Productivity Output For Electrical Works

February 21, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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BQ NO ! " #L#$%RI$&L 'OR External Lighting

Feeder pillar 







Suppl and install as per dra!ing and spe"i#i"ation$ % Sta Stainl inless ess Ste Steel el &eath &eatherp erproo roo## Outd Outdoo oorr Feed Feeder er 'illar ()0* T'N F'%CL+ % Sta Stainl inless ess Ste Steel el &eath &eatherp erproo roo## Outd Outdoo oorr Feed Feeder er 'illar (,0* S'N -.%CL1+

1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

nstall 1 x C 10mms '2C/S&* '2C/S&*/'2C /'2C C "able #rom F'%CL to all external light "/! termination$

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

Suppl and install as per dra!ing and spe"i#i"ation$ % 50& 'L -om -omee 4ound 4ound Tpe Tpe & &ith ith Lou Loure re .ollard Light Fitting % 150& 150& S SON ON Comp Compoun ound d Li Ligh ghtt Fit Fittin ting g C/ C/& &

1 ele"tri"ian

10 das

1 da


Testing and Commissioning





30 50

 NOs  NOs



% %

Corrosie resitan"e 3m 'ole ,00& ,00& & &ea eathe therpr rproo# oo# F Floo lood d Lig Lighti hting ng Fi Fittin tting g 30& 30& 6a 6ate/ te/'o 'ost st T To op Li Ligh ghtt Fit Fittin ting g

 labours

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da



External Communi"ation &or7s Telephone manholes ,


Telephone -u"ting

Suppl and install pre"ast telephone manhole i n"luding ex"aation !or7s8 ba"7#illing8 "ompa"tion and #ull ma7ing good o# all areas a##e"ted b !or7s$ % 9C:C ; ;aanhole

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian  labours

13 das

Suppl8 install8 testing and "ommissioning o# ;S. as per dra!ing and spe"i#i"ation$ % ,152 ,152 1 100 000* 0* sel#% sel#%st stan andi ding ng ; ;S. S.

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

Suppl8 install8 testing and "ommissioning o# #ollo!ing metal"lad sub%s!it"h .oard (SS.+ and metal"lad

1 da

Suppl and install du"ts in"lusie o# dra! !ires8 ne"essar ex"aation8 ba"7#illing8 "ompa"tion and ma7ing good o# all a##e"ted areas$ % , !a ass 100 100m mm'2 '2C % , !a !ass 100 100m mm 6 6$$$ %  !a ass 100 100m mm 6 6$$$

1000m 100m 00m

nternal L2 Seri"es < *dmin .lo"7  ;ain S!it"h .oard (;S.+ 1 Sub%s!it"h .oard =



-istribution .oard

TN. ;etering >ios7 


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



Submain Cabling ?0m

 Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos

-istribution .oard (-.+ as per dra!ing and spe"i#i"ation$ % 00 00* T'N T'N SS. SS.%6 %6F F % 350 350* T'N T'N SS. SS.%1 %1F F % 00 00* T'N T'N SS. SS.% %F F % 00 00* T'N T'N SS. SS.%S %S4 4  % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

00* T'N -. -./ -@ @ )0* T'N -. ./S41 )0* T'N -. ./S4 100 100* T'N T'N -./E -./E' '@ A5* T'N -./1 )0* S'N -. ./E6F )0* )0* S'N S'N -. /6 /6F%L F%L )0* )0* S'N S'N -. /6 /6F%' F%' )0* S'N -. ./CT1 )0* S'N -. ./CT ,0* ,0* S'N S'N -. /EL /EL; ;4   ,0* T'N -. ./6B; ,0* S'N -. ./E1F 30* S'N -. ./E-@ 30* S'N -. ./;-F

% % %

3nos 3nos x  lla aer erss o# 1 150 50mm mm 6 6$ $ p pip ipes es ,nos ,nos x  lla aer erss o# 1 150 50mm mm 6 6$ $ p pip ipes es 6$ pipes

