PRMGT Assignment Q 22Jan2014

January 16, 2019 | Author: RaabiahMukadam | Category: Project Management, Evaluation, Supply Chain Management, Business, Technology
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Assignment Project Management...


CT050-3-3 Project Management

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CT050-3-3 Project Management In-course Assignment Company Project I!

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Healthy Liing Pte! Lt"! #HL$ %lo&al 'upply Chain Management Project #%'CMP$

Assi Assign gnme men nt Lea Learn rnin ing g (ut (utco come mess

1. Decide Decide the aims aims and objective objectives, s, deiver deiverab abes es and sco!e of a t"!ica t"!ica #T !roject !roject $ithin the $ider conte%t of #T management, create a!!ro!riate standards and  !roced&res and comm&nicate the o&tine of the !roject effective" to a variet" of  sta'ehoders, disc&ss and critica" eva&ate the !rocess. (. )rgani )rgani*e *e a t"!ic t"!ica a #T !roject !roject and decom!ose decom!ose it into manageab manageabe e com!onent com!onents, s, s"stematica" estimating the reso&rce re+&irements and aocating tas's $ith d&e regard to ris' and the avaiabe h&man and technica factors, disc&ss and critica" eva&ate the !rocess. 3. na" na"*e, *e, !an and manage manage a t"!ica t"!ica #T !roject !roject &sing &sing an a!!ro!ri a!!ro!riate ate variet variet" " of  sched&ing, monitoring and controing toos and techni+&es, and comm&nicate the !an !an effect effective ive" " to a techni technica ca and non-te non-techni chnica ca a&dien a&dience, ce, disc&s disc&sss and critica" eva&ate the !rocess. . nders nderstan tand, d, discrimi discriminat natee bet$ee bet$een n and a!!" some some techni techni+&es +&es of team b&iding b&iding and management, ris' assessment and management and change and config&ration management s&ch as are i'e" to im!rove the s&ccess of a t"!ica #T !roject, disc&ss and critica" eva&ate the !rocess.


Thee 'cen Th 'cenar ario io #A Case Case 'tu" 'tu"y$ y$ Healthy Liing Pte! Lt"! #HL$   is one of the eading n&trition, heath and $eness m&tinationa com!anies, based in /inga!ore $ith its goba #T shared services 'no$n as oba #T /ervices #T/2 ocated in Maa"sia has embar'ed on a ne$ !roject to its enhance s&!!" chain o!erations. The first $ave $i be concentrated to /o&th ast sia and the im!ementation $i be de!o"ed b" mar'ets.

t !resent, mar'ets ocated thro&gho&t /o&th ast sia are &sing oca" deveo!ed a!!ication to record s&!!" chain management activities information. The first-eve s&!!ort 412 is being rendered b" oca #T and second eve 4(2 is s&!!orted b" the oca a!!ication a!!ication vendor. Previo&s" Previo&s" the cost for soft$are soft$are s&!!ort maintenance maintenance $as managed oca" $ithin each mar'et $hich has res&ted high in #T cost for both ca!ita and o!erating o!erating e%!enses. e%!enses. nfort&nat nfort&nate" e" ever" mar'et !rovides !rovides simiar simiar s&!!ort s&!!ort frame$or'  frame$or'  $hich has created d&!icatio d&!ication n among mar'ets $ithin $ithin the /o&th ast sia egion d&e to

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decentraisation of s"stems being &sed. Th&s b" im!ementing this !roject, significant contrib&tion s&ch as red&ction in ca!ita6o!erating e%!enses, centrai*ed s&!!ort from #T/, goba governance and man" more va&e added are gained. Pease refer to section 7##, Tabe 1 for the ist of de!artments direct" and indirect" invoves in this !roject. )ue to the urgency *or centralising support an" cost re"uction+ the project ,as sche"ule" to &e complete" ,ithin "uration o*  months *rom the "ate o*  commencement! The project is name" as .%lo&al 'upply Chain Management Project/ #%'CMP$!

