Private Ops Magazine No 3

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Ties, lies and smoking barrels - pages 18-21


The Romanian Border Police – hard task for a safer Europe – pages 6-8


The ATHENA Academy - Female Close Protection Operatives – pages 12-14

Year 1 / no.3 / May 2014


Ties, lies and smoking barrels - pages 18-21


The Romanian Border Police – hard task for a safer Europe – pages 6-8


The ATHENA Academy - Female Close Protection Operatives – pages 12-14

Year 1 / no.3 / May 2014

Editorial Board Chairman Mircea Dan OPRIS General Manager Petru ZOLTAN Director Winnie van DIJK Research Editor Cotermola Gryphon Think Tank Editor SUN RISE NEWS SRL-D Soseaua Oltenitei, nr. 129, bl. 52, sc. 2, ap. 29 Sector 4, Bucuresti, Romania J40/12586/11.10.2013 CUI 32347190 Columnist Mihaela Brooks Cotermola Gryphon Think Tank Contact: [email protected] [email protected] tel: +40-744-538-740 tel: +40-755-041-771


Clearwater Special Projects Ltd


Tradition and novelty in redefining the craft of security with CLEARWATER C l e a r w a tSPECIAL e r i s PROJECTS c o m m i t t eLTD d to

Pages 13-14 maintaining excellent standards within the Specialist Security Industry.! We have a proven track record of ensuring safe environments for ‘A’ list celebrities, Foreign Royal families, Dignitaries and Corporate personnel. ! Our teams have all under gone numerous training courses, ID checks, CRB checks and adhere to The our strict codes of conduct.

Operationally Clearwater have maintained a high quality of service covering many diverse projects, including:!

! • • • • • •


The World Music Awards.! European Asset Protection.! Red Carpet work.! Residential Security in London.! Work with Royal Families.! Ship Security Operations.



Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT) Program consistently Park Counter Terrorism studies. filled to !capacity A Clearwater teamWith on its anExecutive AssetCertificate Protection Task Arsenal in Europe. The International Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT) is world renowned for uniting academic research and education with Israel’s hard-won practical expertise to conceive a new brand of


is world renowned for uniting academic and demand ever-growing, ICT has developed a new multi-module format: Focus on MilSilm: airsoft and paintball research and education with Israel’s hardfights wonThe practical expertise tothrough conceive aTERRORISM new team navigated six ONLINE INTRODUCTORY COURSE ON AND COUNTER TERRORISM Pages 39-42 brand of different countries, adapting as Counter Terrorism studies. With its Executive they went to the various A MUST FOR:consistently Certificate Program filled to cultures, laws and regulations, » Students of Counter Terrorism, Security and Strategy Programs capacity border crossings, security risks Law Enforcement Officers and »demand ever-growing, ICT has» Counter-Terrorism Experts and the long hours involved.! » Homeland Security Officials » First Responders developed a new multi-module format: » Military Private Sector Specialists Have youPersonnel got what it COURSE takes to» ON ONLINE INTRODUCTORY join our team ? TERRORISM AND COUNTER TERRORISM

Page 20-21

Designed and led by ICT’s founder and executive director Dr. Boaz Ganor, and based on his book, The Counter-Terrorism Puzzle: A Guide to Decision Makers,

From the editor A world of rhythmical misfits and eccentric security jobs wizards lays in front of your feet. On social media platforms, emails and private message, spammers and scammers, are as real as your person when you watch your face in the mirror, as you start a new day. In November 2013, a security firm was warning about what it says is a growing scam on a popular professional networking site. USA Today reported that fake job offers are spreading at a fast pace on LinkedIn. Antivirus software provider Bitdefender recently helped expose a fake profile of an attractive female recruiter named Annabella Erica who was gathering email addresses and passwords of job seekers. Mountain View-based LinkedIn says people should think twice before clicking on a job promising thousands of dollars for doing nothing and staying home. It was a signal, not the beginning and by far not the end of one of the biggest scams on the employment market. When you fool some regular guy, looking for a job as pizza delivery boy you break the law and more than this you make the poor poorer. But when such things take the size of a world-scale fraud and knavery, in the very heart of the security industry, where people in this field experience the meaning of life to Hell and back and play with the Devil, than things go really wrong. And some men and women, who think they are smart, try and sometimes succeed to fool and scam private operators, most of them former military, policemen, law enforcement professionals. It is a dangerous game, but so far reality shows that the trick is still catching victims, from all countries, no matter how poor or rich. Let’s make it clear regarding the supply of manpower and security services and the fake job scam fraud. No real company hires you without an in person, face to face interview. An email or telephone interview is always the sign of a scam! No real company

charges any money for a job even for a visa or work permit! If they want you to pay and say they will refund the costs, you will just send money to a fake embassy official, travel agency or lawyer who is a really a scammer. No real company or visa agent ever uses a free email address. No real visa agent ever requests you wire money into any bank account or by Western Union or Money Gram. No real company uses a telephone number that begins with +44 70, +44 871, +44 870, +44 844, or +44 845. Those are forwarding numbers which are not in the UK. There are no exceptions! Don’t let a scammers convince you otherwise! Always “Google” all telephone numbers, email addresses and websites in any job offer to see if it has already been posted as a scam! And these rules of not sending money, documents and even a detailed CV to a phony company apply not only in the UK, but anywhere in the world. As you can read in this issue of the Private Ops Magazine the web of lies is a world wide web! As a sign of respect to our readers and to all good intention operators in the security industry we shall keep to monitor and expose those who are attempting to destroy the reputation of the security industry and to take your money selling you dream jobs from a Dark Promised Land. Yours, Mircea Opris


