Pr Princ incip ipal al B tel tells ls her her tea teach cher ers s tha thatt trai traini ning ng in in the the hum human anit itie ies s iis s most most
important. To which educational philosophy does he adhere? a.
Exi Existenti ntialism
c. Progress ssiivism d. Essentialism
2. Pr Princ incip ipal al C sha share res s this this thou though ghtt with with his his teac teache hers rs !"u !"ub# b#ec ectt matt matter er sh shou ould ld hel help p students understand and appreciate themselves as uni$ue individuals who accept complete responsibility %or their thoughts& %eelings& and actions.! 'rom 'rom which philosophy is this thought based? a.
Pere erenni nia alism
c. Existentialism d. Progressivism
(. To com come e clos closer er tto o the the trut truth h we need need to to !go !go bac bac) ) to th the e thin things gs the thems msel elve ves. s.!! This is the advice o% the the a.
c. idealists
phenomenologists d. pr pragmatists
*. "t "tud uden entt B clai claims ms !+ can canno nott see see per% per%ec ecti tion on but but + lon long g %or %or it. it. "o it it must must be be real real.! .! ,nder which group can he be classi-ed? a.
c. ealist
b. /.
Empiridst d. Pragmatist. 0hic 0hich h o% o% the the %oll %ollow owin ing g pr prepos eposit itio ions ns is attr attrib ibute uted d to to P Pla lato to? ?
Truth ruth is relat elativ ive e to to a part partic icul ular ar ti time me and and pla place ce
uma uman be beings cr create th their ow own tr truth uths.
c. ear earni ning ng is th the e dis disco cove very ry o% tr trut uth h as as +at +aten entt ide ideas as ar are e bro broug ught ht to consciousness. d.
"ens "ense e per percept ceptio ion n is the the mos mostt accu accura rate te gui guide de to to )now )nowle ledg dge. e.
4n whos whose e phi philo loso soph phy y was was 5. ". 6eil 6eil7s 7s "umm "ummer erhi hill ll&& one one o% th the e mos mostt
experimental schools& based?
c. 8ontessori
d. :ohn oc)e
;. 5s a te teac ache her& r& you you are are a rati ration onal alis ist. t. 0hic 0hich h amon among g the these se wil willl be be your your gui guidi ding ng principle? a.
+ must must tea teach ch the the chil child d tha thatt we ca can n neve neverr ha have ve rea reall )now )nowle ledg dge e o% o% anyt anythi hing ng..
+ mus mustt ttea each ch th the e chil child d to to dev devel elop op his his ment mental al powe powers rs to th the e %ul %ull. l.
+ mus mustt tea teac ch th the chi chilld so so he he is is ass assur ured ed o% hea heave ven. n.
d. + must must tea teach ch the the chil child d ever every y )now )nowle ledg dge& e& s)i s)ill ll&& and and valu value e that that he he need needs s %or %or a better %uture. . 0hich 0hich group group o% o% philos philosoph ophers ers main maintai tain n that that !truth !truth exis exists ts in an an ob#ect ob#ective ive ord order er that is independent o% the )nower!? a.
c. Existentialists
d. ealists
11. ou arriv arrive e at )nowle )nowledg dge e by re@thi re@thin)i n)ing ng o% late latent nt ideas ideas.. 'ro 'rom m whom whom does does this thought come? a.
c. +dealist
d. Existentialist
12. 5s a teac teacher her&& you you are are a reco reconstr nstruct uction ionist ist.. 0hich 0hich amon among g these these will will be your your guiding principle? a. + must must tea teach ch the the chil child d ever every y )now )nowle ledg dge& e& s)i s)ill ll&& and and valu value e that that he he need needs s %or %or a better %uture.
+ mus mustt ttea each ch th the e chil child d to to dev devel elop op his his ment mental al powe powers rs to th the e %ul %ull. l.
+ mus mustt tea teac ch th the chi chilld so so he he is is ass assur ured ed o% hea heave ven. n.
+ must must tea teach ch the the chil child d tha thatt we ca can n neve neverr ha have ve rea reall )now )nowle ledg dge e o% o% anyt anythi hing ng..
