine e7uialent to twice the partner administratie fine $ Cancellation of license or permit Fishing in )arine Protected Areas$ Fisher /eserves$ /e(uge and Sanctuaries (+e%. 101& RA 10654
Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ Any person
$ Confiscation of catch gear $ Administratie fine of twice the alue of the catch or the following, whicheer is higher* a. /unicipal fishing* +hp 2-,--- or community serice . Small Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 2--,--c. /edium Scale Commercial fishing* +hp --,--d. !arge Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 1/ $ Confiscation and forfeiture of catch and gear $ =mprisonment* 2 to years $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine $ Cancellation of license or permit
/. Fishing or 1a2ing o( /are$ 1hreatened or Endangered Secies (+e%. 10& RA 10654 1. Ta&e, catch, gather, sell, purchase, possess, transport, e?port, forward or ship out a7uatic species listed in Appendi? = of the Conention on the =nternational Trade in @ndangered Species of ild Flora and Fauna (C=T@S), or those categori5ed y the =nternational #nion for Conseration of Dature and Datural 6esources (=#CD) as threatened Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Summary finding
Person iable
$ Forfeiture of the species $ Administratie fine of fie times the alue of the species or +hp --,--- to +hp /, whicheer is higher Court finding $ Any person $ Forfeiture of the species $ =mprisonment* 12 years and 1 day to 2- years $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine $ Cancellation of fishing permit 2. Fish, ta&e, catch, gather, sell, purchase, possess, transport, e?port, forward or ship out a7uatic species listed in C=T@S Appendices == and === if scientific assessments show that population of the species in the wild cannot remain iale under pressure of collection and trade Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
$ Any person
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ Any person
$ Forfeiture of the species $ Administratie fine of three times the alue of the species or +hp --,--- to +hp /, whicheer is higher $ Forfeiture of the species $ =mprisonment* to years $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine
. 2%eption9 T a&ing or fishing of species from the wild for scientific research, or conseration reeding simultaneous with commercial reeding 4. "ather, ta&e, possess, transport, or e?port, forward or ship out captie$red species that hae een transplanted to the wild. Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ Any person
$ Forfeiture of the species $ Administratie fine of three times the alue of the species or +hp --,--- to +hp /, whicheer is higher $ Forfeiture of the species $ =mprisonment* to years $ Fine e7uialent to thrice the administratie fine or +hp /
+resumption of commission of the act shall redound to captain, master fisherman, and two highest ran&ing officers of the essel =F committed y a essel manned y more than two (2) persons
S. Cature o( Sabalo and +ther Breeders3Sa4ners (+e%. 107& RA 10654 1. Catch, gather, capture or possess mature mil&fish or sabalo and other reeders or spawners of other fishery species Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ Any person
$ Forfeiture of catch and gear $ Administratie fine of fie times the alue of the saalo or +hp --,--$ Forfeiture of catch and gear $ =mprisonment* mos. and 1 day to years $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine or +hp / $ Suspension or reocation of license
2. . @?ception* +urposes or scientific or research purposes may e allowed suBect to guidelines that shall e promulgated y the epartment. 1. E#ortation o( Breeders$ Sa4ners$ Eggs or Fr& (+e%. 104& RA 10654 1. @?ception* @?port of hatchery$red or captie$red reeder, spawner, egg or fry, may e allowed suBect to the regulations to e promulgated y the epartment
2. +resumption of conniance or conspiracy 0 Failure on the part of the shipping or forwarding company from whose possession the reeders, spawners, eggs, or fry are discoered or sei5ed to fully cooperate in the inestigation conducted y concerned goernment authorities on the matter Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ Any person
$ Confiscation of reeders, spawners, eggs or fry $ Administratie fine of three times the alue of the reeders, spawners, eggs or fry or +hp 1--,--- to --,--$ Suspension or reocation of license for commercial fishing and;or registration as e?porter $ Confiscation of reeders, spawners, eggs or fry $ =mprisonment* to 1- years $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine or +hp / $ Suspension or reocation of license
U. 'mortation or E#ortation o( Fish or Fisher& Secies (+e%. 105& RA 10654 1. +resumption of conniance or conspiracy 0 Failure on the part of the shipping or forwarding company from whose possession the fish or fishery species imported or e?ported are discoered or sei5ed to fully cooperate in the inestigation conducted y concerned goernment authorities Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Summary finding
