Professional Development

November 26, 2016 | Author: chazzman311 | Category: N/A
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Charles Kelley

Practicum Staff Development Lesson Plan

Understanding By Design Unit Template Title of Unit


iPod touches into the

Grade Level


Time Frame

1 Prof. Dev. Class w/ follow-up

curriculum Curriculum Area Developed By

Professional Development Charles Kelley

Identify Desired Results (Stage 1) Established Goals: Understand the benefits and uses of an iPod Touch in the classroom as a tool for learning.


Essential Questions

Students will understand that«

Overarching Overarchi ng

The iPod iPod Touch can be be used in a highly educational way. way. The iPod iPod Touch can motivate reluctant reluctant students students to work on curriculum tasks. 3. The iPod Touch can be used to introduce material in an novel novel way 4. The iPod Touch is an effective effective way to integrate technology into the curriculum. 5. Will be ubiquitous in near future and highly available available even even to our most economically disadvantaged disadvantaged students.

1. Are we doing enough to reflect the interests interests of our our students in the delivery of the curriculum? 2. Why is the iPod Touch so popular? 3. Can the use use of the iPod Touch really lead to increased increased learning? 4. Is the iPod Touch technologically capable of presenting material in a novel way?

1. 2.


Related Misconceptions Misconceptions 1. Too complicated for teacher use 2. cost too much for widespread use 3.

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using iPod touches in the classroom?





1. 2. 3.

will know«

The basic basic uses of the iPod Touch in a classroom setting setting The basic operations of iPod touch How iPod Touch can be integrated into curriculum curriculum

Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe Understanding by Design

will be able to«

1. Turn on and access basic functions of an iPod Touch 2. Identify applications that have educational use 3. Design simple simple lesson lesson plans that integrate the use of of iPod Touch Touch

Charles Kelley

Practicum Staff Development Lesson Plan

Assessment Evidence (Stage 2) Performance Tasks: 1. 2. 3.

Teachers download an education education app on their their ipod Teachers view wiki wiki that features useful educational educational apps and then they they create one more entry that that highlights a new new educational app. Teachers as«. Teachers  have participants come up with a sample lesson using an application on the iPod Touch

Other Evidence: 1. Pre and post test on 2. Sample lesson plan

Student self assessment & reflection: 1. Students will fill out pre and post tests that allow them to reflect on the material that they have been introduced to. 2. Students must fill out a survey on the effectiveness of the course.

Learning Plan (Stage 3) Learning Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Use K-W-L K-W-L chart to guide instruction instruction and to initiate prior knowledge Use the pretest to gauge initial initial level of of understanding of the subject subject matter. View Prezi presentation on the uses of the iPod in the classroom classroom Complete assignment #1 ± download an app app Complete Educational app Wiki assignment Complete Assignment #2 ± Sample lesson plan Complete post-test and discuss responses Complete class survey

Step-by-step Guide 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Make sure to acquire a room with wireless wireless internet access, tables and chairs and LCD projector. For this Professional Development course to be effective, you must have access to multiple iPods/iPads. I barrowed a few and own 3. Place copy of pre-test where each participant will sit so that they can complete as soon as they sit down. Take up pre-test once you begin. Begin Prezi presentation. Use ipad to demonstrate points from the Prezi. Make sure to have the applications that you will talk about in the presentation downloaded on your iPad. Once you have finished your presentation, have each group complete assignment #1 in a group. Walk around and m onitor progress on task and assist with difficulties. After completion of activity, review the steps needed on the iPad. Next, pass out the handout on t he recommended education apps. Have students look up apps in the app store and list one

Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe Understanding by Design

Charles Kelley

Practicum Staff Development Lesson Plan

recommendation that can be added to the list. Review the recommendations. As a whole group, complete Assignment #2. Brainstorm ideas for a sample lesson plan and write the ideas on the board. Gradually shape down the ideas and incorporate them into the UBD lesson plan. 10. Review lesson plan. Answer any final questions that participants may have 11. Pass out Post-test and complete. After After completion, pass back out the pre-test pre-test and compare answers for indicators for learning. Discuss Discuss answers. 12. Have participants fill out survey.

8. 9.

Online Version has instructions for the course @

Pre-Test 1. What do you believe to be the usual price for an iPod Touch?