1(. Teacher eacher B engage engages s her studen students ts with with in%orma in%ormatio tion n %or thoro thorough ugh underst understand anding ing %or meaning and %or competent application. 0hich principle governs Teacher B7s practice? a.
c. Behaviorist
d. Cognitivist
0hich 0hich isar isare e the sourc sources es o% man7s man7s intel intellec lectua tuall drives drives&& accor accordin ding g to 're 'reud? ud?
c. +d and ego
d. Ego
"oc exhi exhibi bits ts %ear %ear resp respons onse e to %re %reely ely roam roaming ing dogs dogs but does does not not show show %ear %ear
when a dog is on a leash or con-ned to a pen. 0hich conditioning process is illustrated a.
c. 5c$uis uisition d. iscrimination
13. The conc concept epts s o% trust trust vs. matu maturit rity& y& autono autonomy my vs. sel% sel%@do @doubt ubt&& and init initiat iative ive vs. vs. guilt are most closely related with the wor)s o% DDDDDDDDDD. a.
Er Erii)son b. Piaget c. 'reud d. d. :ung ung
1;. Teacher eacher ' is conv convinc inced ed that that whene whenever ver a stude student nt per%o per%orms rms a desi desire red d behavi behavior& or& provided rein%orcement rein%orcement and soon the student will learn to per%orm the behavior on his own. 4n which principle is Teacher Teacher '7s conviction based? a.
c. Behaviorism
Environmentalism d. Constructivism
0hich 0hich does does 6aom 6aom Choms Choms)y )y&& assert assert about about langu language age learn learning ing %or %or chil childr dren? en?
+. oung children learn and apply apply grammatical rules and vocabulary as they are exposed to them. ++. Begin %ormal teaching teaching o% grammatical rules to children as early early as possible. +++. o not re$uire re$uire initial %ormal %ormal language teaching %or %or children. a.
+ and +++
c. + only
++ only
d. + and ++
0hich 0hich teac teachin hing g activ activity ity is %oun %ounded ded on Band Bandura ura7s 7s "ocia "ociall earn earning ing Theory Theory? ?
c. Huestioning
d. lnductive easoning
22. Behavi Behavior or %ollo %ollowed wed by by pleasa pleasant nt conse$ conse$uenc uences es will will be str streng engthe thened ned and and will will be more li)ely to occur in the %uture. Behavior %ollowed by unpleasant conse$uences will be wea)ened and will be less li)ely to be repeated in the %uture. 0hich one is explained?
'reud7 ud7s Psycho ychoa anal nalytic Theo heory
Thorndi)e7s aw o% EIect
B. '. ")in ")inne ner7 r7s s 4per 4peran antt Cond Condit itio ioni ning ng Theo Theory ry
Bandur ndura a7s "o "ocial earning Theory
2(. Bruner7 Bruner7s s theory theory on on intell intellect ectual ual deve develop lopmen mentt moves moves %rom %rom enac enactiv tive e to iconi iconic c and symbolic stages. +n which stageFsG are diagrams help%ul to accompany verbal in%ormation? a.
Ena Enact ctiv ive e and and iconi conic c c. c. "ym "ymb boli olic and and enact nactiv ive e
d. +conic
2*. +n a treat treatmen mentt %or alco alcohol holism ism&& amil amil was was made made to drin drin) ) an alco alcohol holic ic beve beverag rage e and then made to ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually& he was nauseated at the sight and smell o% alcohol and stopped drin)ing alcoho 0hich theory explains this? a.
4perant conditioning
"ocial e earning Th Theory
5ssociative earning
5ttribution Theory
2/. 5 mothe motherr gives gives his boy boy his his %avo %avorit rite e snac) snac) ever every y time time the the boy boy clean cleans s up his his room. 5%terwards& 5%terwards& the boy cleaned his h is room everyday in anticipation o% the snac). 0hich theory is illustrated? a.
5ssociative earning
Classical Conditioning
4perant Co Conditioning
Pavlonian Conditioning
23. esear esearche ches s conduc conducted ted show show that that teac teacher7 her7s s expect expectati ations ons o% stud student ents s become become.. o not re$uire initial %ormal language teaching %or children sel%@%ul-lling prophecies. 0hat is this phenomenon called? a.
alo eIect
c. ipple eIect
Pygmalion eI eIect
d. a awthorne eI eIect
0hat 0hat does does extr extreme eme autho authorit ritari ariani anism sm in the home home re rein% in%or orce ce in in lea learne rners? rs?
oing th things on on th their ow own in initiative
5bility to to di direct th themselves.
ependence on on ot others %o %or di direction.
