Prirodne Vrednosti Opstine Ljubovija

December 11, 2017 | Author: Aleksandra Mladenovic | Category: N/A
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Publikacija je nastala kao deo realizacije Lokalnog akcionog plana za biodiverzitet opštine Ljubovija (LBAP Ljubovija), ...


Autori / Authors: Nenad Sekulić, Goran Sekulić, Rastko Ajtić, Verica Stojanović, Vladan Bjedov, Predrag Lazarević, Aleksandra Zatezalo, Jasmina Mijović Magdić, Živko Vukasović Urednici / Editors: dr Rada Matić, Mirjana Arsenović, Mićo Babić Izdavači / Publishers: Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije, Opština Ljubovija / Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Ljubovija Municipality Za izdavače / For Publishers: Aleksandar Dragišić, Miroslav Mićić Fotografije u publikaciji / Photographs in publication: Aleksandar Simović, Berislava Ilić, Bratislav Grubač, Dejan Vukićević, Dragan Pavlović Poša, Goran Sekulić, Mićo Babić, Nenad Sekulić, Predrag Lazarević, Rastko Ajtić, Vladan Bjedov, arhiva opštine Ljubovija/archive of Ljubovija Municipality, TO Ljubovija/Tourist organization of Ljubovija, Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije/ Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia Dizajn i priprema za štampu / Design and pre-press: Višnja Umićević Prevod / English translation: Jovana Jaramaz Štampa / Printed by: Codex print Tiraž / Press: 500

Publikacija „Prirodne vrednosti opštine Ljubovija“ nastala je kao deo realizacije Lokalnog akcionog plana za biodiverzitet opštine Ljubovija (LBAP Ljubovija), u okviru projekta “Mreža za lokalno akciono planiranje za biodiverzitet na Zapadnom Balkanu – SEE BAP II”, kojim je rukovodio Evropski centar za zaštitu prirode (ECNC – European Center for Nature Conservation), u saradnji sa Regionalnim centrom za životnu sredinu za Centralnu i Istočnu Evropu (REC CEE – Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe). Projekat je finansiran od strane Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Finske, u periodu od 2011 – 2013. godine.

Publication “The Natural Values of Ljubovija Municipality” was created as a part of the implementation of the Local Biodiversity Action Plan for the Municipality of Ljubovija (LBAP Ljubovija), prepared in the project “A Local Biodiversity Action Planning Network in the Western Balkans – SEE BAP II”, and led by the European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC), in cooperation with the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC CEE). The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, in the period 2011 – 2013.

© 2013 Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije i Opština Ljubovija. Sva prava zadržana. © 2013 Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia and Ljubovija Municipality. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-86-80877-42-6

sadržaj: UVOD I POČETAK PRIČE O DRINI, MLADICI I BELOGLAVOM SUPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 FLORA I VEGETACIJA (mr Verica Stojanović, mr Predrag Lazarević) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 FAUNA INSEKATA (Aleksandra Zatezalo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 FAUNA RIBA (Nenad Sekulić, dr Jasmina Mijović Magdić) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 FAUNA VODOZEMACA I GMIZAVACA (mr Rastko Ajtić) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 FAUNA PTICA (Goran Sekulić) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 FAUNA SISARA (Vladan Bjedov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 LITERATURA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 PRILOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

TABLE OF CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION AND THE BEGINNING OF THE STORY ABOUT THE DRINA RIVER, DANUBE SALMON AND GRIFFON VULTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 FLORA AND VEGETATION (Verica Stojanović M.Sc. and Predrag Lazarević M.Sc.) . . . . . . 15 ENTOMOFAUNA (Aleksandra Zatezalo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ICHTIOFAUNA (Nenad Sekulić, dr Jasmina Mijović Magdić) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

BATRACHOFAUNA AND HERPETOFAUNA (Rastko Ajtić M.Sc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ORNITHOFAUNA (Goran Sekulić) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 MAMMALS (Vladan Bjedov) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 ANNEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

UVOD i početak priče o Drini, mladici i beloglavom supu... Reka Drina, kao i svaka reka, ima svoj gornji, središnji i donji tok. Središnji tok Drine smešten je u našu priču, u predele Ljubovije bogate prirodnim lepotama i retkostima, dobrim vazduhom, čistom vodom, domaćom rakijom, sirom, kafom i domaćinima koji će vam nakon obavezne dobrodošlice i čvrstog stiska ruke prvo ispičati o jedinstvenim „beloglavim orlovima”, ćudljivoj Drini i neverovatnim primercima mladice „od tri’es’ kila”... Opština Ljubovija nalazi se u zapadnom delu Srbije i pripada Mačvanskom okrugu. Ovaj kraj je poznat kao Azbukovica, a naziv je nastao po turskoj reči „has bukovica“ što znači „carski posed“. Oblast Azbukovice je pretežno brdsko-planinska, dok se manji delovi ravničarskih i brežuljkastih terena nalaze uz reku Drinu. Ovom oblašću dominiraju masivi Jagodnje, Sokolskih planina i Medvednika, a veća nizija se nalazi oko administrativnog centra. Najviši vrh je Tornička Bobija, visok je 1272 metra i nalazi se na planini Bobiji. Na nižim nadmorskim visinama klima je umereno kontinentalna, dok se već na visinama od 700 metara oseća prisustvo subplaninske klime. Prelaz između ova dva klimata je postepen. Hidrografska mreža površinskih voda na teritoriji opštine Ljubovija je dobro razvijena, a najznačajniji vodotoci su reka Drina i Ljuboviđa. Osim ove dve reke, na području opštine postoje slivovi drugih vodotoka, kao što su: Trešnjica, Bukovička reka, Grabovički potok, Gračanička reka, Uzovnička reka, Selanačka reka i Lukavica, kao i veći broj manjih potoka (176 bujičnih vodotoka u slivu reke Ljuboviđe). Za vreme jačih kiša i otapanja snegova, velike vode reka i potoka naglo nadolaze, noseći veće količine nanosa koji se taloži u donjem toku. Sa stanovišta zaštite biodiverziteta vodeni ekosistemi u opštini Ljubovija predstavljaju važne sisteme kojima će i u ovoj našoj priči biti posvećena posebna pažnja. Prema podacima poslednjeg popisa iz 2011. godine, u Ljuboviji živi 14677 stanovnika. Opština se sastoji od 27 naselja i zahvata površinu od 356 km2. Privredni razvoj je baziran na korišćenju svih raspoloživih resursa, u prvom redu prostornih potencijala, proizvodnji i preradi poljoprivrednih proizvoda, šumarstvu, preradi lekovitog bilja i šumskih plodova, hidroekonomiji, saobraćaju, turizmu i uslužnim delatnostima. Od ukupnog procenta obradivih površina, 85% predstavljaju oranice, koje se nalaze u rečnim dolinama Drine i delom Ljuboviđe. U brdsko-planinskim seoskim naseljima razbijenog tipa, glavna delatnost je mešovito stočarstvo, mada je sve manji broj grla stoke, a površine pod pašnjacima i livadama su nedovoljno iskorišćene. Razvoj turizma, posebno unapređivanje ruralnog turizma, baziran je na prirodnim i antropogenim vrednostima ovog područja. Zaštićena prirodna dobra predstavljaju posebnu turističku odrednicu ovog kraja, dajući mu specifičnu i značajnu kompetitivnu prednost (klisura reke Trešnjice, područje Torničke Bobije, Memorijalni spomenik Mačkov kamen).

1. Ljubovija administrativni centar / Ljubovija administrative center 2. „Mesto gde je reka Drina najlepša“ / “ Place where Drina River is the most beautiful” 3. Tornička Bobija (1272 m n.v.) / Tornicka Bobija the highest peak 4. Klisura reke Trešnjice / Trešnjica River Gorge

INTRODUCTION and the beginning of the story about the Drina River, Danube Salmon and Griffon Vulture… The Drina River, as nearly all rivers, has its upper, middle and lower course. Our story is about the central part of the Drina River and Ljubovija surrounding landscapes, rich in natural beauties and rarities, rich in good air, clean water, schnapps, cheese, coffee and hosts who will welcome you with strong handshake and stories about the unique “griffon eagles”, Drina’s variable nature and amazing specimens of “thirty kilos” Huchen fish... Ljubovija Municipality is located in western Serbia and belongs to Mačva district. This area is known as Azbukovica, the name originated from the Turkish word “has bukovica” meaning “royal estate”. Azbukovica area is mainly mountainous, while parts of the lowlands and hilly terrain are located along the Drina River. This area is dominated by ranges of Jagodnja, Sokolska and Medvednik mountains, while a higher plain is about the administrative center. The highest peak is Tornička Bobija, 1272 m.a.s.l., located on Bobija Mountain. The climate is temperate continental at lower altitudes, while at an altitude of 700 meters the sub-mountain climate is present. The transition between these two climates is gradual. Hydrographic network of surface waters in the municipality of Ljubovija is well developed, and the most important rivers are the Drina River and the Ljuboviđa River. Apart from these two rivers, in this municipality there are other water basins, such as Trešnjica and Bukovica River, Grabovica stream, Gračanica, Uzovnička River, Selanačka River and Lukavica, as well as a number of smaller streams (176 torrential streams in the basin of Ljuboviđa River). During heavy rains and snow melting, rivers and streams are rapidly upcoming, carrying large amounts of sediments which are deposited in the lower reaches. The aquatic ecosystems of Ljubovija Municipality are very important for our story, in terms of biodiversity protection, so we will pay them a special attention in the following chapters. According to the last census done in 2011, Ljubovija Municipality is populated by 14677 inhabitants. The municipality consists of 27 settlements, covering an area of 356 km2. Economic development is based on use of all available resources, primarily related to land use, production and processing of agricultural products, forestry, medicinal herbs and berries, hydro-economy and hydro-potential, transport, tourism and service industries. Out of the total arable land, 85% is ploghland, located in the valley of the Drina River and partly the Ljuboviđa River. In mountainous part of this municipality, villages are scattered, the main activity is stock farming, although the number of cattle is decreasing and pastures and meadows are not utilized as much as possible. Tourism development relates particularly to the improvement of rural tourism and it is based on natural and anthropogenic values of this area. Protected natural areas represent a special tourist destination of the region, giving it a specific and significant competitive advantage (Trešnjica River Gorge, an area of Tornička Bobija, Memorial monument “Mačkov kamen”...).

Flora i vegetacija (mr Verica Stojanović, mr Predrag Lazarević)

Florističke i vegetacijske karakteristike kao odraz opštih karakteristika šireg područja, određene su reljefom, geološkim sastavom, geomorfologijom i pedologijom nekoliko njenih dominirajućih celina. Tako se celokupan biljni svet opštine Ljubovija može sagledati na osnovu florističke i vegetacijske slike doline reke Drine, klisure reke Trešnjice i njenih pritoka, niskih planina koje se celom svojom površinom prostiru na teritoriji Ljubovije (Bobija i Orovička planina) ili planina koje se delom prostiru i na teritorijama drugih opština (Jagodnja koja je delom i na teritoriji opštine Mali Zvornik, a Sokolske planine na teritoriji opština Krupanj i Osečina), na osnovu biljnog sveta mnogobrojnih brda (Boškovac, Osojača, Košlje, Drlače...) i manjih rečnih tokova. Prema geografskoj rejonizaciji Jugoslavije (Marković, 1980) Ljubovija se nalazi u Podrinjskom kraju (Podrinje sa Podgorinom) čija vegetacija po raznovrsnosti, florističkom sastavu, fitocenološkoj složenosti i ekološkim specifičnostima, predstavlja jedan od interesantnijih i značajnijih vegetacijskih kompleksa u Srbiji. Geografski položaj podrinjskog planinskog područja, na granici kontinentalnog i submediteranskog (mediteranskog) područja omogućio je da se na istom mestu ispolji čitav niz kontinentalnih, submediteranskih i mediteranskih elemenata. Otvorenost preko reke Drine omogućila je prodor toplijih struja preko panonske ravnice. Iz navedenih razloga u Ljuboviji se pojavljuje nekoliko tipova vegetacija i to: močvarna vegetacija, dolinske livade, brdske livade i travnjaci, šumska vegetacija i vegetacija u pukotinama stena. Teritorijalno posmatrano najveći deo je pokriven šumom, brdskim livadama i nešto manje dolinskom travnom vegetacijom, a najmanje ima močvarne vegetacije. U Ljuboviji visinska razlika terena iznosi preko 1100 m (najniža kota je oko 162 m nadmorske visine – ušće Velike Reke u Drinu, a najviša 1272 m n.v. - Tornička Bobija). Vegetacija dolinskih livada pojavljuje se na suvljim terenima koji se pretežno nalaze na nadmorskim visinama od 100 – 150 m. Pojavljuje se na delovima rečnih dolina koje su izložene povremenom plavljenju, ali bez dužeg stagniranja voda. Brdske livade zauzimaju značajnije površine, a uslovljene su različitim ekološkim faktorima. Na čitavom području severozapadne Srbije ispitivane su različite livade, na kojima su evidentirane sledeće vrste: Agrostis vulgaris (rosulja), Festuca valesiaca (vlasulja jančarica), Cynosurus cristatus (češljika), Danthonia calycina (dantovka, resenica), Agropyrum intermedium (sivozelena pirevina) i druge. Uočljiva je i ekspanzija korovskih biljnih zajednica ruderalnog i segetalnog tipa.

Šumska vegetacija je jedan od najrasprostranjenijih tipova vegetacije u Ljuboviji, pa su tako najzastupljenije zajednice sladuna i cera (pojavljuju se na nadmorskim visinama od oko 500 – 600 m), zatim bukve i sađenih četinara. Takođe se javljaju zajednice vrba i topola, lužnjaka i jasena, šume sa kitnjakom i dr. Staništa kitnjaka (Quercetum montanum) se obično nalaze na 600 – 900 m nadmorske visine. To su najviši položaji hrastovih šuma i nalaze se na znatno manjim površinama od staništa cera i sladuna (Quercetum frainettocerris). Uglavnom su to strmi i suvi tereni na peščaru, pretežno na južnim ekspozicijama, gde je zemljište siromašno, skeletoidno i kisele reakcije. Najznačajnije vrste su: Quercus petraea (kitnjak), Q. cerris (cer), ređe Fraxinus ornus (jasen), Sorbus torminalis (brekinja), a na svežijim i dubljim staništima Fagus moesica (bukva) i Carpinus betulus (obični grab). Staništa bukve (Fagus moesiaca) mogu se sresti dosta nisko, često i na 200 m nadmorske visine, na dubokom i neutralnom zemljištu, na silikatnoj podlozi, a u višim predelima i na krečnjaku. Najznačajnije vrste su: Fagus moesiaca (bukva), Tilia grandifolia (krupnolisna lipa) i Tilia parvifolia (sitnolisna lipa), Acer pseudoplatanus (gorski javor), Acer platanoides (mleč), Fraxinus excelsior (beli jasen), Corylus avelana (obična leska), Evonymus latifolia (kurika) i dr. Stanište brdske bukve se donekle razlikuje od prethodnih. Ovde je vegetacioni period kraći i sa manje padavina i toplote. U klisuri reke Trešnjice, u zavisnosti od nagiba terena, ekspozicije, dubine i sastava zemljišta, pojedinačno ili u grupama raste gusta vegetacija Carpinus orientalis (belograbić), dok se na padinama sreće Quercus cerris (cer), Quercus frainetto (sladun). Prisutne su i šikare grabića, graba, jasena, bukve i pojedinačna stabla oraha. U spratu grmlja se pojavljuje klen, dren, glog, trnjina, bršljan, ruj, divlja ruža i druge vrste. Na pojedinim mestima gde ima sipara i ogoljenog kamena, zapaža se prisustvo različitih vrsta iz roda Sedum. Neke od vrsta koje su zabeležene u klisuri reke Trešnjice su: Bledožuta mlađa (Pseudofumaria alba (Miller) Lidén subsp. leiosperma (Conrath) Lidén) je višegodišnja zeljasta biljka, sa rizomom i razgranatim žiličastim korenom. Pripada familiji Papaveraceae. Raste na stenama i liticama, siparima i kamenjarima, livadama i pašnjacima. Zabeležena je na dosta lokaliteta u Srbiji, a za Podrinje je ustanovljena između ostalog na Sokolskim planinama, Soko-tvrđavi, Donjoj i Gornjoj Trešnjica. Balkanski je endemit. Klokočika (Staphylea pinnata L.) kao žbun visine do 5 m ili nisko drvo visine do 7 m iz porodice klokočika raste do 700 m n.v. u šumama kitnjaka i graba i u šumi brdske bukve, na svežim i humusnim zemljištima. Upotrebljava se i kao ukrasni žbun u parkovima. Drvo je tvrdo, belo, čvrsto i teško se cepa, tako da je pogodno za obradu. U Srbiji, klokočika je jedini predstavnik od ukupno 12 vrsta roda Staphylea u Evropi. Vrsta je tercijerni relikt i zaštićena je prema nacionalnom zakonodavstvu.

Šumski ljiljan (Lilium martagon L.) višegodišnja je zeljasta biljka sa lukovicom, iz porodice ljiljana (Liliaceae), visine 30 – 80 cm. Cvetovi su tipično ružičasto-purpurni, sa tamnim pegama sa unutrašnje strane, koje mogu varirati od skoro belih do skoro crnih. U Srbiji se nalazi od nizije do planinskog pojasa. Nastanjuje listopadne šume, šikare, livade i šumske čistine. Vrsta je zaštićena prema nacionalnom zakonodavstvu. Na lokalitetu Postenje u zajednici Quercetum frainetto-cerris Rud. juglandetosum E. Vuk. 1976 zabeleženo je prisustvo dvadesetak vrsta biljaka. Neke od tih vrsta su: Acer campestre (klen), Asplenium ceterach (zlatna paprat), Asplenium trichomanes (sleznica), Juglans regia (orah), Quercus cerris (cer), Quercus frainetto (sladun), Sorbus torminalis (brekinja), Teucrium chamaedrys (dubačac, podubica). Orah (Juglans regia L.) kao listopadno drvo, tercijarne starosti i visine do 25 (30) m, može da doživi starost od 400 godina. Lista u aprilu, a cveta u aprilu i maju. Odraslo drvo može dati i preko 300 kg plodova. Razmnožava se semenom i izdancima. Lišće sadrži alkaloid juglandin, eterična ulja i vitamine, pa se koristi u farmaciji, a zajedno sa korom i zelenim perikarpom upotrebljava se za bojenje. Nastanjuje duboka, rastresita i vlažna zemljišta, uglavnom na krečnjaku. U Podrinju (područje kraj Drine, od Bajine Bašte do Malog Zvornika i Banje Koviljače) je opisana šuma sladuna i cera sa orahom sa značajnim učešćem crnog graba (Ostrya carpinifolia). Podubica (Teucrium chamaedrys L.) je polužbun, uspravnih dlakavih stabljika često ljubičaste boje, oporog, gorkog mirisa. Spada u porodicu usnatica (Lamiaceae). Cveta od juna do avgusta. Nalazi se na svetlim, suvim mestima, na obodu šuma. Sakuplja se nadzemni deo biljke u cvetu (Napomena: nožem ili makazama, odsecaju se vrhovi cvetonosnih, zelenih izdanaka. 30% cvetova na biljkama koje se eksploatišu i 30% biljaka u populaciji treba ostaviti netaknuto!!! Herba se suši na senovitom i promajnom mestu u tankom sloju). Podubica je gorka i aromatična. Pojačava apetit i varenje hrane, pa tako “obnavlja snagu” i odbranu bolesnog organizma. Čaj od podubice je omiljen narodni lek za obolele organe za varenje, žuticu i bolesti pluća. Neretko se kombinuje sa kantarionom. Vrsta je zaštićena prema nacionalnom zakonodavstvu.

