Prof Ed

November 12, 2016 | Author: Arvie Angeles Alferez | Category: N/A
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TO ACHIEVE AN INTERACTIVE DISCUSSION, WHICH PRINCIPLE OF QUESTIONING MUST BE AVOIDED? Using convergent questions Using divergent questions Using conceptual questions Asking the question before calling on a student Convergent questions are also known as fact questions or lower-order-thinking skills questions that only need a single unquestionable answer which will not foster interaction or discussion among students and with the teacher. Divergent and conceptual questions are good questions that can promote interactive discussions. Asking the question before calling on a student, on the other hand, is an important principle on the art of questioning THE TEACHER INCORPORATED MUSIC AND MUSICAL THEORY IN THE DISCUSSION TO GET THE ATTENTION OF AN ARTIST STUDENT WHO WAS BORED AND RESTLESS IN CLASS. WHICH TECHNIQUE DID THE TEACHER USE? Interest boosting Direct appeal Signal interference Songwriting lessons

An artist’s interest in the situation is taken into consideration to inject learning. Direct appeal is a teaching technique that verbally communicates request. Songwriting lessons are a specific lesson in music education but is not something that is emphasized in the question.

Signal interference is one type of class management to counter surfacing behaviorism.

WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING COULD LEAD TO THE REVOCATION OF A PROFESSIONAL LICENSE? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) Habitual use of drugs Unprofessional or immoral acts Willful failure to attend professional development activities prescribed by the Board and the Commission Failure to renew license Failure to renew license is not a ground for the revocation of a professional license. Any of the rest is ground for revocation. IN WHICH MORAL DEVELOPMENT STAGE A PERSON IS WHEN HE DOES NOT FOLLOW HIMSELF OR OTHERS, BUT RATHER THE COMPREHENSIVE EXISTING SYSTEM OF THE SOCIETY?

Universal Conventional Pre-operational Post conventional Correct Conventional stage is one wherein a person pleases by conforming to social roles and makes decision according to established rules and laws where one lives. NSTP (NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM) WAS MANDATED BY THE GOVERNMENT FOR LITERACY AND CIVIC WELFARE ACTIVITIES. IN THIS PROGRAM, IMMERSION OF STUDENTS IN COMMUNITIES ADHERES TO __________ LEARNING. simulation experiential experimental theoretical practical Correct EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING IS A LEARNING THEORY THAT EMPHASIZES LEARNING BY EXPERIENCE. THUS THIS IS IN LINE WITH THE QUESTION WHICH SPECIFIES COMMUNITY IMMERSION. In a frequency distribution, what is the width or size of the class interval whose true lower and upper limits are 15 and 28, respectively? 13 28 43 21.5 15 Correct Given the true limits or the boundaries, the class size or class width can be obtained by subtracting the lower value from the upper value.

Thus, the class size is 28 – 15 = 13. IS THE TEACHING OF RELIGION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS ALLOWED BY THE 1987 CONSTITUTION? Yes, provided it is done outside regular class hour. No, because of the doctrine of the separation of church and state. No, because religion is already included in the Values Education subject. Yes, provided it is only done once a week. Yes, provided that all world religions are given equal time and emphasis. Incorrect The 1987 Philippine Constitution allows the teaching of religion in public schools provided that it is optional, with the consent of the students and parents, and it should not intervene with regular class hours. WHICH INSTITUTIONS ARE PRIMARILY RESPONSIBLE FOR GUIDING STUDENTS? Home and community School and church

Home and school Home and church Correct GUIDANCE AS AN INEVITABLE PART OF THE HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD IS A DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY OF WHICH GROUPS? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) Home School Community Barangay Government Church Correct Only the home (parents) and the school (teachers and guidance counselors) are responsible for the child’s holistic development. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERIZE(S) A CHILD IN THE OEDIPAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT. I. The child simultaneously reacts as a rival to the parent of the same sex. II. It is observed in children from 4 to 6 years of age. III. The child gets emotionally attached to the parents of the opposite sex. I only I and III I and II II only II and III III only I, II and III Incorrect WITH REFERENCE TO PSYCHOMOTOR LEARNING, WHAT DOES A COACH’S REQUIREMENT THAT NEW PLAYERS WARM-UP FOR 5 TO 10 MINUTES DAILY THREE TIMES PER WEEK ILLUSTRATE? Skilled performance Distributed practice Mass practice Distributed skill Skill perfection Incorrect Five to 10 minutes of warm-up daily three times a week is considered distributed practice.

