Prof Ed (Let Reviewer)
January 15, 2017 | Author: Hanna Grace Honrade | Category: N/A
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PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Questions and Answers 1. Used as medium of instruction during Spanish- SPANISH 2. Government program allow students who are not accommodated in community public school. To enroll in private school- GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (GAP) 3. CHED– Study Now Pay Later 4. Integrated Approach in both secondry and primary level-BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM (BEC) 5. 1980s foremost education issue – BILINGUAL EDUCATION 6. Support equal access but on the other hand quality might be compromised- OPEN ADMISSION 7. The government education program on _______ made Philippine education Placement Test for adults and out of school youth.EQUITABLE ACCESS DEVELOPMENT 8. College students are required to take a constitution course for them to- DEVELOP STUDENTS INTO RESPONSIBLE AND THINKING STUDENT 9. Education institution effort of developing work skills include the schools are aim at- DEVELOPING VOCATIONAL EFFICIECY 10. Seek out a classmate for help when problem occursINTERPERSONAL INTELEGENCE 11. Dysfunctional family- EMOTIONAL FACTOR 12. Child who is cold towards the people around him might have failed to attain- TRUST 13. Philippine Education during Spanish regime – EMPHASIS ON RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION 14. Uttered a bad word– DISTINGUISHING RIGHT FROM WRONG 15. Boy closer and girl closer- PHALLIC STAGE 16. Objective of the continuous progression scheme in the elementary 1970-71.- MASS PROMOTION 17. Fullest/ highest- SELF ACTUALIZATION 18. First American Teacher- THOMASITES 19. Reward – REINFORCEMENT 20. PRC (LET)- RA 7836
4 Pillars of Education LEARNING TO KNOW- acquiring the instruments of understanding. LEARNING TO DO- be able to act creatively in one's environment. LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER- to participate in and cooperate with other people in all human activities. LEARNING TO BE- to better one's personality and to act with ever greater autonomy, judgement and personal responsibility.
Essentialism o Acquire basic knowledge, common body of knowledge o Excellence in education o Student centered o 4R's (Reading , Writing, Arithmetic, Right Conduct) Proponent: William Bagley Existentialism o Freedom of choice o Individual Differences o Unique individual o Awareness of consequences Proponent: Jean Paul Sartre Perrenialism o Education are changeless- Humanistic o Educate the rational person o Back to basics o Cultural literacy o Great work of civilization o Develops the ability to think deeply o Student – centered Proponent: Robert Hutchins Progressivism o Always in the process of development o Teaching using real life situation o Relevant curriculum, humanistic education, radical school reform o Growth o Learning by doing Proponent: John Dewey Idealism o Unified reality with God o Morally and mentally upright o Mind o Anything what is in your mind (absolute value) Proponent: Plato
Realism o Based on natural law o Lecture method and memorization o Logical and abstract thinking o Objects exist independently of the mind Proponent: Aristotle Pragmatism o Always changing o Interaction of individual with environment o Essence of idea comes from the consequence of it’s practice/test o Practical / Beneficial Proponent: John Dewey, William James, Rousseau Reconstructivism o Reconstruct society o Improvement o Change and social reform / social change o Awareness of societal needs and problems Proponent: Pragmatism, Teodore, Brameld Behaviorism o Back to basics o Stimulus response to teaching o Modification and shaping of students behavior Proponent: John Watson Rationalism – to enable to think for themselves Naturalism – nature is the aggregate of physical objects Constructivism – creating new idea connecting (old-new) Humanism – loving one self
SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR “ISMS” PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION (SOCIAL DIMENSIONS) 1. The Philippine Elementary School Curriculum gives greater emphasis on the development of basic skills like reading, writing, and arithmetic. What is the philosophical basis for this? A. Pragmatism C. Essentialism B. Perennialism D. Existentialism RATIONALIZATION: C. Essentialism. Essentialism - is an educational theory rooted in classical realism and idealism which advocates curricular reform stressing the essentials of the basics like the 3R's. Pragmatism- is regarded as an American philosophy whose various forms advocate experimentalism, instrumentalism, functionalism, and practicalism and their curricular offerings imply a wide range of subject areas. Pereninialism- is a traditional educational theory that puts premium on eternal truth as contained in the "Great Books". Existentialism - personalizes knowledge to the individual. The person chooses the knowledge that he deems is relevant to his process of becoming to realize his essence. 2. Teacher H asks one of her students, “What do you want to become when you grow up?” This question is an indication of what kind of philosophy? A. Progressivism C. Existentialism B. Naturalism D. Idealism RATIONALIZATION: D - Idealism. Idealism is the answer because it stresses the existence of ideas independent from the material world. Ideas that which exist in the mind are the only reality. 3. Teacher X has not only explained the concept of Philosophy of Education but also imparted this to her students. This demonstrates what kind of philosophy? A. Naturalism C. Realism B. Idealism D. Perennialism
RATIONALIZATION: C - Realism. Realism concerns with what is real, actual. For ideas to be realized, they must be transferred or demonstrated. 4. In his class, Teacher M always presents principles and values so as to encourage his students to examine them and decide for themselves whether to accept them or not. What kind of philosophy does he practice? A. Idealism C. Humanism B. Essentialism D. Existentialism RATIONALIZATION: D - Existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes subjectivity, freedom and responsibility. 5. When a teacher emphasizes that man’s sense should be trusted because they are the only way to acquire knowledge, the teacher can be regarded as . A. Naturalist C. Empiricist B. Realist D. Pragmatist RATIONALIZATION: C -Empiricism. Empiricism upholds that the only source of knowledge is the senses and sense-based experience. 6. Teacher K views her pupils as unique, free choosing, and responsible individuals. She plans activities where the pupil can develop his unique personality. What theory underlies this nature of the pupil? A. Realism C. Existentialism B. Essentialism D. Progressivism RATIONALIZATION: C. Existentialism. Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of self hood whose fundamental doctrine proclaims man’s freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny. In this case, emphasis is given on the students rather than on the curriculum content. 7. "Learning is the process of retrieving prior learning", this is a statement from _. A. Constructivist C. Progressivist B. Reconstructivist D. Empiricist
RATIONALIZATION: A. Constructivist. As defined, Constructivism is a philosophy of learning which asserts that reality does not exist outside of the human conceptions. It is the individual that construct reality by reflecting on his own experience and gives meaning to it. It is founded on the premise that by reflecting on our own experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world we live in. Therefore, learning is simply the process of adjusting our mental modes to accommodate new experiences. 8. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not the highest good. Teacher's teaching is against what philosophy? A. Realism C. Epicureanism B. Hedonism D. Empiricism RATIONALIZATION: B. Hedonism. Epicureanism is just a form of Hedonism. Hedonism is the general, Epicureanism is the specific. Always select the general answer. 9. After listening to the homily of the Priest about fidelity, Catherine has a moment of reflection. Her understanding of the value of fidelity has become deeper as she related this to her past experience. This typifies what kind of philosophy? A. Constructivism C. Humanism B. Reconstructivism D. Existentialism RATIONALIZATION: A. Constructivism. Constructivism is a philosophy of learning which asserts that reality does not exist outside the human conceptions. It is the individual who construct reality by reflecting on his own experience and gives meaning to it. 10. After studying the Principle of Identity, Teacher W asks her students to determine which among the given set of problems conforms to the said identity. This shows that Teacher W upholds what kind of Philosophy? A. Perennialism C. Essentialism B. Progressivism D. Naturalism RATIONALIZATION: B. Progressivism. Progressivism is a philosophy of learning by doing things.