Vegetaciju Sokolskih planina odlikuju degradirane klimatogene šumske zajednice kitnjaka i cera (Quercetum fraineto-cerris), zatim cera i crnog graba (Quercetum cerris ostryetosum) i bukve (Fagetum submontanum), kao i sađene sastojine bora (Pinus nigra) i kleke (Juniperus communis). Kao sekundarni oblik vegetacije na više lokaliteta se sreću livadske zajednice (Rožanj, Senokos, Kalkan i dr.). Neke od ovde zabeleženih vrsta su: Asplenium ceterarch (zlatna paprat), Asplenium trichomanes (sleznica), Asplenium scolopendrium (jelenji jezik), Alnus glutinosa (crna jova), Corylus avellana (obična leska), Ostrya carpinifolia (crni grab), Atropa belladona (velebilje), Ruscus hypoglosum (kostrika), Veratrum album (čemerika), Cotinus coggygria (ruj), Himantoglossum hircinum (smičak) i druge. Smičak (Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Sprengel) je višegodišnja biljka iz porodice orhideja (Orchidaceae), visine od 30 – 90 cm. Javlja se sporadično na osunčanim, zatravljenim padinama ili na obodu šuma. Vrsta je strogo zaštićena prema nacionalnom i međunarodnom zakonodavstvu. Kostrika širokolisna (Ruscus hypoglossum L.) je zimzeleni grm tercijarne starosti iz porodice ljiljana (Liliaceae), visine do 60 cm. Plodovi su jarko crvene okruglaste bobice koje na biljci ostaju preko zime i nisu jestive. Ova vrsta je lekovita i veoma dekorativna. Kao i oštrolisna kostrika najčešće se može naći u bukovim šumama, tj. vezana je za mezofilne, uglavnom bukove šume, ali se može naći i u šumama hrasta kitnjaka i graba i u bukovojelovim šumama. U narodnoj medicini se upotrebljava za povećanje mlečnosti domaćih životinja. Vrsta je zaštićena prema nacionalnom zakonodavstvu.

Nevesika (Athamanta turbith (L.) Brot. subsp. haynaldii (Borbás & Uechtr.) Tutin) je višegodišnja zeljasta biljka sa zadebljalim rizomom. Pripada porodici štitonoša (Apiaceae). Nastanjuje karbonatne stene i litice, livade, pašnjake i kamenjare, visokoplaninske rudine, šume i šikare belograbića i crnog graba. Balkanski je endemit. Rasprostranjena je u Srbiji na više lokaliteta, a u Podrinju: Donja Trešnjica (reka - klisura), Sokolska planina (Soko grad), Valjevo (Gradac reka - kanjon), Zvornik.

Crni grab (Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.) je listopadno, jednodomo drvo, visine oko 15 m, retko do 20 m, prečnika do 50 cm (porodica Corylaceae). Predstavlja reliktnu vrstu koja nastanjuje strme padine, litice, sipare, nepristupačne kanjone. Čest je u zapadnoj i jugozapadnoj Srbiji. Sadi se i kao ukrasna vrsta. Drvo je žilavo i čvrsto, koristi se u kolarstvu, rezbarstvu i za izradu raznog alata. U Gornjim Košljama može se naći derventanski različak (Centaurea derventana Vis. & Pancic). To je višegodišnja zeljasta biljka (visine do 30 cm), snažnog rizoma i korenova kojima duboko prodire u pukotine stena. Spada u porodicu glavočika (Asteraceae). U Srbiji je ima u Podrinju: Ljubovija – Košlje, klisura reke Trešnjice i na Tari (Derventa, Drina, Grlac). Balkanski je endemit i strogo je zaštićen prema nacionalnom zakonodavstvu. Pčelija trava (Stachys anisochila Vis. & Pančić). Višegodišnja je biljka iz porodice usnatica (Lamiaceae). Raste na stenama i liticama, u bukovim šumama. Rasprostranjena je u Srbiji na nekoliko lokaliteta. U Podrinju: Ljubovija – Košlje, Ovčinja (Crvena stena), Povlen, Valjevo (Debelo brdo), klisura reke Trešnjice. Balkanski je endemit i zaštićena je prema nacionalnom zakonodavstvu. Još dve vrste koje su zabeležene na lokalitetu Gornje Košlje su balkanski endemiti. Prva je runjavica (Hieracium suborieni (Zahn) P. D. Sell & C. West), višegodišnja zeljasta biljka iz porodice glavočika (Asteraceae). Naseljava stene i litice, visokoplaninske rudine na karbonatima, mezijske bukove šume i šikare. Druga je ovsik (Helictotrichon blavii (Ascherson & Janka) C. E. Hubb), višegodišnja busenasta biljka iz porodice trava (Poaceae). Nastanjuje serpentinitske stene i litice, kserofilne livade, pašnjake i kamenjare i sl. U Srbiji su obe vrste rasprostranjene na malom broju lokaliteta. Područje opštine Ljubovija je takođe bogato lekovitim i jestivim vrstama biljaka. Uredbom o stavljanju pod kontrolu korišćenja i prometa divlje flore i faune („Službeni glasnik RS“, br. 31/05, 45/05, 22/07, 38/08, 9/10, 69/11) zaštićene su 23 vrste koje se javljaju u brojnim populacijama i rasprostranjene su na celom području.

Na području opštine Ljubovija sa okolinom zabeleženo je i prisustvo nekih endemičnih, retkih i ugroženih vrsta. Karadžić i sar. (2001) među ostalim beleže: Staphylea pinnata L., Centaurea derventana Vis. et Panc., Athamanta haynaldii Borb. et Uchtr, Onosma stellulata Wald. et Kit., Epimedium alpinum L., dok Tomović, (2007) navodi još: Stachys anisochila Vis. & Pančić, Hieracium suborieni (Zahn) P. D. Sell & C. West, Helictotrichon blavii (Ascherson & Janka) C. E. Hubb., Edraianthus jugoslavicus Lakušić, Cerastium decalvans Schlosser & Vuk. subsp. decalvans, Pseudofumaria alba (Miller) Lidén subsp. leiosperma (Conrath) Lidén i Erysimum linariifolium Tausch. Prisustvo i stanje populacija pomenutih vrsta u opštini Ljubovija zahteva dodatna istraživanja sa proverom i dopunom podataka. Uzimajući u obzir da se radi o Podrinjskoj opštini i da su neke celine kao npr. klisura Trešnjice, Gučevo i Sokolske planine. floristički i/ili vegetacijski relativno dobro istražene, može se pretpostaviti da na teritoriji opštine Ljubovija zasigurno živi više od 500 biljnih vrsta.

Flora and vegetation (Verica Stojanović M.Sc. and Predrag Lazarević M.Sc.)

Floristic and vegetation characteristics, as a reflection of the general characteristics of the wider area, are determined by the relief, geology, geomorphology and soil of several dominant units. In terms of that, the entire flora of Ljubovija Municipality can be presented based on the following “units”: flora and vegetation of the valley of the Drina River, Trešnjica River Gorge and its tributaries; low mountains that stretch along to the territory of Ljubovija Municipality (Bobija and Orovička mountains) or mountains which more or less belong to the territories of other municipalities (Jagodnja Mt. is partly on the territory of Mali Zvornik, and Sokolska Mt. is on the territory of Krupanj and Osečina); the flora of low-laying hills (such as Boškovac, Osojača, Košlje, Drlače...); the lower river flows. According to the geographical zoning of Yugoslavia (Markovic, 1980), Ljubovija belongs to the Podrinje region (Podrinje with Podgorina). With the variety of vegetation, floristic composition, plant community complexity and ecological characteristics, this region represents one of the most interesting and significant vegetation complexes in Serbia. The geographical position of the Podrinje mountain range, on the border of the continental and sub-Mediterranean (Mediterranean) areas, enabled expression of all those elements at the same place. The openness of the Drina River provides the spread of warmer streams through the Pannonian plain. For these reasons several vegetation types including: wetland vegetation, lowland meadows, mountain meadows and grasslands, forest vegetation and vegetation in the cracks of rocks, are present in Ljubovija. Most of the territory is covered by forests, mountain meadows and partly by lowland grassy vegetation, while marsh vegetation is present at the low level. In the entire area of Ljubovija Municipality, altitude difference is more than 1100 m (the lowest point is about 162 m above sea level – at the mouth of the Velika River into the Drina River, and the highest point is 1272 m.a.s.l. – Tornička Bobija). Vegetation of valley meadows is present on a drier terrain which is mostly located at elevations of 100 – 150 m and appears in parts of the river valleys which are exposed to periodic flooding, but without stagnant water. Mountain meadows occupy significant areas, and various environmental factors are present. In the whole area of north-western Serbia, various fields were investigated, and following species were recorded: Agrostis vulgaris (Redtop Grass), Festuca valesiaca (Volga Fescue), Cynosurus cristatus (Crested Dog’s-tail Grass), Danthonia calycina (Wallaby-Grass), Agropyrum intermedium (Gray-green Couch Grass) and more. The expansion of weeds and ruderal plant vegetation is in the progress. Forest vegetation is one of the most widespread vegetation type in Ljubovija Municipality. The most common are communities of Italian and Turkey oaks (occur at elevations of 500 – 600 m), beech and planted conifers. Following communities are also recorded: willow with Poplar, Common Oak and Ash, woods with Sessile Oak and others. Habitats of Sessile Oak (Quercetum montanum) are usually found at 600 – 900 m above sea level. These represent the highest positions of the oak forests and cover smaller surfaces

compared to the habitat of Turkey and Italian oaks (Quercetum frainetto-cerris). Terrains are mostly steep and dry, on sandstone, mainly in the southern exposures, where the soil is poor and with acid reaction. The most important species are: Quercus petraea (Sessile Oak), Q. cerris (Turkey Oak), Fraxinus ornus (Flowering Ash), Sorbus torminalis (Checkertree Mountainash), while on the fresher and deeper habitats Fagus moesiaca (Balkan Beech) and Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) are recorded. Habitats with Fagus moesiaca can be encountered in lower areas, even at 200 m above sea level, on a deep, neutral soil of the silica surface; in the higher areas these habitats are present on limestone. The most important species are: Fagus moesiaca (Balkan Beech), Tilia grandifolia (Large Leaved Lime) and Tilia parvifolia (Bast-Small-Leaved Lime), Acer pseudoplatanus (Sycamore), Acer platanoides (Norway-Maple), Fraxinus excelsior (Eiropean Ash), Corylus avellana (European Hazelnut), Evonymus latifolia (Platyphyllous Spindle-tree) and others. Habitat of the Balkan beech is slightly different from the previous ones, because the growing season is shorter and with less rainfalls and heat. In the gorge of the Trešnjica River, depending on slope, exposure, soil depth and structure, dense vegetation of Carpinus orientalis (Oriental Hornbeam) grows individually or in groups, while on the slopes Quercus cerris (Turkey Oak) and Quercus frainetto (Italian Oak) are present. There are also shrubs of Hornbeam, Elm, Ash, Beech and isolated trees of Walnut. The bushes layer includes Common Maple, Cornel Tree, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Ivy, Young Fustic, Wild Rose and other species. Various species of the genus Sedum are present in the places with scree and bare rock. Some of the plant species recorded in the Trešnjica River Gorge are: White Corydalis (Pseudofumaria alba (Miller) Lidén subsp. leiosperma (Conrath) Lidén). Herbaceous perennial plant, with branched rhizome and haired root. It belongs to the family Papaveraceae. It grows on rocks and cliffs, rocky moraines, meadows and pastures. This species is widely distributed in Serbia and was found in many locations. In Podrinje region it is recorded in Sokolska Mt., Soko Fort, Lower and Upper Trešnjica River. This is Balkan endemic species. Bladdernut (Staphylea pinnata L.) can grow as shrub up to 5 m or as small tree up to 7 m, belongs to the family Staphyleaceae; it rises on the fresh and humic soils, up to 700 m above the sea level in the mix forests of oak and hornbeam, or in the beech forest. It is also used as decorative shrub in parks and green areas. Wood is hard, white and difficult to tear, so it is suitable for processing. In Serbia, Staphylea pinnata is the only representative of 12 species of the genus Staphylea in Europe. It is a tertiary relict and protected by national legislation.

Turk’s cap Lily (Lilium martagon L.) is a perennial herbaceous plant with bulbs, belongs to the lily family (Liliaceae), with 30-80 cm in height. The flower’s colour is typically a pinkpurple, with dark inside spots, but is quite variable, extending from near white to near black. This species has a great range in Serbia, distributed from lowland to mountainous regions. It inhabits deciduous forests, thickets, meadows and forest clearings. The species is protected by national legislation. In Postenje locality, around twenty species are recorded in community Quercetum frainetto-cerris Rud. juglandetosum E. Wolf. 1976. Some of these species are: Acer campestre (Common Maple), Asplenium ceterach (Rustyback), Asplenium trichomanes (Maidenhair Spleenwort), Juglans regia (Walnut Tree), Quercus cerris (Turkish Oak), Quercus frainetto (Italian Oak), Sorbus torminalis (Checker(s) tree), Teucrium chamaedrys (Wall Germander). Walnut (Juglans regia L.) is a tertiary old, large, deciduous tree attaining heights of 25–30 m, can live up to 400 years. It foliages in April and blooms in April and May. A mature tree can give more than 300 kg of fruit. It propagates by seeds and outgrowths. The leaves contain an alkaloid juglandin, essential oils and vitamins, so it is used in the pharmaceutical industry, and together with bark and green pericarp it is used for coloring. It lives in deep, loose, moist soils, usually on limestone. In Podrinje (the area along the river Drina, from Bajina Bašta to Mali Zvornik and Banja Koviljača) mixed forest with Turkish and Italian oaks and Walnut is described, with a significant presence of Hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia). Wall Germander (Teucrium chamaedrys L.) is subshrub, with upright hairy stems, often purple in color and with pungent, bitter smelt. It belongs to the labiate family (Lamiaceae). It blooms from June to August. It grows in the light, dry places at the edge of forests. Above ground part of the plant in bloom is collected (Note: cut off the tops of floral, green shoots with knife or scissors. 30% of flowers on plants that are exploited and 30% of plants in the population should be left untouched! Herba should be dried in a thin layer, in a shady place, with gentle stream of air). The plant is bitter and aromatic. It stimulates the appetite and digestion, and thus “renews strength” and defends the sick organism. Tea made from this plant is a favorite folk remedy for diseased digestive organs, jaundice and pulmonary disease. It is often combined with St. John’s wort. The species is protected by national legislation. Vegetation of Sokolska mountain is characterized by degraded Quercetum frainetocerris forest community, then oak and hornbeam (Quercetum cerris ostryetosum) community and beech (Fagetum submontanum), as well as planted pine (Pinus nigra) and juniper (Juniperus communis) communities. Meadow communities are present as a secondary form

of vegetation on many sites (Rozanj, Senokos, Kalkan et al.). Some of the species recorded here are: Asplenium ceterarch (Rustyback), Asplenium trichomanes (Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium scolopendrium (hart’s-tongue fern), Alnus glutinosa (Black Alder), Corylus avellana (Common Hazel), Ostrya carpinifolia (Hornbeam), Atropa belladonna (Belladonna), Ruscus hypoglosum (Mouse Thorn), Veratrum album (false helleborine), Cotinus coggygria (Eurasian smoketree), Himantoglossum hircinum (Lizard Orchid), and others. Lizard Orchid (Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Sprengel) is a perennial plant from the orchid family (Orchidaceae), from 30 to 90 cm in height. It occurs sporadically in the sunny, grassy slopes or at the edge of the forests. The species is strictly protected under national and international legislation. Mouse Thorn (Ruscus hypoglossum L.) is an evergreen shrub Tertiary age, belonging to the lily family (Liliaceae), up to 60 cm high. The fruits are not edible, bright-red rounded berries that remain on the plant through the winter. This species is very healing and decorative. Together with Ruscus aculeatus (Butcher’s Broom), it can usually be found in beech forests, ie. mesophilic, mainly beech forests, but can also be found in the forests of oak and hornbeam and in beech-fir forests. In folk medicine it is used to increase milk production in domestic animals. The species is protected by national legislation. Haynald’s Athamant (Athamanta turbith (L.) Brot. subsp. haynaldii (Borbás & Uechtr.) Tutin) is a perennial herbaceous plant with thickened rhizome. It belongs to the Apiaceae family. It occurs in carbonate rocks and cliffs, meadows, pastures and rocky, alpine turfs, forests and thickets with Oriental Hornbeam and Hornbeam. This is Balkan endemic species, widespread in Serbia in several locations. Localities in Podrinje region: Lower Trešnjica (River - Gorge), Sokolska Mountain (old town Soko Grad), Valjevo (Gradac River - Canyon), Zvornik. Hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.) is a deciduous, monoecious tree about 15 m high, rarely to 20 m, with a diameter of 50 cm (family Corylaceae). It represents a relict species that inhabits the steep slopes, cliffs, screes, rugged canyons. The species is common in the western and southwestern Serbia. It is planted as an ornamental species. The wood is tough and solid, used for carving and making various tools.

In Gornje Košlje locality Centaurea derventana (Vis. & Pancic) species can be found. It is a perennial herbaceous plant (up to 30 cm high), with strong rhizome and roots to penetrate deep into crevices. It belongs to the composite family (Asteraceae). In Serbia this species is recorded in Podrinje, at localities: Ljubovija - Košlje, Trešnjica River Gorge and on Tara Mountain (Derventa, Drina, Grlac). This is Balkan endemic species, strictly protected under national legislation. Stachys anisochila (Vis. & Pancic) is a perennial plant from the labiate family (Lamiaceae). It grows on rocks and cliffs, in beech forests. It is widespread in Serbia at several localities. In Podrinje region this species is recorded in following localities: Ljubovija-Košlje, Ovčinja (Crvena stena), Povlen, Valjevo (Debelo brdo), Trešnjica River Gorge. This is Balkan endemic species protected by national legislation. Two other plants that have been recorded at Gornje Košlje locality are Balkan endemics. The first one is Hieracium suborieni (Zahn) PD Sell & C. West, a perennial herbaceous plant of the composite family (Asteraceae). It inhabits rocks and cliffs, alpine turfs on carbonates, Moesian beech woods and thickets. The second one is Helictotrichon blavii (Ascherson & Janka) CE Hubb), a perennial herb from the grass family (Poaceae). It occurs in serpentine rocks and cliffs, xerophilic meadows, pastures and rocks. In Serbia, both plants are present in the small number of sites. Area of Ljubovija Municipality is also rich in medicinal and aromatic plant species. According to the Regulation on controlling the use and trade of wild flora and fauna (“Official Gazette RS”, no. 31/05, 45/05, 22/07, 38/08, 9/10, 69/11) 23 protected species occur in numerous populations and they are widespread throughout the area. In the municipality of Ljubovija and its surroundings, the presence of some endemic, rare and endangered species was observed. Karadzic et al. (2001), among others, recorded following species: Staphylea pinnata L., Centaurea derventana Vis. et Panc., Athamanta haynaldii Borb. et Uchtr, Onosma stellulata Wald. et Kit., Epimedium alpinum L. Tomovic (2007) added more species: Stachys anisochila Vis. & Pančić, Hieracium suborieni (Zahn) P. D. Sell & C. West, Helictotrichon blavii (Ascherson & Janka) C. E. Hubb., Edraianthus jugoslavicus Lakušić, Cerastium decalvans Schlosser & Vuk. subsp. decalvans, Pseudofumaria alba (Miller) Lidén subsp. leiosperma (Conrath) Lidén i Erysimum linariifolium Tausch. The presence and population status of these species in the municipality of Ljubovija requires additional research, check and update of data. Taking into account that Ljubovija is in Podrinje region, whose flora and vegetation are relatively well understood (such as known for the Trešnjica River Gorge, Gučevo and Sokolska mountains), it can be assumed that in the area of Ljubovija Municipality more than 500 plant species exist.

