Procedimiento de Uso de Escaleras

October 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Nþioad; RW - RW - 23= Phrsoþf; 29 Rãa. 23 ih 20


Hlotoid pdr; Fdlgrh y Ncrad;

Whvoscid pdr; Fdlgrh y Ncrad;

Cprdgcid pdr ; Fdlgrh Ncrad;

 Cfahec Phac Phac Loeec

 Cfahec Phac Phac Loeec

Rhird Lhkìc ^cecs

Whspdfscgeh ih ^^DLCN @orlc ; @hnmc;

Whspdfscgeh ih ^^DLCN @orlc ; @hnmc;

Ahrhfth @orlc ; Ahfhrce



@hnmc; 38/37/723>



Nþioad; RW - RW - 23= Phrsoþf; 29 Rãa. 27 ih 20

Ndfthfoid 3. Rrdpþ Rrdpþsot sotd. d.........................................................................................................> 7. Ce Cenc ncfn fnh. h............................................................................................................> >. Idnulhft Idnulhftds ds ih Wh`hrhf Wh`hrhfnoc. noc.............................................................................> 9. Ih`ofo Ih`ofonod nodfh fhs. s.....................................................................................................> 8. Whspdfscg Whspdfscgoeoic oeoicihs. ihs..........................................................................................> 0. Ihscrr Ihscrrdee deed. d........................................................................................................9 0.3.. Ndfso 0.3 Ndfsoihr ihrcno cnodf dfhs hs Ahfhrc Ahfhrcehs ehs.....................................................................9 0.3.3. Rrofnopcehs Wohsads hf he Xsd ih Hsncehrcs.....................................9 0.3.7. Ndfsoihrcnodfhs Rcrc su Rdsonodfclohftd.......................................9 0.3.>. Ndfsoihrcnodfhs ih Ioshód y ^hóceozcnoþf......................................8 0.3.9. 0.3 .9. Ndfsoi Ndfsoihrcn hrcnodfh odfhs s ih Xsd........................................................... Xsd.................................................... .............. ....... 8

1. Gotãndrc Gotãndrc ih Nclgod Nclgods. s.......................................................................................0 =. Cfhx Cfhxds ds........................................... ..................................................................................... ........................................................... ..................... ........ .. 0



Nþioad; RW - RW - 23= Phrsoþf; 29 Rãa. 2> ih 20

3. Rrdp Rrdpþs þsot otd. d. Hstcgehnhr iorhntronhs pcrc he usd ih hsncehrcs ndf he `of ih hvotcr ec dnurrhfnoc ih cnnoihfths nucfid ïstcs shcf hlpehcics.

7. Cencfnh.  Cpeoncgeh  Cpeoncge h c tdids tdids eds Rrdy Rrdyhntd hntds s ih ML Ndft Ndftrcto rctostcs stcs ^ ^.C. .C. hf eds eds quh quh sh rhceonh rhceonhf f trcgckd trcgckds s ndf nu nuceq cequohr  uohr  topd ih hsncehrc pdrtãtoe.

>. Idnu Idnulh lhft ftds ds ih ih Wh`h Wh`hrh rhfn fnoc oc..  

Lcfuce ih ^hauroici, ^ceui Dnupcnodfce, Lhiod Clgohfth y Nceoici. D^MC 3?70 ^ug-pcrth ] - Hsncehrcs (3?70.3282 c 3?70.3202).

9. Ih`o Ih`of fon onoodfhs dfhs..   

Hsncehrc Rdrtãtoe.- Hs uf iospdsotovd ndf gcrcfioeecs ecthrcehs y pheicóds d trcvhscóds pcrc sugor d gckcr ih uf fovhe c dtrd: hstcs puhihf shr ih lcihrc, ceulofod, `ogrc, htn. Hxosthf gãsonclhfth trhs topds ih hstc necsh ih hsncehrcs; d



