Procedure - VITEK 2 Systems - Network Configuration Guide - Win10 - REF. 048640-02 - MAR 4259

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User Guide


VITEK  2 Networking Configuration for   ®  Windows  10

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Table of Contents Introduction to the System.....................................................................................1-1 Intended Use Use and Users.............................................................................................. 1-1 Benefits Bene fits and Limitations of Use................................................................................... 1-1 Warning and Safety M Messages.................................................................................... essages.................................................................................... 1-1 Statement Types............................................................................................... 1-1 General Statements.....................................................................................................1-2 Standard Symbols.................................................................................. Symbols........................................................................................................1-5 ......................1-5

Safety Information...................................................................................................2-1 Information...................................................................................................2-1 System Compliance.....................................................................................................2-1 Compliance.....................................................................................................2-1 Safety Precautions.......................................................................................................2-1 Precautions.......................................................................................................2-1

System Description Description and Basic Operations...........................................................3-1 System Description......................................................................................................3-1 System Technical Data and Specifications............................................................................... Specifications............................................................................... 3-1 Performance and Limitations of Use.................................................................3-1 System Basics...................................................................................................... Basics............................................................................................................. ....... 3-2 Overview of  Operation   Operation Elements...................................................................... 3-3

System Installation and and Configuration................................................. Configuration................................................................. ................ 4-1 Network a bioMérieux-Provided bioMérieux-Provided VITEK® 2 PC............................................................ 4-1 Configuring a Windows Windows® Firewall for a bioMérieux-Provid bioMérieux-Provided ed PC................................ 4-1 Configuring a Windows Windows® Firewall for a Non-bioMérieux-Provid Non-bioMérieux-Provided ed Router...................4-2 Configuring Computer Computer Services...................................................................................4-4 Configuring a VITEK VITEK® 2 PC Name and Domain..........................................................4-6 Installing Antivirus Antivirus Software..............................................................................4-6  Certif iicates cates for VITEK ®  2 Systems Web Web Application Application on a Network.................. 4-7  Confi g gure ure bioMérieu bioMérieux x User Management on the Network................................ 4-8  ®  Confi g gure ure a VITEK   2 PC with a FLEXprep™ Server on the Network..............4-8  Confi g guring uring a bioMérieux-Provid bioMérieux-Provided ed Router with Safe@Office 500................... 4-8  Confi g guring uring a bioMérieu bioMérieux-Provided x-Provided Router with Safe@Office Safe@Office 1000N............ 4-10  Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided bioMérieux-Provided Rou Router ter with Check Point 730.................. 4-13 VITEK ®  Network Configuration Wizard...........................................................4-18  Configure Additional Additional Networked Networked Ports............................................................ 4-23 ® 2   2 Systems with Active Directory.........................................4-23 Integrate VI T TEK  EK ®  Enabling Enab ling a Network A Adapter........................................................................... dapter........................................................................... 4-26 

Workflow and Instructional Instructional Procedures............................................................... Procedures.......................................................... ..... 5-1 Starting the System......................................................................................................5-1 Starting Shutting Down the System...........................................................................................5-1  Adding Firefox Firefox® Portable to PC Desktops................................................................... 5-1 Network Security Security Policy............................................................................................... 5-1 Manage Mana ge User Security in VITEK ®  2 Systems 09.01......................................... 5-2  Windows®  Operating System............................................................................5-2  Network Credentialed Credentialed Users............................................................................. 5-3 Network Backup Backup and R Restore........................................................................... estore........................................................................... 5-6  Configuring Network Printer Settings................................................................5-9 Managing Windows®  Se  Security curity Updates.......................................................... Updates.......................................................... 5-10 

User Maintenance........................................... Maintenance.............................................................................. ........................................................ ..................... 6-1 Preventive Maintenan Maintenance ce Operations............................................................................6-1 Operations............................................................................ 6-1 048640 - 02


User Guide


Table of Contents

Creating a Full System Image for VITEK 2 PCs Using DVD - RP5810  Workstation....................................................................................................... 6-1 Creating a Full System Image for VITEK 2 PCs Using USB - RP5810  Workstation....................................................................................................... 6-3

Appendix - Qualification Protocol.........................................................................A-1 Step 1 - Creating Creating a Local User.................................................................................... A-1 Step 2 - Confirming Automatic Automatic Report Printing, Reanalysis, and Results Transfer.....A-1 Step 3 - Manually Printing Reports..............................................................................A-4 Step 4 - Accessing the Software User User Manuals.......................................................... A-6 Step 5 - Initiating Isolate Data Backup and Restore....................................................A-7 Step 6 - Automatically Backing Up Data Daily.............................................................A-8 Step 7 - Archiving Isolates...........................................................................................A-8

Appendix - Glossary...............................................................................................B-1 Appendix - Active Directory Directory Integration Integration Guidelines........................................... C-1 Revision History

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User Guide


General Information

The content of this document is based on the Software release 9.01 or higher. Please discard any previous copies of this document if relevant. This document may contain information or references relating to certain bioMérieux products, software or services which are not available in the country of release; this shall not mean that bioMérieux intends to market such products, software or services in such country. To request copies of publications or for any technical request / assistance, contact bioMérieux ). or your local distributor (contact information available on Note:

The screens and figures shown are intended as illustrations only and must not be interpreted  as actual representations of data, results or equipme equipment. nt. Screens and equipment are not shown to scale.


Plea Please se read this this document document care carefully fully before before usi using ng the system. system.

Limited Warra Warranty nty

bioMérieux warrants the performance of the product for its stated intended use provided that all procedures for usage, storage and handling, shelf life (when applicable), and precautions are strictly followed as detailed in the instructions for use (IFU). Except as expressly set forth above, bioMérieux bioMérieux hereby disclaims all warranties, including any implied warranties of merchantability merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or use, and disclaims all liability, liability, whether direct, indirect or consequential, consequential, for any use of the reagent, software, instrument and disposables disposables (the "System") other than as set forth in the IFU. Customer acknowledges acknowledges and agrees that use of the System for testing of sample types or for  indications other than those described in the IFU is done solely at the Customer’s own risk. Customer acknowledges acknowledges and agrees that it is Customer’s sole and exclusive responsibility to validate thethat System for any such use, and to determine whetherand the the System is suitable for intended use. Theintended performance of any validation studies subsequent use of the System based on Customer’s validation studies shall be the Customer’s sole risk and responsibility. Product warranty details can be obtained from bioMérieux or your local distributor (contact information available on ).

Intellectual Property BIOMERIEUX, the BIOMERIEUX logo and VITEK are used, pending and/or registered trademarks belonging belonging to bioMérieux, or one of its subsidiaries, or one of its companies.  Any other name name or tradema trademark rk is the property of its respective respective owner. owner. © 2018 bioMérieux, Inc. All rights reserved.



Introduction to the System

Intended Use and Users ®

The VITEK  2testing System intended for thefor automated quantitative or qualitative antimicrobial susceptibility of is isolated colonies most clinically significant aerobic Gram-negative bacilli, Staphylococcus Staphylococcus spp.,  spp., Enterococcus Enterococcus spp.,  spp., Streptococcus Streptococcus spp.,  spp., and clinically significant yeast. The VITEK® 2 System is also intended for the automated identification of most clinically significant anaerobic organisms and Corynebacterium Corynebacterium species,  species, fermenting and nonfermenting Gram-negative Gram-negative bacilli, Gram-positive organisms, fastidious organisms, and yeasts and yeast-like organisms. The VITEK® 2 System is intended for laboratory use by trained, professional, clinical and industry users. This guide is intended to be used by a clinical or industry customer's network administrator to connect a bioMérieux-provided VITEK® 2 PC directly to the customer's network.

Benefits and Limitations of Use With this guide, users can connect a bioMérieux-provided bioMérieux-provided VITEK® 2 PC to their hospital or  laboratory network by following the configuration instructions and guidance in this manual. Users must be experienced in Windows® operating systems and hospital or laboratory internal networking environments. environments.

Warning Warnin g and Safety Messages

The user documentation uses several types of statements to alert you to important information. Important information is labeled in text and identified using symbols.

Statement Types The statement types are Warning, Caution, Important, and Note. The following examples define each statement type. The general caution symbol is used in these examples, but other  symbols (see Standard Symbols) may be used instead. The warning messages in this document mainly refer to:

WARNING A Warning statement alerts the user to the possibility of injury, death, or  other serious adverse reactions associated with the use or misuse of the device.

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User Guide


General Statements

Introduction to the System

CAUTION: A Caution statement alerts the user to the possibility of a problem with the device associated with its use or misuse. Such problems include device malfunction, device failure, damage to the device, or damage to other  property. Where applicable, a Caution statement may include a precaution that should be taken to avoid the hazard.


An Impor Important tant statement stateme nt relates relate s to content content pre presented in information. the user documentation documentation.. It is used to reinforce the user’s understanding of sented selected

Note:  A Note statement statement supplies additional additional info information rmation abo about ut a topic.

General Statements This section provides important statements that apply to all products. Equipment meets the requirements requiremen ts and standards stated in the certificate supplied with it.

WARNING Equipment is intended for professional use only. Laboratory personnel should be qualified and adhere to the principles of  good laboratory practice. All the user documents supplied must be read prior to use of the equipment. Under no circumstance should the user dismantle equipment due to the risk of touching dangerous parts, including parts that may be infectious or  connected to a source of electric power. Do not obstruct the equipment and hardware ventilation apertures, and leave sufficient clearance around the equipment for the circulation of air. All biological materials should be considered as potentially infectious. Suitable individual protective equipment is required when handling chemical or biological substances. bioMérieux is in no case liable for the harmful consequences of incorrect use or improper handling of these substances.

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User Guide


General Statements

Introduction to the System

WARNING Electromagnetic Electromag netic Compatibility (EMC): The EMC class of the equipment is indicated on the certificate supplied with it. If equipment is a class A product, it may cause radio interference in a domestic environment, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. Do not use this device near strong sources of electromagnetic radiation (for  example, intentionally unprotected radio-electric sources), which could interfere with the operation of the equipment. It is recommended to evaluate the electromagnetic environment before starting the device.

WARNING In order to avoid computer viruses or abnormal functioning of your  equipment, never download any software other than those ensuring the protection of your network and those provided or recommended by bioMérieux. It is your responsibility to secure your network and ensure this protection is appropriate and maintained. It is recommended to use all appropriate means (including antivirus software, security patches, firewall) to protect your  network from virus intrusion, unauthorized use, alteration, manipulation and disclosure. In an effort to reduce the risk of spreading a virus to bioMérieux equipment, it is recommended that only bioMérieux supplied USB devices are used with bioMérieux equipment. The use of personal USB devices is not recommended. To avoid computer viruses and the potential loss of  functionality and/or results, use caution when transferring USB devices between computers. Do not use USB devices intended for bioMérieux equipment in other computers that do not have current antivirus software installed and active. All computer media (CD, DVD, USB key) supplied with this equipment should be stored and stocked in a suitable location. Only modify the software configuration parameters you are authorized to modify and which are described in the user documentation.

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User Guide


General Statements

Introduction to the System

WARNING Decontamination Decontamin ation of equipment at the end of its life cycle: The following instructions must be followed by all users in countries where local legislation imposes the treatment and recycling of equipment at the end of its life cycle. As a general rule, and as a precautionary measure, any part of the equipment (including sub-assemblies, components and materials) considered to be potentially infectious, must be decontamin decontaminated, ated, whenever possible, or  removed if decontamination is impossible or presents a risk. Any part considered to be potentially infectious, which is not decontaminated, decontamin ated, must be removed from the instrument before following the normal channels for elimination of infectious products, in accordance with local regulations. The decontamination instructions in the user documentation correspond to the parts of the equipment that are potentially infectious accord according ing to their  intended use. These operations must be performed before the equipment is transferred to a third party. However, bioMérieux cannot exclude that other parts of the equipment have not been contaminated in other circumstances, in particular as the result of  spillage of infectious substances. In this case, the user is solely responsible for decontaminating these parts or removing them before they follow the normal channels for elimination of infectious products.