Fauna insekata (Aleksandra Zatezalo) Insekti predstavljaju najbrojniju i najraznovrsniju grupu živih bića na Zemlji. Ove životinje čine čak 70% od ukupnog broja vrsta živih organizama i predstavljaju jednu od najznačajnijih komponenti biodiverziteta. Do sada je opisano oko milion vrsta, a procene ukupnog broja vrsta se kreću od 2,5 pa sve do 10 miliona vrsta (Grimaldi & Engel, 2005). U tabeli u prilogu dat je pregled insekata prvenstveno iz redova vilinskih konjica (Odonata) i pravokrilaca (Orthoptera), kao značajnih predstavnika faune otvorenih staništa, a koji predstavljaju dobre indikatore stanja staništa. Takođe, navedene su neke retke i zaštićene vrste iz grupe tvrdokrilaca (Coleoptera) i leptira (Lepidoptera), koje su zabeležene na ovom prostoru. Kako na području Ljubovije nisu rađena detaljna i sistematična istraživanja faune insekata, ovaj pregled vrsta predstavlja prve, preliminarne rezultate entomofaune ovog područja. Za sada, zabeleženo je 65 vrsta insekata iz pomenutih redova, od kojih su 24 vrste u manjoj ili većoj meri ugrožene i zaštićene nacionalnom i/ili međunarodnom pravnom regulativom. Bukova strižibuba (Morimus funereus Mulsant, 1863) rasprostranjena je na Balkanskom i Apeninskom poluostrvu i južnom delu centralne Evrope. Najčešće se nalazi na bukvi ali može se naći i na hrastu, jasenu, brestu, topoli, lipi i dr. Larve se razvijaju uglavnom u panjevima i slabim stablima. Jelenak (Lucanus cervus Linnaeus, 1758) naseljava Evropu, severnu Afriku, Malu Aziju, Bliski istok, Kavkaz i centralnu Aziju. Mužjaci ove vrste imaju jako razrasle vilice koje podsećaju na jelenske rogove, pa je vrsta po tome i dobila ime. Odrasle jedinke žive svega nekoliko meseci i hrane se biljnim sokovima i nektarom cvetova. Ženke polažu jaja u delove trulog drveta. Žive u hrastovim šumama, gde se mogu naći u rupama, u stablima i panjevima.

Faktori ugrožavanja faune insekata Na faunu insekata čovek uglavnom deluje indirektno, odnosno deluje na njihova staništa. Širenje ljudskih naselja koje podrazumeva drastične izmene prirodnih staništa može imati dalekosežne negativne posledice na populacije insekata, ukoliko se sprovodi neplanski. Posebno nelegalna izgradnja objekata različite namene i izgradnja prateće infrastrukture može dovesti do nestanka pojedinih vrsta sa određenog prostora. Obrazovanje divljih deponija, širenje obradivih površina, eksploatacija šuma, predstavljaju faktore koji se posebno ističu po negativnom dejstvu. Posebno bi trebalo izdvojiti vlažna i vodena staništa koja trpe ogroman antropogeni pritisak, počev od zagađivanja otpadnim vodama, preko izgradnje veštačkih akumulacija, pa sve do potpunog isušivanja. Za vodena staništa vezan je veliki broj vrsta odnosima ishrane ili svojim razvićem, pa zaštita vodenih staništa u današnje vreme predstavlja jedan od prioriteta i tom problemu posvećena je velika pažnja.

Entomofauna (Aleksandra Zatezalo)

Insects are the largest and the most diverse group of organisms on the Earth. The number of these animals represents 70% of the total number of all living organisms and is the most important component of biodiversity. So far, about one million species were described, and estimates of the total number of species range from 2.5 up to 10 million species (Grimaldi & Engel, 2005). The Annex provides an overview table of insects primarily from Ordo Odonata and Ordo Orthoptera, which are important representatives of the fauna of open habitats, and good indicators of habitat condition. Also, some rare and protected species from this area belonging to the group of beetles (Coleoptera) and moths (Lepidoptera), are listed in the table below. For the Ljubovija Municipality there is no detailed and systematic study of insect fauna, so this review represents the first, preliminary results of entomofauna of this area. Taking into account data provided by different authors, 65 species of insects are evidenced, 24 of which are more or less vulnerable and protected by national and / or international regulations.

Morimus funereus (Mulsant, 1863) is widespread in the Balkan and Apennine Peninsula and in the southern part of Central Europe. It is most commonly found in beech forests, but can be found also in the oak, ash, elm, poplar, lime, etc.. The larvae lives in the sick trees and stumps. Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758) inhabits Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor, the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Males of this species have very overgrown jaws that resemble a stag’s antlers, and a species was named concerning them. An adult lives only a few months and feeds itself on plant sap and nectar of flowers. Females lay eggs in rotting wood parts. They live in oak forests, in holes in trees and stumps.

Threats to insect fauna Human acts mainly indirectly on the insect fauna by acting on their habitats. Expansion of human settlements, which implies drastic changes of natural habitats, can have far-reaching negative effects on insect populations, if implemented without a plan. In particular, the illegal construction of buildings for various purposes and the construction of supporting infrastructure may lead to the disappearance of certain species in a certain area. Illegal dumps, expansion of arable land, timber harvesting, are the most important factors which have negative effects. Special attention should be paid to the wetlands and aquatic habitats which suffer tremendous anthropogenic pressure, taking into account pollution from waste water, or construction of artificial reservoirs, or complete drying. As number of species are connected to the aquatic habitats with feeding or development, protection of aquatic habitats at the present time is a priority and the great attention has been given to this problem.

Fauna riba (Nenad Sekulić, dr Jasmina Mijović Magdić)

Kroz teritoriju opštine Ljubovija protiče oko 70 manjih vodotoka, među kojima su najznačajniji Ljuboviđa, Trešnjica, Uzovnička, Gračanička i Krupinska reka sa svojim pritokama. Svi oni se ulivaju u Drinu koja, kao granična reka sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom, protiče ovom opštinom u dužini od oko 29 km. Biološka raznovrsnost ribljeg fonda u ovim vodama je izuzetno velika i odlikuje se visokim nivoom autohtonosti vrsta. Na prostoru opštine ukupno je evidentirano prisustvo 27 vrsta riba iz 9 familija, sa najvećim diverzitetom riba u reci Drini, dok je znatno manji broj vrsta, od kojih su dominantne potočna pastrmka, potočna mrena, klen, pliska i peš, prisutan u okolnim brdsko planinskim potocima i rekama.

Na teritoriji opštine Ljubovija jedino zaštićeno područje u okviru kojeg se nalazi vodotok interesantan i značajan kao stanište riba je Specijalni rezervat prirode „Klisura reke Trešnjice“. Reka Trešnjica je vodotok ukupne dužine od 23 km, koji kroz zaštićeno prirodno dobro protiče u dužini od oko 7 km. Kroz teritoriju Ljubovije reka Trešnjica prima vodu iz desetak rečica i potoka (Rujnica, Vrleljić, Bijeli potok, Tribuća, Ozrimski potok, Dolovski potok, Jelavski potok) i teče u dužini od oko 11,3 km do ušća u Drinu. U odnosu na zajednicu riba, donji rečni tok (epipotamon), bitno se razlikuje u odnosu na uzvodniji, a posebno na deo vodotoka iznad brane (metaritron i epiritron), koja je postavljena kod škole u Gornjoj Trešnjici. Na osnovu literaturnih podataka i istraživanja Zavoda za zaštitu prirode Srbije, u Trešnjici je do sada identifikovano prisustvo 13 vrsta riba (mladica, kalifornijska pastrmka, potočna pastrmka, pliska, uklija, potočna mrena, krkuša, pijor, gavčica, klen, veliki vijun, brkica i peš), predstavnika 5 porodica (Salmonidae, Cyprinidae, Cobitidae, Nemacheilidae i Cottidae). Uzvodno od brane, od navedenih vrsta mogu se sresti samo potočna pastrmka, potočna mrena i pijor, kao i kalifornijska pastrmka, koja u reku dospeva iz obližnjeg ribnjaka. Međutim, sastav ribljeg fonda u reci Trešnjici je izmenjen i narušen, posebno u odnosu na vrste kao što su mladica i peš, čije prisustvo poslednjih godina nije evidentirano!!!

Mladica (Hucho hucho, Linnaeus, 1758) je najveća riblja vrsta salmonidnih voda Srbije. Izduženog je i vretenastog tela, prekrivenog sitnim krljuštima. Glava je dugačka i bočno malo spljoštena, sa velikim ustima, jakim viličnim kostima i zubima. Na sredini tela se nalazi leđno peraje, a u zadnjem delu je relativno krupno masno peraje. Izrazito snažno i veliko je repno peraje, dok su ostala srazmerno mala. Glava i telo su tamno smeđi sa ružičastim prelivom i malim crnim pegama, dok je trbuh beličast. Živi u čistim i kiseonikom bogatim planinskim rekama, na ušćima u ravničarske reke i u nekim jezerima. Hrani se beskičmenjacima i ribom, vodozemcima i malim sisarima. Mresti se u proleće na šljunkovitom i kamenitom dnu, pravi bojišta i gradi gnezdo u koje polaže ikru. Sa aspekta rekreativnog ribolova, mladica predstavlja najpoznatiju i najatraktivniju salmonidu obzirom da može da naraste i do 1,5 m i da teži oko 50 kg. Endemična je vrsta jer se sreće isključivo u vodotocima koji pripadaju dunavskom slivu. U Srbiji, sliv reke Drine je bez sumnje jedno od najznačajnijih područja u okviru njenog rasprostranjenja. Značajna je na međunarodnom nivou, a na nacionalnom ima status zaštićene vrste sa ustanovljenim režimom ribolova.

Postoje pouzdani podaci o migraciji mladice iz Drine u Trešnjicu, koja je do nedavno predstavljala njeno poznato prirodno plodište. Ne tako davne 2000. godine su čak i izlovljavane matice mladice za potrebe veštačkog mresta i proizvodnju mlađi koja se potom koristila za poribljavanje Drine, Vape, Uvca, Lima, Ibra, Moravice i akumulacija na Tari. Mladica je svakako terminalni predator, međutim jasno je da je antropogeni uticaj „terminalni devastator”. Jedan od najznačajnijih faktora ugrožavanja akvatičnog ekosistema Trešnjice, pa samim tim i biološke raznovrsnosti njenog ribljeg naselja je višenamenska eksploatacija vodnih resursa, pri čemu se posebno misli na prisustvo dva punosistemska ribnjaka za proizvodnju kalifornijske pastrmke, čija je neprilagođena izgradnja značajno doprinela degradaciji rečnog korita, eutrofikaciji vode i pojavi toksičnog otpada. Postojeća brana i drugi objekti u samom koritu reke i priobalju, osim što dovode do fragmentacije staništa, nepovoljno su uticali i na migracije mladice, posebno u periodu mresta. Uz klimatske promene koje uzrokuju promene hidrološke situacije, od ugrožavajućih faktora treba pomenuti i postojeće deponije smeća u priobalju, upuštanje otpadnih voda u Trešnjicu, promenu morfologije korita reke, sečenje obalske vegetacije, pregrađivanje vodotoka i prisustvo alohtone vrste - kalifornijske pastrmke iz ribnjaka. U vreme mresta, kada je mladica ulazila u Trešnjicu iz Drine, bila je lak plen ribokradicama, a danas, kada više ne zalazi, krivolov je prisutan na druge vrste, iako je na čitavom toku reke ribolov zabranjen. Iz svega iznetog jasno je da u što kraćem periodu treba preduzeti sve neophodne mere i aktivnosti koje za cilj imaju rekonstrukciju staništa prirodnog plodišta mladice i poboljšanje kvaliteta vode reke Trešnjice. Sve to predstavlja osnovni preduslov za povratak mladice i sprovođenje daljih in situ i ex situ mera zaštite i očuvanja vrste (istraživanje životnog ciklusa, populacionih karakteristika, praćenje stanja vrste, razvoj akvakulture i formiranje reprocentra za potrebe poribljavanja, monitoring izlova, obezbeđivanje mehanizma primene nacionalne legislative itd.). Osim mladice, u reci Trešnjici poslednjih godina nije evidentiran ni peš (Cottus gobio, Linnaeus, 1758), koji predstavlja indikatora čistih voda i značajnu vrstu u ishrani salmonida. Peš je riba izduženog i valjkastog oblika koje se pozadi postepeno sužava. Telo je golo, bez krljušti, ili pokriveno sitnim bradavičastim izraštajima. Glava je široka i pljosnata, sa očima na temenu. Usta su velika, nagore zasečena i sa debelim usnama. Leđno peraje je dvodelno, prednje je kraće i sa bodljama, a zadnje znatno duže. Grudna peraja su velika, lepezasta. Ispod se nalaze trbušna koja služe za pričvršćivanje za podlogu. Telo je smeđe, išarano svetlijim i tamnijim mrljama i prekriveno sluzi. Živi u potocima i rečicama sa jačim protokom i u priobalju jezera sa tvrdom podlogom. Hrani se beskičmenjacima dna, ikrom i mladim ribama. Mresti se od februara do juna, lepi ikru na kamenito dno. Naraste do 20,7 cm.

Pregled vrsta koje su prisutne u reci Trešnjici, posebno u delu koji se nalazi u granicama zaštićenog područja

Potočna pastrmka (Salmo trutta morpha fario, Linnaeus, 1758) je najčešća vrsta iz porodice pastrmki (Salmonidae). To je riba vretenastog i izduženog tela, prekrivenog sitnim krljuštima. Glava je velika, bez krljušti, snažnih vilica i oštrih zuba. Leđno peraje se nalazi na sredini tela, a malo masno peraje bliže repnom. Peraja su široka, zaobljena i čvrsta. Leđa pastrmke su sivozelena do tamno smeđa, bokovi zelenkasti ili žućkasti, a trbuh srebrnast. Telo je prekriveno tamnim i crvenim pegama okruženih svetlim rubom. Živi u hladnim, čistim i brzim potocima i rekama, skrivena pod kamenjem i korenjem drveća. Hrani se faunom dna, insektima i ribom. Mresti se od oktobra do kraja februara u vodi sa brzom strujom i bogatoj kiseonikom, na šljunkovitom i kamenitom dnu gde gradi gnezdo u koje polaže ikru. Naraste do 70 cm i 16 kg, obično do 50 cm i 1 kg. Na nacionalnom nivou ima status zaštićene vrste sa ustanovljenim režimom ribolova. Pliska/dvoprugasta uklija (Alburnoides bipunctatus, Bloch, 1782) je vrsta iz porodice šarana (Cyprinidae). Oči su krupne, a usta mala, završna, na gore postavljena. Ima umereno izduženo i relativno visoko, bočno spljošteno telo, dugo podrepno i visoko leđno peraje i karaterističnu bočnu liniju u vidu dvostrukog niza pora duž kojih se proteže tamna pruga od crnih tačkica. Leđa su tamno zelena do smeđa, bokovi tamno sivi do srebrni sa žućkastom prugom i tamnim pegama iznad bočne linije. Živi u manjim jatima u potocima i rekama sa jakom strujom i tvrdim dnom, ali i u stajaćim vodama. Hrani se planktonom i beskičmenjacima sa površine vode. Mresti se porciono u maju i junu; ikru odlaže u brzim vodama po kamenju i šljunku. Naraste do 16 cm i 30 g. Vrsta je značajna na međunarodnom nivou, a na nacionalnom nivou ima status zaštićene vrste. Potočna mrena (Barbus balcanicus, Kotlík, Tsigenopoulos, Ráb & Berrebi, 2002; sinonim Barbus peloponnesius, Valenciennes, 1842) je vrsta iz porodice šarana (Cyprinidae). Ima izduženo, malo bočno spljošteno telo. Usta su donja, polumesečasta, a usne mesnate. Gornja usna je isturena, sa dva para brkova. Zadnja tvrda žbica leđnog peraja je vrlo malo nazubljena i nije zadebljala. Telo i peraja su srebrno žućkasti do smeđi, sa tamnim mrljama po leđima i bokovima, tačkama po perajima i belog trbuha. Živi u potocima, rečicama i jezerima na šljunkovitom i kamenitom dnu. Hrani se beskičmenjacima dna i biljnim materijalom, a odrasli i ikrom i mlađi riba. Mresti se od maja do jula u brzacima na tvrdoj podlozi. Naraste do 30 cm i 250 g. Vrsta je značajna na međunarodnom nivou, a na nacionalnom ima status zaštićene vrste. Pijor (Phoxinus phoxinus, Linnaeus, 1758) je vrsta iz porodice šarana (Cyprinidae). Telo je izduženo i cilindrično, pokriveno malim krljuštima kojih nema na trbuhu. Glava je mala i bočno spljoštena, a usta subterminalna. Leđa su tamno zelena ili smeđa, a bokovi svetliji. U mrestu su mužjaci življih boja. Duž bokova tela pruža se niz krupnih mrlja koje se nadovezuju u uzdužnu zlatnu prugu. Živi u jatima, u čistim i hladnim visokoplaninskim potocima i jezerima sa peščanim i šljunkovitim dnom, bogatih kiseonikom. Hrani se algama, beskičmenjacima i biljnom hranom. Mresti se u kasno proleće i početkom leta. Naraste do 15 cm i 50 g.

Klen (Squalius cephalus, Linnaeus, 1758) je vrsta iz porodice šarana (Cyprinidae). Ima izduženo i snažno telo, skoro valjkastog oblika, pokrivenog krupnim krljuštima tamnih ivica. Glava je krupna i široka, usta su velika i završna. Repna drška je dugačka i bočno spljoštena. Zadnja ivica leđnog i analnog peraja je blago zaobljena. Leđa su tamnozelena, bokovi srebrnasti, a trbuh beo. Živi u manjim jatima u hladnim i brzim vodotocima, na kamenitom i šljunkovitom dnu. Hrani se beskičmenjacima, vodenim biljkama i sitnijom ribom. Mresti se porciono u proleće na kamenitom dnu, u mirnijim delovima obraslim vegetacijom. Naraste do 80 cm i 4 kg. Na nacionalnom nivou ima status zaštićene vrste sa ustanovljenim režimom ribolova. Kalifornijska pastrmka (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792) je vrsta iz porodice pastrmki (Salmonidae), uneta iz Severne Amerike. To je riba vretenastog i izduženog tela prekrivenog sitnim krljuštima. Glava i usta su velika, sa snažnim vilicama i oštrim zubima. Leđno peraje se nalazi na sredini tela, dok je bliže repnom malo masno peraje. Leđa su tamnije zelene boje, bokovi svetliji, trbuh beličast. Od glave do repa po bokovima pruža se prepoznatljiva uzdužna pruga duginih boja. Telo i peraja su prekriveni krupnim, tamnim pegama. U postojbini živi u hladnim potocima, rekama i jezerima, a kod nas je najčešća gajena vrsta u pastrmskim ribnjacima odakle slučajno dospeva u vodotoke u kojima se prirodno ne mresti. Hrani se planktonom, faunom dna, insektima i ribom, a kao grabljivica predstavlja opasnost za ostale vrste. Mresti se od oktobra do marta na šljunkovitom i kamenitom dnu, lepi ikru na podlogu. Naraste do 1 m i preko 6 kg. Na nacionalnom nivou za vrstu je ustanovljen režim ribolova.