Ih uf sded nuhrpd ; Ndld su fdlgrh ed ofionc ndfstcf ih uf sded trcld quh puhih vcrocr  ihsih eds 2.8 l. mcstc ecs ih 0 l. Hxthfso Hxt hfsogehs gehs ;  @drlcic ih ids c trhs nuhrpds quh sh hxtohfihf lhiocfth uf sosthlc ih ndrrhihrcs cnnodfcics lhiocfth uf ncgeh d sdauoeec y pdehcs. Yohfhf uf sosthlc ih shaurds lhnãfonds quh phrlothf quh eds nuhrpds sh trcghf c io`hrhfths ceturcs. Ecs hxthfsodfhs quh puhihf cencfzcr eehacf cprdxolciclhfth mcstc eds shos lhtrds. Ih tokhrc tokh rc; @drlcic pdr ids nuhrpds crtonuecids hf ufd ih sus hxtrhlds lhiocfth goscarcs hsphnocelhfth ioshócics pcrc hstcs `ufnodfhs: Ecs ceturcs puhihf vcrocr ihsih eds 2.82 l.. mcstc eds > l. Hstcs hsncehrcs tohfhf guhfc hstcgoeoici ihphfiohfid he cfnmd ih su gcsh y ndfsos ndf sosthf thfnoc noc ih su hstru hstruntu nturc, rc, sof hl hlgc gcra rad d pc pcrc rc ecs quh quh su suphr phrcf cf eds ids lhtrd lhtrds, s, sh rhndlohfic usd ih ―vohftds“ pcrc su lhkdr hstcgoeozcnoþf.

Hsncehrc ih Actd.- Xf topd ih hsncehrc vhrtonce, nuyc profnopce vhftckc hs he pdnd hspcnod quh rhquohrh pcrc su ofstcecnoþf, pdr ed quh ahfhrcelhfth sh utoeozc hf cnnhsds rhstrofaoids d ndld vìcs ih hsncph. Ecs mcy ih ids topds; ecs pdrtãtoehs y ecs `okcs: ecs prolhrcs ahfhrcelhfth uscics pcrc ncsds ih hlhrahfnoc (hvcnucnoþf ih posds suphrodrhs) y ecs shaufics pcrc cnnhsds c euacrhs rhstrofaoids (nosthrfcs, tcfquhs hehvcids, hstrunturcs ofiustrocehs ndfahstodfcics, htn.), hf hstcs ûetolcs y c pcrtor ih eds 3.=2 l. ^h ihghf utoeozcr gcrcfics topd ―ncfcstoeec“ ndld lhioic ih prdthnnoþf.

8. Whsp Whspdf dfsc scgo goeo eoic icih ihs. s. Eds suphrvosdrhs sdf rhspdfscgehs pdr he usd, nuoicid, celcnhfclohftd y lcfthfolohftd ih ecs hsncehrcs.



Nþioad; RW - RW - 23= Phrsoþf; 29 Rãa. 29 ih 20

0. Ihscrrdee eed d. 0.3. Ndfsoihr Ndfsoihrcnodf cnodfhs hs Ahfhrcehs Ahfhrcehs.. 0.3.3.Rrofnopcehs Wohsads hf he Xsd ih Hsncehrcs. He profnopce rohsad ce uscr hsth topd ih `cnoeoicihs sdf ecs ncìics: dnurrhfnoc quh puhih prdiunorsh pdr ecs soauohfths rczdfhs;    

 

 

Xsd ih ufc hsncehrc nuyc rhsosthfnoc shc lhfdr c ec ih ncrac ih trcgckd Suh su nuhrpd sh hfnuhftrh ihgoeotcid pdr rckciurcs, ih`drlcnodfhs hstrunturcehs, u dtrcs rczdfhs quh ndrrhspdficf c sus ndfionodfhs droaofcehs ih ioshód. Ofcihnucid pdsonodfclohftd pdsonodfclohftd ih ec hsncehrc rhsphntd c su ãfaued ih cpdyd. @cetc ih hehlhftds cftoihseozcfths hf ec gcsh ih ufc hsncehrc ih rhntcs (ih uf sded nuhrpd d hxthfsogehs). Xsd ih hsncehrcs pdrtãtoehs lãs ndrtcs quh he fovhe ce quh sh cnnhih c trcvïs ih hstcs. Xsd ih hsncehrcs pdrtãtoehs pdrtãtoehs hf posds rhsgcedsds d ndf ofneofcnodfhs prdfufnocics prdfufnocics sof `cnoeoicihs quh ndftrcrrhsthf hstcs ndfionodfhs Yrctcr ih cencfzcr dgkhtds d euacrhs ihlcsocid cehkcids ihe nhftrd ih arcvhici ih ec hsncehrc. Xsd ih ecs hsncehrcs pdrtcfid dgkhtds quh rhquohrcf he ndlprdlosd ih ecs lcfds pcrc su sukhnoþf.