% % % %

x,C x,C  ,0m ,0mms ms L'E/' L'E/'2C 2C Cop Copper per Cab Cable le 1x,C 1x,C  ,0m ,0mms ms L'E/' L'E/'2C 2C Cop Copper per "able "able 1x,C 1x,C 50m 50mms ms L'E L'E/S& /S&* */'2 /'2C C Co Coppe pperr "ab "able le 1x,C 1x,C 50m 50mms ms L'E L'E/S& /S&* */'2 /'2C C Co Coppe pperr "ab "able le


ele"tri"ian 5 labours

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da


1 da


1+ Fro rom mS SS. S.%% 6F to #ollo!ing -.sD

50m 150m 1,0m 1)0m 00m ,0m 150m ?0m ?0m )0m )0m 150m 1,0m )0m 30m

% % % % %

1x,C 1x,C 50m 50mms ms L'E L'E/S& /S&* */'2 /'2C C Co Coppe pperr "ab "able le 1x,C 1x,C 50m 50mms ms L'E L'E/S& /S&* */'2 /'2C C Co Coppe pperr "ab "able le ,x1C ,x1C 1 1)m )mms ms  '2 '2C CC Cop oppe perr "a "abl blee 1x,C 1x,C 5m 5mms ms '2C '2C/S& /S&* */'2 /'2C C Co Coppe pperr "ab "able le 1x,C 1x,C A A0mm 0mms s  L'E L'E /'2 /'2C CC Copp opper er "able "able

% % % % % % %

1x,C 1x,C 1 150m 50mms ms L'E L'E /' /'2C 2C Cop Copper per "able "able ,x1C ,x1C 5 50m 0mms ms  '2 '2C C "o "opp pper er ""ab able le ,x1C ,x1C  5m 5mms ms  '2 '2C C "o "opp pper er ""ab able le 1x,C 1x,C 1 1)mm )mms s '2C/'2 '2C/'2C C ""opp opper er "able "able 1x,C 1x,C 5 50m 0mms ms  '2 '2C C "o "opp pper er ""ab able le x1C x1C )mms )mms  '2 '2C C ""op oppe perr "a "abl blee x1C x1C )mms )mms  '2 '2C C ""op oppe perr "a "abl blee

Suppl8 install and "ommissioning o# the #ollo!ing "abling !or7s o# * *


* *

3)0m % 1,0m 30m 30m + Fro rom mS SS. S.%% 1F to #ollo!ing -.sD


ele"tri"ian 10 labours

-./* (,units+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$  -./. (,units+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$  -./C (1unit+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$  -./6F%L (1unit+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$  -./ -./6F% 6F%' ' ((1un 1unit+ it+ u usin sing g ,x ,x1C 1C  5mm 5mms s ' '2C 2C "opper "able in trun7ing$

Suppl8 install and "ommissioning o# the #ollo!ing "abling !or7s o# * -./* (5units+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$  * -./. (,units+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$  * -./C (1unit+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$ 

1 ele"tri"ian 5 labours

1 ele"tri"ian 5 labours



3)0m *

1,0m *



?0m 10m

50m 3+ Fro rom mS SS. S.%% F to #ollo!ing -.sD


3)0m ?0m 5m ,+ Fro rom mS SS. S.%% S4 to #ollo!ing -.s and Control 'anelD

Suppl8 install and "ommissioning o# the #ollo!ing "abling !or7s o# * -./* (5units+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$  * -./. (,units+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper *


10m 30m

-./CT1 (1unit+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper  "able in trun7ing$  -./CT (1unit+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper  "able in trun7ing$  -./1F (1unit+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing -./6B; (1unit+ using ,x1C 1)mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$ 

"able in trun7ing$ -./C (1unit+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$  -./F (1unit+ using ,x1C 1)mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$ 

Suppl8 install and "ommissioning o# the #ollo!ing "abling !or7s o# * -./S41 (1unit+ using ,x1C A0mms '2C "opper  "able in trun7ing$  * -./S4 (1unit+ using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper  "able in trun7ing$  * */C Control 'anel 1 using ,x1C 1)mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$  * */C Control 'anel  using ,x1C 1)mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$  * */C Control 'anel 3 using ,x1C 1)mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$  * */C Control 'anel , using ,x1C 1)mms '2C

1 ele"tri"ian 5 labours

1 ele"tri"ian 5 labours


30m 30m 50m 50m 5+ From -./E'@ to #ollo!ing Control 'anelD

'2C/'2C "able :+ x1C 1)mms '2C "able 10+ x1 x1C C 1)mms '2C "able 11 11++ x1 x1C C

Suppl8 install and "ommissioning o# the #ollo!ing "abling !or7s o# * &ater 'ump Control 'anel using ,x1C 5mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$   * @ose 4eel 'ump Control 'anel using ,x1C 1)mms '2C "opper "able in trun7ing$  Suppl8 install and "ommissioning #rom 150>a 6enset to *;F .oard using as "able mentioned in "able tren"h$

