Professional Development

June 3, 2016 | Author: Lharra Cagulada | Category: N/A
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Professional Development...


Bukidnon State University College of Nursing Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

In Partial Fulfillment of the Reuirements for the Course  NCM !"#$B  Nursing %eadershi& and Management

' Case Study on( PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT  Improper Delegation

Submitted by: 'uguis, Fe Cagulada, %harra Mae Casite, Nielmark  )oydora, Ma* +usette ome-, .unfelm /omamoy, Fran0es .oy Palado, Mar0her  Robosa, .oshua Santillan, Cheerille 1elin, Marvin 1ortola, 1ortola, %o2eelyn 1orayno, Imelda 3illamor, Ra0helle

Submitted to: )r* 3ioleta B* .uan




INTRODUCTION a* 4b5e0t 4b5e0tive ives6S s6Stat tateme ement nt of of the the Prob Problem lem  b* 1heoreti0al Frame2ork  0* Sign Signif ifi0 i0an0 an0ee of of the the Study Study d* )efin )efinit itio ion n of of 1e 1erms rms REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE CASE










INTRODUCTION a* 4b5e0t 4b5e0tive ives6S s6Stat tateme ement nt of of the the Prob Problem lem  b* 1heoreti0al Frame2ork  0* Sign Signif ifi0 i0an0 an0ee of of the the Study Study d* )efin )efinit itio ion n of of 1e 1erms rms REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE CASE









' 0hanging health 0are environment is im&a0ting on the role of &ra0ti0e nurses* 's a result of  fundamental 0hanges taking &la0e in both health 0are and nurse edu0ation, the 0lini0al role of the  &ra0ti0e nurse 2ill need to e7tend and e7&and 8Pa7ton et al !99:;* Ne2 kno2ledge and skills 2ill be a ne0essity* In the future, one of the greatest 0hallenges to &ra0ti0e nurses 2ill be the attainment, maintenan0e and advan0ement advan0e ment of their &rofessional develo&ment* 1he 1he im&o im&ort rtan an0e 0e of 0ont 0ontin inui uing ng &rof &rofes essi siona onall devel develo&m o&ment ent 8CP) 8CP);; for for nurs nurses es has has been been in0reasingly em&hasi-ed in the &ast fe2 years* 'n Bord 'ltranais, in its Revie2 of S0o&e of 1he Commission on Nursing, sa2 the need to develo& and strengthen the availability of &rofessional develo& develo&men mentt for all nurses nurses and sugges suggested ted that that it might might be hel&fu hel&full to 0onside 0onsiderr 0ontin 0ontinuin uing g  &rofessional develo&ment three broad headings( in servi0e training, 0ontinuing edu0ation and s&e0ia s&e0iali list st traini training ng 8Commi 8Commissi ssion on on Nursin Nursing, g, !99;* 1here is a general 0onsensus that 0ontinuing &rofessional develo&ment for &ra0ti0e nurses should be &ur&oseful,  &atient 0entered and edu0ational effe0tive 8.enkins$Clarke and Carr$/ill =""!;* Resour0e 0onstraints should not be used as an e70use for negle0ting 0ontinuing &rofessional develo&ment for this grou& of 0ommunity based nurses$ineualities bet2een &ra0ti0e nurses and other based 0ommunity nurses should go and &arti0i&ation should be both en0ouraged and integrated*

Continuing Prof!!ion"# D$#o%&nt in Pr"(ti(

 Nursing uality 0are reuires 0onsiderable kno2ledge and skills from its &ra0titioners* 1hrough time, 0hallenges in the health field 2ill 0ontinue to o00ur* 1he kno2ledge and skills needed by &ra0ti0e nurses 2ill also need to 0hange to meet the 0hallenges &osed by this 0hanging health 0are environment* Continuing Prof!!ion"# D$#o%&nt (r"ting t) rig)t n$iron&nt

@em& 8="">; believes that &rofessional develo&ment o00urs 2here &rofessionals see their  task in a ne2 light, 2ith the aim of maintaining or im&roving the uality of &rofessional  &erforman0e* 1he vast ma5ority of &ra0ti0e nurses are 0ons0ientious about the art and s0ien0e of  nursing Ma0kereth 8!99A;, and have al2ays re0ogni-ed the im&ortan0e of CP) for the maintenan0e of u&$to$date &ra0ti0e, 2hile others may be less enthusiasti0*