1. Salmo trutta - Potočna pastrmka /Brown Trout 2. Alburnoides bipunctatus - Pliska / Schneider 3. Barbus peloponnesius - Potočna mrena / Brook Barbel

Ostale vrste koje su evidentirane u nizvodnijem delu ka ušću u Drinu: Veliki vijun (Cobitis elongata, Heckel & Kner, 1858) je vrsta iz porodice čikova (Cobitidae), izduženog i bočno spljoštenog tela. Glava je bočno spljoštena sa visoko postavljenim očima ispod kojih se nalazi dvostruka bodlja. Usta su donja sa tri para brkova. Kod mužjaka je druga žbica grudnih peraja zadebljala. Zadnja ivica repnog peraja je zaobljena. Telo je svetlo žuto do beličasto, duž bokova sa nizom tamnih, krupnih tačaka kroz koje prolazi široka tamna pruga i uska crna linija. Živi na kamenitom i peskovitom dnu potoka i reka. Hrani se beskičmenjacima dna. Mresti se u proleće na kamenitom i šljunkovitom dnu. Naraste do 17 cm. Vrsta je značajna na međunarodnom nivou, a na nacionalnom ima status strogo zaštićene vrste. Brkica (Barbatula barbatula, Linnaeus, 1758) predstavlja vrstu iz porodice brkica (Nemacheilidae). Ima izduženo i valjkasto telo, pozadi bočno spljošteno, bez krljušti. Glava joj je odozgo spljoštena, sa očima postavljenim visoko na čelu. Nosni otvori su produženi, u vidu cevčica. Usta su donja, sa tri para brčića. Telo je smeđe zeleno sa brojnim tamnim mrljama u vidu poprečnih pruga nepravilnog oblika, sa tamnim pegama na perajima. Živi pod kamenjem i šljunkom u rečicama brzog toka. Hrani se beskičmenjacima dna i ikrom riba. Mresti se porciono tokom aprila i maja. Lepljivu ikru pričvršćuje za vodene biljke, pesak ili šljunak. Naraste do 21 cm i 200 g. Gavčica (Rhodeus amarus, Bloch, 1782) je vrsta iz porodice šarana (Cyprinidae). To je mala riba visokog, bočno spljoštenog tela, prekrivenog relativno krupnim krljuštima. Usta su joj mala, subterminalna. Leđno i podrepno peraje su visoki. Leđa su sivo zelenkasta, bokovi i trbuh srebrnasto beli. Po sredini tela nalazi se uzdužna zelenkasto plavičasta pruga. Živi u jatima u rečicama, rekama, rukavcima sa mirnom vodom, jezerima i močvarama. Hrani se končastim algama, larvama insekata i račićima. Mresti se u proleće, kada se kod ženki razvija legalica preko koje polaže ikru u plaštanu duplju školjki. Mužjaci su u mrestu ružičasto ljubičasti, a peraja crvena. Naraste do 11 cm i 20 g. Vrsta je značajna na međunarodnom nivou, a na nacionalnom ima status strogo zaštićene vrste u Vojvodini, dok u ostalim vodama nije pod zaštitom. Krkuša (Gobio gobio, Linnaeus, 1758) je vrsta iz porodice šarana (Cyprinidae). To je riba izduženog i valjkastog tela, kratke i visoke, bočno spljoštene repne drške. Glava je spljoštena, usta mala, terminalna ili subterminalna, sa jednim parom brkova u uglovima. Leđa su tamno smeđa, bokovi žućkasto smeđi, ponekad plavičastog odsjaja, a trbuh srebnast. Na leđima i perajima nalaze se brojne sitne tačke i mrlje, a duž bočne linije niz većih tamnih pega. Živi u manjim jatima u potocima i rekama bogatijih kiseonikom, na tvrdoj podlozi. Hrani se beskičmenjacima dna, ikrom riba i biljkama. Mresti se porciono u plitkoj vodi preko kamenja, peska i vegetacije, tokom maja i juna. Naraste do 20 cm i 220 g. Na nacionalnom nivou ima status zaštićene vrste sa ustanovljenim režimom ribolova.

Ichtiofauna (Nenad Sekulić, dr Jasmina Mijović Magdić) In the entire territory of Ljubovija Municipality, there are about 70 small watercourses, among them Ljuboviđa, Trešnjica, Uzovnička, Gračanička and Krupinska River with their tributaries, are the most important. They all flow into the Drina River, which, as a border river with Bosnia and Herzegovina, flows through the municipality in the length of 29 km. Biological diversity of fish stocks in these waters is very large and is characterized by high level of autochthonous species. For this municipality, the presence of 27 species from 9 families was recorded. The greatest diversity of fish is noted in the Drina River, while much smaller diversity, represented by the Brown Trout, Barbel, Chub, Bullhead and Wagtail as dominant species, was recorded in the surrounding mountainous streams and rivers.

1. Gračanička reka / Gračanička River 2. Reka Ljuboviđa / Ljuboviđa River 3. Uzovnička reka / Uzovnička River

In the municipality of Ljubovija, Special nature reserve “Trešnjica River Gorge” is the only protected area with interesting and significant water habitat for fish. The Trešnjica River is a river with total length of 23 km; throughout the protected area it flows in length of about 7 km. Through the territory of Ljubovija Municipality, Trešnjica River receives water from a dozen rivers and streams (such as Rujnica, Vrleljić, Beli potok, Tribuća, Ozrimski potok, Dolovski potok, Jelavski potok) and flows over 11,3 km to the mouth of the River Drina. In relation to fish community, lower river flow (epipotamon zone), is significantly different than in upstream part, especially in the part of the river above the dam (metaritron and epiritron zones), which was set up near the school in Gornja Trešnjica. Based on literature data and research done by researchers from the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, in Trešnjica River the presence of 13 fish species has been identified (Danube Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Bleak, Schneider, Barbel, Gudgeon, Eurasian minnow, European bitterling, Chub, Balkan Loach, Stone Loach, and Billhead), as representatives of five families (Salmonidae, Cyprinidae, Cobitidae, Nemacheilidae and Cottidae). Upstream of the dam, there are only four species registered: Rainbow Trout, Barbel, Eurasian Minnow and Rainbow Trout; the last one enters the river from a nearby artificial pond. However, the composition of the fish stock in the Trešnjica River has changed and degraded, especially considering species such as Danube Salmon and Bullhead, so their presence in recent years has not been evidenced!

Danube Salmon (Hucho hucho, Linnaeus, 1758) is the largest species of salmonid fish waters in Serbia. It is elongated and spindle, covered with small scales. The head is long and laterally slightly flattened, with a big mouth, strong jaw bones and teeth. There is a dorsal fin in the middle of the body, and relatively large adipose fin in the back. Tail fin is extremely powerful and big, while others are proportionally smaller. The head and the body are dark brown with pink icing and small black spots, and the belly is whitish. This fish lives in a clean and oxygen-rich mountain rivers, in the mouths plains of the rivers and in some lakes. It feeds on invertebrates and fish, amphibians and small mammals. It spawns in the spring on gravelly and rocky river bottom, making battlefield and building a nest tolay eggs. From the standpoint of recreational fishing, Danube Salmon is the most famous and the most attractive salmonid species, which can grow up to 1.5 meters and weighs about 50 kg. This is endemic species because it lives only in the waters of the Danube River Basin. In Serbia, Drina River Basin is certainly one of the most important areas within its distribution. This species is important in terms of international legislation and has status of a protected species at the national level, with established fishing regime. There are reliable data on migration of Danube Salmon from the Drina River to the Trešnjica River, which in recent time represented known natural torus of this species. Not so long ago, in 2000, old female specimens were taken from Trešnjica River and used for artificial spawning and producing fry, which is then used for stocking of other rivers, such as: Drina, Vapa, Lim, Ibar, Moravica and accumulations on Tara River. Danube Salmon is definitely terminal predator, but it is clear that the anthropogenic influence is “terminal devastator”. One of the most significant threatening factors of aquatic ecosystems of the Trešnjica River, and thus the biological diversity of its fish habitat, is a multipurpose exploitation of water resources. This is related in particular to the presence of two full-system ponds for the production of the Rainbow Trout, whose irregular construction significantly contributed to the degradation of the river bed, to water eutrophication and to appearance of toxic waste. Existing dams and other structures in the river bed and on the riversides, except that leading to habitat fragmentation, have negatively affected the migration of Danube Salmon species, especially during spawning. Together with climate changes which caused changes in the hydrological situation, some other threatening factors should be mentioned, such as: the existing dumps along the riversides, waste water releasing into Trešnjica River, changes in the morphology of the river bed, cutting riparian vegetation, damming of watercourse and the presence of non-native species - Rainbow Trout from the fish-pond. During the spawning period, when this fish entered into the Trešnjica River from the Drina River, it was easy prey for poachers; nowadays, since it no longer goes down, poaching is present to other species, although in the whole course of the Trešnjica River fishing is prohibited.

Besides Danube Salmon, Bullhead (Cottus gobio Linnaeus, 1758) is another species which was not recorded in the Trešnjica River last years; this species is an indicator of clean waters and is important for salmonid’s nutrition. Bullhead is elongated and cylindrically shaped, gradually tapering on the back. The body is naked, without scales or wart-covered by small spines. The head is broad and flat, with eyes on the back of the head. The mouth is large, notched up with thick lips. Dorsal fin is a two-part, front fin is shorter and with spines, and back fin is much longer. Pectoral fins are large, fan-shaped. Below are belly’s fins, which are used to attach to the substrate. The body is brown, streaked with lighter and darker patches and covered with mucus. The species lives in streams and rivers with stronger flows and in coastal of lakes with the hard ground. It feeds on bottom invertebrates, fish eggs and young fish. It spawns from February to June, the eggs stick to the rocky bottom. It grows up to 20.7 cm.

Review of the species present in the Trešnjica River, particularly in the area which is located within the boundaries of the protected area Brown Trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario Linnaeus, 1758) is the most common species of the trout family (Salmonidae). It’s a fish with spindle and elongated body, covered with tiny scales. The head is large, without scales, with strong jaws and sharp teeth. Dorsal fin is in the middle of the body, and small adipose fin is closer to the fin tail. Fins are broad, rounded and firm. Back of the Brown trout is gray-green to dark brown, sides are greenish or yellowish and belly is silvery. The body is covered with dark red freckles and surrounded by a bright rim. It lives in cold, clean and fast streams and rivers, hidden under rocks and tree roots. It feeds on bottom fauna, insects and fish. It spawns from October to the end of February in the water with fast stream and rich in oxygen, on the gravelly and rocky bottom where it builds the nest and lays eggs. It grows up to 70 cm and 16 kg, but usual size is 50 cm and 1 kg. This species is protected at the national level, with established fishing regime. Schneider (Alburnoides bipunctatus Bloch, 1782) is a species of the carp family (Cyprinidae). The eyes are big and mouth is small, finished and set out above. It has moderately elongated and relatively high, laterally flattened body, with long under-tail fin, high dorsal fin and characteristic lateral line as a double series of pores along which runs a dark stripe of black dots. The back is dark green to brown, sides are dark gray to silver with yellow stripe and dark freckles above the lateral line. It lives in small flocks in streams and rivers with strong current and hard bottom, but also in stagnant waters. It feeds on plankton and invertebrates from the water surface. It maturates and release unfertilized eggs in several portions (“portion spawning”) in May and June; deposits eggs on the rocks and gravel in

the waters with rapid flows. It grows up to 16 cm and 30 g. The species is significant at the international level and at the national level has the status of a protected species. Brook Barbel (Barbus balcanicus, Kotlík, Tsigenopoulos, Rab & Berrebi, 2002; synonymous: Barbus peloponnesius, Valenciennes, 1842) is a species of the carp family (Cyprinidae). It has long, slightly flattened body. The mouth is lower, lunate, with fleshy lips. The upper lip is protruded, with two pairs of whiskers. Last hard spokes of dorsal fin is a little jagged and not thick. The body and fins are silvery to yellowish brown, with dark spots on the back and sides, the points on the fin and white belly. It lives in streams, rivers and lakes of the boulder and rocky bottom. It feeds on bottom invertebrates and plant material, adult specimens feed on eggs and juvenile fishes. Barbel spawns from May to July in the rapids, on a hard surface. It grows up to 30 cm and 250 g. The species is important at an international level, and has the status of a national protected species. Eurasian Minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus, Linnaeus, 1758) is a species of the carp family (Cyprinidae). The body is elongated and cylindrical, covered with small scales except on the belly. The head is small and flattened and the mouth is subterminal. The back is dark green or brown, and the sides are brighter. Males with more vibrant colors are spawning. Along the sides of the body there are a series of huge stains, elongating to longitudinal gold stripe. It lives in flocks, in clean and cold high mountain streams and lakes with sandy or gravelly bottoms, rich in oxygen. It feeds on algae, invertebrates and plant foods. It spawns in late spring and early summer. It grows up to 15 cm and 50 g. Chub (Squalius cephalus Linnaeus, 1758) is a species of carp family (Cyprinidae). It has an elongated strong almost cylindrical body, covered by large scales with dark edges. The head is large and broad, mouth is big and ended. Tail shaft is long and laterally flattened. Trailing edge of the dorsal and anal fin is slightly rounded. The back is dark green, silvery sides and belly white. It lives in small flocks in the cold and rapid streams, on rocky and gravelly bottom. It feeds on invertebrates, aquatic plants and smaller fish. „Portion spawning“ is the way

characteristic for this species; they spawn during the spring on the rocky bottom and places covered by vegetation. It grows up to 80 cm and 4 kg. At the national level, it has the status as protected species with established fishing regime. Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) is a species of the trout family (Salmonidae), entered from North America. It’s a fish with spindle and elongated body covered with tiny scales. The head and mouth are large, with strong jaws and sharp teeth. Dorsal fin is in the middle of the body, while the small adipose fin is closer to the tail. The back is dark green, sides are lighter and belly whitish. From head to tail on the sides there are distinctive longitudinal stripes of rainbow colors. The body and the fins are covered with large dark spots. In its homeland, it lives in cold streams, rivers and lakes, but here this is the most cultivated species in the trout ponds, accidentally getting into waterways where it is not naturally spawn. It feeds on plankton, bottom fauna, insects and fish, and as predatory fish it is threat to other species. It spawns from October to March on gravel and rocky bottom, attaching eggs on the surface. It grows up to 1 m and weight over 6 kg. Regime of fishing for this species is established at the national level. Other species that have been recorded in the downstream part of the confluence into the Drina River: Balkan Loach (Cobitis elongata, Heckel & Kner 1858) is a species of loach family (Cobitidae), with a long, laterally flattened body. The head is flattened with a high set eyes under which is a double barb. The mouth is lower with three pairs of whiskers. In males the second rung of pectoral fins is thickened. Trailing edge of the caudal fin is rounded. The body is light yellow to whitish, along the sides with a series of dark, large points overpassed by a broad dark stripe and a narrow black line. It lives on rocky and sandy bottom of streams and rivers. It feeds on bottom invertebrates. It spawns in the spring in rocky and gravelly bottom. It grows up to 17 cm. The species is significant at the international level and at the national lavel has status as strictly protected species. Stone Loach (Barbatula barbatula, Linnaeus, 1758) is a species of Nemacheilidae family. It has elongated and cylindrical body, back is flattened without scales. Its head is flattened on top, with eyes set high on the head. Nostrils are extended in the form of tubes. The mouth is lower, with three pairs of mustaches. The body is brownish green with many dark spots in the form of transverse bars of irregular shape, with dark spots of the fins. It lives under stones and gravel in the rapid flow rivers. It feeds on bottom invertebrates and fish’s eggs. Portion spawning occurs in April and May. Adhesive eggs are attached to aquatic plants, sand or gravel. It grows up to 21 cm and 200 g.

Bitterling (Rhodeus amarus, Bloch, 1782) is a species of the carp family (Cyprinidae). It is a small fish with high, laterally flattened body, covered with relatively large scales. Its mouth is small, sub-terminal. Dorsal and under-tail fins are high. The back is greenish gray, sides and belly are silvery white. In the middle of the body there is a greenish bluish longitudinal stripe. It lives in flocks in streams, rivers, backwaters with calm water, in lakes and swamps. It feeds on thread-like algae, insect larvae and crustaceans. It spawns in spring, when the females develop ovipositor for laying eggs in the cavity of shells. In spawning period, males are pinkish purple, with red fins. It grows up to 11 cm and 20 g. The species is significant at the international level and at the national level it is strictly protected species only in Vojvodina Province, while in other waters the species is out of protection. Gudgeon (Gobio gobio Linnaeus, 1758) is a species of the carp family (Cyprinidae). It’s a fish with a long, cylindrical body, short and tall, laterally flattened tail handle. The head is flattened, the mouth is small, terminal or sub-terminal, with a pair of whiskers in the corners. The back is dark brown, sides yellowish brown, sometimes with bluish glow and the silver belly. On the back and fins there are numerous small spots and stains, and along the lateral line there are series of large dark spots. It lives in small flocks in the streams and rivers rich with oxygen, on a hard surface. It feeds on bottom invertebrates, fish eggs and plants. Portion spawning is registered in shallow waters over rocks, sand and vegetation during May and June. It grows up to 20 cm and 220 g. At the national level, this species has status of protected species with established fishing regime.

Fauna vodozemaca i gmizavaca (mr Rastko Ajtić)

Vodozemci (Amphibia)

Najveći broj vodzemaca čitav svoj život ili deo svog života provodi u vodi. Odrasle jedinke imaju razvijena pluća koja su po tipu građe prosta. Međutim, najveći deo razmene gasova se odvija preko kože. Voda im je neophodna za razmnožavanje i razviće. Skoro sve vrste vodozemaca se pare i svoja jaja polažu u vodu. Veoma je mali broj vrsta koje rađaju žive mlade ili se metamorfoza odvija u telu majke. Po polaganju jaja, posle određenog vremenskog perioda, izlegu se larve koje nakon nekoliko meseci metamorfoziraju i prelaze na kopno. Vodozemci se u osnovi dele na tri velike grupe: repate vodozemce – Urodela, bezrepe vodozemce – Anura i beznoge, crvolike vodozemce čiji najveći broj živi pod zemljom u vlažnim tropskim predelima – Gymnophiona.

