Profit and Loss

May 18, 2019 | Author: Sanjeet Mohanty | Category: Sales, Prices, Profit (Accounting), Business Economics, Economies
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PROFIT PROFI T AND LOSS 1) The proft earned by selling selling an article article or Rs-600 Rs-600 is equal to the loss incurred incurred when the same article is sold or RS-00! "hat should be the sale price o the article or ma#ing $%& proft' a! $% b! %$% c! 6$% d! ($% $)  the reduction reduction o $0& in the price o sugar enables enables a person person to buy more more $#g or Rs-*0! +ind the reduced and original price o the sugar' a! * and * , b!  and  , c! % and % , d! 1 and 1 , *)  the hi#e hi#e o 10& in the the price o sugar sugar orces orces a person person to purchase purchase $ #g less or Rs-110! +ind the new and original prices' a! * and  b!  and  c! % and  d! 6 and  )  a man purchases purchases 11 oranges oranges or Rs-10 and sells 10 oranges or or Rs-11!.ow much proft/loss does ma#e' a! $1& b! $$& c! $*& d! $& %)  boy buys buys  oranges oranges or Rs-16 Rs-16 and sells them at 11 or Rs-$0!"hat does he gain or loss&' a! $ , & b! $ 2 & c! * 2 & d! * , & 6)  dishonest dishonest seller proesses proesses to sell sell his goods goods at 34 but uses a weight o 60gm or the 5g weight! +ind his gain&' a) *!16 & b) $!16& c) !16& d) 1!16& ()  grocer sells rice at proft o 10& 10& and uses a weight which which is $0& less! less! +ind +ind his total &gain' a) $(!% b) $%!% c) *(!% d) *%!% )  the shop#eeper shop#eeper sells his his goods at 6 2 & loss on on 34 but uses 1 gm instead o 16 gm7 then his p& or l&' a) ( and1/( b) 6 and and 1/( 4age 1 o 8

PROFIT AND LOSS c) % and 1/( d)  and 1/( )  dishonest seller sells his good at 6 2& loss on 34 but uses 1$ & less weight/!"hat is the 4& or l&'%!1 a) !1 b) %!1 c) 6!1 d) (!1 10)  seller uses 0 gm in place o one #g to sell his goods! +ind the actual &p or &l7 when he sells his article on & gain on 34' a) $*!0 b) **!0 c) *!0 d) %*!0 11)  a dealer wants to earn $0& on an article ater o8ering *0& discount to the customer7 by what & should he increase his mar#ed price to arri9e at le9el price' a) (1 ,& b) ($ ,& c) (* ,& d) ( ,& 1$)  sells a good to : at a proft o $0& and : sells it to 3 at a proft at a proft o $%&!  3 pays Rs-$$% or it7 what was the 34 o ' a) $%0 b) 1%0 c) *%0 d) %0 1*)  sells a good to : at a loss o $0& and : sells it to 3 at a loss o $%&!  3 pays Rs-00 or it7 at what price did  buy' a) 1%00 b) $000 c) $%00 d) *000 1)  sells a good to : at a proft o *0& and : sells it to 3 at a loss o $0&!  3 pays Rs-%$0 or it7 at what price did  buy' a) $00 b) *00 c) 00 d) %00 1%)  sold a boo# at a proft o 1$&7 had  sold it or Rs-1 more7 1& would ha9e been gained! +ind 34' a) $00 b) *00 c) 00 d) %00

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PROFIT AND LOSS 16)  man sold a horse at a loss o (&! .ad he been be able to sell it at a gain o &7 it would ha9e been etched Rs-6 more than it did' "hat was the 34' a) 00 b) %00 c) *00 d) $00 1()  sells an article at a proft o 10&!  he had bought it at 10& less and sold it or Rs-* more7 he would ha9e $%& gain! +ind the 34' a) 0 b) 100 c) 1$0 d) 10 1)  person bought an article and sold it at a loss o 10&!  he had bought it or $0& less and sold it or Rs-%% more7 he would ha9e had a proft o 0&!+ind the 34' a) %0 b) 100 c) 1%0 d) $%0 1)  man sells an article at a proft o $0&!  he bought it at $0& less and sold it or Rs-(% less7 he would ha9e gained $%&! "hat is the 34' a) *(% b) $(% c) (% d) %(% $0)  dealer sold a radio at a loss o $%&7 .ad he sold it or Rs-100 more7 he would ha9e gained (!%&! +or what 9alue should he sell it in order to gain 1$  &!' +ind the initial 34' a) 11$%71000 b) %$%7%00 c) $1$%7$000 d) 1%$%71000 $1)  haw#er sells oranges at a proft o $%&!  he increases the S4 o each orange by *0 paise7 he earns a proft o 0&! +ind the 34 ; S4' a) 10071%0 b) $007$%0 c) *007*%0 d) 007%0 $$)  man had to sell wheat at a loss o 10&!  he increases the price by Rs-% per #g7 he would ma#e a proft o $0&! +ind the 34 ; initial S4' a) 16!66 ; 1% b) 1! ; 1 c) 1*!** ; 1* d) 1%!%% ; 1%

4age 3 o 8

PROFIT AND LOSS $*)  dealer sold a radio at a proft o $0&! .ad he sold it or Rs-100 less7 he would ha9e gained 1%&7 or what 9alue should he sell it in order to gain $%&! lso fnd the initial 34' a) 1000 ; 1%00 b) $000 ; $%00 c) *000 ; *%00 d) 000 ; %00 $)  dealer sold a radio at a loss o $0&! .ad he sold it or Rs-1007 he would ha9e lost 1%&! +or what 9alue should he sell it in order to gain $%&! lso fnd initial 34' a) 1000 ; 1%00 b) $000 ; $%00 c) *000 ; *%00 d) 000 ; %00 $%) n article is sold at a proft o $0&!  both the 34 and S4 are Rs-100 less7 the proft would be & more! +ind the 34' a) *00 b) 00 c) %00 d) 600 $6)  man sells an article at a proft o %&!  he reduces the price by Rs- per #g7 he would ma#e a loss o 1%&! +ind the 34 and initial S4 per #g o the article' a) $1 b) *$ c) * d) % $()  haw#er sells oranges at proft o 0&!  he reduces the S4 o each orange by *0 paise7 he earns proft o $%&! +ind the 34 and initial S4 o each orange' a) 0 ; 10 b) 100 ; 10 c) $00 ; $0 d) 10 ; $0 $) n article is sold at $0& proft!  its 34 and S4 are less by Rs-10 ; Rs-% respecti9ely and the 4& increases to 10&! +ind the 34' a) 60 b) (0 c) 0 d) 0 $) n article is sold at $%& proft!  its 34 and S4 are increased by Rs-$0 and Rs- respecti9ely7 the &4 decreases by 1%&! +ind the 34' a) 100 b) 1$0 c) 1*0 d) 110

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PROFIT AND LOSS *0)  person sells his table at a proft 1%& and the chair at a loss o % & but on the whole he gains Rs-16!
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