Dngu *&orr)"gi( F$r

)engue hemorrhagi0 fever is a severe and sometimes fatal infe0tion that o00urs tro&i0al regions* It is most 0ommon in Southeast 'sia and the 2estern Pa0ifi0 islands* 1he dengue virus is transmitted by mosuitoes* ' more severe version of the infe0tion 0alled dengue hemorrhagi0 fever 0an involve signifi0ant bleeding and a dro& in blood &ressure that 0an 0ause sho0k and death* 1his 0ondition is sometimes kno2n as dengue sho0k syndrome*

)engue hemorrhagi0 fever 0an o00ur 2hen a &erson is bitten by a mosuito and e7&osed to blood infe0ted 2ith the dengue virus* 1hose 2ho are re&eatedly e7&osed to the dengue virus often e7&erien0e more a0ute sym&toms and are at risk for dengue hemorrhagi0 fever*

Peo&le at risk of 0ontra0ting the dengue virus in0lude &eo&le living in or traveling to Southeast 'sia, South and Central 'meri0a, Sub$Saharan 'fri0a, and &arts of the Caribbean* 1hese &atients are also at higher risk(infants and small 0hildren, the elderly, and those 2ith 0om&romised immune systems*

1he sym&toms of the dengue virus generally in0lude mild, moderate, or high fever, heada0hes, nausea, vomiting, &ain in the mus0les, bones, or 5oints, and rashes on the skin* In the 0ase of dengue hemorrhagi0 fever, other disturbing sym&toms 0an develo&* 1hese may in0lude(restlessness, a0ute fever, bleeding or bruising under the skin, and 0old or 0 lammy skin*

Phili&&ine /emorrhagi0 Fever 2as first re&orted in !9A>* In !9A is mu0h lo2er at !> 0ases &er !","""  &o&ulation 0om&ared to the highest ever re0orded rate of :"*9 &er !"",""" in !99 is also lo2er at "*;* Nurse + kne2 that the &atient must be stri0tly 2at0hed for 0om&li0ations of )engue /emorrhagi0 Fever su0h as e7tensive  bleeding, %4C and &leural effusion* /o2ever, the bedside nurse delegated the task to the nursing attendant to dis0ontinue and reinsert a ne2 I3 0annula to another site be0ause she 2as busy attending other &atients and 0arrying out do0torEs orders*



't the ?mergen0y Hard, the nursing attendant inserted the I3 0annula but the first attem&t 2as unsu00essful* 'fter several times of reinsertion of the I3 0annula to the same vein, she finally 2as able to insert it* She left the 0hild and attended to ne7t &atients 2ithout informing the 0harge nurse regarding the several attem&ts of I3 0annula insertion* 't the Pediatri0 Hard,  Nurse + kne2 that the &atient must be stri0tly 2at0hed for 0om&li0ations of )engue /emorrhagi0 Fever su0h as e7tensive bleeding, %4C and &leural effusion* /o2ever, the nurse delegated the task to the nursing attendant to dis0ontinue and reinsert a ne2 I3 0annula to another site be0ause she 2as busy attending other &atients and 0arrying out do0torEs orders* 1he identified &roblem from the 0ase 2as( Non$0om&lian0e to hos&ital &roto0ol related to im&ro&er  delegation* Inserting an I3 0annula is not in the 5ob des0ri&tion of a nursing attendant, therefore, the 0harge nurse, though she 2as busy 0arrying out the )o0tors 4rders, should not have delegated the task to the attendant* 4nly Registered Nurses 2ho are trained for I3F insertion 0an do the task*