Creativity in wor).
22. 0hich 'ilip 'ilipino ino trait trait wor)s wor)s against against the shi%t shi%t in teacher7s teacher7s role role %rom %rom teacher teacher as a %ountain o% in%ormation to teacher as %acilitator? a.
c. iya
d. Pa)i)isama
1>(. 0hich method method has been proven proven to be eIecti eIective ve in in courses courses that that st stress ress ac$uisition o% )nowledge? a.
"ocratic method hod
c. 8astery learning
Cooperative learning
d. +ndirect instruction
1>*. irect irect instructi instruction on is %or %or %acts& %acts& rules& rules& and actions actions as as indirect indirect instructi instruction on is %or %or DDDDDDDDDD& DDDDDDDDDD& DDDDDDDDDD& DDDDDDDDDD. DDDDDDDDDD. a.
hyp hypoth thes eses es&& ver verii-ed ed dat ata a and and conc conclu lusi sion ons s
conc concep eptts& patt tter erns ns and and abst abstra ract ctiions ons
conc concep eptts& pr pro oces esse ses s and and gener eneral ali9 i9a ati tio ons
guesses& da data an and co conclusions
1>/.. 1>/
'or 'or which which may you you use the the dire direct ct instr instruct uction ion meth method? od?
Becom ecome e aw awar are e o% o% tthe he pol polluta lutant nts s ar around und us. us.
5ppr pprecia eciate te 8i 8ilt lton on7s 7s Para radi dise se ost st..
,se a microscope properly
istingui nguis sh wa war %%rrom aggression.
1>3. + want to teach teach concept concepts& s& patterns patterns and and abstrac abstractions. tions. 0hich method method is most most appropriate? a.
+n +ndi dirrect ect iins nstr truc ucti tio on c. ir irec ectt iins nsttruc ructi tio on
d. Problem solving
1>;. 0hat should should a teacher teacher do %or %or students students in his class class who are not on grade grade level? a. Aive Aive th them em mate materi rial als s on on the their ir leve levell a and nd let let the them m wor) wor) at a pac pace e ttha hatt is is reasonable %or them& trying to bring them up to a grade level. b.
Aive Aive the them m the the same same wor wor) ) as th the e other other stud student ents& s& bec becau ause se the they y will will abs absor orb b as as
much as they are capable o%
c. Aive Aive th them em the the sa same me wor wor) ) as as the the oth other er stu stude dent nts& s& not not much much&& so so th that at th they ey won won7t 7t %eel embarrassed. d. Aive Aive the them m wor) wor) on on the the leve levell o% th the e other other stud studen ents ts and and wor wor) ) a lit littl tle e ab abov ove e the the classmates level to challenge them. 1>=. Teacher B is a teacher teacher o% Englis English h as a "econd "econd anguag anguage. e. "he uses uses vocabulary vocabulary cards& -ll@in@the@blan) sentences& dictation and writing exercises exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this in%ormation& which o% the %ollowing is a valid conclusion? a. The The teac teache herr is rei rein%o n%orc rcin ing g lea learn rnin ing g by by givi giving ng the the sam same e in%o in%orm rmat atio ion n in& in& a variety o% methods. b.
The The tea teach cher er is appl applyi ying ng Bl Bloo oom7 m7s s hie hiera rarc rchy hy o% co cogn gnit itiv ive e lea learn rnin ing. g.
The te teacher wa wants to to do do le less ta tal).
The The te teac ache herr is emph emphas asi9 i9in ing g li list sten enin ing g and and sp spea ea)i )ing ng s) s)il ills ls..
11>.. 11>
0hich 0hich is is a %or %orm m o% direct direct instruc instructio tion? n?
i isc scov over ery y proc proces ess s c. Pr Prog ogra ramm mmed ed inst instru ruct ctio ion n
Problem solving
d. +nductive reasoning
111. 0hich does does 64T 64T belong belong to to the group group o% alterna alternative tive learn learning ing systems? systems? a.