1 ele"tri"ian

10m 10m

)+ ,x1C :5mms ;F4 "able A+ ,x1C :5mms ;F4 "able ?+ 1xC $5mms

"opper "able in trun7ing$ 






Suppl8 install and "ommissioning #rom *;F .oard to ;S. .oard using as "able mentioned laid on tra$ Suppl8 install and "ommissioning sensing "able #rom *;F .oard to ;S. .oard using as "able mentioned l aid on tra$ Suppl8 install and "ommissioning sensing "able #rom tap% o## point (1st #loor+ to -.%E1F using as "able mentioned laid in trun7ing in"lusie ,0* S'N tap%o## unit$ Suppl8 install and "ommissioning sensing "able #rom tap% o## point (6round #loor+ to -.%E-F using as "able mentioned laid in trun7ing in"lusie ,0* S'N tap%o## unit$ Suppl8 install and "ommissioning sensing "able #rom tap% o## point (6round #loor+ to -.%E6F using as "able mentioned laid in trun7ing in"lusie )0* S'N tap%o## unit$ Suppl8 install and "ommissioning sensing "able #rom tap% o## point (Li#t ;otor 4oom+ to -.%EL;4 using as "able

1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian

1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian


5mms '2C "able 1+ x1 x1C C 1)mms '2C "able

mentioned laid in trun7ing in"lusie ,0* S'N tap%o## unit$


&iring o# lighting points using #ollo!ing "ables in "on"ealed "onduit "/! earth !ire and ne"essar a""essoriesD %  x 1$ 1$5m 5mms ms ' '2C 2C "a "abl blee %  x $ $5m 5mms ms ' '2C 2C "a "abl blee


Final Sub% Cir"uit &iring

&iring o# "eiling #an point in "on"ealed "onduit "/! earth !ire and ne"essar a""essories %  x 1$ 1$5m 5mms ms ' '2C 2C "a "abl blee  Nos  Nos

&iring o# s!it"h so"7et outlet in "on"ealed "onduit "/! earth !ire and ne"essar a""essories %  x $ $5m 5mms ms ' '2C 2C "a "abl blee



&iring o# s!it"h so"7et so"7et outlet in exposed 6$ "onduit "/! earth !ire and ne"essar a""essories %  x $ $5m 5mms ms ' '2C 2C "a "abl blee



),0 0

&iring o# air"ond air"ond point outlet in exposed 6 6$ $ "onduit "/! earth !ire and ne"essar a""essories %  x ,mm ,mms '2 '2C C ""ab able le 0




&iring o# 30* 3%phase isolator in exposed 6$ "onduit "/! earth !ire8 0* 3%phase isolator and ne"essar a""essories % , x 1C ,mms ,mms ' '2C 2C "a "abl blee &iring o# )0* 3%phase isolator in exposed 6$ "onduit

1 ele"tri"ian

1 ele"tri"ian

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

1 da





"/! earth !ire8 )0* 3%phase isolator and ne"essar a""essories % , x 1C 10mm 10mms s '2C '2C ""ab able le

.are Channel #luo$ Fitting % 1 x 3)& %  x 3)& % 1 x 1?&

Fittings 1 x 3)& Fluo$ Fitting "/! "orrosie resistan"e "oer 

5 15 15

 x 3)& re"essed #luo$ Fitting "/ ! "rossblade loure and  paraboli" re#le"tor   Nos  Nos  Nos  x 3)& re"essed #luo$ Fitting "/ ! dai7on di##user 







 x 1?& "eiling mounted #luo$ Fitting " /! "orrosie resistan"e "oer  'L -o!nlight %  x 1?& %  x )& %



300 00 )0

 Nos  Nos  Nos


'endant light % 50& % 100& &all light % 30& % 0&

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da


1 x150& ;etal @alide Lo! .a 30 5

 Nos  Nos

15 15

 Nos  Nos

Ceiling #an "/! speed regulator/remote "ontrol



-e"oratie light s!it"h(to suit - reuirement+



-e"oratie s!it"h so"7et outlet (to suit - reuirement+



-e"oratie air"ond s!it"h (to suit - reuirement+









Emergen" light (.omba approed light+

1 ele"tri"ian

>eluar Sign (.omba approed light+ 1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian


nternal L2 Seri"es < *""ommodatio n +nit %ype & -istribution .oards 1




nstallation8 intera"7ing = a""essories o# #ull #un"tioning o# 7e tag sstem

 Nos  Nos

&iring in "on"ealed "onduit and ne"essar a""essories % lightin lighting g po point intss using using  x 1 1$5m $5mms ms '2C "able "able % s!it"h s!it"h sso"7 o"7et et outl outlet et us using ing  x $ $5mm 5mms s ' '2C 2C "able % #an points points usi using ng  x 1$5mm 1$5mms s ' '2C 2C "able "able % air air"on "ond d poi points nts/ex /exhau haust st #an p poin ointt usin using g  x ,mms ,mms '2C "able % !ater !ater he heate aterr poi points nts u usin sing g  x ,m ,mms ms '2C "able "able