8asica", this !roject $i deiver a s"stem $hich !rovides a the common f&nctions that can be fo&nd in an" t"!ica /&!!" Chain Management soft$are. !art from that, the s"stem is aso s&!!orted b" a h&ge centraised data $areho&se $hich !rovides b&siness inteigence ca!abiities in faciitating &sers to ma'e +&ic'er decision in managing inventor" in their o$n region. The s"stem aso covers trans!ortation management, order  management, "ard management, abo&r management and $areho&se o!timisation, This is a critical an" comple project ,hich inoles arious "epartment inclu"ing su&ject matter eperts #'M1#s$$ *rom %IT'! A Project Manager ,as hurrie"ly assigne" *rom %IT'-PMAC ,ho has a goo" ,or2ing 2no,le"ge o* the arious regional o**ice locations! The current Project Manager portrays strong .glo&alregional project management/ an" .technical/ s2ills! Ho,eer+ he lac2s lea"ership 4ualities an" interpersonal s2ills!

#n addition to a good !roject management methodoog", the foo$ing are some of the major critica s&ccess factors C/2 the Project Manager m&st com!" for the s&ccess of  the !roject:a2 ca!abe reso&rces $o&d be seected from an" of the /M-de!artments as sho$n in the organisation str&ct&re !rovided in section 7##, Tabe 1  b2 the c&rrent #T infrastr&ct&re m&st s&!!ort this ne$ s"stem c2 its mandator" for reated #T/-/Ms to !rovide a!!rova and signoff for s"stem im!ementation d2 a s&!!ort staff and &sers m&st have access to this ne$ s"stem $ith reevant ccess 4eve C42 !rivieges e2 the c&rrent s"stem m&st be re!aced in !hases b" /CMP. f2 the c&tover transition from the c&rrent s"stem to ne$ centraised s"stem2 m&st be in  !arae D&e to the &rgenc", the Maa"sian mar'et has been seected as the first mar'et to !iot the im!ementation since the #T/ is aso based $ithin the same co&ntr" $hich enabes more effective !roject s&!!ort $henever needed. China and Thaiand had simiar !rojects oca" deveo!ed a!!ication2 im!emented three "ears ago. Pease refer section 7###, Tabe ( $hich ists the major miestones from

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CT050-3-3 Project Management

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 !revio&s im!ementations and s&ggested d&ration most i'e"2 to be e%ec&ted for Maa"sia. #ote: Although the major milestones *or the project are proi"e" in section 6III+ Ta&le 7+ Project Manager is re4uire" to epan" the "etail actiitiestas2s *or respectie milestones i* necessary!$ As the project progresse"+ it ,as meeting its .high-leel/ milestones *or the *irst t,o #7$ months+ an" ,ith *our #8$ months le*t+ it ,as no, "eeme" as .*ailing to meet its target "ates/+ .not "oing ,hat it ,as suppose" to "o/ an" ,as .unrelia&le/! At this point also a *e, startling issues sur*ace"+ as *ollo,s:-

1. the steering committee $hich consist of the board of directors, C) and /enior  Managers of the organisation2 do not reca of being !resented the !roject feasibiit" st&d" b" the Project /!onsor or the Project Manager to them. (. the !roject a!!rova $as not forma" doc&mented. 3. there is no evidence that a !ro!er !roject management !rocess $as foo$ed. . the PC and server hard$are technica s!ecifications $ere constant" being changed to s&it ne$ or added re+&irements. 5. re+&irements 'ee! coming in from &sers amost dai" $here the #T/-DC Team 4ead 'ee!s on acce!ting them $itho&t hesitation. ;. there $as red&ndanc" of $or' !erformed as the   in"ii"ual$ , e%c&ding abstracts, tabes, a!!endices, etc. n eectronic co!" sho&d aso  be s&bmitted $ith the re!ort.