Skill perfection is of course the goal or aim. It can be achieved in two ways: (1) mass practice and (2) distributed practice. Mass practice is conducted once for a long duration to attain skill perfection while distributed practice is done many times but for short periods only to attain the same perfected skill. These are all conducted in a venue where skilled performance is intended or required. AFFECTIVE OBJECTIVES TYPICALLY TARGET AWARENESS AND GROWTH IN ATTITUDES, EMOTIONS, FEELINGS, AND _______.

obligations values intelligence skills Correct Affective always refers to behaviors, attitudes and values. What can you say about the following set scores: 20, 25, 25, 25, 34, 42, 42, 42, 50, 62, 65, 65, 65, 70? There is no district pattern Skewed to the left Bimodal Trimodal Correct Since there are three modes, namely 25, 42 and 65, the distribution of scores is trimodal. IF THE LEFT BRAIN IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE LANGUAGE PROCESSES AND THE ABILITY TO COMPREHEND BY USING AND UNDERSTANDING OR WRITTEN LANGUAGE, THEN THE LEFT BRAIN IS ASSOCIATED WITH WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS. Verbal, logical, intuitive Verbal, intuitive, detail-oriented Verbal, logical, detail-oriented Verbal, visual, intuitive Correct INSTRUCTIONAL DEVICES ARE SIGNIFICANT IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS. WHICH IS THE CORRECT SEQUENCING IN DECIDING/CHOOSING INSTRUCTIONAL DEVICES?

Cost Appropriateness III. Attractiveness I-II-III II-I-III II-III-I III-II-I Correct The choice of instructional devices must always be based on the instructional objectives. This establishes the material’s appropriateness. Cost may be a good category and the least significant aspect in the choice of materials is attractiveness. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXAMPLE OF LOW-PROFILE CLASSROOM TECHNIQUE? Sending a note to parents Sending the student to after-school detention Raising voice Making misbehaving student stand in front of the class until dismissal Withdrawing student privileges Correct

“Low Profile classroom control” refers to coping strategies used by effective teachers to stop misbehavior without disrupting the flow of the lesson. WHICH VISUAL MATERIAL DOES NOT BELONGS TO THE GROUP Charts Bulletin board Chalk board Posters Flash Cards Correct All the others choices present information for a long period. Facts and information on the chalkboard only last for a session or less. WHAT IS THE CONDITIONING PROCESS WHEREIN AN INDIVIDUAL’S RESPONSE WILL GRADUALLY DIMINISH IF THE ASSOCIATION IS NOT REINFORCED, THAT IS, THE UNCONDITIONED STIMULUS IS OMITTED REPEATEDLY? Generalization Acquisition Extinction Discrimination Correct WHICH ACTIVITY IS CHARACTERIZED BY FORMAL OPERATIONAL STAGE OF PIAGET’S THEORY? Activities that involve problems of classification and ordering Physical activities like games to develop their motor skills Activities with hypothesis testing Activities that involve physical violence Stimulating environment with enough objects to play with Correct The formal operational stage is characterized by hypothesis testing. Before drawing conclusions, things must be tested with logical pieces of evidences. Possibilities are considered to proceed systematically in search of truth. WITH REFERENCE TO PIAGET’S THEORY, WHAT SHOULD A TEACHER MAKE AVAILABLE TO CHILDREN WHO ARE IN THE CONCRETE OPERATIONAL STAGE? Activities with hypothesis testing Activities that involve problems of classification and ordering Physical activities like games to develop their motor skills Stimulating environment with enough objects to play with Activities that involve physical violence Correct In Piaget’s theory, concrete operational is characterized by the child’s ability to solve concrete problems in a logical manner. EXISTENTIALISTS SAY THAT EVERY PERSON IS IN THE SAME PREDICAMENT AND HAS THE SAME POSSIBILITIES. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Every person must have access to education. Every person must go through the same form of education Every person must go to a university. Every person must pursue higher education.

Every person must choose to got o a university. Incorrect Every person must have access to education. Existentialism is the development of the self. Every person who is in the same predicament must have the same opportunities and access to the same possibilities THE 1987 CONSTITUTION PRESCRIBED WHICH MEDIUM/MEDIA OF INSTRUCTION IN SCHOOLS? Filipino and English Filipino The vernacular English Filipino and Spanish Correct Article XIV of the Constitution, specifies that Filipino and, until otherwise provided by law, English as the official language of communication and instruction. WITH THE RAPID CHANGE IN THE DIFFERENT COGNATES OF LIFE AND WITH THE EDUCATION TREND OF KNOWLEDGE EXPLOSION, WHICH IS NECESSARY FOR DEVELOPMENT/LEARNING IN A STUDENT? Technological skill Lifelong learning skill Numeracy skill Reading literacy Correct Lifelong learning skills are inclusive of all the other skills that are necessary for the individual or the learner to gain enough to learn on his own. According to the revised Bloom’s cognitive domain taxonomy, the six levels of lesson outcomes are as follows (sort in proper sequence): Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Correct According to the revised Bloom’s taxonomy the sequence is as follows: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating.