Person iable
$ Any person
$ Forfeiture or destruction of the species $ Administratie fine of three times the V. alue of the species or +hp --,--- to --,---, whicheer is higher Court finding $ Any person $ Forfeiture or destruction of the species $ =mprisonment* years $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine $ 'ffenders shall e anned from eing memers or stoc&holders of companies currently engaged in fisheries or companies to e created in the future Violation o( "arvest Control /ules (+e%. 106& RA 10654
Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ 'wner, operator, oat captain, master fisherman $ Chief e?ecutie officer, managing partner
$ Confiscation of catch gear $ Administratie fine* a. /unicipal fishing* times the alue of catch or +hp 2-,--- or community serice . Small Scale Commercial fishing* Fie times the alue of the catch or +hp 1--,--c. /edium Scale Commercial fishing* Fie times the alue of the catch or +hp 1/ d. !arge Scale Commercial fishing* Fie times the alue of the catch or +hp / $ Confiscation of catch and gear $ =mprisonment* mos. and 1 day to years $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine $ 6eocation license or permit
W. 'mortation or E#ortation o( Fish or Fisher& Secies (+e%. 105& RA 10654 1. +resumption of conniance;consFailure on the part of the shipping or forwarding company from whose possession the fish or fishery species imported or e?ported are discoered or sei5ed to fully cooperate in the inestigation conducted y concerned goernment authorities Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Summary finding
Person iable
$ Any person
$ Forfeiture or destruction of the species 5. $ Administratie fine of fie times the alue of the species or +hp --,--- to --,---, whicheer is higher Court finding $ Any person $ Forfeiture or destruction of the species $ =mprisonment* years $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine $ 'ffenders shall e anned from eing memers or stoc&holders of companies currently engaged in fisheries or companies to e created in the future !athering and )ar2eting o( Shell Fishes or +ther A6uatic Secies (+e%. 110& RA 10654
1. "ather, ta&e, sell, transfer, possess, commercially transport, e?port, forward or ship out any se?ually mature shell fish or other a7uatic species identified y the epartment, or elow the minimum si5e, or aoe the ma?imum 7uantities prescried for the species Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ Any person
$ Confiscation of species $ Administratie fine e7uialent to the alue of the species or +hp -,---, whicheer is higher $ Cancellation of permit or license $ Forfeiture or destruction of the species $ =mprisonment* 1 mo. 1 day to mos. $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine $ Cancellation of permit or license
7. +bstruction to %avigation or Flo4 or Ebb o( 1ide in an& Stream$ /iver$ -a2e or Ba& (+e%. 111& RA 10654 Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ Any person
$ Administratie fine of +hp 2--,---, whicheer is higher $ ismantling of the ostruction, fish corrals;traps, fish pens or fish cages at the e?pense of the offender $ =mprisonment* 1 mo. 1 day to mos. $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine $ Confiscation of stoc&s and dismantling of the ostruction, fish corrals;traps, fish pens or fish cages at the e?pense of the iolator
8. +bstruction o( De(ined )igration Paths (+e%. 114& RA 10654 1. 'struction of any defined migration path of anadromous, catadromous and other migratory species Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ Any person
$ Administratie fine of +hp 1-,--- to --,--- whicheer is higher $ ismantling of the ostruction at the e?pense of the offender $ Suspension or reocation of the permit or license $ =mprisonment* 9 to 12 years $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine $ ismantling of the ostruction at the e?pense of the offender $ Suspension or reocation of the permit or license
AA. Constructing$ 'morting or Converting Fishing Vessels or !ears 4ithout Permit (rom the Deartment (+e%. 10& RA 10654 1. 'struction of any defined migration path of anadromous, catadromous and other migratory species Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ 'wner, operator, oat captain, master fisherman $ Chief e?ecutie officer, managing partner
$ Administratie fine* a. Small Scale Commercial fishing* +hp -,-- . /edium Scale Commercial fishing* +hp --,--c. !arge Scale Commercial fishing* +hp 2./ $ Confiscation of catch and gear $ =mprisonment* 1 mo. and 1 day to mos. $ Fine e7uialent to twice the administratie fine
BB. Use o( Unlicensed !ear (+e%. 10& RA 10654 Nat#re of -n$esti!ation
Person iable
Summary finding
$ Any person
Court finding
$ Any person
$ Administratie fine of +hp 2--,--- to --,--- per gear $ Fine from +hp 4--,--- to 1/
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