WARNING This statement only applies to European countries with regard to the waste electrical and electronic equipment European directive:  You  You can pla play y an important important role in contributing contributing to reuse, recycling, recycling, and and other  forms of recovery of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Sorting this type of waste significantly reduces reduces potential negative effects on the environment and human health as a result of the presence of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. At the end of the life cycle of this product, do not dispose of the product as unsorted municipal municipal waste, even if it is decontaminated. decontaminated. It is imperative that you contact bioMérieux to assure its appropriate disposal.


Electrical o orr other connections connections should only only be made made using the accessories accessories supplied  supplied  with the equipment.


It is imp important ortant to follow all the the restrictions restrictions on use, particularly particularly concerning  concerning  temperature, storage, installation and voltage, which are indicated on the product  label or in the user documentation.

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User Guide


Standard Symbols

Introduction to the System


The ac accuracy curacy of results obtained with this equipment depends on the maintenance maintenance operations described in the user documentation (user maintenance and/or periodic   preventive maintenance maintenance performed performed by bioMérie bioMérieux). ux).


The use userr should be aware that if the maintenance maintenance operations are not performed, performed, are only partially performed, or are not performed as described in the user  documentation, bioMérieux is in no case liable for any false test results obtained.


It is recom recommended mended to keep th the e original packaging materials in case the equipment  needs to be moved. Any damage directly or indirectly resulting from the transport of  the equipment without adequate containers will not be covered by the warranty.

Standard Symbols The following table defines symbols that may appear in the instructions for use or on the instrument, package inserts, or packaging. When surrounded surrounded by a triangle on a yellow background, the symbol highlights an immediate warning and is positioned on the instrument itself.

CE-Marking of Conformity

Compliance with US and Canadian Safety Standards certified by CSA

Compliance with China RoHS Regulation (Chinese Standard SJ/ T11364)

UL Listed to US and Canadian Safety Standards

Eurasian Conformity

For US Only:  Only: Caution: Caution: US  US Federal Law restricts this device to be sale by or or on the oder of a licensed practitioner.

In Vitro D Vitro Diiagnostic Medical Device

Batch code

 Authorized Representative Representative in the

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European Community

Catalog number 

Serial number

Consult Instructions for Use

Use by date


Date of manufacture

This way up

Do not stack

Caution, consult accompanying accompanying documents

Contains sufficient for tests

Do not reuse


User Guide


Standard Symbols

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Introduction to the System

Keep dry

Keep away from light

Fragile, handle with care

Humidity limitation

Keep away from magnetic field

Temperature limitations

Upper limit of temperature

Lower limit of temperature


Positive control

Negative control

Biological risk

Electric shock warning

Radiation warning

Hot surface

Potential pinch-point warning

Laser beam

Shearing hazard

High temperature

Hazardous magnetic field

Potential tip-over/crush hazard

Acute toxicity


User Guide


Standard Symbols

Introduction to the System


Sodium azide



Separate collection for waste electrical and electronic equipment

Environmentally friendly use period. Environmentally  Actual number number of years may vary by by product. This symbol is typically orange in color.


Direct current

 Alternating current current

Both direct and alternating current current

Three-phase alternating current

Earth (ground) terminal

Protective conductor terminal

Frame or chassis terminal


ON (supply)

OFF (supply)

ON (only for a component of the system equipment)

OFF (only for a component of the system equipment)

Equipment protected throughout by double insulation or reinforced r einforced insulation (Equivalent (Equivalent to Class II of IEC 536)

Ethernet port

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User Guide



Safety Information It is essential that the warnings, cautions and safety requirements contained in this document are read and understood by the user before operating the system. Warning symbols have been placed on the system to draw your attention to areas of potential hazards.

System Compliance The VITEK® 2 System conforms to the relevant European regulations regulations for electrical safety and electromagnetic electromagn etic compatibility (EMC).

Safety Precautions Pay particular attention to the following safety precautions. If these safety precautions are ignored, injury to the operator or damage to the instrument may occur. Each individual precaution is important.

WARNING If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.

WARNING All biological samples and quality control (QC) products incubated in this system, as well as all waste in the waste containers, should be treated as potentially biohazardous materials. All materials and mechanical components associated with the waste systems should be handled according to safe microbiological practices in compliance with the installation site's biohazard procedures. Use the personal protective equipment recommended by the facility when handling any of these components, including gloves, safety glasses, and a lab coat. The system must be decontaminated before its covers are removed by service personnel. Ensure that appropriate decontamination is carried out if  hazardous materials are spilled on or into the equipment or surrounding areas.

WARNING Treat waste material, including consumable items, and any components coming into contact with waste material as having the potential hazards of  the samples used. All service personnel should be familiar with the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for all materials used in the procedures relating to this instrument, and the correct procedures for handling these materials.

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User Guide


Safety Precautions

Safety Information

WARNING Even when power is removed from the instrument, the potential exists for  electricity to be generated if components, such as assemblies that are mounted on belts, are moved too quickly. Components should be moved slowly to prevent the buildup of electricity. Failure to comply may result in injury to personnel or damage to the instrument.

WARNING Do not replace detachable main supply cords by inadequately rated cords. Only use main supply cords provided by the manufacturer. Do not replace electric cables. If cables do not have the same technical specificities,, there is a risk of electrical shock specificities shock..

WARNING Electronic equipment can be the source of electrical shocks. Installation, service, and repair should only be performed by authorized and qualified bioMérieux personnel.

WARNING All power switches should be off when connecting or disconnecting cables to power outlets to reduce the risk of electrical shock.

WARNING bioMérieux recommends connecting this instrument to a main power outlet that is protected with a ground fault circuit interrupter to reduce the risk of  electrical shock.

WARNING As with any mechanical system, certain precautions must be taken when operating the instrument. The instrument has a protective cover intended to prevent the operator from coming into contact with any moving parts and aerosols. When servicing the instrument, take special care, as there are moving parts that can cause injury.

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User Guide


Safety Precautions

Safety Information

WARNING Cleaning and disinfecting solutions have corrosive properties. Always wear  protective (chemical resistant) gloves and safety glasses when handling cleaning and disinfecting solutions.

WARNING Hot surfaces can cause injury.

CAUTION: Any liquid spilled on the system may result in system malfunctioning. malfunctionin g. If liquid is spilled on tthe he system, wipe it up immediately using decontamination wipes.

CAUTION: The computer and its operating system have been carefully configured for optimal system performance. Altering the configuration may severely hamper the usability of the instrument.


Before performing electrical safety or other compliance testing on the instrument, contact  bioMérieux or your local distributor distributor..

WARNING The user must only perform the maintenance operations described in this document and rigorously follow each of the steps. The use of tools not specified by bioMérieux is forbidden. Powder-less gloves, a lab coat and protective glasses or goggles must be worn when performing maintenance operations. Always use personal protective equipment, including gloves, a lab coat and safety glasses or goggles when handling reagents.

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User Guide



System Description and Basic Operations

System Description ®

With this guide, users can connect a bioMérieux-provided bioMérieux-provided VITEK  2 PC to their hospital or  laboratory network. The configuration instructions provided in this manual should be performed by an experienced user in the relevant Windows ® operating system and hospital or  laboratory internal networking environmen environment. t.

WARNING Failure to properly follow instructions and recommendations recommendations provided in this guide for using antivirus software, operating system security updates, and configuring firewalls, may cause delayed results.

Technical Data and Specifications Computer Specifications Specifications •



bi bioM oMér érie ieux ux-p -pro rovi vide ded d VITE VITEK K  2 PC - HP  RP5810 (or higher) ◦ ◦


Micro icroso soft ft Win Wind dows  10 Operating System (IoT Enterprise 2016 LTSB) ® VITEK  2 Systems Software 09.01 (or higher)

Performance and Limitations of Use  ® 

CAUTION: The user should never install any Microsoft Windows  Service  ®  Packs or major OS version updates on the VITEK  2 PC. Such changes in the  ®  operating system may interfere with the normal operation of the VITEK  2 Systems application.

WARNING bioMérieux does not recommend network or domain policies to be pushed  ®  onto the VITEK  2 Systems PC. Failure to follow bioMérieux recommendations as outlined in Appendix in Appendix - Active Active Directory Integration Guidelines,, may lead to delayed results. Guidelines

CAUTION: It is your responsibility responsibility to secure your network, excluding third  ®  party utilities integrated in the VITEK  2 Systems PC. Refer to Versions of  ®  Installed Software in the VITEK   2 Systems Software User Manual  to  to view utilities.

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User Guide


System Basics

System Description and Basic Operations

CAUTION: Ensure adequate ventilation ventilation for the workstation PC as specified by the manufacturer.



bioMérieux Inc. does does no nott prov provide ide tec technical hnical support support if the VITEK   2 PC is used in a wireless network environment.


If Wind Window ows s  users with network access are members of the groups used by the ®  ®  VITEK   2 Systems software, the VITEK   2 Systems application does not start.


Local P PC C and network security settings must must be configured to allow local user  user  ®  accounts. The VITEK   2 Systems software relies on local user accounts to log users into the application and to start system services.


Passwords are required required to ha have ve a combination combination of of at six characters characters long and contain a combination of at least three of the following characters: uppercase uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols (punctuation marks).


System Basics The following figure provides an overview of the connections between bioMérieux-provided VITEK® 2 PCs and the customer's laboratory network. Figure 1: VITEK ®  2 Networking Overview

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User Guide


Overview of Operation Elements

System Description and Basic Operations

Figure 2: VITEK ®  2 Networking Overview - Multiple VITEK ®  2 PC Configuration

Network Printer

Remote PC

Remote PC

Remote PC

Lab Network Server

Optional Firewall

Optional Firewall

Other Network System (ex. MYLA, OBSERVA)

LIS Instrument VITEK® 2 PC

Optional: VITEK® 2 PC

Network RS-232 Optional Connection



VITEK ®  2 System PCs are validated to connect a network through a single router to a single VITEK ®  2 PC. If connecting to the network using an optional optional Check Point router or software ®  firewall, users are limited to one VITEK   2 PC per Check Point router or firewall.


bioM bioMérie érieux ux provides provides techni technical cal sup support port for the the VITEK ®  2 PC Software, configuration, and operation of the networked PC provided the VITEK ®  2 PC and operating system is used in a manner specified by bioMérieux outlined in this guide.

Overview of Operation Elements This guide is for networking a bioMérieux-p bioMérieux-provided rovided VITEK® 2 PC to a laboratory or hospital network. This document provides instructions and recommendations recommendations for the following functions to ® modify a a bioMérieux-provided VITEK  2 PC to be network capable: • • • • • •

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Networ Networkin king g a bi bioM oMéri érieu eux-p x-prov rovide ided d VIT VITEK EK  2 PC Netw Networ ork kS Sec ecur urit ity y Pol Polic icie ies s ® Mana Manage ge Us User er S Sec ecur urit ity y in VI VITE TEK K  2 Systems 09.01 Netw Networ ork k Cr Cred eden enti tial aled ed Us User ers s Confi Configur guring ing Net Networ work k Pr Print inter er S Sett etting ings s Netw Networ ork kB Bac acku kup p and and Rest Restor ore e


User Guide



System Installation and Configuration

Network a bioMérieux-Provided VITEK ®  2 PC ®

Use this section whether your VITEK  2 System is running with or without the t he bioMérieuxprovided router. Modifying the workstation system is necessary to allow networked operations. IMPORTANT IMPORT ANT::

Please consult with with your hospital or or labora laboratory tory netwo network rk administrator administrator for the appropriate modifications based upon your company's policies.