By contrast, the original Bloom’s Taxonomy is presented as: (1) Knowledge, (2) Comprehension, (3) Application,

(4) Analysis, (5) Synthesis, and (6) Evaluation. Piaget who popularized Cognitive Theory mentioned its four stages namely: (arrange in their correct order) Sensorimotor Pre-operational Concrete Formal operational Correct The four stages of Cognitive Theory popularized by Piaget are: Sensorimotor Pre-operational Concrete Formal operational According to Piaget, which of the following is an attribute of a child aged three to five? Mischievous Egocentric Altruistic Lazy Hyperactive Correct Ages 3-5 are characterized by initiative and guilt. In Piaget’s theory, he presented this age as the egocentricism age. Teacher Robert prepared various learning activities in his ecology class. He employed different methods such as directions and maps,field trips, narratives and flow charts to meet learner’ different inclination. Which among the principles of learning did he consider? Multiple-intelligences theory Collaborative learning theory Cognitive learning theory Behavioral learning theory Correct The teacher would want to tap the students’ dominant intelligence by engaging students in different activities. The key phrase is “learners’ different inclinations”which denotes multiple intelligence. The Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) encourages the principle of “back-to-basics.” From which educational philosophy does this spring? Existentialism Essentialism Progressivism Perennialism Positivism Correct Essentialism believes that children should learn the traditional basic subjects and that these should be learned thoroughly and rigorously. Under which developmental stages is the average high school student categorized?

Adolescence and early childhood Pre-adolescence and adolescence Late childhood, pre-adolescence, adolescence Late childhood and pre-adolescence Correct With reference to Jung’s psychological theory, a shy student who prefers to be alone falls under which classification. Extrovert Introvert Paranoid Ambivert Correct Shyness and preferring to be alone are characteristics of introvert children. Who among the teachers described below is doing assessment? Dr. Asuncion, who is counting the scores obtained in a test. Mr. Gomez who is administering a test to her students. Mrs. Ramil, who is computing the grade of the students after completing all their requirements. Ms. Ponce, who is planning for remedial instruction after finding out that his students performed poorly in the test. Correct Mrs. Ramil, who is computing the grade of the students after completing all their requirements, is the one who is doing assessment.

Mr. Gomez is doing testing.

Dr. Asuncion is doing measurement.

Ms. Ponce is thinking about what to do after evaluation. Which of the following is a focus of developmentally appropriate type of schooling?

I.Typical developmental patterns of children II.Uniqueness of each child III.Direct instruction II and III I & II I only II only

I & III III only Incorrect For what purpose would a teacher use a standardized test? To compare his students against national norms To give a final examination To give a chapter test To give a quiz Correct A standardized test is not easy to prepare. The most likely reason for using such a test commensurate with the effort spent preparing it would be to compare the students against national norms. What skill does child lacks if there’s no understanding that the quantity, length or number of items is unrelated to the arrangement or appearance of the object or items? Concentration Intuition Conservation Reasoning Correct By which process do children become participating and functioning members of society. Assimilation Socialization Accommodation Acculturation Correct The focus of the question is on how member of a society acts and works within it. This is also known as socialization. Direct instruction : Facts, rules, and actions :: Indirects instruction :________ Hypotheses, data and conclusions Concepts, patterns and abstractions Guesses, data and conclusions Concepts, processes and conclusions Correct Concepts, patterns and abstractions are qualities and characteristics of indirect instruction which focuses in student involvement. Direct instructions, on the other hand, takes learners through the steps of learning systematically, helping them see both the purpose and the result of each step. All the other choices are characteristics of direct instruction.

