January 10, 2017 | Author: Lilibeth Mabiscay | Category: N/A
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CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT Yuan always waits at his neighbor Gerald every morning. He enjoys seeing him while biking and imitates the actions of Gerald while he rides his own bike. Who is the proponent of Social Learning Theory which applies in the situation? A. Bandura C. Bruner B. Kohlberg D. Skinner RATIONALIZATION: A- Albert Bandura developed the Social Learning Theory and advocated that “children learn from what they see in the environment.” A child submitted a poor written report but packaged with brightly colored paper. This showcases_______. A. Art over academics C. art over science B. Substance over “porma” D. “porma” over substance RATIONALIZATION: D- When a student focuses more on designs and embellishments rather than of content of a report, then it shows “porma” over substance. With the use of mnemonics, the students are able to _____information. A. Analyze C. understand B. Apply D. remember RATIONALIZATION: D-mnemonics like “My Dear Aunt Sally” to mean multiplication, division, addition and subtraction help students remember information easily According to Krathwohls’ affective domain of objectives,________ is the lowest level of affective behavior. A. Valuing C. responding B. Organization D. characterization RATIONALIZATION: C-the arrangement of Krathwohls’ affective domain is responding, valuing, organization and characterization. A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is close to her father. These instances are under_. A. Oedipal complex C. phallic stage B. Latent stage D. Pre-genital stage RATIONALIZATION: C-when a boy is closer to the mother (Oedipus complex) and a girl is closer to her father (Electra complex), these instances are under Freud’s phallic stage in the Psychosexual Development Theory. SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF EDUCATION Teacher Abi asks one of her students, “What do you want to become when you grow up?” This question is an indication of what kind of philosophy? A. Progressivism C. Existentialism B. Naturalism D. Idealism RATIONALIZATION: D-idealism because it stresses the existence of ideas independent from the material world. Ideas that which exist in the mind are the only reality. Teacher Jessy has not only explained the concept of Philosophy of Education but also imparted this to her students. This demonstrates what kind of philosophy? A. Naturalism C. Realism B. Idealism D. Perennialism RATIONALIZATION: C-realism concerns with what is real, actual. For ideas to be realized, they must be transferred or demonstrated. Which pillar of learning aimed in the acquisition of the instrument of understanding in order to develop the students’ learn-to-learn skills? A. Learning to do C. learning to live together B. Learning to know D. learning to be RATIONALIZATION: B- learning to know implies learning how to earn by developing one’s concentration, memory skills and ability to think, acquiring the instrument of understanding. In his class, Teacher Jakob always presents principles and values so as to encourage his students to examine them and decide for themselves whether to accept them or not. What kind of philosophy does he practice? A. Idealism C. Humanism B. Essentialism D. Existentialism RATIONALIZATION: D-Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes subjectivity, freedom and responsibility. When a teacher emphasizes that man’s sense should be trusted because they are the only way to acquire knowledge, the teacher can be regarded as____. A. Naturalist C. Empiricist B. Realist D. Pragmatist RATIONALIZATION: C-empiricism upholds that the only source of knowledge is the senses and sense-based experience. PRINCIPLES AND STRATEGIES OF TEACHING The school conducted a general student election for the Supreme Student Council. The election is patterned after the COMELEC system. The school is using what kind of technique? A. Symposium C. Panel discussion B. Simulation D. Dramatization RATIONALIZATION: B-simulation is an activity that simulates “almost real-life situation”. Other applications of simulation are the following: simulated flight for aviation students, assigning student to be the mayor of the day. During problem solving method, the teacher’s primary role is: A. Director C. lecturer




B. Clarifier D. judge RATIONALIZATION: B-during problem solving activities, the teacher acts as a clarifier especially when students are in doubt how to go about the problem. Which among the following devices can be a scaled replica of a certain object? A. Mock ups C. globes B. Models D. maps RATIONALIZATION: B- models like Heart Models are scaled replicas. Which of the following would be the best choice if a teacher would like to focus on attitudinal change? A. Dramatization C. role play B. Field study D. simulation RATIONALIZATION: C-role playing allows the child to shows his own personal emotions and therefore is a good option when focusing on attitudinal change. This method relies heavily upon showing the learners a model performance. A. Activity C. reporting B. Demonstration D. field study RATIONALIZATION: B- demonstration includes Teacher-Directed Demo, Student-Directed Demo, Teacher-Student Directed Demo and Resource Person-Directed Demo.

