Professional Code for Engineers

December 25, 2016 | Author: Stealthstr1ke | Category: N/A
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Professional Code for Engineers in Quebec. OIQ....


The Professional Code

It is our concern...

and we see to it.

The Professional Code The Professional Code is a law of public order which reflects the National Assembly’s desire to protect the public in matters concerning professional services. The Code , which has been in force since 1974, applies to all of Québec’s professional orders (“professional associations”), including the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ). The Code pertains primarily to these orders and defines most of the powers they hold and the responsibilities incumbent upon them for the supervision of their respective professions. The Code of Ethics of  Engineers and other related regulations are derived from the enabling authority of the Professional Code . A summary follows of the main provisions of the Code’s chapters IV, V, VII and VIII, which pertain specifically to professional orders. Chapters I, II, III and IX and not discussed in this document.* * Chapter I defines the following terms: order (“association”), Bureau, professional, Québec Interprofessional

Council, Office, special authorization, permit, roll and minister. Chapter II discusses the Office des professions du Québec, while Chapter III pertains to the Québec Interprofessional Council. Both organizations are described in the brochure entitled “The Professional System”. Chapter IX deals with the Code’s Final Provisions, which concern the Minister entrusted with application of this Code and of the Acts constituting the professional orders.


The Professional Code (R.S.Q., c. C-26)

Chapter IV—Professional Orders

Chapter I

Definitions and Application

Division I–Constitution of Professional Orders

Chapter II

Office des professions du Québec

Section 23–Function

Chapter III

Interprofessional Council

Chapter IV

Professional Orders


The principal function of each order shall be to ensure the protection of the public. For this purpose it must in particular supervise the practice of the profession by its  members.

Division I

Constitution of Professional Orders


Division II

Exclusive Professions


Division III

Professions with Reserved Titles


Division IV

Common Provisions


Division V



Division VI

Professional Inspection


Division VII

Discipline, Appeal and Publication of Decisions


Division VIII Appeal from Certain Decisions Other than Disciplinary Decisions


Chapter V



Chapter VI

Does not pertain to the engineering profession


Chapter VII

Penal Provisions


The central function of all administrative or judicial mechanisms and agencies provided for under the Professional Code is to protect the public. The National Assembly considers that this protection is best assured when the members of each order are themselves responsible for monitoring the practice of their profession. This approach is based on the principle that fellow holders of a professional permit are more qualified to perform this function than third parties or members of the public who are not generally qualified to assess the quality of the professional services they receive. It is for this reason that the Professional Code establishes a peer-based system of supervision and justice, through mechanisms that are considered vital for ensuring the protection of the public, particularly in areas of health, safety and the overall welfare of the community. These mechanisms include: >



Chapter VIII Inquiries and Immunities Chapter IX

Final Provisions


A procedure for granting new permits to practice the profession. A professional inspection process, under the responsibility of a Professional Inspection Committee. Creation of a Committee on Discipline and the position of syndic (“investigator”).

The Professional Code also provides for the creation of bodies such as the Bureau (board of directors), the Administrative Committee and the general meetings of members. The Code defines the authority of each of these bodies.


Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec Windsor Station, Suite 350 1100 De La Gauchetière Street West Montréal, Québec H3B 2S2 Tel.: (514) 845-6141 1-800-461-6141 Fax: (514) 845-1833

 Practicing engineering 

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