Product Catalogue En

May 31, 2016 | Author: Amel Mešić | Category: N/A
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Your partner for instrumentation in the fields of science, research and education.


Since the beginning of KVANT company in 1995 we offer development, manufacture and supply of laser technology, electronic and optical equipment according to the requirements of our customers. With time the offer was extended to include the supply of laboratory equipment, teaching techniques and special equipment for scientific and research institutions. We are currently organizing a number of projects for SAV (Slovak Academy of Science) and universities in the SR-building Centers of excellence. In the field of software and hardware we provide solutions for several projects for the Ministry of Interior, such as: "Forensic Evidence of SR" and "National ballistics expert system" and we also implement various development projects for processing and expert analysis of forensic data. The company participates on development projects in cooperation with Comenius University and the Forensic Institute in Bratislava. The results of development were successfully applied not only in Slovakia but also abroad.

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Laboratory equipment Microscopes Electron microscopes 3D microworld 3D electron microscopy Atomic force microscopy Compact spectrometers and microphotospectrometers Cameras Scientific cameras Highspeed cameras Night Vision Digital Image Processing – IMPOR 5 Thermocameras Digital Forensic Traffic enforcement Automatic measuring system – AMS Laser profilometer – LPM Microscopic measurement – MFS Automatic Control Bearings Visual quality control Monitoring systems Explosives and Drug detectors X-ray inspection Measuring Instruments 3D Measuring Machine, Zeiss

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3D Laser Scanner Industrial Lasers Scientific and Research Lasers Semiconductor lasers Laser video projector Laser devices LED monitors Vibration measurement Optical and opto-mechanical components Laser engraving machine & CNC machine Cryogenic technology Tandem ion accelerator Ultra-High Vacuum analysis system – UHV Pulsed laser deposition – PLD Cultural Heritage Protection Medical and cosmetic applications IS for laboratories – LIMS Equipment for technical schools Interactive technologies Complete equipment for education Physics teaching aids Manufacture of scientific models and exhibits Teaching aids Laboratory furniture Auditorium Equipment

L aboratory equipment @kvant

KVANT company supply equipment for hospital laboratories, research institutes, schools and industry. Our offer is continuously extended according to customers expectations. New products are updated in our database system which is directly linked to our e-shop


Our services include implementations and supply according customers exact specifications, we aim to offer high quality laboratory techniques, laboratory furniture and various modifications in case of renovations or new laboratory building.

L aboratory equipment @kvant


Chemicals, cabinets for chemicals and gas storage tanks, refractometers and polarimeters, ultrasonic baths, homogenizers, products for the analysis of food and the environment, microwave decomposition systems, reactors, luminescence detection systems, oven, incubators, sterilizers, chemicals and kits for molecular biology, serum and cell culture media, metal laboratory equipment, dispensers, pipettes, burettes, plastic and glass, viscometers, laboratory equipment, sampling equipment, Dewar vessel, liquid nitrogen containers, container transport and storage of deep-frozen material, centrifuges, machines for molecular biology, PCR, pH meters, ION meters, turbidimeters, multimeters, conductometers, distillation apparatus, water baths, shakers ... more than 5000 items.

L aboratory equipment @kvant


Laboratory glassware, rotary vacuum evaporators, liquid chromatograph, Stomacher type homogenizers, heating mantles, water baths, wall-mounted thermostats, glass distillation apparatus, weighers, refrigerators and freezers, vacuum pumps, expendable supplies for chromatography, pendend thermostats and baths, filter papers, membranes, indication papers, test kits, oven, incubators, laboratory furniture, washing and disinfecting machines, gasmeters, deep-freeze boxes up to -86 ° C and -150 ° C, syringe filters, autoclaves, titrators, piezo-electric burners, expendable supplies for microbiology, electronic thermometers, hygrometers, anemometers, barometers, millivoltmeter, oximeters ... more than 5000 items.

M icroscopes Biological l Stereoscopic l Metallographic l Inverse l Digital l Electron l Probe l

Our offer includes microscopes, microtomes, cameras, lenses and various optical devices and components. We also propose special optical systems (for visible and IR spectrum) designed, manufactured and implemented according to requirements of our customers. Modern microscopy makes possible to monitor the optical signal by various optical detectors.


We offer a wide range of professional cameras for shooting, digital image processing and special software customised according to requirements.

E lectron microscopes Electron microscopy l Electron & ion lithography l 3D morphology l Microanalysis – integration microanalytical techniques EDX, WDX, EBSD, EBIC l Microscopes are used in wide range of applications in industry, material research, metallurgy and nanotechnology. The environmental design also find application in biology, medicine, chemistry, criminology and other fields.

TESCAN Company, Inc. offers a scanning electron microscopes – based on tungsten cathode, Schottky emission and ion beam combination systems.


Electron microscope tube was developed by company itself, so many elements are subject of patent protection. Among the unique features include: an extremely wide field of view, optimizing the beam parameters according the field of view and the opportunity to observe samples in three dimensions in real time. Of course, there is the possibility to extend microscopes to other detectors, as: EDX, WDX, EBSD, EBIC, and the SIMS.

E lectron microscopes Combining nanomanipulation system, ion beam etching technology and system for deposition of conductive and nonconductive structures in one functional unit, the entirely new possibilities are offering. In a one vacuum chamber can be perform observation with nano-meter resolution, etching and deposition also, where operator is able to control each step precisely.

Observation of samples at high magnification is just one of the possibilities of using electron microscopes. The development of nanotechnology requires creating nano-structures and the ability to manipulate with objects at this scale. Tescan microscopes are equipped with software for electron lithography to create photoresist structures, at higher models: directly by ion beam etching or depositing conductive and nonconductive structures.


Systems can be extended to devices for direct manipulation with micro objects, but also for local electrical measurements.

3 D Microworld Micro Profilometry l Relief l Shaped l Roughness l Material research l Machine tools l

Systems for an objective thirddimensional reconstruction of the surface of the samples with an equitable metrological evaluation of the third dimension, are an important tool in the characterization of the quality of surfaces such as roughness, porosity etc. In addition to complete information of the shape, also allows objective measurements: volume, depth, tool wear, and comparing the shapes.

