Prof Ed Set 2 for Catalyst

March 10, 2017 | Author: LetCatalyst | Category: N/A
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PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 2 1. The directress of the school demanded that teachers should encourage their students to go beyond simple recall and comprehension; instead she said that students should “think about thinking”. If the teachers will follow the directress instruction, the students will develop their skills. A. Drill skills B. Metacognitive skills C. Hypothesis skills D. Cognitive skills 2. To show disapproval to the misbehaviour of the student, teacher clears his throat and looks intently at the erring student. This classroom management style is commonly known as: A. Direct appeal C. Dropping of name B. B. Signal interference D. Proximity control 3. The teacher feels that he is somebody who lives in an “ivory tower”. This “I thou” relationship between student and teacher is shown by: A. Prejudice towards the poor C. Teacher is pretending he knows everything B. Exercising favouritism D. Respect towards each other 4. It refers to the science of developing a plan to attain goal and to guard against undesirable results: A. Teaching device C. Method of teaching B. Strategy of teaching D. Technique of teaching 5. Teacher Lexy would like to compare & contrast plant cell vs animal cell. She would most likely use: A. KWL chart C. Venn diagram B. Tree diagram D. Fishbone diagram 6. Under the ‘learning to do’, which of the following instrument must be acquired so that a person can perform his work effectively? A. Compromise B. Insight C. Competence D. Communication 7. What do you think would be the action of a teacher who found out and has proven that his principal is involved in the malversation of funds of their school? A. Ignore what the teacher has discovered about his action of the principal

B. Circulate these issues and let it become a gossip C. Present the charge to a competent authority D. Malign her through an anonymous letter 8. Teacher Maria is a new teacher. She realizes that handling her student’s misbehaviour is a very demanding aspect of class management. In this regard, she thought of giving up teaching. What advice can you give her? A. Report every student’s misbehaviour to the principal B. Agree with the class on what rules to follow C. Set the ground rules for the whole class D. None of the above 9. Teacher is an advocate of “banking concept in education”, he or she viewed student as: A. Dormant account to be activated by the teacher B. Wobble account to be balanced by the teacher C. Clear account to be filled up by the teacher D. All of the above 10. During the distribution of the report card, which of the following must be the foremost concern of a teacher? A. Discuss the complaints of the teachers & classmates of the students B. Discuss the progress as well as the deficiencies of the student C. Discuss the unsettled bill of the students D. Discuss the project of the school 11. Which of the following will best describe the purpose of holistic education? A. To prepare the students to meet the challenges of schooling and society B. To prepare the student to meet the challenges of living and schooling C. To prepare the students to meet the challenges of living and society D. All of the above 12. After finishing the degree in Education, Teacher Liza learns that learning never stops. In fact, she accumulates more knowledge after leaving the portal of her Alma Mater. This typifies what kind of philosophy? A. Existentialism B. Perennialism C. Essentialism D. Progressivism 13. During the class reunion of Teacher Jinky, she learned that most of her classmates are successful in their fields. Also, she

found out that most of them are wealthy because they have chosen a lucrative profession. Confronted with this situation, how should Teacher Jinky react? A. Leave the event so as to avoid being asked on her profession B. Answer not the question concerning the profession C. Tell with pride that she is a teacher by profession D. Hide to those asked her real profession 14. Ms. Valerio is always reminded by the principal that she has a foremost responsibility as a teacher. Given the following, which do you think is the main responsibility of Ms. Valerio? A. Asks challenging questions C. Guides student in learning process B. Shares responsibility in counselling D. Inspires students through interesting lessons 15. What refers to the document published by the school district that identifies rules of behaviour that must be followed by anyone using the school districts computers, network or internet connection? A. Acceptable use policy C. Ethical use policy B. Fair use D. Classroom rules 16. Teacher Jane is assigned to handle a multi-grade class. What instructional material must be used to provide the needs of each grade? A. Differentiated materials C. Materials of high level thinking skills B. Colourful, useful and durable materials D. Multisensory materials 17. “Technology is not a panacea.” What does the statement mean? A. Technology will always be a remedy in the learning process of the students B. Technology is not an important factor in the teaching and learning process C. Technology is the answer to all the problems of the teacher D. Technology is not a cure-all tool for the teacher 18. Teacher Donna wants her students to express their opinions regarding a certain government issue. Which of the following can she use to do this? A. Email C. Forum B. Blog D. Group messaging system

