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A.C. Isinika and E. M.M.Senkondo





PRODUCTION ECONOMICS (AEA 201 and HE 203) (Second Year)

By A. C. Isinika and E. M. M. Senkondo




1. 1.1

INTRODUCTION What is Economics?

Economics is a social science. It is defined as the study of how limited resources can best be used to fulfill unlimited human wants. Whereas the wants and desires of human beings are unlimited, the means or resources available for meeting these wants and desires are limited. Economics is concerned with understanding the principles and developing rules that govern the production and consumption of goods and services in an economy in order to make the best use of available resources.

Specifically, the study of economics deals with understanding and

modeling the behavior of individual consumers and producers as well as the aggregate of all consumers and producers.

The set of rules governing behavior are represented as economic


 Economic Theory

Economic theory is a simplified representation of the complex real world. In economics, the meaning of an economic theory is widely accepted to be the set of relationships governing the behavior of individual producers or consumers or the set of relationships governing the overall economy of a society or nation. Economic theory may also represent a hypothesis or proposition about how something operates based on observation.

Such hypothesis may be empirically

verified for their wider application over time and space. Economic models can be used to test the validity of economic theory in time and space when answering the question “what would happen if such and such a change took place? verbally, (2) graphically or (3) mathematically.


Economic models may be represented (1)

Some important concepts in Economics

Scarcity:  is an important concept in economics because most of the goods and services are

scarce, including production inputs and consumption goods


Note that there are human needs/desires on the one hand, most of which are insatiable, and resources on the other hand, most of which are limited or scarce





Resources, which are abundant in supply such as air, are free while scarce resources are allocated based on the price mechanism or by rationing.


Since many resources are scarce and the needs are unlimited, a mechanism must

exist to guide the use of resources. This entails choosing the best alternative which reflects the real opportunity cost of the resource, i.e. that which is consistent with individual or social objectives. For example a farmer must decide how much of one hectare of land to allocate to maize and sorghum. Prices play an important role in the allocation of resources as well as goods and services.

Goals (End or Objective):  These represent the needs to be satisfied. Since individual needs or

desires appear to be unlimited, goals compete for scarce resources. Economics helps to choose among competing alternatives by use of indicators. Examples of some indicators include prices for consumers and producers, the profit motive for producers and utility in the case of consumers. The goal is often to maximize or minimize these indicators accordingly.

 Economic Problem

Thus for a problem problem to be economic, (1) scarcity and (2) alternatives must exist. For example if there is scarcity but no alternatives, there is no choice to be made. On the other hand, if there are alternatives but no scarcity (the goods or resources are free), the problem is not of economic nature. In both examples allocation would not solve the problem.


Economic Modeling

Relationships in the real world are very complex. In order to understand relationships between factors or causes and effects of economic relationships a number of assumptions are often made so as to simplify the complex world. An economic model may be: - 

Descriptive, (words) used since early periods of the professions (18th Century). Most early text describing economic relationships, e.g. Adam Smith’s “The




Wealth of Nations,” are entirely descriptive. Verbal description was limited in its scope of addressing the question what if a certain change was introduced? - 

graphic to represent relationships. An improvement over verbal representation, and had more analytical capacity but limited in the number of variables or factors that could be represented. In two dimension, limited to only two variable

Mathematical. Capable of describing complex economic theories and analyses. The advent of econometrics and Computers has made the application of mathematical models even simpler and more popular.


The relationship between the price of a product (PQ) and the quantity demanded

(Q) might be represented as follows: (a) Verbal:

As the price increases, the quantity demanded decreases

(b) Mathematical:

Qi = f(Pi)

(b)  Graphic:

P 1 


Q1  Figure 1.2 1.4


A demand model

Types of Economics

Consumption versus Production economics

Economics involves making choices. A person who faces a limited income (and no one does not) must choose to buy those items that make him or her feel most satisfied, subject to an




income limitation or constraint. Choice is central to consumption economics. A person is said to derive utility (satisfaction) from consuming the item. The basic economic problem involves maximization of the utility, subject to the constraint imposed by the availability of income.

The producer (firm owners) of goods and services that are desired by consumers is also faced by a set of choices to be made. The producer also attempts to maximize utility. To maximize utility, the producer is motivated by a desire to make more money, in order to fulfill unlimited wants. Although the producer may have other goals, he/she frequently strives to maximize profit as a means of achieving utility or satisfaction. Profits are subsequently used to purchase other goods and services that provide utility or satisfaction to the producer of firm owner. Other producers may however strive to maximize other goals, such as the amount of land owned, the size of their enterprise, the type of machinery on their farm (the latest), nonetheless, profit is often an overriding goal among most farmers.

 Microeconomics  Microecon omics versus versus Macroeconomics Macroeconomics

Traditionally economics is categorized into Micro-economics and Macro-economics.

Microeconomics is concerned with the behavior of individual decision making units, ie individual consumers as they allocate income or individual firm managers or producers (such as a farmer) as they allocate their resources consistent with their goals.

Macroeconomics deals with the big picture i.e. issues that confront the entire economy. These include inflation, unemployment, interest rates, and exchange rates (sometimes called the macroprices) and money supply. Macroeconomics is also concerned with the role of government policy in determining fundamental questions that must be answered by any society. These include: (1) What to produce, (2) How much to produce and (3) How should available goods and services be allocated.

Although micro and macroeconomics are considered separate branches of economics they are actually closely related. The macro-economy is made of individual consumers and producers.




Their individual actions are reflected in the aggregate depending on the prevailing government policies.

Static versus Dynamic Economics

Statiic economics can be thought of as one or more snapshot of events taking place in an economy. The economic relationship represented by a graph for supply (SS) and demand (D 1D1) reflects a static relationship at a point in time. An event or shock such as an increase in income that leads to increased demand would shift the demand curve to the right. A second demand curve (D2D2) would accordingly be drawn to reflect this change. This tool of analysis is called comparative statics, an intermediate between static and dynamic economics. Comparative statics is often used in economics.

D2  P

D1  S







Figure 1.2

(New income)

(Old income)


Comparative Statics 

With comparative statics, the underlying cause of the income change that leads to a shift in demand is not considered, nor is the time interval between the two demand schedules (timeless).




In static and comparative statics, future expectations are single valued Comparative statics is used in both micro and macroeconomic analysis.

Dynamic economics on the other hand can be thought of as a moving picture of the economy. Time is important in dynamic economic analysis. Dynamic economics attempts to show the process by which an individual consumer, firm or economy moves from one equilibrium to another. For example, dynamic economic analysis may attempt to show the path of machinery investments made by a farmer over a twenty-year period. Or, changes in the quantity of a commodity demanded one day, one week or one month from the time of the price change.

Risk and uncertainty are an important part of dynamic analysis. Often future outcomes are not known with certainty. Thus they are multiple rather than single valued. For example, applying 100 Kg of Urea to one hectare of maize may increase yield by 15 bags, 10 bags or 5 bags depending on other factors such as the amount of rainfall, the rate of weeding etc. When the probability of an outcome is known, we are dealing with risk but when the probability is not known we have an uncertain situation.

Positive versus Normative Economics 

Positive economics deals with describing the functioning of economic units (what is) in terms of characteristics and the nature of relationships for households, firms, markets and economic systems. Under positive economics the specification of goals or policies is left to decisionmakers. There is no prescription of what is good or bad. Disagreements Disagreement s may be resolved by gathering more facts.

Normative economics on the other hand is prescriptive. The analyst says what ought to be. This means there is value judgement. Economic policy analysis falls under normative economics. Positive economics serves as a basis for making decisions in normative economics. For example positive economics may be able to show that a 5% tax increase on the rich will raise 10 billion shillings without significantly reducing their consumption demand. Normative economics may go further to recommend that this money will be best utilized if it is allocation to public




education and public health because this will mostly benefit the poor who cannot afford to go to private schools and hospitals..

 Economics versus versus Agricultural Agricultural Economics Economics 

Agricultural economics is an applied science dealing with how people choose to use technical knowledge and scarce productive resources (land, labor and management) to produce food and fiber and distribute them for consumption to various members of the society over time. Agricultural economics uses scientific methods to find answers to problems in agriculture and agribusiness. An agricultural economist must be a good economist in the sense that he/she must have good mastery of economic theory. However, an agricultural economist is an economist with specialization in agriculture. Knowledge in agriculture (e.g. agronomy, animal husbandry, forestry, mathematics, statistics, business and other social sciences) is necessary if an agricultural economist is to portray relationships accurately using models of some component of the agricultural sector.

 Agriculturall Production Economics   Agricultura Role of economic theory in production

Agricultural production economics is concerned primarily with economic theory as it relates to the producer of agricultural commodities.

Some major concerns in agricultural production

economics include the following:

Goals and objectives of a farm manager: Often assumed to be maximizing profit. However, individual farmers may have their own unique goals. Nonetheless, most economic models used for representing the behavior of farm managers assumes that they are striving to maximize profits. Or at least striving to maximize revenue, subject to some resources constraints.

Choice (What to produce):

A farm manager faces an array of options with regard to what to

produce, given available labor, farm tools and equipment. The manager must decide how much of each particular commodity to produce.




Allocation of resources among outputs:

Once the decision on what to produce has been

made, the farm manager must decide how available resources are to be allocated among various outputs. For example, which crops should be planted on which farm plots? How much of labor and machinery should be allocated to each farm plot?

Risk and Uncertainty:

Models of production economics frequently assume that the

manager knows with certainty the applicable production function ( for example the yield that would result for a crop if a particular amount of fertilizer was applied) and the prices of both for inputs to be purchased and output to be sold. However in agriculture, the assumption of perfact knowledge with respect to the production function is never met. The weather, an important factor in agricultural production cannot be predicted with certainty, Animals and plants farmers must make decisions with less than perfect knowledge with regard to the amount they will obtain at the time of harvest and the price at which they will sell their produce.

Thus agricultural production economics deals with:


How individual farms react to given changes in the economy


How Agricultural economists should advice farmers on how to react to such changes For example, if the demand for an agricultural commodity changes (due to change in income or taste) how will farm prodction and farm income be affected?

•  1.5

How changes in supply or prices of agricultural inputs affct farm operations?

Assumptions of Pure or Perfect Competition

Agriculture is often considered the closest approximation of the perfectly competitive model. The basic assumptions of the model are reviewed below:

 A large number number of buyers and sellersexist sellersexist in the industry:  as such, buyer and sellers are price

takers in the output and input markets respectively. Although this assumption is valid to a large extent, it does not always hold true. For example, fertilizer in Tanzania is distributed by only a handful of dealers, the main export crops such as cotton, coffee, tobacco and cashew-nuts are bought by a limited number of buyer. In the case of tobacco, there has been evidence of




collusion among buyers to set producer prices, thereby violating the underlying assumption that no single buyer or seller is large enough to influence the price.

Farmers are price takers and not price setters:

This implies that farmers can sell as much as

they want at the market price without their supply to the market affecting the market price. This means the level of production by individual farmers is so small that their additional supply to the market does not influence the price.

This assumption may however be violated in the case of

monopolistic producers/sellers of certain products such as fertilizer, agricultural chemicals or farm implements.

The products are homogenous:

industry are identical.

This implies that the products produced by all firms in the

As such there is no need for advertising since there is nothing to

distinguish the product of one firm from another.

This assumption holds true for many

agricultural products. For instance, a consumer is unlikely to distinguish between maize from two different farmers. Nevertheless, some producers may attempt to differentiate their products in order to fetch premium prices. For example, at Morogoro market, peas from Matombo sell at a higher price than similar looking peas from Iringa.

