Progress Test-Unit 9-Test A

January 18, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Unit 9 Progress Test A Grammar  1 Rewrite the sentences sentences without changing the mea meaning. ning. Use the word word provided. provided.

1 Pat Patric ricia ia on only ly had a han handfu dfull of dollar dollars s on her. her. WAS  All ____________________________________________________________________  2 Har Harry ry tthre hrew w awa away y his his old old credi creditt card. card. DID What ____________________________________________________________________ 

3 Fas Fastt food food wrap wrapper pers s wer were e floati floating ng on the the po pond. nd. THAT It ____________________________________________________________________  4 I can can’t ’t stand stand bein being g in a queue queue at the c chec heckou kout. t. IS One thing ____________________________________________________________________  5 The exp experts erts ha have ve bee been n carrying carrying out a survey survey into shoppi shopping ng tren trends. ds. IS What ____________________________________________________________________  6 The new recycl recycling ing sch scheme eme has been ve very ry succ successful essful in recent recent yea years. rs. THAT One idea ____________________________________________________________________  7 Brad only wanted wanted to help help out with the the rubbish rubbish collecting. collecting. DO  All ____________________________________________________________________  8 Gareth led the the pro protest test a against gainst dumpi dumping ng chemicals chemicals in th the e river. river. WHO It ____________________________________________________________________  9 We hav have e just op opened ened a branch branch of our department department store store iin n Dubai. IS One place ____________________________________________________________________  10 Jill wi willll only only be worried worried about findin finding g a bargain bargain in the sales. IS The only thing ____________________________________________________________________  Mark: ___ / 10


Third Edition Upper-Intermediate Tests


Unit 9 Progress Test A


2 Rewrite the sentence sentences. s. Start Start each sentence sentence with a participle participle clause. clause. 1 If yo you u make make it out out of plast plastic, ic, iitt won’t won’t last last long. long.  ________________________________________________________________________________  11 Wendy Wendy was was bor bored ed so s she he walke walked d out o off the c cine inema. ma.  ________________________________________________________________________________  12 Becaus Because e we were feelin feeling g tired, tired, we we decided decided to stay stay in. in.  ________________________________________________________________________________  13 After sh she e had waited in th the e bank for three three hours hours,, Lucy was told sh she e didn’t have have the right pa papers. pers.  ________________________________________________________________________________  14 While w we e were sitting sitting on the beach, we read the books books we’ we’d d bought. bought.  ________________________________________________________________________________  Mark: ___ / 5

3 Complete the sentences. sentences. Use a preposition preposition and tthe he correct correct form of a verb fro from m below. Use each word once. after










1 ______ ___________ ___________ _______ _ in New Zealand Zealand,, everybody everybody h has as been very friendl friendly. y. 2 ______ ___________ ___________ _______ _ the bell, bell, all the the students students raced raced ou outt of th the e school. school. 3 ______ ___________ ___________ _______ _ to the airport, airport, we packed packed our bags and made made sure we had our passpor passports. ts. 4 ______ ___________ ___________ _______ _ the match, match, we fel feltt rea really lly disappoi disappointed. nted. 5 ______ ___________ ___________ _______ _ in a deckchair all all mornin morning, g, I read a book, had had a short slee sleep p and got sunb sunburnt. urnt. Mark: ___ / 5

Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences sentences with with the correct correct words. words. The firs firstt letter of of each word word has been been given. 1 Just clic click k on each it item em you wis wish h to purchase purchase to ad add d them to your your b_______ b___________ ____ . 15 Read onli online ne r___ r_________ ________ __ to find out whic which h products products are hig highly hly rec recommend ommended. ed. 16 Joseph Josephine ine spent too much money money and g got ot into d_ d_______ __________ ____ . She She owed the b bank ank over £100. 17 When sho shopping pping in a market, market, try to h_ h_______ __________ ____ with the the stall owne ownerr to bring the pr price ice down. Don Don’t ’t accept tthe he first price you are offered. 18 If you can’t a_ a_______ __________ ____ to buy a product product you want, want, you can always always borrow mo money ney and pay it bac back k later. 19 We will send yo you u regular regular n__ n________ _________ ___ to tell tell you about special special offers. offers. 20 If it’s a ba bargain rgain,, you should should s__________ s___________ _ it up before before the shop shop sells o out. ut. 21 The shopk shopkeeper eeper k________ k___________ ___ down the price price from £10 to £5 £5 because the the produc productt was slight slightly ly damage damaged. d. Mark: ___ / 8