19. In the Basic Education Curriculum in 2002, MAKABAYAN was envisioned to be? A. The History of life C. The tool for the 21st century B. The combined subject D. The laboratory of life 20. Dr. Conchita, the provincial hospital director, plans to attend the school board meeting where a new high school science curriculum will be discussed. Which level of curriculum is shown in this situation? A. Societal B. Experiential C. Instructional D. Institutional 21. When instruction in the curriculum focuses on the mastery of the content and the evaluation that follows measures only the knowledge learned, such curriculum design is: A. Culture – centered design C. Learner - centered design B. Subject - centered design D. Problem - centered design 22. Which important elements must be considered in Curriculum Development according to Ralph Tyler? I. Learners III. Environment II. Society IV. Subject matter A. I, II and IV B. I, III and IV C. II, III and IV D. I, II and III 23. When certain topics are presented in the elementary in a manner appropriate to grade schoolers and the same is tackled in the high school, but on such a deeper level, this is referred to as A. Discipline-based curriculum C. Classified curriculum B. Core curriculum D. Spiral curriculum 24. The criterion of success of teacher in his lesson is that “the students must be able to get 85 % of the test items correctly”. Mario and 29 other students in the class answered only 33 out of 40 items correctly. This means that teacher: A. Attained his lesson objective B. Did not attain his lesson objective because his students lack of attention C. Did not attain his lesson objective as far as the 30 students are concerned D. Attained his lesson objective because of his effective problem solving drills 25. Teacher Missy gave a test at the end of a lesson to find out if the objectives of her

lesson have been attained. This can be classified as: A. Criterion referenced C. Diagnostic assessment B. Norm-referenced D. Placement assessment

31. This view of education promotes that education started from primitive people particularly those of the tribe: A. Creationist B. Evolutionist C. Progressivist D. Culturalist

26. A teacher constructed a matching type test item. In her column of descriptions are combinations of presidents, current issues and sports. Which rule of constructing a matching type test item was NOT followed? A. Arrange the options according to order B. Description must be homogeneous C. Options must be greater than the descriptions D. Description must be heterogeneous

32. This is a phenomenon in Psychology wherein students perform better than other students simply because they were expected to do so: A. With-it-ness effect C. John Henry effect B. Hawthorne effect D. Rosenthal effect

27. Sam’s raw score in Mathematics class is 94 which equal to 97th percentile. What does this mean? A. 97 % of Sam’s classmates got a score higher than 94 B. 97 % of Sam’s classmates got a score lower than 94 C. Sam’s score is less than 97 % of his classmates D. Sam’s score is higher than 3% of his classmates 28. A portfolio assessment requires a presentation of a collection of student’s work. What is the purpose of the said activity? I. To showcase the current abilities and skills of the learners II. To show growth and development of the learners III.

To evaluate the cumulative achievement of the learners A. I, II and III B. I and II C. II and III D. I and III 29. Teacher Riza found out that more from the lower group got item #16 correctly in his item analysis. This means that the test item has: A. Low validity C. Negative discriminating power B. High reliability D. Positive discriminating power 30. The analysis of variance utilizing the F-test is the appropriate significance test to run between: A. Median C. Two means only B. Frequencies D. Three or more means