There is free entry and exit :

This implies mobility of resources in and out of farming. The free

mobility assumption may be easily met under small holder peasant agriculture but it becomes increasingly difficulty to transfer resources out of agriculture as the level of specialization and capitalization increases. A farmer who just acquired a tractor for maize production may find it difficult to dispose it off his/her within a short time if market conditions change such that maize production is no longer profitable. Other artificial restraints to free entry may also exist. These include government policy. For example, the pan territorial price policy for inputs and outputs which existed in Tanzania during the 1970 and 1980s is a case in point. This policy in effect subsidized agricultural production in remote areas thereby interfering with free entry.

Perfect certainty: 

By this assumption, it is supposed that all variables of concern to the

producer are known with certainty.

Some economists distinguish between pure and perfect

competition. They argue that pure competition can exist even if all variables are not known with




certainty to the producer and consumer. However, perfect competition will exist only if the producer knows not only the prices for which output will be sold but also the prices for inputs. Moreover, with perfect competition, the consumer has complete knowledge with respect to prices. Most important, with perfect competition, the producer is assumed to have complete knowledge of the production process or the function that transform inputs or resources into output or commodities.

Since nature varies from year to year, this assumption is violated

continuously in agriculture

Nevertheless, the assumption of pure of perfect competition is often assumed in economic analysis involving the agricultural industry because, despite its weakness, the perfectly competitive model of economic behavior comes close to representing farming than other available models such as monopoly, monopolistic competition or oligopoly. In using the purely competitive model during analysis, modifications are made depending on the specific condition of the particular market or situation being analyzed.


Discussion Questions 


Discuss the role of microeconomics versus macroeconomics in agricultural economics. Does microeconomics have a greater impact than macroeconomics on the farm manager?


If pure competition is not an adequate representation of the economic model that underlies farming in Tanzania, why do the assumptions of pure competition continue to be important to Agricultural economists?


The real world is dynamic, why do agricultural economists continue to rely so much on comparative statics as a tool of analysis


Is agricultural production economics positive or normative?


To become an agricultural economist, is it more important to know agriculture or to know economic theory?




2.  2.1 


What is a production function? 

A production function represents a technical relationship between inputs (resources or factors of production) and output. For a particular technology, a production function describes how inputs are transformed into products. For example the rate at which fertilizer that is applied into the soil combines with moisture and sunlight and gets transformed into maize or beans. A production function may be represented in mathematical, graphic or tabular form as illustrated below. Symbolically the production function may be written as: (2.1)  Y = f(x)  Where Y = output X = input for x ≥ 0

(The dependent variable) (The independent variable or variable input)

In the case of more than one independent variable inputs the production function may be written as: (2.2)  Y = f(x1 , x2 , x3 ,…………,xn) The exact functional form of the production function depends on the technology. Equation 2.3 gives a specific example of a production function with one variable input or dependent variable.



Y = 0.75x + 0.0042X   – 0.000023x


In a production function, each value of Y  is  is assigned to at least one value of x and two or more values of x can relate to the same value of Y , but the converse is not true. No value of x can relate to two different values of Y . This is a cardinal rule of mathematical functions.




Table 2.1 represents a production function in tabular form:

Quantity of Nitrogen (Kg/ha) 0 45 90 135 180 225 265

Yield of Maize Kg/ha) 6,276 9,415 13,181 14,436 15,441 16,068 15,566

Note: This is a hypothetical example


  e   z    i   a   m    f   o   s   g   a    B

Bagsof Fertilizer Figure 2.1


Graphic representation of a production function

Production functions may be determined through (a)  experiments as in the case of fertilizer rates (b)  by studying farm records involving a homogenous group of farmers (c)  using a combination of experiments and available farm record

Researchers, for purposes of economic analysis normally estimate production functions. Farmers normally don’t go about estimating production functions using the methods listed




above. Nevertheless, they know (be it intuitively) the technical relationship between inputs and output in their farm through years of experience.

Fixed versus Variable Inputs and the Length of Run

When we represent the production function in terms of inputs and output: (2.4)  Y = f(x) 

The model is actually oversimplified because it is assumed that all the other inputs that go into the production process are held constant ( ceteris paribus) except for the variable input of interest during this analysis. For example in the case of variations in the quantity of nitrogen, we assume that other inputs such as land, labor, pesticides moisture are held constant as the amount of fertilizer is varied. This should symbolically be represented as:

(2.5)  Y = f(x1 ,  x2 , x3 , x4 , ………….x5)

In equation 2.45x1 is the variable input while x2, x3……xn are fixed inputs, meaning that they are held constant as x1 is varied (all other things being equal or ceteris paribus).

 A variable input  input  is  is an input that the farm manager can control or for which he or she can alter the

level of use. This implies that the farmer has sufficient time to adjust the amount of the input being used.

 A fixed input   is usually defined as an input, which for some reason the farmer cannot change

during the production period. For example once the production season starts, the amount of land available to the farmer can be considered as being fixed for that season. Thus, the farm manager may be facing fixed inputs due to (1) time, (2) economic prudence such as in a situation where increasing or decreasing the input would reduce profits (e.g. the amount of yeast in bread making) or (3) a personal decision such as in a situation when the farmer is doing an experiment




to determine the milk production response when the ration is changed. The set of fixed inputs is also referred to as the plant.

However, given enough time the amount of all inputs can be changed. Thus economists define production situations as they relate to inputs in three phases:

The very short run 


this is a length of time too short for the firm manager to change

any of the inputs. Thus in the very short run all inputs are fixed. An example is a production season once it commences. The farmer will have assembled all the input and most of them cannot be returned to the stores. As such they may be considered as being fixed.

The short run or intermediate run 


a time period of such length that at least on of the

inputs is variable. As such they may be considered to be fixed.

The long run  -

a time period of such length that all inputs can be varied. For example

before plans are put into effect, all inputs are variable

These periods are rather arbitrary, defined to simplify economic analysis. In practice, farmers are always faced with some fixed input as the production season proceeds. They are essentially moving from one short run to another.

Important Assumptions Underlying Production Functions

Perfect Certainty  - When production functions are given, representing the technical relationship

between inputs and outputs, it is assumed that the technology is perfect and farm managers make their production plans under conditions of certainty. But in reality, there is a lot of risk and uncertainty with regard to the efficiency of the production process (technology) as well as prices. Agricultural production involves a lot of inputs that cannot be controlled. These include the weather, government policies, events in other countries etc.

As such, last year’s production is

only a guide to this year’s production decisions. This assumption of perfect certainty is made to simplify the real world so as to facilitate analysis.





Good rainfall Too much rain

Risk or Uncertainty

Dry year

Fertilizer Figure 2.3

Uncertainty due to Weather Variations

 Level of technology technology: It is assumed that farmers use the most efficient technology available to

them, i.e. the process that gives the most output for the given level of inputs. If farmers don’t use the most efficient technology available, it is possibly because they are not aware of it or they cannot afford it. For example farmers continue to use the hand hoe because they cannot afford or they do not have access to more efficient tools of primary and secondary tillage.

 Length of time time:

It is assumed that the farmer manager is operating in one of the time

periods in relation to inputs used as discussed above:

The very short run


when all inputs are fixed

The short run


when at least one input is variable

The long run


when all inputs are variable.





Total Physical Product, Average Physical Product and Marginal Physical Product  

As previously discussed, production functions provide a technical relationship between inputs and outputs, in the next section we will attempt to develop some general principles that apply to production functions in general. To do this the classical production function will be used since it displays all the characteristics necessary for the purpose and it is commonly used for describing production relationships in agriculture. Equation (2.6) represents an example of the classical production functions.




Y = 3x + 2x – 0.1x  

Total physical product , abbreviated as (TPP), is the total output hereafter denoted as Y   and the

variable input is denoted as x. 

The average physical product,  abbreviated as (APP), is the ratio of output to variable input,

obtained by dividing the total physical product by the variable input.

(2.7)  APP = Y/x 

This parameter measures the average rate at which inputs are transformed into output. The APP therefore measures the efficiency of production or the efficiency of using variable inputs. The shape of the APP depends on the production function. Geometrically Geometricall y the APP is defined by the slope of a ray from the origin that intersects or is tangent to the TPP. From the production function in equation (2.6);

(2.8)  APP = 3 + 2x – 0.1x2 

Note that for the production function given above, the APP is not defined when  x = 0. Even though the algebraic function (2.8) implies that APP is equal to 3 at this point, rather, 3 represents the limit of the APP as x approaches 0.




The marginal physical product , abbreviated as (MPP), is defined as the change in output

resulting form a unit incremental change in variable input. The shape of the MPP depends on the shape of the production function. Geometrically, the MPP represents the slope of the production function. There are two ways to compute MPP;


Average MPP is computed using tabular data of a production function

(2.9)   Average MPP = ∆Y/ ∆ x


Exact MPP is computed when a continuous differentiable production function is defined. The exact MPP is the first derivative of the TPP obtained using differential calculus.

(2.10)  Exact MPP = dY/dx

From the production function given in equation 2.6; (2.11)   Exact MPP = dY/dx = 3 + 4x – 0.3x2 

Note that the average MPP between two points on a production function is an approximation of the exact MPP of points that lie between the two points. Thus there will always be a difference between the exact and average MPP computed for a given point using tabular data and calculus

For the classical production function under consideration,


When the MPP is increasing , TPP is increasing at an increasing rate


When MPP is decreasing but positive, TPP is increasing at a decreasing rate


When MPP is zero, TPP attains a maximum


When MPP is negative, TPP is decreasing




  Slope equal zero

Y or TPP

Slope equals MPP, equals Max. APP Maximum TPP Maximum APP

Slopes equal APP Point of inflection


Max. MPP Max. APP



Figure 2.4


A Classical Production Function (Adapted from Debertin, 19…)





The Law of Diminishing Returns

The law of diminishing returns was developed by early economists to describe the relationship between output and a variable input when other inputs are held constant. The law of diminishing returns has widespread application. The law states that;

 If increasing increasing amounts of an input are added to a production production process while all other inputs are held constant, the amount of output added per additional unit of variable input will eventually decrease.

The law of diminishing returns has invariably also been states as follows;

 As units of a variable input are added to one or more fixed inputs, after   some point, each incremental unit of variable input produces less and less additional output.


 As units of a variable input are added to units of fixed inputs the proportions proportions change between  fixed and variable variable inputs inputs

The LDR refers to the rate of change in the slope of the production function. diminishing returns is also referred to as the law of diminishing marginal returns,

The law of

For example, as nitrogen fertilizer is applied to a maize farm, after some point, each additional unit of nitrogen would produce less and less additional maize

This law implies that there is a right amount of variable inputs to be used in combination with fixed inputs. The farm manager should use neither too much or too little. The law of diminshing returns says nothing about increasing returns even though production functions may have increasing returns within their range.




  The classical production function presented above initially exhibits increasing marginal followed by diminishing marginal returns, but for other types of production functions marginal returns could be decreasing right from the first unit of variable input applied to the production process.

Assumptions of the Law of Diminishing Returns


The law assumes that the technology is constant. That is the method of production remains the same as changes are made to the amount of variable input


The law of diminishing returns applies to changing proportion between variable and one set of fixed inputs. The law does not apply when all inputs are changed simultaneously.

The law of diminishing returns is sometimes referred to as the law of variable proportions or the law of decreasing productivity. Some people apply the LDR to APP and TPP, but this is not commonly done.


Three Stages of Production

The classical production function can be divided into three regions or stages based on the efficiency of resource utilization













x Figure 2.5

Three Stages of the Classical Production Function

As can be seen from figure 2.5:


Stage I occurs when the MPP is greater than zero and greater than the APP and the APP is increasing. This means the efficiency at which variable inputs are transformed into output, as measured by the APP is increasing throughout stage I.