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CT050-3-3 Project Management


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Assessment )etails

Bo&r team?s re!ort and "o&r individ&a re!ort $i be assessed as foo$s:;! A %9(?P &ase" report o* 3000 ,or"s > 30@ This is the !art of the re!ort that detais "o&r !roject management a$areness of ho$ a  !roject management methodoog", once introd&ced, $i be abe to manage the  !roject $e. Bo& and "o&r gro&! are enco&raged to use any metho"ology ,hich is commonly &eing practice" in in"ustry . Pease in"icate an" justi*y clearly the metho"ology selecte"  in ine $ith research cond&cted on the case st&d". The main contents shoul" coer a "etaile" group "iscussion on processes+ tools an" techni4ues o* Integration Management an" the three #3$ Core no,le"ge Areas #i!e! Project 'cope Management+ Project Time Management an" Project Cost Management$ as *ollo,s: a$ Project Charter &$ Bor2 rea2"o,n 'tructure c$ 'cope 'tatement "$ %antt Chart an" et,or2 )iagram e$ Cost 1stimation an" u"geting *$ uality Management Plan g$ A"ministratie Closure Proce"ures #inclu"ing cutoer strategy an" transition plan$ h$ Lesson Learne" 9eport rea2"o,n o* mar2s: a$ )ocumentation > ;0@ Materias are !resented !rofessiona" &sing correct grammar, !&nct&ation s!eing and ength. ddressed re!ort g&ideines. &$ Analysis > 70@ /o&tions a!!ied are critica" ana"sed and a!!ro!riate to identif" the iss&es addressed. 7! An I)I6I)?AL &ase" report o* 7+500 ,or"s each > D0@ A "etaile" "iscussion on processes+ tools an" techni4ues &y each mem&er o* the group on one #;$ o* the Eacilitating no,le"ge Areas as *ollo,s:a$ Project Human 9esource Management > Mem&er ; &$ Project Communication Management > Mem&er 7 c$ Project 9is2 Management > Mem&er 3 "$ Project Procurement Management > Mem&er 8 rea2"o,n o* mar2s: a$ (riginal I"ea an" Critical Appraisal > 75@ Cear evidence of origina ideas and critica thin'ing in j&stif"ing !rocesses, toos and techni+&es a!!ied. &$ Argument Coherence > ;5@

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Paragra!hs are in a ogica reation to the $hoe and fo$s ogica" into the ne%t. c$ 9esearch an" 9e*erences > ;5@ /&!!orting research cear" e%!ained and !resented. Thoro&gh" ists references that are reevant to the to!ic. "$ Presentation > ;5@ #m!ression of confidence, sim!icit", carit", str&ct&re and time management of the  !resentation and abiit" to ans$er +&estions Presentation %ui"eline a$ #ndivid&a !resentation d&ration m&st (T e%ceed 5 min&tes 5 - 10 sides2 for each !hase. This inc&des the set&! time. &$ ro&! !resentation d&ration m&st (T e%ceed 5 min&tes 5  10 sides2 to be  !resented b" one of the gro&! member. c$ ns&re contents are s&mmari*ed and !rofessiona" !resented. "$ #ndivid&a  ro&! Presentation $i be deivered from Bee2 ;8 > ; This assignment is ,orth ;00@ #D0@-In"ii"ual F 30@-%roup$ o* the *inal gra"e! Assignment ,ill &e han"-out "uring Bee2 7 9eports are to &e han"e"-in &y Mon"ay o* Bee2 ;5!

ote: The ,or2 o* each mem&er o* the group must &e clearly in"icate" in a B(9L(A) MAT9IG as per common practice!


Assignment Assessment Criteria

The criteria beo$ detai the areas, $hich $i be ta'en into acco&nt $hen the assignment is mar'ed:1. To address the s&bject satisfactori" the assignment ength sho&d be in a ma%im&m of  13,000 $ords.  t"!ed format is mandator". (. )istinction  assignments e%hibit com!rehensive research $ith detaied evidence. Aigh eve of ana"sis !erformed, e%ce!tiona and thoro&gh 'no$edge and • &nderstanding dis!a"ed $ith regard to a!!ication. This inc&des ana"sis and eva&ation of facts foo$ed b" res&ts of eva&ation. Doc&mentation !resented in a !rofessiona manner, foo$ing !ro!er se+&encing • and fo$. Dis!a"ed evidence of critica a! !raisa. 3. Cre"it assignments demonstrate ade+&ate research cond&cted $ith fair detai of  evidence !resented. Moderate eve of &nderstanding, ana"sis and 'no$edge dis!a"ed. • /ome eve of reevance inc&ded in terms of a!!ication. •

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Moderate eve of ana"sis and eva&ation of facts foo$ed b" res&ts com!arison. ood eve of doc&mentation !resented. /ome eve of refection $as evident in the doc&mentation. Moderate eve of critica a!!raisa.