33. Who among the following advocated that we face a specific psychosocial dilemma at each stage of life? A. Sigmund Freud C. Lawrence Kohlberg B. James Coleman D. Erik Erikson 34. How can parents foster initiative and independence in children? A. Restricting a child’s freedom to play, to use imagination and to choose activities B. Encouragement from parents when a child plans and carries out a task C. Helping children develop their identity D. Mastering psychomotor skills 35. When a child manifest selective mutism, self-destructive behaviour and echolalia, the child might be showing the symptoms of: A. Anorexia nervosa B. Dyslexia C. Autism D. ADHD 36. Zyra is encouraged by her parents to ask questions, and allow her to choose activities she will find enjoyable and worthwhile. If this will continue, Erikson believes that Zyra will achieve: A. Identity B. Initiative C. Industry D. Generativity 37. What is the best thing to do when somebody you know is dying? A. Keep your visits short and infrequent in order to avoid tiring that person B. Avoid disturbing that person by not mentioning death C. Allow that person to talk about death with you D. Tell that person about the stages of dying

38. Students were required to stay and live with a family of Aetas in Zambales for a week. They will do this to study the lifestyle of the ethnic group and come up with a report about the particular group. The teacher will most probably rely on what technique? A. Practicum technique C. Apprenticeship technique B. Laboratory technique D. Field study technique 39. Teacher Don invited several experts to shed light on the topic of environmental protection. Teacher Don is using the technique known as: A. Interview C. Panel discussion B. Symposium D. Socialized classroom discussion 40. To improve comprehension and retention among the students, the teacher’s best option would be to use: A. Contextual clues C. Autodidactic activities B. SQ3R D. Six thinking hats

41. Edward de Bono is famous for this instructional innovation: A. Understanding by designs C. Seven habits of highly effective people B. Graphic organizer D. Six thinking hats 42. Which is the highest level of reading comprehension? A. Critical evaluation C. Literal comprehension B. Integration D. Critical comprehension 43. After listening to the homily of the priest about fidelity, Dina has a moment of reflection. Her understanding of the value of fidelity has become deeper as she related this to her past experience. This typifies which of the following? A. Humanism B. Constructivism C. Existentialism D. Behaviorism 44. Which of the following would best describe the role of schools? A. To educate the citizens C. To educate the citizens to change the society B. To fit the citizens into the society D. All of the above

45. How will you classify the purpose of the school as it concerns with the training and preparation of citizens for the world of work? A. Social purposes C. Cognitive purposes B. Political purposes D. Economic purposes 46. What practice(s) will demonstrate the teacher’s genuine concern on the learning of students? A. Guides students to meet their learning goals B. Confer progress of students to their parents C. Validates it learning goals were met D. All of the above 47. With the use of computer aided software, which can be used to organize information about trees and planets? A. Database B. Desktop publishing C. Word processing D. Spreadsheet 48. Ms Rosie has been in the service longer than anyone else in her department. However, she is also the first person to resist in media utilization in the classroom. What is the main reason of her resistance? A. Limited skills to use the new equipment C. Lack of interest in computers B. Limited access to computers D. Lack of administrative support 49. As a teacher employing the project-based multimedia learning strategy, what are some limitations teachers expect from the encounter? I. There is a need for extending the time to use several media II. The presentation of the product is not easy task III.

The technology skills to produce a product may be lacking A. I, II and III B. III only C. I and II only D. I only

50. Ms. Montez dreams to organize a seminar with a known poet from another country but she cannot afford to spend for the transportation of the said poet. Which of the following can she use so she won’t need to spend much?

A. Podcasting B. Instant messaging C. Video conferencing D. Blogging 51. Teacher Yolly wants her students to learn more English. Especially she wants her students to improve her listening skills. She has a cd player, tape recorded and an internet connection. Which of the following is best for her students? A. Internet websites such as Go4English language listening lab B. Tapes with English listening drills C. CDs with English listening drills D. All of the above 52. Curriculum is defined as the total learning experiences of the children in school. Which part of the curriculum will assure these experiences? A. Curriculum assessment C. Curriculum implementation B. Curriculum plan D. Curriculum evaluation 53. Every curriculum has this dimension. This both unplanned and implicit but its instructional effects are often evident curriculum in the students’ behaviour, values and dispositions. This dimension is referred to as: A. Hidden curriculum C. Taught curriculum B. Written curriculum D. Supported curriculum