LEGAL BASES OF PHILIPPINE EDUCATION (LIST OF LAWS, ACTS AND DECREES) LIST OF LAWS, ACTS AND DECREES AS LEGAL BASES OF PHILIPPINE EDUCATION  Act #74-enacted in January 21, 1901. It provides for the establishment of Department of Public Instruction and establishment of PCAT now TUP and PNS now PNU  Act #1870 founding of UP (June 18, 1908)  Act #2706 Private School Law (enacted March 10, 1917)  Commonwealth Act #1- preparatory military training shall begin in Elementary grade school at age 10. This act was amended by PD 1706 (August 8, 1980) requiring all citizens to render civil welfare service, law enforcement service and military service.  Commonwealth Act #80- (October 26, 1936) established the Office of Adult Education (vocational training in an effort to eliminate illiteracy)  Commonwealth Act#578 (June 8, 1940) conferred the status of PERSONS IN AUTHORITY upon teachers  Commonwealth Act #586 Education Act of 1940-reduction of number of years in elementary (from 7 to 6), fixing school entrance age 7 years old, national support of elementary education, compulsory attendance in the primary grades for all children enrolled in grade one, introduction of double single session  Commonwealth Act #589-(August 19, 1940) established school rituals in private and public schools  RA #137 (June 14, 1947) enacted the Board of Textbooks  RA #896 (June 20, 1953) Elementary Education Act of 1953. This law repealed Commonwealth Act #586 (restoration of grade 7, abolition of double single session, compulsory completion of elementary, compulsory enrolment of children in public school upon reaching 7 years old)  RA #1124 (June 16, 1954) created the Board of National Education  RA #1265 (June 11, 1955) compulsory daily flag ceremony in all educational institutions  RA #1425 (June 12, 1956) teaching life, works and writings of Rizal especially Noli and Fili in all public and private schools  RA #4760 (June 18, 1966) Magna Cart of Public School Teachers  RA #1079 (June 15, 1959) provided that civil service eligibility shall be permanent and valid lifetime  RA #6655 (May 25, 1988) Free Public Secondary Act of 1988  RA #7722 (May 18, 1994) created CHED  RA #7743 (June 17, 1994) established public libraries and reading centers in every barangay  RA #7784 (August 4, 1994) established Centers of Excellence and Teachers Education Council  RA #7796 (August 25, 1994) established TESDA  RA #7836 (December 16, 1994) Phil Teachers Professionalization Act (supercedes PBET)  RA #7877 (February 14, 1995) Anti-Sexual Harassment Act  EO #27 (July 4, 1986) inclusion of human rights courses or subjects  EO #189 (June 10, 1987) Basic Salary and COLA of public school teachers will be paid for by national government  PD 6-A-(September 29, 1972) Education Development Decree of 1972  PD 146-(March 9, 1972) NCEE (superceded by RA7731 on June 2, 1994)  PD 688-(April 22, 1975) gave power to CSC the authority to give appropriate exam to all public school teachers  PD 907-(March 11, 1976) all honor graduates of colleges and universities are granted civil serviceeligibility  PD 1006 (September 22, 1976) PBET  DECS Order #30 s 1993- NEAT  DECS Order #30 s 1994- NSAT

APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENT PHILOSOPHIES IN EDUCATION NATURALISM Naturalism stands for a democratic and universal way-everyone must be educated in the same manner Education is in accordance to human development and growth Emphasis is given more on the physical development-informal exercise-and hygiene of the person rather of the 3 R’s Aims to unfold the child’s potential not to prepare him for a definite vocation or social position-but to prepare him to adapt to the changing times and needs o Consequently, one’s conduct is governed by impulse, instincts and experience. o It puts the child at the center of educational process and prepares him to experience life as it is. o o o o