Third Edition Upper-Intermediate Tests


Unit 9 Progress Test A


5 Complete Complete the text text with the corr correct ect words words.. Joe’s 1 ___________ in it, he really is. He’s got more money than anyone else I know. In contrast, my other friends are pretty 2 ___________ up. They have got so little money that they literally live 3 ___________ to mouth, and some of them are in the 4 ___________ , owing lots of money to the bank. Take Sally. She is so poor that she struggles to make 5 ___________ meet, and really has to tighten her 6 ___________ , especially at the end of the month when there’s nothing in her purse and she’s completely 7 ___________ .

Mark: ___ / 7

6 Match Match tthe he wo words rds below below wit with h the the definit definitions ions.. brand





1 a ttype ype of produc productt m made ade by one com compan pany y ______ _________ _____  __  2 a patter pattern n or or design used on a particular particular produc productt ___________  ___________  3 a short short song you hear on TV or radio advertisemen advertisements ts ___________  ___________  4 to introd introduce uce a new produ product ct for the first time ___________  ___________  5 a short advertisemen advertisementt betwee between n progr programmes ammes on TV ______ ___________  _____  Mark: ___ / 5

Use of English 7 Complete Complete the dialo dialogue gue with with the the words words below. below. another











Do you think it’s better to have a clothes swap party or to take your old clothes to a charity shop?


I don’t have any strong 1 ____________ either way.


Well, I think that a clothes swap party is 2 ____________. For one 3 ____________, it’s a great way to socialise. On 4 ____________ of that, it’s a good way of recycling your old clothes. 5 ____________ thing is that if there are any clothes left over, they are given to a charity shop anyway.


Thinking about it, I 6 ____________ that it’s not a bad idea. However, I think it’s better to take your clothes directly to a charity shop. The reason I 7 ____________ that is they’ll be able to make more money, as you’re taking more clothes instead of giving away half first.


I’m not  ____________ about that. Let me think. It could be  ____________ that you’ll collect more clothes overall at a party, and the clothes will be better quality. For those 10 ____________, I’m definitely saving my clothes for the next clothes swap party!



Mark: ___ / 10


Third Edition Upper-Intermediate Tests


Unit 9 Progress Test A


Listening 8 

9 You will hear three texts. Choose the correct answers.

Text 1

1 Why did a adverti dvertisers sers rar rarely ely use a actual ctual pop pop songs in commer commercials cials bef before ore the 19 1970s? 70s?  A

They didn’t realise consumers made a connection between songs they liked and products they wanted to buy.


Using an original original pop recordi recording ng was beyond the b budget udget of adv advertisi ertising ng com companies panies..


Artists Artist s refus refused ed to allow allow them them to change change the the words words of the their ir songs songs in or order der to sell th their eir pro products. ducts.

22 In the last thi thirty rty years, years, how has the attitude attitude of po pop p stars changed changed towar towards ds the use of the their ir songs in com commerci mercials? als?  A

Today, pop stars expect to be paid a lot more money if advertisers use one of their songs.


Nowadays, Nowada ys, pop pop stars stars know know that commercials commercials can he help lp improve improve sales sales of of the their ir son songs. gs.


These days, days, p pop op stars stars no lon longer ger have have to sign sign music music licensing licensing agreeme agreements nts wit with h adver advertisers tisers..

Text 2

23 Accord According ing to the expert, expert, how are T TV V commercials commercials di differe fferent nt from fifty fifty years years ago?  A

They no longer appeal to a broad range of viewers.