 (ecommendation: 's as&iring future nurse staffs and nurse managers, 2e re0ommend the follo2ing( !* 1he hos&ital must &re0isely formulate a 0om&rehensive s0o&e of &ra0ti0e for the Registered Nurse and Nursing 'ttendants, in0luding the s&e0ifi0 tasks 2hi0h are delegable* =* Registered Nurses must 0onsider the set of tasks he6she 2ould delegate, that fit 2ith the nursing assistantEs skill and are in a00ord to the hos&ital &roto0ols* >* 'dvan0e %ife Su&&ort and kno2ledge u&dates through seminars on delegation* 'lthough it is 0ostly, these a0tivities 2ill hel& not 5ust the staff nurses but also the nurse managers to enhan0e their management skills* =* Seminar on Phili&&ine Nursing '0t of =""=* Re&ubli0 '0t 9!#> en0om&asses the S0o&e of Nursing Pra0ti0e on 'rti0le 3I* It must be  &resented to all the Registered Nurses as 2ell to remind them of their legal tasks, and their duty of 0ontinuing &rofessional develo&ment*


Sub5e0tive data( Lgamayrakaayoiyanggakaihi* a 2hole day nalangiyang dia&er, gamayragyudangbasadayun nay dugoga&angga2assaiyangtudlouglagus* as verbali-ed by the mother 4b5e0tive data( 1a0hy0ardia 8PR$!J#b&m; • 1a0hy&nea 8RR$A!0&m; • /y&otension 8

NURSEING DIAGNOSIS Dfi(int f#ui2 $o#u& r-t )&orr)"g



 Nursing 4ut0ome Classifi0ation  8?7&e0ted 4ut0omes;

In2%n2nt Nursing Intervention Classifi0ations(


Bedside Nurse !* 'sses initial vital signs =* Monitor vital signs every !A$>" minutes* >* Put &ressure on the  bleeding areas


Short term( 't the end of >" minutes of several interventions, the  &atientEs vital signs 2ill be stable and  bleeding 2ill be minimal* %ong term( 't the end of fe2 hours of interventions, the  &atientEs &latelet 0ount 2ill im&rove*



D%n2nt Nursing Intervention Classifi0ations(

Medi0ation Nurse J* Start I3F PNSS ! % u&on do0torEs order* A* Blood transfusion 8&latelet; Charge Nurse :* Monitor &latelet 0ount together 2ith the med te0h* #* Refer the &t* to the  &hysi0ian*


ASSESSMENT Sub5e0tive 0ues( LCould you &lease start I3F on &t* B'BGO IEm very busy 0arrying out orders here* 's verbali-ed  by the 0harge nurse to the nursing attendant*

4b5e0tive 0ues( 1he nursing attendant inserted the I3 0annula but the first attem&t 2as unsu00essful* 'fter several times of reinsertion of the I3 0annula to the same vein, she finally 2as able to insert it* She left the 0hild and attended to ne7t  &atients 2ithout informing the 0harge nurse regarding the several attem&ts of I3 0annula insertion*


PROBLEM I&%ro%r D#g"tion

OB?ECTIVES  Nursing 4ut0ome Classifi0ations 8?7&e0ted 4ut0omes;

't the end of nurse managerEs a0tion, the staff nurse and nursing attendant 2ill 0om&ly 2ith hos&ital  &roto0ols*


=* >*



ACTION Call the attention of the staffs on duty and the nursing attendant on that shift* /ave them make in0ident re&ort* Revie2 to them the 0onseuen0es and san0tions of their a0tion* ?valuate their  &revious  &erforman0es 2hether they have 0ommitted the same a0tion on their &revious duties* )e0ide 2hether to give them a se0ond 0han0e or terminate them immediately*


RATIONALE 1o have them e7&lain their side of the issue*


For do0umentation


1o remind them of the hos&ital  &roto0ols*


So that the nurse manager 2ill have her basis on her de0ision*


1o redu0e the risk  dragging the /os&italEs name on the 2rongful a0tions that the staff nurses 0ommits*




Dfinition= *YPERT*ERMIA the body tem&erature rises above the normal range* ASSESSMENT PROBLEM OB?ECTIVES

Sub5e0tive 0ues( L/e has been feverish for

 Nursing 4ut0ome *3%rt)r&i" r#"t2 Classifi0ations(

In2%n2nt Nursing Interventions

the &ast days* /e 0ries a lot, too as verbali-ed by the &atientEs mother* 4b5e0tive 0ues( •