Which technique makes use of symbols and signals to emphasize or communicate disapproval of or an inappropriate behavior? Signal interference Antiseptic bouncing Planned ignoring Proximity control

Incorrect Signal interference makes use of symbols and signals (eg, ”knitting eyebrows”) to emphasize or communicate disapproval of or an inappropriate behavior. Antiseptic bouncing is done by pulling out a student from the classroom when a teacher notices that the student is becoming agitated, before inappropriate behavior occurs. Proximity control means a teacher tries to be a very mean to child who exhibits inappropriate behavior. Planned ignoring is described as ignoring minor irritants, which is believed to be a good intervention strategy. With reference to Gray, which is the FOURTH and LAST of the Four Steps of the Reading Process? Reaction Comprehension Integration Perception Incorrect Gray’s model of reading process has specified the following steps: 1. Perception (of what the word is)

2. Comprehension (since some words that are not known to the reader visually, may be successfully comprehended when presented in meaningful context) 3. Reaction and 4. Integration (which Gray called synthesis) Vygotsky claimed that social interaction is important for learning. What is the implication? Children learn from adults and other children. Since they are not capable of interaction, children I the crib has no learning yet. Children learn well through passive presentation of information. Children are independent problem solvers. Correct Which technique allowed a teacher to find out that her students are quite weak in organizing and integrating concepts? Semantic webbing Simulation Game Brainstorming Correct A semantic web describes the relationship between things. A simulation is an imitation of some real thing or process but may not presents relationships. A game is a teaching/instructional activity for cognitive development. Brainstorming, on the other hand, is an activity that can extract many ideas but may not present relationships.

Which development stage is characterized by rapid growth and change? Middle adulthood Early childhood Infancy Adolescence Incorrect Which of the following is the culmination of a goal-oriented instruction? Performing the activities Writing the objectives Evaluating Planning the activities Identifying the topics Incorrect Culmination means end. In the design of instruction, identifying the topics, writing the objectives and planning the activities are activities at the beginning or near the beginning. The last part is evaluating. According to __________ children learn language easily because each one of us has a Language Acquisition Device which gears us to acquire language. Gardner Piaget Watson Chomsky Correct Language Acquisition Device was espoused by Noam Chomsky. Collaborative learning is also known as _______. interdisciplinary learning peer instruction holistic learning modern learning cooperative learning Incorrect Collaborative learning is a situation in which two or more people learn or attempt to learn something together which prompts the concept of cooperation. What asserted that, as children move into the world of school, they gain a sense of industry by getting recognized for achievements but may acquire a sense of inadequacy and inferiority as well? Erikson Maslow Gardner Kohlberg Correct This condition is exemplified when a group of people believe that the culture of another group of people is superior to them. Cultural relativity Ethnocentrism Xenocentrism

Cultural conflict Colonial mentality Incorrect Xenocentrism is the preference for the products, styles, or ideas of someone else’s culture rather than of one’s own. It is not to be confused with Colonial Mentality which is a conceptual theory around feelings of inferiority within some societies relative to the values of the foreign powers which they became aware of through the contact period of colonization. Source: Wikipedia A/An _______________ gives an indication if the item is able to discriminate between lower group and the upper group. low reliability index negative discrimination index item's discrimination index positive discrimination index (all of these) (none of these) Correct What is the main framework of RA 9155 or the “Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001”? Values Education Mainstreaming Accountability and authority Bilingual Education Student Empowerment Incorrect RA 9155 promotes authority and accountability of school heads in the actual management of the school. RA 9155 anchors school-based management, which is the employment of school heads. With reference to Dale’s Cone of Experience, which activity is closest to the real thing? Attending an exhibit Watching a demonstration Hearing Viewing images Correct Dale’s Cone of Experience is an intuitive model of the concreteness of various audio-visual media. Verbal symbols is the lowest. Watching a demonstration is the highest. When a person steals something from another, he is held accountable for his action and is punished by society accordingly. This is because man is said to have: instinct no other choice reason or choice a spirit morality Correct To have reason or choice. Man is said to be endowed with reason or choice making him accountable for whatever action he undertakes in his lifetime.

RA 9155 which promotes authority and accountability of school heads in the actual management of the school is otherwise known as: the “Empowerment of Basic Education Act of 2001” the “Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001” the “Governance of Advanced Education Act of 2001” the “Modernization of Basic Education Act of 2001” the “Governance of Secondary Education Act of 2001” Correct According to Freud, the primary motivation for human behavior is sexual in nature. But for Erikson, it is _______ in nature. intellectual emotional social biological Correct As a teacher, what should you engage in if you want to interlink new lesson and previous to provide the theory of continuity? Administering a short quiz Review past lesson Summarizing the lesson Giving a homework Conduct graded recitation Correct The major purpose of the review session is to connect the previous lesson to the new lesson, which is the emphasis of the problem. Engaging students to work on activities and take active part in the learning exercise is the emphasis of which pedagogical adage? Form over substance What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand. Learning is filling the empty mind Learning is arrived at because of environment Correct “What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.” This adage emphasizes the use of hands-on activities and active participation to foster learning in a child. __________ is an instructional method that presumes all children can learn if they are provided with the appropriate leaning conditions. Questioning method Mastery method Indirect Method Morrison method Mastery learning Direct method Correct NSTP was mandated by the government for literacy and civic welfare activities. In this program, immersion of students in communities adheres to experiential learning. NSTP stands for: New Service Training Program