Romania has developed internal and external security policy capable of managing and neutralizing the criminal phenomenon at its borders. In countering these risks and threats, a special role is held by The Romanian Border Police as a main authority for law enforcement in Romania that ensures a high level of surveillance and border control. Border surveillance is not only meant to prevent illegal crossing of the border but to combat cross-border criminality such as: human trafficking, drug smuggling , excise goods smuggling , terrorism, ammo and gun trafficking etc. Considering cases registered in the last year, The Romanian Border Police has found that the main threats the maritime jurisdiction area faces are: illegal migration, phenomenon present at the Black Sea from June 2013, tobacco products smuggling, undeclared goods, counterfeit goods and poaching. The economical, ethnical and political

problems in some Middle Eastern countries and Northern Africa have generated armed internal conflicts and severe instability determining thusly an increase of the number of people who have wished to cross towards European Union states. Starting with the year 2013, this increase was also felt by Romania, by the pressure it imposes on the sea border. The last illegal migration events discovered in Romanian national waters, serve as a warning signal that supports the possibility of a new illegal migration route, on sea, from Turkey to Romania and Bulgaria , having the final destination states in the north-vest of Europe. In the last 7 months , five vessels have been discovered which debarked, in Romanian territorial waters, 126 Syrian and Afghan citizens ,in two of the case there were facilitators, Turkish citizens, and were arrested .It was observed that, when transporting immigrants on

sea, small vessels are used which lead to improper conditions that endanger the lives of immigrants. Thusly, after intercepting vessels, the Border Police mission turned into a rescue, immigrants receiving everything including medical assistance. In combating tobacco smuggling, in the last year, The Romanian Border Police, cooperating with European agencies, has retained 10 containers with tobacco products that were in transit through Constanța Port, having ,as a final destination, states in the UE space as well as non-EU. Offenses to intellectual ownership rights are manifesting mostly on the radius of the Constanta Sud Agigea Port, where there are attempts to introduce counterfeit goods in a container system. In the last few years, in Romania, the breaking of legislation regarding intellectual ownership has known an ascending trend. The illicit activities regarding counterfeit goods,

predominantly from China, have affected, on one hand: the rightful owners, who suffer a significant depreciation of their trade mark value and of the investments towards research and development, consumers , who risk their health purchasing low quality products and on the other hand, the state budget , which is affected by the fiscal loses. Illegal fishing has intensified starting with 2002 in the Romanian economic exclusive area, over 11 cases being registered. The damage caused to the aquatic ecosystem by the practice of illegal fishing and the use of inadequate tools is irreparable unless action is taken to stop this phenomenon. The ecological disaster is amplified by the abandoning of tools/fishing nets in the water. The degradation of the catch in these tools may constitute a real danger towards the quality of water in the area as well as for the dolphin population which accidentally ends up in the net, thus damaging greatly the effort to preserve

is decided. The intervention units include maritime means of intervention (maritime surveillance vessels, patrolling vessels and intervention vessels) and air means (helicopters).

countries – Bilateral with Ukraine and Turkey, respectively with Black Sea littoral states in the Forum of cooperation for border agencies / coast guards of Black Sea littoral states (BSCF).

An important element in ensuring the security at the Black Sea is international cooperation, which aims to develop mechanisms to ensure the countering the criminal phenomenon and ,implicitly, ensuring a high level of security at the sea border which is developed over several planes, implementing the recommendations and best practices at a European level thusly :

The bilateral instrument for cooperation is represented by the Annual Cooperation Plans, established with the border agencies in neighboring states, based on which work meetings take place, which have the aim of analyzing the operational situation, experience exchange and common training in the domain of border control, battling illegal migration and trans-border criminality, data and information exchange and implicitly established common measures for ensuring a high level of border security.

Cooperating with neighboring UE member countries – Bulgaria; Cooperating with European agencies – FRONTEX agency; Cooperating with neighboring third this species by diminishing the breeding stock. Thanks to the firm actions of the Border Police, in cooperation with other agencies having jurisdiction in the field, the illegal fishing activities in the Romanian maritime area have been discouraged, in the year 2013 there was a single significant case registered.. Measures taken by the Border Police, with the aim of ensuring a high level of security in the Black Sea region have centered around implementing a surveillance system at the sea border, acquisitioning maritime mobility means as well as developing cooperation at the Black Sea between border agencies. To surveil the sea border, The Border police, accessing community funds, has implemented at the Black Sea, following European level best practices and recommendations, The Integrated Sea Border Surveillance System -

SCOMAR, part of The Integrated Border Surveillance System (SISF) managed by the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard is the territorial structure of the Border Police that ensures the surveillance of the interior maritime waters, the territorial sea, the contiguous area, the economic exclusive area of Romania. SCOMAR is a surveillance system, based on an integrated high-technology technical support, which allows early detection, tracking, recognition and identification of ships that are sailing in the maritime area, with the aim of preventing, detecting, managing and impose a sanction in the case of illegal activities. The technical support ensures the real time transfer of information gotten from sensors (radar, optoelectronic cameras) to the Command and Control Center ,where, based on an analysis , the mode of action of the intervention units for intercepting threats and carrying out specific missions