Prostor Ljubovije naseljava 7 vrsta vodozemaca, koje su prema Pravilniku o proglašenju i zaštiti strogo zaštićenih i zaštićenih divljih vrsta biljaka, životinja i gljiva svrstane u kategoriju strogo zaštićenih, osim zelenih žaba, koje spadaju u vrste divljih životinja pod režimom eksploatacije i kao takve se nalaze u kategoriji zaštićenih vrsta. Od repatih vodozemaca (Urodela) evidentirane su dve vrste: Šareni daždevnjak (Salamandra salamandra) je vrsta čije odrasle jedinke dostižu dužinu do 28 cm sa repom, ali se najčešće sreću jedinke dužine do 20 cm. Na najširem delu na glavi vide se velike, lako uočljive zaušne žlezde, bubrežastog oblika. Osnovna boja tela je crna prekrivena žutim mrljama. Na koži se nalazi veliki broj žlezda. Šareni daždevnjak uglavnom naseljava brdsko planinske predele, ponekad i na nadmorskoj visini od preko hiljadu metara. Gotovo uvek se nalazi u listopadnim šumama i na njihovim obodima, nije redak slučaj da se ova vrsta može naći i u četinarskim i mešovitim šumama. Na koži se nalazi veliki broj žlezda koje su pune iritirajućim sekretom i imaju zaštitnu ulogu. Sekret iritira kožu i oči pri napadu predatora. Hrani se insektima, njihovim larvama, paucima i nekim predstavnicima mekušaca. U prirodi se najčešće viđaju nakon kiše. Obični mrmoljak (Triturus vulgaris), čija dužina tela sa repom je do 10 cm, pri čemu su kod ove vrste mužjaci nešto duži od ženki. Na glavi i na telu se vide tamnije pruge. Mužjak na leđima ima veliku talasastu krestu, koja se pruža celom dužinom tela. Kod mužjaka se jasno vide kožna zadebljanja prstiju na zadnjim ekstremitetima. Ženke su svetlije od mužjaka, boja im je žućkasto-zelena sa mrljama po telu koje su manje izražene nego kod mužjaka. Uglavnom naseljava vode ravnica, ali se nalazi i na visinama preko 1000 m. Najčešće se nalazi u barama, kanalima, izvorima, ali nije redak slučaj da se van sezone parenja nađe daleko od vode, u šumi, na obradivim površinama i ispod kamenja. Hrani se insektima i njihovim larvama. Razmnožavanje se odvija kao i kod ostalih mrmoljaka. Nije retka pojava kanibalizma. Bezrepi vodozemci (Anura) predstavljeni su sa 5 vrsta: Žutotrbi mukač (Bombina variegata) je vrsta sa jedinkama čija veličina ne prelazi više od 5-6 cm. Gornja strana tela je maslinasta ili tamno siva, sa velikim brojem grbica na leđima. Trbušna strana tela ima žutu ili narandžastu osnovnu boju i prekrivena je tamno plavim ili skoro crnim mrljama kojih ima i na prstima nogu. Zenica je srcolika. Naseljava obale sporijih vodenih tokova. Najčešće se viđa u baricama na putu, na pojilima, izvorima i kanalima. Vode koje ove vrsta naseljava ponekad nisu obrasle vegetacijom, a nije redak slučaj da je voda lošijeg kvaliteta. Jedna od specifičnosti žutotrbog mukača jeste odbrana od predatora: u trenutku kada se nađe u opasnosti ova žaba se okreće na leđa pokazujući svoj stomak i njegovu upozoravajuću boju („unken“ refleks). Sekret koji se luči u kožnim žlezdama ima iritirajući efekat na sluzokožu predatora. Zelena krastava žaba (Bufo viridis) ima telo dužine do 10 cm, ženke su krupnije od mužjaka. Gornja strana tela je u osnovi sive boje sa velikim zelenim mrljama i mnogobrojnim crvenkastim bradavicama. Trbuh je mlečno bele boje, na nekim mestima skoro siv sa tamnim

mrljama manjih dimenzija. Sa gornje strane tela izražene su zaušne žlezde. Često se može naći i daleko od vode pa čak i u najurbanijim sredinama. U naseljima se često sreće pored uličnih svetiljki u potrazi za insektima. Hrani se uglavnom insektima. Ženka polaže jaja u vodi u vidu galertnih nizova dužine i do 3 metra. Velika krastača (Bufo bufo) je jedna od evropskih najvećih žaba, čija dužina prelazi i 15 cm kod ženki, dok su mužjaci znatno manji. Leđna strana tela je tamne, skoro braon boje, sa mnogobrojnim žlezdama i bradavicama po celom telu. Naročito su uočljive krupne zaušne žlezde bubrežastog oblika. Krastače su zdepaste i trome, imaju veliku glavu koja je otprilike dugačka koliko i široka. Najčešće se nalazi van vode na suvim mestima, sem u vreme parenja i polaganja jaja. Hrani se beskičmenjacima. Ženka može položiti i po nekoliko hiljada jaja. Jaja su obavijena želatinoznom masom i mogu se videti kao dugački lanci koji dostižu dužinu i od nekoliko metara. Bradavice i žlezde izlučuju veliku količinu sekreta, koji uprkos verovanjima nije štetan po čoveka. Može da iritira sluzokožu ukoliko se posle držanja žabe u rukama dodiruju oči ili usta. Velika zelena žaba (Rana kl. esculenta) je takođe jedna od krupnijih žaba u Evropi i dostiže dužinu i preko 15 cm. Gornja strana tela je zelena, maslinasta ili sivkasto-zelena posuta tamnim mrljama i prugama, dok je donja strana tela beličasta. Mužjaci se razlikuju od ženki po tome što imaju rezonatore zvuka koji se pri proizvodnji zvuka ispupče u obliku mehura. Najveći deo vremena provode u vodi, u barama i jezerima uglavnom nižih krajeva, mada se može naći i u planinskim predelima. Može se naći i van vode u vegetaciji, ali se nikada previše ne udaljava od vode. Hrani se insektima i njihovim larvama, ali kako je velika i veoma proždrljiva, takođe se hrani larvama drugih vodozemaca i riba, tako da je u ribnjacima često smatraju štetočinom. Zimski san provodi na dnu vode u mulju i izlazi u martu ili početkom aprila da bi nakon toga počelo parenje. Livadska žaba (Rana dalmatina) je vrsta čije jedinke dostižu dužinu do 10 cm. Boja gornje strane tela jako varira od braon, mrke, sivkaste ili riđe posute sitnim tamnim tačkicama. Na leđima u predelu ramena uočljive su dve tamne pruge koje formiraju jasan ugao okrenut prema glavi. Donja strana tela je beličaste ili žućkaste boje posuta tamnim mrljama. Sem u doba parenja, polaganja jaja i hibernacije kada je u vodi, veći deo vremena provodi van vode u močvarnim i zabarenim predelima, ili na livadama i u travi koja je vlažna. Hrani se insektima i njihovim larvama.

Gmizavci (Reptilia)

Gmizavci, za razliku od vodozemaca nisu potpuno zavisni od vode. Naime, gmizavci poseduju niz morfoloških i fizioloških adaptacija na suvozemni način života. U osnovi se dele na kornjače Testudines, guštere Lacertilia, zmije Serpentes i krokodile Crocodylia. Na prostoru Ljubovije zabeleženo je prisustvo ukupno 10 vrsta gmizavaca: 5 vrsta guštera i 5 vrsta zmija. Prema Pravilniku o proglašenju i zaštiti strogo zaštićenih i zaštićenih divljih vrsta biljaka, životinja i gljiva, od ukupnog broja konstatovanih vrsta na istraženom području, 7 pripada strogo zaštićenim, a 1 je zaštićena vrsta. Dve vrste nemaju nikakav status zaštite. Kratkonogi gušter (Ablepharus kitaibelii) je zmijolikog tela sa izrazito kratkim nogama. Telo mu je braon boje i ne prelazi dužinu od 13 cm. Kreće se zmijolikim pokretima što nekada može da zbuni posmatrača. Naseljava izuzetno suva staništa dobro obrasla travnatom vegetacijom. Vodi skriveni način života i teško ga je primetiti. Veći broj jedinki može se sresti u rano proleće posle kiše. Hrani se raznim vrstama beskičmenjaka. Zidni gušter (Podarcis muralis) je izrazito varijabilna vrsta. Dužine je od 10 do 20 cm sa repom. Boja mu je varijabilna. Mužjaci u vreme parenja obično imaju narandžasto obojen trbuh i vrat. Pogoduju mu kamenita staništa, ali je veoma čest i u urbanim sredinama. Izuzetno je vešt penjač. Kandžice na vrhovima prstiju su dobro razvijene i veoma se često može videti kako se penje po vertikalnim površinama. Hrani se uglavnom beskičmenjacima. Parenje se odvija tokom marta i aprila. Ženka polaže nekoliko jaja iz kojih se sredinom avgusta izlegu mladi gušteri.

Zelembać (Lacerta viridis) je izrazito krupan gušter. Odrasle jedinke mogu biti dužine veće od 15cm. Mužjaci su izrazito zelene boje sa vratom plave boje. Ženke su manje upadljivo obojene. Naseljavaju sve tipove staništa. Obično se nalaze na dobro zaraslim staništima koja su izložena suncu. Gusta vegetacija im pruža dobru zaštitu od predatora. Uglavnom se hrane insektima koje aktivno love. Pogrešno je verovanje da je ovaj gušter otrovan. U vreme parenja ženka polaže do 10 jaja na dobro osunčanom i vlažnom mestu.

Livadski gušter (Lacerta agilis) je vrsta sa jedinkama čija dužina tela ne prelazi 10 cm. Prilično je zdepasta i troma vrsta. Naseljava predele od ravnica do visokoplaninskih pašnjaka. Mužjaci su živo obojeni sa zelenom osnovnom bojom tela, dok su ženke manje upadljivo obojene. Hrani se uglavnom insektima. U vreme reprodukcije ženka polaže do 10 jaja. Sreće se na staništima gusto obraslim vegetacijom koja mu pruža dobar zaklon od predatora. Pre hibernacije masne rezerve se nagomilavaju u korenu repa pa je u tom periodu ova vrsta izuzetno ranjiva zbog otežanog kretanja. Slepić (Anguis fragilis) je beznogi gušter čija dužina u proseku iznosi oko 50 cm. Braon je boje. Ženke na leđima i na bokovima imaju uzdužne pruge tamnije boje. Mužjaci su uniformno obojeni, a u nekim slučajevima mogu imati plave mrlje na bokovima. Rep je uvek duži od tela. Naseljava skoro sve tipove staništa. Veoma je troma vrsta. Vodi skriveni način života i najčešće se može sresti u sumrak, noću ili posle kiše. Rađaju žive mlade. Običan smuk (Zamenis longissimus) je jedna od najvećih zmija u našim krajevima. Može dostići dužinu čak i do 2 metra, ali je prosečna dužina jedinki do 140 cm. Leđna strana tela je uglavnom sivkasta, smeđa ili maslinasta, nekad skoro crna sa sitnim belim tačkama na svakoj krljušti. Mladunci ove vrste se dosta razlikuju od odraslih jedinki po boji, na prelazu između glave i tela sa strane imaju po jednu žućkastu mrlju, pa po izgledu više podsećaju na beloušku. Ova vrsta naseljava uglavnom suvlja staništa obrasla vegetacijom, može se naći u listopadnim šumama, na obroncima šuma i u žbunju, jako je dobar penjač, pa se često može naći i na drveću gde uglavnom traži plen. Hrani se najčešće sitnim glodarima, miševima i voluharicama, nekad i gušterima i mladim pticama. Zbog svoje veličine jako je snažna i svoj plen ubija davljenjem. Smukulja (Coronella austriaca) je vrsta sa jedinkama koje su uglavnom dugačke oko 60 cm, a neki primerci mogu biti dugački i do 80 cm. Telo je kratko i tanko. Glava malo šira od tela, prema njušci špicasta, oči su male sa okruglom zenicom. Boja tela je najčešće braon, nekad siva. Na celoj leđnoj strani manje crne mrlje formiraju dve crne linije, tj. pruge što nekad dovodi do zabune pa je menjaju sa nekim drugim otrovnim zmijama. Naseljava uglavnom suva, kamenita staništa. Prisutna je u ravničarskim i planinskim predelima do 2000 m nadmorske visine. Hrani se uglavnom gušterima, nekad manjim zmijama, sisarima pa čak i insektima. Neotrovna je, ujeda samo kad je u opasnosti i ujed nije opasan po čoveka. Belouška (Natrix natrix) je jedna od najčešće sretanih vrsta. Dužina se kreće od 80 do 180 cm. Boja je jako varijabilna. Uglavnom je maslinasto zelena sa tamnim mrljama. Mogu se sresti i jedinke koje imaju dve uzdužne bele mrlje na telu. Na glavi se u zaušnom delu nalaze dve polumesečaste mrlje bele ili žute boje po kojima je i dobila ime. Najčešće se može sresti pored bara, potoka, kanala ili reka u mirnijem delu toka. Bezopasna je vrsta. Retko kada se brani ujedanjem. U većini slučajeva kad je u opasnosti povrati želudačni sadržaj ili izbaci svareni crevni sadržaj. Svojim neprijatnim mirisom najčešće uspevaju da oteraju neprijatelja. Hrani se uglavnom žabama. Dobar je plivač.

Ribarica (Natrix tessellata) je vrsta čije jedinke narastu od 80 – 140 cm. Osnovna boja je maslinasta sa tamnim mrljama duž celog tela. Na trbušnoj strani se nalaze šare u obliku šahovskog polja i preovlađuje žućkasta ili narandžasta nijansa. Jedina je neotrovna zmija koja ima izrazito trouglastu i izduženu glavu. Sreće se skoro isključivo pored vodenih površina u kojima ima ribe. Najmirnija je vrsta i nikada ne ujeda. U samoodbrani izbacuje sekret neprijatnog mirisa i pretvara se da je mrtva. Izuzetno je dobar plivač i hrani se isključivo ribama. Međutim, u većini slučajeva se hrani ribama koje su bolesne ili ozleđene. Laici često mlade primerke ove vrste mešaju sa šarkom (Vipera berus). Svojim neprijatnim mirisom najčešće uspevaju da oteraju neprijatelja. Poskok (Vipera ammodytes) je naša najpoznatija otrovnica. Odrasle jedinke u proseku narastu do 65 cm. Lako se razlikuje od ostalih neotrovnih i otrovnih vrsta po jednom izraštaju na glavi u obliku „rogića“. Mada su moguće varijacije u boji tela, najčešće je svetlo braon boje. Na leđima se uvek nalazi izrazita romboidna šara. Prilično je troma zmija. Hrani se sisarima, gmizavcima, a ređe i mladuncima ptica. Poseduje izuzetno potentan otrov. Smrtni slučajevi kod ljudi su izuzetno retki. Ujeda samo kada je u opasnosti. Sreće se na suvim, kamenitim i dobro osunčanim mestima. Veoma često narod ovu vrstu naziva šarkom. Međutim, šarka kao vrsta u Srbiji ima tzv. ostrvsko rasprostranjenje i ne naseljava prostor Ljubovije. Naseljava visoke planine i skoro uvek se sreće na visinama iznad 1500 metara. Izuzetak su nizijske populacije ove vrste koje se još mogu sresti po Vojvodini.

Faktori koji ugrožavaju faunu vodozemaca i gmizavaca u opštini Ljubovija Posebnu pažnju trebalo bi obratiti na predstavnike nekih vrsta vodozemaca i gmizavaca sa ovog područja. Pojedine vrste imaju veoma složenu organizaciju populacija i pripadaju metapopulacionom tipu. Ove populacije u prirodi organizovane su tako da postoji više diskretnih reproduktivnih centara (dema), između kojih postoji protok gena. Kako se ovakva organizacija menja u prostoru i vremenu ona je od posebne važnosti za zaštitu i opstanak populacija. Problem koji se može pojaviti u bližoj budućnosti vezan je za trajno uništenje staništa na kome se nalaze lokalni reproduktivni centri, a da posredno dovede do iščezavanja lokalne populacije. Dugoročno gledano za posledicu može imati i lagani nestanak vrsta sa nekih od lokaliteta na kojima je registrovano njihovo postojanje. Nestanak pojedinih vrsta vodozemaca i gmizavaca za sobom povlači i nestanak drugih vrsta koje su direktno uključene u lance ishrane. Poznato je da značajnu kariku u lancima ishrane ptica i sisara

imaju vodozemci i gmizavaci, tako da bi nestankom vodozemaca i gmizavaca i ove grupe organizama pretrpele značajne modifikacije u brojnosti. Zbog same biologije vodozemaca i gmizavaca kao i ograničene vagilnosti, dodatni pritisak na njihov opstanak predstavljaju i mikroklimatske osobenosti pojedinih delova Ljubovije.

BATRACHOFAUNA AND HERPETOFAUNA (Rastko Ajtić M.Sc.) Amphibians (Amphibia) The majority of amphibians spend their whole life, or part of it, in the water. Adults have developed simple structured lungs. However, most of the gas exchange takes place through the skin. They need water for breeding and development. Almost all species of amphibians copulate and lay eggs in water. Small number of species is viviparous or the embryo develops inside the body of the mother, leading to live birth. From eggs laid, after a period of time spent in the water, the larvae hatch and after several months larvae metamorphose and cross to the mainland. Amphibians are basically divided into three major groups: the tailed amphibians Urodela, tailless amphibians Anura and caecilians, group of limbless, wormlike amphibians living mostly underground in humid tropical regions throughout the world Gymnophiona. In Ljubovija municipality, 7 species of amphibians are recorded, which are strictly protected according to the Regulation on proclamation and protection of protected and strictly protected wild species of plants, animals and fungi, except green frogs, which are wildlife species under the regime of exploitation and they belong to the category of protected species. Two species of tailed amphibians (Urodela) were recorded: Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) is species which adults reach length up to 28 cm with a tail, but the most often individuals are up to 20 cm long. At the widest part of the head there are large, easily visible and kidney-shaped glands. The basic color of the body is black with yellow spots. The skin is covered with large number of glands, which are full of poison and have a protective role. Fire salamander mainly inhabits the mountainous regions, sometimes at an altitude of a thousand meters. It lives mostly in the deciduous forests and their edges, but it is not uncommon for this species to be found in coniferous and mixed forests. Secretions irritate the skin and eyes of predators when being attacked by a fire salamander. It feeds on insects, their larvae, spiders, and some representatives of molluscs. In nature, it can most often be seen after rain.

Another species of tailed amphibians is Common Newt (Triturus vulgaris) which body length with a tail is up to 10 cm, and males are slightly longer than females. On the head and the body darker stripes are visible. Male individual has a large wavy crest on the back, which extends throughout the entire length of the body and a clearly visible thickening of the skin on the fingers of hind limbs. The females are lighter than males, color is yellow-green with patches on the body which are less pronounced than in males. It mainly inhabits plain waters, but can be found at altitudes above 1000 m. It is most common in ponds, canals, springs, but it is not rare to be found outside the breeding season away from the water, in the woods, on arable land and under rocks. It feeds on insects and their larvae. Reproduction takes place as in other newts. Cannibalism is not uncommon. Tailless amphibians (Anura) are present with 5 species: Yellow-Bellied Toad (Bombina variegata) is species with specimens which body size does not exceed 5 – 6 cm. The upper side of the body is olive or dark gray, with a large number of tubercle on the back. Ventral side of the body is basically yellow or orange with a dark blue or almost black spots which occur on the toes also. The pupils are heart-shaped. It typically lives along brooks and slower bodies of the water and can be seen usually in puddles on the road, to the watering places, sources and channels. The waters this species inhabits are sometimes not covered with vegetation, and it is not infrequent that the water is of poor quality. One of the specifics of the yellow-bellied toad is a defense against predators: at the moment when it is in danger, the frog turns on its back showing the belly with warning color (“Unken” reflex). Secretion discharged from the skin glands has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of predators. European Green Toad (Bufo viridis) has body length up to 10 cm, while females are larger than males. The upper side of the body is basically gray with a large green blotches and numerous reddish nipples. Stomach is milky white, in some parts almost gray with dark smaller spots. On the upper side of the body parotid glands are expressed. The examples of this species can be found away from the water and even in the most urban areas, in settlements around the street lights, searching for the insects. It feeds mainly on insects. The female lays eggs in water in the form of strings, up to 3 meters long. Common Toad (Bufo bufo) is one of Europe’s largest frogs, whose length exceeds 15 cm in females, while males are smaller. The dorsal side of the body is dark, almost brown, with

numerous glands and nipples all over it. Large kidney-shaped parotid glands are particularly noticeable. Toads are stubby and heavy, with large and wide heads. It is usually located out of water, in dry places, except during period of mating and laying eggs. It feeds on invertebrates. The female can lay several thousand eggs. The eggs are wrapped in a gelatinous matrix and can be seen as a long chain several meters long. The nipples and glands discharge a large amount of secretion which, despite the belief, is not harmful to humans. It can irritate the lining if after holding frog in hands, someone touches eyes or mouth. Green Frog (Rana kl. esculenta) is one of the largest frogs in Europe, reaching a length of over 15 cm. The upper side of the body is green, olive green or grayish-green, studded with dark spots and stripes, while the bottom side of the body is whitish. Males differ from females in sound resonators which become bubble-shaped while they produce the sound. Most of the time they spend in the water, in ponds and lakes of lowlands, but examples can also be found in mountainous regions. It can be found out of the water in the vegetation, but it never goes too far away from the water. It feeds on insects and their larvae, but since it is big and very voracious, also eats larvae of other amphibians and fish, so its presence in the ponds is often considered harmful. It hibernates on the bottom of the water in the mud and leaves in March or early April in order to mate. Adults of Agile Frog (Rana dalmatina) reach a length up to 10 cm. Color of the upper side of the body varies greatly from brown, grayish or ginger sprinkled with small dark spots. On the back in shoulder region, two dark stripes are visible, forming a clear angle toward the head. Underside of the body is whitish or yellowish, sprinkled with dark spots. Except during mating, laying eggs and hibernating period when it lives in water, most of the time it spends out of the water in the depressed wet and swampy areas, or in the meadows with wet grass. It feeds on insects and their larvae.