A. Essay C. Multiple-choice answer B. Completion type D. Matching type 58. What is the meaning of TOS in the parlance of test construction? A. Table of specifications C. Table of specific test B. Table of specifies D. Table of subject 59. To increase the difficulty of a multiplechoice test item, which of the following should be done? A. Make it grammatically correct C. Make the options equal in length B. Make the stem short and clear D. Make the options homogeneous 60. Which statement is NOT true about recitation? A. It is a form of discussion C. Possible questions given B. It is announced D. Call a student before giving question 61. When choosing an instructional aid or device, the primary consideration of the teacher would be: A. Efficiency B. Cost C. Suitability D. Availability

54. The understanding by design curriculum approach, the first consideration is about A. Desired results C. Teaching strategies B. Testing knowledge D. Learning experiences

62. Teacher Lizzie would most likely end her goal-oriented lesson by: A. Evaluation C. Formulation of objectives B. Identification of topics D. Planning of activities

55. Who are considered community-based stakeholders in curriculum development? A. School boards C. Professional organizations B. Industry groups D. Civic groups

63. A ‘crisis of urgency’ and the ‘attainment of stability’ according to Gould are characteristic of: A. Early adulthood C. Late adulthood B. Late adolescence D. Middle adulthood

56. Teacher Arvy wants to establish the reliability of his test in Science. Which of the following will he accomplish? I. Administer a parallel test II. Split the test III. Construct a variety of items IV.

Administer the same test twice A. I, II and III B. I, II, and IV C. I and II D. I and IV 57. Teacher Mara wants to test her student’s ability to formulate ideas. Which type of test should she formulate?

64. When a person’s moral choices are determined by the direct consequences of actions, he is most like in the stage of: A. Pre-operational B. Preconventional C. Conventional D. Post conventional 65. Which of the following is the common life stage among Ana, Alma and Amy? A. Infancy B. Old age C. Late adolescence D. Later adulthood

66. Gino, a four year old boy has a problem of occasional bedwetting. We can advise his parents to: A. Punish him for “wet” nights B. Consider medication or psychotherapy C. Wake him up during the night to use the toilet D. Limit the amount of water he drinks in the evening 67. Which statement best describes a negatively skewed score distribution? A. The value of median is higher than the value of mode B. The value of mode corresponds to a low score C. Most examinees got low scores D. Most examinees got high scores 68. Life stages are important according to Erikson because: A. Their failure to appear is evidence of psycopathology B. Each signal a new stage of cognitive development C. Each is an expression of biological programming D. Each involves a crisis or dilemma

69. What are the characteristics of a good assessment instrument? I. Objectivity III. Practicality and Efficiency II. A. I, II, and IV

Validity IV. Reliability B. I, II and III C. I, II, III and IV D.

II and IV 70. Which of the following choices is considered as social force that affects the school and the curriculum? A. Nature of knowledge C. Learner’s characteristics B. Learner’s styles D. Changes in gender roles 71. Ms. Hernandez will be absent for 2 days because of national conference. She wants her students to work on a certain module. What is the fastest way of sending the module to her students while she is away? A. Message each of the students on a social networking site B. Send the module through group instant messaging C. Share it to all her students in her live account D. Email the module to her students

72. Which of the computer-based instructional tool can help you revise written work such as short stories and essays? A. Spreadsheet C. Desktop publishing B. Word processing D. Database 73. Teacher Krissy is a neophyte teacher. One time a mother of one of her students confronted her and maligned her in front of her colleagues. How should Teacher Krissy react on this kind of situation? A. Wait until the emotion of the mother subsides and invite her to discuss the concern with the principal B. Allow the mother to keep on maligning Teacher Rea until her turn to do the same in front of the students C. Answer back the mother and malign her too D. Walk away, ignore the mother and report to the principal 74. Which of the following is the political purpose of the school A. To teach the basic cognitive skills B. To prepare every citizen for the world of work C. To foster patriotism and loyalty to the country D. To familiarize every citizen of their various function in the society 75. Which of the following is a mark of a good teacher? A. Has the capability to implement corporal punishment B. Has the habit of preparing for visual aids C. Has the mastery of lesson D. Has the control of the class