The regional instrument of cooperation is represented by the Cooperation Forum of border agencies/coast guards

of Black Sea littoral states (BSCF). The BSCF was created for developing cooperation for security and stability in the Black Sea region by littoral states: Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia and Russia, implicitly for: Combating illegal migration, forbidden substances and precursor smuggling, arms and ammunition; Increasing the security and safety of navigation in the Black Sea; Combating terrorism and weapons of mass destruction; Protecting resources and combating illegal fishing; Developing cooperation regarding SAR (search and rescue); Preventing pollution and protecting the sea environment; The coordination of activities within the Cooperation forum of border agencies/coast guards of Black Sea

littoral states, falls onto all littoral states, by rotation, in 2014 the Romanian Border Police holds the presidency , as well as developing mechanisms for achieving interoperability , coordination of operational structures and establishing common measures thusly : Meetings at management level, work groups, and common exercises. Meetings at expert level are held periodically to plan common actions for combating illegal migration and crossborder criminality, managing crisis, experience exchange, search and rescue, data and information regarding monitoring of suspect vessels exchange etc. During the Meeting of the Heads of Border Agencies, the risks of crossborder criminality, the progress obtained at local and regional level are evaluated and the directions of cooperation development regarding specific issues are fixed. Exchange of information and data of operational interest. The application

used in the Forum (The Automated Information Exchange System- AIES) ensures the information exchange in real time as well as access to the data base (List of Suspect Ships -LOSS). The Coordination and Information Center at the sea border of the Black Sea (Burgas /Bulgaria) ensures the operational, technical and information interaction with and between the National Coordination Centers established within other states. The functioning of the Coordination and Information Centers at the Black Sea border has induced an ascending evolution of the cooperation in all forms of manifesting through common resolution of cases, organized data and information exchange, unitary updates of the data bases, common actions for preventing and combating cross-border criminality in the Black Sea. The developing of cooperation in the Black Sea region has represented a priority for the European agency FRONTEX, and because of this: From 2008, the areas of the Black Sea that fall under the responsibility of Romania and Bulgaria have been integrated in the European Patroll Network (EPN) – HOTEL area, the border agencies engaging in patrolling activities. From 2009, yearly, for a determined period, under direct coordination of Frontex, The Joint Operation EPN Maritime Focal Points has been taking place. The Constanta Crossing Point being made a Maritime Focal Point. The general aim of the operation is to provide a supplement of police to the already existing police force at the UE external maritime borders to counter migratory pressure, to utilize the Border Crossing Point as a platform to exchange

information and data, experience exchange (theoretical and empirical), as well as improving work procedures by identifying and implementing the best practices existent at a European level with regards to border control. Thusly, through actions taken under the coordination of the Frontex agencies the integrated management of borders has been improved by ensuring a high level of security of the external maritime borders and, implicitly, raising the level of security in the region. In this respect, for Romania, as a member state of the European Union, the mode of ensuring security in the Black Sea region represents a challenge, and thusly, through the actions taken, Romania must demonstrated a taking on of responsibility that fall on it , in applying common European politics for controlling migratory flows and combating crossborder criminality. The Border Police makes it its aim to consolidate the role and position of Romania in a regional plan at the Black Sea, and through experience gained, to ensure an export of security in the framework of regional cooperation.

Clearwater team members working on a variety of projects. !


In this diverse industry Clearwater Special Projects team members need to be alert and focused on their work. Our courses promote this as a key strength to have when working in Close Protection.!

Clearwater Special Projects Ltd Clearwater is committed to maintaining excellent standards within the Specialist Security Industry.! We have a proven track record of ensuring safe environments for ‘A’ list celebrities, Foreign Royal families, Dignitaries and Corporate personnel. ! Our teams have all under gone numerous training courses, ID checks, CRB checks and adhere to our strict codes of conduct.

Operationally Clearwater have maintained a high quality of service covering many diverse projects, including:!

! • • • • • •

Our new Level 3 Professional Investigators Training Course has launched in the UK. ! This course differs from other level 3 training programmes in the way that we have included numerous practical sessions and scenarios.! You can see more details on our websites and a comprehensive list of the skills that we teach.

The World Music Awards.! European Asset Protection.! Red Carpet work.! Residential Security in London.! Work with Royal Families.! Ship Security Operations.

CLEARWATER SPECIAL PROJECTS LTD Telephone: UK +44 1743 719109 Email: [email protected]

A Clearwater team on an Asset Protection Task in Europe. !


The team navigated through six different countries, adapting as they went to the various cultures, laws and regulations, border crossings, security risks and the long hours involved.! Have you got what it takes to join our team ?

A contract between the Principal person to be protected and the protection provider is only the beginning. Agreements between the “Client” and members of his domestic staff, Protection team and limousine and rental car agencies, apartment lease agreements, and even in between individual members of the protective team are all necessary.  What is a contract and what should be listed within it?