• • • • • • •

/igh fever 81em&*  Q J"*!C; Irritable Cries a lot /as no a&&etite 1a0hy&nea 1a0hy0ardia Harm skin Skin redness

to t) %ro(!! of  2ngu $iru! inf(tion

8?7&e0ted 4ut0omes;


Short term( 1hat during >"mins$ !hour of nursing interventions, &atient 2ill e7&erien0e normothermia 2ith a tem&erature of >:$ >#C*

Charge Nurse( !*Carry$out )o0torEs orders =* Make and follo2$u& laboratory results 8e*g HBC$ !A6% >*'ssess &ossible etiology of in0reased tem&erature

%ong term( 't the end of our duty,  &atient 2ill be able to maintain a 0ore body Bedside Nurse( tem&erature of >:$>#C !* Provide6 en0ourage even 2ithout R1C  &atient to drink anti&yreti0*  &lenty of fluid as tolerated 80olostrum; =*Instru0t the signifi0ant other to let the  &atient 2ear 0lothing that is thin and not the 0otton and silk ones*  Medi0ation Nurse( !*Inform &atient regarding the side effe0ts of the drugs to  be administered =*Considers the nursing  &re0autions in drugs to  be given  Nursing 'ide( !*Monitor 36S every >"mins* =*Provide and in0rease air 0ir0ulation

Bedside Nurse( !*Intake and out&ut

!*1o fa0ilitat of 0are =*1o determi regimen* 1o and other m >*1o monito 0auses of the 0ondition

!*1o re&la0e eva&

=*1o &rovide 0omfort and 0lothing abs does not sti in0rease in b

!*1o edu0ate effe0ts and l

=*1o &revent u&on admini

 Nursing 'id !*3ital signs determine th general 0on =* Serves as measure to l heat Bedside Nur  !*)ete0ting dehydration  balan0e of fl

every >hours on0e or more often* D%n2nt Nursing Interventions Classifi0ation(  Nursing 'ide( !*'&&li0ation of 1e&id S&onge Bathe

Remove e70ess  blankets 2hen the 0lient feels 2armD &rovide e7tra 2armth 2hen the 0lient feels 0hilled* Medi0ation Nurse( !*'dminister anti&yreti0s as ordered* Para0etamol Syru& =*Am% PRN P4

ASSESSMENT Sub5e0tive 0ues( L1here 2as blood 0oming out from his gums sin0e this morning, as verbali-ed by the  &atientEs mother*

4b5e0tive 0ues( •

Bright red blood

on gums Pete0hiae /as no a&&etite Pale skin Pale nail beds Ca&illary refill

less than =se0s 36S are as

• • • •

follo2s(BP$; Bedside Nurse( !* 'ssess the signs and !* sym&toms of I bleeding* Che0k for se0retions* 4bserve 0olor and 0onsisten0y of stools or vomitus* =* 4bserve for &resen0e of  &ete0hiae, e00hymosis,  bleeding from one more sites*

ele0trolytes i

!*1o enhan0 eva&oration =*Removing 0ooling mea  &roviding of  &romotes he

!*1o lo2er d tem&erature*


!*1o fa0ilitate 0 0are =*1o determine regimen

!*1he I tra0t i sour0e of blee mu0osal fragil

=*Sub$a0ute dis intravas0ular 0 develo& se0ond 0lotting fa0tor*

mm/g, &ulse  &ressure of =" mm/g, PR$ !J#b&m, RR$ A!0&m

 Nursing 'ides( >* Monitor vital signs hourly or more often* Medi0ation Nurse( J* Use small needles for in5e0tions* '&&ly &ressure to veni&un0ture sites for longer than usual* Collaborative( !* 'dministration of PNSS !% A"006hr as  &er Physi0ianEs order 

>*'n in0rease i de0rease BP 0a of 0ir0ulating b J* Minimi-e da redu0e risk for hematoma*

!* 1o re&l 0an go transfu isotoni



Duti! "n2 R!%on!i+i#iti! of " *"2 Nur!=  /ead nurses 0an 2ork in any variety of medi0al fa0ilities su0h as hos&itals, treatment