Stage II occurs when the MPP greater than or equal to zero but less than the APP and the APP is decreasing

The efficiency of using the variable input as measured by the APP. When the APP attains a maximum at the beginning of stage II. Variable inputs are used most effeciently




  On the other hand the efficiency of using fixed inputs is measured by dividing the output by a one level of fixed inputs. Since the TPP attains a maximum at the beginning of stage III, at this point the ratio of output to fixed inputs should be the highest, therefore representing the most efficient use of fixed inputs.


Stage III occurs when the MPP is negative and the TPP is decreasing. This occurs when excessive variable inputs are combined with fixed inputs.

That is why TPP begins to


Economic Interpretation

Although the price of inputs and outputs must be known in-order to determine the most profitable level of production, some general recommendations can be made based on the technical relationship between inputs and output as represented by the production function. These recommendations include:


If the product is of any value at all (and therefore it must be produced), then, varialble inputs should be used at least up to the beginning of stage II. That is up to the point where the efficiency of using variable inputs is highest. This is the point where the APP attains a maximum.


Even if inputs are free, no variable inputs should not be applied in stage III because additional variable inputs would result in a decrease of the TPP


The boundaries of stage II represent the limits of economic relevance. The optimal level of variable inputs to be used (the level that yields the highest level of profit) occurs somewhere in stage II. However, the exact amount of input can only be determined once input and output prices are known.

Algebraic Interpretation

The boundaries of the three stages can also be determined from an algebraic representation of the production function. Continuing with the function given in equation (2.6) TPP

Y = 3x + 2x2 – 0.1x3 






 APP = 3 + 2x – 0.1x  

At the boundary of stage I and II the APP attains a maximum, which means the slope of the APP at this point is equal to zero. The value of  x  and this point can be determined by equating the first derivative of the APP to zero and subsequently solving for x.

Slope of APP d APP/dx =2 – 0.2x =0


 X = 10 

At this point, MPP = APP The slope of the TPP is equal to zero when TPP is its maximum, which means the MPP is equal to zero at this point. This marks the boundary between stage II and III. The value of  x at this point can be determined by equating the MPP to zero and solving for  x. 



 MPP = 3 + 4x – 0.3x  = 0

 X = [-4 ±  √   (16 +3.6)]/0.6 = 14.04  

The Elasticity of Production and the Point of Diminishing Returns

The elasticity of production is a measure of the responsiveness of output to changes in inputs. It is defined as as the percentage change in output given a unit percentage change input. elasticity of production like all other elasticities in unitless.


εp = Percentage change in output/ Percentage change in input εp = ∆Y/ Y ÷ ∆X/ X εp = (∆Y/ ∆x) (x/Y) = MPP/APP  One can compute:


Average elasticity of production, if the production function is defined in tabular form or only two coordinates of a production function are defined





Exact elasticity of production, if a continuous differentiable production function is defined

Elasticity of Product Substitution and the Point of Diminishing Returns 

At what point does the point of diminishing returns set in? The MPP begins to diminish at the point of inflection The APP begins to diminish at the point where MPP = APP The TPP begins to diminish at the point where MPP = 0

The determination of the point of diminishing returns can be ambiguous, that is the point at which returns begin to diminish. To avoid such ambiguity, some authors apply the law of diminishing returns directly to the marginal physical product, thereby referring to the law of diminishing marginal returns. In this case, the elasticity of product substitution provides an unambiguous way to define the point of diminishing returns as follows;



% ∆ Output --------------------------- -% ∆ Input

In stage I εp  >

In stage III εp  ≤  In Stage II


MPP -----APP

1 0

0 ≤ εp ≤ 1

The point of diminishing returns occurs at the point where MPP = APP and

εp = 1.

In the

classical production function, the point of diminishing returns occurs at the lower boundary of stage II. This marks the point where variable inputs are used most efficiently, and this is where the minimum amount of variable inputs should be used. At the upper limit boundary of stage II, MPP = 0, and

εp  = 0.

Consequently, the relevant interval of production for a variable input is

within the range where; 0 ≤ εp ≤ 1





Forms of Production Functions

Besides the classical production function, which is often used for illustrative purposed, there are many other forms of production functions that are used in empirical work. These include:

1. Linear production functions


Y = a + bx

2. Power production functions


Y = bx  

3. Quadratic production functions


Y = a + bx - cx ; Where a, b, c and n are constants



4. CES functions; these have a constant elasticity of substitution 5. Linear Programming 6. Input-Output relations

At this level, at most you will come across the first three types of functions and some examples are given below:


A linear function

Y = a + bx

MPP = b

For more than one variable input

Y = a + bx1 + cx2 

MPPx1 = ∂ Y/ ∂ x1 = b ;

MPPx2 = ∂ Y/ ∂ x2 = c

εp = b (x/Y)





Power functions (e.g. the Cobb-Douglas function)


Y = ax  



= bax  


= axb-1 


= (abxb-1)/ (axb-1) = b


Power functions can be linearlized by logarithm transformation


= a + bLnx


Quadratic Production Function


Y = a + bx - cx    MPP = b – 2cx

This kind of production function allows for interaction between inputs

e.g. Y = a + b1 x1 + b2 x2 – b3 x12 – b4 x22 + b5 x1 x2 

In this case the MPP of x1 will be influenced by x2 and vise versa MPPx1 = ∂Y/ ∂x1 = b1 –2b3x1 +b5x2  MPPx2 = ∂Y/ ∂x2 = b2 –2b3x1 +b5x1

Discussion Questions 1.  Discuss the meaning of a production function 2.  A farmer should handle all the land within the farm such that crop yields are maximized. Comment 3.  List four categories of inputs that are important in agricultural production






Cost functions represent expenses incurred in organizing and carrying out production processes. They include the cost of inputs and services used in production such as the cost of fertilizer, labor and management. In the short run costs are viewed as fixed and variable costs. In the long- run, all costs are considered to be variable.

Fixed and variable costs

A resource or input is called a fixed resource if its quantity does not vary during the production period, while the quantity of a variable resource used in a production process depends on the quantity of output being produced (the level of production). Most inputs are not free as such there are costs associated with them. In general costs of fixed inputs are called fixed costs, while those of variable inputs are called variable costs.

Fixed costs  are incurred irrespective of

whether or not production is undertaken. Thus, they do not change in magnitude depending on the amount of output produced.

Examples of fixed costs include land taxes, principal and

interest payments on loans, insurance premiums, wages for permanent employees. These are cash costs. Non-cash fixed costs include depreciation costs on buildings, machinery and other equipment, interest charges on capital investments and charges on family labor and management. Variable costs depend on the level of production. They include purchased inputs such as seed,

fertilizer, herbicides, insecticides and hired labor.

In the case of livestock within a single

production season, feed and medicine are the major variable cost items.

Computation of costs

In the following section, we will discuss how to compute the various cost items.

Total Costs 1.  Total fixed costs  (TFC) represent the summation of all the fixed costs. This is constant throughout the production process for a given period.




2.  Total variable costs  (TVC) are computed by multiplying the amount of variable input used by the price of per unit input. TVC = Px.X. These costs vary as output changes.


The shape of the TVC function depends on the shape of the production function.

3.  Total costs (TC) are the sum of TVC and TFC, i.e. TC = TVC + TFC = Px.X + TFC


The shape of the total cost function depends on the shape of the production function

From these basic cost functions, a number of other cost functions can be derived as presented below:

Average Costs 1.

 Average Fixed Fixed Cost (AFC)

The average Total Cost is obtained by dividing the total cost by the amount of output.


Where Y is output

   t   s   o    C


Output Figure 3.1

Average Fixed Cost Curve




•  •  •  • 

AFC varies depending on the level of output. As Y increases, AFC declines. AFC always has the same shape regardless of the production function. Average fixed cost decreases with the level of output and eventually becomes asymptotic to the horizontal axis. This effect is due to spreading fixed costs over more output.


 Average Variable Variable Costs (AVC)

The average variable cost (AVC) is obtained by dividing the total variable cost (TVC) by the level of output (Y).


The AVC varies depending on the level of production. The level of the AVC curve depends on the unit cost of the variable input .  .


The AVC is inversely related to the average physical product (APP).  

When the APP is increasing, the AVC is decreasing. When the APP is at its maximum, the AVC is at its minimum and when the APP is decreasing, the AVC is increasing. AVC


= TVC/Y = Px.X/Y = Px.(X/Y), = Px./ (APP)

But, (X/Y) = APP

For a production function the APP measures the efficiency of using variable inputs, likewise in the case of cost functions, the AVC provides the same measure.


Average Total Cost (ATC)

The average total cost is the sum of the average fixed cost and the average variable cost.



The shape of the ATC curve depends on the shape of the production function.




Traditionally, the ATC is always referred to as the unit cost of production. That is, the cost of producing one unit of output. As the level of production increases from zero, the ATC initially declines due to spreading fixed costs among an increasing number of units of output. Also due to increasing efficiency in using the variable inputs ( as indicated by a declining average variable cost curve). However, as output increases further, AVC attains a minimum and it begins to increase. Thereafter, the AVC and AFC, which constitute the ATC, move in opposite directions (one is decreasing while the other is rising).

From this point onwards, initially, the ATC

continues to decline, implying that the rise in AVC is not strong enough to offset the declining effect of the AFC. Once the declining effect of the AFC can no longer offset the rising effect of the AVC, the ATC also begins to rise.

   t   s   o    C


AFC Output Figure 3.2

Average Cost Curves

4. Marginal Cost

The marginal cost is defined as the change in total cost, per unit change in output. It is the cost of producing one additional unit of output.




= ) TC/ ) Y


But, TC is the sum of TFC and TVC. Since TFC does not vary with the level of production, it means that any variation in the TC must be due to variation in the TVC.


Thus  TC


=  TVC

Therefore, MC = ) TVC/ ) Y From a geometric point of view, the MC is the slope of the total cost curve.


The shape of the  MC curve is inversely related to that of the Marginal physical product (MPP), as illustrated by the following mathematical derivation:


= ) TC/ ) Y = ) Y = ) TVC/   (Px.X)/  ) Y = Px ()X/ ) Y) = Px /MPP

   t   s   o    C

But, ) X/ ) Y = 1/MPP



AFC Output

Figure 3.3

Cost Curves





As long as there is some fixed cost, the marginal cost curve crosses the ATC curve at its minimum but this is at a greater level of output than the output at which AVC is at its minimum


Stage II of the classical production function begins at the point where MC = AVC


At the boundary of stage II and III, we have already established that MPP = Zero. This means: MC = Px /MPP = Px /0 = Undefined Undefined In other words at the boundary of stage II and III, the MC would be vertical and parallel to the vertical axis. From an economic point of view, at this point the MC ceases to have any meaning.


It should be noted that the change in Total cost resulting from a unit change in variable input is not the marginal cost. Rather, this is referred to as the marginal factor cost (MFC). In a perfectly competitive market, the MFC = Price of the variable input (Px)

These various cost functions can also be represented in tabular form as shown in Table 3.1. As part of the class exercise, fill in the remaining gaps in table 3.1 below.

Table 3.1 X

Various Cost Functions in Tabular Form Y




0 1 2 3 4

0 4.9 13.2 24.3 37.6

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

100 200 300 400

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

52.5 68.4 87.4 100.8 116.1 130.0 141.9 151.2 157.3 159.6 157.5 150.4

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600




MC Average Exact

Source: Doll and Orazem (1978)




  With regard to cost functions, it should be noted that:


Managers/farmers are interested in the total cost of producing an output as well as the unit cost of production at a given level of output. Thus, costs are usually expressed as a function of output


Marginal cost is a widely used concept in agricultural economics. It is the increase in total cost resulting from one unit increase in output. NOTE  that the marginal cost is not the change in Total cost given a unit increase in inputs.