76. The students of Teacher Lorelie feel that their teacher has an “eyes at the back of her head”. This characteristic of the teacher is known as: A. With-it-ness C. Ripple effect B. Referent power D. Domino effect 77. Teacher should allow his or her student to create the rules inside the classroom to develop a sense of: A. Ownership B. Discipline C. Self-control D. Leadership 78. To show the social relations that exist among the fourth year students of Mataas Elementary School, the teacher can use:

A. Sociogram B. Counselling C. Group dynamics D. Johari Window 79. Yourick, a three year old boy lacks the ability to control his bowel. He could be suffering from? A. Analism B. Encopresis C. Anorexia nervosa D. Enuresis 80. The teacher started his lesson about “addition of similar fraction” by giving a general rule on how to add similar fraction then eventually gives examples. His teaching technique is known as: A. Outlining B. Inductive C. Deductive D. Transductive 81. What is one advantage of using the project method in science teaching? A. It requires students to present in concrete form how a principle works B. It requires assistance of experts on the subject C. It develops high-level thinking and learning D. It tests the students’ manipulative skill 82. A teacher earns the title of “professional” if she/he is adjudged knowledgeable, proficient in a variety of teaching methodologies and exhibits a high degree of a third component of competence which is/are: A. Mastery of content C. A high degree of dexterity B. Fairness and Objectivity D. Ethical and Moral standards 83. When a teacher practices professional ethics, which of the following he is NOT likely to do? A. Engages in gossips B. Respects his superiors C. Maintains cordial relationship with his colleagues D. Shares an outstanding outcome of undertaking with others 84. How can a teacher enhance his/her questioning techniques for an effective teacher-students interaction? A. Extend wait time until the students responds B. You may answer your own question if no one can C. Allow sufficient “think time” at least seven to ten seconds D. Immediately call another student in case one cannot answer 85. Which type of student commonly neglect?



A. Slow learner C. Frequent absentee B. Average D. Genius 86. Instructional objectives in the affective domain includes receiving, responding, valuing and the highest level is: A. Acceptance or preference C. Characterization of value system B. Sequence or feeling of satisfaction D. Selective attention or willingness to receive 87. Journal written by students at the completion of a day’s lesson will reveal which information that can serve as a guide in planning the next lesson? I. Part of lesson well understood or not II. Topics most interesting III. Difficulties experienced IV.

A. I, II and III

Emotional state throughout B. I and III only C. II and IV only D.

II only 88. Which questioning technique would be appropriate for inductive lessons? A. A teacher will not ask any questions B. Questioning only the more motivated students C. Using questions requiring only memory response D. Activity involving students in the questioning process 89. The following are characteristics of good teaching/learning practice EXCEPT A. Life-like situations introduced as learning experiences in classroom B. Students are given more opportunities to act or experience learning C. Evaluation is made an integral part of teaching procedures D. People have different Intelligence Quotient (I.Q) level 90. Which is the LEAST valuable way for a teacher to present a new lesson? A. Provide an explanation on the importance of the subject B. Explore some of existing interest by the learner C. Hand out a step-by-step outline of the lesson D. Develop an overview of the subject 91. To accomplish many good activities in a particular class period, the teacher must

A. Use an expensive material C. Provide unique teaching aids B. Institute a systematic plan D. Additional curricular activity 92. One way to encourage a student who lacks interest in reading, to love reading is to A. Isolate him C. Ask the parents to buy books B. Provide reading materials D. Reprimand him 93. Which of the following situations would indicate that you, as a teacher, had been effective in instilling discipline among your students? A. Students behave because an award awaits them B. Students have developed concern for each other C. Your presence results in their being behave D. Fear and fright resulting in good behavior

