PROBLEM 4: PARKING LOT PROBLEM (3 points possible) Mary and Tom park their cars in an empty parking lot with parking spaces (i.e,
n≥2 consecutive
w here only one car fits in each n spaces in a row, where
space). Mary and Tom pick parking spaces at random. (All pairs of parking spaces are equally likely.) What is the probability that there is at a t most one empty parking space between them? (Express your answer using standard notation..) notation
(n−1)⋅(n−2) Answer:
The sample space is
(i, j j)
Ω={(i, j j):i≠ j,1≤i, j j≤n}
, where
indicates that Mary and Tom parked in slots
i and j ,
respectivel respec tively. y. We apply apply the discrete discrete uniform uniform probabilit probability y law to find the the required requi red probabilit probability. y. We are intereste interested d in the probabili probability ty of the event event
A={(i, j j)∈Ω:|i− j|≤2}. We first find the cardinality of the set of
Ω is
. There are
excludes outcomes of the form
n2−n=n(n−1) .
butt sin inc ce n2 pairs (i, j j) , bu
, the the ca card rdin inal alit ity y
n≥3 , event A consists of the four lines indicated in the figure
above and contains event
elements. If
n=2 ,
A contains exactly 2 elements, namely, (1,2) and (2,1) ,
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