11. Thea listened to the advice given by her sister to end the relationship that she has with Gilbert. However, her sister learned that the advice she has given was not followed and Thea decided to continue the relationship. This action of Thea is a manifestation of what kind of philosophy? A. Essentialism C. Perennialism B. Existentialism D. Humanism RATIONALIZATION: B. Existentialism. Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of selfhood and proclaims man’s freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny. 12. After finishing the degree in Education, Teacher M learns that learning never stops. In fact, she accumulates more knowledge after leaving the portal of her alma mater. This typifies what kind of philosophy? A. Constructivism C. Progressivism B. Perennialism D. Humanism RATIONALIZATION: C. Progressivism. Progressivism connotes change, growth and development. It is an active form of philosophy for it continues to evolve. 13. Matilda is an advocate of the principle “making the most of your life”. She is indeed an advocate of what kind of philosophy? A. Humanism C. Realism B. Perennialism D. Existentialism RATIONALIZATION: A. Humanism. Humanism is a philosophy that stresses to “live life to the fullest”. 14. Teacher X is a very dedicated teacher in the nursery. Her foremost concern is for students to learn how to adapt themselves in the environment. This shows that Teacher X upholds what kind of philosophy? A. Naturalism C. Progressivism B. Pragmatism D. Rationalism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Naturalism. Naturalism aims to unfold the child’s potential, not to prepare him for a definite vocation or social position but to prepare him to adapt to the changing times and needs. 15. Teacher J serves as an inspiration to his students because of his efficiency and effectiveness as a teacher. The mind set of his students towards him/her is an instance of what kind of philosophy? A. Realism C. Nationalism B. Idealism D. Constructivism RATIONALIZATION: B. Idealism. Idealism is a philosophy which asserts that what’s in the mind is the only reality. In this situation, the teacher inspires his/her students through the values that he/she possessed. Values are absolute are told to belong in realm of ideas. Hence, these are considered as ideas that exist only in the mind. 16. John learns well through active interplay with others. His learning increases when engaged in activities that has meaning in him. Which philosophy can describe this? A. Progressivism C. Realism B. Idealism D. Empiricism RATIONALIZATION: A. Progressivism. Progressivism is a philosophy of hands of learning or experiential learning. “Learning by doing”. Learning is based from the questions of one’s experience of the world. Hence, it is the learner himself who thinks, solves, and gives meaning through his individual experiences. 17. Your teacher is of the opinion that the world and everything in it are ever changing and so teaches you the skill to cope with the changes. Which in his governing philosophy? A. Experimentalism C. Idealism B. Existentialism D. Realism RATIONALIZATION: A. Experimentalism. Experimentalism believes that things are constantly changing. It is based on the view that reality is what works right now and that goodness comes from
group decisions. As a result, schools exist to discover and expand the society we live in. Students study social experiences and solve problems. 18. Principal C shares this thought with his teachers: "Subject matter should help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions." From which philosophy is this thought based? / Teacher V teaches her students to appreciate themselves as unique individuals and are to accept the responsibility to their feelings, actions and thoughts. She upholds the philosophy of . A. Perennialism C. Existentialism B. Essentialism D. Progressivism RATIONALIZATION: C. Existentialism. Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of selfhood and proclaims man’s freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny. 19. Teacher H class is engage in problem solving activity which in a way is a reflection of the personal and social experiences. The purpose of this activity is for the students to acquire the skills that can help them in solving their own real-life problems. What philosophy can best describe this? A. Realism C. Progressivism B. Idealism D. Existentialism RATIONALIZATION: C. Progressivism. Progressivism connotes growth and development. In this manner learning comes best when things are being experienced, that is learning by doing things. It involves participation of the students and allows them to exercise freedom. 20. In the Social Science class of Teacher G, students identify the various social and economic problems that require urgent solutions. They not only discuss the ways to address it but also agreed to participate in solving them. What kind of philosophy
does this class uphold? A. Naturalism C. Progressivism B. Constructivism D. Reconstructivism RATIONALIZATION: D. Reconstructivism. Reconstructivism covers the underlying factors that constitute reality or society. In this regard, students are encourage to become involved in the problems whether political, social, or economical that confront the society and be able to arrive at solutions in order to reconstruct society. 21. A curriculum should only include those that have survived the test of time and combine the symbols of literature, history, and mathematics. Thus, curriculum like this contains values that are constant and universal. What philosophy describes this kind of curriculum? A. Idealism C. Humanism B. Perennialism D. Essentialism RATIONALIZATION: B. Perennialism. Perennialism maintains that education involves confronting the problems and questions that have challenged people over the centuries. Thus there is a need to study classical tradition of great books. 22. Who among the following puts more emphasis on core requirements, longer school day, longer academic year and more challenging textbooks? A. Perennialist C. Progressivist B. Essentialist D. Existentialist RATIONALIZATION: B. Essentialist. Essentialism is an educational theory rooted in classical realism and idealism which advocates curricular reform stressing the essentials of the basics like the 3R's. 23. “Education is a continuous process of experiencing and of visiting or reorganizing experiences “according to a Progressivist. What does it mean? A. Education begins and ends in school. B. Education takes place anytime and anywhere. C. Education
happens formally and informally. D. Education goes on throughout life. RATIONALIZATION: D. Education goes on throughout life. Progressivism connotes growth and development. It is an active form of philosophy for it continues to evolve. 24. Mr. Cruz exemplifies an ideal teacher and son. He is competent in his field based on the various recognitions that he received from his school. As a dutiful son, he assumes all the responsibilities of raising his family (this includes his parents, siblings, and their own families) – giving all their needs and wants. The fulfilment of these is the neglect of the responsibilities to himself. This attitude of Mr. Cruz is against what kind of philosophy? A. Existentialism C. Pragmatism B. Constructivism D. Humanism RATIONALIZATION: D. Humanism. Humanism stresses personal culture, individual freedom, and development (the best way towards full and rich lives). 25. Teacher R ensures to put a certain amount of his monthly earnings in the bank. At the end of the school year, he used all his savings in visiting places rich of cultural heritages rather than of buying expensive clothes, jewellery, and latest gadgets. Favoring the former action over the latter exhibits that Teacher R follows what kind of philosophy? A. Existentialism C. Behaviorism B. Essentialism D. Progressivism RATIONALIZATION: A. Existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophy that gives a person the freedom to choose. It is a philosophy of subjectivity. 26. Teacher R ensures to put a certain amount of his monthly earnings in the bank. At the end of the school year, he used all his savings in visiting places rich of cultural heritages rather than of buying expensive clothes, jewellery, and latest gadgets. This shows that Teacher R is an advocate of what kind of philosophy?