Reptiles (Reptilia)

Reptiles, unlike amphibians, are not totally dependent on water. The reptiles have a number of morphological and physiological adaptations to terrestrial lifestyle. They are basically divided into tortoises Testudines, lizards Lacertilia, snakes Serpentes and crocodiles Crocodylia. In Ljubovija Municipality the presence of 10 species of reptiles, 5 species of lizards and five snakes is recorded. According to the Regulation on proclamation and protection of strictly protected and protected wild species of plants, animals and fungi, the total number of identified species in the investigated area that has status as strictly protected species is 7, while 1 species has status as protected species. Two species have no protection status. European Copper Skink (Ablepharus kitaibelii) has Snake’s body with very short legs. Its body is brown and does not exceed a length of 13 cm. It moves like serpentine that can sometimes confuse the viewer. It lives in extremely dry habitats, well covered with grassy vegetation. It takes a hidden way of life and is hard to notice. A large number of specimens can be found in early spring after the rain. It feeds on various species of invertebrates.

Common Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis) is a highly variable species. Their lengths vary from 10 to 20 cm including the tail. Its color is variable, too. During mating period males usually have orange colored belly and neck. Rocky habitats are favorable to this species, but it is also very common in urban areas. It is a skilled climber. Claws on the tips of the fingers are well developed and it is very often seen crawling up vertical surfaces. It feeds mainly on invertebrates. Mating takes place in March and April. The female lays several eggs and juveniles hatch in mid-August. European Green Lizard (Lacerta viridis) is an extremely large lizard. Adults can have a length up to 15 cm. Males are very green with blue neck. Females are less conspicuously colored. They inhabit all types of habitats and usually can be found in well overgrown habitats that are exposed to sunlight. Dense vegetation protects them from predators. They mainly feed on insects and hunt actively. It is wrong to believe that this lizard is poisonous. During the mating, a female lays up to 10 eggs in a well sunlit and damp place. Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis) has body size which does not exceed 10 cm. It’s pretty dumpy and slow species. It inhabits landscapes from plains to high mountain pastures. Males are vividly colored with a green base color of the body, while females are less conspicuously colored. It feeds mainly on insects. During the period of reproduction, a female lays up to 10 eggs. It is often found in habitats densely covered with vegetation that provides good protection from predators. Before hibernation, fat reserves accumulate in the root of the tail and in that period, this species is extremely vulnerable due to the difficulty of movement.

Blindworm (Anguis fragilis) is a legless lizard with an average length of about 50 cm. It is brown in color. Females have longitudinal darker stripes on the back and sides. Males are uniformly colored, and in some cases may have blue spots on the flanks. The tail is always longer than the body. It inhabits almost all types of habitats. It is “lazy” species. It takes hidden lifestyle and can usually be found in the twilight, at night or after rain. This species is ovovivipary. Aesculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) is one of the largest snakes in our area. It can grow up to 2 meters, but the average length of specimens is up to 140 cm. The dorsal side of the body is mainly greyish, brown or olive green, sometimes almost black with tiny white points on the scales. The juveniles of this species differ very much from adult animals by color: at the line between the head and body there is one yellowish stain per side looking like a water snake. This species inhabits mainly drier habitats covered with vegetation, it can be found in deciduous forests, on the slopes of forest and bush. Since being a good climber, it can often be found on trees seeking the prey. It mainly feeds on small rodents, mice and voles, sometimes on lizards and juvenile birds. Thanks to its size, it is very strong and kills prey by strangulation. Smooth Snake (Coronella austriaca) is usually around 60 cm long, but some examples can grow up to 80 cm. The body is short and thin. Head is slightly wider than the body, narrow looked to the nozzle, the eyes are small with a round pupil. Body color is usually brown, sometimes gray. On the whole back smaller black spots form two black lines, ie. stripes, which sometimes leads to confusion, so this species can be changed with some other poisonous snakes. It inhabits mostly dry rocky places with the vegetation, in lowlands and mountainous regions, up to 2000 m above sea level. It feeds mainly on lizards, sometimes small snakes, mammals and even insects. It is non-toxic, bites only when is in danger and the bite is not dangerous to humans. Grass Snake (Natrix natrix) is one of the most common types that can be found. Body length ranges from 80 cm to 180 cm. The color is very variable, but mainly olive green with dark spots. Individuals with two longitudinal white spots on the body also exist. The parotid region on the head contains two white or yellow crescents spots by which it is named. It prefers mostly areas around ponds, streams, canals or rivers in slower and calmer parts of the course. This is a harmless species that rarely defends by biting. In most cases, when threatened, it vomits gastric contents or digested intestinal contents. By its foul odor usually manages to drive out the enemy. It feeds mainly on frogs. It’s a good swimmer. Dice Snake (Natrix tessellata) is species which individuals grow up to 80 – 140 cm. The basic color is olive green with dark spots along the body. On the ventral side there are patterns in the shape of a chess field and the prevailing yellowish or orange tint. This is

the only non-poisonous snake that has a distinctly triangular and elongated head. It could be found almost exclusively in addition to water bodies with fish. This species is the most peaceful and never bites. In self-defense it throws smelly secretion and pretends to be dead. It is a good swimmer and feeds on fish. However, in most cases it feeds on fish that are either sick or hurt. Juvenile specimens are often changed with Common European Viper (Vipera berus). By the foul odor it usually manages to drive out the enemy. Nose-horned Viper (Vipera ammodytes) is our best-known poisonous snake. An adult, on average, grows to a length of 65 cm. It is easily distinguished from other nonvenomous and poisonous species, because it has a single “horn” on the snout. The most common body color is light brown, and on the back there is always a distinct rhomboid pattern. There may be variations in the color of the body. It is a quite sluggish snake. It feeds on mammals, reptiles, and rarely birds and their juveniles. Its poison is extremely potent, but fatalities in humans are extremely rare. It bites only when being threatened. It inhabitates dry, rocky and well sunlit areas. Very often, local people named this species Common European Viper. However, Common European Viper is species that does not live in the area of Ljubovija Municipality. It has insular distribution and inhabits the high mountains, almost always at altitudes above 1500 meters. Exceptions are the lowland populations of this species that can still meet in the Vojvodina Province.

Threats to the fauna of amphibians and reptiles in the municipality of Ljubovija Particular attention should be paid to representatives of some species of amphibians and reptiles in this area. Populations of some species show high complexity in organization and belong to metapopulation type. In nature, these populations are organized so that there are more discrete reproductive centers, and between them there is gene flow. This organization changes in space and time and is of particular importance for the conservation and survival of the population. The problem that may arise in the near future is related to the permanent destruction of habitats which include the local reproductive centers, and indirectly lead to the extinction of the local population. Over the long term this may result in a slight loss of species from some of the sites. The disappearance of some species of amphibians and reptiles entails the disappearance of other species which are directly involved in the food chain. It is well known that amphibians and reptiles are an important link in the food chain of birds and mammals, so any disappearance of amphibians and reptiles will cause significant modifications in numbers of these groups. Due to the biology of amphibians and reptiles and since their moving is limited, additional pressure on their survival relates to microclimate characteristics of certain parts of Ljubovija Municipality.

Fauna ptica (Goran Sekulić)

Ptice kao izrazito vagilni organizmi sposobni da u relativno kratkom vremenu prelaze velike udaljenosti, naseljavaju sve ekosisteme i sve tipove staništa na našim prostorima. Osim po sposobnosti leta karakteristične su i po pokrivenosti pеrјem, klјunu, lаkој grаđi tеlа i šuplјim kоstimа, lеžеnju јаја i pо visоkој stоpi mеtаbоlizmа. Ukupan broj vrsta na planeti se kreće oko 10 000, dok je u Srbiji do sada zabeleženo preko 360 vrsta. Sаvrеmеnе pticе su rаzvrstаnе u 26 rеdоvа, od kojih su po vrstama najbrojniji i najpoznatiji: pticе pеvаčicе Passeriformes, dnеvnе grаblјivicе Falconiformes, guščаricе Anseriformes, šlјukаricе Charadriformes, sоvе Strigiformes. Sastav faune ptica nekog područja u najvećoj meri zavisi od vegetacije, reljefa, klimatskih karakteristika, hidroloških pojava, naseljenosti, načina korišćenja zemljišta i drugi važnih biotičkih i abiotičkih faktora. Ptice se razlikuju prema svojim ekološkim karakteristikama i preferencama prema određenim staništima. Postoje vrste koje su široko rasprostranjene i prisutne gotovo u svim tipovima staništa na području Srbije, ima onih koje preferiraju nekoliko sličnih tipova staništa i na kraju one koje su ekološki veoma zahtevne i javljaju se samo u specifičnim staništima. Ljubovija kao pretežno brdsko-planinsko područje u kontinentalnom bioregionu obuhvata uglavnom tipove staništa ptica koja su široko rasprostranjena i u ostalim delovima zapadne, centralne i istočne Srbije. Naravno, postoje i specifičnosti koje faunu ptica ove opštine izdvajaju, a one su pre svega posledica nekih posebnih oblika reljefa i vodenih pojava kao što su klisura reke Trešnjice i Drina, koja kao velika reka predstavlja važan koridor za ptice. Opština Ljubovija kao administrativna celina, predstavlja samo jedan deo šireg planinskog ekološkog kompleksa zapadne Srbije koji predstavlja svojevrsnu faunističku celinu. Relativno očuvani prostori Gučeva, Sokolskih planina i Valjevskih planina predstavljaju značajna područja koja se ističu po bogatstvu svoje ornitofaune i koja su veoma značajna za zaštitu mnogih vrsta ptica. Procenjuje se da ukupan broj vrsta ptica koje su prisutne na području Ljubovije premašuje 150. Ovo je veoma značajan diverzitet kada se uzme u obzir diverzitet ostalih brdskih i planinskih područja. Tako je na primer na Kopaoniku do sada evidentirano oko 175 vrsta ptica, a na području Tare oko 140 vrsta. Osim klisure Trešnjice i reke Drine, kao najmarkantnijih područja za ptice, ovako visokom diverzitetu faune ptica značajno doprinose i relativno očuvani šumski kompleksi i prostrana ruralna područja sa ekstenzivnom poljoprivredom. Oko 100 vrsta ptica se gnezdi na području Ljubovije, a preostale vrste se viđaju tokom seobe, zimovanja ili u prolazu.

Svakako da je najpoznatija ptica na ovom području beloglavi sup (Gyps fulvus). Ovaj veliki i atraktivni lešinar predstavlja svojevrsnu perjanicu u prirodnim vrednostima ovog kraja, jer se u klisuri reke Trešnjice nalazi jedna od ukupno tri gnezdeće kolonije ove vrste u Srbiji. Beloglavi sup je vrsta iz grupe lešinara stаrоg svеtа Aegypiinae. To je jedna od najvećih ptica u fauni Evrope i raspon krila mu čеstо prеlаzi 2,5 m. Ima izrazito široka krila koja mu omogućavaju da dugo jedri i pretražuje velike prostore. Rep mu je kratak i lepezast, a njegovom prepoznatljivom izgledu doprinose neoperjan, izdužen vrat, glava sa izrazito jakim kljunom koja takođe nije operjana i ogrlica od belih izduženih pera. Ovaj lešinar naseljava suva, kamenita staništa na širem području Mediterana, centralne i južne Azije i Saudijsko poluostrvo. Beloglavi sup kao vrsta koja se nalazi na vrhu hranidbenog lanca ima izrazito sporu stopu reprodukcije. Jedinke postaju polno zrele tek sa 4-5 godina, a par polaže samo jedno jaje u toku reproduktivnog perioda. Ono po čemu su beloglavi supovi još karakteristični je njihova osobina da se grupno gnezdi. I do nekoliko desetina parova supova može da se gnezdi vrlo blizu jedni drugih na nekom prostoru. Takve naseobine supova nazivamo kolonije. Beloglavi supovi veoma pažljivo biraju mesto gde će se gnezditi. Obično su to udaljeni i nepristupačni tereni gde nema velikog uznemiravanja od strane čoveka. Preferiraju klisure reka sa strmim kamenitim liticama. Gnezdo smeštaju u rupama u stenama, potkapinama ili na policama na stenama. Supovi ne grade gnezdo kao većina ostalih ptica, već jaje polažu direktno na podlogu. Jaje polažu veoma rano, već krajem jaunara ili u februaru i na njemu leže 50 do 60 dana. Nakon izleganja mladunac ostaje oko 4 meseca u gnezdu i izleće krajem juna ili u julu. Supovi su specijalizovani u pogledu ishrane, hrane se isključivo uginulim životinjama. Imaju brojne adaptacije na takav način života: široka krila im omogućavaju dugo krstarenje u potrazi za hranom, imaju izrazito dobar vid tako da lešinu mogu ugledati i sa nekoliko kilometara udaljenosti, jak kljun im omogućuje kidanje uginule životinje, život u grupi im omogućuje da zajedno pretražuju velike prostore, probavni trakt im je posebno prilagođen tako da su otporni na pokvareno meso. Veoma su efikasni letači i u stanju su da pređu velike udaljenosti uz malu potrošnju energije. U tome koriste termale stubove toplog vazduha, na kojima se podižu u visine bez većeg napora. Danas je većina lešinara ugrožena, a osnovni razlog za to je nedostatak prirodnih izvora hrane. Ove ptice su u davnoj prošlosti zavisile od velikih stada biljojeda, koja su pratili i hranili se uginulim jedinkama. Nakon smanjenja broja divljih životinja, lešinari su se prilagodili na ishranu domaćim životinjama koje je čovek čuvao u velikim stadima. Danas i takvi ekstenzivni načini stočarstva, od kojih su lešinari u velikoj meri zavisili prethodnih nekoliko vekova nestaju, pa u prirodi praktično n ema dovoljno dostupne hrane za ove životinje. Iz tog razloga se danas prave takozvani „restorani za supove“, mesta na kojima se iznosi uginula stoka da bi se supovi njima hranili. Ovakvi „restorani“ u Srbiji postoje već skoro dve decenije i daju izvrsne rezultate u zaštiti beloglavih supova. Pored nedostatka hrane veoma značajan ugrožavajući faktor je trovanje. U obimnim akcijama trovanja vukova tokom prošlog veka, stradao je veliki broj beloglavih supova koji su se hranili otrovanim lešinama. Populacije ove vrste su tada desetkovane i praktično dovedene

Beloglavi sup u letu / Griffon vulture in flight

na rub opstanka. Osim toga supovi su i dalje izloženi ilegalnom ubijanju, uznemiravanju na gnezdilištima, stradanju od sudara sa dalekovodima i drugim objektima. U Srbiji se danas gnezdi oko 100 parova beloglavih supova. Gnezdilišne kolonije nalaze se u klisurama Uvca i Mileševke kod Nove Varoši i Prijepolja i u klisuri Trešnjice kod Ljubovije. Sredinom 90-ih godina prošlog veka kolonija supova u klisuri reke Trešnjice je bila pred nestankom. Tada je brojnost pala na svega 5 parova. Intenziviranjem zaštite, poboljšanjem rada hranilišta i sprečavanjem trovanja i ubijanja, brojnost se povećala i danas ona dostiže brojku od 20 parova. I pored ovakvog porasta i stabilizacije brojnosti ova kolonija je i dalje ugrožena i zahteva posebnu pažnju i napore da bi se očuvala. Najnoviji podaci ipak ohrabruju, supovi su počeli da šire područje gnežđenja u ovom kraju. Nova lokacije gnezda nalaze se u podnožju Sokolskih planina. Još jedna impozantna ptica grabljivica koja naseljava područje Ljubovije je suri orao (Aquila chrysaetos). Sa rasponom krila od preko dva metra pripada najkrupnijim pticama kod nas. Ovaj orao je prеtеžnо tamno brаоn bоје, а glava je zlatne boje kod odraslih primeraka. Mladi primerci imaju bele površine na gornjim delovima krila i belu prugu na repu. Ima izuzetno jak i razvijen kljun i veoma jake i oštre kandže kojima lovi plen. U Srbiji ova vrsta naseljava isključivo brdske i planinske krajeve, a u nizijama praktično odsustvuje. Za gnezdilišta bira udaljene, nepristupačne terene, najčešće su to stenovite litice u klisurama, mada ponekad gnezdo pravi i na drveću u šumama. Suri orao je teritorijalna vrsta i svaki

par brani svoje gnezdilišno područje koje može biti veliko i nekoliko desetina kvadratnih kilometara. Suri orao pravi veliko gnezdo od granja i u njega obično polaže dva jaja. Ovaj orao aktivno lovi plen tako što se obrušava na njega sa visine i hvata ga kandžama. Lovi različite vrste sisara, krupnije ptice, manje domaće životinje, kornjače, zmije, ali se hrani i uginulim životinjama. Ova vrsta je najviše ugrožena uništavanjem staništa, uznemiravanjem na gnezdilištima, ilegalnim ubijanjem i nekontrolisanim trovanjem. Procenjeno je da se u Srbiji gnezdi 70 – 80 parova surog orla. Na području Ljubovije se gnezdi 2 – 3 para. Sivi soko (Falco peregrinus) je manja vrsta dnevne grabljivice. Raspon krila mu je dо 120 cm. Gоrnji dеlоvi tеlа kod ovog sokola su sivо-plаvi, а dоnji su isprugani poprečnim, crnоbеlim prugаmа. Glava je tamna, a obrazi beli sa karakterističnom crnom šarom u obliku brka. Mlade ptice su pretežno braon boje. Za sokolove, a i za većinu ostalih grabljivica je karakteristično da su ženke nešto krupnije od mužjaka. Sivi soko je izuzetno brz i vešt letač i svrstava se u najbrže životinje. Plen su mu uglavnom ptice koje lovi isključivo u vazduhu. I ova vrsta je karakteristična za brdsko-planinska područja na kojima ima kamenitih litica i klisura. Retko se gnezdi i na tornjevima ili na visokim zgradama u većim gradovima. Leglo se najčešće sastoji od 3 do 4 jaja. Pored uništavanja staništa, veoma izražen ugrožavajući faktor za ovu vrstu je ilegalno ubijanje. U Srbiјi imа оkо 80 pаrоvа kојi uglаvnоm živе u klisurаmа u plаninskim pоdručјimа. Nekoliko parova se gnezdi na području Ljubovije. Buljina (Bubo bubo) je predstavnik grupe noćnih grabljivica ili sova. Ona je naša najkrupnija sova i dostiže veličinu tela od 1 metra. Buljina je pretežno braon boje i prošarana je brojnim crnim pegama i šarama. Ima upadljive, krupne oči narandžaste boje. Na glavi ima izdužena, štrčeća pera koja podsećaju na uši. Izuzetno je agresivan i snažan grabljivac. Pomoću izrazito jakih kandži lovi i krupniji plen kao što su zečevi, lisice, domaća živina, mačke, pa čak i druge vrste sova. I ona je svojim načinom života vezana za kamenite terene. Često su njena gnezdilišta u blizini sela koja su joj pogodna zbog ishrane. Ima prodorno glasanje po kome je najlakše utvrditi njeno prisustvo. Gnezdo pravi na stenama, a ponekad i na zemlji. Polaže od 1 do 6 jaja bele boje. Ukupna populacija ove vrste u Srbiji je procenjena na 300 do 400 parova. U Ljuboviji je redovna gnezdarica u klisuri Trešnjice i u drugim manjim stenovitim i klisurastim terenima. Na području Ljubovije živi više vrsta detlića. Jedan od karakterističnih pripadnika ove porodice ptica je siva žuna (Picus canus). Sa veličinom tela od 25 – 28 cm ovo je relativno velika ptica. Upadljivo je obojena. Krila su zelene boje, leđa sivkasto-zelena, a nadrepak intenzivno žuto-zelene boje. Glava je pretežno siva po čemu je i dobila ime. Nema crvenih šara na glavi kao što je to slučaj sa srodnom zelenom žunom Picus viridis. Siva žuna naseljava različite tipove šuma, mada preferira svetle, termofilne šume kao što su hrastovo-grabove