Empirical Estimation of Cost Functions

Cost functions can be estimated either directly or indirectly.

1.   Direct derivation of cost functions

Direct estimation of cost functions involves making estimation of costs and output at various levels of production for a given technology. This can be attained using cross sectional data from a sample of firms (eg. Farms) that are involved in a given production process. Also data for direct estimation of cost functions may be obtained from time series data for a particular firm over time. In such a case, the firm must have changed the volume of production over time, using different levels of inputs. Direct estimation of cost function therefore entails statistical analysis of accounting data together with engineering or production data to derive appropriate cost functions. Other cost functions may be derived as previously defined TC ATC AFC AVC MC

= TVC + TFC = AVC + AFC = TFC/Y = TVC/Y = dTC/dY = dTVC/dY


Senkondo (1988) made direct estimation on the Total cost function using production and accounting data from Kilombero Sugar Company as follows;







= 29,890 + 6,941,620 Q – 294,150 Q  + 3,990 Q

Other cost functions were subsequently derived as follows: ATC

= 29,890/ Q + 6,941,620 – 294,150 Q + 3,990 Q2 = 6,941,620 + 29,890/ Q – 294,150 Q + 3990 Q 2 


= 29,890/ Q

AVC = 6,941,620 6,941,620 – 294,150 294,150 Q + 3,990 Q2  MC

= d TC/d Q = d TC (Q)/d (Q) 2 = 6,941,620 – 588,300 Q + 11,970 Q  

For another example of a case where the cost function is known, see Doll and Orazem Chapter 2. (pages 35 – 35)

 2.   Derivation of Cost Functions from Production functions

Cost curves express the cost of fixed and variable inputs, as functions of the amount of output. Meanwhile, production functions express output as a function of inputs. But input costs are the product of input quantity times the input price. It follows therefore that cost and production functions must be inversely related. This means, knowledge of one implies knowledge of the other, as long as input prices are known.


= Px.X = f (X)

(Total variable cost function) (Production (Production function)

Normally, cost functions are expressed as a function of output rather than input. In order to meet this requirement, we express the inputs as a function of output. This is the inverse production function represented as follows: X


= f   (Y)

NB. This inverse function does not imply cause and effect. In other words, the function above does not imply that output (Y) causes input (X).

Rather, the inverse equation (f -1) is a




relationship, which gives the minimum amount of input required to produce a given level of output. Example 1: Y APP MPP

Using a quadratic production function: 2

= 8X - ½ X = Y/X = 8 - ½ X2 = dY/dX = 8 – X

An inverse function of Y = f (X) can be obtained using the quadratic formula of the form: 0 0


= a X + bX – C as follows: = ½ X2 - 8 X – Y

Where a = ½; b = - 8; C = Y

Deriving the cost function: X

= - (-8) ± [82 – {4.(½).Y}]½ / 2 (½) ½

= 8 ± [64 – 2Y]  / 1


= 8 ± [64 – 2Y] ½  = Px.X = Px [8 – (64 – 2Y) ½] = dTVC/ dY (Using the product rule for differentiating differentiati ng a function) ½ = Px / (64 – 2Y)  

Example 2:

Using Power Function (Cobb-Douglas)


= 6 X½ 


= 6X½ /½X =6/X  


= dY/dX = 3X-½  = 3/ X½ 

Deriving cost function: ½

Y Y2  X

= 6X   = 36X = Y2 /36


= Px.(Y2 /36)




  AVC = Px (Y/36) MC

or (PxY)/ 36

= d TVC/ d Y = 2Px (Y/36) = (Px.Y)/18

Example 3:

Using a linear function

Y = 2X APP = MPP = 2 Deriving cost functions: X



= Px.X = Px (½ Y) = ½. Px.Y

AVC = MC = = ½. P x 

Review Questions

See Doll and Orazem






The main assumption for profit maximization is that farmers by their inputs in purely competitive markets. It is likewise assumed that they sell their products in competitive markets. This means as buyers, the volume of their purchase is too small to influence the market price, also, the volume of their sale is too small to change the market price. Students should review theories of monopoly, oligopoly, perfect competitive markets etc and write brief notes on each type of market. Listed below are main characteristics that differentiate markets.

Types of markets are classified according to:

•  • 

Size of the firms or farmers who sell the product Number of buyers who buy the products from the market and the volume of the product

•  • 

purchased Homogeneity (similarity or lack of it) of the product sold or purchases Ease of entry or exit from the market (to produce the product)

The agricultural industry in Tanzania may be cited as one example whose characteristics make it close to a competitive market. These characteristics include the following:


There are many smallholder farmers who buy inputs from the same market and sell their products in the same market. •  Agricultural products of a given type are similar in appearance and quality •  In most cases, smallholder farmers are price takers, unless they are selling a differentiated product. Thus Prices are assumed to be constant at a given point in time.


However, in local markets, farmers may influence the price of products in the market.

Before we proceed, we need to make additional assumptions about farmers and the market conditions under which they operate.


Farmers want to maximize profit, however, other objectives such as food self sufficiency also apply. •  Prices and technical relationships between inputs and output are assumed to be known with certainty •  In order to understand the process of profit maximization, we will initially assume that there is only one variable input and one output




Definitions and concepts:

In a purely competitive market: TPP = Y


Py = constant

Py.TPP = Py.Y Total value of the product (TVP) = Total Revenue


For a farmer, TVP represents the monetary value received from the sale of a single commodity such as maize, beans, milk beef or goats etc. In a purely competitive market individual sellers are assumed to be price takers, which means the quantity of a product supplied by one farmer to the market does not change the price a given point in time. Thus for the purpose of decision making, the product price is assumed to be constant for the individual farmer, the TVP function has the same shape as the TPP function. Only the units on the vertical axis change.

Total factor Cost or Total Resource Cost is the product of the quantity of the input used in a production process times the price for that input. In the following discussion, in order to avoid confusion between the notation for Total Factor Cost (TFC) and Total fixed Cost (TFC), we are going to use Total Resource Cost (TRC). In a purely competitive market, individual buyers are assumed price takers. This implies that the price of the input does not vary with the quantity an individual farmer purchases from the market.

TRC = Px.X


Maximizing Profit with One Variable Input

Profit is the difference between gross returns and total cost. Using he notation described above, profit (Π) is the total value product (TVP) less the total cost (TFC). Profits are also referred to as net returns. The profit function for a farmer can be written as:

Π = TVP – TC



Π = Py.Y – Py.X






Inflection Point







Figure 4.1

The relationship Between TVP, MVP, AVP and MFC




Determining Optimal Amount of Input (Input Criterion)

The optimal level of inputs is that level, which produces the highest level of profit. This level of input can be deduced using three criteria:

(1)  Using the Net return criterion

Π = TVP - TFC  As pointed earlier, profit is equal to the net return obtained by a farmer, which is the difference between the TVP and the TFC. Thus the profit can be computed directly and the optimal level of input use is at the point where profit attains a maximum. Table 3 is given as an example of such a computation.

Table 4.1

Determining Optimal level on Input

INPUT (X) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

OUTPUT MPPP (Y) 0 16.496 35.248 55.152 75.104 94.000 110.736 124.208 133.312

180 200 220

136.944 134.000 123.376




NB. •  Total fixed cost = 0 •  MRC = 0.15 •  Py = 4 Once Table 4.1 has been completed, the point at which profit is highest can be determined, and therefore the optimal level of input. This can also be illustrated graphically as in Figure 4.2.







0 Figure 4.2



Optimum level of Inputs Using Net Return Criterion

(2) Using Profit as function of Input (Π = f(Xi) This may be done graphically. Based on data from Table 2 for example, profit can be expressed as a function of inputs. The optimum level of input occurs when profit is at maximum




0 A





Figure 4.3


Optimum Level of Input Using Profit as Function of Input





Using Marginal Criteria

The production function expressed in Table 4.1 may be expressed using a mathematical function as follows: Y= = 0.75X f(X) + 0.0042X2 – 0.000023X3  Y Π = Py.Y – Px.X – TFC


If the profit function is differentiated with respect to the variable input then, the optimal level of the input could be determined. dΠ /dX = Py.dY/dX – Px = 0 = Py..MPP - Px = 0 or Py.MPP = Px  VMP = Px 



VMP = Slope of the TVP curve Px  = Slope of TC curve Equation (4.7) can also be written as: MPP = Px /Py 


This is the input criterion for profit maximization. It expresses both TVP and TC in terms of X Using this criterion, one can establish the optimal level of input and the corresponding level of output. Profit is maximized when the two slopes are equal in the second stage of the classical production function. Thus, the VMP curve after the point of maximum AVP is referred to as the derived supply demand curve for the variable input (Why?) Px  SHS

Derived Supply curve for Variable Inputs


Optimum level of X



Px  X1  Figure 4.4


Optimum level of Input using Value of the Marginal Product Criterion




Continuing with our example: Y = 0.075X + 0.0042X2 – 0.000023X3  2 dY/dX = MPP = 0.75 + 0.0084X – 0.000069X ∴VMP = Py (0.75 + 0.0084X – 0.000069X 2 ) = Px 

(4.9) (4.10) (4.11)

Thus, if the price of X and Y is known, the optimal level of the input and output can be computed. (Solve for X in equation 4.11).

Choice of Decision Criteria: Maximum Profit versus Maximum Yield

When we determine the optimum level of variable inputs, we assume that the farmer had made the decision to pursue maximum profit as their goal. However, sometimes farmers may want to pursue other goals such as maximum output for reasons that are best known to them. What is important to note here is that, unless inputs are free, the point where profit attains a maximum (X1) is not the same as the point at which output is maximized (X 2).

This is because the

efficiency of using variable inputs declines in stage II of the production function. Beyond the point of maximum profit, the added inputs cost more than they earn, such that pursuing maximum output may lead to lower net returns or profit. However, of inputs are free, both profit and output are maximized at the same point, (X2). Y

TPP MPP = Px /Py  Iso-profit line Relative magnitude of profit before fixed cost

X X1 

Figure 4.5


Optimum level of input Using TPP Curve and Choice Indicator





Determining the Optimum level of Output (Output Criterion)




Break even point

Fixed Cost Y1 



Break even point


0 Y1  ATC


Break even point ATC =

P y 


Point of profit max MC = Py 







Figure 4.6: Determining Optimum Amount of Output Using cost and Revenue Curves




The optimum level of output is that level of output, which corresponds to the maximum profit. As is the case with the optimal level of input, optimal output can also be determined from a table (e.g. Table 4.1), graphically or from a mathematical equation. Graphically, determination of optimal output is Y1 as illustrated in figures 4.6 A, B and C.

Since farmers are assumed to sell in a purely competitive markets, then P y is constant (why?) and therefore TR is a straight line with a slope of P y. Maximum profit occurs where the TR>TC and the difference between them is greatest. In a purely competitive market, the product price (Py) is also equal the Average Value Product (TVP/Y = Py.Y/Y = Py = AVP) Profit = TR – TC = Py.Y – Px.X – TFC -I = Py.Y – Pxf  .(Y) – TFC


The inverse function is used to express input X as a function of Y (in stages I and II)

Differentiating equation 4.12 with respect to output and equation the derivative to zero (first order condition for profit maximum) dΠ /dY = Py – Px .dX/dY = 0 = Py – Px /MPP = 0 ∴  Py = Px /MPP or Py = MC This is the output criterion for profit maximization. It may also be expressed as follows: dΠ /dY ∴ 

= dTR/dy – dTC/dy dTC/dy = 0 dTR/dy = dTC/dy MR = MC

If MC < MR, the farmer could always increase profit by increasing the use of more variable inputs until the point at which profits are at maximum is attained. This point occurs in stage II of the classical production function. However, a farmer may not have enough funds to purchase all the inputs required for profit maximization. maximizati on. In such a special case, the farmer could operate in I, to the left optimal level of input, as long as net returns are positive.