On Contracts By Female Close Protection Operatives By  John R. Lehman  I’ve been asked for over a year to address the subject of contracts. Specifically, contracts between Personal Protective Operatives, (or their companies), and the people they protect. In this posting, I will try to simplify the explanation of the “Contract” and offer an approach from our perspective on the creation and use of this form of agreement. The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of the contract is really quite simple. Let’s start with the “Why?” If you have ever been in a hotel room and looked up at the sprinkler, you noticed the little coat hanger symbol with a big red line through it on a label next to the

sprinkler. That symbol means “Don’t hang anything on this”. One has to assume that someone had to have hung a coat hanger on the sprinkler head causing a very wet result AND it had to have happened more than once to justify the expense of putting stickers by every sprinkler in the country.. The written contract is needed because someone before us breached a “verbal” agreement. The contract in our case is needed to insure that all parties agreeing to a set of conditions, allowing them to operate with each other, are doing so with equal and clear understanding.  Who needs a written contract? Anyone who enters into any agreement with anyone else.

“A written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, which is intended to be enforceable by law”. A “protective services” contract should specify:  • Responsible entities or persons entering into the agreement • The signer’s legal address and contact information • Specific tasks to be performed

• Locations (with addresses) where work will be performed • Conditions under which you will perform the required tasks • Conditions under which you would cease performing these tasks • Responsibilities of each party to provide certain or specific equipment • Expectations of each party • Restrictions on each party • Insurance requirements • Start and end dates • Penalties for issues such as nonperformance/non-payment  • Rates of pay, schedule of payments and due dates Additional items to consider as attachments to the main contract might include:  • A Non-Compete, Non-Disclosure (an “NCND” or “NDA”). Each party signs the other’s agreements. • A copy of regulatory rules and statutes

The “Where” is very important. You must choose a place that limits the client’s public exposure while still offering them the feeling that they are surrounded by people and free to get up and leave at any time. I will offer immediate security and pick up and escort of the Client but it’s rare and even rarer that they accept. Once I have established the person’s real need or level of fear, and current level of safety, I will ask for a place and time to meet. I will suggest a Law Enforcement building or if the person is in extreme duress and fearful, the person’s Attorney’s office or a bank lobby. I never suggest the movie line that they must “come alone”. If they are in real fear, a companion may ease their tensions and make it easier to negotiate with them. under which you might be working • Copies of other agreements to be signed, i.e. Rental, Lease, Memberships • Assigned Equipment Agreement (radios, weapons, credit cards, vehicles…) • Affidavit to allow access to Client’s personal information Remember that the Client signs the same agreements that you do.

but I need to ask you a couple of quick questions” “I assure you that I will not ask for personal identifiable information now but I need to establish what type of help you need.” Are you in danger at this moment? Do you currently have someone protecting you? Are you armed?

When is it appropriate to bring up “the contract” or set up a time to sign a contract?

You don’t have to tell me where you are yet, but you can if you want to…

My typical conversation starts out with a greeting and “How may I help you?”

Are you using your normal cell phone?

The Client or their representative answers “I am considering using a Bodyguard, What do I need to do?” My Answer is usually “We can help you,

Are you in a safe location?

Are you driving your own vehicle or one assigned to you by someone else? If you are in hiding, are you using your own identity or credit cards?

Have an Attorney draft and design your contracts and all attachments. Get your Attorney to read anything you will sign. AND , I always have a contract package with me!! The “How” involves considering the frame of mind of the client and their safety. I introduce myself to the client and we sit. I always sit within arm’s reach of them. I open my brief case and place the contract package on the table. The top contract is an agreement to not disclose anything about the ensuing conversation to ANYONE. It also establishes my legal right to the person’s personal information through his permission via an Affidavit which we have notarized. I explain who I am, what I will and won’t do, I explain that I am not a “Bodyguard” but rather a “Personal Protection Consultant” AND I explain the difference between the two.

I continue asking open-ended questions to allow them to explain their situation. This process establishes trust and prepares the person to sign the Operating Agreement. I explain that I will need to perform a few tasks and explain that I will get some personal information from them and run a background investigation on them. And if I decide to help them then I will contact them in 24 hours and require a 5000.00 dollar cash retainer and that I will need them to answer as many questions as is possible on a “Client Questionnaire”. The Client Questionnaire that I designed is a minimum of 430 questions and as many as 700. (Depending on the Client and the size and expanse of the estate). The agreement also states that if I am not

retained, they will get 3000.00 dollars back and they will keep all of the information I discovered. I secure a cashier’s check or U.S. Postal money order before we separate. The cashier’s check or money order helps to insure that the funds are legitimate. Once we have discussed the safety and security issues and I have established the validity of the concern and the client’s legitimacy AND their financial ability to pay for my services, we discuss the rate and cost of expenses. We discuss issues with travel and clothing and equipment and weapons and my team’s intrusion into the client’s private world and more. We agree to meet again within 24 hours and sign the final contract to engage in business. We separate and I run a complete background on the Client and everyone they know. When we meet again, we sit, I open the file, I hand the client a pen and the contract is signed within 60 seconds. I then discuss our Personal Protection Officers, show the client a file on two officers who can work within the client’s parameters and he picks his lead man. It is then up to the Lead man to pick his team. I then call the chosen lead man and he is at our location within 2 minutes. The lead then takes possession of the Client and I depart. The now Close Protection Officer (CPO) begins training the Client and if required, building his team. This may seem completely strange and one can argue that this is just not the proper way this is done. So do it your way. But I sign

About ATHENA Academy

90% of the potential clients I meet with. Of those, 40% are for terms in excess of 90 days. The 60% are clients needing less than 10 days. Naturally, I have left a few things out to protect my strategies and real methods for meeting with the client, but this is as close as I can come to a quick education on contracts.