Final Sub% "ir"uit &iring ,0 0


Suppl and install metal "lad -istribution .oard "omplete !ith earthing and all other asso"iated !or7s as per dra!ing % )0* T'N -.%*

, 5

 Nos  Nos



5 10

 Nos  Nos

 , 50

 Nos  Nos  Nos

% % % % %

x1 1?& ?& 'L 'L ((su suare are tp tpe+ e+ -o!n o!n Lig Light ht Fi Fittin tting g )& &all Light Light F Fitt itting ing "/! -im -immer mer and a""essories  x 1) 1)& & eem merg ergen" en" ligh lightt -e" -e"ora orati tiee "eili "eiling ng #an ""/! /! sp speed eed regu regulato latorr "on "ontro troll -e" -e"ora orati tiee tp tpee s!it s!it"he "hess #or lligh ight8 t8 s! s!it"h it"h so"7 so"7et et outlet8 air"ond = &ater @eater (to suit reuirement+

1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

 das



nternal L2 Seri"es < *""ommodatio n +nit %ype B -istribution .oards

Final Sub% "ir"uit &iring






,0 0

 Nos  Nos







5 10

 Nos  Nos


Suppl and install metal "lad -istribution .oard "omplete !ith earthing and all other asso"iated !or7s as per dra!ing % )0* T'N -.%. nstallation8 intera"7ing = a""essories o# #ull #un"tioning o# 7e tag sstem &iring in "on"ealed "onduit and ne"essar a""essories % lightin lighting g po point intss using using  x 1 1$5m $5mms ms '2C "able "able % s!it"h s!it"h sso"7 o"7et et outl outlet et us using ing  x $ $5mm 5mms s ' '2C 2C "able % #an points points usi using ng  x 1$5mm 1$5mms s ' '2C 2C "able "able % air air"on "ond d poi points nts/ex /exhau haust st #an p poin ointt usin using g  x ,mms ,mms '2C "able % !ater !ater he heate aterr poi points nts u usin sing g  x ,m ,mms ms '2C "able "able

% % % %

x1 1?& ?& 'L 'L ((su suare are tp tpe+ e+ -o!n o!n Lig Light ht Fi Fittin tting g )& &all Light Light F Fitt itting ing "/! -im -immer mer and a""essories  x 1) 1)& & eem merg ergen" en" ligh lightt -e"o e"ora rati ti e "e "eil iliing #an "/! speed regulator "ontrol

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

 das


, 50

 Nos  Nos


-e" -e"ora orati tiee tp tpee s!it s!it"he "hess #or lligh ight8 t8 s! s!it"h it"h so"7 so"7et et outlet8 air"ond = &ater @eater (to suit reuirement+


nternal L2 Seri"es < *""ommodatio n +nit %ype $ -istribution .oards  NO




 Nos  Nos

,0 0

 Nos  Nos

5 )



Final Sub% "ir"uit &iring

Suppl and install metal "lad -istribution .oard "omplete !ith earthing and all other asso"iated !or7s as per dra!ing % )0* T'N -.%C nstallation8 intera"7ing = a""essories o# #ull #un"tioning o# 7e tag sstem

&iring in "on"ealed "onduit and ne"essar a""essories % lightin lighting g po point intss using using  x 1 1$5m $5mms ms '2C "able "able % s!it"h s!it"h sso"7 o"7et et outl outlet et us using ing  x $ $5mm 5mms s ' '2C 2C "able % #an points points usi using ng  x 1$5mm 1$5mms s ' '2C 2C "able "able % air air"on "ond d poi points nts/ex /exhau haust st #an p poin ointt usin using g  x ,mms ,mms '2C "able % !ater !ater he heate aterr poi points nts u usin sing g  x ,m ,mms ms '2C "able "able

1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

1 da



Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos

5 10  , 50

% % % % %

x1 1?& ?& 'L 'L ((su suare are tp tpe+ e+ -o!n o!n Lig Light ht Fi Fittin tting g )& &all Light Light F Fitt itting ing "/! -im -immer mer and a""essories  x 1) 1)& & eem merg ergen" en" ligh lightt -e" -e"ora orati tiee "eili "eiling ng #an ""/! /! sp speed eed regu regulato latorr "on "ontro troll -e" -e"ora orati tiee tp tpee s!it s!it"he "hess #or lligh ight8 t8 s! s!it"h it"h so"7 so"7et et outlet8 air"ond = &ater @eater (to suit reuirement+

1 ele"tri"ian

 das

1 labour 

nternal L2 Seri"es < *""ommodatio n +nit %ype D (double storey) -istribution .oards  NO  NO