A. Intelligence

B. Potentials C. Emotions D. Interest

99. Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins. Which of the following statements/principles therefore is very good? A. Intelligence hinges in physical structure B. Intelligence is determined partly by pre-natal nutrition C. Environment affects both fraternal and identical twins D. Heredity has a part in determining physical appearance 100. Which of the following is the best time for a teacher to set up routine activities that will contribute to effective classroom management? A. As soon as the students have established & adjusted their schedules B. Daily at the start of the sessions C. On the very first day of school D. During each homeroom day

94. It is measurement of personality w/c is the result by dividing mental age by the chronological age. A. Forecasted behaviour quotient C. Emotional Quotient B. Intelligence Quotient D. Multiple Intelligence

101. What kind of strategy does teacher employ when she recasts what is said in order to be understood by a student? A. Learning strategy C. Decoding strategy B. Questioning strategy D. Communication strategy

95. In problem solving, which of these strategies best reflects the principle, “how students learn maybe more important than what they learn”? A. Determining the givens and constraints in the problem B. Solving the problem within the given time limit C. Knowing steps to take to solve the problem D. Arriving at the right answers

102. How can a teacher avoid “breakdown and interruptions” in daily class procedures? A. Establish routine for daily tasks B. Punish the misbehaving student C. Assign a leader to assist everyone D. Allow student to make their own regulation 103. Which guidelines should be followed to ensure the effective use of the discovery approach? A. Do not accept trial and error attempts B. Assign them the plan attacking their own problem C. Make sure all instructional materials are available D. Let students find answer to problems by themselves

96. What is the learner said to possess when he can use language with ease and effect in any given situation? A. High cognitive skills C. Communicative competence B. Bilingual ability D. A photograph memory 97. Which of these techniques is best suited to developing skill in asking and answering questions? A. Riddles B. Interviews C. Song analysis D. Pictorial review 98. Which of the following will trigger additional development of a child exposed to more challenges and stimuli in his surroundings?

104. Studies in the area of neuroscience disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity. What does this imply? A. Every child is a potential genius B. Some pupils are admitted not capable of learning C. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they have learned everything D. Every pupils has his own native ability, his learning is limited to this ability

105. On which policy is R.A. 4670 known as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers focused? A. To promote and improve the social and economic status B. Recruitment shall take place after training C. Code of ethics for professional teachers D. Right to establish or join organizations 106. Happiness is different from pleasure in being an abiding consequence of result which is not destroyed even by the presence of pain. The best illustration of this principle is: A. A mother giving birth C. An engaged couple getting married B. A student topping the board exam D. A jackpot winner collecting his prize 107. Two of your students dropped out from school without notifying the adviser and each went to the province. The supply officer wants you to pay the unreturned books. What should you do? A. Let your students contribute money to pay for the books B. Pay for the books so that you will be cleared C. Talk to the principal regarding this matter D. Refer this matter to the PTA president 108. A co-teacher had been gossiping with other teachers about your husband’s/wife’s illicit affair with another teacher. What will you do? A. Talk to your husband/wife C. Confront him/her to stop spreading word B. Gossip about that co-teacher D. Ignore him/her 109. The government prescribes a higher percentage on the administration of educational institutions to the Filipino citizens in order to: A. Ensure the teaching of Filipino C. Minimize the unemployment problem B. Protect the rights of the citizens D. Produce globally competitive graduates 110. What are the sources of one’s educational philosophy? I. People and kinds of relationship II. School and teachers in them III.

Socio cultural environment

A. I, II and III

b. I and II only c. II and III only d. I

and III only 111. Which of the following abilities is stressed by humanistic education? A. Enjoy the great works of man such as the classics B. Learn the different philosophy “know thyself” C. Make man distinctly civilized, educated and refined D. Develop man into a thinking individual 112. Parents negatively react on play in children’s curriculum. A teacher who knows the importance of play would tell the parents that: A. Playing is a good form of exercise B. Playing is a stage of child’s development C. Playing makes learning a pleasurable experience D. Playing is important in the child’s cognitive development 113. Which of the following situations will manage conflict that will bring out values of nationhood? A. Ambush interviews of politicians B. Distributing lands to land less tenants C. Filipino models posing nude to advertisers D. Celebrating the centennial of independence 114. How can a teacher develop the value of timeliness such as punctuality and maximal utilization of time? A. Avoid disruptions due to improper behaviour B. Rush if you are getting late for the right time C. Consistently follow schedule for classroom routine D. Have a big clock installed in the classroom for everyone guidance 115. The use of TV and film brings to the classroom “live broadcast” of world events as they happen. What are the other advantages of using it? The students are provided: I. Exciting sights and sounds II. Close up view of big events III. Most believable new source A. I, II and III B. I and III only C. I and II only D. II and III only 116. While serving during the elections, some trouble makers enter your precinct. What do you think is the most appropriate thing to do?