Optical microscopic scanner for three-dimensional reconstruction of samples „ Infinite Focus“ is useful in material research, metallurgy etc. The device scans the surface of microscopic samples and provides metrologically correct model in three dimensions. It allows to measure the basic characteristics such as surface porosity, roughness and so on, in terms of standard. Advanced software can perform comparison and dimensional analysis of three-dimensional structures.


3 D Microworld Micro Profilometry l Relief l Shaped l Roughness l Material research l Machine tools l

Our spatial vision enables one pair of eyes, each of looks at the world under a slightly different angle. Similarly, the software works to reconstruct 3D microworld. Electron microscope records image of the sample under two slightly different angles. Special software analyses and displays information about the third dimension.


In comparison with optical microscopy, major advantage of electron microscope is the high depth of field. The rugged embossed samples it brings complication, because the operator of microscope is losing overview of the tower segmentation. Therefore, manufacturers of electron microscopes are trying to solve this problem. One approach is to obtain a stereoscopic pair of images – similar to the spatial vision of people – the gradual tilting of the sample due to an electron beam. Tescan Company implement to their electronic microscope electron beam tilt, which quickly provide stereoscopic images. Software system Mex from Alicona compare these images and create a three-dimensional reconstruction of the faithful microworld.

A tomic force microscopy Modular SPM systems l AFM l STM l Spectroscopy l Devices for nanotechnology l Integrated nanolaboratories l Intensive development of nanotechnology, single-particle electronics and biology at the molecular level requires high quality equipment for researching at nanoworld level.

NT-MDT company offers complete solutions for the nanoworld. Company is mainly focused on the modular systems for STM and AFM microscopy and spectroscopy. They are able to offer more than 20 different analytical methods. A key advantage is the ability to integrate systems with other measurement methods: spectroscopy, thermal measurements, magnetic properties etc.


A tomic force microscopy Microwave AFM l Nanolithography l AFM Spectroscopy l Force action of atomic force microscopy tip or scanning tunneling microscopy on the sample can also be destructive. By sensitive adjusting of parameters this feature can benefit to create targeted structures in the sample nanolithography at atomic level. The picture is an example of the structure created by local anodic oxidation. Image size is of the order of 10 microns.

Systems combining AFM, confocal Raman-Rayleigh microscopy and optical scanning microscopy in near-field, provide tremendous potential for analytical examination of the nanoworld. Various AFM techniques allow the study of mechanical, elastic, magnetic and also electrical properties: conductivity, capacitance, response to piezoelectric effect and many other surface properties.


Scanning microwave microscopy is over traditional microscopic techniques by measuring of electrical properties of nanosamples. It offers so much more versatility for use in applications, the ability to obtain quantitative results, a higher sensitivity and dynamic range for industry applications.

C ompact spectrometers and microphotospectrometers Spectrometer with high quantum efficiency l Maya with high sensitivity l HR high resolution l QE 65000 for scientific applications l Revolutionary Jaz l Near-infrared spectrum NIR l UV-VIS-NIR micro spectroscopy l Quantity of measuring probes, detectors, light sources and accessories are making complete range of effective solution for spectrometric tasks, especially where there is a need for a compact, easy and mobile design.

Ocean Optics Company as a first come up with a miniature spectrometer-based detector line feed. Today, Ocean Optics is a well-known leader in mobile spectrophotometric applications. They are offering miniature USB spectrometers in the range of UV, VIS and NIR performed with different efficiency, resolution and sensitivity. KVANT Ltd. is the exclusive distributor of microphoto spectrometers CRAIC Technologies in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic.


C ameras CCD and CMOS digital cameras l Frame grabbers' l Software l Lenses l Lighting l Cables l Optical Accessories l

Industrial digital cameras and accessories for the most demanding applications. Kvant. s.r.o. is an authorized distributor of global brands: Allied Vision Technology (AVT), Teledyne Dalsa, Tamron, QIOptiq, Polytec Latab, LMI.

As an authorized distributor of the world's leading manufacturers in the field of machine vision we offer hardware support and complete software solutions for image processing. We will arrange delivery of complete camera systems for your applications in science, industry and quality control. Our product portfolio includes: industrial digital CCD and CMOS cameras, line and TDI cameras, smart cameras, different types of lighting, camera lenses of all types and any necessary camera accessories.


C ameras for science High-sensitivity cameras l Scientific cameras CMOS l Cameras with image intensifier l Hyper spectral cameras l IR cameras l

KVANT Ltd. is the exclusive distributor of PCO cameras in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. PCO is a manufacturer of high-quality CCD, CMOS and sCMOS camera systems. Comparison of the sensitivity CCD camera and sCMOS camera pco.edge at a constant low light.

Advantages of cameras you will appreciate especially if you need to observe objects in low light and need a high resolution picture and quality camera with a very high sensitivity. Possible applications: microscopy, high-resolution microscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, monitoring of processes with extremely low light, X-ray tomography, quality control and more. We offer PCO cameras with high quality industrial Zeiss lenses.


H igh speed cameras High-speed cameras l Software to cameras l Lenses l Lighting l Tripods l KVANT Ltd. is an exclusive distributor of PCO cameras Slovakia and in the Czech Republic. In both countries we cover also distribution of high quality industrial Zeiss lenses.

We offer a high-speed cameras with high sensitivity, image quality and frame rate of up to 1 million frames per second. We offer also high quality industrial Zeiss lenses for cameras. High speed cameras are designed for recording high-speed phenomena in technical processes and nature. For example: shorttime phenomena in physics and its analysis, the study of materials, hydrodynamics, car industry, crash tests, airbags tests, the study of combustion engines, quality control, ballistics, sparking process in electrical switches etc.


N ight vision NVS 6 l NVS 7 l NVS 8 l IR400 l Night Witness MDN 12x40 l

Night vision devices can be equipped with infrared light source of lighting. Compact infrared lamps provide visible lighting only with night vision devices. Night vision devices with the use of IR lighting allow a significant increase of possible observable distance and image resolution.

Systems for night vision NVS series 7 were tested in real combat and security applications. This system meets all the requirements of the armed forces, military and police on night vision systems. Series monocular and binocular night vision are used by armies around the world. A wide selection of models, night vision satisfies the needs of any user. Night vision devices also have major importance for rescue operations or searching of victims. They are useful for paramedics, firefighters and border police officers.


