Progress Test 3

June 1, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Progress Test 3, Units 7–9 Name ___________________

Class ___________________




a Complete the questions. (12 points)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2.01 Listen. Write T (true) or F (false) for each statement. (8 points) Abigail found some photos Jack and Abigail went on vacation to Australia They went for a week Jack doesn’t remember the hotel at all Jack wasn’t allowed to swim in the lake There were no hippos in the lake Suzie had breakfast with them every day Jack only has eyes for Abigail


2.03 Listen. Complete the conversation.  (6 points)

A: That’s the park where you (1) _______ , isn’t it? B: Yes, and over there’s the new restaurant which I (2) _______ about. A: Oh, yes. The one which sells great (3) _______ . B: That’s right. The guy who makes them is (4) _______ . A: Great. Oh, it has a terrace. I love places where you can eat (5) _______ . B: Well, the weather’s good. Let’s go and (6) _______ !


2.21 Listen. Number each line of the  conversation in order. (6 points)

__ OK. See you tomorrow. __ I’m surprised. You’re usually very good with technology. __ I’m really frustrated with this new DVD recorder. I can’t record anything! __ I don’t think so. I think it’s me. It’s embarrassing to admit, but I can’t understand the instructions. __ I know. Anyway, it’s nearly midnight and I’m exhausted. I think I’ll go to bed. __ Oh no. That’s disappointing. Is there a problem with it? Total: … /20

1 Is that _______ house _______ you grew up? No, it’s the one next to it. 2 What _______ she _______ when you saw her? She was waiting for a bus. 3 _______ the movie already _______ when you arrived? Yes, it had. We missed the first ten minutes. 4 _______ you _______ in baseball? No, I’m not interested in baseball at all. 5 _______ is the book _______ I gave you? I don’t know. I can’t find it. 6 _______ you _______ after the long journey? Yes, I was. I was exhausted actually.

b Correct the sentences. (12 points) 1 Is your friend lives in Oxford called Jeremy? __________________________________________ 2 Sophie was sitting in the kitchen when I was seeing her. __________________________________________ 3 Everyone really enjoyed the movie, although it was terrified. __________________________________________ 4 By six we were hungry because we didn’t eat all day. __________________________________________ 5 That’s the store which I bought my new computer. __________________________________________ 6 Some people get very exciting when they see a famous person. __________________________________________

c Complete the sentences with one word. (6 points) 1 Everyone _______ knows me says I’m very kind. 2 After six weeks they still _______ finished repairing my car. 3 It was a great joke. We all found it very _______ . 4 I have a question _______ I need to ask you. 5 We went for a meal in the restaurant _______ we first met. 6 We _______ playing soccer when it started to rain. Total: … /30

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Breakthrough plus


Progress Test 3, Units 7–9


Everyday English

a Complete the adjectives to describe people. (6 points)

Choose the best response to each statement. (20 points)

1 d_ _ _s_ _e 4 a_ _ _t_ _ _s 2 a_ _p_ _ _ _e 5 i_ _ _ _s_ _ _ _e 3 r_ _k_ _ _s 6 a_ _ _n_ _ _ _ _s

1 They went to Paris last week. a Oh yes? b Yes, they do. c Yes, actually.

b Write each word or phrase in the correct space. (6 points)

2 Do you know a movie called Papillon? a No way! b Oh right. c Never heard of it.

hopefully occasionally unfortunately luckily immediately accidentally 1 I ___________ eat out in restaurants. 2 Sue fell, but ___________ she wasn’t hurt. 3 Please come here ___________. It’s important. 4 Sorry, but ___________ you have failed the exam. 5 ___________ it won’t rain at the barbecue. 6 Tim ___________ broke the vase, and apologized.

c Match the phrases. (6 points) 1 2 3 4 5 6

run out of get along with call off turn off look up pick up

a the lights b garbage from the floor c a word in a dictionary d someone e coffee f a meeting

d Complete the chart. (6 points) American English British English 1 _______ tap subway 2 _______ 3 _______ pavement 4 _______ petrol pants 5 _______ French fries 6 _______

4 Bradley fell down the stairs yesterday. a Is he all right? b That’s right. c That’s amazing. 5 This is so boring. a You’re telling me! b What’s it like? c Oh, has it? 6 I’ve lost my car keys. a What’s wrong with that? b Yes, you have. c Are you sure? 7 Do you want to stay for dinner? a No, thanks. I’d better get going. b Sure. Bye for now. c Anyway, it’s late. 8 It was great to see you. a So, what’s up? b How are you? c Yes, you too. 9 Guess what! Alan just phoned. a Congratulations. b That’s great. c That’s crazy.

Total: … /24

Pronunciation a Circle the correct answer. (2 points) 1 On a question tag, the intonation goes up/down to ask for confirmation. 2 On a question tag, the intonation goes up/down if you don’t know the answer.

b How do you pronounce these -ed endings? Write /t/, /d/ or /ɪd/. (4 points) 1 disappointed _______ 2 annoyed _______

3 We’ve won a trip to Hawaii for two weeks! a That’s too bad. b You’re joking, right? c I can’t stand it.

You won’t forget to buy some milk, will you? 10 a No, I’m not. b No, I won’t. c Won’t I? Total: … /20 Test total: … /100

3 depressed _______ 4 terrified _______

Total: … /6

This page has been downloaded from © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

Breakthrough plus


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