A. Pragmatism C. Naturalism B. Perennialism D. Essentialism RATIONALIZATION: B. Perennialism. Perennialism views education as a recurring process based on eternal truths. Good education involves a search for and understanding of truth which can all be found in the great works of civilization. 27. Teacher X rates the art work of her students not just on the merit of its appeal to the senses but also considers its uniqueness and the responsibility that every student has given in accomplishing the task. This practice shows how Teacher X upholds this kind of philosophy: A. Realism C. Idealism B. Reconstructivism D. Existentialism RATIONALIZATION: D. Existentialism. Conceives philosophy as something that is felt by an individual because it’s concrete in itself or based on what is concrete. There is also personal involvement in this kind of philosophy. 28. In line with the philosophy of Reconstructivism, which of the following should be given emphasis in teaching? A. To seek a better position in the society B. To compare oneself with the less fortunate C. To become economically self-reliant D. To designate one’s superiority over the others RATIONALIZATION: C. To become economically self-reliant. Reconstructivism aims to achieve social changes. This is a philosophy that entails the identification of social problems, finding solutions for this and be a part of the solution. 29. Joining organizations or clubs in school is requisite to granting of academic distinction under DECS Order No. 65, s. 1998. This shows school community connection reflected in activities geared towards society's needs. What philosophy is related to this? / Activities planned by school clubs or organizations show school-community connection geared towards society's needs. What philosophy is related to
this? A. Realism C. Existentialism B. Progressivism D. Reconstructivism RATIONALIZATION: D. Reconstructivism. Reconstructivism aims to achieve social changes. This is a philosophy that entails the identification of social problems, finding solutions for this and be a part of the solution. 30. Increase of time allotment in English, Math and Science in the Elementary level under the New Elementary School Curriculum (NESC) as provided in DECS Order No. 1, s. 1993 contributes in the culturation of basic literacy by providing the needed essential skills. The related philosophy is . A. Realism C. Idealism B. Essentialism D. Perennialism RATIONALIZATION: B. Essentialism. Essentialism is an educational theory rooted in classical realism and idealism which advocates curricular reform stressing the essentials of the basics like the 3R's. 31. Teacher A believes that the learner is the product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice. He/she is determined by his environment. A. Rationalist C. Existentialist B. Behaviorist D. Progressivist RATIONALIZATION: B. Behaviorist. A behaviourist believes that human behaviour can be best explained in terms of responses to external stimuli. Also, education can be best achieved by modifying or changing student behaviours in a socially acceptable manner through the arrangement of the conditions for learning. The control is obtained not by manipulating the individual, but the environment. 32. The curriculum is viewed as a means of developing desirable habits. It is recommended that the way /means to form these habits is through the mastery of organized subject matter. Which philosophy is behind this educational view?
A. Naturalism C. Realism B. Idealism D. Pragmatism RATIONALIZATION: C. Realism. This educative process is viewed mainly as the transmission of information and knowledge. The curriculum has the function of forming the body and this interrelationship gives rise to the dictum "sound mind in a sound body." 33. Teachers in school perform the role and responsibility of parents in the development and education of the child. This stems from the belief that the home is the primary agency in the education of the individual. Thus, teachers are regarded as surrogate parents along the loco parentis principle. Which philosophy espouses this view of education? A. Pragmatism C. Idealism B. Naturalism D. Realism RATIONALIZATION: B. Naturalism - the school is seen as the extension of home and teachers are deemed "surrogate parents". 34. This philosophy believes that students need a passionate encounter with the positive and negative phases of life like the joy and agony of love, desirability of life, the inevitability of death, the anguish of freedom and the consequences of choices and actions. Which philosophy advocates this view in education? A. Existentialism C. Essentialism B. Perennialism D. Realism RATIONALIZATION: A. Existentialism - it is a modern school of thought that grew out of the thoughts of European philosophers , particularly from Soren Kierkegaard, who believes that the central problem humanity is facing is the ability to cope with its existence.
MOTIVATION- consisting of 3 interrelated components: personal goals, personal agency beliefs, and emotions.
a. INTRINSIC MOTIVATION- refers to the desire of students themselves to learn in order to achieve specific objectives. b. EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION- marks, prizes and other tangible rewards characterize What Causes Motivation? A. Humanistic Psychology and Motivation One of the Maslow's 1987 most famous concepts is that of selfactualization, or the use of one's abilities to the limit of one's potentialities. Growth towards self-actualization requires satisfaction of a hierarchy of needs. 1. Physiological Needs 2. Safety Needs 3. Love and Belongingness Needs 4. Esteem Needs 5. Need for Self-Actualization B. Cognitive Psychology and Motivation Attribution Theory and Motivation Attribution theory rests on 3 basic assumptioms. a. 1st, people want to know the causes their own and others' behavior, particularly of behavior that is important to them. b. 2nd, they do not randomly assign causes to their behavoir.
CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT 1. Which is NOT a provision for the development of each learner in a good curriculum? a. Extensive arrangements are made for the educational diagnosis of individual learners. b. Self-directed, independent study is encouraged wherever possible and advisable. c. Self-motivation and self-evaluation are stimulated and emphasized throughout the learning opportunities of the school. d. The program provides a wide range of opportunities for individuals with same abilities, needs, and interests.