D igital image processing – IMPOR 5

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Cameras l Digital cameras, scanners l Graphic filters l Binary operations l Measurement of dimensions l Solvent functions l Hundreds of installations worldwide l Application in industry, science, laboratory practice l The system provides a complete solution for digital image processing.

IMPOR Program consists of an integrated core system and other minor sub – plug-ins that serve as for: The analysis of objects, measurement, spectrum analysis, import of scales, forms generation etc. Unique plug-ins architecture allows users to choose just the right system modules they need for their work. With this architecture maintains the simplicity of the system allowing high efficiency.


The system found its use in a variety of applications in the areas of quality control, laboratory measurements, in health and in special applications such as: Mineralogical analysis, ballistics comparison, control punch, metallography, etc.

T hermocameras Energetics l Electronics l Construction l Engineering l Diagnostics l Heat leakage l Insulation l Measurements l Deliveries l Rent l Expertise l Thermal camera monitor thermal radiation, so it allows to detect overheating of devices, loading machines, bearings, flow of liquids, defective insulation, or overheating of electric wires.

Thermographic Diagnostics is now a popular method especially for its speed and intuitive interpretability of the results. It is used to control heat losses of buildings, preventive and predictive inspection of machinery, electrical equipment and power lines. Our company offers a wide portfolio of manufacturers of thermalvision devices, but also we are able to offer services in the field of measurement, consultation and education.


T hermocameras Border Guard l Army l Police l Fire department l Rescuers l Safety agencies l Ochrana VIP

Pohraničná stráž



Thermovision is very successfully used by fire fighters, rescue workers, as well as security forces such as police, border guards, and army. Thermovision allows observing objects in complete darkness, a thick fog, smoke, rain, or snow and also searching for persons according the heat trace. Significantly speeds up of finding people, whether victims of fires or suspects. This technique is very often used to search the animals in the wild for the purpose of scientific observation.


Infrared technology found its use in the tracking of environmental accidents and their monitoring.

D igital Forensics

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Document inspecting l Dactyloscopy l Tracing l Crime scene l

Forensic facilities are intended for the detection of false documents (eg. travel and identity cards) and paper money. They are used by government agencies, including the Border Police, border control, state police around the world, as well as commercial and private entities such as.: Printer stamps, lottery companies, insurance companies, national library, currency exchange and banks. We also deliver the equipment for the crime scene: forensic lights, fingerprinting and shoe-print material etc.


D igital Forensics Balistics l Mechanoscopy l The system can scan jacket of bullets, bottom of the shell and whole shell. Important features are then stored in a database and can later be identified with other cases.

Automated ballistic and reference system is used for automatic identification and comparison of ballistic track – missiles and cartridges in databases of traces. It provides three-dimensional views of deformed bullets. National database backed ballistic tracks allows to quickly search and identify similar tracks in Slovakia. Complete national ballistic system was supported to the Ministry of Interior of Slovak republic in 2010.


T raffic enforcement

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Odometer measurement l Section speed measurement l Measurement of traffic intensity l Recognition of car number evidence l Detection of passage on the red light l Classification of vehicles l As transport solutions integrator, we are able to propose and implement a transport solutions using the latest equipment used in this field (radars, lasers, video surveillance, and detection).

Part of our solutions is a transport system witch analyse traffic data, provide statistics and output reports. Years of experiences in field of traffic applications and digital processing applications allows us to offer reliable solutions for various uses. Our transport systems are suitable for: highways, municipalities, industrial plants, gas stations, shopping centres and parking lots.


T raffic enforcement

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Applications of using ITS transport systems l Input-output systems for the registration of crossings points' l Odometer measurement l Recognition of car number evidence l Video analysis of image data traffic l Detection of passage on the red light l Monitoring of traffic communications plays currently a main role in ensuring their permeability and optimization of their using.

The monitoring includes measuring of vehicle profiles (their volume), the weight of vehicles, their speed, noise, emissions and other physical and chemical variables. Measurement results have a direct impact on the regulation of transport systems and prevent breakdowns of transport systems by information boards and possible traffic restrictions.


A utomatic measuring system – AMS

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Automatic measuring system for non-contact dimensional measurement of objects with high accuracy l Applications 100% quality control in manufacturing companies, selection controls of quality in laboratories and non-contact dimensional measurement.


Optical measurements offer contactless, fast and accurate solutions for controlling product quality in the industry. They also allow easy deployment and extension to the needs of the customer. Universal access to scanning and evaluation in combination with visual control has become indispensable in today and quickly recoverable investment. Automatic Measuring System (AMS) is an open application structure, its intended to implement the non-contact optical measurement applications and visual control in industrial environments. The basic advantages of the solution are versatility, openness to adapt according to the precise needs of the customer, high accuracy, reliability and objectivity of the measurement.

L aser profilometry – LPM

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Laser profilometer for non-contact measurement of the diameter and height of 3D profile l Measurement of roughness and waviness with high accuracy by non-contact method l Applications Measurement of extruded profiles (rubber, metal, plastic), the measurement of tires profile, controlling of the shape of moldings, waviness and roughness measurement, 3D visualization. Measured surfaces Plastic, rubber, wood, stone, ceramics and metals.

In the case of industrial or laboratory measurements it is necessary to analyse the spatial shape of objects. Laser profilometry is determinate for fast and effective solutions of these problems.


Compact profilometry LPM provides an optical non-contact 3D profile measurement of objects along defined cut. For this, it uses so-called triangulation principle. The laser line is reflected to measured surface and then captured by a digital camera. For every scanned image is possible to evaluate the current 3D profile. The device operates with PC, where data are analysed. The transmission is provided by standard interface IEEE1394 (FireWire).

M icroscopic measurements – MFS

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MicroFocusScan l Measuring of instruments depreciation l Dimension measuring l Surface reconstruction l MicroFocuScan System (MFS) is used to reconstruct a three-dimensional model of the object surface captured by a microscope. It can create a surface model with a coloured surface texture. Measured data can be further processed and displayed in 3D.