0enters or nursing homes* In general, they 2ork in larger fa0ilities 2here 0oordination of  nursing teams is needed* /ead nurses 0arry out the same fun0tions as any other nurse,  but they are in a managerial &osition and often are res&onsible for 2hole se0tions of  fa0ilities as 2ell as 0ommuni0ation 2ith u&&er management and do0tors* a* /ead nurses manage all the administrative duties of the de&artments 2hi0h theyare assigned to 2ork in  b* 1hey s0hedule shifts for the nurses and assign duties to them* 0* 1hey 0olle0t 2ork re&orts from all the nurses regarding their day$to$day a0tivitiesand maintain a re0ord of them* d* 1hey &resent the re0ords 0olle0ted from all the nurses to the res&e0tive do0tors2ho are handling 0ases of those &atients* e* 1hey assist and 0ondu0t training &rograms for the nurses 2ho are ne2 and need hel&* f* 1hey also solve any issues related to the &atients* g* /ead nurses also 0ome in dire0t 0onta0t 2ith the &atients and diagnose their health  &roblems h* Inventory management is also one of the res&onsibilities of the head nurses* i* /ead nurses revie2 and su&ervise the &re$o&erative settings made by the nurses in the o&erating room and make sure that they have &rovided reuired eui&mentEs to the do0tors*  5* /ead nurses often a00om&any the do0tors 2hen they go on their rounds to 0he0kthe  &atients 2here they &resent the re&orts 0olle0ted by them* k* 1hey &rovide ne0essary hel& to the do0tors su0h as 0arrying diagnosti0 eui&mentEs, et0*, to the do0tors 2hile they are on round for 0he0k$u&* l* 1hey maintain a log of the entries of the &atients in their 2ards and their health re&orts* m* /ead nurses also look for the hygiene in the hos&ital and in the rooms and makesure that the &atients are &rovided 2ith enough fa0ilities and entertain all ty&esof 0om&laints from the &atients* Skills Reuired in a /ead Nurse( a* ' head nurse should have e7&ert management, administration and &lanning skills*  b* 'bility to assist the nurses and manage the team &ro&erly by motivating theem&loyees to 2ork* 0* Should have good 0ommuni0ation skills to understand the &roblems and resolve them* d* In$de&th kno2ledge of all the &ro0edures used in the management of the hos&ital* e* Sound kno2ledge of the eui&mentEs used in the surgi0al &ro0ess*

f* 'bility to use various diagnosti0 methods in diagnosis and &rovide &rimarytreatment to the &atients in emergen0y* g* ood &resentation skills to 0ondu0t training &rograms* h* ?nthusiasti0, enduring, and 2illing to 2ork for e7tra hours* i* Should be fo0used and 2illing to hel& the &atients*  5* Profound 2ritten skills and should have &rofi0ien0y in handling basi0 0om&uter&rograms used in hos&ital management*

?du0ational ualifi0ations Reuired in /ead Nurse( ". 1o be0ome a nurse one has to &urse a J year degree &rogram in nursing and should undergo training &rograms in the same* +. 1here are various nursing &rograms that offer li0ensure for the nurses* Certified and li0ensed nurses are in great demand these days* /ead nurses should also have servi0ed as nurses for more than J$A years*

DUTIES @ RESPONSIBILITIES OF STAFF NURSE=  1he Staff Nurse is the first level &rofessional Nurse in the hos&ital set u&* 1herefore by

a&&earan0e and by 2ord she 2ill be &rofessional at all time*  She 2ill be skilled nurse, giving e7&ert bed side 0are to &atient and e7e0uting s&e0ial te0hni0al duties in the s&e0ial areas like o&eration theatres, intensive 0are unit, highly de&endent unit et0* She also a0ts as de fa0toE sister as and 2hen situation arises in the 2ard or de&artment* DUTIES @ RESPONSIBILITIES IN RELATION TO PATIENT CARE

a* She 2ill assess the needs of the &atients in the 2ard and make nursing 0are &lan for all  &atients 0onsulting 2ith 2ard sister*  b* She 2ill give dire0t &atient 0are 8bed making, 0hanging of bed sheets, mouth 0are, ba0k  0are, bed bathing, hair 2ash, 0hanging of &osition et0*; and allotted 0are to her by the 2ard sister* 0* She 2ill fulfill all basi0 needs 8hygieni0 need, nutritional need et0*; of the &atients* d* She 2ill &rovide 0omfort to the &atient and maintain safety of the &atient* e* She 2ill take over the 0harge from duty nurse of &revious shift, regarding &atients 8bed to  bed;, instrument su&&lies, drugs et0* and handed over the same to the ne7t shift*

