Profit and Loss

May 18, 2019 | Author: megha2789 | Category: Income Statement, Profit (Accounting), Prices, Economies, Business Economics
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Profit and Loss...


Type 1:- The ratio of the cost price and the selling price is 4:5. The profit percent is? a. 10 b. 20 c. 25 d. 30 Ans:- 25 profit is always calculated on cost price so, c.p=4 , s.p=5 Profit=s.p-c.p, 5-4=1 profit %= profit/cost price * 100, then, 1/4*100= 25

Type 2:- If on selling 12 notebooks a seller makes a profit equal to selling price of 4 notebook, what is his profits percentage percentage?? a. 16.2/3 b. 25 c. 50 d. None of these Ans:-50 if there is profit on selling item = selling price of an article To find profit %, simply minus 12 from 4= 8 Profit % = 4/8*100=50 Type 3:- A vender loses the selling price of 4 oranges on selling 36 oranges his loss percentage is? a. 10 b. 11.1/9 c. 12.1/2 d. None of these

Ans:-10 if there is loss on selling item = selling price of an article to find loss%, simply add 36 to 4 = 40 Loss % = 4/40*100 = 40 Type 4:- Some article were brought of 6 for rs. 5. And sold at 5 for rs. 6. Gain percentage is/  a. 30 b. 33.1/3 c. 35 d. 44 Ans:-44

Type 5:- A vender by selling 12 toffee for a rupee. A man loses 20%. How many for a rupee should he sell to get a gain of 20%? a. 10 b. 20 c. 8 d. 12 Ans:- 8

12 toffee for rs 1 loss 20% then c.p = 1*100/80 = 5/4 on this price we have to gain profit of 20%

So, 5/4* 120/100 = 3/2 If for Rs. 2/3 we have 12 toffee then for rs 1 we have = 12x2/3=8 Type 6:- A sell a bicycle of to B at a profit of 20%. B sell it to C at profit of 25%. If C pays rs. 225 for it the cost price of bicycle is? a. 110 b. 120 c. 125 d. 150 Ans:- 150 let cost price be X then, x.120/100 . 125/100= 225 , by solving, then X equal to 150 Type 7:- A shopkeeper professes to sell his goods at cost price but uses a weight of 800gm instead of 1kg. thus he makes a profit of? a. 20% b. 16.2/3 c. 25 d. 50 Ans :- 25

Type 8 :- A shopkeeper cheats to the extents of 10% while buying as well as selling by using false weight his total gain is ? a. 10% b. 11% c. 20% d. 21% Ans :-21%

Type 9 :- An article when sold at a gain of 5% yields rs. 15 more than when sold at a loss of 5%. Its cost price would be a. 150 b. 200 c. 250 d. 300 Ans:-150 difference between gain % and loss% equal to 10% then, 10% = rs. 15 100% = rs. 150 , that is your cost price Type 10:- The price of an article has been reduced by 25%. In order to restore the original price the reduced price must be increased by? a. 25% b. 30% c. 33% d. 33.1/3% Ans:-33.1/3%

Type 11:- An article was sold at 16% gain. Had it been sold for rs. 200 more, the gain would have been 20% then the cost price of the article is? a. 5000 b. 4800 c. 4500 d. 5200 Ans :- 5000 difference in gain % equal to 200, Then 20%-16%=4% 4%= 200 then, 100%= 5000 that is your cost price of the article Volume 3, No. 3, March 2012 Journal of Global Research in Computer Science TECHNICAL NOTE Available Online at © JGRCS 2010, All Rights Reserved 59 FAST AND EFFICIENT METHODS FOR PROFIT & LOSS RELATED PROBLEMS (FEM-PLRP) Gaurav Dobriyal*