0.3.7.Ndfsoihrcnodf 0.3.7. Ndfsoihrcnodfhs hs Rcrc su Rdsonodfclohftd. Rdsonodfclohftd. 

Ecs Ecs ãr ãrhc hcs s ih cnnh cnnhsd sd hf ec pcrt pcrth h su suph phro rodr dr d of of`h `hro rodr dr ih ufc ufc hsnc hsnceh ehrc rc ihgh ihghrã rãf f lcfthfhrsh phrlcfhfthlhfth phrlcfhfthlhfth ihsphkcics pcrc hvotcr rohsads ih trdpohzd y ncìics. Ecs hsncehrcs ihghf ndedncrsh sohlprh sdgrh uf thrrhfd fovhecid, cshaurcfid quh phrlcfhzncf hf hstc pdsonoþf, icid quh ec ihsfovhecnoþf ih ceaufc ih sus ―pctcs“ pdirìc ncuscr ec ncìic ih ec hsncehrc ce ldlhftd ih shr uscic. Fufnc ndedncr ec hsncehrc sdgrh nckdfhs, gcrroehs u dtrcs suphr`onohs ofhstcgehs. Ecs Ecs hsn hsnceh cehrcs rcs rhntcs ihgh ihghrãf rãf shr pdshso pdshsodf dfcic cics s ih tce `dr `drlc lc quh quh he ãfaued ãfaued ih ofneofcnoþf shc ih 3 l. pdr ncic 9 l. ih ceturc. Eds ecrauhrds ih ecs hsncehrcs ihghrãf hxthfihrsh c 3 l. sdgrh ec suphr`onoh suphrodr  ih cpdyd. Nucfid hstd fd shc pdsogeh, sh ihghrãf ofstcecr lcfoeecs idfih he phrsdfce puhic cacrrcrsh. ^h ihgh hvotcr quh sh prdiuzncf ihseozclohftds ih ecs hsncehrcs rhntcs, clcrrcfid ec gcsh ih ecs loslcs c uf hehlhftd `okd: so ec suphr`onoh ih cpdyd ed phrloth, ndedncr uf hehlhftd ih trcgc. Ydics Ydics ecs hsn hsnceh cehrc rcs s rhn rhntcs tcs y ecs hxthfs hxthfsoge ogehs hs ihghrã ihghrãf f iospdf iospdfhr hr ih iospds iospdsotov otovds ds cftoihseozcfths hf ncic ufd ih eds hxtrhlds of`hrodrhs ih eds ecrauhrds, ihstofcids c hvotcr ldvolohftds d rhsgcedfhs ih ec hsncehrc. Nucfid sh ushf hsncehrcs nhrnc ih puhrtcs d pcsciozds, sh ihghrã ofstcecr gcrrhrcs y cvosds ih shauroici. Fufnc ndedncr ec hsncehrc ihecfth ih puhr puhrtcs tcs c lhfds quh hstcs sh nohrrhf ndf eecvh, pcrc olphior quh ceauohf hftrh y torh ec hsncehrc. Fd uscr ufc hsncehrc ih lhtce pcrc rhceozcr trcgckds ndf hquopds heïntronds, ih ed ndftrcrod ufd sh hxpdfh fd sþed c rhnogor ufc ihsncrac heïntronc, sofd c su`ror ufc ncìic trcs rhnogor ec ihsncrac.



Nþioad; RW - RW - 23= Phrsoþf; 29 Rãa. 28 ih 20

Nucfid utoeonhf ufc hsncehrc ih hxthfsoþf, cshaurcrsh quh tohfh ec edfaotui ndrrhntc pcrc he trcgckd c rhceozcr. He usd ih ecs hsncehrcs ih hxthfsoþf ihghf dphrcrsh ndf uf lìfold ih ids phrsdfcs.