Comparison of Input and Output Criteria for Profit Maximization Input Criterion

Output Criterion


Py = Px /MPP

Py.MPP = Px  Py.dY/dX = Px 

Py = Px /dY/dX Py = Px.dX/dY

Py.dY = Py.dX

Py.dY = Px.dX

Where VMP = Value of the marginal product = value of product from the last additional unit of variable input used in the production process MFC = Marginal factor cost = value of the last unit of variable input used MR = Marginal revenue = Added return from the last additional unit of product produced MC = Marginal cost = added cost from the last additional unit of product produced MPP = Marginal physical product

Based on the graphic presentation and mathematical derivation above, the following points it is important to note the following points:


MC always intersect the AVC and ATC curves at their lowest points


When Py  is lower than the AVC, the producer is losing is losing all fixed costs and part of variable costs


The optimum output always occurs where Py  intersect MC curve, a point above the AVC curve. This is the portion of the MC in region II of the production function.


In the short run, the producer will use input as long as the product price is equal to or greater than the average variable cost. That is, as long as they are able to cover variable costs.


As the product price increases or decreases, the optimum level of input increases or decreases along the MC curve.


The marginal cost curve above the average variable cost is considered as the supply curve for the producer.






Derived supply curve for individual producer


0 Figure 4.7




Derived Supply curve for Individual Producer

In the short-run a farmer will produce as long he/she covers his/her variable costs. The producer adjusts the quantity of the product he/she produces depending on the prevailing or anticipated price as indicated in Figure Figure 4.7. For this reason, the marginal cost is equated to the product price, in the region where the MC lies above the AVC (MC

≥  AVC).

This portion of the MC

curve is referred to as the derived supply curve  for the individual producer. It is important to note that in a purely competitive market, the individual producer (farmer) is unable to influence the market price for inputs or output.

Thus, if the firm’s cost structure is such that the minimum AVC is higher than the prevailing market or equilibrium price , then, the firm will be driven out of business, because they will not be able to meet their variable costs in the short run. Similarly, a firm that attempts to vary all its inputs (variable and fixed), and operates where MC = MR is said to be operating in the long run. . In the short run, a firm may continue to produce even if then do not cover all the fixed costs (AVC < MC). However, this cannot go on indefinitely. In the long run, both variable and fixed costs must be met (ATC ≥  MC). A firm that cannot meet its long run variable and fixed costs will eventually be driven out of business (in the long run).

If a firm is operation at P y  = MC = ATC, it implies that all costs are met and the managers’ return is exactly that required to keep him/her in business in the long run. When Py > ATC, the profit is accruing to the firm. This excess profit or RENT accrues only in the short run. In the long run, other producers will be attracted by the RENT to enter the industry. This will increase




production (rightward shift of supply function), which will drive the price down up to the poing where Py = MC = ATC, where rend is driven down to zero and no super profits exist.

Short Run Equilibrium

A firm or producer operating at the point where MC = MR and MC

≥  AVC

is said to be in

equilibrium. If there are any fixed costs, which cannot be varied during the production period, the firm is said to be operating in the short run. The equilibrium is likewise referred to as the short run equilibrium. Suppose the market price for the product rises from OR to OS, as a result of a right ward shift in the market demand from DD to D’D’. This shift may be induced by several factors including changes in taste, income or the price of related goods  Individual producer supply supply curve

 Industry Supply Curve Curve











L Figure 4.8


Output (Y)




Output (Y)

Producer and Industry Short Run Supply Curve

The profit maximizing firm will increase output from OL to ON where the marginal revenue (MR) is equal to the marginal cost (MC). Based on similar arguments, changes in output by the individual producer, in response to price changes, will trace a locus of points along the MC curve, which effectively becomes the individual producer’s supply curve in the short-run, as depicted in figure 4.7 and 4.8.




The supply curve for the industry is a horizontal summation of all the supply curves for the individual producers or firms. Thus, the industry supply can be deduced from the individual producers’ supply curves as illustrated in Figure 4.8.

Derived Demand for Inputs Just as the marginal cost curve above the AVC is the short run supply curve for the individual

producer, likewise, the value of the marginal product curve (VMP) can be interpreted as the derived demand curve for variable inputs for the individual producer. This is based on the input criterion for profit maximization derived earlier, where at maximum profit; VMP = PX  As the price of the variable input changes, the point at which PX = VMP would trace a locus of points, which on the horizontal axis represent the amount of input which would be demanded by the producer at that price. Thus as shown in Figure 4.9, the VMP may be viewed as a derived demand curve for that variable input. This occurs in stage II or the classical production function, from the point where the APP is maximum up the point where the MPP is equal to zero. VMP

PX4  PX3  PX2 



PX1  O X1





Opportunity Cost

The opportunity cost of a resource is defined as the return that a resource can earn when it is put to its best alternative use. For example a farmer with 100 Kg of CAN fertilizer can apply it to one ha. Of maize or one ha of Irish potatoes. Suppose from maize the farmer will get an additional T.Shs 40,000of maize while from potatoes the farmer will get T.Shs 45,000 worth of




additional potatoes. If the farmer decides apply the fertilizer he/she foregoes 40,000 T.Shs worth of additional maize. Thus the opportunity cost of the fertilizer is T.Shs 40,000. The opportunity cost of a shilling spent on consumption for example is the interest it could earn if deposited in the bank.

Concluding Comments

Profit maximizing conditions for the firm have been derived. Profits are maximum when the level of output is chosen such that MC is equal to MR. The cost function is the inverse of the production function that underlies it.

The firm product supply curve can be derived from the

equilibrium MC = MR condition and is represented by the marginal cost curve above the average variable cost curve. The firm’s demand curve can be derived from the equilibrium condition VMP = Px 





Until now, we have presented and derived decision criteria for a profit maximizing firm manager as if production involves only one variable input.

Often however, the firm manager must

simultaneously decide on the amount to be used for more than one variable inputs. In this section we will discuss criteria that are used for input mix decisions. We will maintain some of the assumptions introduced earlier where we has only one variable input. The assumptions include the following:


Prices of inputs and output are determined by forces of supply and demand, which are outside the farmer’s control. As such, input and product prices are taken as given.


Farmers/managers buy inputs and sell their products in perfectly competitive markets


In the production process, at least one of the inputs is fixed. This implies that the farmer is operating in the short run where the law of diminishing returns applies. NOTE that if all inputs are varied, the law of diminishing returns does not hold.

When only one variable input is used, for a given technology, a given level of output can be produced only in one way (remember, there is a one to one relationship between inputs and output in a production function). When there are two or more variable inputs, a given level of output can be produced using different combinations of the variable inputs. This is because substitution occurs between some factors of production. The main problem to the firm manager is to find the right combination of inputs so as to optimize the manager’s goal or decision criteria.

Production function with two variable inputs

Suppose production function involves two variable inputs as follows:

Y = f(X1, X2)


or Y = f(X1, X2x3, x4……….xn)






Hypothetical Maize Response to Phosphate and Potash Fertilizer Potash (Lb/acre)

Phosphate (Lb/acre)




































































































Based on Table 5.1 the following facts may be deduced:


To some degree phosphate can substitute for potash maintain a given level of production


Different combinations of potash and phosphate can produce the same level of maize


Depending on the relative prices of the two inputs, a farm manager must choose the combination of inputs, which maximizes profit.

An Isoquant

Consider a production function given by the mathematical function; Y = 18X1 – X12 + 14X2 – X22  An isoquant is defined as the line that connects all the locus of points for different combinations of the variable inputs (X1  and X2) which produce the same level of a given product (Y). The word isoquant is derived from tow Greek words (iso = equal and quant = quantity).

Note that with the exception of the maximum and minimum level of production, all other output

levels can be produced using several combinations of inputs.

Conventionally, isoquants are represented graphically in two dimensions as in Figure 5.1. However, if there are more than two imputs the isoquant would represent a surface.








Isoquant Map

X2  Figure 5.1

An Isoquant and An Isoquant Map

Mathematically, an isoquant can be derived by solving for one of the variable inputs (X 1) as a function of the other variable input (X2) and Output (Y).

From the production function given earlier, 2




= 18X1 – X1 + 14X2 – X2  


= 18X1 – X12 + 14X2 – X22 – Y 2



-18X1 + X1   81 – 18X1 +X12 

= 14X2 – X2  – Y = 81 + 14X2 – X22 – Y

(9 – X1)  


= 81 + 14X2 – X2  – Y

9 – X1 

= [81 +14X2 – X22 – Y]½ 


= -9 + [81 +14X2 – X2  – Y]  


= 9 - [81 +14X2 – X22 – Y]½ 





An isoquant can be defined for every output level or conversely, every output has an isoquant




  Properties of Isoquants

Isoquants have two main properties, which are:


Isoquants never cross each other. If they did they would violate a basic assumption of production functions, that is; each combination of inputs can produce only one  level of output. However, many combinations of the variable variable inputs can result into a given level of output. In fact, the entire loci of points along an isoquant represents different combinations of the variable inputs for a given level of the product.


Isoquants must be convex or quasi-convex to the origin. A convex isoquant implies that production is within stage two of the (classical) production function, and the law of diminishing returns applies. If the isoquants were concave to the origin, decision makers would not be able to reach optimal decisions (maxim or minimum), which means, conditions for economic efficiency would be violated.

The Marginal Rate of (Input) Substitution (MRS) The slope of an isoquant is referred to as the marginal rate of substitution (MRS).   Some authors

call it the marginal rate of technical substitution. The MRS is a measurement of how one input substitutes for another as one moves along an isoquant to maintain the same level of production. In other words, the  MRS is defined as the amount by which one input (X1) must be reduced to  maintain the same level of production when the other input (X2) is increased by one unit unit.. 

When X1 substitutes for X2, the slope of the isoquant is expressed as MRSX1,X2, to represent the fact that X1  is increasing while X2  is decreasing. If X2  was increasing to replace X1  then the inverse slope of the isoquant would be represented as MRSX2,X1. Isoquants are convex to the origin, which means they are negatively sloped The MRS may also be represented as: MRS = ∆X1 / ∆X2  or ∆X2 / ∆X1, depending on which variable is increasing or decreasing MRS = dX1 /dX2  or dX2 /dX1  Isoquants exhibit a diminishing marginal rate of substitution. This means, as X1  substitutes for X2 for example, each incremental unit of X1  (∆X1) replace less and less units of X 2  (∆X2) as depicted in figure 5.2. The diminishing MRS for isoquants is directly related to the diminishing marginal product for each of the variable inputs. Each production function has its own




corresponding isoquant map. A convex isoquant implies production is taking place in stage II and therefore, diminishing marginal productivity




X2  Figure 5.2

Illustration of Diminishing MRSX2,X1 

Average and Exact MRS

The average MRS is derived when only two coordinates of an isoquant are defined. The average MRS is represented by the slope of the straight line connecting the arch between those two coordinates. The exact MRS on the other hand is represented by the slope of the tangent to the isoquant at the specific point of interest. The exact MRS can only be obtained if a continuously differentiable isoquant is defined. X1 



X1  (a)


∆X1  A




Y = 105



X2   Average MRS x2 x1= ∆ X 1 / ∆ X  2  Figure 5.3

X2   Exact MRS x2 ,  x1 x1 = dX 1 /dX   2 

Graphic Representation of Average an Exact MRS




Using the mathematical expression of an isoquant developed earlier (Equation 5.4), the MRS can be derived as follows:


= 9 - [81 +14X2 – X22 – Y]½ 

Average MRS: Assume that the following coordinates of the isoquant are given; (X2,X1) = (2,9)


The Average MRSX2,X1 

(X2,X1) = (3,6) =

∆X1  ----∆X2


9–6 -----2-3


The MRS is negative because isoquants are negatively sloped.