The principle of MicroFocuScan system (MFS) is based on the object depth recognition. It uses a series of images scanned by optical system with a small depth of field. The calculations of height map and texture of the object is based on images captured from different distances. Capturing of images are provided by modified motorized microscope or specially prepared optical system with a linear shift. The system uses a digital camera with high resolution connected to the PC.


A utomatic control of bearings sliding

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Bearing Checker l The application works by comparing the scanned image controlled bearing with the etalon. The program operates in real-time, using correlation algorithms and it is suitable for deployment directly into the production line.

Bearing Checker system is visually controlling quality parameters of bearing by measuring its basic structural elements. The application can be implemented directly to the production line, which operates one operator. The system is flexible to changes in the production and adaptable to different types of sliding bearings. Controlled structural elements of bearings: lubricated holes, lubricated groove, tongue and the quality of the lining surface.


The hardware components of the system: Digital (CMOS / CCD) camera with the lens, digital input-output card, a special light source, computer and LCD monitor.

V isual quality control

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Visual quality control – geometric and aesthetic object parameters in the manufacturing process l

Quality control of products Applications Control of the printed patterns (tiles, parquets and others), control of glass and plastic, residual tension, cracks in transparent materials, aesthetic sorting of wood (baulks, plates, lamellas). Geometric measurement Applications Measurement of extruded profiles (rubber, metal, plastic), moulded parts inspection, measurement of cut outs in the metal sheet, squareness measurement of a cut wood.


The versatility, rapid return of the investment and high increase in product quality are the main advantages of visual quality control systems based on digital image processing. Quality of material Field of evaluation of the quality of the material is divided into control of surface (texture) and the detection of internal defects (cracks, bubbles, etc.). Digital imaging offers powerful universal tools for automating of control and reducing operating costs for quality control. Geometric measurements External dimensions of objects, shape accuracy (conformity with the model), the position of sub elements area and shape of the gaps, angle measurement, profilometry.

M onitoring systems

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Monitoring the production processes and their evaluation in real time l Evaluation Vibration analysis, spectral analysis, special calculations, continuous recording and storage of measured data, graphical reports, print reports.

Applications Combustion monitoring, monitoring the flow of melts and fluids, monitoring bearing abrasion

Characteristics Flame monitoring in real-time, calibration of temperature due to the spectral characteristics of the signal, evaluated data collection, retrospective view in the time, the definition of false colours by temperature range and their analysis in real-time, monitoring of the thermal profile in the specified area.

A frequent requirement tends are to design and develop systems for continuous monitoring of dynamic objects and processes in real time. Integral part of those systems is the software evaluation of monitored objects. Monitoring facility is secured by a special device (e.g., CCD cameras, vibration analyser ...) and the output is processed by PC, according to the specific requirements for a given application.


Flame Analyse system is designed to monitor the combustion process in a rotary kiln in cement. It provides nationwide temperature evaluation and dust in defined areas, as well as evaluation of energy emission from the system.

D etection of drugs and explosives Highly sensitive detection of drugs and explosives – Itemizer DX l Drugs and Explosives Detector – Itemizer 3 l Portable Raman Spectrometer – Street lab Mobile l Portable drugs and explosives detectors – Mobile Trace l Upgraded portable drug, explosives and chemicals detector – Mobile Trace Hardened l

Products from Safran Morpho Detection are designed especially for detection of narcotics, explosives, chemical warfare substances, or hazardous industrial chemicals by ITMS technology and Raman spectroscopy. A wide range of offered equipment can detect amounts of unknown substances visible to the eye to trace amounts of the order of pictograms (pg.).


Systems found their use in monitoring at airports, post offices, in guarding of strategic enterprises, prisons and security actions in relation to the threat of terrorism.

D etection of drugs and explosives Explosives detection system based on computer-tomography – CTX l X-ray inspection system – HRX l Explosives detection system based on X-ray diffraction – XRD l Portal for detecting explosives in people – Entry Scan l

Systems for detection of dangerous substances and objects are designed for use at airports and similar places where you need to check a large number of people and luggage quickly and thoroughly at the same time. Recent systems can create 3D models of baggage and subjects placed in it by using X-rays and determinate the material and its density.


Systems have high reliability and ensure prevention especially at entrances to buildings and vehicles.

X -ray inspection Searching for defects l Imperfections in the manufacturing process l Computed Tomography CT l

XT V 130 and XT V 160 X-ray inspection systems represent flexible and high-precision solutions that can manage defectoscope of loaded printed circuit boards (PCB). They are designed for the inspection of BGA joints and mikroBGA boards, multilayer printed circuit board inspection and PCB tin solders. This compact system is also easy to use and requires no precautions against X-ray radiation. They may be found in each production and electronics manufacturing and control.


Various modifications of the system are used for defectoscope of various objects in control and manufacturing process.

M easuring Instruments Oscilloscopes l Logic Analyzers l Signal generators l Function generators l Spectral analyzers l Multimeters l Power Supplies l Accessories l Top measuring instruments for science, research, laboratories, schools, industry and others.

We offer a wide range of measuring instruments from world renowned manufacturers: Agilent Technologies, Tektronix, Keithley, Fluke. Measuring instruments provide highly accurate measurements in laboratories, production processes and quality control. For schools, we offer special programs and discounts in cooperation with the manufacturers to ensure a higher quality of education in technical schools in Slovakia.


3 D measuring Zeiss Industrial Measurement l LMI3D company is a manufacturer of all-in-one 3D smart sensor Gocator. Laser Gocator profilometer is suitable for 100% quality control and contactless measurement in production. It excels in ease of deployment, robustness and flexibility of usage in various industries.

High quality and reliable measurement device is designed for metrological laboratories and also in the manufacturing process for highly difficult and precise measurements. This is a coordinate measuring system with high precision sliding, which allows 3D map drafted measured object and then comparing with a reference standard stored in the database system. Comparison of measured values with reference standard could be defined variations of the product, and then deal with the necessary corrections.

Manufacturing technology program of the leader Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH contains portal and stand measuring instruments, instruments for measuring deviations of form and position, contour and surface of structure.


Carl Zeiss offers a very wide range of measuring systems for complex solving of metrology problems.