8ul 8ulti@gr i@gra ade groupin uping g c. c. Ara Arade ded d edu educ cat atio ion n
8ul 8ulti@ag i@age e gr grou oupi ping ng
d. 6on@ 6on@gr gra aded ded groupin uping g
112. Teacher gave gave her -rst@gr -rst@grade ade class class a page page with with a story in in which which pictures pictures ta)e the place o% some words. 0hich method did she use? a.
The whole language approach
The "paulding method
The rebus method
The languag uage ex experience nce a ap pproach
11(. Teacher B uses the direc directt instruction instruction strategy strategy.. 0hich se$uence se$uence o% steps will will she %ollow? +. +ndependent practice ++. 'eedbac) and correctiveness +++. Auided student practice +K +K.. Presenting Presentin g and structuring structu ring K. eviewing the previous day7s wor) a.
K@+ @+++@+K@+ @+++ ++@+ @+
c. K@lK @lK@+++@++@+
d. +@K@++@+++@+K
11*. 0hy should should a teacher teacher 64T 64T use direct direct instruc instruction tion all the time? time? a.
+t re$uires much time.
+t re$ui e$uirres use use o% o% man many y sup suppl plem emen enta tary ry mate materi rial als. s.
+t is is gene genera rall lly y eIec eIecti tive ve onl only y in th the e teac teachi hing ng o% o% conc concep epts ts and and abs abstr trac acti tion ons. s.
+t reduc educes es st stud uden entts eng enga agem gement ent iin n lea learrning ning..
11/. Teacher 5 is a teacher teacher o% English English as a "econd "econd anguag anguage. e. "he uses uses vocabular vocabulary y cards& -ll@in@the@blan) sentences& dialogues& dictation and writing exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this in%ormation& which o% the %ollowing is a valid conclusion? a.
The The tea teach cher er is appl applyi ying ng Bl Bloo oom7 m7s s hie hiera rarc rchy hy o% co cogn gnit itiv ive e lea learn rnin ing. g.
The The teac teache herr is tea teach ching ing in a vari variet ety y o% ways ways bec becau ause se not not all all stu stude dent nts s lear learn n in
the same manner. c.
The The tea teach cher er want wants s to to ma) ma)e e her her ttea each chir irig ig easi easier er by havi having ng less less ta tal) l)..
The The tea teach cher er is is emph emphas asi9 i9in ing g rea readi ding ng and and wri writi ting ng s)i s)ill lls. s.
113. + combined combined several several sub#ec sub#ectt areas areas in order order to %ocus %ocus on a single single concept concept %or inter@disciplinary inter @disciplinary teaching. 0hich strategymethod did + use? a.
Problem@entered l ea earning
Thematic instruction
eading@writing ac activity
,nit method
11;. Teacher E discusse discussed d how electric electricity ity Nows Nows through through wires wires and what generat generates es the electric charge. Then she gave the students wires& bulbs& switches& and dry cells and told the class to create a circuit that will increase the brightness o% each bulb. 0hich one best describes the approach used? a.
+t used used a tax taxon ono omy o% ba basic sic thi thin) n)iing s) s)iills
+t was co contructivist
+t help helped ed st stud uden ents ts unde unders rsta tand nd scie scient ntii-c c met metho hodo dolo logy gy
+t used cooperative learning
11. +n sel%@dir sel%@directed ected learn learning& ing& to what what extent extent should should a teacher7s teacher7s !scaIoldi !scaIolding! ng! be? a.
To a degree th the st student ne needs it it.
6one 6one&& tto o %or %orce ce the the stu stude dent nt to le lear arn n by by hims himsel el%%.
c. To the the mini minimum mum&& to to spe speed ed up deve develo lopm pmen entt o% o% stu stude dent nt7s 7s se sens nse e o% o% independence. d.
To the the maxi maximu mum& m& iin n orde orderr to exte extend nd to to the the stud student ent al alll the the help help he he need needs. s.
121. 0hich is a ma#or ma#or advanta advantage ge o% o% a curriculum curriculum@base @based d assessme assessment? nt? a.
+t is in%ormal in nature.