Welcome to ATHENA Worldwide (ATHENA Academy).  We are female professionals experienced in Executive Protection, Celebrity Protection, Security Consulting Service, and Nannyguards training and services.

About the Author

Regardless of where you are in the world, ATHENA has valuable  professional skills and services to ensure the security of our clients.  Please visit www.athenaacademy. com  to learn more and to contact us.

Mr. Lehman is the Vice President of Athena Academy. He is the founder and CEO of White Star Consulting, LLC based in Dallas, Texas. He is a certified TCOL (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement) classroom and Firearms Instructor, NRA Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor, Federal Protective Service authorized Instructor, Texas Concealed Handgun Instructor, ASP Baton/Handcuff Instructor and unarmed defensive tactics Instructor using the Russian Systema discipline. He is a Texas Licensed Instructor for unarmed and armed Security and teaches the Texas Personal Protection Officer (PPO) course. Mr. Lehman joined Athena Academy Instructor’s team on January 2013, with over 27 years of corporate and private security experience.

Published by Private Ops Magazine by kind permission of Athena Academy International Female Security Training

We manage threats in many countries of the world. All of our operatives are highly trained and come from government operations, law enforcement services, military and private security.

More About ATHENA Athena Academy is an international premiere full service security organization, consulting firm and training agency for females. We provide high risk security services in a safe, discreet and confidential manner to all of our clients in the showbiz, fashion, diplomatic or private sector. We are dedicated to offering a new way to women to be successful in defense of themselves, family and others. Whether you want to attend a class for personal development or consider joining our female Close Protection Operatives programs, Athena Academy has training for you to succeed. Our professionally trained personnel have provided services to Celebrities, CEOs, Fashion icons, Politicians and Executives internationally. Additionally our services are progressive in

nature because we are providers of security training to seasoned and new practitioners of the security and the close protection industry. Our instructors are from Law Enforcement, Military, and High Risk Close Protection Industry worldwide. Bodyguard services are one the oldest most noble professions.  In the last several years other terms such as close protection have come into use. In the United States, executive protection and executive protection specialist are the most widely used terms.  In the United Kingdom (UK) they use the term close protection quite often for bodyguards.  Other countries follow suit with using these two countries titles. Other countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and south-east Asian nations use VIP protection quite often.  Countries like Greece use VIP protection and close protection. Regardless of how you say it, those in the business are bodyguards.  We work with heads of state, political dignitaries and their families, kings, celebrities, high-networth individuals, CEO’s, and any other individual who has the potential to be in a dangerous situation and would like to stay out of harms way. Female bodyguards are not just trained on how to defend in their role as protector, but more importantly,  how to prevent measures of intentional and unintentional acts of harm and embarrassing situations.  It may be of interest to note that female bodyguards are specialists at pre-operational planning and strategy.  They also utilize protective intelligence to use foreknowledge of an impending threat to conduct thorough analysis and investigation of such threats. Please visit our website www.athenaacademy. com to learn more and join us.

TERROR MASTERMINDS SPARE NO EFFORT TO UPDATE THEIR KNOW-HOW. CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO? The International Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT) is world renowned for uniting academic research and education with Israel’s hard-won practical expertise to conceive a new brand of Counter Terrorism studies. With its Executive Certificate Program consistently filled to capacity and demand ever-growing, ICT has developed a new multi-module format:


A MUST FOR: » » » »

Students of Counter Terrorism, Security and Strategy Programs Law Enforcement Officers First Responders Military Personnel

» » »

Counter-Terrorism Experts Homeland Security Officials Private Sector Specialists

Designed and led by ICT’s founder and executive director Dr. Boaz Ganor, and based on his book, The Counter-Terrorism Puzzle: A Guide to Decision Makers, course topics include:

» » » » » » » » » »

Defining Terrorism State Sponsored Terrorism Hybrid Terrorist Organizations Modern Terrorism Strategy Suicide Terrorism Global Jihad Terrorism Non-Conventional Terrorism Terrorism’s Use of the Internet Terrorism and the Media Dilemmas in Counter Terrorism Decision Making

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Ties, lies and smoking barrels By Mircea Opris Being a bodyguard or a PMC is a tough job. Most of the people think you are some kind of a Rambo or Kevin Costner, neat suit-and-tie VIP bodyguard, just like in the movie “The Bodyguard” and you earn loads of money while splashing bullets in soft targets like in a shooting range drill or attend fancy cocktail parties packed with famous actors, singers and politicians. Few know what misery, pain, long pitch-dark hours of waiting in rain, snow or extreme heat a PMC or a CPO has to stand for a lot of money, for decent money or for just a fistful of dollars.

phony specialists who hire private operators for 150 000 USD a year or some other cosmic figures contracts is a common practice for years. Serious security firms and experienced contractors always keep in good touch and know this kind of “employers”. But scammers will be here for long and victims will be as long as there are no international rules and regulations, on both national and international levels, that can keep track of who is doing what in close protection or private military service.

When you see death, when bullets are fired at you, when you are humiliated by some stalkers and you keep doing your job, away from your family and cosy home for weeks, months or maybe years, you do it because it is your job and you do it for the money to send home to your family and live your life, decent or miserable as it may be. With a deep misconception that most of private operators are only bloody, Godless mercenaries, bodies for rent or whatever some may call them, they are still people, most of them honorable and hard working, who put their lives at risk for a job paid or for a cause.