3 ---1




For a convex isoquant, the

absolute value of the slope changes continuously through the entire range of the isoquant, consistent with diminishing MRS as defined earlier.

Exact MRS:

This is defined by the line that is tangent to the isoquant. If the isoquant given in equation 5.4 represents the output level Y = 105 units, the isoquant can be re-written as;


dX1 /dX2 



9 - [81 +14X2 – X22 – 105]½ 


9 – [14X2 – X22 –24]½ 


½[14X2 – X22 – 24]-½.(14 – 2X2)


(14 – 2X2) -----------------------------------------------2 ½ ½[14X2 – X2  – 24]  


- (28 – 4X2) -------------------------   [24 - 14X2 + X22]½ 


(Using the chain rule) (5.7)





The MRS can also be computed using the marginal physical product of the respective variable inputs. Consider the production function: Y = f(X1, X2) ∆Y/ ∆X1  = = ∆Y/ ∆X2 


(5.9) (5.10)

Now, along an isoquant, the level of Y is constant, ∴ ∆Y = 0 This implies that: [∆Y/ ∆X2] ----------[∆Y/ ∆X1] but, ∆Y/ ∆X2 


[∆Y/ ∆X2][ [∆X1 / ∆Y] =


MPPX2 and

∆X1 / ∆X2 

∆Y/ ∆X1 





MPPX1 (5.12)

Therefore, the MRS may also be expressed in terms of MPP as in equation (5.12). MRSX2,X1 






MPPX2  ---------MPPX1 


Apply this approach to our earlier production function given under Equation 5.3, and the corresponding isoquant as given under equation 5.4, one may compute the exact MRSX2,X1, for the coordinate (X1,X2) = (3,6) as follows; Y


MPPX1 = MPPX2  = ∴MRSX2,X1  =

18X1 – X12 + 14X2 – X22  18 – 2X1  14 – X2  14 – 2X2  ---------18 – 2X1 


14 – 2(3) ----------18 – 2(6)


8 --6


4 --3


It was state earlier that a production function is a technical relationship between inputs and output to guide production decisions. Isoquants are derived from production functions, and they serve the same purpose.

Movement along an isoquant is done by the manager during the

planning process to select the combination of inputs which will yield the highest level of profit. That combination of inputs is referred to as the optimum combination of inputs.





Relationship Between inputs

We said earlier that being convex or quasi-convex to the origin is a general characteristics of isoquants. However, the exact shape of the isoquant map depends on the manner in which the inputs substitute for each other in the production process. In this respect, inputs may substitute for each other at a decreasing rate, at a constant rate, or in fixed proportions. The isoquant map is therefore related to the nature of input substitution, which is in turn related to the underlying production function.

Inputs as Technical Substitutes

Inputs are said to be technical substitutes when an increase in one input permits a decrease in the other input while maintaining the same level of output. Such inputs are said to compete for each other and their MRS is negative,

Technical substitutes with Decreasing MRS

If two inputs are technical substitutes, and the absolute value of the MRS decreases as one of the variable inputs increases while the other input decreases, then the rate of substitution is said to be decreasing (See illustration in Figure 5.2). Decreasing rates of substitution are caused by the law of diminishing returns. MRSX2,X1 = MPPX2 /MPPX1  When diminishing returns are present, •  MPPX2 decreases as X2 increases •  MPPX1 increases as X1 decreases This means the absolute value of the ratio in Equation 5.15).


Examples of isoquants with

decreasing MRS are shown in Figure 5.4 X1 




Figure 5.4

X1  (b)



Decreasing Rate of Substitution






In Figure (a), output can be produced using either X1 or X2 or a combination of the two inputs.


In figures (b) production of output requires both inputs. If too much of one input is used, increasing amounts of the other input must be applied to maintain output at the same level.

The zone of economic relevance is the portion, which has a negative slope. •  In figure (c), the isoquants become asymptotic to the axes as the variable inputs increase indefinitely. Beyond a certain unit, the absolute value of the MRS becomes very large since large quantities of the second input are required to replace small quantities of the first input in order to maintain the same level of output production.

Constant marginal rate of substitution

This occurs when the rate at which inputs substitute for each other remain constant throughout the entire range of the isoquant. Constant rate of substitution requires that the slope of the given isoquant remains constant (unchanged). This means the isoquant is a straight line with a constant slope, but, the isoquants do not have to be equidistance nor do they have to be parallel. In economic terms, inputs that substitute at a constant rate are referred to as “ perfect substitutes substitutes” X1 




Figure 5.5

Constant Rate of Substitution









Complementary Inputs 

Inputs that increase the level of output only when they are combined in certain fixed proportions are called technical complements.

Complementary Complementar y inputs represent the opposite of substitutes.

Some examples of complementary inputs in agriculture include: (1) parts which make a machine e.g. a tractor tires, (2) A tractor and a tractor operator, (3) fence and wire posts. (4) hydrogen and oxygen to from water (H2O). In the case of complementary inputs, adding more of one of the inputs, beyond the required proportion will not reduce output, but it will not increase it either. The level of output will remain unchanged. Thus the input combination may be considered as one input (eg tractor and tractor driver), which may substitute for other combinations X1 



Figure 5.6


Complements (No Substitution)

When isoquants degenerate into a dot, it means only one combination of inputs may be used to produce that given level of output. Lumpy Inputs

Inputs that are not divisible are referred to as lumpy inputs (eg a tractor). Such inputs appear only in discrete units. If both inputs are lumpy (tractor and driver), then the isoquants would not be continuous. Points would be connected by dotted lines as in Figure 5.7.





X2  Figure 5.7

Lumpy Goods

Elasticity of Factor Substitution

The elasticity of factor substitution (εs) in factor-factor relationship is defined the ratio of the percentage change in one input to the percentage change in the other input. [Compare this with the elasticity of production (εp) defined earlier with respect to product-product relationship]. Thus;

εp =

∆X1  ----X1 

∆X2  ÷ 


∆X1  =





X2  =



MPPX2  ---------MPPX1 


X2  ×  ---X1 



Average and Exact Elasticity of Factor Substitution

As is the case with average and exact MPP or MC, the average elasticity of substitution is derived when only two coordinates of an isoquant are defined. For instance, the average εs at the arc between the coordinates ((X2,X1) = (4,5) and (X2,X1) = (3,6) would be:


5–6 =





Midpoint of 3 and 4 =

- 0.64

(5.18) Mid point of 5 and 6




In principle, this is the elasticity of the line connecting the arc between the two coordinates.

The continuous elasticity of factor substitution is defined when a continuously differentiable isoquant is defined, such that the MPP of both variable inputs can be computed and substituted into the elasticity of factor substitution equation as in Equation 5.17. Note the following important points;

•  •  •  • 

The elasticity of factor substitution is negative for inputs that are technical substitutes The elasticity of factor substitution is zero for inputs that are complements The elasticity of factor substitution is unitless Input substitution is meaningful in a production process when (1) the substitution increases output or reduce cost and (2) the MPP of both inputs are positive (eg when a farmer substitutes labour for land or machinery for labour or fertilizer for land) •  The fact that inputs are economic technical substitutes does not imply that they perform the same technical or physiological function, only that input may be combined in different proportions different levels onother a product population intotheproduce production of maize or any crop for(eg. that Nitrogen matter). fertilizer and plant

Isocost Lines

Each combination of inputs has a cost associated with it. The costs are variable because variable inputs are involved. Suppose the per unit cost (or price) of X1 = PX1 and that of X2  = P X2, then the Total cost (TC) is given as; TC = TFC + TVC TVC = PX1.X1 + PX2.X2

(Assume total fixed cost is zero; TFC = 0)

X1  Isocost line for TVC = 100

Isocost line for TVC = 80

X2  Figure 5.8

Isocost Line 




An isocost line traces all the locus of points on the cost surface having the same cost. In other words, isocost lines determine all combinations of inputs that cost the same amount. An isocoost line may be thought of as a budget constraint. That is the maximum amount of money available for the producer to purchase inputs.

Note  that

isocost lines correspond to total cost (TC)

functions, just as isoquants relate to production functions. If the prices of variable inputs are known, the TVC can be computed for all input combinations. Based on this, one can derive the isocost line as follows; TVC PX1X1 

= =



PX1X1  + PX2X2  TVC - PX2X2  TVC PX2X2  ------ -------PX1  PX1




TVC ------ PX1 

PX2  ----- X2  PX1


Note that for any given combination of inputs, TVC, PX1 and PX2 are constant This implies that in equation 5.19, the terms, TVC/P X1 and PX2 /PX1  are constants. The first term is the vertical intercept while the second is the slope of the isoquant (Figure 5.9) X1 

TVC ------- , 0 PX1 

TVC = PX1X1  +


TVC 0, ------PX2  O Figure 5.9

X2  Determining Coordinates and Slope of Isoquant




The slope of the isocost line may be determined from Figure 5. As follows;



TVC -----PX1 


TVC -----PX2 




PX2  - -----PX1 


The two important aspects of an isocost line are it distance from the origin and its slope. Changes in the TVC when input prices are constant shift the isocost line up or down accordingly. Changes in the input prices change the slope of the isocost line as more of the cheaper input will be substituted for the more expensive input.


We said earlier that producers strive to maximize profit as their primary objective. However, sometimes cannot access all the variable inputs in quantities that are adequate to maximize profit, often because they face budgetary constraints. Now if a producer has a given outlay of funds to purchase inputs, they would like to produce the output using those inputs at the least cost possible. That combination of inputs, which minimizes the cost of producing a given level of input is referred to as the least cost combination (LCC) of inputs.

Graphically, for isoquants that are convex to the origin, the least cost combination occurs at the point where the isoquant is tangent to the isocost line. X1 

Isocost line Least Cost Combination (X2,X1) Isoquant

X2  Figure 5.10 Least Combination of Variable Inputs At the point of tangency, slope of isoquant = slope of isocost line = - P X2 /PX1 




Algebraically; We know that the slope of the isoquant = MRS X2,X1 = -  MPPX2 /MPPX1   We also know that the slope of the isoquant = - P X2 /PX1  Therefore at the point of tangency where the slope of the two curves are equal;

∆X1  MRSX2,X1





MPPX2  --------MPPX1 

MPPX2  --------PX2 

At the LCC,


PX2  - -----PX1 


MPPPX1  ---------PX1 


Equation (5.20) is the criterion for LCC when there are two variable inputs. Equation (5.21) implies that in the presence of a budgetary constraint (TVC = P X1X1 + PX2X2), the product Y will be produced at the least cost if the last shilling spent of X 1 and X2 returns the same number of physical units of X1 and X2  In the case of n variable inputs, equation (5.21) can be generalized further as follows; At the LCC,

MPPPX1 ---------- = PX1 

MPPPX2 -------- = PX2 

MPPPX3 MPPPXn  -------- =………….= -------PX3  PXN 


Another way of looking at this is as follows, as X1 and X2 substitute for each other along an isoquant one of them will be negative (decrease) as the other is positive (incerease) At the LCC, ∆X1/ ∆X2 = - PX2/PX1





Now if the level of production along a given isoquant is not at the LCC, it will mean that either,








The LCC will be obtained by either reducing X 1 while increasing X2 or vice versa





Although we have said at the LCC the isocost line is tangent to the isoquant, this is only true for isoquants that are convex to the origin. In this case the following conditions are met;


Inputs are infinitely divisible (isoquants are smooth i.e continuous and differentiable). They are not represented by dots


The LCC requires that both inputs should be used


The MRS is decreasing rather than being constant

However, there are other special cases where tangency does not exist but the LCC may nevertheless be established. These include; (1)  LCC for Lumpy goods 

By definition, the isoquant for lumpy goods is a set of points for certain input combinations, and these points are connected by dotted lines because the isoquant is not defined everywhere. This implies that the MRS is not defined, as such a point of tangency where MRS = slope of isocost line does not exist. Nevertheless, the LCC may be geometrically determined as illustrated in figure 5.11. X1  Isoquant E = LCC Isocost line

X2  Figure 5.11

LCC for Lumpy Inputs

The LCC solution (E) for a lumpy good is often stable because it remains range for some range of the input prices ratio. It requires a large shift in input prices for the LCC of a lumpy good to change from E to another point.