2. What does app stand for?

3. What is the typical price for an app?

4. What is the major difference between an iPod Touch and an iPhone?

5. Are there free apps?

6. What sizes do iPods come in?

Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe Understanding by Design

Charles Kelley

Practicum Staff Development Lesson Plan

7. Do you think that iPods can be used in a classroom to promote learning?

Assignment #1/ rubric Activate your iPod and access the "app Store" button. Search Search for an app that has educational application. Utilize the search function within the "app Store" and look for a math specific app. Click on and review the functions of each application within the preview. Check the screen grabs. Click install and download the application. Check to make sure that it functions correctly. Essentials of the assignment

Steps completed



Downloaded application has little or no educational use and is not very functional within a classroom App was searched but  not downloaded and may not be Math-based.

Downloaded application has good or great  potential for use in the classroom.


Application has been downloaded and is Math-based.


App Handout

ELA Spel it rite This game has been designed to help you train your abili ty to recognize misspelled words. The user's objective is to identify typos as fast as possible. For each error, a penalty of 5 seconds is added to the total time. At the end of each round, the user is given the possibility o f reviewing his or her results. This version contains over 700 of the most difficult to spell words. Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe Understanding by Design

Charles Kelley

Practicum Staff Development Lesson Plan

Shakespeare Shakespeare is a free app with the complete works of Shakespeare (41 plays, 154 sonnets and 6 poems, including including doubtful works) and a searchable concordance to find the exact word or phrase youre looking for (with relaxed searching to find words close to your search term).

Kindle The Kindle app is optimized for the iPad, i Phone, and iPod touch, giving users the ability to read Kindle books on a beautiful, easy-to-use interface. Youll have access to over 810,000* books in the Kindle Store, including best sellers and new releases. Amazon Whispersync automatically automatically syncs your last l ast page read, bookmarks, notes, and highlights across devices (including Kindle), Kindle), so you can pick pi ck up where you left off on another device. The app also includes thousands of free classics.

Social Studies National Geographic Learn more about the world around you using the up-to-date, expertly researched, Flags and Facts database which contains concise geographic and socio-economic data. Find even the most remote places in the news, using the built-in search tool and place names directory which contains nearly 7 million entries!

USA Presidents A flash card app that teaches you cool coo l facts about the historical line of American presidents.

Math Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe Understanding by Design

Charles Kelley

Practicum Staff Development Lesson Plan

Math Ninja Use your math skills to defend your treehouse against a hungry tomato and his robotic army in this fun action packed game! Choose between ninja stars, smoke bombs, or ninja magic - and choose your upgrades wisely!

Math Drills Graphically rich and fun environment allows up to 10 students to learn basic math skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication multiplication and division.

Science SkyORB SkyORB features a 3D interface, i nterface, with OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL 2.0 support, iPhone 4 retina display, a search engine, a large catalog of stars (Hyparcos), deep objects (NGC/IC 2000) 2000) planets, current satellite (including current space shuttle missions) (MPC) and let you choose see the actual sky from any point on Earth.

The Chemical Touch The Chemical Touch: Lite Edition is a free and easy to use periodic table for your iPhone or iPod touch. Consisting Consisting of a simplified s implified version of the periodic table display from the full application, it puts the masses, densities, melting & boiling points, radii, and electronegativities of the elements right at your fingertips. If you need more elemental information, touch the internet button to open the wikipedia page for the selected element. Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe Understanding by Design

Charles Kelley

Practicum Staff Development Lesson Plan

Science Glossary A glossary of scientific terms and short biographies that support our science education website, All definitions link to related terms and to free, detailed science learning modules. Though geared for high s chool and undergraduate student's using our website, the glossary and modules are appropriate for anyone generally interested in science.

Misc. MyHomework myHomework is a simple and easy to use iPhone application that allows you to keep track of your homework, classes, projects and tests while interacting with a really cool design. myHomeworks myHomeworks design tends to resemble our day to day notebook, the sections are separated by colorful sticky pads that  marks the page.

Open Culture The Open Culture app gives you mobile access to educational audio and video collections. Now, you can learn whenever you're on the go. And it's all free! With this app, you can access: Free Audio Books Free University Courses Free Foreign Language Lessons Ideas & Culture Podcasts Music Podcasts (Classical, Jazz, Rock) Science Podcasts University Podcasts Intelligent YouTube Videos Daily Blog Posts from Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe Understanding by Design

Charles Kelley


Practicum Staff Development Lesson Plan


Students will review the App wiki and then add one educational app to the wiki. The student must include a description of the app. Wiki Grading:

Full credit if one education application is added wi th description

Assignment #2 Students will complete a sample lesson plan following the UBD design template provided as a group. Students need need to utilize an online document sharing sharing service (Google Docs) to collaboratively complete a sample leeson plan that integrates the use of an iPod into a lesson plan. Essentials of the assignment

Steps completed




Lesson plan does not  include technology or has limited use of iPod touch or related technology. Lesson plan is not  complete and does not  include all of the aspects of UBD design model. Collaboration not  facilitated online through a document  sharing website/application

Lesson plan fully utilizes technology into the classroom lesson and features a function or application of the iPod. Lesson plan is fully complete and includes all of the aspects of the UBD model. Collaboration facilitated online through a document sharing website/application


Post-Test 1. What do you believe to be the usual price for an iPod Touch?