National Service Technical Program New Students Training Program National Service Training Program National Studies Training Program Correct The Constitution highlights the importance of providing a system of free public education in the elementary and high school levels. Why is such a provision necessary? The elementary and high school levels provide the foundation for life functions and roles No one goes to college without passing the elementary and high school levels Elementary and high school provide formal education A few people cannot afford private schools Correct The elementary and high school levels provide the foundation for life functions and roles. UNESCO’s thrust, which is also advocated by the Philippine system of education is to provide each citizen with lifelong learning skills. Who gave the advice, “If given the power, you ought to govern your subjects with moral power”? Lee Kwan Yew Confucius Lao Tzu Mencius Mao Tse Tung Correct Which technique is most appropriate if a teacher wants to help her students identify and reflect on their values? Value clarification Value inculcation Value organization Value analysis Correct Value clarification is a technique for encouraging students to relate their thoughts and their feelings and thus enrich their awareness of their own values. A standardized test is typically given by a teacher as a chapter test. True or false? True False Correct A standardized test is not easy to prepare. The most likely reason for using such a test commensurate with the effort spent preparing it would be to compare the students against national norms. Which theory is illustrated here?:

A father gives his son a toy every time the boy cleans his room. After some time, the boy cleaned his room regularly in anticipation of a toy. Classical conditioning Pavlonian conditioning

Operant conditioning Associative learning Incorrect The situation here is presented as an interrelation of an action (cleaning the room) and reward/response (father is giving the boy a toy). This can be categorized as operant conditioning. Which one serves as the culmination of task analysis? Instructional objectives Learning goals Behavioral objectives Teacher objectives Incorrect Task analysis is done early in the planning process. Ideally, the culminating task for a unit would be developed as part of the backwards planning process. This means that the end goal is to establish the learning goal on which the instructional or behavioral objectives are aligned. Which teacher believes that children must be helped to confront their freedom and assist them in their personal journey? Reconstructionist Existentialist Idealist Progressivist Pessimist Correct An existentialist teacher believes that the children must be helped to confront their freedom and assist them in their personal journey.

An idealist teacher believes that the child should focus on learning ideas.

A reconstructionist teacher believes in making the child use what he learn to make a better society.

A progressivist teacher believes in the natural development of children. Median is the value below which we can find 50 percent of all the scores. True or false? True False Incorrect The median is also sometimes referred to as the 50th percentile. When a student gives a correct answer or has displayed a good behavior, which will NOT be a positive verbal praise? “Good job!” “Excellent!”

“Fantastic!” “Very good indeed.” “Disgusting.” Correct “Disgusting” is a negative verbal praise not suited to a displayed good behavior Which of the following is Not necessary for counseling to be successful? Guaranteed confidentiality Buddy-buddy relation between counselor and student Student's willingness to participate Professionalism Correct Professionalism, confidentiality and student’s willingness are key ingredients of successful counseling. According to Erikson, which conflict involves reaching out beyond one’s own immediate concerns to embrace the welfare of the society and the condition in which individual is preoccupied with their material possessions? Integrity vs. despair Generativity vs. stagnation Industry vs. despondency Generativity vs. isolation Intimacy vs. isolation Incorrect According to Erikson’s psychological stages of human development, specifically during the middle adulthood, the person is in the Generativity vs. Stagnation stage wherein the focus is on embracing the welfare of the society and of future generations. If the teacher understands development as product of maturation and learning, then the teacher shows __________. fairness when giving grades or school marks patience when dealing with slower ones creativity in classroom strategies or tasks cheerfulness and enthusiasm when discussing Correct Who asserted that the most basic needs in the hierarchy of needs must be met to motivate people into learning? Erikson Maslow Kohlberg Rogers Correct What learning does a 2 years old acquire when he/she manifests attachment theory by developing strong emotional ties with people they associate people they associate with? Consider other's views Distinguish between right and wrong Socialize Distinguish sex differences Correct Which of the following would a teacher engaged in major task analysis do?

Determine if learning reached higher level Breakdown a complex task into simple subtasks Find out the level of thinking involved Revise the objectives and activities Correct Task analysis is focused on dealing with the whole by dealing with each of the parts. With reference to Gray, which is the THIRD of the Four Steps of the Reading Process? Perception Reaction Comprehension Integration Correct Gray’s model of reading process has specified the following steps: 1. Perception (of what the word is)

2. Comprehension (since some words that are not known to the reader visually, may be successfully comprehended when presented in meaningful context) 3. Reaction and 4. Integration (which Gray called synthesis) All of the following prevent teachers and students from searching for the truth and finding it EXCEPT: a mask an open mind a bias a defense a mindset Correct In the process of acquiring truth, it is best to be open in mind and other faculties. Which of the following is the basis for the following statements:?