1 1



Final Sub% "ir"uit &iring )0 30

 Nos  Nos

Suppl and install metal "lad -istribution .oard "omplete !ith earthing and all other asso"iated !or7s as per dra!ing % )0* T'N -.%- % A5* T'N -.%-1 nstallation8 intera"7ing = a""essories o# #ull #un"tioning o# 7e tag sstem

&iring in "on"ealed "onduit and ne"essar a""essories % lightin lighting g po point intss using using  x 1 1$5m $5mms ms '2C "able "able % s!it"h s!it"h sso"7 o"7et et outl outlet et us using ing  x $ $5mm 5mms s ' '2C 2C "able

1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

1 da



? 10

 Nos  Nos

% %



50 0

 Nos  Nos

% %

, ? )0

 Nos  Nos  Nos

% % %

#an points points usi using ng  x 1$5mm 1$5mms s ' '2C 2C "able "able air air"on "ond d poi points nts/ex /exhau haust st #an p poin ointt usin using g  x ,mms ,mms '2C "able !ater !ater he heate aterr poi points nts u usin sing g  x ,m ,mms ms '2C "able "able

x1 1?& ?& 'L 'L ((su suare are tp tpe+ e+ -o!n o!n Lig Light ht Fi Fittin tting g )& &all Light Light F Fitt itting ing "/! -im -immer mer and a""essories  x 1) 1)& & eem merg ergen" en" ligh lightt -e" -e"ora orati tiee "eili "eiling ng #an ""/! /! sp speed eed regu regulato latorr "on "ontro troll -e" -e"ora orati tiee tp tpee s!it s!it"he "hess #or lligh ight8 t8 s! s!it"h it"h so"7 so"7et et outlet8 air"ond = &ater @eater (to suit reuirement+

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

 das

1 ele"tri"ian 1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

1 da

nternal L2 Seri"es < Substation -istribution .oards 1 1


5 10

 Nos  Nos



Final Sub% "ir"uit &iring


Suppl and install metal "lad -istribution .oard "omplete !ith earthing and all other asso"iated !or7s as per dra!ing % 30* T'N -.%SS % 30* T'N -.%TN.

&iring in "on"ealed "onduit and ne"essar a""essories % lightin lighting g po point intss usi using ng  x 1$5m 1$5mms ms '2C "abl "ablee % s!it"h s!it"h sso"7 o"7et et outl outlet et us using ing  x $ $5mm 5mms s ' '2C 2C "able % exhaus exhaustt #an p poin oints ts us using ing  x $5mms $5mms  '2C '2C "ab "able le



Earthing #or ;S.


Standb 6enerator Set

Fluores"ent Light Fitting %  x 3)& % 1 x 3)& % 1 x 3)& 3)& ! !ea eath ther erpr proo oo## tp tpee

1 ele"tri"ian


Emergen" light

1 labour 



Earthing #or TN. sub%station(S!it"hgear = Trans#ormer room+ as per TN. reuirement$

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 



Earthing #or ;S.8 SS.s8 -.s and 6enset$

Quant ity 1




Carr Carr out out seri seri"in "ing g an and d tes testin ting g o# tthe he ex existi isting ng

1 ele"tri"ian




 labours






1 1

Lot Lot

15072* 15072 -iesel Engine Set nsta nstall ll * ex existing isting 1507 15072 2*6enerator -iese -iesell En Engine gine 6ener 6enerator ator Set Sup Suppl pl an and d inst install all 00* 00* *utom *utomati" ati" ; ;ain ain Failur Failuree (*;F+ .oard -ail -ail #uel #uel tan tan7 7 #or #or min minimum imum , h hou ours8 rs8 pipi piping8 ng8 ales 4e"har 4e"hargea geable ble b batte atterie riess (N (NCad Cad++ to suit suit the sstem sstem *"o *"oust usti" i" treatm treatment ent #or #or 6ens 6enset et 4oom 4oom Ea Eart rthi hing ng ##or or 6 6en ense sett = * *;F ;F . .oa oard rd

5 10 5

 Nos  Nos  Nos


M ethod Me

% % % %




1 da

1 da

Duration (days) 3 das




Lightning 'rote"tion Sstem


1 1

Lot Lot

Quant ity 1


Lot Lot

Quant ity


Telephone 'it = Telephone -u"ting

1 1

Lot Lot

Telephone -' = Outlet



Te Testi sting ng an and d ""om ommi miss ssio ioni ning ng

M ethod Me



Supp Suppl l and and iins nsta tall ll Earl Earl  Stre Stream amer er Ligh Lightn tnin ing g' 'ro rote te"t "tio ion n Sstem "/! @T "abling8 earthing pit and all ne"essar a""essories$