It is re recommende commended d to perform perform Appendix Appendix - Qualification Protocol after the PC is initially  networked and the network functionalities (for example, network printing and network  backup) are configured properly. This ensures the operating system and VITEK ®  2  System software is fully functional.


Before modifying the PC settings, the VITEK ®  2 Systems PC should already be communicating with the attached instrument.

Configuring a Windows ®  Firewall for a bioMérieux-Provided PC IMPORTANT IMPORT ANT::

If required required,, obtain the selected operating system s security ecurity updates, updates, and install on the the workstation. For instructions to install the latest operating system security updates, ®  refer to Managing Windows  Security Updates in Chapter 5.


Perform this procedure to ensure the Windows  Firewall is turned off. 1. Log in with with a local local admini administrat strator or accoun account. t. 2. Navi Navig gate to Start Start >  > Control Panel, Panel, and ensure Category Category is  is selected in the View by field to view the correct categories. 3. Click Systems and Security > Security > Windows Firewall. Firewall. 4. Click Turn Windows Firewall on or off .

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User Guide


Configuring a Windows ® Firewall for a Non-bioMérieux-Provided Router

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 3: Windows ®  Firewall

5. Select Turn off Windows Firewall (not recommended) for recommended)  for Home or work (private), public network location and Domain (only visible if the computer is on a domain). 6. Click OK OK..

Configuring a Windows ®  Firewall for a Non-bioMérieux-Provided Non-bioMérieux-Provided Router  IMPORTANT IMPORT ANT::

If required required,, obtain the selected operating system s security ecurity updates, updates, and install on the the workstation. For instructions to install the latest operating system security updates, ®  refer to Managing Windows  Security Updates in Chapter 5.


Perform this procedure to ensure the Windows  Firewall is turned on. 1. Log in with with a local local admini administrat strator or accoun account. t. 2. Navi Navig gate to Start Start >  > Control Panel, Panel, and ensure Category Category is  is selected in the View by field to view the correct categories. 3. Click Systems and Security > Security > Windows Firewall. Firewall. settings. 4. Click Use recommended settings.

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User Guide


Configuring a Windows ® Firewall for a Non-bioMérieux-Provided Router

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 4: Windows ®  Firewall - Enable

5. Click Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall Firewall.. Figure 5: Allow Apps to Communicate Through Firewall

6. Click Change settings (if settings (if Change settings is disabled, proceed to next step). 7. Click Allow another app. app. app window appears. The Add an app window 8. Locate VITEK 2 Systems, Systems, and then click Add Add .  .

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User Guide


Configuring Computer Services

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 6: Adding VITEK ®  2 Systems App

(Private). 9. Click Home/Work (Private). Note:

If the workstation is on a domain, also select Domain Domain.. Enabling public ports is not  recommended.

10 10.. Clic Click k OK OK.. 11. Navigate Navigate to Start Start >  > Control Panel, Panel, and ensure Category Category is  is selected in the View by field to view the correct categories. 12 12.. Clic Click k System and Security > Security > Windows Firewall > Firewall > Advanced Settings. Settings. 13. Select Select Inbound Rules. Rules. 14 14.. Clic Click k New Rule. Rule. The New Inbound Rule Wizard window Wizard window appears. 15. On the Rule Type screen, Type screen, select Port Port.. 16 16.. Clic Click k Next Next.. 17. On the Protocol and Ports screen, Ports screen, select TCP TCP and  and Specific local ports. ports. 18 18.. In the the Specific local ports field, ports field, enter 15544, 15389. 19 19.. Clic Click k Next Next.. 20. On the Action Action screen,  screen, select Allow the Connection. Connection. 21 21.. Clic Click k Next Next.. 22. On the Profile Profile screen,  screen, select the appropriate network based on how the PC is connected: Domain Domain,, Private Private,, or Public Public.. Note:  All three options options can be sele selected. cted. 23 23.. Clic Click k Next Next.. 24. On the Name Name screen,  screen, in the Name Name field,  field, enter the name for the rule. 25 25.. Clic Click k Finish Finish..

Configuring Computer Services

1. Log in with with a local local admini administrat strator or accoun account. t. Start menu, Management, and press Enter . 2. From the Start  menu, type Computer Management, The Computer Management window Management window appears. 3. From the C Compu omputer ter M Manag anageme ement nt workspa workspace, ce, select select Services and Applications. Applications.

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User Guide


Configuring Computer Services

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 7: DHCP Client Service

4. Doub Double le-c -cli lick ck Services Services.. 5. Scroll Scroll through through the list and and d doubl ouble-cli e-click ck the the DHCP Client service. Client service. Automatic.. 6. If not alre already ady done done,, set the the Startup Startup Type tto o Automatic 7. Click OK OK.. 8. Scroll Scroll through through the list and and d doubl ouble-cli e-click ck the the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper  service.  service. Automatic.. 9. If not alre already ady done done,, set the the Startup Startup Type tto o Automatic 10 10.. Clic Click k OK OK.. 11. If Remote Desktop connections connections are allowed, allowed, scroll through the list and double-click double-click Remote Desktop Services. Services. 12. If not already done, done, set the Startup Startup Type Type to Manual Manual.. 13 13.. Clic Click k OK OK.. 14. Scroll through the list and and double double-click -click the Windows Time service. Time service. 15. Set the Startup Type Type as required required by your netwo network. rk. 16 16.. Clic Click k OK OK.. 17. Close the Computer Computer Management Management app application. lication. 18. Navigate Navigate to Start Start >  > Control Panel, Panel, and ensure Category Category is  is selected in the View by field to view the correct categories. 19 19.. Clic Click k Clock, Language, and Region. Region. 20 20.. Unde Underr Date and Time, Time, click Set the time and date. date. Note:

Enabling the Automatically the Automatically synchronize synchronize with an Internet time service option service option is not  recommended and may not be possible depending on the laboratory or hospital  network policies.

21. Click Click the the Internet Time tab. Time tab. 22 22.. Clic Click k Change settings. settings. 23. Clear Clear th the e Synchron Synchronize ize with an Internet time server  checkbox.  checkbox. 24 24.. Clic Click k OK OK >  > OK OK.. 25. Close the the Contro Controll Panel Panel.. 26. From From the the Start Start menu,  menu, enter ncpa.cpl  in the Search Search field,  field, and press Enter .

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User Guide


Configuring a VITEK® 2 PC Name and Domain

System Installation and Configuration

27. Right-clic Right-click k the Local Area Connection icon Connection icon and select Properties Properties from  from the menu to change the local area connection properties. 28. If needed to support network backups from the Externalization Externalization folder folder,, enable File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks. Networks. 29. Select Select th the e Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) checked (TCP/IPv4) checked item, click Properties Properties.. 30 30.. In the the Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog Properties dialog box, select Obtain an IP address automatically and automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically, automatically, or as required by your network. 31 31.. Clic Click k OK OK.. 32. Perform step step 27, 27, right-click the Local Area Connection icon, Connection icon, and click Enable Enable to  to enable the local area network connection. 33 33.. Clic Click k Close Close and  and restart the workstation.

Configuring a VITEK ®  2 PC Name and Domain 1. Log in with with a loca locall admini administrat strator or accoun account. t. 2. From th the Start Start menu,  menu, enter Computer , and right-click the Computer  result.  result. 3. Click Properties Properties.. The System System window  window appears. 4. Under th the Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings section, settings  section, click Change settings.. settings Change.. 5. Click Change 6. In the Computer name field, name field, name the computer, and under the Member of  section,  section, select Domain Domain,, and enter the appropriate domain name as directed by the site's network administrator. Note:

You need have domain privileges to add a computer to the domain.

7. Click OK OK.. 8. Once the the comp computer uter is added added to tthe he domain, domain, restart restart the the workstatio workstation. n. Note:

Ensure local policies did not modify firewall settings previously configured in the Network a bioMérieux-Provided bioMérieux-Provided VITEK ®  2 PC procedure.

Installing Antivirus Software 1. Log in with with a loca locall admini administrat strator or accou account. nt. 2. Instal Installl you yourr antivi antivirus rus s soft oftwar ware. e.

WARNING Failure to follow instructions and recommend recommendations ations provided in this guide for using antivirus software, performing operating system security updates, and configuring firewall may cause delayed results.

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User Guide


Certificates for VITEK® 2 Systems Web Application on a Network


System Installation and Configuration

bioMérieux does not provide antivirus software for the VITEK ®  2 Systems PC. If a hospital or laboratory installs and uses antivirus software, the following directories, sub-directories, and files are to be excluded: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

D:\bioMerieux  D:\Program Files\VITEK 2 compact  D:\Program Files\VITEK 2 Systems Software User Manual  D:\Program Files\VITEK 2 Systems Firmware D:\VITEK 2 compact 

3. Rest Restar artt the the VIT VITEK EK® 2 Systems PC. The software performs a database integrity check upon restart. 4. Log in with with a lo local cal administ administrato ratorr account account.. 5. Init Initia iate te the the VI VITE TEK K® 2 Systems software to verify that the required services have started. Note:

If the VITEK ®  2 Systems application login screen does not appear, do not continue. Wait a few moments and try to start the VITEK ®  2 Systems application again. Once the system services are ready, the login screen appears.

It is not necessary to log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems application. application. 6. Add you yourr ow own n us users ers for the VITEK VITEK® 2 Systems software in the bioMérieux User  Management application. Note:

Refer to the bioMérieux User Management User Manual to manage user accounts and user groups.

WARNING Do not modify or delete Postgres account or bioMérieux service accounts as it may cause delayed results.

Certificates for VITEK ®  2 Systems Web Application on a Network ®

The VITEK  2 Systems Web application allows you to perform routine functions, such as managing patient results and preparing VITEK® 2 cassettes remotely. Complete access to ® ® VITEK  2 Systems is available within the VITEK  2 Systems software application located on ®  your local PC. Refer to Starting the Web Application on a Remote PC  section  section in the VITEK   2  Systems Web User Manual  for  for more information information.. ®

The VITEK  Network Configuration Wizard creates and configures certificates needed to use ® ® the VITEK  2 Systems Web application. You must run the VITEK  Network Configuration Configuration Wizard if any of the following conditions are met: • • •

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Prior to the the first first use use of the web applicat application ion if the the VITEK VITEK  2 Systems PC is on the network. A problem problem iis s detecte detected d with the certifi certificate cate a after fter insta installati llation. on. A change change is made to the ne network twork co config nfigurati uration on (IP address, address, comput computer er name, name, installat installation ion of  a firewall).


User Guide


Configure bioMérieux User Management on the Network

System Installation and Configuration ® 

To install certificates, refer to the VITEK   Network Configuration Wizard  section.  section.

Configure bioMérieux User Management on the Network The VITEK® 2 Systems user accounts are managed with the bioMérieux User Management application.. Refer to the bioMérieux User Management User Manual  to application  to manage user  accounts. If multiple bioMérieux devices are connected on a network, you can specify one device to manage Single Sign On accounts. To configure a VITEK ® 2 Systems PC to use Single Sign On, refer to the VITEK ®  Network Configuration Configuration Wizard  section.  section.

Configure a VITEK ®  2 PC with a FLEXprep™ Server on the Network The VITEK ® 2 Systems use a service called FLEXprep™ for remote cassette definition. If  there are multiple VITEK® 2 Systems PCs on the network and one of them is being used as a FLEXprep ™ server, then the other VITEK ® 2 PCs must be configured to connect to this server. To do this, refer to the VITEK ®  Network Configuration Configuration Wizard  section.  section.

Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided Router with Safe@Office 500 ®

If using a Check Point Gateway router, a forwarding rule must be added to allow VITEK  2 Systems to share the installed certificates with remote PCs. This forwarding rule opens a port ® to allow communication between VITEK  2 Systems and all remote PCs. 1. Using an an Intern Internet et brows browser er,, enter the defau default lt IP address address for Gateway: Gateway:

2. Enter the user name name and password fo forr the Administrative account to access Check Check Point. Figure 8: Check Point Main View

3. Click Security Security.. 4. Click the Rules Rules tab.  tab. 5. Click the Add Rule icon. Rule icon. The Firewall Rule Wizard dialog Wizard dialog box appears. 6. Step 1: Rule Type Type - select Allow and Forward and click Next Next..