Dept. Of Computer Science, Dev Bhoomi Institute of Technology, Dehradun (U.K.), INDIA [email protected]* Abstract: This is one of the important or frequent asking lessons in all written examination. In this paper I try to give some of the effective tricks to solve the problem more easily and quickly, I will tell you how to short-out problem more quickly as compared to traditional method which take time. In this point of time we don’t have time to go for the  tradition method which is only the

wastage of time and in banking sector we have to solve the problem as soon as possible because we 90mint to solve the 200 question. So in this paper we give the type of question and the tricks to solve the question. INTRODUCTION a. It is very essential on the part of a teacher to develop a conceptual clarity in children about profit and loss. b. This module will help in dealing children at primary level with example. c. This module is benefited to the te acher as well as student. d. It helps to understand the market value of the product. e. Children learn better from their practice & develop confidence Profit and loss is the branch of basic mathematics which deals with the study of profit and loss made in a business transaction. The profit and loss account is fundamentally a summary of the trading transactions of a business and shows whether it has made a profit or loss during a particular period of account. Indeed, by deducting the total

expenditure from total income the pro fit or loss of a business can be calculated. Along with the balance sheet, it is one of the key financial statements that make up a company's statutory accounts. Basically, this type of account shows the following information for a business [1]: a) Sales revenue earned by business b) Cost of sales that the business has incurred c) Other operating costs incurred by t he business d) Profit/Loss earned by business. Profit and loss is mainly used in finance and business transactions. Some important profit and loss formulas are: Notations used in profit and loss: S.P. – Selling price C.P. – Cost price M.P. – Marked Price. Profit and Loss Formulas: The Overall Summary of all these formulae in which we can calculate the gain, loss, S.P & C.P directly by using the below formula..... S.P= (100 +- g/l) C.P.... 100 if we use gain then we use + sign and if we use loss then we use – sign. Objective: a. To provide the student clear conce pt about profit and

loss. b. To enhance the student in purchasing and selling activity. c. To make recognize the student with money value in marketing system. Table 1: Profit and Loss Profit and loss table name of article c.p s.p if s.p>c.p,Profit=s.p -c.p ifs.pRs.2000,profit = 2500 -2000=Rs.500 Radio Rs. 3000 Rs. 2500 - Rs. 3000 > Rs.2500, loss =3000-2500 =Rs.500 Important facts [1]: Cost Price:-The price, at which an article is purchased, is called its cost price (C.P). Selling Price:-The price, at which an article is sold, is called its selling price (S.P).Gaurav Dobriyal et al, Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, 3 (3), March 2012, 59-60 © JGRCS 2010, All Rights Reserved 60 Profit or Gain:-If S.P is greater than C.P, the seller is said to have a Profit or Gain. Loss:-If S.P. is less than C.P, the seller is said to have incurred a loss. The Overall Summary of all these formulae in which we can calculate the gain, loss, S.P & C.P directly by using the below formula..... S.P= (100 +- g/l) C.P.... 100

if we use gain then we use + sign and if we use loss then we use – sign. E.g. - if C.P is 150, in what price it will be selling so as to gain 20%? Proceed as-gain 20% is given so, S.P= (120/100)*150=180. E.g. If C.P is 180, in what price he will sell it so as to suffer a loss of 10%? Proceed as: – i.e. loss is 10% so S.P = ((10010)/100)*180=162. Trick Type [2-4] Type 1: If a man purchase A orange for Rs B & sell C orange for Rs D. How much profit or loss percent does he make? Go as Proceed as – profit and loss depend on the positive and negative sign and method to solve it is multiple A with D and B with C, as B is become C.P and it is multiple by C, as we know that we always divide the gain or loss by C.P ,so we divide it by B*C. Profit/loss% = A*D – B*C * 100 B*C After solving it, if we get negative answer then it will be loss and if we get positive sign then it will gain. Sample: - If a man purchase 11 orange for Rs 10 and sell them 10 orange for Rs 11.How much profit or loss does he

make? Solution: - 11 10

10 11

= 11x11-10x10 x100 10*10 = 121-100 x 100 100

=21% profit (+). Type-2:-By selling an item for Rs X, a tradesman would gain/ loss Y%. At what price must he sell it to gain/loss Z%? Proceed as:- to find SP of an item by which a person get a gain of z% is SP = X x 100 + Z 100 + Y If there is a gain then we use + sign and if there is a loss then we use – sign. Sample: - By selling a table for Rs 570 a trade man would loss 5%. At what price must he sell it to gain 5%? Solution:- SP = 570 * 100+5 100 - 5 =570* 105


= Rs 630.

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