M ethod Me


) labours




Duration (days) 1? das


Duration (days)


nternal Tele"ommuni"a tion Sstem


Constru"t A)0mm x A)0mm x ,)0mm telephone pit nstall  x 100mm 6$ du"t #rom t elephone manhole to telephone pit$

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

Suppl and install 50 pairs Telephone ;ain -istribution Frame (50 pairs in"oming and 50 pairs outgoing+$

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

1 da


Telephone Cabling

3 3

 No  No

Suppl and install Teleph Telephone one -' % 0 pairs % 10 pairs



Suppl and install telephone point "/! 4911 outlet and a""essories

Suppl and install 30 pairs 0$)3mm telephone "able #rom 50 pairs md# to '*. in trun7ing


Telephone Set



&iring o# telephone points using  pairs o$)3mm telephone "able in "on"ealed "onduit$



Suppl digital '*. Sstem !ith #ollo!ing natures % ,0 n nos os *nalo *nalogu guee Ex Exten tensi sion on Lin Linee


 das

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

Suppl and install 0$)3mm telephone "able #rom md# t o T-' in trun7ing % 0 pairs % 10 pairs

100m 100m

-igital '*. Sstem

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 


% % % % % % %

? nos nos -igi -igital tal Exten Extensi sion on Line Line  nos nos *nalo *nalogu guee Tru Trun7 n7 Li Line ne 1 nos nos S-N S-N '4 '4 n nte ter# r#a"e a"e Card Card 'rer 'rere"o e"ord rded ed musi" musi" on hold hold 4emo 4emote te main mainten tenan an"e "e modem modem 1 hou hourr ba" ba"7% 7%up up batt batter er  2oi"e mall  p port ortss  0m 0mii re re"or "ordin ding g

% %

-igi -igita tall ttel elep epho hone ne set set *nal *nalog ogue ue tele teleph phon on e set set


)0 1

 Nos  No


Operat erato or "o "onsole sole

1 labour 



Quant ity


S;*T2 Sstem

 3

 Nos  Nos

1 1 1 1 1 1  3 1

 No  No  No  No  No  No  Nos  Nos  No

1 , , ) 10 ,0 1 1 1

 Nos  No  Nos  Nos  No  Nos Lot Lot Lot

M ethod Me

Suppl8 install8 testing and "ommissioning o# S;*T S;*T2 2 Sstem and all a""essories a s per dra!ing and spe"i#i"ation % @F antenna % 2@F antenna % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

Sat el elli ttee dish F; antenna Sate Satell llit itee F F amp ampli li#i #ier  er  2@F 2@F "han "hanne neli lied ed am ampl pli# i#ier  ier  @F @F "han "hanne neli lied ed am ampl pli# i#ier  ier  F; "han "hanne neli lied ed am ampl pli# i#ie ier  r  .oos .ooste terr am ampl pli# i#ie ierr , ,02 02 50 50@ @ p po! o!er er su supp ppl l @ead @eadea ead d e eui uipm pmen entt Sate Satell llit itee , !a !a  sspl plit itte terr Sate Satell llit itee  !a !a  sspl plit itte terr Sate Satell llit itee ) !a !a  sspl plit itte terr Freue Freuen" n" mod modula ulator tor ,5%A50 ,5%A50;h ;h Conn Conne" e"to torr and and en endl dlin inee res resis isto tor  r  S;* S;*T2 plug plug%i %in% n%ou outl tlet et Coax Coaxia iall "a "abl blee t tpe pe 4 461 611 1 Coax Coaxia iall ""ab able le tpe tpe 46) 46) @-; "able Lightn Lightning ing su surg rgee arre arresto storr #or an anten tenna8 na8dis dish h and  po!er  Com Comple plete te tes testing ting and "om "ommis missio sionin ning g




1 ele"tri"ian 3 labours

Duration (days) A das








Quant ity


'ubli" *ddress ('*+ Sstem  1

 Nos  Nos

1 1 1 1, 1 1 1 ?0 1A

 No  No  No  Nos  No  No  No  Nos  No

1 1 1 1 1 3,

 No  Nos  No  No  No  Nos

1 1

Lot Lot

M ethod Me

Suppl8 install8 testing and "ommissioning o# '* S Sstem stem and all a""essories as per dra!ing and spe"i#i"ation % ;i"r ;i"rop opro ro"e "ess ssor or "o "ont ntro roll "on "onso sole le % ;i" ;i"rop ropro" ro"ess essor or "o "ontr ntroll oller er re" re"ei eier er mix mixer er !ith !ith output aduster  % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