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User Guide


Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided Router with Safe@Office 500

System Installation and Configuration

7. Step 2: Service Service - Select these options from Custom Service: Service: •

Protocol Protocol  - TCP 

Port Range Range - enter 443 in both fields

8. Click Next Next.. 9. Step 3: Destination & Source Source - Make the following selections: • •

If the connection source is is  - select VITEK 2 PC (Network Object) Then forward the connection to to - select VITEK 2 PC (Network Object)

• •

Advan Advanced ced - Q Qua ualit lity y of Se Servi rvice ce class class - D Defa efault ult Enable Redirect to port and port and enter 443 in field

Enable Log accepted connections

Figure 9: Step 3: Destination and Source

10 10.. Clic Click k Next Next.. 11. Step 4: Done Done - Review the rule.

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User Guide


Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided Router with Safe@Office 1000N

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 10: Step 4: Review Rule

12 12.. Clic Click k Finish Finish.. 13. Following steps 4-12, 4-12, create the following a additional dditional requ required ired rules: Protocol

Port Range

If the connection source is

And the destination is

Forward this connection to




This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway


14. Close the the brows browser er..

Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided Router with Safe@Office 1000N ®

If using a Check Point Gateway router, a forwarding rule must be added to allow VITEK  2 Systems to share the installed certificates with remote PCs. This forwarding rule opens a port ® to allow communication between VITEK  2 Systems and all remote PCs. 1. Using an an Intern Internet et brows browser er,, enter the defau default lt IP address address for Gateway: Gateway: 2. Enter the user name name and password fo forr the Administrative account to access Check Check Point.

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User Guide


Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided Router with Safe@Office 1000N

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 11: Check Point Main View

3. Click Security Security.. Rules tab. 4. Click the Rules  tab. 5. Click the Add Rule icon. Rule icon. The Firewall Rule Wizard dialog Wizard dialog box appears. Type - select Allow and Forward and click Next Next.. 6. Step 1: Rule Type 7. Step 2: Service Service - Select these options from Custom Service: Service: • •

Protocol  - TCP  Protocol Port Range Range - enter 443 in both fields

Next.. 8. Click Next 9. Step 3: Destination & Source Source - Make the following selections: • •

If the connection source is is  - select VITEK 2 PC (Network Object) And the destination is is - select This Gateway

Figure 12: Step 3: Destination and Source

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User Guide


Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided Router with Safe@Office 1000N

System Installation and Configuration

10 10.. Clic Click k Next Next.. Options - Select these options: 11. Step 4: Rule Options • • •

Forward this connection to to - select VITEK 2 PC (Network Object) Keep Default Clea Clearr a all ll chec checkb kbox oxes es

Figure 13: Step 4: Review Rule

12 12.. Clic Click k Next Next.. Done - Enter the a description in the  You ou can enter enter a description description 13. Optional : Step 5: Done the Y for this rule field. rule field.

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User Guide


Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided Router with Check Point 730

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 14: Step 5: Done

14 14.. Clic Click k Finish Finish.. 15. Following steps 4-15, 4-15, create the following a additional dditional requ required ired rules: Protocol

Port Range

If the connection source is

And the destination is

Forward this connection to




This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway


16. Close the the brows browser er..

Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided Router with Check Point 730 ®

If using a Check Point Gateway router, a forwarding rule must be added to allow VITEK  2 Systems to share the installed certificates with remote PCs. This forwarding rule opens a port ® to allow communication between VITEK  2 Systems and all remote PCs. The following required rules are automatically created in this software if the user creates the ® VITEK  2 Systems PC as a server:

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User Guide


Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided Router with Check Point 730

System Installation and Configuration


Port Range

If the connection source is

And the destination is

Forward this connection to




This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway





This Gateway


1. Using an an Intern Internet et brows browser er,, enter the defau default lt IP address address for Gateway: Gateway: 2. Enter the user name name and password fo forr the Administrative account to access Check Check Point. Figure 15: Main View - Users and Objects

3. Click the Users & Objects tab, Objects tab, and then click Servers Servers.. Figure 16: Locating Server Type

4. In the Servers Definition and Access area, Access  area, click New New..

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User Guide


Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided Router with Check Point 730

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 17: New Server Wizard Step 1: Server Type

The New Server Wizard Step 1: Server Type window Type window appears. 5. Select th the Other Server  checkbox,  checkbox, clear all other checkboxes. 6. For the Protocol Protocol field,  field, select TCP TCP,, and for the TCP ports field, ports field, enter 80, 443, 16443, 15544, 15389. 7. Click Next Next.. The New Server Wizard Step 2: Server Definitions window Definitions window appears. 8. In the Name Name field,  field, enter a unique name without spaces. Figure 18: New Server Wizard Step 2: Server Definitions

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User Guide


Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided Router with Check Point 730

System Installation and Configuration

9. Navi Navig gate to Start Start >  > Control Panel, Panel, and ensure Category Category is  is selected in the View by field to view the correct categories. 10 10.. Clic Click k Network and Internet > Internet > Network Connections, Connections, and then click Local Area Connection Status > Status > Details Details.. 11. Locate and copy copy the IP address field, and then in Ch Check eck Point 730, ente enterr the IP  address in the IP Address field. Address field. 12 12.. Clic Click k Next Next.. Figure 19: New Server Wizard Step 3: Access

The New Server Wizard Step 3: Access window Access window appears. 13. Select Select All Zones (including the internet), internet), and keep the other default settings. 14 14.. Clic Click k Next Next..

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User Guide


Configuring a bioMérieux-Provided Router with Check Point 730

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 20: New Server Wizard Step 4: NAT

The New Server Wizard Step 4: NAT window NAT window appears. forwarding),, and ensure that the Force 15. Select Select Hide Behind Gateway (port forwarding) translated traffic to return to the gateway gateway checkbox  checkbox is selected. 16 16.. Clic Click k Finish Finish.. 17. Navigate Navigate to Access Policy > Policy > Servers Servers to  to confirm that the server appears. Figure 21: Server Screen on Access Policy Tab

18. Navigate Navigate to Access Policy > Policy > Policy Policy to  to confirm that the Incoming, Internal, and VPN traffic area traffic  area contains the correct Auto Generated Rules for the source, destination, service, action, and log columns.

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User Guide


VITEK® N  Ne etwork Configuration Wizard

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 22: Policy Screen on Access Policy Tab

19. Navigate Navigate to Access Policy > Policy > NA NAT T to confirm that t hat the correct Auto Generated Forwarding Rule appears. Figure 23: NAT Screen on Access Policy Tab

VITEK ®  Network Configuration Wizard Run the Network Configuration Wizard for any of the following circumstances: • • • • • Note:

Connecti Connecting ng to a network network fo forr the firs firstt time (i.e., (i.e., this is neede needed d to generate generate web web browser  browser  certificates). Changi Changing ng tthe he PC PC na name me or or the IP add addres ress. s. ® ® ® Adding MYLA  or VITEK  MS to the network when a VITEK  2 PC is already networked. networked. ® ® ® Using Using a anot nothe herr bi bioM oMéri érieu eux x devic device e (V (VITE ITEK K  2 PC, MYLA , or VITEK  MS) as the bioMérieux User Management device for Single Sign On. ™ Usin sing a FLE FLEXpre Xprep p  server that is installed on the network.

If the VITEK ®  2 PC resides behind a router, then enter the IP address of the WAN port for the router. Otherwise, enter the VITEK ®  2 PC computer name or IP address.

If you are adding the VITEK® 2 PC to the network and it is not interfacing with other VITEK® 2 PCs (ex. FLEXprep™), MYLA®, or VITEK® MS, then refer to the Running the VITEK ®  Network  Configuration Wizard to Configure a Single PC  section.  section. If the VITEK® 2 PC interacts with ® ™ another VITEK  2 PC as a FLEXprep  server, or uses another bioMérieux device (such as MYLA® or VITEK MS®) for the Single Sign On (SSO) server, then refer to the Running the

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User Guide


Running the VITEK® Network Configuration Wizard to Configure a Single PC

System Installation and Configuration

VITEK ®  Network Configuration Wizard to Configure Multiple PCs, MYLA® , or VITEK ®  MS section.

Running the VITEK ®  Network Configuration Wizard to Configure a Single PC  1. Log in with with a local local admini administrat strator or accoun account. t. 2. From th the Start Start menu,  menu, locate the VITEK Network Configuration Wizard. Wizard. 3. Rig Rightt-cl clic ick k VITEK Network Configuration Wizard, Wizard, and click More More >  > Run as administrator . The VITEK Network Configuration Wizard window Wizard window appears. 4. For st step 1, enter the IP address of the WAN port or the VITEK® 2 PC computer name or IP address as the message indicates. Figure 24: VITEK Network Configuration Wizard - Step 1

5. Click Next Next.. 6. For step 2, select No No.. Figure 25: VITEK Network Configuration Wizard - Step 2

7. Click Next Next..

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User Guide


Running the VITEK® Network Configuration Wizard to Configure Multiple PCs, MYLA®, or VITEK® M  MS S

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 26: VITEK Network Configuration Wizard - Confirmation

The These are your final settings confirmation settings  confirmation message appears. 8. If the fina finall set settin tings gs ar are e cor correc rect, t, click click Finish Finish >  > Finish Finish.. Figure 27: VITEK Network Configuration Wizard - Complete

The wizard closes. 9. Reb Reboot the the P PC C.

Running the VITEK ®  Network Configuration Wizard to Configure Multiple PCs, MYLA® , or VITEK ®  MS ®


If the VITEK  2 PC interacts with another VITEK  2 PC as a FLEXprep  server or uses ® ® another bioMérieux device (such as MYLA  or VITEK  MS) for bioMérieux User Management (Single Sign On server), follow these steps. 1. Log in with with a loca locall admini administrat strator or accou account. nt. 2. From the Start Start menu,  menu, locate the VITEK Network Configuration Wizard. Wizard. 3. Rig Rightt-cl clic ick k VITEK Network Configuration Wizard, Wizard, and click More More >  > Run as administrator . The VITEK Network Configuration Wizard window Wizard window appears. 4. For step 1, enter the IP address of the WAN port or the VITEK® 2 PC computer name or IP address as the message indicates.

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User Guide


Running the VITEK® Network Configuration Wizard to Configure Multiple PCs, MYLA®, or VITEK® M  MS S

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 28: VITEK Network Configuration Wizard - Step 1

5. Click Next Next.. 6. For step 2, select Ye select Yes s. Figure 29: VITEK Network Configuration Wizard - Step 2

Next.. 7. Click Next 8. For step 3, enter the computer name or IP address of the computer that is intended to use the bioMerieux User Management (Single Sign On). Note:

If there is a MYLA®  in the configuratio configuration, n, use the MYLA®  computer information for this step.

Figure 30: VITEK Network Configuration Wizard - Step 3

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User Guide


Running the VITEK® Network Configuration Wizard to Configure Multiple PCs, MYLA®, or VITEK® M  MS S

System Installation and Configuration

9. Click Next Next.. 10. For step step 4, enter the computer name or IP address of the computer where the FLEXprep ™ server will be installed. Figure 31: VITEK Network Configuration Wizard - Step 4

11. Clic Click k Next Next.. Figure 32: VITEK Network Configuration Wizard - Confirmation

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User Guide


Configure Additional Networked Ports

System Installation and Configuration

The These are your final settings confirmation settings  confirmation message appears. Finish > Finish.. 12. If the final final setting settings s are c correct, orrect, click Finish  > Finish Figure 33: VITEK Network Configuration Wizard - Complete

The wizard closes. 13. Reboot Reboot th the e PC. PC.