Bd. Unirii, nr. 45 | |

In this picture, it has been an issue for years and still is the so-called “miracle job employers” – in fact scammers from all over the world. Setting up phantomcompanies, with fake websites and

After many months of monitoring Einar Haraldsson, a simple supermarket guard

in Iceland, many of the private operators around the world became aware of his moves and spectacular companies offering fabulous contracts in high risk zones. A trustworthy CPO from Iceland was the first to warn me about this person, after himself got scammed and paid Haraldsson a consistent amount of money to get a well paid contract in

a conflict zone. My friend event went to Haraldsson’s home to ask him about his scams. “When I saw an old man with a helpless attitude, I did not even feel like asking him for the money back or punching him in the face”, is what my friend, who got scammed told me. On a very serious note, after scamming people with a fictive company in the Philippines, Haraldsson and a bunch of people of his type started setting up new “security companies operating worldwide” giving fabulous salaries. Too good to be true. While in his native country, Iceland, he has a police file regarding his dishonorable discharge from the state force and scamming as well. Facebook groups, CPO forums, LinkedIn, all got flooded with information about the fake contracts and phony companies of this man. And out there, in the market, there are many like him. Victims come mainly from poorer countries where private operators have a hard life home and will do almost anything to get a decent contract. Well, Westerners got caught in the same spider web. A real operation of revealing

the truth about the scammers in the security industry, a hunt with the only bounty being the honor of the profession and the money paid for fake promises and lies started. Here is the situation now. A lesson we all have to learn. It is useless to publish here the hundreds or messages, pictures, screen-captures, testimonies of victims. But we offer you a full analysis – investigation made by Alex T. Jones, “AN INTERNATIONAL WEB OF LIES” Here is the link to the original article and its updates. Read this article and more at the Firearms Portal investigations/455-an-international-webof-lies This article is Copyright© 2014 by The Firearms Portal. All Rights Reserved.

patina finition, scandinavian influences pendulum style, polished dial with Roman numerals, mechanism driven by chains and weights. London Elegant floor clock with astronomical moon phases mechanism, solid linden

Royal Unique grandfather clock with astronomical moon phases mechanism, solid linden wood and glass cabinet in walnut finition, hand maded rich ornaments shaped in spirals and acanthus palmete, rosettes and ove focused on canopy and base, brushed dial with arabic numerals, mechanism driven by chains and weights. 4/4 Westminster sound (Big Ben’s clock tower song of Westminster’s London Parliament) with auto shut off option during night time Moderna white Unique floor clock with astronomical moon phases mechanism, solid linden wood and glass cabinet in antique white patina finition, scandinavian influences pendulum style, polished dial with Roman numerals, mechanism driven by chains and weights. Moderna green Unique floor clock with astronomical moon phases mechanism, solid linden wood and glass cabinet in antique white

Paris 2 black Grandfather clock with astronomical moon phases mechanism, made in solid linden wood in blck finition; mechanism driven by chains and weights Oxford wood and glass cabinet in antique walnut finition, case bordered by columns, hand carving decorations with typical gable end of the nineteenth century, brushed dial with Roman numerals; mechanism driven by chains and weights Paris 1 wallnut Grandfather clock with astronomical moon phases mechanism, made in solid linden wood and glass cabinet in antique walnut finition, polished dial with Arabic numerals; mechanism driven by chains and weights

Elegant floor clock with astronomical moon phases mechanism, made in solid linden wood and glass cabinet in antique walnut finition, CHIPPINDALE elements of hand style carving, door access made in glass and wooden boxes, polished dial with Roman numerals; mechanism driven by chains and weights

Imperial Grandfather clock with astronomical moon phases mechanism, made in solid linden wood and glass cabinet finished

in walnut root colour, with edges defined by palm leaf sculpture, spirals, shells and columns, polished dial with Roman numerals; mechanism driven by chains and weights. Luxor Floor clock with astronomical moon phases mechanism, solid linden wood cabinet in antique walnut finition Cadiz white Wall clock with astronomical moon phases mechanism, solid linden wood cabinet in white finition Orologeria KENS is a romanian brand for mechanical clocks, the only one in this field on romanian market. Our products are part of a time story, they speak for those who know how to listen. They are talking about style, elegance, sophistication, revive old perfumes lost in

time. They are recommending both the owner and the space in which they are placed. For the most demanding of our customers we come with the perfect team to imagine and realize unique forms for those who want to mark with a personal touch an interior space. For this reason the most skilled and experience craftsmen and architects joined our team. We are a clockmaking company specialized in manufacturing wood cases for mechanical clocks and also a representative for the best manufactures on european market. Sculpted bodies of our clocks are brought to life by embedding german or swiss brand mechanisms with hundreds of years tradition in the field. We offer a wide range of traditional clocks, wall and floor clocks, unique clocks made after ​​ our clients tastes or reproductions of famous clocks centuries.

suitable for the kind of story brought by our clocks, an alternative for modern times demanding. For more details please visit our website. We invite you to discover OROLOGERIA KENS and the clock’s stories!