3 D laser scanner Zscanner 700 l ZScanner 700 CX l ZScanner 700 PX l Zscanner 800 l ZScan Software l

A versatile and highly portable 3D laser scanner can quickly draw up a spatial map of the measured object. Zscanner is the first handheld 3D laser scanner with the automatic localization designed for industry. The scanner has a wide range of applications; it can be used to scan the difficult accessible surfaces in reverse engineering, for designing of packaging systems, as well as digital archiving.


The laser scanner in combination with 3D printer allows creating copies of objects for the purpose of archiving and analysis.

L asers for industrial use

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Navigator – PC controlled laser projector l Precilas – lasers for optical measurements l LLP – static bar design lasers l GBC – Barcode designed high-power lasers l Lasers for industrial use have no need for a mechanical template, so it save time and material.

Laser projector is the best alternative instead of mechanical templates. Using software LOCATOR just draw the shape of the object and laser etch this shape on the substrate. Accurate rendering of detail is provided the best quality scanners on the market. SD memory box allows playing preset patterns without the help of PC.


The target sectors are automobile industry (parts placement), textile and leather industry (cutting patterns, visual quality control), wood industry (placement, master patterns), engineering and other areas where placement, targeting, and application designs are needed.

L asers for Science and Research Gas (He-Ne, Ar, He-Cd) l Solid-state (Continuous, pulsed) l Liquid l Dye lasers l Semiconductor lasers l

A wide range of lasers for science, industry and education is ensured by cooperation with world leading manufacturers and by own production of lasers as well. In the last few years has come through the development of semiconductor lasers a significant increase of applications in various fields such as: laser materials cutting, surveying and measuring, advertising and entertainment, education, laboratory tests, medical applications.


Thanks to the miniaturization of laser light sources and their prices decline, the lasers also found its use in consumer industries.

S emiconductor lasers

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Science l Research l Education l Medicine l Military l

TEM00 diode lasers for scientific and instrumentation applications. Wavelengths 375 nm, 395 nm, 405 nm, 415 nm, 420 nm, 440-450nm, 460 nm, 473 nm, 488 nm, 515 nm, 637 nm, 642 nm, 660 nm. Efficiency 20-170 mW.

Laser modules for science and research manufactured by KVANT are equipped with high-quality laser diodes produced by the world's leading manufacturers. Laser parameters can be adjusted according to customer requirements. The output laser radiation can be modulated by high frequencies. Efficiency or laser wavelength can be set up according to specific requirements.


Laser modules are part of many devices, including e.g.: Laser projectors for industry, medicine, laser machining and targeting.

L aser projection systems

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Laser show l Laser projectors l Lasers for Science l LED video walls l

Lasers are widely used in advertising, presentations, arts, exterior and interior lighting. We offer a wide range of laser projection systems for indoor and outdoor applications. Thanks to miniaturization semi-conductor lasers allow expansion, energy efficiency and affordability. Up to 95% of our production laser are systems exported abroad.


L aser devices

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Laser show l Laser projectors l Lasers for Science l LED video walls l

Effective laser presentations have become an integral part of ou cultural and social events. Laser light in combination with smoke and water walls are very impressive mobile display area. Using beam show can visualize cultural event or other form of presentation to a distance of several kilometres.


L ED screens Laser show l Laser projectors l Lasers for Science l LED video walls l

LED technologies in recent years have noticed a huge development. They are used in energy-efficient lighting applications. In the field of advertising and presentations proved LED display as an effective advertising media of third millennium with possibility of rapid change in the presented content through the Internet connection. We supply LED screens based on your requirements for indoor and outdoor use. We also offer the option for existing advertising LED screens network in Slovakia.


V ibration measurement

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Vibration measurement l Analysis of fault l Measurements of magnetic interference l

Vibration measurement systems are used everywhere where is observation of vibrations and vibrations of machines, engines, turbines, pumps, static and dynamic structures or vibrations and oscillations in such materials as concrete, asphalt, steel, many others needed. For this purpose are used the contact accelerometers based on piezocrystals.


Applications for the measurement and analysis of the collected data are based on Labview platform, the implementation of products from different manufacturers and the integration into the production process is very easy.

V ibration measurement Laser measuring of vibration l Interferometers l Doppler vibrometer l Triangulation systems l Vibrating scanners l

Non-contact vibration measurement method is particularly suitable for the measurement of vibrations in structures. Devices are siutable in cases where high speed and flexibility are required solving the dynamics and acoustics of any structures, and otherwise difficult measurated surface. There is wide offer of different types of systems from uniaxial to triaxial complete measurements of vibration vector, from a systems which measure one exact poin through multi-point measurements, to scanning vibrometers, which gradually pass the entire examined surface.


O ptical and opto-mechanical components Optical tables l Antivibrating systems l Holders l Sliding and rotary tables l Sockets l Stepper Motors l Drivers l Filters l Lenses l Measures and detectors of optical power l Laser beam profilometry l IR optical components l

We offer optical, opto-mechanical and detection elements from various manufacturers such as.: optical components (lenses, filters, and mirrors for a wide spectral range from the deep UV to the far infra-red area), mechanical components (brackets, manual and motorized sliding tables, large stabilizing systems and electric sliding nanotables) detecting components (detectors and power energy meters, laser beam profilometers).


We also offer a complete laboratory equipment designs by optical and mechanical components according to customer needs. Special anti-vibration tables with passive or active vibrating elimination system find their use in many laboratories for fine measurement of physical quantities.

L aser engraving machinea & CNC machines Laser engravers l CO2 and Nd: YAG lasers l Educational CNC machines l Professional CNC machines l The unique modularity of the system l Processing of 3D models l Reproduction of products l Offer of laser machines and laser machining services.

Laser engravers This type of engraving is using the most CO2 gas lasers, which have sufficient high energy. Their efficiency is increased by focusing the beam to a small spot where the energy is concentrated. The advantage of laser cutters and engravers is their high speed engraving, precision and efficiency because after process is no need of any other material treat.


CNC machines The unique modular system allows to compose multiple devices from one variant of the model. CNC technology is based on a system of learning their own work. Practical training brings students to the professional used machines in engineering, automotive and other industries.