Configure Additional Networked Ports ®


The following table lists additional ports to open MYLA , BCI Link, BCI Connect, VILINK , or  ® the VITEK  2 Systems Web application. Note:

If these ports are required to be opened, consult your network administrator for configuration.

Table 1: Ports Application




MYLA  O  Op pen DS



BCI Link - FTP Port (default)







VITEK  2 Systems Web Application ®

BCI Connect (Mirth  C  Co onnect)

443 6662 (Inbound) 7777 (Outbound)

Integrate VITEK ®  2 Systems with Active Directory ®

Perform the tasks in this section to integrate the VITEK  2 Systems workstation with a hospital or laboratory active directory.

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User Guide


Configuring bioMérieux User Management


System Installation and Configuration

bioMérieux recommends recommends making making a copy o off the e existing xisting configuration configuration files before before  performing the the tasks in this section. section. Focus Focus on the use of symbols in text when modifying configuration files.

Configuring bioMérieux User Management  1. Log in with with a local local admini administrat strator or accoun account. t. 2. Doub Double le-cl -clic ick k the the VITEK 2 Web desktop Web desktop icon to start the application. 3. Click Create / Modify users. users. 4. Log into into the bioMérieux User Ma Managemen nagementt application application as an Administrator. Administrator. Note:

Refer to the bioMérieux User Management User Manual for more information.

5. Click the Settings Settings icon.  icon. 6. Click the Edit Edit icon.  icon. 7. In the Suffix Suffix field,  field, replace ,OU=users,DC=customer,DC=com  with the suffix of the distinguished distinguishe d name for an active directory user that can to t o log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems application. application. IMPORT IMPOR TANT: ANT:

Do not m make ake any any change changes s in the Prefix Prefix field. field.

8. Click the Save Save icon.  icon.

Defining an Active Directory User in bioMérieux User Management  1. From the the bioMérie bioMérieux ux User Manag Manageme ement nt main main menu, menu, select select the Groups Groups tab.  tab. 2. Se Sele lect ct a grou group p from from tthe he Group List and List and click Add external user . 3. In the Enter External user field, enter the user name of a network user. Note:

Do not include the domain name with the user name.

4. Click the Add Add icon.  icon. 5. Click the Save Save icon.  icon. 6. To ad add do other ther network network users, users, repea repeatt Step 2 through 2 through Step 5 until 5 until all external users are added. 7. Click the Quit Quit icon  icon to close the main menu. 8. Close the bioMér bioMérieux ieux User User Manage Managemen mentt applicati application. on. IMPORTANT IMPORT ANT::

Refer to Appendix - Active Directory Integration Guidelines for additional  additional  information and recommendations recommendations to consider for the integration of the VITEK ®  2 Systems PC into your hospital or laboratory network.

Modifying Property Files 1. Usin Using g Wi Wind ndo ows® Explorer, navigate to D:\bioMerieux\data\skeeper\conf . 2. Open tth he configuration  configuration file. 3. In the Active Directory Configuration section, Configuration section, modify the configuration line as specified in the following table:

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User Guide


Modifying Property Files

System Installation and Configuration

Table 2: Modify File Name of Configuration Line

Type o off M Mo odification


skeeper.ldap.servers: skeeper.ldap.serve rs: opends



(in the beginning) REMOVE

# ldap:// AD_HOST:AD_PORT


 AD_HOST with the the IP  Address or Host name name of  the domain controller. ldap:// AD_HOST:AD_PORT


 AD_PORT with with the port number. (The most common port number is 389, but varies by lab network).  N: AD_BIND_USER_DN


 AD_BIND_USER_DN with  AD_BIND_USER_DN the distinguished name of  the user that queries the active directory of users.

skeeper.ldap.servers: skeeper.ldap.serve rs: ad opends skeeper.ldap.a d.url: ldap:// AD_HOST:AD_PORT  N: AD_BIND_USER_DN ssword: AD_BIND_USER_PWD AD_USERS_DN (sAMAccountName={0}) ActiveDirectory REPLACE ssword: AD_BIND_USER_PWD AD_USERS_DN



 AD_BIND_USER_PWD  AD_BIND_USER_PWD with the password of the above user ID.  AD_USERS_DN with with the distinguished name for the location of the active directory users that can log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems application. application.

Do not modify the following configuration configuration lines other other than to add or remove remove the # at the beginning of the row as directed in Table 2: skeeper.ldap.servers: ad opends ◦   skeeper.ldap.servers: (sAMAccountName={0}) ◦ ActiveDirectory ◦

4. Confirm Confirm the change changes s from the table table have been been made made accuratel accurately y.

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User Guide


Enabling a Network Adapter

System Installation and Configuration

Figure 34: Modified File

5. Save the configuration  configuration file. 6. Rebo Reboot ot the the VIT VITEK EK® 2 Systems workstation.

Enabling a Network Adapter  ®

For bioMérieux-provided VITEK  2 PCs, the network adapter is disabled by default. The adapter must be enabled if you are connecting to a network. Start > Panel, and ensure Category Category is 1. Navi Navig gate to Start  > Control Panel,  is selected in the View by field to view the correct categories. 2. Click Network and Internet > Internet > Network and Sharing Center . The Network and Sharing Center  window  window appears. 3. Click Change adaptor settings. settings. The Network Connections window Connections window appears. 4. Rig Rightt-cl clic ick k Ethernet Ethernet,, and then click Enable Enable.. 5. When the following following mess message age app appears, ears, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click Ye click Yes s. enabled, and then click 6. Rig Rightt-cl clic ick k Disable this Loopback if Ethernet Network is enabled, Disable.. Disable 7. When the following following mess message age app appears, ears, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click Ye click Yes s. 8. Exit the Network Connections window. Connections window.

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User Guide



Workflow and Instructional Procedures WARNING The operating system has been carefully configured to be used with the VITEK ®  2 Systems software. Any configuration changes, installation, or  updates to third-party utilities not specified or recommended by bioMérieux may interfere with the normal operation of the VITEK ®  2 Systems application and may cause delayed test results.

Starting the System ® 

To start your system, refer to the VITEK   2 Systems User Manuals. Manuals.

Shutting Down the System ® 

To shut down your system, refer to the VITEK   2 Systems User Manuals. Manuals.

Adding Firefox ®  Portable to PC Desktops ®


The Firefox  Portable application can be added to your VITEK  2 Systems PC or a remote PC without the administrator access rights that are necessary when downloading downloading and ® installing the FireFox  application from the Internet. Start menu. 1. From From your your P PC C deskt desktop op,, cli click ck the the Start  menu. 2. In the Search Search field,  field, enter https://[machineName or IP Address]/vitek/  download/FirefoxPortable.exe , and press Enter . Note:

Use the machine name/IP address of the VITEK ®  2 PC from which you are downloading FireFox ®  .

Save the file to your downloads folder, then manually create a shortcut on the desktop Note:

Some antivirus programs may interefere with the download. If the download does not  appear to be successful, check if the antivirus has quarantined the FireFox portable and select to restore the application application..

Network Security Policy Certain security policies can interfere with the operation of the VITEK® 2 Systems software. The VITEK® 2 Systems software must be able to: • •

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Start Start loca locall se servi rvices ces autom automati atical cally ly.. Sch Schedule tas tasks ks..


User Guide


Manage User Security in VITEK® 2 Systems 09.01


Workflow and Instructional Procedures

Create Create a local user user accou account nt (postgres) (postgres) with with a passw password ord contain containing ing at least least six characters characters and a combination of at least three of the following characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols (punctuation marks). Set read/ read/write write folder folder pe permiss rmissions ions on the the local local hard drive. drive.

If your pa password ssword security security policy policy is more more complex than specified specified in this guide, the ®  VITEK   2 Systems software installation or operation may fail.

Manage User Security in VITEK ®  2 Systems 09.01 The VITEK® 2 Systems software uses the Windows® operating system and bioMérieux User  Management application to manage login security. Group policy settings are used to customize the Windows® operating system login security settings: • •


Windows  - Group policy is viewed and edited using gpedit.msc. bioMérie bioMérieux ux User Manag Manageme ement nt - User groups groups are viewe viewed d and edited edited by launc launching hing this this application. To edit a user group, select the desired user ID and select the Edit Edit icon.  icon.

Windows ®  Operating System The Windows® operating system has login security design and application login features. Group policy settings are used to customize the Windows® operating system login security settings. Group Policy is viewed and edited using gpedit.msc gpedit.msc (the  (the Group Policy application). The VITEK® 2 Systems software uses User IDs and Passwords for login security. security. When a ® user attempts to log in to any of the VITEK  2 Systems web-based applications, applications, such as the VITEK® 2 Web application or FLEXprep ™, their credentials must be verified by the bioMérieux User Management application. When a user attempts to log in to the VITEK ® 2 Systems software, their password is first verified using the bioMérieux User Management application. If the User ID cannot be found in bioMérieux User Management application, the VITEK® 2 Systems software uses the Windows® operating system as the second method to authenticate. authenticate. As a result, all of  bioMérieux User Management application security policies apply, including the allowable number of failed login attempts. If authentication fails in bioMérieux bioMérieux User Management, Management, then ® all of the Windows  security policies apply, including the allowable number of failed login attempts. If a user exceeds the number of failed login attempts while trying to log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems software, the account is disabled in either bioMérieux User Management or Windows®. The user cannot log in to the VITEK ® 2 Systems software until an administrator  re-enables their account in either bioMérieux User Management or Windows ®. When using the Windows® operating system for security, if a user exceeds the number of  failed login attempts when trying to log in to the operating system, they may not be able to log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems software.

bioMérieux User Management Application User account management (creating users, assigning rights, and permissions) is performed using the bioMérieux User Management application. Refer to the bioMérieux User  Management User Manual for more information.

Using Recommended Group Policy Settings In A Windows®  Operating System Note:

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This task assists with managing the operating system security, not the web-based application security.


User Guide


Network Credentialed Users

Workflow and Instructional Procedures ®


The VITEK  2 Systems software uses the Windows  operating system login security design and additionally adds application login features. Because of this, there is a relationship ® ® between Windows  Security settings and the VITEK  2 Systems login page behavior. Group ® policy settings are used to customize the Windows  operating system login security settings. Group Policy is viewed and edited using gpedit.msc, the Group Policy application. Settings are recommended to sync behavior between: • •

Accoun Acco untt loc locko kout ut po poli lici cies es Fail Failed ed logi login np pol olic icie ies s

• •

Pass Passwo word rd p po olici licie es Scre Screen en sav saver er beh behav avio iors rs ®

If these settings are not synchronized, synchronized, it may create conditions where VITEK  2 Systems ® software operation is interrupted, or may lock a user out of the Windows  operating system ® without having an appropriate log on to the VITEK  2 Systems software. 1. Log in with with a loca locall admini administrat strator or accou account. nt. 2. From the Start Start menu,  menu, enter gpedit.msc  in the Search Search field  field and press Enter . 3. Select Computer Configuration > Configuration > Windows Settings > Settings > Security Settings > Settings > Account Policies > Policies > Account Lockout Policy. Policy. 4. Set the the val values ues based based on your your interna internall policies policies..

Network Credentialed Users IMPORTANT IMPORT ANT::

Postgres is an essential essential local local user account account for a non-group non-group member member and the account  must never be modified or deleted.


To lo log g in to to the the VITEK  VITEK ®  2 Systems legacy application or the VITEK ®  2 System Web application as a network credentialed user, refer to the bioMérieux User Management  User Manual.

Configuring Configurin g Local Administrator Properties 1. Log in with with a loca locall admini administrat strator or accou account. nt. 2. From the Start Start menu,  menu, type Computer Management, Management, and press Enter . The Computer Management window Management window appears. 3. Click System Tools > Tools > Local Users and Groups. Groups. 4. Doub Double le-c -cli lick ck Groups Groups.. 5. Doub Double le-c -cli lick ck Administrators Administrators.. 6. Click Add Add..