0.3.>.Ndfsoihrcnodf 0.3.>. Ndfsoihrcnodfhs hs ih Ioshód y ^hóceozcnoþf. 

 

Hf tdi tdids ds eds ncs ncsds ds ecs hsn hsnceh cehrcs rcs utoeoz utoeozcic cics s hf dg dgrc rc ihghf ihghf dghihn dghihnhr hr c uf ioshód ioshód hsphnì`onclhfth ofiustroce, hvotãfidsh he hlpehd ih hsncehrcs crthscfcehs y lunmd lhfds `cgroncics ndf lcthroce sdgrcfth (rhtczds ih lcihrc d dtrds). Hf tïrlofds ahfhrcehs ecs hsncehrcs uscics hf tcrhcs ofiustrocehs ihghf shr ncpcnhs ih sdpdrtcr uf phsd lìfold ih 3>0 Ja. Ecs hsncehrcs ih lcfd ih uf sded nuhrpd fd ihghf thfhr lãs ih 0 l. ih ceturc. Ecs hsncehrcs ih hxthfsoþf fd ihghf thfhr lãs ih >0 pohs (33 l.) ih ecrad, y su sosthlc ih cshaurclohftd hftrh nuhrpds ihgh shr lhnãfond cutdlãtond. Ecs hsncehrcs ih lcihrc ihghrãf hstcr `cgroncics ndf trclds ih ufc sded pohzc, hvotãfidsh hlpcelhs ih ceaûf topd.  Csì losld, losld, eds pheicóds pheicóds ih ecs hsnce hsncehrcs hrcs ih lcihrc lcihrc ihghrãf ihghrãf shr hstcr ufoids c eds ecrauhrds lhiocfth ―hfncstrh“ d ―hspoacs“, hvotãfidsh eds pcsds sdeclhfth ―necvcids“ sdgrh heeds. Hf hsncehrcs ih lcihrc suphrodrhs c eds trhs t rhs lhtrds hs rhndlhficgeh quh nuhfthf ndf thlpecidrhs lhtãeonds hftrh eds pcsds. Hf tdids eds ncsds, ecs hsncehrcs ihghrãf ndftcr ndf lcthroce cftoihseozcfth hf ecs gcshs ih sus trcvhscóds. Ecs hsncehrcs ih ―tokhrc“, ihghf ndftcr ndf hehlhftds ih shauroici quh hvothf quh sh cgrcf lãs ih ed phrlotoid pdr ecs goscarcs. Nucfid hxostc rohsad ih ndftcntd d nhrncfìc c `uhfths heïntroncs ecs hsncehrcs ihghrãf shr ih lcihrc d `ogrc sof fofaufc pcrth lhtãeonc.

0.3.9.Ndfsoihrcnodfhs ih Xsd. 

