Prog Manual Robo

April 28, 2017 | Author: João Luiz Ribeiro | Category: N/A
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CHAPTER I : THE HOST COMMAND SET Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... System Commands BA Read Motor Status ....................................................................................................... SC Read System Contiguration ...........................................................................................

1 3 4


Stop/Start Delay Timer ................................................................................................. Read Error Stack ...........................................................................................................

6 7


Read Motor Mode ......................................................................................................... Real Teach Pendant Error .............................................................................................

8 9


Reset Motor Current Limits ........................................................................................... Read System Status .......................................................................................................

10 11


Execute Diagnostics ....................................................................................................... Read Usage Time ...........................................................................................................

12 13


Read Version and I.D. Number ...................................................................................... Execute Diagnostics and Return Resutls .......................................................................

14 15


Read Delay Timer Value ...............................................................................................


Contiguration Commands CC Set Coordinate Position ................................................................................................. CG Enable/Disable Gripper Mode ........................................................................................ CM Set Motor Mode ............................................................................................................ CR Set Robot Type ..............................................................................................................

17 18 19 20

Motor Read Commands AR Read System Acceterarion ................................................................................................. 21 DR Read Motor PWM Level and Director .......................................................................... 22 GS Read Gripper Status ....................................................................................................... 23 HR Read Soft Home Position ............................................................................................... 24 PA Read Actual Position ..................................................................................................... 25 PW Read Destination Position .............................................................................................. 26 PZ Read XYZ Destinaton Position ..................................................................................... 27 RL Read Limit Switches ...................................................................................................... 28 UA Read XYZ Rotation Angle ............................................................................................. 29 UH Read XYZ Home Position ............................................................................................. 30 UO Read XYZ Offset ........................................................................................................... 31 UT Read XYZ Tool Length ................................................................................................. 32 UY Read XYZ Height or the Elbow Rotation Axis (HO) .................................................... 33 VA Read Motor Actual Vetocity .......................................................................................... 34 VR Read Motor Desired Vetocity ........................................................................................ 35 VX Rest System Vetocity ..................................................................................................... 36 XR

Read Auxilary Port Level and Direction ........................................................................


Motor Set Commands AC Clear Motor Actual Position............................................................................................ AS Set System Acceleration ................................................................................................. DS Set Motor PWM Level and Direction ............................................................................. GC Close Gripper ................................................................................................................

38 39 40 41


Open Gripper ................................................................................................................ Go to Hard Home Position ............................................................................................

41 42


Go to Soft Home Position .............................................................................................. Execute Hard Home .......................................................................................................

43 44


Hard Home on Limit Switchs ........................................................................................ Set Soft Home ...............................................................................................................

45 46

MA Stop All Motors and Auxiliary Ports ............................................................................ MC Start All Motors, Coordinated ......................................................................................

47 48

MI Start All Motors, Independent ....................................................................................... MM Stop Single Motor .......................................................................................................

49 50

MS Start Single Motor ......................................................................................................... MX Start XYZ Move ...........................................................................................................

51 52


Set Motor Destination Position, Absolute .................................................................... Set Motor Destination Position, Relative .....................................................................

53 54


Set Axis Destination Position, Absolute ........................................................................ Set Axis Destination Position, Relative .........................................................................

55 56


Set System Velocity ....................................................................................................... Set Motor Velocity ........................................................................................................ Set XYZ Rotation Angle ............................................................................................... Set XYZ Home Position ................................................................................................ Set XYZ Offset ............................................................................................................. Set Auxiliary Port Level and Direction .......................................................................... Set XYZ Tool Length .................................................................................................... Set XYZ Height of the Elbow Rotation Axis (HO) .......................................................