Behavior followed by pleasant consequences is strengthened and is more likely to occur in the future. On the other hand, behavior followed by unpleasant consequences is weakened and is less likely to be repeated in the future. Bandura's Social Learning Theory B.F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning Theory Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory Thorndike's Law of effect Correct The situation exhibits an action-response process which is an attribute of B.F. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning theory.

Which of the following is NOT a function of a teacher’s summary? Brings together the information presented Makes possible the full participation of students Links the parts of the lesson Clinches the basic ideas of the lesson Correct A summary is meant to provide a holistic presentation of the different topic and activities in the lesson. Full participation of students should have been achieved before the teacher presents her/his summary. In writing performance, which among the following is called the behavior? ….7 out of 10 words correctly At the end of the lesson… …group the animals into… Using a periodic table ... Correct “…group the animals into…” is an example of a behavior. “…7 out of 10 words correctly” is an example of a criterion. “Using a periodic table…” is an example of a condition. “At the end of the lesson…” is an example of a preliminary to a lesson objective. An effective teacher has “eyes at the back of her head,” which means that she __________. is aware of everything that happens inside her classroom. stares at her students from head to toe when she is angry. looks intently at her students. maintains eye contract with students. Correct “Eyes at the back of her head” is an idiomatic expression which means that the teacher is aware of whatever activities are happening in her class. Off-task behavior is appropriately managed through the following EXCEPT _______. Signal interference Proximity control Stopping the class from doing the task to correct a child who is not doing the assigned task Antiseptic bouncing Correct All the other choices are classroom management styles that are appropriate in management of students who display off-task behavior. What value formation activity involves students in the process of breaking a complex topic into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it? Moral development Value inculcation Value clarification Analysis Incorrect In a positively skewed distribution: Mean > Median

True False Correct In a positively skewed distribution, the Mean is ALWAYS larger than the Median, According to plato, ______ is the best form of government. Democracy Tyranny Aristocracy Oligarchy Timocracy Incorrect Plato (in The Republic) listed five forms of government from best to worst: 1. Aristocracy (the ruler is a philosopher) 2. Timocracy (ruled by warriors) 3. Oligarchy (rich men rule) 4. Democracy (people choose the ruler) 5. Tyranny(rule by fear). In light of the advances in technology, which literacy is as fundamental as the 3Rs? Right conduct Rational thinking Social literacy Computer literacy Functional literacy Incorrect The 3Rs are reading, writing, and arithmetic. The fourth one being referred to here is computer literacy, which is also technology and information literacy. The process of thinking about thinking is known as: metacognition critical thinking higher-order thinking thinking out loud creative thinking Correct Metacognition is a cognitive process known as thinking of thinking. The following are characteristics of dynamic punishment EXCEPT being _______. fair ruthless appropriate relative Correct A teacher makes her students feel they are accepted for who they are. This teacher is exercising what type of power? Expert power Referent power Loco parentis Reward power Absolute power

Incorrect Design of curriculum also emphasizes individual differences. Which characteristics of curriculum design relates to this? Learning competencies at the minimum are included Some degree of flexibility in all teaching-learning components is provided Various teaching strategies are employed Realistic and meaningful experiences are provided Correct Accordingly, the question is focused on a curriculum that could at least satisfy individual needs. This means that the best choice is the one that could pose flexibility. Which measure of central tendency is best to use when extreme scores are present? Mode Median Mean (Any of these) (None of these) Range Correct Median is the most suitable measure of central tendency when extreme scores are involved. School today must teach _______ to attend in changing needs and knowledge explosion. skills how to learn facts concepts values Correct A teacher, after discovering that a student who complained about the computation of the final grade was right, still stuck to the erroneous computation for fear of losing credibility. Is this decision acceptable? No, the reason for not admitting the error before the students is flimsy. No, the end does not justify the means. Yes, the teacher must maintain her credibility at all times. It depends on whether the erroneous computation is substantial or not. Yes, the end justifies the means. Correct The end does not justify the means. Although the intention of the teacher is to maintain her reputable image, the means to her goal is not morally upright. There is an inconsistency in the intent/goal and the process. During the American occupation, who served as teachers to the Filipinos before the Thomasites arrived in the Philippines? Government officials Selected elementary grade school graduates Graduates of the Teacher's Certificate Program of a normal school American soldiers Correct When American won over the Spaniards, the soldiers became the first teachers of the Filipinos. What is the range of the following two groups of scores?