R?SP4NSIBI%I1G IN R?%'1I4N 14 H'R) ')MINIS1R'1I4N a* She 2ill ensure to make the 2ard 0lean and tidy in0luding bed*

 b* She 2ill kee& all arti0les 2ell$arranged and maintain the inventory* 0* She 2ill take the re&ort, make bed to bed round at the time of 0hanging of the shift of the unit* d* She 2ill orient the ne2 &atient 2ith 2ard* e* She 2ill hel& the 2ard sister for su&ervision of 2ork of rou& ) allotted in the 2ard for  maintenan0e of 0leanliness and sanitation* f* She 2ill make list of &atients belongings and kee& in safe 0ustody, a00ording to laid do2n  &oli0y of the hos&ital* g* She 2ill kee& a sub sto0k of drugs, linen and other su&&lies for 2ard maintenan0e* h* She 2ill maintain &oisonous drugs registered* i* She 2ill sterili-e all arti0lesD maintain all eui&mentEs, gadgets, ele0tri0al 0onne0tions Sight, fan et0*  5* She 2ill indent drugs, diet, and other su&&lies if ne0essary* k* She 2ill vigilant to &rote0t the &atient from in5ury or a00ident by &roviding side rail* l* She 2ill 2rite re&ort of ea0h shift and sign the re&ort after 0he0king &ro&erly* m* She 2ill assist the 2ard sister in orientation &rogramme of ne2 staff and students* n* She 2ill make round 2ith do0tors and senior nursing offi0ers* o* She 2ill hel& 2ard sister in indenting and 0he0king of drugs, su&&lies and maintaining inventories*  &* She 2ill be de&uted for the 2ard sister during her absent* * She 2ill kee& herself u& to date 2ith nursing kno2ledge by taking &art in $servi0e edu0ation &rogramme*

Duti! "n2 R!%on!i+i#iti! of " NURSING ATTENDANT=  ' nursing aide, sometimes 0alled a nursing assistant, assists medi0al staff in &roviding

0are for residents of long$term 0are fa0ilities, su0h as nursing homes, as 2ell as for short$ term hos&ital &atients* )uring a ty&i0al 2orkday, they &erform a 2ide variety of non$ medi0al duties* Be0ause nursing aides s&end a large &art of ea0h day intera0ting 2ith  &atients, many of 2hom may not be able to &rovide for themselves, it is im&ortant that nursing aides be 0aring, 0om&assionate and &atient individuals* Basi0 Needs a* Nursing aides 2ork 2ith &atients 2ho reuire assistan0e to &erform even the most basi0 tasks* 1hey are often 0alled u&on to feed, bathe or move &atients*  b* Nursing aides hel& re&osition bedridden &atients so they do not develo& bedsores* 0* 1hey hel& &atients 2ho need assistan0e going to the bathroom* Be0ause freuent lifting of &atients is reuired in this 5ob, the Bureau of %abor Statisti0s re&orts that 2ork&la0e in5uries are more 0ommon among nursing aides than among most other ty&es of 2orkers*

Medi0al )uties In addition to hel&ing &atients 0are for themselves, nursing aides &rovide very basi0 medi0al 0are* a* 1hey monitor vital signs, su0h as blood &ressure, &ulse and tem&erature* Nursing aides re&ort any irregularities in vital signs or health 0on0erns e7&ressed by &atients to su&ervising nurses or do0tors*  b* In some states, nursing aides 2ho have been s&e0ially trained and 0ertified are res&onsible for administering medi0ation to &atients and residents* Cleaning Res&onsibilities a* Hhile hos&itals and nursing homes almost al2ays em&loy a 0ustodial staff for the big  5obs, nursing aides are e7&e0ted to maintain 0leanliness to a 0ertain e7tent 2hile on the  5ob*  b* For instan0e, it is often the res&onsibility of the nursing aide to 0lear the dishes and silver2are of residents after meals* 0* Nursing aides also may remove soiled bed&ansD s2ee& and 2i&e do2n furnitureD and 0hange bedding*