S.C. PRIMO MINUTO S.R.L. Orologeria Kens is the unique sales partener for the english brand COMITTI on the romanian market. We are also representative for the swiss brands L’epe and Swizza, for the german brands AMS and Hubert Herr, also for the italian brands FARBEL and GALLO. Through our partners we also offer an alternative in the field of furniture style,

Str. Elena Doamna, nr. 44A Romania, Ploiesti M: 0744-889-729; 0740-106-193 [email protected]

Law enforcement Military Security

Publicație digitală gratuită dedicată polițiștilor, militarilor și agenților de pază și protecție. Revista Tactică este o publicație digitală dedicată celor care lucrează în Armată, Poliție, Poliția de Frontieră, IGAv, Jandarmerie, Pompieri, SMURD, IGSU, SPP, SRI, firme de pază, servicii conexe și tuturor celor pasionați de aceste domenii. Revista se adresează atât celor din structurile militare sau companiile de pază și protecție, cât și celor pasionați de mediul militar, precum viitorilor lucrători în sistem. Revista cuprinde reportaje, știri din domeniu, materialele de prezentare de echipamente, review-uri realizate de specialiști, prezentări de companii și locații, articole la beneficiari. Sunt realizate prezentări generale sau comparative, pe tipuri de echipamente. O serie de suplimente completează oferta editorială a Revistei Tactice, ele fiind realizate pentru evenimente, expoziții sau oferte de echipamente.

Difuzarea Revistei Tactice se face on-line, pe bază de abonament gratuit, revista fiind trimisă prin mail tuturor abonaților, și prin descărcarea de pe site. De asemenea este distribuită prin intermediul social media - rețele socializare și în cadrul unor campanii la care revista este partener media. Revista se distribuie și în cadrul unor evenimente și expoziții, pe suport electronic. Pe lângă materialele cuprinse în revista, site-ul este în permanență actualizat cu știri și noutăți din domeniu, cu materiale de prezentare, recomandări de echipamente, pentru a fi o sursă de informații utile. Newsletter-ul Revistei Tactice se trimite către toți abonații revistei și cuprinde știri și noutăți din domeniu, materiale de prezentare, recomandări de echipamente, oferind o modalitate precisă și rapidă de a anunța lansări de produse, oferte sau diferite evenimente.

Our tactical equipment is known by high quality and low price. Voodoo Tactical Europe – VTE d.o.o. [email protected]

This year highlights were: A lot of VIP likes our products - Glock, Instructor Zero, Tactical Beard Owners Club (TBOC), Airsoft &Military News Blog ACE, Our new product line will also have soft armor protection Level II and Level IIIA, Customers also liked 7.62 Design which was first time presented for EU customers at IWA and more... Upcoming! New models of backpacks and goggles,available now in the US and for the European and international markets.

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future career options, with many using ELC funding (provider no 2035).  Full course details are easily accessible via the course website at www.

Crucial IEDs + Intelligence modules added to online Terrorism Course The renowned Terrorism Studies online course from the University of St Andrews has launched two new study options in IEDs and Terrorism Intelligence.  Both modules are delivered by tutored online elearning which is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection and offers flexible study for professionals in the policing, security, military and civilian communities.  The IEDs module explores the growing range of threats from the terrorist weapon of choice in military and civilian arenas, along with how they are dealt with and prevented via counter-IED technology.  As well as exploring the technologies of IEDs, the course examines differing IED strategies, such as comparing Al Qaeda suicide mass killings with the IRA aiming primarily at specific targets, and then how terrorists use supply chains to obtain the explosives and components for IEDs.  Emerging threats, including improvised thermobaric weapons and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) IEDs are considered, along with IED intelligence,

detection, forensics and the challenges in dealing with evolving devices, such as improvised CBRN IEDs The new intelligence course investigates the rapid increase in the study and use of intelligence in counter-terrorism operations.  It carefully analyses the use of intelligence in decision making, the challenges encountered, how it is used by the terrorists themselves, different types of intelligence and its future.  Policy decisions are explored along with processes and structure of intelligence communities.  Important, and very topical, issues of law and human rights, including privacy, data protection and freedom of information are studied along with comparisons between political, military, commercial, economic and ‘cultural’ intelligence, before considering the use of the internet and cyber intelligence in the future. The course is extremely popular with military personnel either placed on the course by their units or as individuals looking to boost their present or

Delivered by the Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV) at the University of St Andrews in a partnership with IBC Academy, the course has enrolled over 4,300 students over the last 7 years, with many students returning to study additional optional modules due to the excellence of the course and the international networks of high quality fellow participants they come into contact with via the discussion forums. The CSTPV was founded in 1994 and

is Europe’s oldest Centre for studying terrorism, and one of the world’s leading institutions for understanding the subject in a practical as well as academic manner.   CSTPV is dedicated to the study of the causes, dynamics, characteristics and consequences of terrorism and related forms of political violence, with rigorous, evidence-based, scholarly analysis that is policy-relevant but independent. The Certificate and Advanced Certificate offer a high quality but flexible study choice for professionals.  Full details of course and study options can be found at www.terrorismstudies. com/FLR2398FB2J1 by email to info@ or by calling +44 (0)20 3377 3210 / +1 (646) 957 8929.