Analysis: Option D is CORRECT. Notice the word NOT in the question above. This entails that the answer to the question is a provision or activity which does not promote the development of each learner. While option D mentions of a program which provides a wide range of opportunities for individuals, it only focuses on individuals with the same level of abilities, needs and interest. It fails to consider individual differences. Option A is INCORRECT. The provision of extensive educational diagnosis of learners will really help address the specific needs of children. Options B and C are INCORRECT. Self-directed, independent study and self-motivation and evaluation highlight the ability of children to construct and direct their own learning. These enable them to develop their potential to the fullest. 2. Teacher Lily would like to take a part in developing a subjectcentered curriculum because she believes that all subjects in this type of curriculum are geared towards the holistic development of the learner. Is her belief about the subject-centered curriculum true? a. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum focuses on the learners needs, interests and abilities. b. No, because it is the experience-centered curriculum emphasizes the teaching of facts and knowledge for future use. c. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum involves cooperative control. d. No, because it is the experience centered not the subjectcentered curriculum that emphasizes integration of habits and skills in learning the knowledge component of a subject area. Analysis: Option D is CORRECT. The belief of Teacher Lily about the subject-centered curriculum is not acceptable. Holistic development covers physical, socio-emotional, mental and moral development of the learners. This is possible under an experience-centered curriculum. Option B is INCORRECT. While it agrees to the premise that Teacher Lily’s conception about the subject-centered curriculum is not true, this option could not be accepted because it presents
conflicting information. It is subject-centered curriculum, not experience-centered curriculum, which emphasizes the teaching of facts and knowledge. Option A and C are INCORRECT. The consideration of learners’ needs, interests, and abilities including cooperative practices in the classroom are some of the important traits of experiencecentered curriculum. 3. In the elementary level, English literature and Social studies relate well. While history is being studied, different literary pieces during the historical period is being studied as well. What curriculum design is shown here? a. Separate subject design b. Discipline design c. Correlation design d. Broad field design Analysis: Option C is CORRECT. Subjects are related to one another but each subject maintains its identity. In the question above, English literature and social studies correlate well. The literary pieces being studied in English literature reflect the culture, social activities even the problems and issues in each historical period. Options A and B are INCORRECT. Both separate subject design and discipline design are compartmentalized. They stressed so much on cluster of topic, content and academic disciplines. Option D is INCORRECT. Like correlation design, broad field design was made to prevent compartmentalization of subjects. However, unlike correlation design, broad field considers wider integration of subjects that are fused into one subject. Thus, the identity of each subject combined is lost. 4. This phase of curriculum development involves decisions, among other things, on grade placement and sequencing of content. Which phase is this? a. Curriculum planning b. Curriculum evaluation c. Curriculum organization d. Curriculum implementation
Analysis: Option C is CORRECT. Decisions on sequencing of content and grade placement are done on the level of the curriculum organization/design. In this level, the curriculum developer determines the scope and sequence of content in each subject based on the design of the curriculum. Option A, C, and D are INCORRECT. Panning involves among others, diagnosis of needs and social demands which will make up the goals/objectives of the curriculum. This is done at the initial phase of curriculum development process. Implementation is more concern on the actual delivery of the curriculum in the schools/classrooms. This process is conducted after the content, grade placement, etc. had been finalized. Evaluation is the terminal part of the curriculum development process where the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of the curriculum are measured. 5. One example of this design of subject-centered curriculum is that which shows social studies being combined with geography, civics and culture, and history to comprise one subject area. Which design is this? a. Correlated b. Broadfields c. Separate subject d. Core Analysis: Option B is CORRECT. Broadfield design was made to prevent the compartmentalization of subjects and integrate the contents that are related to each other. Thus, geography, civics and culture, and history are fused into one subject called social studies. Eventually, the identity of each subject is lost. Broad field draws around themes and integration. Option A is INCORRECT. Correlated design relates the content of two subjects in order to reduce fragmentation. However, the identity of each subject is maintained. This is not the case in the question above. Option C is INCORRECT. Separate subjects design is highly compartmentalized and fragmented. Option D is INCORRECT. Core design revolves around general
education and the problems are based on common human activities.
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION A. Apply appropriate teaching methods and techniques to particular learning situations. 1. Mr. Santos noticed that one of his pupils isolate himself from the class. He doesn’t want to participate in any of the class activities. The child has problems on______________. a. Compromise b. Cooperation c. Accommodation d. Socializations d 2. On the 1st day of class, Ms. Feliciano engaged her students in the “KNOW YOUR CLASSMATE” activity. This supports man as _______________. a. A whole person b. Social being c. Complex being d. Rational being b 3. The Grade VI advisers started the Clean and Green Project in their classes. When the other teachers learn about it, they together with their classes volunteered to help. This proves man as a ______________. a. Whole being b. Social being c. Physical being d. Healthy being b 4. Mrs. De Dios taught in an exclusive school in Manila for 2years.
The following year she decided to transfer to a public school I her province. She noticed a great difference not only in instructions but also in the availability of instructional tools to be used. The difference is due to___________. a. Cultural lag b. Cultural shock c. Cultural diffusion d. Cultural relativism a 5. Giving drills to children will make their response automatic. It will also form habit. This only shows that culture is ______________________. a. Social b. Learned c. Adaptive d. Transmitted B 6. Before, manila papers were used as instructional tool. Now projectors and recorder of different types are used. This shows that culture is ______________. a. Learned b. Changing c. Gratifying d. Transmitted B 7. Mr. Castro tries to inject Filipino values to his pupils who seem to have lost it form some other values brought about by the present generation. The difference in values is called a. Cultural gap b. Cultural lag c. Cultural shock d. Cultural conflict A 8. Mr.s Pablo explained that everybody in class is special and that nobody should suffer from the comparison. What is appropriate to one might be inappropriate to another. This is explained by the
concept of cultural _________. a. Conflict b. Diversity c. Borrowing d. Relativism D 9. Mrs. Reyes required her students to watch out at least one educational program a week. She believes that by doing so, their knowledge will increase. What characteristics of culture is emphasized? a. Culture is social b. Culture is learned c. Culture is gratifying d. Culture is transmitted B 10. Ms. Teodoro does not practice corporal punishment through other do. To her, there are still ways of disciplining a child which others disagree. Is an example of cultural_____________. a. Gap b. Shock c. Relativism d. Diversity C 11. Mrs. Simeon demonstrated the steps in crocheting. She believes that through observation and imitation, her pupils would finally get it. The characteristics of culture shown is_______________. a. Learned b. Adaptive c. Gratifying d. TransmitteD A 12. Whenever Mrs. Andrada gives a situational problem, her students in turn would givetheir own solution to in. Hence, varied solutions to just one problem. This proves culture as ______________.