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User Guide


Configuring Core Service for Network Credentialed User

Workflow and Instructional Procedures

Figure 35: Add Users to Administrator Group

7. Click Advanced Advanced.. 8. Click Locations Locations.. Figure 36: Select Users

9. Select Select tthe he n netw etwork ork the the use userr logs logs int into. o. 10 10.. Clic Click k OK OK.. 11. Clic Click k Find Now. Now. 12 12.. In the the Search results pane, results pane, select the name of the user to log in to the network. 13 13.. Clic Click k OK OK >  > OK OK >  > OK OK..

Configuring Core Service for Network Credentialed User  IM IMPO PORT RTAN ANT T:

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If th the e Wind Window ows s  password changes for a network credentialed user, the password  must be updated in Core Services.


User Guide


Configuring Core Service for Network Credentialed User

Workflow and Instructional Procedures

This task must be completed before you perform a backup of a network drive. 1. Log in with with a loca locall admini administrat strator or accou account. nt. 2. From the Start Start menu,  menu, type Computer Management, Management, and press Enter . Management window appears. The Computer Management window 3. In tth he le left Console Tree pane, Tree pane, expand the entry Services and Applications, Applications, and click Services.. Services Figure 37: Computer Management - Services

4. Fr From om the the b bot otto tom mo off the the Computer Management view, Management view, select the Standard Standard tab.  tab. 5. Scroll Scroll thro through ugh the lis listt an and d selec selectt VITEK 2 compact Core. Core. Figure 38: Computer Management - VITEK ®  2 Compact Core

6. Rig Rightt-cl clic ick k VITEK 2 compact Core and Core and select Properties Properties..

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User Guide


Network Backup and Restore

Workflow and Instructional Procedures

7. From the Log On tab, On tab, select This account and account and enter the name of the network credentialed user and password. Figure 39: VITEK ®  2 Compact Core Services Properties

OK.. 8. Click OK 9. Rest Restar artt the wo work rkst stat atio ion. n. 10. Log in with with a local administrator administrator account. 11. Follow the manufacturer's manufacturer's recommende recommended d installation instructions to install a network printer for this user.

Network Backup and Restore The VITEK® 2 Systems application is designed to support automatic backup during End-ofDay processing and manual backup, to either a USB storage device, external hard drive, or  network storage. This backup process allows the VITEK® 2 Systems application to directly send a copy of the database directly to one of these devices. Refer to User Initiated Isolate Data Backup in Backup in the VITEK ®  2 Systems Software User Manual  for  for more information. Note:

The VITEK ®  2 Systems application makes a copy of each backup on the local hard drive before saving to the storage location. The backup data is located in D:\Program Files\VITEK 2 compact\Externalization\Backup directory.

VITEK ®  2 Systems software creates this directory if it does not already exist. Under this folder are a series of sub-folders, one for each day of the week in which a backup has run. The actual database backups are stored in the sub-folders under the Externalization \Backup directory.

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User Guide


Configuring Automatic Backup Settings

Workflow and Instructional Procedures

Configuring Configurin g Automatic Backup Settings ®

For the VITEK  2 Systems application to automatically automatically make a backup to a network location, ® the main application service (VITEK  2 Compact Core) must be configured to run for a network user. ® 


Loca Locall Administrato Administratorr Properties Properties mu must st be completed completed or the VITEK  VITEK   2 Systems application may not have permission to access and save a backup to a network  location.


If a ne network twork ba backup ckup loc location ation is configured in General General Configuration, Configuration, then a network  user who has rights to the network backup location must be logged in to the PC when making any changes to General Configuration settings.

1. Log in with with a local local admini administrat strator or accoun account. t. 2. Doub Double le-cl -clic ick k the the VITEK 2 Systems desktop Systems desktop icon to start the application. 3. Log into into the appli applicatio cation n as a member member of the the Superviso Supervisor's r's group. group. Note:

Refer to the bioMérieux User Management User Manual for more information.

4. From From the the Main Main view view,, cli click ck the the Configuration view icon, view icon, and then click General Configuration > Configuration  > Settings Settings.. Figure 40: General Configuration

5. Click the Lock/Unlock Lock/Unlock icon  icon to make changes. 6. Enable Automatic Daily Backup. Backup. 7. Click Browse Browse.. IMPORTANT IMPORT ANT::

There ma may y be a delay due due to internal internal proces processes ses running running before the dialog box 

appears to select a backup/drive location. 8. Navigate Navigate to to the prefe preferred rred back backup up drive/l drive/locat ocation. ion. 9. Click Select Location. Location. 048640 - 02


User Guide


Performing Network Restores


Workflow and Instructional Procedures

If an automatic backup location is not defined, the system attempts to backup to the default location (F:) (F:) drive.  drive. If the defined automatic backup location is invalid or if the backup fails for any other reason, the system generates an error during the next  VITEK ®  2 Systems login.

10. Click Click the the Save Save icon.  icon. 11. Click Click the the Lock/Unlock Lock/Unlock icon  icon to lock the view. When end of day process executes, the VITEK ® 2 Systems application stores a copy of the backup in the selected network location.

Performing Network Restores Note:  A user with at least least Supervisor leve levell access must log in to the Backup/Restore Backup/Restore application. application.

1. Log in with with a loca locall admini administrat strator or accou account. nt. 2. Navi Navig gate to Start Start >  > Programs Programs >  > VITEK 2 Systems > Systems > VITEK 2 System Backup Restore.. Restore 3. Log in to the Backup/Restore application as a member of the Supervisor's group. Note:

Refer to the bioMérieux User Management User Manual for more information.

 A User Account Control (UAC) dialog (UAC) dialog box appears to inform the user a change is being made by a program that requires additional permission. 4. Click Ye  Yes s to acknowledge. 5. Click Restore Restore.. Note:

If the VITEK ®  2 Systems software is running, the following message appears and  asks to close the application before performing performing a restore: Current user data is deleted   from the workstation. Your Your workstation automatically reboots after restore restore succeeds. Continue restoring the backup?

 All current user data data is deleted from from the workstation workstation.. The workstation workstation automatically automatically restarts after a successful restore. 6. Click Ye  Yes s. 7. Navigate to the preferred backup drive/location drive/location (default value value is the same same as the the backup location defined in General Configuration). 8. Select Select tthe he b back ackup up file file to b be e res restor tored ed.. 9. Click Restore Restore.. The system restores the backup data from the t he selected external storage device or  network drive location. Access to the system software is disabled for all users during the restore. When restore completes, the user is notified that the data was successfully restored. 10 10.. Clic Click k OK OK.. The computer restarts and the system software starts up automatically. To begin using the VITEK® 2 Systems application, launch the application and log in again.

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User Guide


Configuring Network Printer Settings

Workflow and Instructional Procedures

Configuring Network Printer Settings ®

The VITEK  2 Systems software has both a web application (GUI) and a server (auto print) componentt that provide printing functionality componen functionality.. Configure the workstation to print locally or over  a network. To print to a network printer, the printer must be installed by a user with network credentials under which printing is to be performed. For auto printing to work on a network printer, the ® VITEK  2 Systems core service must be running by a network credentialed user that has the network printer for use. For network printing from the application, the user must log in to the operating system with a ® network credentialed user and then log in to the VITEK  2 Systems software with one of the defined application users. IMPORT IMPOR TANT: ANT:



When lo logge gged d in as a networ network k cred credentia entialed led use userr, the VITEK   2 Systems software fails unless the network credentialed user is added to the administrator group. Do not add  a network credentialed user to Supervisors and Laboratory Technologists groups.


Failure to select a default printer in the VITEK   2 Systems software causes the Automatic  Print Lab Report feature to stop working.

1. Log in to the the wor workstat kstation ion as the the network network cred credenti entialed aled user user.. Systems desktop icon to start the application. 2. Doub Double le-c -cli lick ck the the VITEK 2 Systems desktop 3. Log Log in to VI VITE TEK K® 2 System as a member of the Supervisor's group. 4. From From the the Main Main View View,, cli click ck the the Configuration view icon, view icon, and then click General Configuration > Configuration  > Settings Settings.. Figure 41: General Configuration

5. Click the Lock/Unlock Lock/Unlock icon  icon to unlock the view. 6. In the Print Print section,  section, select a valid Default Printer   from the drop-down list.  from

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User Guide


Managing Windows® S  Se ecurity Updates


Workflow and Instructional Procedures

It is imp important ortant to select the the default default printer even if the default default printer printer appears appears to be selected.

7. Click the Save Save icon.  icon. 8. Click the Lock/Unlock Lock/Unlock icon  icon to lock the view.

Managing Windows ®  Security Updates ®


® bioMérieuxtodoes not apply Windows the VITEK  2 Systems PC. Users permitted install Windows  Security updates updates to ONLY. All non-security updates mustare never be ® installed. bioMérieux recommends the following when applying Windows  Security updates:

• •


Create a VITEK  2 Workstation Full Installation Image before the security updates have ®  been applied. Refer to the VITEK   2 Workstation Full Installation Image Image section  section for the correct workstation and media. Ap Apply ply securi security ty upda updates tes ma manu nuall ally y. ® Perfor rform m the the VIT VITEK  2 Systems qualification procedure procedure after the security updates have been applied. Refer to Appendix to Appendix - Qualification Qualification Protocol  Protocol . ®

This section contains recommended procedures to follow when installing Windows  security updates.

WARNING Performing downloads of security updates may last for an extended period of time due to the number of security patches, the nature of security patches, or both. Ensure the system has enough time to complete the download prior  to test set up to avoid delayed results. Automatic updates are also not recommended because it can cause the PC to reboot on its own at a critical time causing delayed results or possibly even loss of data.


Resolve a and nd clear all red ca cassettes ssettes in the workspace workspace before before beginning beginning the update update as well as ensuring all cards have completed processing in the Setup Tests Post Entry  ®  view in the VITEK   2 Systems Software. It is the responsibility responsibility of the user to evaluate and validate the installation of operating system security updates. For more information regarding procedures procedures to validate after installing security updates, Refer to  Appendix - Qualification Qualification Protocol. Protocol.

1. Log in to the the wor workstati kstation on as the n netwo etwork rk credentia credentialed led user user.. 2. Navi Navig gate to Start Start >  > Settings Settings >  > Update and Security. Security. 3. Click Check for updates. updates.

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User Guide


Managing Windows® S  Se ecurity Updates

Workflow and Instructional Procedures

Figure 42: Check for Updates

Selecting Check for updates ensures updates ensures the list is current at the time the verification is performed. 4. When the the verific verification ation proce process ss is complete, complete, view view the updates updates under under Updates are available.. available Figure 43: Download Updates

5. Click Download Download,, and when the downloads complete, click Install now. now. 6. When The updates were successfully installed appears, installed  appears, click Restart now. now. 7. Once the workstatio workstation n resta restarts, rts, perform perform Appendix  Appendix - Qualification Qualification Protocol  Protocol  to  to ensure ® proper functioning of the operating system and the VITEK  2 Systems software.

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5 11

User Guide



User Maintenance For service information, contact bioMérieux or your local distributor (contact information available on ).

Preventive Maintenance Operations Create a VITEK® 2 Workstation Full Installation Image before any security updates have been applied. IMPORTANT IMPORT ANT::

It is reco recommended mmended to perform a Full System System image on a regular regular basis basis to preserve preserve ®  operating system configurations and VITEK   2 System application configurations configurations after  the test cases have been completed. Refer to the Creating a Full System Image for  VITEK ®  2 PCs procedures.

