Progress Test 4A (Units 10-12)
August 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Progress Test 4A (Units 10-12)...
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Listen to a conversati conversation on between Gina and Mike. For questions 1–5, circle the correct answer a, b or c.
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3 Choose the best answers to complete the text text.. My life as a singer
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4 Read tthe he text. D Decide ecide if the sentence sentencess are true true (T) or false (F). If there is no information about this, choose ‘not given’ (NG).
0 O)D.,(>+/ 4)7< 57"4$+ 7/B$ 4)D.,(>+/ M"., ,) "+B 5$)57$ ;()# &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C 2 points for each correct answer
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6 Complete the notices with the words and phrases in the box.
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7 Write a description of a place you you know. Write 40–50 words.
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SPEAKING Student A 8 Work with a partner. Arrange a holiday with your friend.
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SPEAKING Student B 8 Work with a partner. Arrange a holiday with your friend.
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