a. Social b. Diverse c. Adaptive d. Transmitted B 13. Mr. Morales is telling his students that it’s not right to have an affair with anyone in the family. This is an example of__________. a. Fads b. Laws c. Mores d. Folkways C 14. As a Home Economics teacher, Mrs. Mercado taught her students how to cook and prepare either the dishes or the delicacies a particular place is known for like buko pie in Laguna and diningding in Ilocos. The purpose is to increase their knowledge on ____________. a. Fads b. Laws c. Mores d. Folkways D 15. Homeroom advisers always emphasize the importance of the cleanliness of the body. Children are taught to wash their hands before and after eating. This practice is called______________. a. Laws b. Mores c. Folkways d. Social norm C 16. Mr. corpuz is teaching his students in the time prescribed guided by a syllabus together with appropriate teaching methods and techniques. The type of teaching employed is ___________. a. Formal b. Informal
c. Indirect d. None of the above A 17. David wants to be a doctor so he enrolled at UST. UST on the other hand provides him programs and activities for the realization of his dream. The function of education un the given situation is to _____________. a. Transmit the cultural heritage b. Train the individual for the social role he has chosen c. Serve as source of social and cultural innovation d. All of the above B 18. Literature and arts taught in school and which center on Filipino value, customs and traditions give the impress that _____________. a. School provides a sense of continuity an experience of our culture b. School prepares each individual to fill his place in a fixed society c. School provides training for everyday vocations. d. School trains leader in the classical learning A 19. Investigatory projects in science are encouraged among students. This sometimes paves te way to some discoveries. Which function of education supports this? a. Transmit cultural heritage b. Helps individual select social roles c. Serves as source of cultural innovation d. Integrates into cultural mainstream the various subcultures. C 20. Mrs. Alcantara announced that the search is going on for the most outstanding student in class. Everybody is excited. They were all challenged to give their best. The social process involved is ________. a. Competition b. Acculturation
c. Assimilation d. Accommodation A 21. Mr. David gave his students work to do. To facilitate the task, he asked them to group themselves. What social process is needed to realize their goal? a. Cooperation b. Accommodation c. Assimilation d. Acculturation A 22. Grouping learners facilitate work or task. It also involves chain of responses among groupmates. This shows the importance of _____________. a. Tolerance b. Cooperation c. Accommodation d. Social interaction D 23. There are warring groups in your class. What will you do to prevent i\untoward thing to happening? a. Set rules b. Settle differences c. Talk to the group d. Give each group different activities to work on. B 24. A class is composed of many different personalities joined together. Each one has his own set of values and beliefs. Sometimes they clash. What should a teacher do when this thing happened? a. Exercise tolerance b. Act as mediator c. Ignore the incident d. Insist when you’re right
A 25. What does Mr. Alcantara have in mind when he keeps on teaching and giving activities that will fit his students into the image of the previous generation? a. Education for the preservation of social stability. b. Education as agent of social change c. Education as social adjustment d. Education as modernizing culture A B. More Practice in applying appropriate teaching methods and techniques to particular learning sitations. 26. Letting her students observe how to make leche flan before asking them to do it themselves, Mrs. Alcala is emphasizing education as _______________ a. Agent of social change b. Cultural transmission c. Modernizing culture d. Social adjustment B 27. Children are taught to make friends not enemies. What does it imply? a. People need people b. People are treasures c. People need more friends than enemies d. World is a better place to live in when you have friends A 28. Whenever Anne is asked to act out a role she likes best, she would choose to portray the role of any of her family members. This implies how Anne is greatly influenced by her family as a ________. a. Primary group b. Peer group c. Reference group d. Secondary group A
29. Dino is a consistent honor student until he became tooinvolved in the activities of his new-found friends. He seems to change a lot. This change can be attributed to his _____________. a. Peer group b. Primary group c. Reference group d. Secondary group A 30. Cheryl studies in a parish school. As a parish school, students are given free hand to join any religious organization of their choice. What kind of social group is it? a. Primary group b. Reference group c. Secondary group d. Voluntary association D 31. A Zambaleno student decided to transfer to Manila. He observed that his classmates’ lifestyle and behavior are different from his own. During the 1st few weeks, he found it difficult to adjust. This is due to_________________. a. Cultural lag b. Cultural shock c. Cultural diffusion d. Cultural relativism B 32. Our ancestors used to write on leaves of trees and bark of trees. Today, papers and notebooks are used. What characteristics of culture is emphasized? a. Culture is social b. Culture is learned c. Culture is changing d. Culture is gratifying C 33. What could be the effect if a Filipino educator who is married to an American educator decided to raise her future children to both Filipino and American culture?
