Process Flow Chart of Garments Sample Making

August 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Process Proc ess Flow Chart of Garments Sample Making Mayedul Islam Merchandiser at Fashion Xpress Buying House Badda! "haka! Bangladesh #mail$ mayedulislam%%&gmailcom   Introduction$ Garments sample sample play an important role for recei' recei'ing ing a garments e(port order Sample section garments manufacturing factory order manufacturing factory has done this )o* +s a result! among all the others section like as cutting! sewing! ,nishing etc sample sample section  section gets the ma(imum priority in demands + garment merchandiser should merchandiser  should ha'e e(cellent idea a*out the process -ow chart of sample making which will help him to facilitate the other duties of a garments e(port order

Garments sample making Process Proc ess Se.uence of Garments Sample Making$


/ecei'ed tech pack from the *uyer 0 Pattern making 0 Fa*ric cutting 0 Print or em*roidery em*roidery 1if  1if re.uired2 0 Sewing 0 Finishing 0 3C check 0 Send to the *uyer for appro'al  All the above processes garments garments sample making have discussed discussed in the below table: SL No.



It is the first step of a garment export order. ere garments merchandiser receives a!! the tech pack from the buyer" #here tech  pack contains a!! the re$uire information about the garments order Received tech pack  such as reference samp!e" measurement chart" print instruction" from the buyer  embroidery instruction" #ash instruction etc.


Pattern making


ere samp!e pattern has to deve!op according to tech pack &measurement chart' provided by the buyer. bu yer. *fter deve!oping samp!e garments pattern" fabric has to cut here  by fo!!o#ing the pattern. It+s a very important section to approve


)abric cutting

the samp!e in the very first shot.


If tech pack contains print or embroidery instructions then those Print or embroidery shou!d be comp!eted in the cutting fabrics according to the tech &if re$uired'  pack.


Se#ing is another important section to approve the samp!e by the  buyer in the very shot. ere" garments are se#n according to measurement chart. It shou!d be noted that" during se#ing extra care shou!d be taken to make fau!t free samp!e garments.



Ironing or pressing has done in the garments here according to the measurement chart.


 check

*fter comp!eting a!! the above processes" $ua!ity contro!!er



inspects the samp!e garments here by fo!!o#ing the tech pack #hich is provided by the buyer. if arise any prob!em here then samp!e garments sent to the re$uired section for making fau!t free garments.


Send to the buyer for approva!

*fter checking the samp!e garments by the $ua!ity contro!!er &'" garments sent to the buyer for approva!. If it+s approved by the  buyer then garments merchandiser can start the next processes for the garments production. production.

Sampl e|Sampl eRoom |Sampl eRoom Act i vi t i es

Samp mpl e: Sample garment is 'ery important in  in   r eadyma madegar mentbusi ness + sample is that *y which any person can understand the production! .ualities! and  Sample is made in performance of the total total  gar mentexpor tor der   the  the  samp mpl e  room according to *uyer4s instruction It can ensure the the  gar ment   buyer as well as to the customer a*out the pre and post condition of the garments order Sample is also used to take re.uired ideas from the market a*out the *usiness *us iness promotion of that order order mpl Samp eRoo m:


Sa mp mp l er o om i nr e a y ma ma deg ar me nti n du s t r y Sample room is the most important section in the  the   r eadyma madegar ment s i ndust r y + sample room is that where design ideas are taken from drawing to tangi*le garment It is that kinds o off production room where re.uir re.uired ed amount 15pcs or 6pcs or more2 can *e made according to the *uyer4s of   samp mpl e  recommendation It should *e noted here that! the most e(perienced and well performer employee engaged in the sample room section 7he sample room is consists designers!  designers! makers! sample pattern with the  the  f ashi on    pat t er n  cutters!  cutters!  f abr i c  specialists! sample machinists! ,t specialists who all are a re e(pert in their speci,c area gar ment s! it4s lay down onto the +fter making the pattern of the the    of fa*ric and cut out the necessary amount of pieces for the re.uired  re.uired   qual i t y  fa*ric sent to the sample machinists who particular style +fter that!  that!  cut t i ng  complete all kinds of   sewi ng  operations *y using using  di ffe r e ntt y pe sofs ewi ng   machi nes Finally! .uality controller controller checks the garments *y following the gar ment s *uyer4s recommendation recommendation and su*mit to the the    department mer chandi si ng 


Ac t i v i t i eso fSampl eRoom:  7here are are some important acti'i acti'ities ties of e'ery e'ery  samp mpl e  section in the  the  gar ment   manuf act ur i ng  industries which is pointed out in the *elow$  7  7o o make the pr proper oper sample *y following *uy *uyer4s er4s instruction  7  7o o understand the re.uir re.uirements ements of *uyer *uyer  7  7o o ful,ll the re.ui re.uirements rements of *uyer *uyer  7  7o o inform the accuracy or con,rmation to tthe he *uyer that the *ulk  *ulk  is going to *e right pr oduc t i on   7  7o o con,rm the the  measur ement and fa*ric re.uir re.uirements ements      7  7o o make the per perfection fection in the pat t er n  and  and mar ke r     7  7o o make per perfection fection in the the  f a br i cc ons umpt i on   gar mentcost i ng    7  7o o make per perfection fection in the the   7  7o o utili8es the skill oper operation ation with skilled ope during garment  garment  r a t or sewi ng    7  7o o get understanding completel completely y to the operators and management as well well a*out the upcoming upcomingg of that order ga r me ntpr oduc t i on    7  7o o com*ine the o'erall per performance formance of a garm garment ent    e xpor tor de r

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