Group A: 4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5 Group B: 9,8,7,5,4,5,6,7,7,1 4 and 5 4 and 1 1 and 8 5 and 9 4.4 and 5.9 Correct The RANGE is the difference between the lowest and highest values. Therefore, for Group A: Range = 5-4=1 for Group B: Range = 9-1=8 A research showed that more boys are underachievers in school than girls. What could be an explanation? Generally, girls are more diligent than boys. Generally, boys are more easily discouraged than girls. In general, boys are less intelligent than girls. In general, girls are naturally more intelligent than boys. Generally, boys are more diligent than girls. Correct Generally, girls are more diligent than boys. By nature, boys are very active and playful compared to girls. On whose theory is computer-assisted instruction based. Watson Skinner Bruner Piaget Incorrect CAI software presents learning by having students engage and be rewarded in terms of quick assessment. This qualifies under (stimulus-response) that is a popular attribute of operant conditioning by B.F Skinner. Which refers to motivation that comes from within the individual instead of from the outside? Achievement Affiliation Extrinsic Intrinsic Correct Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exist within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure. In which situation/instance does the teacher instill effective discipline in students? When appropriate behavior is displayed due to teacher's presence. When students show concern for one another. When children are rewarded for good behavior. When punishment is highly emphasized in a managing skill. Correct

Display of good behavior in this choice is intrinsically motivated. All the rest of the choices are good examples of behaviorism in which the display of an acceptable behavior is dependent on an outside factor. Instructional devices are significant in the teaching and learning process. Arrange the correct sequence of deciding/choosing instructional devices. Appropriateness Cost Attractiveness Correct The choice of instructional devices must always be based on the instructional objectives. This establishes the material’s appropriateness. Cost may be a good category and the least significant aspect in the choice of materials is attractiveness. If students are involved in the formulation of class rules, which of the following is promoted? Autocratic atmosphere Sense of belongingness Peer system Diminishing of teacher authority Correct Student participation in rule-making is a gesture to establish a “sense of belongingness.” A quiz is a type of placement test. True or false? False True Correct By definition, a quiz is a formative test, not a placement test. Which theory holds that a teacher should consider both internal and external factors that affect the behavior of the student? This would supposedly help her understand the learner and provide more effective ways to help him learn. Skinner's operant conditioning theory Gestalt theory Lewin's Field theory Pavlov's conditioning theory Incorrect Lewin’s Field Theory expounds on the cognitive development of the child taking into consideration both internal and external factors that affect student behavior. Range is the value below which we can find 50 percent of all the scores. True or false? False True Correct The Median – not the Range – is the value below which we can find 50 percent of all the scores.

On the other hand, the Range, in its simplest definition, is the difference between the highest score and the lowest score.

The following are Gagne’s nine instructional events: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Gain attention, Inform learners of objectives, Stimulates recall of prior learning, Present the content, Provide learning guidance, Elicit performance (practice), Provide feedback, Assess performance, and Enhance retention and transfer to the job.

__________ is a learning strategy that promotes student involvement. Questioning method Mastery learning Indirect Method Direct method Morrison method Mastery method A teacher is teaching a student how to open a word processor. She might give her some reward for switching on the computer, another for logging into the operating system, and then for starting the word processor application. What do you call this technique? Fading Chaining Reinforcement Conditioning Proximity control means a teacher tries to be a very mean to child who exhibits inappropriate behavior. Planned ignoring is described as ignoring minor irritants, which is believed to be a good intervention strategy. Antiseptic bouncing is done by pulling out a student from the classroom when a teacher notices that the student is becoming agitated, before inappropriate behavior occurs. Signal interference makes use of symbols and signals (eg, ”knitting eyebrows”) to emphasize or communicate disapproval of or an inappropriate behavior. Legitimate Power - Inform her students that she is allowed to act in loco parentis. Reward Power - Make her students realize the importance of good grades. Expert Power - Make her students feel she has mastery of subject matter. Make her students feel they are accepted for who they are Reward power—Students learn quickly that teachers can give them rewards such as bonus points, extra credit, or other forms of positive feedback. Students do what the teacher asks or tells them to do because they are motivated to get these rewards. Coercive power—Students also learn that teachers can punish. There may be penalties for late papers or unexcused absence. In this case, students respond to the teacher’s power because they want to avoid these kinds of punishments. Legitimate power—Students expect teachers to have some authority over them. Teachers determine what students will study, what assignments they will complete, and what standards they must reach in