a. Cultural gap b. Cultural shock c. Cultural conflict d. Cultural relativism C 34. Tutorial links and individual to the world. So, instead of going to the library and read to get the need information, one has to be press a button from the computer ad there the information is on your screen. What characteristic of culture is this? a. Culture is learned b. Culture is adaptive c. Culture is gratifying d. Culture is transmitted B 35. Attending seminars, lectures, and seminar-workshops update a person to what is recent and innovative. This is why even those in the farthest region of the country know what thepeople in manila know. This is because of ___________. a. Culture is lag b. Culture is diversity c. Culture is iffusion d. Culture is relativism C 36. Mothers teach their daughters that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Hence, tey teach their daughters all the delicious recipes they know, what kind of Culture is involved? a. Culture is learned b. Culture is adaptive c. Culture is gratifying d. Culture is transmitted D 37. Children are taught of the different ways to show respect to elders. Each one is unique and different from the rest. This shows that culture is __________. a. Social b. Learned
c. Diverse d. Adaptive C 38. Renee graduated as valedictorian. Everybody is congratulating not only her but also her family and teachers for all the help and support they’ve given her. What characteristic of culture is emphasized here? a. Culture is shared b. Culture is learned c. Culture is gratifying d. Culture is transmitted A 39. Before, we have abacus as our aid in performing simple mathematical operations. Now, we have calculators. It only shows that culture is ___________. a. Learned b. Diverse c. Adaptive d. Gratifying C 40. In celebration of the school’s foundation day, students are allowed to come in whatever get-up they want. Some come in mini and micro skirts and are sporting shaggy look. These are manifestations of _____________. a. Laws b. Mores c. Fashions d. Folkways C 41. Church teaches us to be good and treat others as we would like to be treated. This is an example of ____________. a. Laws b. Mores c. Fashion d. Folkways B
42. When parents punish their children for breaking the rules, they are conditioning them to become obedient to the ____________. a. Laws b. Mores c. Fashion d. Folkways A 43. Larry observed that his parents strictly follow 9-day novena before Christmas. This was also the practice of his greatgrandmother. What social norm is illustrated in the practice? a. Laws b. Mores c. Fashion d. Folkways D 44. Marie is a division winner in the recently concluded quiz bee. Her trainer is happy for her and so are her family, relatives, teachers, classmates and friends., Everybody is proud of her. The characteristic of culture present is ____________. a. Social b. Shared c. Learned d. Transmitted B 45. A bicolano couple together with their child took a 2-month vacation in Ilocos. After a moth’s time, their child could speak Ilocano fluently. This has been the result of ____________. a. Formal education b. Informal education c. Indirect education d. All of the above A 46. Roy has cousins in Japan: When they decide to come over, they stayed at Roy’s house. Through constant interaction with them. Roy unconsciously learns the Nippongo. This is the result of
__________. a. Direction instruction b. Formal instruction c. Informal instruction d. Both formal and informal instructions C 47. Kristine grew up to be an obedient and respectful child. She doesn’t forget her values wherever she is and whoever she’s with. This is a clear indication of the influence impressed upon her by a. Church b. Family c. School d. Government B 48. One way to increase one’s knowledge is by interacting with others especially those who know a lot. This is considered as ______________. a. Formal education b. Direction education c. Informal education d. Incidental education C 49. What makes school as the next most effective socializing agent? a. The child interacts with his classmate, teacher and administrator. b. The child acts and reacts according to his respective role. c. The school serves as the natural extension of the home. d. All of the above D 50. Mrs. Pelayo wants to impart custom and traditional modes of conduct to her students. What does she need to give them? a. Religious b. Intellectual
c. Physical d. Social A C. Teaching Strategies in Communication Arts (Flipino) Part 1. Learn to Analyze Test Items 51. Sa pamaraang ito, ay pinahahalagahan ni Gng. Flora ang gamit ng tula, kwento, awitin, tugtugin o anumang likhang sining gaya ng pintura o likhag eskultura. a. Pabuod b. Pasaklaw c. Patuklas d. Araling Pagpapahalaga D 52. An mga pagkakamali sa pag-uusap o talakayan ay hindi binibigyang pansin ni Bb. Asuan sa halip ay nagiging tulong ito sa kanya ng pagpapahayag ng kaisipan sa pananalitang wasto sa aspektong pambararila. a. Pagdulog sa Gramatikal b. Pagdulog sitwasyonal c. Pagdulog nosyunal d. Pagdulog Komunikatibo D 53. Nagbibigay ng isang paksang pag-usap si Prop. Sunga. Hinayaan niyang humanap ng kapareha ang bawat mag-aaral. Binigyan diin ang istratehiyang ito. a. Pagdulog gramatikal b. Pagdulog sitwasyonal c. Pagdulog Nosyunal d. Pagdulog Komunikatibo D 54. Sa istratehiyang ito, pagpakita ng limang larawan si Gng. Lopez. Inaayos ito ng isang mag-aaral ayon sa pagkakasunudsunod nito ayon sa kwentong tinalakay. a. Pabuod
b. Pasaklaw c. Patuklaw d. Araling pagpapahalaga D 55. Ito ang dimension sa pagbasa na hahayaang makabuo o maglagom ang mga mag-aaral sa kwentong binasa. a. Unang dimensyon b. Ikalawang dimensyon c. Ikatlong dimensyon d. Ikaapat na dimesyon A 56. Nagbigay ng maraming halimbawa ng pangngalan ang mga mag-aaral. Pinangkat-pangkat nila ito ayon sa Pangngalang Pantangi at Pangngalan Pambalana a. Pagdulog Konseptwal b. “Process” Approach c. Pagdulog Sitwasyol d. Pagdulog Komunikatibo A 57. Nagbigay ng isang pagsubok si G. Cruz. Mahigit sa 40% ng klase ang hindi nagtamo ng lubos na pagkatuto, dapat na iturong muli ang aralin sa panibagong sitwasyon. a. Pabalak b. Pabuod c. Pasaklaw d. Lubusang Pagkatuto D 58. Nalalapit na ang Linggo ng Wika. Nais ng mga mag-aaral na magtanghal ng isang palatuntunan. Bilang guro, akayin sila sa paggamit ng pamaraang ito. a. Pasaklaw b. Pabalak c. Pabuod d. Konseptwal B