A. Challenge them to a duel C. Ignore them and look for a safe place B. Close the precinct and go home D. Seek the assistance of law enforcers 117. If the teacher encounters a student who is reluctant to attend classes, the teacher should ____to encourage him to go to class regularly. A. Scold him C. Report the matter to the principal B. Praise the student sincerely D. Discuss the matter with the parents

118. What might be done to create a favourable teaching and learning atmosphere in class? A. Allow student to do as they please B. Insists on quiet and focused attention at all times C. Discourage questions and dissenting opinions from students D. Encourage participation in challenging but achievable activities 119. The most important contribution of the Gestalt psychology to the theories of learning: A. Cognitive insight C. Concept of readiness in learning B. Importance of reinforcement D. Use of the multimedia approaches 120. Young children have a short attention and interest span. What kinds of tasks should the teacher give them? A. Long but easy and interesting activities C. Short, varied and interesting activities B. Easy and difficult activities D. Challenging and interesting activities 121. Which of the following tells you what happen based on one’s schema and observation? A. Predicting B. Observing C. Experimenting D. Describing 122. Education is a life-long process. This simply means that education: A. May take place anywhere & anytime the individual so desires

B. May take place formally or informally to enable the individual to grow C. Is a continuous process of experiencing an re-organizing experiences D. Takes place in the school where individual is exposed to specific, selfcontained experiences 123. Which of the following will you recommend to a senior high school scholar who is impregnated by a fellow student? A. Direct her to an abortion clinic C. Tell the parents about the condition B. Force her boyfriend to marry her D. Stop schooling till after she gave birth 124. The best way for a teacher to impart values to his pupils is: A. Constant repetition of actions to make them routinary B. Inflicting corporal punishment C. Acting as a role model D. Always scolding this pupil 125. Which of the following is an important duty of a teacher? A. Soliciting contributions C. Safekeeping of the school properties B. Evaluating the students’ progress D. Building relationships with the students 126. A teacher who subscribes to the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that experience should follow learning. In her teaching, she therefore exert efforts in: A. Requiring learners to fully mastery of the lesson B. Aiding the learning to memorize factual knowledge C. Equipping learning with the basic abilities and skills D. Providing learners opportunities to apply theories and principles 127. A parent talks with you about his son’s low grades. He showed you his quizzes, unit test and projects. You discovered that his name is Mel and you wrongfully put his name on the girls list. What will you do? A. Recognize your mistake and promise to correct the same in the second grading B. Insists that you are right in grading him C. Refer the matter to the principal D. Ignore the complain

128. Basic education includes secondary education. Which of the following led to the establishment of the secondary school? A. Formation B. Idealism C. Humanistic D. Realistic 129. A police officer informs you that there has been a case of stealing within the vicinity of the school. He asks you for the names of some clients you believe might have been involved. Which of the following will you do? A. Provide him the names of likely suspects B. Ask him to seek permission from the principal C. Remind the police officer of confidentiality of information D. Promise him that you will ask information about this crime 130. Respect for honest differences opinions in one objective of: A. Self actualization C. Economic self sufficiency B. Human relationship D. Civic responsibility


131. What teaching method helps the learners draw generalization from a discipline with the end of applying the same to similar situations in the future? A. Discovery approach C. Conceptual approach B. Process approach D. Problem-solving approach 132. The non-verbal symbols used maximize learning are referred to as? A. Instructional devices C. Field trips B. Classroom techniques D. Educational media