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

Teach Pendant Commands FR Receive Teach Pendant File from Host ......................................................................... FT Transmit Teach Pendant File from Host ....................................................................... . FX Execute Teach Pendant Program ................................................................................... TA Abort/Terminate Teach Pendant Program ...................................................................... TC Clear Teach Pendant Display ......................................................................................... TD Print to Teach Pendant Display ..................................................................................... TE Enable/Disable Teach Pendant to Move Motors ............................................................ TH Give Control to Host ...................................................................................................... TX Give Control to Teach Pendant ....................................................................................... TK Return to Host the Next Key Code ................................................................................ TL Return to Host the Last Key Code ................................................................................. TR Reset the Teach Pendant ................................................................................................ TS Set Teach Pendant Display Cursor ................................................................................. TT Execute Teach Pendant Diagnostic and Return Results ..................................................

65 65 66 66 67 68 69 70 70 71 71 72 73 74

Gain Commands KA Set Proportional Gain .................................................................................. KS Set Differential Gain .................................................................................... KC Set lntegral Gain ......................................................................................... RA Read Proportonal Gain ............................................................................... RE Read Differential Gain ................................................................................ RO Read Integral Gain ..................................................................................... KR Restore User Gains from EEPROM ........................................................... KS Store User Gains to EEPROM .................................................................. KX Restore Factory Gains ................................................................................

75 75 75 76 76 76 77 77 78

Input/Output Commands IB Read Input or Switch .................................................................................. IP Read Input Port .......................................................................................... IX Read Switch Port ....................................................................................... OB Set Output Bit ............................................................................................ OP Set Output Port .......................................................................................... OR Read Output Port ....................................................................................... OT Toggle Output Bit ....................................................................................... WA Abort All Wait on Inputs and Switches ......................................................... WI Wait on Input or Switch ..............................................................................

79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

CHAPTER 2 : TEACH PENDANT PROGRAM EXAMPLES Introduction ..................................................................................................... Setup ............................................................................................................... Jump ............................................................................................................... Creating Moves ..............................................................................................

89 89 93 96

APPENDIX A: THE HOST COMMAND SET ........................................................... System Commands ............................................................................................ Configuration Commands ................................................................................... Motor Read Commands ..................................................................................... Motor Set Commands ........................................................................................ Teach Pendant Commands ................................................................................. Gain Commands ................................................................................................. Input and Output Commands ...............................................................................

97 98 99 99 100 101 101 102

APPENDIX B: THE MOTOR PORTS ........................................................................


APPENDIX C: ED-MK4 BLOCK DIAGRAM ...........................................................




Chapter 1 The Host Command Set The host command set provides maximum control and flexibirity over the ED-MK4 controller The command set can be broken up into seven major groupings: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7:

System Status Commands Configuration Commands Motor Read Commands Motor Set Commands Teach Pendant Control Commands Gain Commands Input and Output Commands

System Status commands provide information concerning system and motor configurations, error detection and control, version information, diagnostics, usage time and timer control. Configuration commands allow you to set the controller in one of three modes (XR-3, SCARA or GENERIC) and each motor in one of four modes (Idle, trapezoidal, velocity or open-loop). Motor Read commands provides information on the current settings of the various motor registers and include limit switch and gripper status informaton. Motor Set commands are used to control motor initialization, position, velocity, accereraton and movement. Teach Pendant Cortrol commands provides the interface for directly controlling the pendant display, to read keypad input, to transfer or control teach pendant files and to provide an easy means for teaching points. Gain commands are used to stabilize the motor control loop and to retrieve or store control loop parameters. Input and Output commands provides the interface to control outputs and read inputs or switches.

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All commands are of the form: AA AA is usually a two character code and parameter 1 and parameter 2 are additional

character information needed by some commands. For example, PD,C,-5OOO sets the destination position of motor C to -5000 encoder counts. All commards must be terminated by a line-feed and/or cartage return. Multiple line-feeds or carriage returns are ignored. Characters are in ASCII representation. Alpha characters can be upper or lower case. All responses from the Mark IV are terminated by a carrage return and line-feed. Many of the commards can be used while the system is under the control of the teach pendant This allows you to run a host application program of your design to test analyze and modify the controller even while a teach pendant program is executing. For example. the host can commard the controller to execute a teach pendant program, monitor the various motor registers, fine tune the control loop gain parameters and terminate the program. The rest of this chapter provides detailed descriptions of each command. In addition, the appendix gives a short form version of each command.