order to pass and do well. If students accept these agreed-upon definitions of a teacher’s role, they will acquiesce to the teacher’s direction. Referent power—Students do the teacher’s bidding because students admire the teacher. Because students identify with the teacher and have positive regard for him or her, they willingly do as the teacher says. Expert power—This power comes from the teacher’s knowledge of content and/or expertise as an educator. Students are willing to do as the teacher says because they recognize that the teacher knows more than they do. Which principle in cognitive development is used by a teacher when she asks her students to describe how people they know celebrate Christmas in order to realize that people celebrate Christmas differently? Social interaction is important for cognitive development Children think in different ways at different ages. Cognitive development involves relating new information to previous knowledge. Children actively construct their knowledge.. Which service is designed to gather reliable data on students? These data are kept in the guidance center and are helpful when the students come to their counselor for counseling or advise. Individual inventory services Counseling service Placement service Research service Accordingly, indirect instruction is based on the constructivism framework that focuses on the learners. It centers on the idea that learning should be “done by the learners.” Individualized teaching is one form of learner-centered. Pedagogy-centered instructions are not the foci of indirect instruction. They are better associated with essentialism and perennialism frameworks. Task analysis is done early in the planning process. Ideally, the culminating task for a unit would be developed as part of the backwards planning process. This means that the end goal is to establish the learning goal on which the instructional or behavioral objectives are aligned. Who asserted the innate goodness of the individual? Mencius Confucius Lao Tzu Lao Tzu Lee Kwan Yew Given an export or import graph, a teacher posts questions such as, what happens to export when import declines? Which particular skill is the teacher deducing from the students? Analyzing Generalizing Synthesizing Interpolating Incorrect The answer is D– Generalizing. Generalizing means gathering and summarizing all data to form a new set of knowledge. It is meant to extract from student deductive reasoning based from input already provided.

Interpolation is a method of constructing new data pointing within the range of a discrete set of known data points. Analysis means breaking the whole into parts to be able to extract meaning. Finally, systhesizing is limited to summaring. Which question would a constructivist teacher use to unlock pupils’ prior knowledge about the digestive system? What are the different organs involved in digestion? What do you know about digestion? Why do you think our stomach aches if we skip meals? Do you know how the food we eat get digested? Incorrect Asking “Why do you think our stomach aches if we skip meals?” would foster an interactive discussion since it is posted as a conceptual, divergent and HOTS question.The other choices are factual questions which promote less interaction. Which aim of the government’s educational program is attained with the introduction of the Accreditation and Equivalency Test for adults and out-of-school youths? Quality and relevance Quality Relevance Equitable access Some psychologists were for waiting until the child is ”ready” but one believed that a child can be prepared by developing the pre-requisite skills in an interesting and meaningful way. Who was this person? Ebbinghaus Gagne Bruner Kohler Incorrect Ebbinghaus was the proponent of the first series of research on human memory. Gagne presented the conditions of learning which are the basis of Bruner’s theory of instruction, which include among its principles the concepts of “readiness.” All of the following are functions of the right hemisphere of the brain EXCEPT __________. nonverbal function detail-oriented function intuitive function visual function Incorrect Right-brained people are believed to be artistic. Thus, they are nonverbal, visual, and intuitive in nature. Thus the exception among the choices is “detail-oriented function” which goes with a left-brained person. Which principle of association states that ideas, memories, and experiences are linked when one has frequent experiences with the other. Similarity Contiguity Contrast Philosophy

Left-brain (cognitive/logical): language, logic, critical thinking, numbers and reasoning. Right-brain (affective/intuitive): music, reading emotion, color, images, intuition, creativity. According to plato, ______ is a bad form of government. Democracy Aristocracy Timocracy Tyranny Oligarchy Incorrect Plato (in The Republic) listed five forms of government from best to worst: 1. Aristocracy (the ruler is a philosopher) 2. Timocracy (ruled by warriors) 3. Oligarchy (rich men rule) 4. Democracy (people choose the ruler) 5. Tyranny(rule by fear). Semantic web emphasizes relationship of terms but there is no focus on hierarchy. A series of events chart is used when trying to do chronological sequencing. Venn diagram, on the other hand is better used when establishing comparisons. A concept map is ideal for establishing a relationship between important facts as well as focus hierarchy. Concepts, patterns and abstractions are qualities and characteristics of indirect instruction which focuses in student involvement. Direct instructions, on the other hand, takes learners through the steps of learning systematically, helping them see both the purpose and the result of each step. All the other choices are characteristics of direct instruction.

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