're%a mp mpli ##ii er er   Sour" our"ee se sele le"t "to or  ,0 ,0&/1 &/1002 002 po!er po!er am ampli pli#ie #ierr !i !ith th a aual ualie ier  r  Lo Lo"a "all re"e re"ei ier er "o "ont ntro roll ller  er  -2- pla er   *; *;/F; /F; st ster ereo eo sn snth thesi esie err tune tuner  r  -oub -ouble le au auto to%r %re eer erse se "a "ass sset etee de" de"7  7  3& 1 1002 002 )$5G )$5G du dual al "o "one ne ""eili eiling ng sspea pea7er 7er 3& 1002 1002 5 5GG du dual al "on "onee bo box x sspea pea7er 7er *mpl *mpli#i i#ier er moni monito torr pane panell 2olume lume "o "ont ntro roll ller  er  ;an ;anual ual amp ampli#i li#ier er "hange "hangeoe oerr unit unit .atter .atter "harg "harger er !i !ith th  ,2,2-C C 5* auxilia auxiliar r 1:G euip uipm men entt rra" a"7  7  Cab Cabling ling #or spe spea7e a7err and olume olume ""on ontro troll in 6$ 6$ du"t nt ntera era"7i "7ing ng and ne"ess ne"essar ar a""esso a""essorie riess Com Comple plete te tes testing ting and "om "ommis missio sionin ning g




 ) labours

Duration (days) 1 das




Quant ity


CCT2 Sstem


10 1 10 1 1 1 1

 Nos  No  Nos  No  No  No  No

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quant ity

 No  No  No  No Lot Lot Lot  

M ethod Me



) labours

Suppl8 install8 testing and "ommissioning o# CCT2 Sstem and all a""essories a s per dra!ing and spe"i#i"ation % Outd Outdoo oorr 'TH 'TH dome dome "am "amer eraa % ndo ndoor or 'TH 'TH dom domee "am "amer eraa % 1/3G 1/3G CCCC- d dom omee "am "amer eraa % 1/3G 1/3G CCCC- ""ol olou ourr dom domee "am "amer eraa % 0 "hanne "hannell digi digital tal ideo ideo re"ord re"order  er  % 0G main ain monit onito or  % 1,G spo pott m mo onito nitor  r  % >e >ebo boar ard d "on "ontr trol olle ler  r  % CCT2 C Co onsole % 'S #or @-% 35G euip uipm men entt rra" a"7  7  % Cab Cabling ling88 inte intera" ra"7in 7ing g and ne ne"es "essar sar aa""es ""essor sories ies % Li Ligh ghtin ting g an and d sur surge ge arre arrest stor  or  % Com Comple plete te tes testing ting and "om "ommis missio sionin ning g

M ethod Me





Duration (days) 15 das


Duration (days)


*udio 2isual (*2+ Sstem Seminar room    

 Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos

Suppl8 install8 testing and "ommissioning o# *2 Sstem and all a""essories as per dra!ing and spe"i#i"ation % 10 "han "hanne nell aaud udio io mi mixe xer  r  % *2 matr matrix ix s! s!it it"h "her er "o "ont ntro rolle ller  r  % ;ul ;ultip tiple le "ontro "ontroller ller int inter# er#a"e a"e unit unit % 10& 10&/1 /100 002 2p po! o!er er am ampl pli# i#ie ier  r  % -na -nami mi"" "ard "ardio iod dm mi" i"ro roph phon onee

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

5 das


) ,

 Nos  Nos


% % % % % % % % % % %

2@F !irele !ireless ss mi mi"ro "ropho phone ne s sstem stem !ith !ith han hand d heid heid transmitter  2@F ! !ire ireles lesss laa laallie llierr mi" mi"rop rophon honee ss sstem tem !ith !ith hand heid transmitter  30& 30& 1 100 002 2 ##ul ulll rang rangee sp spea7 ea7er  er  -oub -ouble le au auto to%r %re eer erse se "a "ass sset etee de" de"7  7  :?0 :?00 0* *NS NS lum lumen en true true 6* 6* LC- pr proe" oe"tor  tor  ;oto ;otori rise sed d pa pant ntog ogra raph ph 1I 1I x 10I 10I moto motoris rised ed ss"r "ree een n 1:G euip uipm men entt rra" a"7  7  Comp Comput uter er inte inter# r#a" a"ee -2- pla er   46. 6.@ @/id /ideo eo/a /au udio dio ;i" ;i"rop rophon hone/li e/line ne re"epta re"epta"le "le point point 5m m mi"r i"rop opho hone ne eext xten ensi sion on ""ab able le