59. Sa pamaraang itio, si Gng. Solis ay gumaganap ng tungkuling bilang tagasubaybay sa mga Gawain sa loob ng silid-aralan at handing magbigay ng payo, karagdagang kabatiran kung hinihingi ng pagkakataon. a. Pamaraang Pabuod b. Pamaraang Pasaklaw c. Pamaraang Patuklas d. Pamaraang Microwave C 60.Si Gng. Banlaygas ay nagsimula sa isang tanong. Sumagot si Liza. Siya naman ang susunod na magtatanong na sasagutin ng isa pang mag-aaral. Nagpatuloy ang ganitong Gawain hanggang magkaroon ng pagkakataon ang lahat na magtanong at magsagot at bumalik ang tanong sa guro na maganong at magsagot at bumalik ang tanong sa guro na palatandaan ng pagwawakas ng pagtatanungan. a. Pamaraang Pabuod b. Pamaraang Pasaklaw c. Pamaraang Patuklas d. Pamaraang Microwave D 61. Kalimitang ginagamit ni Gng. Buenaventura ang aralin sa panitikan na lunsaran sa aralin sa wika. Naglalarawan ito ng istratehiyang ito. a. Ginanyak na pagbasang malakas b. Ang lubusang pagkatuto c. Pinagsanid na paraan ng pagtuturo ng Wika at Panitikan d. Ang paraang Microwave C 62. Nalilinang ng mga mag-aaral ni Gng. Balagtas ang kanilang kaalaman sa pamamagitan ng isang eksperimento at nakagagawa sila ng ulat ayon sa kinalabasan nito. a. Patuklas b. Pasaklaw c. Pabuod d. Pabalak A
63. Pinangkat ni Gng. Natal ang kanyang klase sa dalawa. Ang unang pangkat ay magpapakitang-turo kung paano ang paggawa ng isang tula o kwento. Ang pangalawang pangkat ay magpapakita sa klase kung paano ang wastong pagbasa ng tula. a. Pamaraang Pasaklaw b. Pamaraang Pabalak c. Pamaraang pabuod d. Pamaraang Patuklas B 64. Sa pamaraang ito, ibinibigay ni Gng. Calamlam ang katuturan ng isang konsepto patungo sa pagbibigay ng mga halimbawa. a. Pamaraang Pabuod b.Pamaraang Pabalak c. Pamaraang Patuklas d. Pamaraang Pasaklaw D 65. Nagpabasa ng isang nobela si Dr. Mendiola. Pagkatapos ng 2 araw hinihingan niya ng kritikong pagsulat ang mga mag-aaral. Hinhingi niya ang mga sumusunod na kaalaman, tema, tauhan, tagpuan, mga detalye ng kwento. a. Pagdulog Pormalistiko b. Pagdulog Moralistiko c. Pagdulog Sosyolohikal d. Pagdulog Sikolohikal A 66. Gustong malaman ni Gng. Bandril ang aral na napulot o nakuha sa akda. Gagamitin niya ito sa pagdulog na ito. a. Pagdulog Pormalistiko b. Pagdulog Moralistiko c. Pagdulog Sosyolohikal d. Pagdulog Sikolohikal B 67. Dito sa bahagi ng pagtuturo o pamaraan ni Gng. Barrera ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang makabubuo ng tuntunin o paglalagom ng paksang tinalakay. a. Paghahanda
b. Paglalahat c. Paglalahad d. Paggamit B 68. Ito ay isang mungkahi para sa paraang ito. May mga larawan sa pisara sa klase ni Gng. Francia. Bawat larawan ay kaugnay ng isa sa mga saknong sa tula. Papipiliin niiya ang bata ng larawang naiibigan niya at ipabasa ang kaugnay na saknong. a. Unang Pagbasa b. Ikalawang Pagbasa c. Ikatlong Pagbasa d. Ikaapat na Pagbasa C 69. Bibigkasing muli ni Gng. Pabalan ang tula. Inaasahang higit na mapahahalagahan ng mag-aaral ang tula sa pagbigkas na ito. Layunin din ng guro na magbigay ng huwaran o modelo sa pagbigkas. a. Unang Pagbigkas b. Ikalawang pagkabigkas c. Ikatlong pagkabigkas d. Lahatang pagkabigkas B 70. Sa bahagi ng isang pamaraan, nagbibigay si Bb. Ubina ng sitwasyon o kalagayan na makapupukaw sa kawilihan ng magaaral at magkakaroon ng pagnanais na basahin ang kwento. a. Paghawan ng sagabal b. Pagbasa ng mga Tanong c. Pag-ala-ala sa pamantayan d. Pagganyak D 71. Ito ay binubuo ng maikling usapan na karaniwan ay tanong at pangungusap na pasalaysay. Ang mga tanong at sagot na ito ay maikli, karaniwang, pananalita at pagpapahayag lamang. a. siklo b. dayalogo
c. parirala d. pangungusap A 72. Ang tanong na ito ay tumutugon sa dimensyong ito. Kung ikaw ay magiging dalagang ina, ano ang gagawin mo sa sitwasyong ito? a. Unang dimensyong b. Ikawalang dimensyon c. Ikatlong dimensyon d. Ikaapat na dimension D 73. Sa pagdulog na ito, ang mga mag-aaral ni Gng. Imperio ay hinahayaang ibigay ang mga salitang kasingkahulugan/kasalungat ng mga sinalungguhitan salita sa isang talata o sanaysay. a. Pagdulog Gramatikal b. Pagdulog Sitwasyonal c. Pagdulog Nosyunal d. Pagdulog Komunikatibo A 74. Ang buong klase ni Gng. Lapuz ay nagkaroon ng isang educational trip sa Fort Santiago. Kinabukasan sa klase, nag-ulat ang mga mag-aaral tungkol sa kanilang nagging karanasan. Sangkap sa ulat na ito ay lahat ng kanilang naramdaman at natutuhan. Naipapakita ang sitwasyong ito sa pagdulog na ito. a. Pagdulog grammatical b. Pagdulog sa sitwasyonal c. Pagdulog Nosyunal d. Pagdulog Komunikatibo B 75. Sinasabi ng mga eksperto na maraming mag-aaral ang hindi makapagsalita nang wasto. Isa ito sa mga dahilan: a. Walang control na usapan sa klase b. Maraming babasahing ibinigay sa mga bata c. Laging may nakahandang sago tang guro
d. Masusing tinitingnan ng guro ang kamalian ng mga sumasagot na magaaral. D Part II Practice your Skills 76. Sa pamaraang ito, nagsisimula si Gng. Ramos sa mga halimbawa. Magpapakita siya ng mga larawan. Ibigay ang katuturan ng bawat larawan. Pagkatapos ng isang masusing talakayan, masasabi ng mga bata ang ganito: Ang pangngalan ay salitang nagbibigay ngalan sa tao, bagay pook, hayop o pangyayari. a. Pabuod b. Pasaklaw c. Patuklas d. Araling Pagpapahalaga A 77. Bahagi ng istratehiya na ibibigay ang pagkakaiba at pagkakatulad ng dalawang uri ng pangngalan- karaniwan at tiyak a. Paghahanda b. Paglalahad c. Paglalahat d. Paghahambing at paghahalaw D 78.Sa istratehiyang ito, binibigyan diin ni Gng. Cruz ang mga sumusunod na hakbang? 1. Pagkukuwento sa larawan ng bawat dahon 2. Pagbasa ng tahimik sa bawat linya 3. Pagbasa ng malakas sa bawat linya a. paghahanda b. Pagbasang tahimik c. Ginanyak na pagbasa d. Pinatnubayang pagbasa C 79. Susubok ang mga mag-aaral ni Gng. Del Prado na gamitin ang istraktura na may patnubay o huwaran sa isang dayalog,
pagkukuwento o paglalarawan a. Pagdulog gramatikal b. Pagdulog Sitwasyonal c. Pagdulog Nosyunal d. Pagdulog Komunikatibo A 80. Pagsusulatin ng isang talata ni GNg. Villanueva ang kanyang mag-aaral. Maglalaman ito ng kanilang sariling karanasan na kaugnay sa nabasang akda. a. Pagdulog Moralistiko b. Pagdulog Sosyolohikal c. Pagdulog sikolohikal d. Pagdulog pormalistiko D 81. Dito sa pagdulog na ito makikita ng mag aaral ni Bb. Modelo na dapat dakilain at pahalagahan ang kabutihan at itakwil ang kasamaan. a. Pagdulog Pormalistiko b. Pagdulog Sosyolohikal c. Pagdulog sikolohikal d. Pagdulog Moralistiko D 82. Hinati-hati ni G. Villa rang mga Gawain sa pagkatuto sa maliliit nay unit ng aralin. Isasaayos ang mga ito sa lohikal na kabuuan ayon sa antas ng kahirapan. a. IS-OSA b. pagdulog konseptwal c. pamaraang microwave d. lubusang pagkatuto C 83. Piliin sa mga sumusunod na tanong na may pagunawang literal. a. Bakit kaya nagiba ang gusali? b. Angkop ba ang pamagat ng kwento? c. Ano ang palagay mo sa palo ng magulang?