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Read Motor Status


Returns which motors are executing a trapezoidal move. Format:


The trapezoidal move status of each motor is contained in a single byte within the ED-MK4 controller. Each bit within the status byte corresponds to one motor. Bit 0 corresponds to motor port A. If the bit is set (1) the corresponding motor is still executing a trapezoidal move. If the bit is cleared (0) the corresponding motor is either stationary or in a mode other than trapezoidal. SA returns the decimal representation of the motor status byte and ranges in value from 0 to 255. The value returned must be decoded to determine the state of each motor. Decoding is accomplished by taking the hex representation of the value received and testing each bit individually. Example:

SA 38

Sent by the host computer. Received from the Mark 4. The hex equivalent is 26 or 00100110 in binary. Therefore motors B, C and F (read right to left) are still executing a trapezoidal move.

Position and motor velocity commands can not be issued to motors in trapezoidal mode if they are still executing a trapezoidal move. The command to set acceleration or system velocity can not be issued if any motor is still executing a trapezoidal move. Commands to start motors can not be issued if any motor related to the move command is still executing a trapezoidal move. For example, an MC command for an XR-3 robot move affects motors B thru F. MC can not be issued if any of the B thm F motors are still executing a trapezoidal move. G or H motor, however, can still be executing a movement. Therefore, in the case of the MC command you must use the SA command to determine if the affected motors are busy. For setting acceleration or system velocity you would use the SS command described below. This command can be used while under teach pendant mode.

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Read System Configuration


Returns the system configuration byte representing eight system mode selects. Format: SC The value returned is the decimal representation of the byte and ranges from 0 to 255. The value returned must be decoded to determine the state of the various system conditions. Decoding is accomplished by taking the hex representation of the value received and testing each bit individually. Bit 7: Bit 6: Bit 5: Bit 4: Bit 3: Bit 2: Bit 1: Bit 0:

1 = system is in host mode 1 = the pendant is enabled 1 = generic controller mode 1 = SCARA mode 1 = the gripper is disabled 1 = XYZ mode always 0 (reserved). always 0 (reserved).

0 = system is in pendant mode 0 = the pendant is disabled * 0 = robot controller mode 0 = XR-3 mode ** 0 = the gripper is enabled *** 0 = joint mode


Bit 6 is valid only under host mode (bit 7 = 1). It is used by the host when teaching points by allowing the pendant to move motors. The host can then disable the pendant, read the motor positions and store them as a record to be replayed later. Bit 6 is 0 when under teach pendant mode.


Bit 4 is valid only under robot controller mode (bit 5 = 0).

*** Bit 3 is valid only under robot controller mode (bit 5 = 0). A standard gripper is normally controlled by port A. In some applicatons the gripper may either not be used or implemented by some other mechanism such as a solenoid controlled by an output. In those cases it may be desirable to use port A as a general purpose motor port similar to ports G and H. Setting bit 3 = 1 will allow port A to act in the same manner as ports G and H. If the system is configured as a generic controller (bit 5 = 1) then bit 3 will equal 1. Note that all gripper commands become invalid if the gripper is disabled. Bit 7 is controlled by the TH and TX commands in addition to the CONFIG key on the teach pendant.

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Bit 6 is controlled by the TE command. Bits 5 and 4 are controlled by the CR command in addition to the CONFIG key on the teach pendant. Bit 3 is controlled by the CG command in addition to the CONFIG key on the teach pendant. Bit 2 can be controlled only by the CONFIG key on the teach pendant. Unlike the teach pendant mode, when any of these modes are changed by the host computer, the new configuration is not saved to EEPROM. This command can be used while under teach pendant mode.

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Stop/Start Delay Timer


Controls a general purpose timer in the Mark IV. Format:


0< d
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