They The y are are techn technolo ologic gicall ally y a lot lot mo more re s soph ophisti isticat cated. ed.


Th They ey hav have e tto o do more more tha than n just just s sel ell. l.

24 Which of tthe he following following does the p presen resenter ter e express xpress? ?  A

a realisation that the expert’s argument is a good one


dis disagr agreem eement ent wit with h tthe he expe expert’ rt’s sm main ain poi point nt


a dem deman and d for for a c cle lear arer er expl explan anat atio ion n

Text 3

25 What What is the the sp speak eaker er a aski sking ng yo you u to b buy? uy?  A

a talk by a well-known advertising executive


a film film a abou boutt the the lilife fe of of a famo famous us a adve dverti rtisin sing g ex execu ecutiv tive e


a book book by a s succ uccess essful ful adv advert ertisi ising ng execut executive ive Mark: ___ / 5


Third Edition Upper-Intermediate Tests


Unit 9 Progress Test A


Reading 9 Read the the text divided int into o three parts. Match Match qu questions estions 1–5 with with paragraphs paragraphs A–C. A–C.

Lottery stories For every millionaire who gets into debt, there are many more who invest wisely, use their money to change the world, or even give it all away to help others. Take Allen and Violet Large from Canada, who won over $10 million in 2010. Since they were in their seventies at the time, and already pretty secure financially, they decided to share what they had won, not  just with their grown-up kids, to whom they were very generous, but with causes they had always supported. Many institutions, ranging from hospitals to the local fire department, benefitted from the couple’s generosity. When they had first been presented with all the money, it had been a real source of concern for them. Uncomfortable with being so rich, hating all the press coverage, and worried that people would look at them in a different way, they were keen to quickly get rid of it all. A

It’s not just in Canada that lottery winners have been keen to share their winnings. Colin and Christine Weir, a couple from Scotland, used their money to support a promising young artist and help out one of their neighbours, a teenage single mother. They actually gave the young mum a house they owned so she would have somewhere to live. Unlike the Larges, however, they also bought things they had never thought they would ever own. They renovated a hundred-year-old mansion and purchased a yacht so they could take up sailing. In another story of remarkable generosity, American lottery jackpot winner John Kutey donated a portion of his winnings to constructing a water park near where he had grown up. Loving the media spotlight, Kutey told journalists the construction of the park was a childhood dream. B

 Aware that with sudden wealth comes many pressures, not least the pressure of being asked for money by jealous friends and relatives desperate to get their hands on your cash,  American Brad Duke decided, at first, not to tell anyone about his lottery win except for his parents and his lawyer. He also kept both his old job and his ordinary apartment. In fact, while others might have blown their money on yachts, mansions and holidays, there was just one thing Brad was keen to buy, and that was a brand new, state-of-the-art mountain bike. Being a keen biker, that was all he really wanted. In time, he reluctantly told the world he was a millionaire, but what has helped him stay normal and happy has been the hobby he had before he was rich. Brad still goes mountain biking every weekend. In the end, there’s no point being a millionaire unless you can keep doing the things you love. C

In which paragraph is there an example of a lottery winner or lottery winners who …

1 didn’t want to spend any money on themselves?


26 was concerned about being asked for money by others?


27 started doing a new hobby?


28 used used tthe heir ir mon money ey to to he help lp a ano noth ther er p per erso son n ac achi hiev eve e th thei eirr ambi ambiti tion on in in life life? ?

__ ___  _ 

29 gave gave a s sig igni nifi fica cant nt amo amoun untt of th thei eirr mone money y to p peo eopl ple e in the their ir o own wn fam familily? y?

__ ___  _  Mark: ___ / 5

Writing 10 Read Read the the task task below. below. Writ Write e a letter. letter.  A newspaper recently published an article revealing that many social networking sites routinely share their users’ information with advertisers. Write a letter to the editor expressing your opinion of the article, and arguing in favour of or against this practice. Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70


Third Edition Upper-Intermediate Tests


Unit 9 Progress Test A

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