Ecs hsncehrcs hsncehrcs ihgh ihghrãf rãf hstcr hf guhf guhfcs cs ndfionodf ndfionodfhs hs hf tdid ldlhftd. ldlhftd. He usucrod usucrod ihghrã ihg hrã ofsphn ofsphnnod nodfcr fcr ec hsn hsnceh cehrc rc cf cfths ths ih uscrec uscrec pcrc pcrc vhr so toh tohfh fh ceaûf ceaûf ih`hn ih`hntd. td. Ndlprd Ndlp rdgc gcrr tclg tclgoï oïf f so eds eds phei pheicó códs ds fd to tohf hfhf hf ar arcs csc, c, hs hstã tãf f ldkc ldkcid ids s d hstã hstãf f ih`hntudsds. He phrsdfce ihghrã rhvoscr ec suhec ih sus zcpctds pcrc cshaurcrsh ih quh hstãf eogrhs ih edid, cnhoths u dtrd lcthroce quh puhicf ncuscr ufc ncìic pdr  rhsgceþf, lohftrcs sughf d gckcf pdr ufc hsncehrc. Fd hs rhndlhficgeh quh ecs phrsdfcs hkhnuthf uf trcgckd hlpehcfid ec hsncehrc ndld suphr`onoh ih trcgckd. ^o fd hs `cntogeh hlpehcr uf cficlod, ionmd trcgckd ihghrã shr  cutdrozcid pdr he Kh`h ih ^hauroici. Hf hsh ncsd, he phrsdfce quh trcgckh ihsih ufc hsnceh hsn cehrc rc ihg ihghrã hrã uscr uscr uf sosthl sosthlc c ih crfïs/ crfïs/nde ndec c ih shauro shauroici ici ndld ndld sos sosthl thlc c ih prdthnnoþf ndftrc ncìic. Nucfid ce ndlohfzd, ufc phrsdfc sh sugh pcrc cshaurcr ec hsncehrc hf su euacr, dtrc phrsdfc ihghrã hstcr hf ec gcsh ih ïstc pcrc cshaurcrsh ih quh fd sh rhsgcecrã, mcstc quh ec hsncehrc hstï gohf cshaurcic hf su sotod.  Ce sugor d gckc gckcrr ih ufc hsnce hsncehrc hrc ih lcfd, mcnhred ih `rhfth c ïstc y uf pheicód pheicód c ec vhz. Eds trcgckcidrhs ihghrãf uscr clgcs lcfds y thfhr ndld lìfold > puftds ih cpdyd. Ihgh hvotcrsh quh ids d lãs phrsdfcs utoeonhf ecs hsncehrcs ce losld tohlpd: nucfid ids phrsdfcs phrsdfcs rhqu rhquohrc ohrcf f ih ec loslc hsnceh hsncehrc, rc, ec shaufic shaufic ihghrã hsphrcr hsphrcr quh ec




Nþioad; RW - RW - 23= Phrsoþf; 29 Rãa. 20 ih 20

prolhrc mcyc thrlofcid ih sugor d gckcr pcrc rhnoïf cnnhihr c heec. Eds lcthrocehs y mhrrclohftcs fd ihghrãf shr eehvcids hf ecs lcfds lohftrcs sh ush ec hsncehrc. ^h ihghrã uscr uf ndrihe pcrc hehvcr d gckcr ec nckc ih mhrrclohftcs. Eds trcgckcidrhs fd ihghrãf hstorcrsh hf fofaufc iorhnnoþf ndf sus pohs d lcfds, ce hstcr sdgrh ufc hsncehrc. ^o sh fhnhsotc eehacr c uf euacr, mcy quh gckcrsh ih heec y ldvhrec pcrc ndlpehtcr he trcgckd ndf ndlpehtclhfth lãs shauroici ycgohrtcs ndldioici. Ecs hsncehrcs ih tokhrc ihghf uscrsh y kclãs mcy quh trcgckcr  ihsih ed cetd ih ec hsncehrc. He ihsncfsoeed ih ed cetd ih ec hsncehrc fd hstã mhnmd pcrc phrlotor quh ceauohf sh sugc hf ïe. Ihspuïs ih uscrsh, ecs hsncehrcs ihghf shr cihnuciclhfth aucricics y prdthaoics ih tdid icód. Ecs hsncehrcs hsncehrcs ihgh ihghf f shr ofsph ofsphnnodf nnodfcics cics pcrc oihfto`oncr oihfto`oncr ih`drlcnodfh ih`drlcnodfhs, s, rdturcs, rdturcs, quhgrciu quhg rciurcs, rcs, pcsc pcscidrhs idrhs lhtã lhtãeonds eonds suhet suhetds ds d hxtrcvoci hxtrcvocids, ds, sdpdrths sdpdrths ihscndpec ihscndpecids ids y ndrrdsoþf. Ecs hsncehrcs ih`hntudscs ihghf shr ihstruoics d rhtorcics ihe prdyhntd.

Gotãndrc ih ih Nc Nclgods. F»















^h ldio`onþ; ^^DLC pdr ^^DLCN




^h ldio`onþ. ^uphrvosdr d Ahrhfth ih ^^DLCN


Cfhxds. Fofaufd.

pdr Whspdfscgeh ih ^^DLCN.

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