+t co conne nnects te testing wi with te teaching.
+t te tend nds s to to %oc %ocus us on anec anecdo dota tall iin% n%or orma mati tion on on stud student ent pr prog ogre ress ss..
+t is base based d on on a nor norm@r m@re%er e%eren ence ced d mea measu surremen ementt mod model el..
122.. 122
0hich 0hich are are dir direct ect meas measure ures s o% comp compete etence? nce?
Perso ersona nali lity ty test tests s
Per er%o %orrmanc mance e te test sts s d. "t "ta anda ndardi9ed i9ed te test st
c. Paper aper@a @and nd@p @pen enci cill test tests s
12(. !0hat is is most li) li)ely ely to happen happen to our our economy economy when when export export continuo continuously usly surpasses import! is a thought th ought $uestion on DDDDDDDDDD. a. creating c. synthesi9ing b.
relating cause@a @and nd@e @eI Iect d. predicting
12*. The test test item !Aroup !Aroup the %ollowi %ollowing ng items items accordin according g to shape! shape! is a thought thought test test item on DDDDDDDDDD. a.
c. generali9ing
d. comparing
12/. +n the conte context xt on the the theory theory on multip multiple le intellig intelligences& ences& what is is one wea)nes wea)ness s o% the paper@pencil paper@pencil test? a.
+t is not easy to administer.
+t puts puts th the e non non@l @lin ingu guis isti tica call lly y inte intell llig igent ent at a dis disad adva vant ntag age e
+t utili9es so much time.
+t lac)s reability.
123. 0ith synthesi9in synthesi9ing g s)ills s)ills in mind& mind& which which has has the highest highest diagnosti diagnostic c value? value? a.
Essay test
c. Completion test
b. Per%ormance te test d. 8u 8ultiple choice te test 12;. 0hich one can best evaluate evaluate students students77 attitud attitudinal inal development development? ? a.
Essay test
c. 4bservation
d. "hort answer test
12. 0hich can eIectivel eIectively y measure measure students7 students7 awar awareness eness o% values values? ? a.
Pro#ec #ecti tive ve te tec chni hni$ues $ues
c. i i) )er ertt sc scal ales es
8oral dilemma
d. 5necdotal record
e. Paper@and@pencil test 1(1. Teacher ' wanted wanted to teach teach the pupils pupils the the s)ill to do do cross cross stitching. stitching. er er chec) up $ui9 was a written test on the steps o% cross stitching. 0hich characteristic o% a good test does it lac)? a.
c. 4b#ectivity
d. Kalidity
1(2. +% your icensu icensure re Examinat Examination ion Test FETG FETG items items sample sample ade$uate ade$uately ly the competencies listed in the syllabi& it can be said that the ET possesses DDDDDDDDDD validity. a.
c. content
d. predictive
1((. !+n the light light o% the %acts %acts presente presented& d& what what is most most li)ely li)ely to happe happen n when ... ... ?! is a sample thought $uestion on a.
c. synthesi9ing
d. #usti%ying
1(*. +n a criterion@r criterion@re%er e%erenced enced testin testing& g& what what must you you do to ensure ensure that that your test test is %air? a.
8a) 8a)e all all o% the $uest uestio ions ns tr true ue or %als %alse. e.
5s) eac each st studen udentt tto o co cont ntri rib but ute e one one $uest uestio ion. n.
c. 8a)e 8a)e tw twent enty y $ue $uest stio ions ns but but as) as) the the st stud udent ents s to to a ans nswe werr onl only y ten ten o% o% the their ir choice. d.
,se ,se the the ob#e ob#ect ctiv ives es %or %or tthe he unit units s as as gui guide de in your your tes testt c cons onstr truc ucti tion on..
1(/.. 1(/
0hich 0hich test test has bro broad ad sampl sampling ing o% o% topics topics as as streng strength? th?
4b#ective test
"hort answer test d. Problem type
1(3.. 1(3
0hich 0hich is the the -rst -rst step step in plann planning ing an an achiev achieveme ement nt test? test?
e-ne th the ins insttruct uctional ob ob#ective.
ecide on on th the le length o% o% th the te test.
"elect the type o% test items to use use.