šume na strmim padinama klisura. Kao i svi detlići, gnezdi se u dupljama koje pravi u stablima. U Srbiji je ova vrsta široko rasprostranjena, a češća je u brdsko-planinskim područjima. Još jedna tipična šumska vrsta je i belovrata muharica (Ficedula albicollis). Ovo je mala vrsta iz grupe ptica pevačica. Crno- belo je obojena i živi u očuvanim, starijim šumama i to prvenstveno listopadnim. I ona je dupljašica pa gnezdo smešta u napuštene duplje detlića, otvore ili pukotine u stablima i sl. Hrani se isključivo insektima koje pretežno lovi u vazduhu. U ranu jesen, kada ponestane insekata, muharice se sele u centralne i južne delove Afrike. Procenjeno je da u Srbiji ima oko 10 000 parova belovrate muharice. Ova vrsta i njene srodnice su značajno ugrožene zbog uništavanja i prekomernog korišćenja šuma. Na livadama i pašnjacima ljubovijske opštine gnezdi se više karakterističnih i interesantnih vrsta. Jedna od njih je svakako prdavac (Crex crex). Ovo je veoma tajnovita vrsta iz porodice barskih kokica. Život uglavnom provodi u gustoj travi i teško ga je uočiti, ali ga u vreme gnežđenja odaje glasno i karakteristično javljanje mužjaka. Naseljava guste, vlažne ili umereno vlažne livade sa visokom travom. Na području Ljubovije se uglavnom gnezdi na livadama košanicama. U Srbiji je ova vrsta dosta retka i pretpostavlja se da nema više od 2000 parova. Rusi svračak (Lanius collurio) je jedna od najčešćih vrsta otvorenih terena u Srbiji. Naseljava livade i pašnjake sa žbunastom vegetacijom, poljoprivredna polja sa rubnom vegetacijom, rubove šuma, proplanke i slična staništa. Мužјаk rusog svračka је upаdlјivо оbојеn sа crvеnkаstо-brаоn lеđimа, sivоm glаvоm i crnоm prugоm prеkо оkа. Žеnkа је prеtеžnо brаоn bоје sа prugаstim stоmаkоm. Vrlo je vešt lovac na insekte, a ponekad čak lovi i sitne glodare ili vodozemce. Jedna vrsta ptica predstavlja tipičnog stanovnika planinskih reka i potoka, to je vodenkos (Cinclus cinclus). Ovo je jedna od retkih ptica pevačica koja je prilagođena na akvatične uslove. Veličina tela mu je oko 18 cm i ima upadljive bele grudi i kestenjast stomak. Vodenkos se hrani insektima i drugim beskičmenjacima, koje lovi roneći ispod vode. Gnеzdо prаvi оd biljnog materijala i ono je uvek dobro skriveno izmеđu kаmеnjа uz obalu vodotokova. Jedinke ove vrste se redovno gnezde na obalama oko reke Trešnjice i njenih pritoka. Uz Drinu se mogu videti brojne vrste ptica močvarica, razne vrste pataka, čaplji, gnjuraca, galebova i čigri. Planinska jezera i veće reke u zapadnoj Srbiji, uključujući i Drinu, stanište su velikog ronca (Mergus merganser). Ovo je lako prepoznatljiva i relativno krupna vrsta iz porodice pаtаkа i gusаkа. Мužјаk ima crnu glаvu sa mеtаlnо-zеlеnim оdsјајеm, bеlо tеlo i crnо-bеla krilа, dok ženka ima glavu kestenjaste boje i pretežno sivo telo. Karakteristično je da ima nazubljen kljun što mu omogućava da lakše lovi ribu koja mu predstavlja osnovnu hranu. Veliki ronac se gnezdi u dupljama u drveću ili u rupama i pukotinama u stenama uz vodu. U Srbiji se gnezdi oko 50 parova na području Uvca, Drine i Lima. Zimi se redovno viđa na delu Drine kod Ljubovije, a verovatno da se poneki par tu i gnezdi.

Ornithofauna (Goran Sekulić)

Birds are very movable organisms, capable to fly over long distances in relatively short time, so they inhabit all ecosystems and all types of habitats in our region. In addition to ability to fly, their characteristics are also the feathers, the beak, lightweight body structure and hollow bones, hatching eggs and a high rate metabolism. The total number of bird species on the planet is about 10 000, while in Serbia over 360 species are recorded by now. Recent classification of birds includes 26 Order, the most numerous and best known species are: Passerine Passeriformes, Diurnal Birds of Prey Falconiformes, Anseriformes, Charadriiformes and owls Strigiformes. The composition of the bird fauna of some area highly depends on vegetation, landforms, climate characteristics, hydrological situation, population structure and density, land use and other important biotic and abiotic factors. Birds differ in their ecological characteristics and preferences to certain habitats. There are species that are widespread and present in almost all types of habitats in Serbia, there are those who prefer a few similar types of habitats and finally those that are ecologically very demanding and occur only in specific habitats. Ljubovija Municipality is a predominantly mountainous area in the continental bioregion and includes most types of bird habitats that are widespread in other parts of western, central and eastern Serbia, as well. Naturally, there are specific features of the bird fauna which set this municipality aside, and they are primarily the result of some special forms of relief and water features, such as the Trešnjica River Gorge and the Drina River which, as a great river, represents an important corridor for birds. Ljubovija Municipality, as an administrative entity, is only a part of a larger ecological complex of mountains of western Serbia, which represents a specific faunal unit. Relatively preserved areas of Gučevo, Sokolska Mt. and Valjevske Mt. stand out as significant ones because of their rich bird fauna and are very important in terms of the protection of many bird species. It is estimated that the total number of birds present in the area of Ljubovija Municipality exceeds 150 species. This is a very significant diversity, taking into account the diversity of other hilly and mountainous areas. Thus, for example, on Kopaonik Mt. over 175 species of birds are recorded, and in the area of Tara Mt. about 140 species. Besides the Trešnjica River Gorge and the Drina River, relatively preserved forest areas and large rural areas with extensive agriculture also contribute to such high diversity of bird fauna. About 100 species of birds are nesting in the territory of Ljubovija Municipality and remaining species are seen during migration, wintering or passing through the area. Certainly the most famous bird species in this area is Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus). This large and attractive vulture is a species which represents an outstanding natural treasure of this area, since the gorge of the river Trešnjica is home to one of only three breeding colonies of this species present in Serbia.

Griffon Vulture is a species of Old World Vultures - Aegypiinae. This is one of the largest birds in the fauna of Europe and its wingspan often exceeds 2.5 m. It has very broad wings which allow him soaring over open areas, often moving in flocks. Its tail is short and fanshaped and featherless, elongated neck and head with very strong beak contributes to its distinctive looks; head is also featherless with necklace of white elongated feathers. This vulture inhabits dry, rocky habitats in the wider Mediterranean, Central and South Asia and the Saudi peninsula. Griffon vulture is a species that is on the top of the food chain and it has an extremely slow rate of reproduction. Individuals don’t become sexually mature until 4-5 years of age, and the pair lays only one egg during the reproductive period. Another characteristic of these birds is group nesting, and the dozens of pairs of vulture nests can be very close to each other in some areas. These structures are called vulture colonies. Griffon vultures carefully searches for nesting place. It establishes nesting colonies in river gorges and cliffs that are undisturbed by humans. It places nests in rocky holes, rock shelters or on the shelves of rocks. Vultures do not build a nest like most other birds, they lay eggs directly on the surface. They lay eggs very early, late of January or February and sit on it for 50 to 60 days. After hatching, a juvenile remains in the nest for about 4 months and starts flying in late June or July. Vultures are specialized in terms of nutrition, they feed on dead animals. They have a number of adaptations to this way of life: broad wings enable them to cruise a long distances searching for food, they have very good vision so they can see the carcasses a few kilometers away, a strong beak allows them tearing dead animals, living in groups allows them to jointly search large areas, the digestive tract was specially tailored to be proofed to rotten meat. They are extremely efficient fliers and are able to travel long distances with low power consumption. To do that, they use thermals of warm air in order to rise to the heights without more efforts. Beloglavi sup u gnezdu sa operjanim mladuncem / Grifon Vulture in nest with young

Nowadays, most vultures are endangered, and the main reason is the lack of natural food sources. These birds were dependent on wild herbivores in the distant past; they followed them and fed on dead animals. After the number of wild animals was reduced, vultures adapted to feeding on domestic animals kept by man in large herds. In the recent time, such extensive livestock farming, on which vultures were dependent in the past few centuries, disappeared and practically there is not enough food available to the animals in nature. For this reason so-called “restaurants for vultures” are established, as the places where dead livestock is dropped for vultures’ feeding. These “restaurants” exist in Serbia for almost two decades and show excellent results in the protection of the griffon vulture populations. Apart from the lack of the food, very important threatening factor is poisoning. The extensive poisoning of wolves during the last century has a negative influence on a number of griffon vultures which fed on poisoned carcasses. Populations of this species were decimated in that period and brought to the edge of survival. In addition, vultures are still exposed to illegal killings, harassment of nesting, suffering from collisions with power lines and other facilities. In Serbia, about 100 nesting pairs of Griffon vultures are present. Nesting colonies are found in Uvac River and Mileševka River Gorges, near to Nova Varoš and Prijepolje, as well as in the Trešnjica River Gorge in Ljubovija Municipality. In the mid 90-ies of the last century, colony of vultures in the gorge of the river Trešnjica was in danger of disappearing. Only 5 pairs were present in that period. Some of the activities related to intensification of conservation measures, such as improvement of feeding activities and prevention of poisoning and killing, resulted in number increasing and today it reached a figure of 20 pairs. Despite this growth and stabilization of the number of colonies, this species is still vulnerable and needs special attention and efforts to be conserved. Most current data are promising; vultures have begun to broaden the scope of nesting in the area. New nest sites are located at the foot of Sokolska Mt. Another impressive bird of prey which inhabits territory of Ljubovija Municipality is the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). This is the biggest bird in our country with a wingspan of over two meters. This eagle is mostly dark brown, and the head of the adult specimens is gold. Young specimens have a white space on the upper wings and a white stripe on the tail. It has a very strong and developed beak and strong and sharp claws for catching the prey. In Serbia, this species inhabits only hills and highlands, while in lowlands it is absent. For nesting sites it chooses remote, rugged terrains, most often rocky cliffs in ravines, although it is sometimes nesting on the trees in the forest. Golden Eagle is a territorial species and each pair is defending its nesting area, which may be even tens of square kilometers large. Golden Eagle makes a great nest of sticks and usually lays two eggs. This eagle actively hunts prey by crashing down on it and grabbing it by claws. It catches a variety of mammals, larger birds, small domestic animals, turtles, snakes, but also feeds on dead animals. This species is most vulnerable by habitat destruction, disturbance of nesting places, illegal killing and uncontrolled poisoning. It is estimated that in Serbia 70-80 pairs of golden eagle nest. In the area of Ljubovija Municipality 2-3 pairs are observed to nest.

The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) is a smaller diurnal prey species. Its wingspan is 120 cm. The upper parts of the body are gray-blue, and the lower are the cross-striped by black and white stripes. The head is dark, and cheeks are white with a characteristic black pattern in the form of mustache. Juveniles are mostly brown. For Falcon, as well as for most other birds of prey, it is specific that the females are slightly larger than males. Peregrine Falcon is a very fast and skilled flyer and belongs to the fastest animals. His prey is mainly birds, exclusively hunted in the air. This species also inhabits the mountainous areas with rocky cliffs and gorges. It nests rarely on towers or tall buildings in bigger cities. Covey usually consists of 3 to 4 eggs. Main threats to this species are habitat destruction and illegal killing. There are around 80 couples who live mainly in ravines in the mountainous areas. In Ljubovija Municipality several nesting pairs are recorded. The European Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo) is a representative of group of nocturnal birds of prey or owls. It’s our biggest owl, with body size reaching 1 meter. Owl is predominantly brown and dotted with numerous black spots and markings. It has striking, large orange eyes. Elongated, protruding feathers, ears-looking, are on its head. This is a very aggressive and powerful predator. With the very strong claws it hunts even larger prey such as rabbits, foxes, domestic poultry, cats and other owl species. Its lifestyle is also tied to the rocky terrain. Its nesting sites are often near the villages which are suitable for food supply. It has a piercing vote, which is the easiest way to identify its presence. They make nests on cliffs, sometimes on the ground and lay from one to six white eggs. The total population of this species in Serbia is estimated to 300- 400 pairs. In Ljubovija Municipality it is a regular nesting species in the Trešnjica River Gorge and other small and rocky gorge terrains. In the territory of Ljubovija Municipality more species of woodpeckers are recorded. One of the characteristic members of this bird’s family is Gray-headed Woodpecker (Picus canus). With a body size of 25 to 28 cm, this is a relatively large bird. It is strikingly colored; it has green upperparts, pale grey underparts and a yellow rump. The species got the name by the mostly black head. It has a shorter neck, slimmer bill and slightly rounder head than the Green Woodpecker Picus viridis. Grey-headed Woodpecker inhabits a variety of forest types, but prefers light, thermophilic woods, such as oak and hornbeam forests, which are placed on the steep slopes of the gorges. Like all woodpeckers, it nests in tree holes it makes. In Serbia, this species is widespread and common in the mountainous areas. Another typical forest bird species is Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis). This is a small species from the group of songbirds. It is black and white colored and lives in intact, older primarily deciduous forests. It’s hole-nesting in abandoned woodpecker cavities, holes or cracks in the trees. It feeds on insects, mostly hunted in the air. In early fall, when the insects run out, flycatchers migrate to the central and southern parts of Africa. It is estimated

that there are about 10 000 pairs of Collared Flycatchers. This species and its relatives are significantly affected due to the destruction and over-exploitation of forests. In the meadows and pastures of Ljubovija municipality more characteristic and interesting species nest. One of them is the Corn Crake (Crex crex). This is a very secretive species of the family of rails. It lives mainly in the thick grass where it is hard to be seen, but at the time of nesting it is disclosed by the loud and characteristic occurrence of males. It inhabits dense, moist to moderately moist meadows with tall grass. In the area of Ljubovija Municipality it usually nests in the hay meadows. In Serbia, this species is quite rare and it is assumed that there are no more than 2,000 pairs. The Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) is one of the most common species of outdoor courts in Serbia. It inhabits meadows and pastures with bushy vegetation, agricultural fields with marginal vegetation, forest edges and clearings, and similar habitats. Male Red-backed Shrike is strikingly colored with reddish-brown back, gray head and a black stripe across the eye. The female is mainly brown with a striped belly. It is a skilled hunter of insects and sometimes hunts small rodents and amphibians, also. A typical representative of mountain rivers and streams populations is the Whitethroated Dipper (Cinclus cinclus). This is one of the few songbirds which are adapted to aquatic conditions. Body size is about 18 cm, and it has striking white breast and chestnut belly. The White-throated Dipper feeds on insects and other invertebrates, which he hunts diving under the water. It makes a nest of plant materials and is always well hidden between the rocks along the river banks. This interesting species regularly nests in the area of the Trešnjica River and its tributaries. Many species of wading birds, various species of ducks, herons, grebes, gulls and terns can be seen along the Drina River. Mountain lakes and major rivers in western Serbia, including the Drina River, are the natural habitats of the Great Merganser (Mergus merganser). This is easily recognizable and relatively large species of the family of ducks and geese. The male has a black head with a metallic-green glow, white body and black and white wings, while the female has a chestnut brown head and mostly gray body. Its characteristic is serrated beak that allows it to easily catch fish, its main food. Great Merganser nests in tree holes or in holes or crevices in the rocks near to the water. In Serbia, about 50 nesting pairs are recorded in Uvac River, Drina River and Lim River. During the winter, it is regularly seen close to the Drina River in its flow through Ljubovija Municipality, and probably some of the pairs nest there.

Fauna sisara (Vladan Bjedov)

Sisari (Mammalia) predstavljaju najsavršeniju grupu kičmenjaka i evolucionu formu koja se i danas kroz proces adaptivne radijacije razvija u nove forme i pravce. Fauna sisara svakog prostora, bilo da se radi o zaokruženoj fizičko-geografskoj, biogeografskoj, ekološkoj ili političko-administrativnoj celini uvek predstavlja značajnu komponentu ukupnog biodiverziteta. Po svojim karakteristikama – sastavu, strukturi, poreklu, istoriji i značaju za čoveka, ova grupa čini izuzetno dinamičnu komponentu živog sveta. Međusobne interakcije jedinki unutar iste vrste, vrsta među sobom i sa okolinom, grade složen sistem odnosa međuzavisnosti različitih faunističkih elemenata, stvarajući kompleksnu sliku čitavog živog sveta. I na prostoru opštine Ljubovija sisari predstavljaju raznovrsnu i heterogenu životinjsku grupu, različitih bioloških odlika i ekoloških predispozicija. Na osnovu do sada prikupljenih podataka, može se sasvim sigurno konstatovati da faunu sisara područja opštine čini barem 55 stalno ili povremeno prisutnih vrsta. Najbrojniju grupu čine slepi miševi (Chiroptera) sa 18 vrsta. Za njima slede glodari (Rodentia) sa 14 i zveri (Carnivora) sa 10 vrsta. Bubojedi (Eulipotyphla) su zastupljeni sa 9 vrsta. Najmalobrojniji su papkari (Artiodactula) sa 2 i zečevi (Lagomorpha) sa jednom vrstom. To ukupno čini preko polovine vrsta sisara koji su do sada registrovani na području Srbije, što područje Ljubovije svrstava u zonu umereno visokog do visokog diverziteta kada je o ovoj životinjskoj grupi reč. U biogeografskom pogledu, ova grupa ima sve odlike faune sisara karakteristične za predele evropskih šuma (listopadnih, mešovitih i četinarskih), odnosno za većinu teritorije Srbije. Opšti konzervacioni status se može oceniti kao relativno povoljan, posebno imajući u vidu i zavidan diverzitet i očuvanost prirodnih staništa na teritoriji opštine. Stoga i mere očuvanja ove bogate faune moraju biti usmerene ka očuvanju i zaštiti, pre svega, što širih celina prirodnih staništa. Na osnovu Pravilnika o proglašenju i zaštiti strogo zaštićenih i zaštićenih divljih vrsta biljaka, životinja i gljiva, ukupno 27 vrsta uživa status „strogo zaštićena divlja vrsta“, dok je 21 svrstana u kategoriju „zaštićena divlja vrsta“. Sedam vrsta nema poseban status. BUBOJEDI (Eulipotyphla) su životinjska grupa koja obuhvata srodne vrste kao što su ježevi, rovčice i krtice. To su sitne životinje, sa karakteristično izduženom njuškom i snažno razvijenim vilicama. Zubi su prilagođeni mrvljenju hitinskog skeleta insekata, koji sa ostalim beskičmenjacima čine osnovu njihove ishrane. Naseljavaju najrazličitije tipove staništa, od listopadnih i mešovitih šuma, vodenih staništa do otvorenih prostora livada i pašnjaka. Često se sreću i na staništima u blizini ljudskih naselja, ali i u naseljenim mestima. U Srbiji je do sada zabeleženo prisustvo deset vrsta iz ovog reda, a na prostoru Ljubovije postoje nalazi njih devet.