% % %

Cab Cabling ling #or spe spea7e a7err aand nd mi" mi"rop rophon honee nt ntera era"7i "7ing ng and ne"ess ne"essar ar a""esso a""essorie riess Com Comple plete te tes testing ting and "om "ommis missio sionin ning g

% % % %

10 "han "hanne nell aaud udio io mi mixe xer  r  *2 matr matrix ix s! s!it it"h "her er "o "ont ntro rolle ller  r  ;ul ;ultip tiple le "ontro "ontroller ller int inter# er#a"e a"e unit unit 10& 10&/1 /100 002 2p po! o!er er am ampl pli# i#ie ier  r 

% %

-na -nami mi"" "ard "ardio iod dm mi" i"ro roph phon onee 2@F !irele !ireless ss mi mi"ro "ropho phone ne s sstem stem !ith !ith han hand d heid heid transmitter  2@F ! !ire ireles lesss laa laallie llierr mi" mi"rop rophon honee ss sstem tem !ith !ith hand heid transmitter  30& 30& 1 100 002 2 ##ul ulll rang rangee sp spea7 ea7er  er  -oub -ouble le au auto to%r %re eer erse se "a "ass sset etee de" de"7  7  :?0 :?00 0* *NS NS lum lumen en true true 6* 6* LC- pr proe" oe"tor  tor  2C4 plaer   1I 1I x 10I 10I moto motoris rised ed ss"r "ree een n

% ,

'ortable (outdoor usage+


)       

 Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos

 ) ) 1 1 1

 Nos  Nos  Nos Lot Lot Lot

1 1 1 1  1

 Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos



% % % % % %

1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 

5 das



1 1 1 1

 Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos

1  1 ) 1

 Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos Lot

Quant ity


>arao7e Sstem


CT Net!or7ing


 

 Nos  Nos

  1 1

 Nos  Nos Lot Lot

Quant ity


% % % % %

1:G euip uipm men entt rra" a"7  7  Comp Comput uter er inte inter# r#a" a"ee -2- pla er   5m m mi"r i"rop opho hone ne eext xten ensi sion on ""ab able le Cab Cabling ling #or spe spea7e a7err aand nd mi" mi"rop rophon honee

M ethod Me



Suppl8 install8 testing and "ommissioning o# >arao7e Sstem and all a""essories as per dra!ing and spe"i#i"ation % >arao7 >arao7ee mix mixing ing amp ampli#i li#ier er !ith !ith , inputs inputs88  monitor output and 5 mi"rophone re"eier  % 2@F 2@F dual dual "han "hannel nel d dual ual an anten tenna na di dier ersit sit rre"e e"eie ier  r  % 'C "/ "/! ! "omput "omputeri erised sed 7 7ara arao7 o7ee sele sele"tio "tion n so# so#t!a t!are re % :G "o "olour T2 T2 % Eu Euipm ipment ent "o "ons nso ole % Cab Cablin ling g and and ne"ess ne"essar ar a""ess a""essori ories es % Com Comple plete te tes testin ting g and and "om "ommis missio sionin ning g

M ethod Me


1 ele"tri"ian 1 labour 




Duration (days) 3 das


Duration (days)



Sstem Suppl8 install8 testing and "ommissioning o# CT  Net!or7ing Sstem and all all a""essories as per dra!ing

 Net!or7 Serer *nd *""essories

-ata 'rote"tion *ppli"ation

 Net!or7 Conne"tiit Euipment

Stru"ture Cabling n Conduit

, Euipment 4a"7



1 1

Lot Lot





1 1 1 1 5 1

 Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos  Nos

1 1 1 1 0

Lot Lot Lot Lot  Nos



1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

and spe"i#i"ation % File File serer serer88 pri print nt serer serer and and dom domain ain "o "ontr ntrolle ollerr serer  % 15G #lat #lat s"r s"reen een m moni onitor tor88 7e 7eboa board rd an and d mo mouse use % Net!o Net!or7 r7 #il #ilee serer serer operat operating ing sstem sstem88 anti anti%i %irus rus

% %

Exte Extern rnal al tape tape d dri rie e -ata -ata pro prote"t te"tion ion appli"a appli"ation tion so#t!a so#t!are re

% % % % % %

, por ports ts s! s!it it"h "her er , por portt p pat at"h "h panel anel Fire!all 4outer   ndo ndoor or ! !ir irel eles esss a""e a""ess ss poi point nt Outd Outdoo oorr !ire !ireles lesss a" a""e "ess ss p poi oint nt

% % % % %

T ' "at 5e 5e "a "able T ' "at ) "able Coaxial "able 'at"h "ord Fa"ep a"epla late te an and d a a"7 


5>a ninterruptibl e 'o!er Suppl Testing *nd Commissionin g





1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

1 ele"tri"ian

1 da

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