2. What does app stand for? Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe Understanding by Design



Charles Kelley

Practicum Staff Development Lesson Plan

3. What is the typical price for an app?

4. What is the major difference between an iPod Touch and an iPhone?

5. Are there free apps?

6. What sizes do iPods come in?

7. Do you think that iPods can be used in a classroom to promote learning?

8. Name 2 apps or o r standard functions discussed in the presentation.

9. What is a potential use for the voice memo function?

Survey Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe Understanding by Design

Charles Kelley

Practicum Staff Development Lesson Plan

What did you like best about the in-service on iPods in the Classroom?

What did you like least about abo ut the in-service on iPods in the Classroom?

How can the instructor improve her delivery of the information?

Are you going to use these devices in your classroom? Why or Why not?

Was this in-service helpful to you as a teacher?

What hypothetical app or function would you most like to see available for download?

Assessment data Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe Understanding by Design

Charles Kelley

Practicum Staff Development Lesson Plan

In combination with the completion of the class activities, which everyone completed satisfactorily, I looked at the last two questions from the post-test and used those as the basis for assessing the mastery of the goals for the class. I reviewed the answers for the first 7 questions that were included on both the pre and post-tests and thought that the general knowledge of those subjects was satisfactory. Participant #1 Answered both questions , 8 and 9, correctly and displayed a great knowledge of the functions of the ipod. I suspect that she had prior experience with the platform. She explained how to use the v oice memo function to create a podcast that can be used for absent students. Participant #2 Answered both questions correctly. She talked about the use of the presidents app and the Shakespeare app and haw each would be helpful in her  classes (she is a special education teacher. Participant #3 Answered both questions correctly.

Survey feedback I chose the most useful response to each question and indicated which participant gave this response. What did you like best about the in-service on iPods in the Classroom? Part. #1 I was really excited to find out about new devices and strategies I could be using in my classroom. I am happy that I will have access to it online online in case I forget something.

What did you like least about abo ut the in-service on iPods in the Classroom? Part. # 3 I thought it was too fast-paced. I did not get to sit around and experiment with the ipod.

How can the instructor improve her delivery of the information? Part. # 3 I wish that the instructor included a demonstration of the basic functions of the ipod before the presentation so that we could familiarize ourselves with the devices before we talked about i t.

Are you going to use these devices in your classroom? Why or Why not? Part. #2 I dont know if I will because I dont have an iPod yet and will need at least one to be able to work with it. I dont have a class set either.

Was this in-service helpful to you as a teacher? Part. #1

Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe Understanding by Design

Charles Kelley

Practicum Staff Development Lesson Plan

Yes. Even if I dont use the ipod I really liked learning about new uses o f technology.

Self-evaluation As I read the survey responses, I began to find several patterns and obvious mistakes in my delivery. I see that I took for granted the knowledge of  the basic functions of the iPod and will have to spend more time demonstrating them the next time I deliver this class. I also realize that my session length was not sufficient because there were several comments on being rushed through the presentation. Development class is that there is not a huge access to iPods in the system in which I I believe that the biggest problem with the Professional Development teach. There are no classroom sets, no pilot programs and v ery few teachers experimenting with them. I believe that the presentation will have to be a primer of what could happen 4 or 5 years down the line instead of something that can be actively used. Unfortunately, our current economic situation is further hindering the implementation of the devices in the cl assrooms. Many teachers wrote down that this was their primary concern with the class. They were afraid that when and if they actually got to use the information in the class, that they would have already forgotten the information. Overall, I believe that the teachers found the class informative and were optimistic about the content and with the potential for use in their classrooms. All of the teachers seemed to have learned a great deal in the class and performed well on the activities. A major surprise was the ease in which I made the class available online. The website that I used, Weebly, was very easy to use and had many great features. The other components were fairly easy to put together and f unctioned flawlessly. flawlessly. I hope that many of the participants will utilize the site to draw upon the information.

Online Version

Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe Understanding by Design

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