A(ti$iti! T)"t M"3 + D#g"t2

 1he nursing &ro0ess 0an be utili-ed as a frame2ork to su&&ort the RN in delegating &atient 0are a0tivities to su&&ort and assistive &ersonnel* Prior to delegating, the RN assuming 0are of the  &atient is res&onsible for 0om&leting an assessment of the &atient as 2ell as revie2ing the  &atientEs individuali-ed &lan of 0are* 1he RN should also verify &ro&er training and 0om&eten0y evaluation of U'P before a task is delegated* Regardless of ho2 sim&le the delegated task may seem, the RN is res&onsible for &atient out0omes* Institutional &oli0y and regulations from state  boards of nursing and state de&artments of health may govern the a0tivities of su&&ort &ersonnel* 8'&&endi7 '; 1he follo2ing lists are e7am&les of &atient 0are a0tivities that might be delegated  Dir(t P"tint C"r A(ti$iti! Vit"# Sign!  1ake and re0ord blood &ressure, res&irations, tem&erature, and &ulse rate   4btain daily 2eight  '&&ly leads and 0onne0t to 0ardia0 monitor   4btain !=$lead ?C   Perform 0hest 0om&ressions in life su&&ort situations

 Int"/ "n2 Out%ut  Measure and re0ord intake and out&ut   Colle0t s&e0imens

A(ti$iti! of D"i#3 Li$ing  Perform total or &artial bed bath   Perform &erineal 0are  Shave  Hash hair  Perform mouth 0are  Change linen and assist 2ith making o00u&ied bed

 Nutrition  Feed &atient   Cal0ulate and re0ord 0alorie 0ount

 S/in C"r   Perform ba0k 0are  Pre&are skin for &ro0edure   Perform skin &re& for o&erative &ro0edure

 A(ti$it3 "n2 Mo+i#it3  'ssist in ambulating &atient  Perform &assive and a0tive range of motion  Position  1urn and re&osition &atient  'ssist 2ith transfers

R!%ir"tor3 Su%%ort  Set u& o7ygen  'ssist &atient 2ith using an in0entive s&irometer   'ssist &atient 2ith 0oughing and dee& breathing e7er0ises  Perform oral su0tioning using an oral su0tion devi0e

Pro(2ur!  Set u& &atient room 8su0tion 0anisters, 0ables for 0ontinuous 0ardia0 monitoring, tubing     

for 0hest tubes; 4rient &atient to room environment Set u& and 0alibrate hemodynami0 monitoring eui&ment 4btain ne0essary su&&lies for sterile &ro0edure )is0ontinue &eri&heral intravenous 0atheter Perform &ostmortem 0are

 In2ir(t P"tint C"r A(ti$iti! C#"ning  Clean eui&ment in use and stored eui&ment  Clean environment, in0luding 0ounter to&s and desk to&s  Clean and defrost food refrigerators  Clean &atient 0are area after transfer or dis0harge  Clean &atient 0are area after &ro0edures are 0om&leted  ?m&ty 2aste baskets in &atient rooms and unit  ?m&ty linen ham&ers  Remove meal trays  Clean su&&ly 0arts  Clean and resto0k &ro0edure rooms  Make uno00u&ied beds

 Err"n2!  )eliver meal trays  4btain and deliver su&&lies

 4btain and deliver eui&ment  4btain and deliver blood &rodu0ts  Che0k laboratory s&e0imens for a&&ro&riate labeling  )eliver s&e0imens to 0lini0al laboratory

 C#ri("# T"!/!  Pla0e &ages  Pla0e and ans2er &hone 0alls  'ssemble, disassemble, and maintain &atient 0hart  1rans0ribe &hysi0ian and nursing &atient 0are orders  S0hedule diagnosti0 tests and &ro0edures  4rder ne0essary offi0e su&&lies and forms  Sort and deliver mail  'ssist 2ith unit orientation for float and registry an0illary &ersonnel  Pre&are 0harges for unit$based billing  Problem solve and lo0ate lost 0harges  @ee& unit log books u& to date 2ith &atient admissions, transfers, and dis0harges  Maintain a2areness of nursing bed assignments  U&date and retrieve information systems data