C ryogenic technology Dissolution refrigerator to 10 mK l

The device allows performing experiments at extremely low temperatures near absolute zero. These conditions are used to study quantum phenomena. The laboratory is equipped with measuring equipment and electrical signal analyzers in the limit of the possibilities of the current technology.

Institute of Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Department of Experimental Physics Comenius University have created physics laboratory of extremely low temperatures. The laboratory is equipped with a refrigerator, which reaches a temperature of 10 mK. In Slovakia, it is a unique device that allows you to research phenomenas at extremely low temperatures.


T andem ion accelerator Tandem mass spectrometer l Tandem ion accelerator with voltage of 3 MV equipped with the ion analyzer is the one of unique devices in Central Europe. Device has a strong scientific potential, it can identify substances with very low activity, which has a great contribution in the field of nuclear safety.

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava is building the laboratory with a tandem ion accelerator and mass analyzer. KVANT company worked on the project as a supplier of accelerator and necessary accessories.


U ltra-High vacuum analysis system – UHV P ulsed laser deposition – PLD


Devices from the Omricon company are operating in the ultra high vacuum pressures of the order of 10 Pa. Systems are placed in laboratories in Department of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics. Pulse laser deposition device is used for the preparation of thin layers, for the need of material research and nanotechnology. The system is equipped with a powerful excimer laser and in-situ measurement methods: ellipsometry and RHEED. Analytical UHV system is used to study the properties of thin layers. It contains an electron analyzer, X-ray source for XPS, VUV source, tube of electron scanning microscope for electron microscopy and Auger scannning microscopy

P rotection of cultural heritage Analysis of works l Nondestructive diagnosis l Restoration l An infrared camera operating in the near infrared range can see the original carbon sketch under the paintings, X-ray machines can display a lead white sketches. Renovators can thus obtain important information about the painting without destructive interference.

Special technology is used in many interdisciplinary fields. One of them is the analysis and protection of cultural heritage. Analytical methods are routinely used in other fields to bring in the application of cultural monuments along different specificities.


M edical and cosmetic applications Co2 lasers l Nd:YAG lasers l Diode lasers l Biostimulation lasers l LED beauty equipment l IPL l Diagnostic Ultrasound l Cosmetics ultrasound l RF devices l Cavitation devices l

Optics and Light has a unique place in the field of medicine and cosmetics. Laser systems and its applications, LED devices and intense pulsed lights already belong for several years between the perspective and effective methods using physical properties of light and its effect on the human body.


KVANT company has bet on physics in the service of health and beauty and by those principles is trying to create awareness in the medical and cosmetic public, also with the cooperation in the preparation of professional training with such reputable scientific organizations such as: International Laser Center

I S for Laboratories – LIMS

made at

In accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 l Barcode labeling of samples l Automated data sharing l Dynamic templates creating l Direct cooperation with external devices l Output Reports l Evidence is a software product designed for processing and laboratory information management. Provides a wide range of activities that support and facilitate the work in the laboratory.

Laboratory automation creates new requirements for automating of information management, faster sales data and improved access to information resources.


In the last decade the implementation of new, computer controlled laboratory systems, forced modern laboratories to implement new management systems and information processing. These systems are known as LIMS (information management system in the laboratory), allows laboratories to streamline the maximum and rationalize the work of the team and provide a higher quality of its output.

E quipment for technical schools Mechatronics l Flow mechanics and hydrology l Thermodynamics, Heating and sanitary Systems l Theory of machines and material properties l Process Control l Manufacturer and supplier of technical devices – GUNT company: • center: Hamburg • 25-years of experience • global action • 75 employees (40% engineers) • certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 • about 1000 different devices

Manufacturer and supplier of technical devices – GUNT company. The academic sector (private & public) Technical universities, universities (technical colleges), high schools with technical orientation, military and maritime academies. Specialist sector Vocational schools (with a technical orientation), vocational training centers, training centers for industrial companies, oil industry, automotive industry, aerospace, energy etc.


E quipment for technical schools Energy – solar, hydro, wind, biomass, geothermal, green houses l Environment – air, water, soil, waste l

Division of GUNT Company. The idea: • understanding the basics • learning in practice • an overview • complex thinking

Teaching and research systems for renewable energy. Our education systems in field of ENERGY are dealing with basic principles and practical aspects of "traditional" renewable energy sources and their use. As skilled technicians and specialists are needed to address vision, 2E has developed an extensive line of products for training in these areas.


Our education policy is ideally suited to the typical curriculum of professional schools and universities in the field of environmental engineering. Technologies using renewable energy sources are an integral part of our modern education system in the field of energy technologies, effective using of energy is an important criterion for the future viability of the technology.

I nteractive technology Solutions according client preferences l Classic and portable interactive whiteboard l Dual touch whiteboards l Dual touch LCD l KVANT – Your partner for interactive technology. All brands of interactive whiteboards in our offer have a stable presence on the Slovak market and are the brands with whom we have good experiences and we will be happy recommend them.


We offer a large variety of interactive whiteboards. They mainly use technology and software options. Some are controllable interactive pen, finger other. They can be used by two people at once, not just one. Some software are easier to control, which, while covering claims for the use of signs, but rather use the intuitive software offers another huge variety of work options, which is better suited to have more advanced user, the possibilities are many. What one prefers, the other can act as disadvantage. Therefore, we decided to give you a choice of best brand so that you know your whiteboard using long and contentedly in the learning process and especially to suit you according to your requirements and ideas.

C omplete equipment for education Digital markers l Visualizers l Professional document scanners l Solutions for multimedia classrooms and auditorium l Attendance and registration system l The main guaranteed of the quality of the knowledge are educators. That teachers can devote to preparing quality content and especially education itself, it is necessary to save them time and simplify the work. Therefore, we have for you a comprehensive range of equipment for education.


The motto: "Let teachers teach," deploy technology solutions that are making their work easier. Solutions for more effective testing such as, document scanner with automatic evaluation. It allows you creating tests, surveys, questionnaires evaluated automatically. Other major assistants in teaching itself are technologies which are helping to ease the use of the class equipment or auditorium. Simple, fully automatic visualizer with high resolution, tablet, which will operate the whiteboard at the center of the hall, all of this makes teaching more efficient and increase your comfort in the educational process. In the expansion of the product portfolio we are pleased to offer you a comprehensive and tailor-made attendance system with camera system made directly for your needs.