Build a table o% o% sp speci-cation.
c. Essay test
1(;. The -rst -rst thing thing to do in construct constructing ing a periodic periodic test test is %or a teacher teacher to DDDDDDDDDD a.
dec decide ide on on the the numb number er o% iittems ems %o %or tthe he tes estt
go bac) ac) to to her her iins nstr truc ucti tion onal al ob# b#ec ecti tive ves s
study the content
dec decide ide on the type ype o% te test st to constr nstruc uctt
1(. 0hich guidel guideline ine in test construc construction tion is is 64T observed observed in this test test item item :ose :ose i9al wrote DDDDDDDDDD. a.
The The cen centr tral al prob proble lem m sho shoul uld d be be pac pac) )ed in th the e ste stem. m.
Ther here mus mustt be be onl only y one one cor correct ect ans answe werr.
5l 5lte tern rnat ativ ives es must must have have gram gramma mati tica call par paral alle leli lism sm..
The alternat nates must ust be plausible.
1*1. Hui9 is to %ormative %ormative test while periodic periodic is to DDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDD DD a.
crit criter erio ion@ n@rre%er e%eren ence ce test test c. norm norm@r @re% e%er eren ence ce test test
summative test
d. diagnostic test
1*2. +% teacher teacher wants wants to test test students7 students7 ability ability to organi9 organi9e e ideas& ideas& which which type o% o% test should she %ormulate? a.
8ultiple@choice type
c. Essay
"hort answer
d. Technical problem
1*(. 4ut o% ( distract distracters ers in a multiple multiple choice choice test test item& item& namely namely B& B& C& and and & no no pupil chose as answer answer.. This implies that is DDDDDDDDDD a.
an ineIective distracter
a vague distracter
an eIective distracter
a pl plausible distracter
1**. "tudy this this group group o% tests tests which which was admini administer stered ed wit with h the %ollowi %ollowing ng results& results& then answer the $uestion "ub#ect 8ath
8ean "
onnels7s "core
+n which sub#ectFsG did onnel per%orm best in relation to the group7s per%ormance? a.
Physics and 8ath
c. Physics
d. 8ath
1*/. "tudy this this group group o% tests tests which which was admini administer stered ed wit with h the %ollowi %ollowing ng results& results& then answer the $uestion. "ub#ect 8ath
8ean /3
"4 1>
onnel7s "core
*( =
+n which sub#ectFsG did onnel per%orm most poorly in relation to the group7s per%ormance? a.
English and 8ath
c. 8ath d. Physics
1*3. 0hat can can be said said o% Peter Peter who who obtained obtained a score score o% o% ;/ in a Arammar Arammar ob#ective ob#ective test? a.
e answ nswer ered ed ;/ item items s iin n the the te test st cor correctl ectly y.
e answ answer ered ed ;/Q ;/Q o% o% the the test test it item ems s cor corrrectl ectly y.
is rating is ;/.
e per% per%or orme med d bett better er than than /Q o% his his cla class ssma mate tes. s.
1*;. +n his second second item item analysis& analysis& Teacher eacher %ound out out that more more %rom %rom the lower lower group got the test item R 3 correctly. This means that the test item DDDDDDDDDD. a.
has has a neg negative di discri rim minat nating power
has a lower validity
has has a positive di discri rim minat nating po power
has a high reability
onnel7s "core *(
(1 1>=
+n which sub#ectFsG were the scores most homogenous? a.
c. Physics d. Physics and 8ath
1/;. 0hich measur measureFsG eFsG o% central central tendency tendency separate separateFsG FsG the top top hal% hal% o% the group group %rom the @bottom hal%? a.
c. 8edian and 8ean
1/. 0hat is is the mean mean o% this score score distrib distribution ution *& /& 3& ;& ?
b. 3
c. & 13& 1*& 13? a.
c. 8ode and median
13(.. 13(
0hich 0hich one one can enhanc enhance e the compa comparab rabili ility ty o% grad grades? es?
,sing ,sing comm common on con conve vers rsio ion n tabl table e %or %or trans transla lati ting ng te test st sco score res s iin n to rati rating ngs s
'ormu ormula lati ting ng test tests s that that var vary y %ro %rom m one one tea teach cher er tto o ano anoth ther er
c. d.