(2)  Corner Solution (a)

Convex isoquants

Generally, convex isoquants are asymptotic to the axes and they require that both inputs should be used in order to produce a given level of output. However, sometimes an isoquant that is convex to the origin intersects the axes, implying that production of the output can take place by using only one of the variable inputs (in the absence of the other). In this case, depending on the relative prices (price ratio)s, the point at which the isoquant touches the isocost line may be at one of the axes. While this is not a point of tangency, it nonetheless defines a point of least cost for that price ratio. This LCC is referred to as a corner solution since it occurs at a corner of the isoquant as illustrated in Figure 5.12. If the isoquants intersect the axes, the LCC may occur at one of the access X1 

Corner solutions Isocost lines for different price ratios

X2  Figure 5.12

Corner Solution for Convex Isoquant

(b) Linear Isoquants Linear isoquants also intersect both axes, therefore, the same argument advanced for a corner

solution in (a) applies for linear isoquants, which either have a corner solution or an infinite number of LCC as illustrated in Figure 5.13.



Corner solution for isocost lines of different


X1  Isoquant coincides with isocost line ∴infinite LCC





X2  Figure 5.13 Corner Solution for Linear Isoquant

Infinite Least cost Combinations

Mathematical Example Y = 18X1 – X12 + 14X2 – X22  MPPX1 =

18 – 2X1 



14 – 2X2 

If PX1 



Then, MRS =


MPPX2  ---------MPPX1 




PX2  ----PX1 

14 – 2X2 =





----------18 – 2X1 


- ----2

28 – 4X2 


54 – 6X1 

14 – 2X2 


27 – 3X1 

3X1 – 13 ----------2

If the isoquant represented is for Y = 105, Then, the LCC can be solved for by substitution 2

Y 105



= =

18X1 – X1 + 14X2 – X2   2 2 18X1 – X1  + 14(3X1 – 13)/2 – (3X 1 –13)  /4


18X1 – X12 + 7(3X1 – 13) – (9X12 – 78X1 + 169)/4

Using the quadratic equation, the LCC can be solved for and the value of X 1 = 6.2 while that of X2 is 2.8

Isoclines, Expansion Paths and Profit Maximization

There are other definitions that are related to curves, which are important for decision makers in the course of maximizing profit. These are illustrated in Figure 5.14





The isocline is a curve that passes through points of equal marginal rate of substitution. Thus an isocline will pass through all isoquants. Ridge lines Isocost line


Point of global output Isoquants Ridge lines Point of global profit maximum

Least Cost Combinations Isoclines

X2  Figure 5.14

Isoclines and Expansion Paths

Expansion Path An expansion path is a special kind of an isocline, for a given input price ratio (which implies a

specific slope of the isocost line), the expansion path is the isocost line that connects all points with the least combination of inputs. This means, along the expansion path the slope of the isocost line is equal to that of the isoquant.



= - (PX2 /PX1. This is a necessary

condition for economic efficiency. Just as there is an isoquant for each output level, there is an expansion path for each price ratio. The following points may be noted with respect to the expansion path;


If inputs are technical substitutes and the MRS is decreasing, any change in input prices such that the price ratio changes will shift the expansion path.





If the expansion path is a straight line from the origin, then the inputs will be used in the same proportion along the entire expansion path, that is, at all levels of output


If the expansion curve is curved, then the proportion of inputs will vary along the expansion path, that is, it will be different at different levels of output.

The mathematical equation for the expansion path my be derived as shown below; PX2  MRS = -----PX1  MPPX2  -------MPPX1 


PX2  ----PX1 

If the equation for the production function is known, then the MPP for each input can be derived, and then the variable inputs can be expressed one in terms of the other. Example; 2




18 – 2X1 



14 – 2X2 

If PX1 




18X1 – X1 + 14X2 – X2  


X1  PX2 



long the expansion path, the following relationship holds; MPPX2  --------MPPX1 



7 – X2  = -------9 – X1 


3 = 2


3(9 – X1)


2(7 – X2)

13 ---3

2 --- X2  3


Expansion path, slope = 2/3

X2  Note the following points; •  On an isoquant map, there is an expansion path for every price ratio •  There are many (infinite) points of LCC along any expansion path •  However, at only one of the LCC points is profit maximized •  Thus LCC is a necessary condition for profit maximization, but it is not sufficient. (What is the sufficient condition?)




Ridge Line

The ridge line is a curve that connects all the locus of points where the MPP is equal to zero. Thus the ridge line represent the limits of economic relevance because they represent the maximum output that can be produced from each variable input given a fixed amount of all the other input. The ridgeline is therefore the boundary beyond which the isoclines and the isoquant map cease to have economic meaning. Outside this boundary, the necessary conditions for economic efficiency are not met.

Profit Maximization and the Optimum Combination of Inputs  

So far we have used graphics to determine the least cost combination of inputs, which include the point at which profit is maximized. However, our primary goal is to derive decision criteria for a profit maximizing firm manager. Let us therefore develop more general criteria for profit maximization. Several methods may be used;

(1)  Direct Methods (a)  Equi-marginal value product criterion


(2)  This method is done by maximizing profit directly, a profit function ( ) is defined, which is then maximized with respect to the variable inputs

π  Y

δπ  ---δX1 

= = =


Likewise, δπ  ---= δX2 

PYY f(X1, X2) δY PY  ----δX1 

PX1X1  -

PX2X2  -





= =

PX1  PX1 










(Assume TFC = 0)


δY PY  ----δX2 






Based on equations 5.23 and 5.24, we may say that the profit-maximizing criterion requires that the earnings from each input must be equal to its cost, and this must be true simultaneously for all inputs. This occurs when MPP < APP and both are decreasing, i.e. In stage II of classical production function.

This may be generalized further as follows; From equations 5.23 and 5.34; VMPX1  --------PX1 



VMPX2  ----------PX2 





In more general terms, this may be expressed in general terms for more than two inputs as; VMPX1 


---------P X1 



VMPX3  =


--------PX3  =… = ---------PXN 




Equation 5.26 implies that all variable inputs must be earning as much as they cost on the margin. Equation 5.25 also implies that; MPPX1 


PX1 /PY 



PX2 /PY 

(b)  The optimum level of output may be established by estimating the average variable cost and the marginal cost curves using empirical data. Then, equate the MC = PY to determine the profit maximizing level of output (optimum Y) as illustrated in Figure 5.16. We previously determined that using the output criterion, profit is maximized where MC = MR = PY 

∴ Optimum output level = YO









YO  Figure 5.16

Empirical Determination of Optimum Output

The MC may also be derived from the production function since the TVC is inversely related to the production function (see Doll and Orazem, Chapter 4, for details). Then MC is equated to PY to find optimum output. (3)  Indirect Method (a)

Least Cost Criterion (Cost Minimization)

We have already established that the least cost criterion for profit maximization is that the MRS should be equal to the slope of the isocost line. MPPX2  ---------MPPX1 


PX2  - ---PX1 


MPPX2  --------MPPX1 


PX2  - ----PX1 

This may be written in general terms for more than two inputs as follows; MPPX1  ---------PX1 

MPPX2  =


MPPX3  =


---------- = ………= ---------PX3  PXN 


Thus by the cost minimization criterion, profit is maximized when the ratio of the MPP for each variable input to its corresponding input price is equal across all inputs.

The cost minimizing

combination of inputs is always the LCC for profit maximization, but the converse is not necessarily true.  For instance, in some cases, an isoquant may be defined at (X2,X1) = (0,0),

While this would qualify as a cost minimizing combination of inputs, it would not result in any profit for the producer since no production would take place.




Note that if the numerator of each term in equation 5.27 is multiplied by PY, then equation 5.27

and 2.26 become identical.



So far we have been deriving various decision criteria for a profit maximizing firm manager as if they are involved in producing only one output. However, in practice, particularly for farmers, they must also choose what to produce from a range of alternative agricultural products. Such decisions are guided by the relationship that exists between products as defined below.

Assume that a farmer owns one acre of land and has 100 Kg of Nitrogenous fertilizer. The crops that can grow in the area include maize, bean, sunflower, groundnuts, sorghum, millet, cassava, Cow-peas and Pigeon peas. Suppose also that the farmer can only plant two crops at a time. This farmer would be faced with choosing which two crops to produce.


The Production Possibility Curve.

The production possibility curve (PPC) traces all combinations of products that can be produced with a given set of inputs. It is also referred to as an iso-resource curve. It may be viewed as the boundary or frontier delineating the combination of products that can be produced using available inputs for a particular technology. Y2  Y1*  Y2*  Y1  Figure 5.1

Production Possibility Curve

The following may be said about PPC •  The slope of the PPC is referred to as the Marginal rate of product substitution (MRPS) •  PPC that are based on the same bundle of inputs and technology do not cross each other •  PPC are either concave to the origin or linear depending on the underlying production function.





The entire area bounded by the PPC including the axes is called the feasible set or the attainable set of output.  Product – Product relationship  relationship   The relationship between products or enterprises may take different forms. Products may be competitive, complementary or supplementary to each other. Competitive products Products are said to be competitive if when the production of one increases, the production of the other must decrease. Y2 


O Y1  Figure 5.2



Competitive products


The MRPS for competitive products is negative. (i.e. the PPC has a negative slope)


A PPC that is concave to the origin represent a production function with decreasing marginal returns. As increasing amounts of the variable input are transformed into one product, the marginal product of the input in that use becomes increasingly smaller, while the marginal product of the input for the other product becomes larger. Thus, each additional unit of the product that is increasing requires successively larger sacrifice of the competing product.


Linear PPC represent a constant rate of substitution between the two products (eg. maize substituting for Irish potatoes on a 10 ha homogenous piece of land where ha is the variable input).

Complementary Products Two products are complementary if an increase in one product causes the second product to also increase, when the total inputs are held constant. A common example of complementary products is maize and beans. However, beyond a certain limit the products become competitive.




Complementary Complementa ry products produce by-products that are in fact inputs in the production process, thereby changing the bundle of inputs. For instance, legumes fix nitrogen form the air, adding to the stock of nitrogen available for plants. Y2 







Figure 5.4




Complementary Products

Within the range OB, OC and OD products Y1 and Y2 are complementary.

•  • 

The MRPS within the complementary range is positive Within the complementary range, one can only reduce the level of one of the products by reducing the level of inputs used. Complementary y product eventually become competitive (eg maize and beans plant •  Complementar population) •  Changes in technology may cause the relationship of complementary products to change from complementary to competitive. (eg. the introduction of nitrogenous inorganic fertilizer has changed the relationship between legumes and other cereals to a competitive one with respect to land, labour, capital etc.) •  Products may be competitive within one period of time but complementary over a longer duration of time (eg. crops in a rotation cycle). Supplementary Products Two products are said to be supplementary if one can increase the production of one without increasing or reducing the production of the other.