K its for teaching physics

made at

Geometrical optics l Fiber optics l Wave Optics l Lasers l Holography l Spectrometry l Color mixing l Vibration Analysis l

Production department of teaching techniques is focused on development and manufacture of kits for physics. Kits by focusing and difficulty allows experiments in the range of curriculum of secondary schools and universities mostly with technical focus. Up to 90% of production through foreign distributors (worldwide as well as locally based) is made for international exports. The company regularly participates in the world's largest exhibitions of teaching techniques.


M anufacture of scientific models and exhibits Propagation of science and techniques l “Science” equipment for museums l Demonstrative models and exhibits l Design, development and manufacture of technical models l Demonstration of technical principles l We offer complete equipment for science museums, design, development and manufacture of different models for presentation and demonstration of physical phenomena and technical principles.

In recent years the public interest in science and technology grew. Target group are mainly young people who are about to decide about their future profession. In scientific and technical museums interactive demonstrations of physical and technical phenomena, are requested. It allows a better understanding of presented principles by amusing way.


Our company, thanks to its experience in the field of natural sciences and teaching techniques, develops and manufactures various models and exhibits according to customer requirements.

T eaching aids Educational demonstration kit l Student sets l Models l Simulators l Wall paintings l Maps l Educational software l We offer teaching aids for physics, chemistry and biology. High quality and illustration helps to improve the quality of the educational process in schools.

For educational purpose we offer a wide range of teaching aids for teaching physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and other subjects. This selection is designed for primary schools, secondary schools and universities and by its extent can satisfy the complex needs of educational institutions.


We offer products from the world's leading producers of teaching techniques and provide the teacher training for effective use of modern teaching aids

T eaching aids Models l Sets l Language and vocational classrooms l Learning SW l Trainings for teachers l Sophisticated instructional products designed for modern digitalized classes, laboratories and cabinets allow to follow the latest trends in education.

KVANT Ltd. company is not focussed only on selling, but also on development and production of teaching materials and teaching techniques with succesfull history on world markets. In our team we have many experienced trainers who help take full advantage of modern tools to make teaching process more inspirative not only for students, but also for teachers.


The aim of our company is to offer a wide range of products that improve the quality of teaching in schools and to participate on building a modern education worldwide.

L aboratory furniture Furniture for university auditoriums l Auditoriums furniture l Furniture for public spaces l Laboratory furniture l Quality laboratory solutions combining individual requests for investment, space, purpose and European standards.

We offer a complete solution for all types of specialized laboratories, including the development and distribution projects linking media (water, sewage, gas, electricity, extraction). Variability furniture sets and suction systems allow creating special classrooms "made to measure" – from simple workplaces to complex laboratory interior solutions.


A large range of laboratory furniture is designed for educational institutions and professional industry labs. It meets the European standards and safety norms. The furniture is made in Slovakia.

A uditorium equipment Furniture for university auditoriums l Auditoriums furniture l Furniture for public spaces l Laboratory furniture l A wide range of furniture equipment for auditoriums and public spaces meet the needs of different customers from institutions to private companies. The possibility of combining different design options and provides infinite number of variations.

We offer complete facilities of auditorium and classrooms including sound system and presentation techniques. In our offer you can also find facilities for public spaces by mobile and static furniture according to requirements of the customer, including several variations, such as supplements, folding tables, automatic folding seats, solid aluminum construction and colorful design.


List of selected references KVANT Company implemented by year around 1500 business cases at home and abroad with an annual turnover of around 10 million EUR. Some important references of KVANT Company since 2000: Year






Institute of Criminology Department of ballistics, anthropology, mechanoscopy, graphical diagnostics, handwriting and ballistics

Complex equipment for digital imaging


The National Bank of Slovakia

Delivery of system for capturing and analyzing digital documents

2001 2001

National assay offices in Bratislava, Budapest, Prague

Device for digital imaging and image processing Delivery of special laboratory equipment (lasers, thermographic camera, pikoampermeter ...) Development of expert Fiber Analyzer system to analyze fibers Video digital system for quality assessment in the manufacturing process Video digital system for quality assessment in the manufacturing process Development of a digital camera system for graphical data evaluation

2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002

Material and technological department of Dubcek University in Puchov Ministry of the Interior Danfoss – compressors SpA Zlate Moravce Povazska cement SpA Ladce DYNEX SERVICE Ltd. Banska Bystrica Medical Faculty Technopolis International SpA. Rhodia I.Y. OJSC Buerau of judiciary police

2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003

Ministry of the Interior Ministry of the Interior Slovak agricultural university in Nitra Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University Danfoss Compressors Ltd. Zlate Moravce Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU ENEKO Levice Ltd. Slovak institute of meteorology ON SEMICONDUCTOR Piestany


Ministry of Interior

2001 2001

Delivery of systems for capturing and analysis of examinated subjects Delivery of digital technology and systems for the analysis of graphical data Delivery Thermo vision camera Delivery and stereomicroscopes and lences with accessories for forensic purposes Equipment for special unit of the Border and Foreign Police Supply of special equipment (Video Spectral Comparator) Microscope and camera equipment Digital and presentation techniques Video digital and camera system for quality control Imaging system for microscopy Surveillance and evaluation System Surveillance and evaluation System Digital Image Processing IMPOR – system for microscopic analysis quality control Delivery of microscopic expert systems





SPU Nitra

2003 2003 2003 2004

Department of architecture and contruction SAS, Bratislava Chemical Institute of SAS, Bratislava CFCU, Bratislava Povazska cement company, Ladce


MEDICAL GLASS, Bratislava, Microscopic measuring workplace

2004 2004

U.S.STEEL, Kosice Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava

2004 2004

Institute of Measurement SAS, Bratislava FMFI, Comenius University, Bratislava

2004 2004 2004

Technical University in Zvolen NBS(National bank of Slovakia), Bratislava MICROSTEP, Bratislava

2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004

SMU, Bratislava Astronomical Institute, Bratislava Strazan Ltd., Bratislava SARIO funded organization, Bratislava GLACIER TRIBOMETAL Slovakia as, Dolny Kubin BSH Drives and Pumps s.r.o., Michalovce