Creating a Full System Image for VITEK 2 PCs Using DVD - RP5810 Workstation ®

These instructions are intended for bioMérieux-provided VITEK  2 PCs. 1. Inse Insert rt the the V VIT ITEK EK® 2 Workstation Full Installation Image into the DVD drive. 2. Shut Shut down down the host host PC b by y select selecting ing Start Start >  > Shut Down > Down > Restart Restart.. 3. Once the the PC has beg begun un the reb reboot oot pro process cess,, watch the indica indicator tor lights lights on the keyboard. 4. When the 1 keyboard indicator light stays on, press F9 F9 repeatedly  repeatedly (approximately once per second). Figure 44: Keyboard Indicator Light

5. Disc Discon onti tinu nue e press pressin ing g F9 F9 when  when the Boot Source window Source window appears.

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User Guide


Creating a Full System Image for VITEK 2 PCs Using DVD RP5810 Workstation

User Maintenance

Figure 45: Boot Source

6. If the Boot Source window Source window does not appear and Windows reboots to the hard drive, repeat Step 1. 7. Using Using tthe he dow down n arr arrow ow ke key y, select select SATA1 SATA1 under  under ATAPI CD/DVD Drive. Figure 46: Boot Source

8. Press Enter . The PC begins booting to the DVD in the drive. 9. Wait Wait for a messa message ge that "No "No encryp encrypted ted vol volume ume has has been detecte detected", d", and click click OK OK.. 10. When When th the e Keyboard Layout dialog box appears, click the appropriate keyboard layout. 11. At Step 1: Select a Task to Perform window, Perform window, click BACKUP BACKUP and  and Next Next.. 12. 12. At Step 2: Select a Media window, Media window, click DVD DVD and  and Next Next.. 13. Insert a blank DVD+R DVD+R media in into to the DVD drive a and nd click OK OK.. 14. 14. At Step 3: Select a Destination Folder  window,  window, select Drive (E) and (E) and Next Next.. Note:

Drive letter could be different if any USB keys are still inserted in the PC.

Information window, click Next Next.. 15. 15. At Step 4: Define Backup Information window,

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User Guide


Creating a Full System Image for VITEK 2 PCs Using USB RP5810 Workstation

User Maintenance

16. 16. At Step 5: Backup Task Summary window, Summary  window, click BACKUP BACKUP.. Note:

If backing up large databases, the system may prompt you for additional DVDs. This requires additional time before the backup is completed.

When the backup process is completed, the DVD automatically ejects, and a Backup result successful window successful window appears. 17 17.. Clic Click k Exit Exit.. 18. Remove the last DVD and click OK OK.. The host PC automatically reboots. 19. Label Label the DV DVD D as 9.01 Full System Backup and record the date. 20. If the full system image process required required multiple DVD DVD+Rs, +Rs, label the first DVD as Disc 1 and the second DVD as Disc 2. Repeat as necessary.

Creating a Full System Image for VITEK 2 PCs Using USB - RP5810 Workstation ®

These instructions are intended for bioMérieux-provided VITEK  2 PCs. Create a recovery point capturing your updated system configuration. configuration. Follow the instructions for this section if  ® ® ® your VITEK  2 PC is an HP  RP5810. Store your VITEK  2 Systems Software version 09.01 Full System Image in a safe place. 1. Plug an an empty empty USB stick stick into one one of the USB USB ports on on the front front of the PC. PC. 2. Inse Insert rt the the V VIT ITEK EK® 2 Workstation Full Installation Image into the DVD drive. 3. Shut Shut down down the host host PC b by y select selecting ing Start Start >  > Shut Down > Down > Restart Restart.. 4. Once the the PC has beg begun un the reb reboot oot pro process, cess, watch watch the indicato indicatorr lights on the the keyboard. 5. When tth he 1 keyboard indicator light stays on, press F9 F9 repeatedly  repeatedly (approximately once per second). Figure 47: Keyboard Indicator Light

6. Disc Discon onti tinu nue e press pressin ing g F9 F9 when  when the Boot Source window Source window appears.

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User Guide


Creating a Full System Image for VITEK 2 PCs Using USB RP5810 Workstation

User Maintenance

Figure 48: Boot Source

7. Using the down arrow key key,, select SAT SATA1 under ATAPI CD/DVD Drive. Drive. 8. Press Enter . The PC begins booting from the DVD in the drive. The Backup Restore tool starts. OK.. 9. Wait Wait for a messa message ge that "No "No encryp encrypted ted vol volume ume has has been detecte detected", d", and click click OK 10. layout. When When th the e Keyboard Layout dialog box appears, click the appropriate keyboard 11. At Step 1: Select a Task to Perform window, Perform window, click BACKUP BACKUP and  and Next Next.. 12. 12. At Step 2: Select a Media window, Media window, click USB USB and  and Next Next.. 13. 13. At Step 3: Select a Destination Folder  window,  window, select the USB drive used for Full System Backup from the Drive Name field. Click Next Next.. Information window, enter a Backup name in the format 14. 14. At Step 4: Define Backup Information window, VITEK 2 Full System Backup PC model_curre model_current nt date (e.g., VITEK 2 Full System Backup rp5800 DDMMMYYYY). DDMMMYYYY). Next enter the version information (e.g., 9.01). Click Next.. Next  All the correct data should appear appear in the Backup Task Summary window. Summary window. Summary  window, click BACKUP BACKUP.. 15. 15. At Step 5: Backup Task Summary window, The Ghost Ghost window  window shows the progress of the backup. 16. Remove the workstation workstation full installation DVD an and d USB where the image was was stored. IMPORTANT IMPORT ANT::

It is cr critical itical that the USB be removed removed before before reboot. reboot. If the the USB is not removed, removed, then the drives do not mapped correctly.

OK to 17. Select Select OK  to confirm restart. The PC will now reboot. r eboot. 18. Label Label the US USB B as 9.01 Full System Backup and record the date. Do NOT remove the database backup USB. Keep the Full System Backup USB it in a safe location.

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User Guide



Appendix - Qualification Protocol


It is reco recommended mmended to perform a Full System System image on a regular regular basis basis to preserve preserve operating system configurations and VITEK ®  2 System application configurations configurations after  the test cases have been completed. Refer to VITEK ®  2 Workstation Full Installation Image.


These are recommende recommended d test cases and procedures procedures to follow when when installing installing or  ®  updating antivirus software, or installing Windows  security updates, and after initial  networking of the bioMérieux-provided VITEK ®  2 PC.

Step 1 - Creating a Local User  This test confirms a local user account can be created, a user can be assigned to a VITEK ® 2 Systems group, and the user can login to the VITEK® 2 Systems software application, application, ™ ® FLEXprep , and VITEK  2 Systems web application. Creation of a Local User Test Case



Log in to the PC using a pre-defined user account belonging to the local Administrators group (NOT a network administrator). Create a new user account via user management and assign the user to the Laboratory Technologists groups. Log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems software using this newly created user account. EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: The user account can be successfully created and can be used to login to the VITEK ® 2 Systems software, FLEXprep™, and VITEK® 2 Systems web application.

Step 2 - Confirming Automatic Report Printing, Reanalysis, and Results Transfer  This test case confirms that the printer is correctly connected, is configured for printing automatic lab reports, and confirms that reanalysis is successful. Before starting this test case, ensure that: • •

A networ network k prin printer ter has has been been insta installe lled. d. Re Refer fer tto o Network Printer Settings for Settings for more information. ® Automatically Print Lab Report is Report is enabled in General Configuration in the VITEK  2 Systems software application.

Optionally, this test case also confirms that the VITEK ® 2 Systems software can communicate with an external data management system. The Results Transfer test case can be omitted if  your system is not connected to the data management system using a BCI port. Before starting the Results Transfer test case, assure that: •

An external external da data ta mana managem gement ent system system (Laborato (Laboratory ry Informatio Information n System) System) is physically physically ® connected to a VITEK  2 Systems BCI port.

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User Guide


Step 2 - Confirming Automatic Report Printing, Reanalysis, and Results Transfer

Appendix - Qualification Protocol


The VITEK  2 Systems BCI port is properly configured to send results to the data management system.

Automatic Report Printing Test Case Log in to the PC using a network credentialed user account. Log in to FLEXprep ™ with a user account belonging to the Supervisors group. Prepare an ID test card and define the cassette according to site procedures. Prepare a linked ID and AST card and define the cassette according to site procedures. Incubate the test cards until final results r esults are available. If you are testing Results Transfer, follow your lab procedures to setup the specimen on your data management system. Incubate the test card until final results are available. Log in to the PC using a network credentialed user account. Log in to VITEK® 2 Systems Web application with a user account belonging to the supervisor's group.



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User Guide


Step 2 - Confirming Automatic Report Printing, Reanalysis, and Results Transfer

Appendix - Qualification Protocol

Automatic Report Printing Test Case EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: When the cards are completed, a legible, complete Lab Report automatically prints. The result information on the lab report should be completely enclosed in a box (showing that the printer margin setting is not clipping the report) and should match the information shown on the screen. A complete Lab Report should contain the following information: Lab Report (Isolates with ID and AST cards) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pati Patien entt ID (if (if e ena nabl bled ed)) Pati Pa tien entt Nam Name e ((if if en enab able led) d) Report Report Version ersion (21 CFR 11 o only nly)) Isol Isolat ate e Grou Group p an and d St Stat atus us Card Card Type ype and and Barc Barcod ode e Setu Setup p Tec Techn hnol olog ogis istt Organ rganiism Orig rigin McFarland Bionumber   Organism IID D Con Confid fidence Level evel Status Analysis Time Probability Antimicrob robial MIC Inte Interp rpre reta tati tio on AES AES Find inding ings box Comments b bo ox Organism Organism Origin Origin Summa Summary ry Info Informati rmation on (if multip multiple le organis organism m origins origins are available)

Lab Report (Isolate with ID card only) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pati Patien entt ID (if (if e ena nabl bled ed)) Pati Pa tien entt Nam Name e ((if if en enab able led) d) Report Report Version ersion (21 CFR 11 o only nly)) Isol Isolat ate e Grou Group p an and d St Stat atus us Card Card Type ype and and Barc Barcod ode e Setu Setup p Tec Techn hnol olog ogis istt Organ rganiism Orig rigin McFarland Bionumber   Organism IID D Con Confid fidence Level evel Status Analysis Time Probability Comments b bo ox Bioc Bioche hemi mica call Det Detai ails ls

Depending on the isolate used, the Confidence Level could be blank, but it should match what is on the user interface.



048640 - 02


User Guide


Step 3 - Manually Printing Reports

Appendix - Qualification Protocol

Automatic Report Printing Test Case



EXPECTED RESULT (Result RESULT (Result Transfer): When the card is complete, the results are transferred to the connected data management management system. Select the Work List icon. List icon. Select an isolate containing both an ID and AST card. Press the Reanalyze Reanalyze icon.  icon. EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: Isolates reanalyzed successfully.

Step 3 - Manually Printing Reports This test case confirms that the printer is correctly connected and configu configured red for printing manual lab reports. Before starting this test case, assure that: • • •

A networ network k prin printer ter has has been been insta installe lled. d. Re Refer fer tto o Network Printer Settings for Settings for more information. At least least one ID ID card has has been been processe processed d and u used sed to create create an isolat isolate. e. At least least one lin linked ked ID an and d AST ca card rd have been been proces processed sed and and used to create create an an isolate. isolate.

Manual Report Printing Test Case Log in to the PC using a network credentialed user account Log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems Web application with a user  account belonging to the Supervisor's group. Select the Work List icon. List icon. Select an isolate containing only a final ID card. Click the Print Print icon.  icon. Select Lab Report; Report; click Print Print..



