
June 7, 2016 | Author: api-78112076 | Category: N/A
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Professor with 30 years experience looking for a Executive position....


Mary Jo Slingerland Address: Cell: 586/764-8630 17771 Feather Lane Home: 734/282-2927 Brownstown, MI 48193-8460 [email protected] OBJECTIVE Faculty Position - English/Communications/Composition/Literature/Resea rch/ Critical Thinking and Problem Solving EDUCATION University of Michigan (Ph.D. English application in progress Fall 201 1) Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, M.A.T. (2005) Teaching major: English Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, B.A. English Education (1983) LICENSED State of Michigan, Certified, Licensed English Teacher 2005 #IF00000001 56800 AWARDS Who's Who in American Educators, 2005-2010 Teacher Education Graduate Professional Scholarship, WSU, 2005 Who's Who In American Women 2004-2010 Teacher Education Wheaton Tudor Scholarship, MSU TECHNOLOGY PowerPoint, Excel, TeacherWeb, FrontPage, Access, PageMaker, e-Learni ng, e-Publish, Microsoft Graphics, Visio, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Works EXPERIENCE University of Phoenix, Detroit Campus - Adjunct Faculty - English/Comm. - 10/07 to pres. (Composition, English, Literature, Communications, Research, edits standard cur riculum; University of Phoenix, Detroit Campus - Care Coach - 9/08 to present University of Phoenix, Detroit Campus - Faculty Writing Assessment Evaluator Tea m - 2007-2009 DeVry University, Detroit Campus - Adjunct Faculty - Critical Thinking and Probl em Solving 07-10 to present. Wayne County Com. College, 2002 - 9/2009. - Adjunct Instructor & Senior Tutor. (Creative Writing, Technical Writing, Literature, Editing and Proofreading) Community Education Instructor - WCCCD, 2003 to present - Grades K-12 (Writes curriculum and tests; Teaches Writing, English, Editing and Literature) Substitute Teacher in Lansing and Detroit public school districts: 1993 - 2006 Technical Writer, Ford Motor Company for CDI, Livonia, MI, 2000-2002 and 2007-20 08; IT Security and Controls infrastructure, CIRT Digital Forensic Support Services Technical writer, editor and web page designer/coordinator. Technical Writer, DaimlerChrysler Corp., Auburn Hills, MI 1997-2000 Wrote and edited technical articles and presentations; wrote new technical manus cripts and edited manuscripts written for online such as "Introduction to the Au tomotive Industry", "Overseas Travel", "Employee Career Development". Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, 1979-1985

Margaret Z. Jones, M.D., - Admin/assisted with Grant Writing for Department of Pathology. Proposal Writer for $160 Million Dollar Capital Campaign AFFILIATIONS CWIP (Chicago Women in Publishing) MCTE/NCTE (Michigan and National Councils Teachers of English) MRA/IRA (Michigan & International Reading Associations) MACUL (Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning) ITEA (International Technology Education Association) COATT (Consortium for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching w/Technol.) NAWBO (National Association of Women Business Owners PUBLICATION SAMPLES "Deckerville Public School's Data Driven Success" M.J. Slingerland Oconco Marketing, New York, Series of financial investment articles by Mary Jo S lingerland Curriculum Review, Chicago, IL, "Classroom Management: A Skill That Can Be Taugh t". M.J. Slingerland Arthroscopic Surgery: Principles and Practice, by Lanny L. Johnson, M.D., C. V. Mosby, Publishers, St. Louis, MO., primary editor (2-volume textbook) Lansing Metropolitan Magazine, "Lanny L. Johnson: A Portrait of a Surgeon", by M ary Jo Slingerland Providence Hospital Magazine, "The Future of Cardiac Services: Mending the Broke n Heart", Lansing, MI, by Mary Jo Slingerland Providence Hospital Magazine, "A New Concept in Emergency Care: The Chest Pain U nit", Lansing, MI., by Mary Jo Slingerland MediScene: Michigan State Medical Society's Magazine, "Gymnast or Athlete: Sport s Medicine", by Mary Jo Slingerland Michigan Hospital Association, State of Michigan Department of Public Health, "V ascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques: Prosthetics for Lower Limb Amputees", primary editor of 3rd edition, Prentice-Hall Publishers. Michigan State University, Office of Student Affairs, "Leadership, Student Commi tment, Land Grant Values, and Career Placement", by Mary Jo Slingerland, Publica tion Editor Lansing Metropolitan Magazine, "Services Help Elderly Maintain Independence", b y Mary Jo Slingerland. "Meeting the Challenges of the Global Market: by Jurgen E. Schrempp, New Preside nt of DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Automotive News Conference, January 1999, pri mary editor.

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