University of Zilina, Department of Forensic engineering, Zilina ON SEMICONDUCTOR SLOVAKIA a.s., Piestany

2004 2004 2004 2005 2005



Delivery of biological microscopes Delivery of thermal imager technology Microscopic working station with digital image processing The digital visualization system of work places for the border police Monitoring system for flame analysis – part of the project of pollutants management Automatic quality control system in the manufacturing process Infrared Camera ELITE LITE for Fire rescue unit Development of phraseology and archiving system ATEX with interactive ways to search for character strings. Phase II of project research and creating expertise system: report of the movement of criminal traces, wrapping and output analysis of chromatographic and spectroscopic equipment Equipment for scientific and research purposes Delivery and installation of electron microscope TESCAN VEGA TS 5136MM Accessories and software for the microscope and analysis image data Device for money verification VSC-5000 – video spectro comparator Delivery of digital camera systems for profile extrusion materials controlling in the rubber industry Camera measuring system with lenses Delivery of video technique Supply of special thermal-vision equipment for firefighters Delivery of computing technology Controling of bearing purity system. Object analysis laboratory system Software development for electromotors output control vibration system Delivery of expert system for handwriting

EURO FINANC Ltd., Bratislava PUNCH ASSEMBLIES Inc., Namestovo

Analysis of magnetic field vibration and noise in the area of electron microscope instalation Delivery of teaching techniques Delivery of image digitalizing techniniques

Academy of Fine Arts, Bratislava U. S. Steel Kosice Ltd.

Infrared camera C2741-03 VAPOR Trade – explosives detector and a digital camera

List of selected references Year





2005 2005 2005 2007 2007 2007 2007

Glacier Tribometal Slovakia Inc. Medical Glass Inc. MicroStep – HDO MINISTRY Academy of Fine Arts

System for control of the presence of structural elements on plain bearings The system of measurement and control of ampoules Compact laser profilometer LPM Delivery of laser equipment with accessories Supply of X-ray apparatus/unit

Regional Headquarters of Fire and rescue service in Kosice Comenius University


Institute of Forensic science of the Slovak Republic

2007 2007 2007 2007

AllDeco Ltd.

Supply of thermal imaging camera Talisman Elite 625-TK-TX with accessories Supply and installation of electron beam lithography with accessories to scanning electron microscope Development of methodology and connections of crossover zones in graphical diagnostics Secondary electron detector to low vacuum for electron microscope scanning Acoustic Laboratory Workstation Industrial cameras with accessories Set of the calibration lamps for radiometrical measurement Effect of fillers on selected physical properties of industrial materials for Rapid prototyping project Delivery of optical assemblies The development of cross-coupling methodology zones in graphical diagnostics Supply of laboratory equipment


Ministry of the Interior MicroStep MIS Ltd. Slovak Institute of Meteorology Continental Matador Rubber


Comenius University in Bratislava Institute of forensic science of the Slovak Republic Civic association “Nature”


Ministry of Interior

2008 2008 2008

gen. M.R. Stefanik academy of armed forces Betamont Ltd. Comenius University in Bratislava


Eurocontrol Ltd.

2009 2009 2009 2010

Betamont Ltd. Institute of Forensic Science of the Slovak Republic Ministry of Interior International Laser Center


Betamont Ltd.

2008 2008

Delivery of service work for the maintenance of electronic and optical equipment for the Institute of Forensic Science AFM microscope with accessories Delivery of measuring “Traffic Watcher I”. Supply of laboratory equipment The quality management system of monitoring and evaluation of the processes certified and accredited activities Supply of measuring system “Traffic Watcher II”. Lab system for documentation of forensic tracks – BDC A special technique for detecting false and modified documents File of photonic measurement instruments under the specification and quantity under the contract Delivery of radar system







Hengstler s.r.o.

2010 2011

Slovak Medical University in Bratislava International laser centrer in Bratislava

Scanning electron microscope Learning material, learning equipment – training aids Delivery of detection systems for non-linear and time-resolved spectroscopy and Apparatus for Brillouin and photon-correlation spectroscopy

2011 2011

Polymer institute SAS

Spectrometer for measurement of lifetimes of molecules in excited states


Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Comenius University in Bratislava


Comenius University in Bratislava

Optical fibre spoctometer Center of excellence of physics of complex systems Applied research and development in the field of use of solar energy

2011 2011

Institute of Measurement SAS Comenius University in Bratislava

Project 3/QUTE Center of excellence of quantum technology


Zentiva, a.s.

Electron microscope


Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Multipurpose folding gutter The internal pumping circle in hydro-mechanical laboratory

2011 2011

Technical University in Košice DATALAN, a.s.


Ba kieho, s.r.o.


Intitute of Physics SAS Comenius University in Bratislava Comenius University in Bratislava Comenius University in Bratislava Cornelsen Experimenta GmbH Germany Criminalistic and expertise institute of SR Ministry of Iterior SR Comenius University in Bratislava Pavol J. Šafárik University in Košice Intitute of Astronomy SAS Pavol J. Šafárik University in Košice Volkswagen Bratislava Comenius University in Bratislava University of Žilina

2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013

Optical spectrometer and FITR spectrometer

Measuring of waviness by laser profilometer Supply of laboratory technology Supply of didactic aids for projects The conversion of traditional to modern school Project 4/QUTE Center of excellence of quantum Completion of building of the centre of excellence of physics of complex systems

Equipment for laser pulzed depozition UHV equipment for preparation and alasysis of photovoltaic structures Equipage of schools by laser didactic technology Centrum of excelence – equipage by forensic devices Completion of National balistic system Tandem ion accelerator Optical lithografy and electron lithografy and microsopy Detector of cosmic ray Astronomical telescope with a highly sensitive sensor system Laser projector – Navigator – navigation factory system Ion source and ion analyzator for Centre of excelence Equipment of power and electronic systems and materials for Centre of excelence


KVANT Ltd. FMFI UK Mlynská dolina l 842 48 Bratislava l Slovakia Tel., Fax: +421 2 6541 1344 l +421 2 6541 1353 Web: l E-mail: [email protected]

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