Sto(/ing "n2 M"intn"n(  Sto0k &atient bedside su&&lies  Sto0k unit su&&lies  Sto0k utility rooms  Sto0k treatment, e7amination, and &ro0edure rooms  Sto0k nourishments and kit0hen su&&lies  Che0k ele0tri0al eui&ment for ins&e0tions due dates  Sto0k linen 0art

 A(ti$iti! T)"t M"3 Not B D#g"t2  Nur!ing "(ti$iti! t)"t &"3 not + 2#g"t2 in(#u2=  Performing an initial &atient assessment and subseuent assessments or nursing

interventions that reuire s&e0iali-ed nursing kno2ledge, 5udgment, and6or skill  Formulating a nursing diagnosis  Identifying nursing 0are goals and develo&ing the nursing &lan of 0are in 0on5un0tion 2ith the &atient and6or family  U&dating the &atientEs &lan of 0are  Providing &atient edu0ation to &atient and6or family  ?valuating a &atientEs &rogress, or la0k thereof, to2ard a0hieving desired goals and out0omes

 )is0ussing &atient issues 2ith &hysi0ian  Communi0ating 2ith &hysi0ians or im&lementing orders from &hysi0ian  )o0umenting the &atientEs assessment, res&onse to thera&euti0 interventions, in the

 &atientEs &lan of 0are  'dministering medi0ations  Providing dire0t nursing 0are

Gui2#in!-Situ"tion for D#g"tion •

)elegable task* 1he nurse first should determine if the task is &ro&erly delegable* For 

e7am&le, giving medi0ations or inter&reting 0lini0al data 0annot be delegated be0ause these are li0ensed fun0tions* /o2ever, it is generally agreed that routine tasks 8e*g**, taking vital signs; or &ersonal 0are a0tivities 8e*g**, bathing; for stable &atients 2ith  &redi0table out0omes 0an be assigned to U'P PatientEs needs* 1he nurse is res&onsible for individual &atient assessment and

determination of nursing 0are needs* 1herefore, even though an intervention su0h as giving a bath may be a routine, the nurse may need to 0om&lete this task for 0ertain  &atientEs if further assessment or health tea0hing is needed* 1he nurse should refuse to delegate any task that 2ould 5eo&ardi-e &atient safety* Com&eten0y of U'P* .ob des0ri&tion for U'P should have 0learly s&e0ify their 

res&onsibilities* U'P should have a re0ord of do0umented 0om&eten0ies to &erform tasks and should have &arti0i&ated in a formali-ed edu0ational &rogram that &rovided instru0tion* /o2ever, it is the duty of the nurse to ensure that U'P are 0om&etent in  &arti0ular situations 8e*g**, they may not be able to measure blood &ressure &ro&erly even though there is do0umentation that they 0an;* It is the nurseEs res&onsibility to determine ability and &rovide &ro&er instru0tion for U'P or 0om&lete the task himself or herself* 1he nurse must &rovide su&ervision for U'P and serve as a resour0e* 1he sole 0riterion for determining 2ho should 0om&lete a task in a &arti0ular situation in &atient safety, as determined by the nurse* Communi0ation* Clear dire0tions must be given to U'P so that the task 0an be 0om&leted

 &ro&erly* For e7am&le, the nurse should say, L I need a finger sti0k done on Mr* .ones* '  better instru0tion 2ould indi0ate the immediate need for blood glu0ose measure and to re&ort the value to the nurse immediately, 2ho 2ill determine if insulin is needed* It is suggested that the nurse obtain Lminire&orts throughout the shift, to 0larify data obtained and to &rovide any su&ervision ne0essary for U'P* ?valuation* 's &art of the nurseEs duty to su&ervise U'P, the nurse is res&onsible for  evaluating their &erforman0e* 1his is an o&&ortunity to &rovide &ositive and negative feedba0k as 2ell as su&ervised &ra0ti0e of a skill if needed* 1he ability to set &riorities for  0om&letion of task is an essential skill needed by U'P and often reuires guidan0e by the nurse*

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