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User Guide


Step 3 - Manually Printing Reports

Manual Report Printing Test Case EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: A legible, complete Lab Report is printed. The result information on the lab report should be completely enclosed in a box (showing that the printer margin setting is not clipping the report) and should match the information shown on the screen. A complete Lab Report should contain the following information: Lab Report (Isolate with ID card only) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pati Patien entt ID (if (if e ena nabl bled ed)) Pati Pa tien entt Nam Name e ((if if en enab able led) d) Report Report Version ersion (21 CFR 11 o only nly)) Isol Isolat ate e Grou Group p an and d St Stat atus us Card Card Type ype and and Barc Barcod ode e Setu Setup p Tec Techn hnol olog ogis istt Organ rganiism Orig rigin McFarland Bionumber   Organism IID D Con Confid fidence Level evel Status Analysis Time Probability Comments b bo ox Bioc Bioche hemi mica call Det Detai ails ls

Depending on the isolate used, the Confidence Level could be blank, but it should match what is on the user interface. Select an isolate containing a linked ID and AST card Click the Print Print icon.  icon. Select Lab Report; Report; click Print Print..

Appendix - Qualification Protocol



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User Guide


Step 4 - Accessing the Software User Manuals

Manual Report Printing Test Case

Appendix - Qualification Protocol



EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: A legible, complete Lab Report is printed. The result information on the lab report should be completely enclosed in a box (showing that the printer margin setting is not clipping the report) and should match the information shown on the screen. A complete Lab Report should contain the following information: Lab Report (Isolates with ID and AST cards) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pati Patien entt ID (if (if e ena nabl bled ed)) Pati Pa tien entt Nam Name e ((if if en enab able led) d) Report Report Version ersion (21 CFR 11 o only nly)) Isol Isolat ate e Grou Group p an and d St Stat atus us Card Card Type ype and and Barc Barcod ode e Setu Setup p Tec Techn hnol olog ogis istt Organ rganiism Orig rigin McFarland Bionumber   Organism IID D Con Confid fidence Level evel Status Analysis Time Probability Comments b bo ox Organism Organism Origin Origin Su Summar mmary y Informati Information on (if (if mul multiple tiple organism organisms s are available)

Step 4 - Accessing the Software User Manuals This test case confirms that the PDF reader is installed and correctly configured to support viewing of the VITEK ®  2 Systems Software User Manual , the VITEK ®  2 Systems Web User  Manual , and the FLEXprep ™ User Manual . Software User Manuals Access Test Case Log in to the PC using a network credentialed user account. Double-click the VITEK 2 Systems button Systems button on the desktop to open the legacy software. Log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems software with a user account belonging to the Laboratory Technologist group. Click the Configuration View icon, View icon, and then click Version Version.. Click the Help Help icon  icon (?) from the action bar. EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: The PDF reader opens and displays the ®  VITEK   2 Systems Software User Manual . Close the application, but remain logged in to the PC. Double-click the VITEK 2 Web button Web button on the desktop to open the web application. Log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems Web application with a user  account belonging to the Laboratory Technologist group.



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User Guide


Step 5 - Initiating Isolate Data Backup and Restore

Software User Manuals Access Test Case

Appendix - Qualification Protocol



Click the Help Help icon  icon (?) from the action bar. EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: The PDF reader opens and displays the VITEK ®  2 Systems Web User Manual . Close the application, but remain logged in to the PC. Double-click the FLEXprep FLEXprep button  button on the desktop to open the ™ FLEXprep  application. Log in to the FLEXprep ™ application with a user account belonging to the Laboratory Technologist group. Click the Help Help icon  icon (?) from the action bar. EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: The PDF reader opens and displays the ™ FLEXprep  User Manual .

Step 5 - Initiating Isolate Data Backup and Restore This test case confirms that the network drive is correctly configured to support storage and retrieval of manually initiated data backups. Before starting this test case, assure that: • • • •

A backup backup meth method od has has be been en confi configu gured red.. Ref Refer er to Automatic to Automatic Network Network Backup Settings Settings for  more information. An approve approved d USB storage storage device device iis s installe installed d (if appli applicabl cable). e). Ensure Ensure no no ca cards rds are proc processin essing g in the instrumen instrument. t. If using BCI, BCI, navigat navigate e to the BCI iinterf nterface ace an and d stop all all defined defined links. links. When When test test case is completed, restart defined links in the BCI interface.

User Initiated Isolate Data Backup Test Case Log in to the PC using a network credentialed user account Navigate to Start Start >  > All Programs > Programs > VITEK 2 Systems > Systems > VITEK 2 Systems Backup Restore. Restore. Log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems Backup and Restore application with a user account belonging to the Supervisor's group. Click the Backup Backup icon  icon to initiate a backup. Select a valid backup file location (storage device or network location). Click Select location to location to continue backup. EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: The backup completes successfully and the backup file is on the USB storage device or network location. Exit the VITEK® 2 Systems Backup Restore application application.. Restart the PC. Log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems Web application with a user account belonging to the Supervisors group. Navigate to Work List and List and change any isolate accession number to TEST.. TEST Restore the backup. Refer to Network Restore for more information. EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: The restore completes successfully and the PC reboots.



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User Guide


Step 6 - Automatically Backing Up Data Daily

Appendix - Qualification Protocol

User Initiated Isolate Data Backup Test Case



Log in to the PC using a network credentialed user account. Log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems Web application with a user account belonging to the Supervisors group. EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: The application starts to use the restored database. The isolate whose accession number was changed to TEST has TEST  has been restored to the initial value. If using BCI, restart defined links in the BCI interface.

Step 6 - Automatically Backing Up Data Daily This test case confirms that the network drive is correctly configured to support storage of  automatic data backups. Before starting this test case, assure that: • •

A network network backup backup metho method d ha has s been been c confi onfigure gured. d. Refer Refer to to Automatic Network Network Backup Settings for Settings  for more information. Automatic Daily Backup option Backup option is enabled in General Configuration.

Automatic Daily Backup Test Case



Wait for the scheduled automatic daily backup to occur  (scheduled default is 1:00 AM). Log in to the PC using a network credentialed user account. Log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems software with a user  account belonging to the Supervisor's group. EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: A backup failure alarm is not active. If  the backup failed, the software would sound an audible alarm and make the Instrument/Sys Instrument/System tem Alarm And Status icon change to red to indicate the failure. EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: The backup files are present on the network drive or storage device.

Step 7 - Archiving Isolates This test case confirms successful archiving of VITEK® 2 System data. Before starting this test case, assure that: • •

Data Data iis s av avai aila labl ble e to arch archiv ive. e. 21 CFR CFR Par Partt 11 11 is is e ena nabl bled ed..

Archive Test Case  Archive isolates isolates to selected location location (using either either a USB, external hard drive, network drive, or CD-R). Refer to Archiving Isolates in Isolates in the VITEK ®  2 Systems Software User  Manual . Wait for the archive to complete.



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User Guide


Step 7 - Archiving Isolates

Archive Test Case EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: The archive completed successfully. The backup archive file can be found in the configured archive backup location (USB, external hard drive, network drive, or  CD-R). Log in to the VITEK® 2 Systems software with a user account belonging to the Supervisor's group. View the archived contents. Refer to Viewing and Searching Archived Isolate Reports in Reports in the VITEK ®  2 Systems Software User Manual . EXPECTED RESULT: RESULT: The user is able to view the contents of  the archive.

Appendix - Qualification Protocol



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User Guide



Appendix - Glossary Term


 Active Directory

A Windows® Microsoft-based repository that allows userssecurity and computers to authenticate and assign policy from central administration.


Software that runs runs on a computer computer and performs a designated procedure or process.

bioMérieux User Management

A Web application for the computer   management of people using the bioMérieux software programs. All the data concerning a user is stored on a computer system and grouped together in a computer account (or  user account) that includes a user name and password. This allows the user to identify himself to the company’s computer network. It also includes the group(s) to which the user  belongs and which determine his rights and permissions for the bioMérieux software program(s) concerned.


A firewall protects computer equipment in a "private" network, from other networks connected to it by applying rules of protection (filtering of incoming and outgoing data).

Group Policy Object

A concept within Active Directory to apply group policies to a particular Organizational Organizational Unit.

Laboratory Administrator

A staff member with full access to the operating system including creating additional accounts, installing software, setting security policies, or configuring Windows®.

Laborato ratory ry Info Inform rmat atiion Sys yste tem m (L (LIS) IS)

Ac co ompute terr s sys yste tem m use used d tto o co colle llect and rre eport laboratory data.

Laboratory Supervisor

A staff member with privileges to restore a VITEK® 2 Systems database, approve isolates, or configure the VITEK® 2 Systems software.

Laboratory Technologist

A staff member that performs daily activities supported by the VITEK® 2 Systems software.

Network Credentials

A user login and password that has access to a domain on a particular network.

Organization Unit

A concept within Active Directory to provide hierarchy and allow a convenient way to group security policy into logical units.

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 Appendix - Glossary




Hardware that can be used to create a "local"-type subnet.

Windows ® 10  10

Windows ® 10 IoT Enterprise 2016 LTSB


A central diagnostic station connected to the instrument communication port via a RS232 cable. Under normal conditions, the instrument sends system status, test card data, and operational data to the workstation. It allows instrument data entry and calculates test results. The workstation can also be used as a means to interface the VITEK® 2 and VITEK® 2 Compact instruments with other computer systems.

VITEK® 2 Systems Web Application

VITEK® 2 Systems Web application allows you to perform routine functions such as managing patient results and preparing VITEK® 2 cassettes remotely. Complete access to VITEK® 2 Systems is available within the VITEK® 2 Systems software application located on your local PC.

VITEK® 2 Systems Software (Legacy)  Application

VITEK® 2 Systems software (Legacy) application customers to configure their  VITEK® 2 Systems Software and access utilities that will allow them to perform actions such as view the audit trail and generate PDF reports.


The full term for this PC descriptor is HP® RP5 Retail System, Model 5810.

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User Guide



Appendix - Active Directory Integration Guidelines These are recommendations and guidelines to consider for the integration of the VITEK ® 2 Systems PC into your hospital or laboratory network. To add the VITEK® 2 Systems PC in the Active Directory (if required), create a dedicated Organization Organizatio n Unit in the Active Directory that all bioMérieux computers use. This Organization Unit does not have a Group Policy Object set. If it is necessary to set a Group Policy Object for this Organization Unit, the following recommendations recommendations must be applied: • • •

• • • •

Do not perform perform externa externall audit of bioMéri bioMérieux eux compute computers rs and equipme equipment nt (for example example,, Microsoft Baseline Analyzer). Do not not update update any d driver rivers s on the b bioMé ioMérieu rieux x compute computers. rs. Do not install install addit additiona ionall softwar software e on the bioMé bioMérieu rieux x computers computers (for example, example, Administ Administrativ rative e tool and utilities, software distribution, auto discovery software), except antivirus software ® and Windows  Security Updates. Do not not mod modify ify tthe he scre screen en save saverr se setti tting ngs. s. Remove Remove domain domain admi administr nistrator ator acco accounts unts from lo local cal administ administrato ratorr group members membership. hip. Do not not cha chang nge e lo local cal accou account nt s sett ettin ings. gs. ®  Do not not chang change e Windo Windows ws Updat Update e se setting ttings s (re (refer fer to Managing Windows  Security Updates section).

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User Guide


Revision History This section contains a summary of changes made to each released revision of this document starting with part number: 048640-01. 048640-01. Change type categories N/A

Not applicable (First publication)


Correction of documentation anomalies

Technical echnical change change

Addition Addition,, revisio revision n and/or and/or removal removal of information information related related to the product product


Implementation Implementation of non-te non-technical chnical changes changes noticeable noticeable to the user 

Notes: • •

Minor typographical, grammar, and formatting changes are not  included in the revision history. Not all versions may be available in all languages.

Release Date

Part Number

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Change Summary




First publication




Rebranded wi with new logo and cover  Addi ding ng Fire irefo fox x tto o portable PC Desktops, Creating a Full system Image for  USB: administrative wording changes Glo loss ssar ary: y: Adde ded d missing definition


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