Senioarea din Suedia Acum mai bine de un an m-am lasat

specialitate germane, m-am

Zis si facut: ‚Nea Veliceasa mi l-a

„prins” de „epidemia de Mauser”

decis pentru un Mauser suedez

licitat pe E-gun un Schwedenmauser

raspandita in cercurile de sportivi,

(Schwedenmauser), mai exact pentru

produsa la Carl Gustafs Gevärsfaktori

vanatori si colectionari de doi buni

o productie in licenta suedeza a

in Eskilstuna in 1917, l-am importat si

amici, ‚Nea Viorel Burghel si ‚Nea

modelului Mauser 1896, in calibrul

‚Nea Viorel mi-a infrumusetat-o bine

Laurentiu Veliceasa. [Pentru cei care

6,5x55 Swedish (precizarea este

de tot: patul, brunajul sistemului si al

nu ii cunosc (inca) ‚Nea Burghel este

necesara pentru ca a existat si un

tevii, etc.

armurierul de la UTI (denumita mai

lot de Schwedenmauser produse in

recent Defense Engineering) iar ‚Nea

Germania). Tehnic, diferenta nu e prea

Datele tehnice sunt:

Veliceasa este un mare pasionat si

mare fata de K 98: acelasi sistem cu

Masa: 3990 g

colectionar de arme.]

gheara extractoare lunga; inchiderea

Lungimea tevii: 740 mm

se produce insa doar cu doi pinteni

Lungime totala: 1260 mm

Echipa era imbatabila: ‚Nea Veliceasa

inchizatori [Nota: nu am gasit terminus

Capacitate incarcator (intern): 5

le gasea pe E-gun si ‚Nea Viorel

tehnicus in romana – trebuie sa imi

cartuse – de alimentat utilizand o sina.

intreba pe oricine intalnea in cale:

procur un manual], lipsind cel de al

„Nu te intereseaza un K(AR) 98?”. Si

treilea pinten de la K 98 (din partea

Cum evenimentele s-au suprapus cu

cum se pricepe sa le infrumuseteze,

din spate a chiulasei). A doua diferenta

implicarea intensiva in tirul dinamic

propunerea era greu de refuzat. Plus

consta in calibru, 6,5x55 fiind vestit

cu pistolul, n-am ajuns sa trag cu

ca mai gasea unele si pe la noi pe

pentru precizie. De asemenea, reculul


piata, pe care, dupa ce le „prepara” de-

mai usor permite efectuarea unor serii

ti era mai mare dragul, ti le prezenta

de trageri mai indelungate decat cu

Zilele acestea insa, profitand de

drept ce erau - fiecare o bucata de

K 98 - cel putin pentru un tragator

vremea cea buna am scos suedeza


amator, ca mine. In plus, un aspect

in poligon. Facand rost de o munitie

practic: Suedia a fost neutra in ambele

originala suedeza - de surplus, e drept,

Mi-au placut Mauserele, dar voiam

razboaie mondiale, astfel ca marea

si cam vechiuta, am vrut sa incerc ce

ceva mai special si intr-un calibru mai

majoritate a Schwedenmauser-urilor


potrivit pentru tir decat 8x57, cu o

nu a vazut frontul, fiind intr-o stare

precizie inerenta mai mare si recul mai

mult mai buna in general decat

Mai exact, am vrut sa vad, obisnuit


surorile lor germane.

fiind in ultimii mai bine de 10 ani sa trag doar cu lunete (majoritatea

Dupa studiul literaturii de



foarte performante) si vizoare reflex



(asa-numitele Red Dot), ce pot sa

respectabil la 100 sau 150 de metri sau

scot dintr-o catare si o foita intaltator

sa dobori porcul mistret. Trebuie doar

reglabila pe verticala cu o scala pe care

sa-ti cunosti arma (respectiv sa tragi

nu o cunosteam.

suficient de mult si des ca sa ajungi sa o cunosti). In epoca actuala tinem sa uitam acest lucru. Sau poate doar eu...

Si senioarea mi-a facut o surpriza deosebit de placuta: primele trei focuri au avut un grupaj de 44 mm la 100 de

Si toate acestea folosind o munitie

Voi reveni in curand cu vesti despre

metri (masurati din mijlocul celor mai

mai in varsta decat tragatorul si cu un

cum functioneaza Suedeza.

indepartate doua orificii).

tragaci militar de acum aproape 100 de ani cu o cursa de vreo 40 mm, din

Sebastian Gutiu

care jumatate la vreo 2 kg. Sunt convins ca, daca as fi avut un dioptru si cu o munitie match puteam scoate rezultate si mai bune. De aceea am si inceput sa caut un dioptru – de preferinta un Söderin. Sunt convins ca multe arme moderne

Mesajul cel mai important este insa

s-ar mandri cu un asemenea grupaj.

altul: sunt multe arme folosite pe piata (la noi sau mai ales in Germania) care,

Grupajul la 150 de metri s-a deschis

in ciuda varstei uneori deosebit de

la 160 mm, dar aceasta in conditiile

respectabile, trag deosebit de bine.

in care trageam fara nici un punct

Trebuie doar sa studiezi putin si sa

de reper, ci, pentru ca nu cunosteam

ai rabdare sa gasesti una potrivita -

marcajele foitei inaltator, am folosit

sau sa-l rogi pe ‚Nea Veliceasa sau alt

marcajul care s-a dovedi foarte precis

pasionat sa-ti gaseasca una.

la 100 de metri si am tintit pur si simplu la mijlocul bazei tintei.

Si ultimul: nu e nevoie de o (super) luneta ca sa produci un grupaj



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