d. Ano ang ginagawa nina Pagong at Matsing sa napulot nilang saging D 84. Nasi ni Bb. Lopes na magkaroon ng pagbabago sa wakas ng kwentong binasa. Binigyang diin niya ang ganitong dimension sa pagbasa. a. Unang dimensyong b. Ikawalang dimensyon c. Ikatlong dimensyon d. Ikaapat na dimension D 85. Ipinabasa ng guro kay Noel ang tulang Bayan Ko. Alam niyang may kakayahan ito sa ganitong Gawain. Habang ginagawa ito ni Noel, nakikinig naman ang mga mag-aral. a. Unang Pagbasa b. Ikalawang Pagbasa c. Ikatlong Pagbasa d. Pang-apat na Pagbasa A 86. Dadalhin ni Gng. Solid ang mga mag-aaral sa pinakamalapit na makasaysayang pook sa bansa. Pahalagahang nakita sa pamamagitan ng pagsulat ng isang sulatin. a. Pakitang-turo b.Paglalakbay c. Eksibit d. Pakwento B 87. Nagpakita ng isang komik strip si Bb. Macatangay. Hinayaan niyang magbigay ng hinuha kung ano ang susunod na tagpo o mangyayari. a. Pagdulog grammatical b. Pagdulog sa sitwasyonal c. Pagdulog Nosyunal d. Pagdulog Komunikatibo C
88. Sa tulong ng mga titik ng salitang nasa unahan ng bawat pangkat ay bumubuo ang mga mag-aaral ni Bb. Tan ng mga bagong salita na bagay sa kahulugang nasa kanan. Binigyang diin ng guro ang pagdulog na ito. a. Pagdulog grammatical b. Pagdulog sa sitwasyonal c. Pagdulog Nosyunal d. Pagdulog Komunikatibo C 89. Pagkatapos makabasa ng isang komik istrip, ginabayan ni G. Santos ang mga mag aaral na magbigay ng kahawig na sitwasyon. Sa halip na lola at apo ang nagsasalita, palitan ng titser at bata. Ginamitan ito ng guro ng pagdulog na ito. a. Pagdulog grammatical b. Pagdulog sa sitwasyonal c. Pagdulog Nosyunal d. Pagdulog Komunikatibo D 90. Nagpakita ng iba’t ibang larawan si Gng. de Guzman at itinanong niya kung ano kaya ang pinag-uusapan ng nasa larawan. Ginagamitan niya ang aralin ng pagdulog na ito a. Pagdulog grammatical b. Pagdulog sa sitwasyonal c. Pagdulog Nosyunal d. Pagdulog Komunikatibo B 91. Sabi ni Gng. Aquino “Tayo’y maglaro. Maglalarawan ako sa inyo ng mga pangyayari. Sabihin ninyo kung ano ang okasyon.” Binigyan diin ni Gng Aquino ang pagdulog na ito a. Pagdulog grammatical b. Pagdulog sa sitwasyonal c. Pagdulog Nosyunal d. Pagdulog Komunikatibo D 92. Anong antas ng pagtatanong ang ipinakikita ng sumusuno na tanong ni Gng Villa
ANONG SA PALAGAY MO ANG LAYUNIN NG AWTOR SA PAGSULAT NG KWENTO? NAGTAGUMPAY BA ANG AWTOR SA KANYANG LAYUNIN? a. Mga tanong sa paglikha b. Mga tanong na Pangangatuwiran c. Mga tanong na Pagpapahalaga d. Mga tanong na Literal C 93. Sa pamamagitan ng paggunita sa iba’t ibang Gawain at matalinong pagtatalakayan, ang bata ay inaasahan nang makabuo ng isang makabuluhang paglalahat. Anong pamaraan ang ginamit ni G. Sonza? a. Pagbuod b. Pasaklaw c. patuklas d. microwave A 94. Matapos maibigay ang katuturan ng panguri, magbigay ng mga halimbawa at di-halimbawa, ipapangkat ang mga panguri nasa pisara ayon sa kayarian (payak, may-lapi, inuulit). Anong paraan ang ginamit ng guro sa sitwasyon ito? a. Pabuod b. Pabalak c. Pasaklaw d. Araling Pagpapahalaga C 95.Nasuri ng mga magaaral ni Bb. Abelardo ang iba’t ibang element ng mailing katha gaya ng tagpuan, tauhan, banghay at iba pa. Nakabuo sila sa ganitong balangkas. Anong pagdulog ang ginamit ni Bb. Ablerado a. Pagdulog Pormalistiko b. Pagdulog Moralistiko c. Pagdulog Sikolohikal d. Pagdulog Sosyolohikal
A 96. Pagkatapos basahin ang kwento, natukoy ng mga mag-aarl ni Bb. Lim ang kahalagahang pangkatauhan nais ipabatid ng awtor. Anong pagdulog ang binigyan diin ng guro? a. Pagdulog Pormalistiko b. Pagdulog Moralistiko c. Pagdulog Sikolohikal d. Pagdulog Sosyolohikal B 97. Pagkatapos talakayin ang isang sanaysay, binigyan ng pagkakataon ni Gng. Moreno ang ilang mag-aaral na panindigan ang simulain at pananalig ng tauhan sa kwento. Hal. Tama ba ang basing Amerikano ay naalis sa Pilipinas? ANong pagdulog ang binigyan diin niya? a. Pagdulog Pormalistiko b. Pagdulog Moralistiko c. Pagdulog Sikolohikal d. Pagdulog Sosyolohikal D 98. Inatasan ni Gng Suarez ang pangkat nina Ruben na magkaroon ng eksibit. Binigyan niya ito ng mga sumusunod na hakbang: Paglalayon, Pagbabalak, Pagsasagawa, at Pagpapasiya. anong pamaraan ito? a. Pabalak b. Pabuod c. Pasaklaw d. Patuklas A 99. Naging Pangwakas na Gawain ni Gng Reyes ang pasulatin ng isang talaga na naglalaman niyang maging wakas ng isang kwento. Maari na ring pasulatin sila ng isang boung kwento. Anong dimensyon o panukatan sa pagbasa ang tinutukoy nito? a. ikalawang dimensyon b. ikatlong dimensyon c. ikaapat na dimensyon
d. ikalimang dimensyon D 100. Nagpabasa ng isang maikling tula si Bb. Cruz. Tinangka niyang tanungin ang mga bata. “Isalin nga ninyo ang tula sa ating sariling wika?” Anong pamaraan ang tinutukoy ng tagpong ito? a. Gramatika b. Komunikatibo c. Sitwasyonal d. Nosyunal A
21. Thomasites - DISAMBARKED FROM CSI CALLED THOMAS 22. Erickson said that child aged 3-5 is most likely - ECO-CENTRIC 23. Child always fight his classmate very short attention span - ADHD 24. Adopted to provide universal access to basic learning to eradicate illiteracy - EFA 25. Free public education Article XIV Sec. 2 - THESE LEVELS PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR LIFE FUNCTIONS AND ROLE 26. Philippine Education during revolution period
– ESLISHMENT NATIONHOOD 27. Shy - INTROVERT 28. METACOGNITIVE - thinking about their thinking 29. Jean Jacques Rousseau - DEALING WITH MISBEHAVIOR STUDENTS 30. Jean Jacques Rousseau- said that -EVERYONE IS ESSENTIALLY GOOD
11. Dysfunctional family - EMOTIONAL FACTOR 12. Child who is cold towards the people around him might have failed to attain - TRUST 13. Philippine Education during Spanish regime – EMPHASIS ON RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION 14. Uttered a bad word – DISTINGUISHING RIGHT FROM WRONG 15. Boy closer and girl closer - PHALLIC STAGE 16. Objective of the continuous progression scheme in the elementary 1970-71. - MASS PROMOTION 17. Fullest/ highest - SELF ACTUALIZATION 18. First American Teacher - THOMASITES 19. Reward – REINFORCEMENT 20. PRC (LET) - RA 7836
1. Used as medium of instruction during Spanish - SPANISH 2. Government program allow students who are not accommodated in community public school. To enroll in private school - GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (GAP) 3. CHED – Study Now Pay Later 4. Integrated Approach in both secondry and primary level -BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM (BEC) 5. 1980s foremost education issue – BILINGUAL EDUCATION 6. Support equal access but on the other hand quality might be compromised - OPEN ADMISSION 7. The government education program on _______ made Philippine education Placement Test for adults and out of school youth. - EQUITABLE ACCESS DEVELOPMENT 8. College students are required to take a constitution course for them to - DEVELOP STUDENTS INTO RESPONSIBLE AND THINKING STUDENT 9. Education institution effort of developing work skills include the schools are aim at - DEVELOPING VOCATIONAL EFFICIECY 10. Seek out a classmate for help when problem occurs -INTERPERSONAL INTELEGENCE
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