133. Orderly procedure covering psychological processes of learning and management through which learning is employed by the teacher A. Style of teaching C. Teaching approaches B. Teaching strategies D. Methods of teaching 134. Free public elementary and secondary education is in the line with the government’s effort to address educational problems of? A. Relevance and quality C. Effectiveness and efficiency B. Access and equity D. Productivity

135. When students are given a chance to settle different opinions of discussion, they develop A. sociability B. fair play C. tolerance D. irritants

136. Which of the following is NOT a developmental principle? A. Numerous studies show how individuals develop B. Development follows an orderly, predictable sequence C. Early development is more critical than later development D. Presence of social expectations in early developmental stage 137. Should a teacher involve her/his students in planning the instructional objectives before starting a lesson? A. No, with cognitive objectives at the start, irrelevant questions are formulated B. Yes, with shared objectives, they become self-motivated C. Yes, they will give a tip on what questions to ask D. No, they will not be ready for it at the beginning 138. Parents and teachers are considered as authorities and model by children at the early childhood stage. What does this statement imply? A. Teacher and parents should serve as role models at all times B. Parent-teacher conference should always be an activity in school C. Parents should enforce strict discipline a home and teachers in school D. Teachers should demand complete obedience from the learner in school 139. While you are teaching, the principal, who is observing your class, stands up and takes over in teaching the student. What will you do? A. Assert your rights politely to the principal as the classroom teacher after the class B. Just let her take over. Anyway, she is the principal C. Refer this to the higher authority D. Report this to the media 140. A student collapsed in her class. It was found out that she did not eat her lunch. What principle is shown in this evaluation? A. Security need C. Psychological need B. Safety need D. Physiological need

141. You have a student who is always boasting in the class his master of the Bible because he is a protestant. How would you react being a Catholic? A. Challenge him to a debate C. Share with him your knowledge of the Bible B. Keep silent and respect his belief D. Listen to him once in a while

142. Four important tasks confront the teacher in dealing with the diagnosis and remediation of hand writing problems. The least important of these is: A. That the teachers seek to prevent children from having poor habits B. That the teachers seek to make the conversion to cursive writing whenever the child is emotionally and physically ready. C. That the teacher seeks to motivate each child to his highest level so that he realizes the importance of good handwriting. D. That the teacher seeks to diagnose the children’s deficiencies and use whatever facilities are available in order to correct poor habits.

143. Which of the following statement is/are important in developing rubrics? I. Description of each criteria to serve as standard II. Very clear descriptions of performance in each level. III. Rating scale IV. Mastery levels of achievement A. I only B. I and II C. I, II III and IV D. I, II and III 144. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group when we are talking about projective personality test? A. Word association test C. Sentence completion test B. Interview D. Thematic apperception test 145. Which of the following can measure awareness of values? A. Rating scales C. Projective technique B. Role playing D. Moral dilemma

146. Why should negative words be avoided in constructing multiple choice tests? A. It might be overlooked C. Increase the difficulty of the item B. It makes the stem longer D. More difficult to construct 147. Teacher M conducted a test in Science, in her item 1 it is said to be nondiscriminating. What can be said about this item? I. Teaching and learning is very effective II. The item is very easy all students got the correct answer III. The items is very difficult, only few got the correct answer A. I only B. II only C. II and III D. I and II 148. All statements below are best practices of preparing multiple choice test items, EXCEPT A. Use the stem as short as possible B. Stem should be stated in positive form C. Underline words or phrase in the stem that give emphasis D. Shorten the stem so that alternative can be written longer 149. Which of the following statements is true about bell-shaped curve distribution? A. Most of the scores are low C. There are more low scores than high score B. The scores are normally distributed D. There are more high scores than low scores 150. The environment is greatly abused which is why schools emphasize the teaching of environmental protection and care. Which is the best practice among the following? A. Focus the curriculum on environment B. Promote environmental drive in the school thru co-curricular activities C. Integrate sustainable development on the curriculum D. Sustainable development is not within the grasp of students.

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