5l 5llo lowi wing ng indi indivi vidu dual al te teac acher hers s to to dete determ rmin ine e %ac %acto tors rs %or %or rat ratin ing g +n +ndi divi vidu dual al tea teach cher ers s givi giving ng wei weigh ghts ts to to %act %actors ors co consi nside dere red d %or %or rati rating ng
13*.. 13*
0hich 0hich descr describe ibes s norm@r norm@re%e e%ere rence nced d gradin grading? g?
The per%ormance o% the group
0hat hat constitutes a per%ect sco score
The st students7 pa past pe per%ormance
5n ab absolute standard
d. 8ean
13/. The search search %or %or related related literat literature ure by access accessing ing several several databas databases es by the use o% a telephone line to connect a computer library with other computers that have database is termed DDDDDDDDDD. a.
comp compac actt disc disc se sear arch ch
c. on@ n@lline ine se sear arc ch
manual search
d. computer search
133. Two students students are are given given the 0+"E 0+"E ++. 4ne has has a %ull %ull scale scale +H o% =1& =1& while while the other has an +H o% 1>=. 0hich conclusion can be drawn? a.
The The sec secon ond d stu stude dent nt has has sig signi ni-c -can antl tly y hig higher her in inte tell llec ectua tuall abi abili lity ty
The The -rst -rst stu stude dent nt is is prob probab ably ly bel below ow ave avera rage ge&& whil while e the the seco second nd has has abo above ve
average potential
Both Both stu stude dent nts s are are %unc %uncti tion onin ing g in in the the aver averag age e rang range e o% in inte tell llec ectu tual al abi abili lity ty
5not 5nothe herr +H tes testt shoul should d be giv given en to to truly truly asse assess ss the their ir int intel elle lect ctua uall pote potent ntia iall
13;. 0hich type type o% report report re%ers re%ers to to !on@the@spo !on@the@spot! t! descripti description on o% some some incident& incident& episode or occurrence that is being observed and recorded as being o% possible signi-cance? a.
5utobiographical report
Biographical report
Kalue and interest report
5necdotal report
13. 0ho among among the %ollowing %ollowing needs less verbal verbal counseling counseling but needs needs more more concrete and operational %orms o% assistance? The child who DDDDDDDDDD. a.
has me mental re retardation
has has attenti ntion@d @de e-cit disorder
has le learning di disability
has conduct disorder
1;1. The cultivat cultivation ion o% reNect reNective ive and and meditative meditative s)ill s)ills s in teaching teaching is an an inNuence inNuence o% DDDDDDDDDD.
c. Con%ucianism
Jen Buddhism
d. Taoism
1;2. elping elping in the the developm development ent o% graduates graduates who who are are !ma)a@iyo !ma)a@iyos! s! is an an inNuence o% a.
naturalistic morality
classical Ch Christian mo morality
situational mo morality
dialectical morality
1;(. The attention attention to to the develo development pment o% o% a deep deep respect respect and and aIection aIection %or %or our rich rich cultural past is an inNuence o% DDDDDDDDDD. a.
Con%uc n%uciius
c. Teilhar hard de Char hardin
d. ewey
1;*. 0hose teachi teaching ng is in support support o% o% !Educatio !Education n %or 5ll! 5ll! FE'5G& FE'5G& he asserte asserted d that in in teaching there should be no distinction o% social classes. a.
"un at "en
c. 8encius
d. ao tsu
1;/. 0e encounter encounter people people whose whose prayer prayer goes goes li)e li)e this !4 Aod& i% i% there there is a Aod Aod save my soul& i% + have a soul! 'rom whom is this prayer? a.
c. 5gnostic
d. ")eptic
1;3. ow would would you you select select the most -t -t in governm government ent positio positions? ns? 5pplyin 5pplying g Con%ucius teachings& which would be the answer? a.
By cour course se accr accred edit itat atio ion n o% o% an an acc accrredit editin ing g body body
By mer meriit sys systtem and cour course se accr accred edit ita ati tio on
By merit system
By government examinations
1;;. 0hose inNuenc inNuence e is the educatio education n program program that that puts puts emphasis emphasis on on sel%@ sel%@ development. through the classics& music& and rituals? a.
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