. Pass assignments sho$ o$ eve research cond&cted. /ome evidence of research dis!a"ed. • 8asic eve of &nderstanding and 'no$edge ana"sis dis!a"ed. • /atisfactor" eve of doc&mentation. •  Eo eva&ation and ana"sis of facts, no res&ts com!arison !erformed /atisfactor" • or o$ eve of refection dis!a"ed.  Eo eve of critica a!!raisa demonstrated. • 5. Bo& are e%!ected to cear" state an" ass&m!tions "o& ma'e, and s&!!ort statements and theories b" referencing to a!!ro!riate so&rces. ttention $i be !aid to: Critical ealuation an" "iscussion . #ss&es $i be deat $ith dee!er and on an • ana"tica !ane, based on good research - $ith ind&str" e%am!es, data !rojections and commentaries. alance" researche" materials . !!ro!riate and different so&rces $hich m&st • inc&de s&fficient academic research, not j&st secondar" research from 4s Proper re*erencing an" citation!   Aarvard eferencing is a m&st. Citation m&st • inc&de, a!art from the norma detais, the !age n&mber from $here the iss&e for  disc&ssion has been ta'en. efer to Aandb oo' for !enat" on !agiarism2

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%lo&al IT 'erices F Local Mar2et (rganisation 'tructure

To indicate the e%tent of the !roject reso&rces and team constr&ction, the tabe beo$ indicates the organisation str&ct&re for HL oca mar'et and oba #T. Supp ort



Abbrevia tion CNN


IT Security



%""lication evelo"ment Center



Pro(ect Mana!ement Centre



ata Center )"erations



IT )"erations




Center of +cellence , nter"rise -esources Plannin! Center of +cellence , Customer -elations$i" Mana!ement

Provide L Su""ort for Co.-P Co.C-M Provide L Su""ort for Co.C-M Co. Su""ly C$ain Services


Global Service esk


Mark et

IT e"t


Mark et

Marketin! e"t


8inance e"t


Mark et Mark et Mark et Mark et

0uman -esources e"t Communication %9airs Procurement

SME Responsibility Provides network services for Local IT/Market Provide !overnance for IT security for a""lication develo"ment# software and $ardware Provide develo" a""lication and "rovide a""lication Governance and Intellectual Pro"erty' Provide Pro(ect Mana!ers to mana!es "ro(ects Infrastructure su""ort incl' Servers# )"eratin! Systems for centrali*ed datacentre and local servers Provide !overnance for IT o"erations# w$ic$ includes su""ortin! local markets and its business o"erations'


Center of +cellence , Su""ly C$ain Services



SME-Department Communication & Network

0C)MM P-)C

Provide L Su""ort for Co.SCS 0el"desk "erform 1L23 su""ort IT Mana!er# +ecutive 42# +ecutive 42 M5TG Mana!er# +ecutive 42# +ecutive 4# +ecutive 46# Sales -e" + 67# 8IN Mana!er# +ecutive 42# +ecutive 4# Clerk42# Cas$ier 42 0- Mana!er# +ecutive 42# +ecutive 4 C)MM Mana!er P-)C Mana!er# ):cer +

Ta&le ;: A4 )rganisation /tr&ct&re

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List o* actiity *rom preious project implementation *rom other mar2ets

N o 2  6 ? > < A  = 2 7

Major Milestones

-e;uirements Gat$erin! Preliminary %""roval C$an!e -e;uest# C- %""roval @usiness %""roval 8unctional & Tec$nical S"eciBcation evelo"ment %""lication evelo"ment %C Testin! IT -e!ression Testin! Dser %cce"tance Test 1D%T3

67 2< 2> >

6<  > A

66 2= 27 <

mmedia te prede!e ssor a!tivity 7 7  

27 >

2? ?? 27 > =

2 > A > A

2 > >
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