H Figure 5.5

Supplementary Products


The MRPS for supplementary products is zero or undefined


Supplementary products occur through time when or surplus resources are available at a given point in time (eg. a tractor purchased for cultivation during the growing season may be used for transportation during the dry season. A harvester may be used to harvest two crops that mature at different times of the year, eg. sorghum and millet.


Supplementary relationships between products depend on amounts of unused resources.

Joint Products These are products, which result from the same production process. In extreme cases, the two are combined in fixed proportions such that one cannot be produced without the other. In such a case, joint products may be considered as one product. Other joint products may have a narrow range of substitution.

The proportions of the joint products may be changed through

technological developments, such as new breeds, new processing methods etc. Examples in agriculture include skimmed milk and butter, mutton and wool. Y2 

O Figure 5.6


Y1  Production Possibility Curve for Joint Products






The marginal rate of product substitution (MRPS) refers to the amount by which one product or output must change in quantity when the other product increases by one unit along a production possibility curve. The MRPS is the slope of the production possibility curve.

∆Y2  MRPSY1,Y2 





Slope of PPC


The average MRPS may be computed for the midpoint of a line joining an arch when only two coordinates of a production possibility curve are defined. It is an approximation of the MRPS of points on the arch


The exact MRPS may be computed when a continuously differentiable mathematical function of the PPC is given

As stated previously; MRPS for competitive products is negative MRPS for complementary products is positive MRPS for supplementary products is zero or undefined.

Iso-revenue line For a profit maximizing producer, maximizing revenue that is obtained from the combination of products or enterprises is of paramount importance. Total revenue is the sum of all revenue from all the products or enterprises. TR


PY1.Y1  +


Thus on a PPC, each combination of products is associated with a particular total revenue. An iso-revenue line connects all combinations of products (Y 1 and Y2) that earn the same level of revenue. In Figure 5.21 an iso-revenue line is given for Y1  and Y2  given the respective product prices of PY1 =


2 and PY2 = 1


A = 80/PY2  (10,60)




  (20,40) (30,20) (80,0)



B= 80/PY1  Figure 5.7

Iso-revenue line

The slope of the iso-revenue line may be determined from figure 5.21. If the product prices are given, then the total revenue can be computed and the vertical and horizontal intercepts of the iso-revenue line can be computed, based on which the slope may be determined. Slope of iso-revenue line




0 TR/PY2  ---------------------------------------- ---------------TR/PY1  0

= -

TR ---PY2 



PY1  ----TR

PY1  - ----PY2 


Revenue Maximizing Combination of Products

PPC represent all possible combination of two products using a given amount of variable inputs The challenge to the manager is how to determine the revenue maximizing combination. Within a PPC the amount of inputs being used is constant, which means, costs are also constant. Thus he combination, which will maximize revenue, will also maximize profit, for a given price ratio between products. Using the analogy between isoquants and the iso-cost line, in the case of the PPC, revenue would be maximized at the point where the slope of the PPC equals that of the isorevenue line. If the PPC is given in tabular form then the revenue from each combination of products would be computed to determine the one that maximized revenue.


Isocost slope = line -(PY1with  /PY2)




  Revenue maximizing combination of Y1 and Y2  A

O Y1  Figure 5.8

Revenue Maximizing Combination of Products

In Figure 5.8. at point (A) the PPC and iso-revenue line are tangent to each other


∆Y2  -----∆Y1 




PY1  - ----PY2  - (∆Y1PY1)  


Opportunity cost and the Marginal Criteria for Resource Allocation

Along the PPC the quantity of products that are produced is limited by the quantity of resources available to the producer. Thus for any given level of inputs, the amount of one product that is produced increase only if the other product is reduced as resources are shifted from the production of Y2  to Y1. Denote the quantity of variable inputs shifted as


Then we may

rewrite Equation 5.3 as;

∆Y2PY2  ∆Y1 


-∆Y1PY1  ∆Y2 














Generalizing to N products; VMPX,Y1 





= …… =






Based on Equations 5.3 and 5.4 we may say that when resources are limited, revenue will be maximized when he value of the marginal products or the variable input will be the same for all products or enterprises. Most resources can be used in the production of more than one product, i.e. they have an alternative use. As indicated in the PPC, PPC, the variable input X can be used to produce Y1 or Y2  The opportunity cost of a resource is defined as the value of that resource when it is put to its best alternative use. Thus, when one unit of X is shifted from the production of Y2  to Y1, the opportunity cost of that unit of X is the value of Y2  that is foregone in order to increase the amount of Y1. According to equation 5.3, when profit is maximized the VMP X,Y2 = VMPX,Y1, which means, the opportunity cost of the resource should be equal across all products.






Thus far, in deriving the profit maximizing decision criteria we have assumed that resources are not limited. However, in practice there are many constraints facing any producer, the money to buy inputs may not be enough, inputs may not be obtained in desired quantities. Therefore, often producer have to settle for less than maximum profit. They strive to get as high high a profit as possible (optimize profit) subject to prevailing constraints. Similarly a producer who is trying to minimize cost may be facing certain constraints, which must be met. The producer will strive to minimize cost subject to the constraint(s).

So the producer’s problem becomes one of

constrained maximization or minimization.

A maximization example

Suppose the farmer is producing two products, milk and butter. Let the price of milk be T.Shs 600 per unit while that of butter is T.Shs 800 per unit. The farmer’s goal is two maximize revenue, which is defined by; R


PY1Y1  +


Where R = Total revenue Y1 


Number of tins of milk



Number of tins of butter

But, milk and butter are joint products, they are related through a PCC, given by; 18Y1  = 84 – 3Y22  Thus in the effort to maximize revenue, the farmer is limited by this constraint. The farmer’s problem is therefore formulated as follows; Maximize Subject to

R = 18Y1  =

PY1Y1  + 84 – 3Y22 



This problem can be solved using several approaches (eg by substitution, followed by maximization).. In the following discussion, we will illustrate how to use the Lagrangean maximization) multiplier in solving constrained optimization problems.

This approach is preferred in

economics because in addition to the optimum solution, it provided additional information (shadow prices in the case of inputs), which is useful for planning purposes. The farmers problem in Equation 6.1 may be solved using the Lagrangean method by following these steps;


Define the objective function to be maximized (or minimized)




Objective function; (2) 



Rewrite the constraint 2 18Y1 - 84 – 3Y2   =


PY1Y1  +




Multiply the constraint by a factor λ 


λ (18Y1 -

84 + 3Y22)




(4)  Define a Lagrangean function, constituted by the objective function (Equation 6.2) and the constraint as expressed in equation 6.4 L


PY1Y1  + PY2Y2  +

λ (18Y1 - 84 + 3Y22)


Note that adding Equation 6.4 to the objective function does not really change the objective function, Thus, for all practical purposes, Equation 6.5 is the same as equation 6.2. Note also that the Lagrangean function contains three unknown variables on the left had side (Y 1, Y2 and


We can solve for these unknown variables by obtaining the derivatives of the Lagrangean

function (Equation 6.4) with respect to each of the unknowns. When L is at its maximum, each of the first order derivatives will be equal to zero. (5)  Derive the first order derivatives of the lagrangean function (first order conditions) and set the derivative equal to zero

δ L ----δ Y1 











6λY2  =




18Y1  -


3Y22  =


 L ----δ Y2 

δ L ----δ λ 




This gives 3 equations with three unknown. We can therefore solve for Y1, Y2  and determining the constrained optimizing combination of products (Y1 & Y2)

From Equation 6.6;



- 600 ----18


λ  to




  From Equation 6.7;



- 800 ---6Y2 


Equating 6.9 and 6.10; 600 ----18


3600Y2  Y2 

= =

= = =

0 36 2

∴ Y1 





800 ----6Y2 



14400 4

By substitution; 18Y1 – 84 + 48 18Y1  Y1  =



- 33.33

A minimization example

Suppose that a production of an output (Y) involves two inputs, Labour (W) and Capital (K). The isoquant is given by Equation 6.11. 100 K = ----- + 30 (6.11) 2 W  The price of labour and capital are T.Shs 6 and 3 per unit respectively. The farmer would like to minimize the cost of producing Y, subject to the technical constraint as defined by the isoquant. So the farmer’s problem may be stated as; Minimize:

Subject to:

TC = 6W + 3K



100 ----2 W 




Following steps of the Lagrangean method; L

δ L





200 λ 


100 λ  ----- + 30 - K 2 W 









------- = W3 











100 ----2 W 





δ L ----δK

δ L ----δ λ 






Solving for the three unknown variables we get;








The lagrangean multiplier (λ) has a usefull interpretation interpretatio n in economics. It represents the value by which the objective function would change if the constraint is relaxed by one unit.






In chapter 2 we introduced the concepts of short run and long run as they relate to fixed and variable inputs. In Chapter three we discussed about average variable costs and average total costs that a producer faces in the short run. Thus in the short run a manager faces a given plant size because some inputs are fixed. In the long run however, the manager can change the plant size, often, with the objective of improving efficiency. We said earlier that improvement in economic efficiency is associated with lower average variable cost. Thus as the firm manager improves the efficiency of his/her plant, successive plant sizes will be associated with lower AVC. If one traces the locus of these AVC points, a long run average cost curve (LRAC) is designed. When the firm is small expansion of output usually increases efficiency and average cost will fall due to;

•  • 

Increasing possibilities of division and specialization of labour and capital Increasing possibility of using advanced technologies , which lower the average cost of

•  •  •  • 

producing output The firm is able to spread fixed cost over a lager amount of output The same machinery is able to do more field work Buildings may be housing the maximum number of livestock Some of the variable cost may be reduces ( e.g. one may be able to get discounts when buying inputs in large quantities)

However, as the plant size increases, beyond a certain point, LRAC begins to rise due to;

•  •  • 

Managerial limitations Bureaucratic red tape (communication, coordination) Frequency of mistakes go up

Within the range where LRAC is decreasing due to increasing plant size, the firm is said to have economies of size. In the region where LRAC is rising with increasing plant size, the firm is said to have dis-economies of size.

The LRAC is a planning curve. Once a given plant size has been built/established, the plant is operating in the long run.







LRAC (Envelop curve SRMC Most efficient level of output for this firm size in the long run

Y Economies of size

Figure 7.1

Dis-economies of size

Long Run Average Cost Curve and Economies of Size


From figure 7.1we can say that;


For each plant size, there is a corresponding level of variable input (in the short run), that minimizes cost


This occurs at the point where MPPX1  -------PX1 


MPPX2  ------- = PX2 

MPPX3  MPPXN  -------- = ……… = ---------PXN  PXN 

This means, if we regard all the inputs as the set of variable inputs while plant size is treated as the other input, In the long run one can trace the long run expansion path.




  X1  All inputs Long run expansion path

X2 Plant size Figure 7.2

Long run Expansion Path

Along the expansion path; LRTC


PX1X1  +




PX1X1  --------Y


PX2X2  -------Y

Returns to scale

Returns to scale are related to economies and dis-economies of scale, not only in the short run, but also in the long run. They refer to the effect of an increase in output upon average cost when all inputs are increased by the same proportion. Exmple, for a long run production function given as; Y = f(X1, X2, X3,…………XN) Where Y Xi 






If each of the variable inputs is changed (increase or decrease) by the same factor (K) Y may change by a factor Y may change by a factor Y may change by a factor

= < >

∴ YKN 


f(KX1  +





K K K KX2 



The function is said to have constant return to scale







> <

1 1

The function is said to have increasing returns to scale The function is said to have decreasing return to scale

The isoquant map for the three scenarios are represented in figure 7.3. Constant X1 

Figure 7.3

Returns to Scale



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