IDEALISM o Ideas are the only true reality, the ultimate truths for matter is nothing but just a mere representation of ideas. o Emphasis is given on knowledge obtained by speculation and reasoning for its central tenet is that ideas are the only things worth knowing for o Focus is on conscious reasoning of the mind in order to attain truth. This includes the activities pertinent to the human mind such as introspection and intuition and the use of logic o Its aim is to discover the full potentials in child and cultivates it in order to prepare him for a better position in the society and for him to serve the society better o Emphasis is given on subjects—philosophy, literature, religion and history—that will develop and enhance the mind of the child o Methods used in teaching include lecture, discussion and Socratic dialogue o Character development is through emulation of examples and heroes REALISM o The most effective way to find about reality is to study it through organized, separate and systematically arranged matter—emphasis is on subject matter concerning Science and Mathematics o Methods used in teaching include recitation, experimentation and demonstration o Character development is through training in the rules of conduct o o o o o o

EXIXTENTIALISM Subject matter is personal choice Learning is based on the willingness of the student to choose and give meaning to the subject Emphasis is given on the students rather than on the curriculum content Students should not be treated as objects to be measured and standardized Methods are geared on giving opportunities for the students for self-actualization and self-direction Character development is through the responsibility of every individual in making a decision

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ESSENTIALISM Schooling is practical for this will prepare students to become competent and valuable members of the society Focuses on the basics-reading, writing, speaking and the ability to compute (arithmetic) Subjects that are given emphasis include geography, grammar, reading, history, mathematics, art and hygiene Stresses the values of hard work, perseverance, discipline and respect to authorities Students should be taught to think logically and systematically-grasping not just the parts but the whole Methods of teaching center on giving regular assignments, drills, recitation, frequent testing and evaluation

PRAGMATISM o Involves students to work in groups o Methods of teaching include experimentation, project making and problem solving. o Stresses on the application of what have learned rather that the transfer of the organized body of knowledge PERENNIALISM o Some of the ideas in the past are still being taught because they are significant o Curriculum should contain cognitive subjects that cultivate rationality, morality, aesthetics and religious principles. This includes history, language, mathematics, logic, literature, humanities and science. o Curriculum must be based on recurrent themes of human life for it views education as a recurring process based on eternal truths o The teacher must have the mastery of the subject matter and authority in exercising it. o Aims for the education of the rational person—to develop man’s power of thought—the central aim of this philosophy o o o o o

PROGRESSIVISM Focuses on the child as a whole rather than of the content or the teacher Curriculum content comes from the questions and interests of the students Emphasis is given on the validation of ideas by the students through active experimentation Methods of teaching include discussions, interaction (teacher with students) and group dynamics Opposes the extreme reliance on bookish method of instruction, learning through memorization, the use of fear and punishment and the four walled philosophy of education

CONSTRUCTIVISM o A philosophy of learning which asserts that reality does not exist outside of human conceptions. It is the individual who constructs reality by reflecting on his own experience and gives meaning to it. o Learning is the process of adjusting one’s mental modes to accommodate new experience. RECONSTRUCTIVISM o Schools should originate policies and progress that will bring social reforms and orders o Teachers should be an instrument to encourage and lead students in the program or social reforms o Curriculum emphasizes on social reforms as the aim of education. It focuses on student experience and taking social actions on real problems o Method of teaching include the problem-oriented type (students are encouraged to critically examine cultural heritage), group discussions, inquiry, dialogues, interactions and community-based learning o The classroom will serve as a laboratory in experimenting school practices “bringing the world into the classroom” BEHAVIORISM o Asserts that human beings are shaped entirely by their external environment o The only reality is the physical world o o o o o

NATIONALISM The most important development was the creation of common language Stresses on the teaching of the principles of democracy, and duties of citizenship Stimulates the development of the state which includes the control and support of public school system Curriculum includes the teaching of grammar, geography and history Method of teaching gives emphasis on the content regarding on nature studies, physical exercises and play activities

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HUMANISM Education is a process and should not be taken abruptly. The unfolding of human character proceeds with unfolding of nature The learner should be in control of his destiny Concern is more on methods which include theme writing rather than oral discussions, drills and exercises, playing Asserts the importance of playing in the curriculum Emphasizes motivations and the use of praise and rewards Curriculum includes subjects concerning literary appreciation, physical education, social training in manners and development

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