Najkrupniji, a svakako i najpoznatiji predstavnik ove grupe je jež (Erinaceus roumanicus), prepoznatljiv najpre po svojim bodljama koje poput svojevrsnog oklopa prekrivaju i štite telo na leđima i bokovima. U prirodi nastanjuje uglavnom šumska staništa, ali se često sreće i u šibljacima, šikarama i živicama na obodima obradivog zemljišta. Takođe je i čest stanovnik gradskih, urbanih i poluurbanih sredina, gde ga nalazimo po parkovima, travnjacima, živicama, šibljacima i šumarcima unutar ljudskih naselja. Tu, u ambijentu urbane infrastrukture i obilja zelenih površina, ova životinja nalazi dovoljno hrane kao i pogodna skloništa. Stoga susreti sa ježevima na najrazličitijim mestima po gradovima skoro da više i nisu iznenađenje. Uglavnom je aktivan noću, kada ga ljudi najčešće i uočavaju u svojoj okolini. Hrani se prvenstveno hranom životinjskog porekla, beskičmenjacima i njihovim larvama, ali i sitnim kičmenjacima, gmizavcima i vodozemcima. Nastanjuje najrazličitija staništa na čitavoj teritoriji opštine. Običnu krticu (Talpa europaea) karakteriše kratko telo cilindričnog oblika, izdužena njuška i kratki ekstremiteti sa snažno razvijenim kandžama. Krzno je na dodir mekano („plišano“) i čine ga gusto zbijene, kratke dlake. Oči su vrlo sitne, delom pokrivene krznom, ali potpuno funkcionalne i vidljive. U prirodi krtica uglavnom nastanjuje listopadne šume, poljoprivredno zemljište, livade i pašnjake. Preferira nešto vlažnija staništa, tako da izbegava ona pretežno kamenita i peščana. Živi pod zemljom, gde svojim snažnim kandžama kopa dugačke i razgranate hodnike. Njeno prisustvo se lako može registrovati po gomilicama (humkama) iskopane zemlje, kojih je obično veći broj, u dužem ili kraćem nizu. Hrani se hranom životinjskog porekla, beskičmenjacima i njihovim larvama koje nalazi ispod površine zemlje. Takođe je čest i uobičajen stanovnik gradskih urbanih i poluurbanih sredina, parkova i travnjaka, bašta i dvorišta, kao i šuma u gradskim zonama. Svakako najinteresantnija vrsta bubojeda na području opštine je planinska rovčica (Sorex alpinus). Krzno ove neobične i retke životinje je sjajno, tamno (crno) po čitavom telu. Nešto su svetlija stopala sa donje strane i donja strana repa. Hranu čine puževi, gliste, stonoge, insekti i njihove larve. Do sada u Srbiji postoji svega nekoliko nalaza jedinki ove vrste i to u planinskim područjima na zapadu i jugozapadu zemlje. Pri tom je nalaz sa teritorije opštine Ljubovija (lokalitet Tornička Bobija) ujedno i najsevernija poznata tačka njenog rasprostranjenja. Naseljava planinske bukove, mešovite bukovo-smrčeve i smrčeve šume, često kamenita staništa u blizini planinskih potoka.

Planinski potok u mešovitoj, bukovo-smrčevoj šumi – karakteristično stanište planinske rovčice / Mountain stream in a mixed beech-spruce forest - typical habitat of the Alpine Shrew

SLEPI MIŠEVI (Chiroptera) predstavljaju veoma karakterističnu, specifičnu i vrstama brojnu grupu sisara. Po broju prisutnih vrsta u Srbiji (29 do sada registrovanih), jedva da zaostaju za trenutno najbrojnijom grupom – glodarima. S obzirom da su slepi miševi još uvek nedovoljno proučena životinjska grupa kod nas, osnovana su očekivanja da će se u narednom periodu sigurno otkriti prisustvo još nekoliko vrsta, čime bi ovaj međusobni brojni odnos mogao vrlo brzo biti i promenjen. Jedini su sisari koji imaju sposobnost aktivnog leta. Takođe, jedna od osnovnih i najupečatljivijih karakteristika je mogućnost eholokacije, odnosno orijentacije u prostoru pomoću ultrazvučnih signala koje sami emituju u okolinu. Prirodna staništa slepih miševa su uglavnom pećine, veće i manje pukotine u stenama, okna napuštenih rudnika i sl., ali takođe i šuplja stabla i mesta ispod kore stabala. Takođe su se izvanredno prilagodili i životu u ljudskim naseljima ili neposrednoj okolini, tako da su danas mnogobrojni slepi miševi uobičajeni stanovnici naših solitera, kućnih tavana, nadstrešnica, napuštenih zgrada i stabala u gradskim parkovima. Sudeći prema postojanju različitih tipova karakterističnih staništa za slepe miševe i dosadašnjim saznanjima o arealima rasprostranjenja pojedinačnih vrsta, na području opštine se može pouzdano govoriti o prisustvu najmanje njih osamnaest, što predstavlja značajan broj. U ekološkom smislu, radi se prvenstveno o vrstama koje nastanjuju šumska i pećinska staništa kao i onima koje su sekundarno prilagođene životu u ljudskim naseljima i objektima (tavani kuća, nadstrešnice, napuštene kuće i zgrade i sl.). Tako se kao karakteristične vrste javljaju: veliki potkovičar (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum), mali potkovičar (Rhinolophus hipposideros), južni potkovičar (Rhinolophus euryale), zatim crni brkati večernjak (Myotis mystacinus), veliki brkati večernjak (Myotis brandtii), dugouhi večernjak (Myotis bechsteinii), šumski slepi mišić (Pipistrellus nathusii), kao i srednji noćnik (Nyctalus noctula) i dugokrili ljiljak (Miniopterus schreibersii). Hrane se isključivo letećim insektima, pa su u tom smislu izuzetno značajni regulatori brojnosti mnogih, za čoveka često nepoželjnih ili čak štetnih insekata (npr. komaraca). Oni svoju regulatornu ulogu pokazuju i u prirodnim ekosistemima i u veštačkim, kakve su urbane sredine. Sve vrste slepih miševa su u Srbiji zaštićene kao „strogo zaštićene divlje vrste“. Stoga je uništavanje njihovih jedinki, populacija i staništa strogo zabranjeno i kažnjivo, a njihovoj zaštiti i očuvanju se i kod nas i u Evropi posvećuje posebna pažnja. GLODARI (Rodentia) predstavljaju vrstama najbrojniju i najrasprostranjeniju grupu sisara kod nas. U Srbiji je do sada registrovano prisustvo 32 vrste, od kojih su dve alohtone (ne potiču sa naših prostora). Osnovna morfo-anatomska karakteristika je postojanje po dva sekutića u gornjoj i donjoj vilici. Ovi zubi nemaju koren pa rastu celog života. Većina vrsta poseduje velik reproduktivni potencijal, te variranja brojnosti populacija mogu biti značajna, sa

periodima prenamnoženja. Takođe zauzimaju najrazličitije ekološke niše, prilagođavajući se raznim, povoljnim i nepovoljnim, uticajima iz spoljašnje sredine. Posle slepih miševa, glodari predstavljaju najbrojniju grupu sisara na teritoriji Ljubovije sa do sada registrovanim prisustvom četrnaest vrsta. Slepo kuče (Spalax leucodon) je neobična i po mnogo čemu jedinstvena životinja. Nastanjuje otvorena suva staništa stepskog tipa, od ravnice do visokoplaninskih pašnjaka. Živi pod zemljom, gde kopa dugačke i razgranate hodnike. Način života i ekološki ambijent je umnogome odredio i osnovnu anatomiju slepog kučeta, pa ga karakterišu zdepasto telo, glava koničnog oblika radi lakšeg kretanja kroz prokopane podzemne kanale i dugi, snažni sekutići pomoću kojih te kanale i kopa. Oči su mu potpuno pokrivene kožom i nisu funkcionalne. Hrani se podzemnim delovima biljaka, ređe lišćem, biljem ili voćem sa površine zemlje. U Srbiji vrsta ima status „strogo zaštićena divlja vrsta“. Na području Ljubovije sreće se na suvim, osunčanim, otvorenim pašnjacima bez šumske vegetacije, ali i u predelima gde dominiraju agrobiocenoze i polja pod različitim poljoprivrednim kulturama. Prugasti miš (Apodemus agrarius) je takođe karakteristična vrsta koja se može sresti na prostoru ljubovijske opštine. Krzno mu je žućkaste boje, dok se duž leđa javlja prepoznatljiva i jasno uočljiva tamna pruga. Hrani se semenjem, šumskim plodovima i raznim delovima biljaka, ali i insektima i njihovim larvama. Uglavnom žive u šumama i obodima šuma, kukuruznim poljima i drugom poljoprivrednom zemljištu, na neobrađenom zemljištu, u brazdama, po jarugama i baštama, obalama potoka i močvarnom zemljištu. Nema poseban status zaštite. Jedna od prilično retkih vrsta glodara kod nas, sa do sada relativno malo nalaza je i patuljasti miš (Micromys minutus). Karakteriše ga crvenkasto (riđasto) krzno na leđima i bele boje na trbuhu. Ovo je i najsitniji evropski glodar. Hrani se semenjem, zrnevljem žitarica, voćem i bobicama. Tipična staništa su tršćaci, zapušteni pašnjaci, grmlje i livade sa visokom travom. Pravi prepoznatljiva gnezda od suve trave, loptastog oblika, postavljena na stabljikama biljaka ili u grmovima paprati. Još jedna vrsta sa relativno malo dosadašnjih nalaza u Srbiji je i puh lešnikar (Muscardinus avellanarius). Prepoznaje se po žućkastom krznu, koje može biti i nešto tamnije, kestenjasto. Rep je dug i obrastao dlakama. Hrani se koštunjavim šumskim plodovima (orasima i lešnicima), plodovima šumskog voća, ponekad ptičijim jajima. Karakteristična staništa su obodi mešovitih lišćarskih, ređe četinarskih šuma, sa bogatim žbunastim spratom vegetacije. ZEČEVI (Lagomorpha) imaju samo jednog predstavnika čitavog reda u Srbiji; to je vrsta divlji zec (Lepus europaeus). Karakterističnog je izgleda, izduženog tela, dugih ušiju i nogu (naročito zadnjih), što su sve odlike dobrog trkača. Isključivi je biljojed. Hrani se najčešće zeljastim biljkama ali i poljoprivrednim kulturama, žitaricama i povrćem. Zimi glođe koru

mladih voćaka i šumskih zasada. Rasprostranjen je skoro na čitavoj teritoriji Srbije. Vrsta ima status „zaštićena divlja vrsta“, a značajna je i lovna vrsta. ZVERI (Carnivora) na teritoriji Srbije predstavljaju relativno brojnu grupu, sa do sada registrovanih 16 vrsta. Često se u literaturi označavaju i kao „mesojedi“, mada biljna hrana zauzima značajan udeo u ishrani mnogih vrsta ove grupe. Zajedničko im je da im je telesna organizacija prilagođena aktivnom lovu plena. Muskulatura je snažna, trup najčešće vitke građe, pokreti gipki i okretni. Ekstremiteti su snabdeveni oštrim kandžama koje kod mačaka mogu da se po potrebi uvlače. Čula su im dobro razvijena, posebno čula vida, sluha i mirisa. Fauna zveri na teritoriji Ljubovije je prilično raznovrsna i čini je jedanaest vrsta. Jedna od svakako najinteresantnijih je mrki medved (Ursus arctos). Najkrupniji je pripadnik reda zveri kod nas. Nekada je bio široko rasprostranjen na teritoriji Srbije, ali su populacije još od kraja 19-tog veka znatno proređene prekomernim lovom, krivolovom i uništavanjem prirodnih staništa. Današnji areal vrste obuhvata planinska područja na zapadu i jugozapadu zemlje i planinsko područje između Dunava i Crnog Timoka u severoistočnoj Srbiji. Hrani se hranom biljnog i životinjskog porekla. Tipična staništa su prostrane mešovite, lišćarsko-četinarske i četinarske šume, klisure i kanjoni. Na području Ljubovije uglavnom povremeno boravi, mada su ranije registrovane i reproduktivne grupe, kao znak permanentnog prisustva. Vrsta ima status „strogo zaštićena divlja vrsta“. Propisana je i trajna zabrana lova. Vidra (Lutra lutra) je tipični stanovnik vodenih staništa, sa karakterističnim dugačkim, vitkim telom, dugačkim masivnim repom i kratkim nogama. Između prstiju su razvijene plovne kožice, koje joj omogućavaju vešto, okretno i brzo kretanje kroz vodenu sredinu. Danas ova vrsta ima široko rasprostranjenje u Srbiji, duž različitih vodotoka, jezera, kanala i močvara, što su i inače karakteristična staništa ove vrste. Hrani se pretežno ribom, ali često i vodozemcima i beskičmenjacima (rakovi, gliste, insekti). Čest je stanovnik čistih, većih i manjih vodotoka ljubovijske opštine. Divlja mačka (Felis silvestris) je tajnoviti i retko vidljiv stanovnik šuma. Slična je domaćoj mački, ali krupnija i robusnije građe. Uočljiv je kitnjast i masivan rep, sa 3 – 5 prstenova sačinjenih od crnih dlaka. Hrani se uglavnom glodarima i zečevima, ređe pticama i vodozemcima. Prirodna staništa su joj uglavnom lišćarske hrastove, bukove ili mešovite šume sa čistinama i progalama. PAPKARI (Artiodactyla) su grupa srodnih vrsta u okviru klase sisara koji su svoje ime dobili po karakterističnoj građi udova. Tokom filogenetskog razvoja, od prvobitno pentadaktilnih (petoprsnih) predaka razvili su se današnji, savremeni oblici čija uzdužna osa noge prolazi između trećeg i četvrtog prsta. Ovi prsti su najrazvijeniji i čine oslonac čitavom telu, dok su ostali prsti zakržljali i uglavnom nefunkcionalni (prvi prst potpuno odsustvuje kod svih papkara, dok su drugi i peti različito razvijeni kod pojedinih grupa). Prsti se na vrhu završavaju rožnim navlakama – papcima. Fauna papkara je u Srbiji relativno siromašna u odnosu na evropsku, sa svega četiri prisutne autohtone vrste: jelen obični (Cervus elaphus), srna (Capreolus capreolus), divlja svinja (Sus scrofa) i divokoza (Rupicapra rupicapra). Danas prostor opštine Ljubovija naseljavaju svega dve autohtone vrste – srna i divlja svinja. Radi se o vrstama prilično različitih bioloških i ekoloških karakteristika, prvenstveno u stanišnoj i trofičkoj preferenciji.

Guste bukove šume – tipično stanište divlje svinje u brdsko-planinskim područjima Srbije / Dense beech forest - typical habitat of Wild Boar in the mountain regions of Serbia

Divlja svinja (Sus scrofa) poseduje snažno, mišićavo telo koničnog izgleda, visoko u predelu ramena i spljošteno na bokovima, krupne izdužene glave i kratkih nogu. Raspolaže širokom ekološkom valencom u pogledu izbora hrane, s obzirom da je svaštojed. Nastanjuje veći deo teritorije Srbije. Životnu sredinu vrste pretežno čine šume hrasta i bukve i plavni tereni obrasli mekim lišćarima sa gustom prizemnom vegetacijom. Žive u krdima koja formiraju ženke sa podmlatkom. Odrasli mužjaci žive odvojeno, samotnjački. Ima status „zaštićena divlja vrsta“. Značajna je lovna vrsta. Sa druge strane, srna (Capreolus capreolus) je najbrojnija i najrasprostranjenija vrsta papkara u Srbiji. Srednje je veličine i gracioznog izgleda. Samo mužjaci poseduju parogove. Nastanjuje vrlo različita staništa, od ritskih plavnih šuma do visokoplaninskih predela na rubu granice šume. Mužjaci i ženke sa mladuncima veći deo godine vode samostalan život i teritorijalni su, dok se pred zimu udružuju u manja krda od po nekoliko jedinki, a više manjih krda mogu da prave i veće agregacije. Isključivi je biljojed. Ima status „zaštićena divlja vrsta“. Značajna je lovna vrsta.

MamMalS (Vladan Bjedov)

Mammals (Mammalia) are the most complex vertebrates group and the evolutionary form which is still in the process of adaptive radiation in terms of developing new forms and directions. Mammal fauna always represents an important component of biodiversity of any space. According to its characteristics - composition, structure, origin, history and significance for man, this group makes a very dynamic component of the living world. The interactions of individuals within the same species, among different species and with the environment, build a complex interdependence system between different faunistic elements, creating a complex aspect of the whole living world. In the territory of Ljubovija Municipality, mammals represent diverse and heterogeneous group of animals, with different biological characteristics and environmental predisposition. Based on the data collected so far, it can be said with certainty that the mammal fauna of this area numbers at least 55 permanent or occasional species. The largest group is bats (Chiroptera) with 18 species recorded. They are followed by rodents (Rodentia) with 14 species and the beast (Carnivora) with 10 evidenced species. Insectivora (Eulipotyphla) are represented by 9 species. The smallest group present in the area of Ljubovija Municipality is ungulates (Artiodactula), with only 2 species, while rabbits (Lagomorpha) are represented by one species. The number 55 is more than half of mammal species that have been registered in the entire Serbia, so Ljubovija Municipality is classified as zone of moderately high to high diversity concerning mammals. Biogeographically, this group has all the qualities of the mammal fauna characteristic for the landscapes of European forests (deciduous, mixed and coniferous), and for most of the territory of Serbia. The overall conservation status can be assessed as relatively favorable, particularly bearing in mind the considerable diversity and the preservation of natural habitat in this municipality. Therefore, measures to preserve this rich fauna must be directed toward preserving and protecting primarily the larger areas of natural habitats. Based on the “Rules of the declaration and protection of strictly protected and protected wild species of plants, animals and fungi,” a total number of strictly protected wild species is 27 and total number of protected wild species is 21. Seven species have no special status. The order INSECTIVORA (Eulipotyphla) is an animal group that includes related species such as hedgehogs, shrews and moles. These are small animals, with characteristic elongated snout and strongly developed jaws. The teeth are adapted for disintegration of chitin skeleton of insects, which together with other invertebrates represent the basis of their diet. They inhabit various types of habitats, from deciduous and mixed forests, aquatic habitats to the open space of meadows and pastures. They are frequently found in habitats close to human settlements, and inside of them. In Serbia, the presence of ten species of this order has been recorded so far, while in the territory of Ljubovija Municipality nine species are evidenced.

The biggest, and certainly the most famous representative of this group is the Hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus), known primarily for its spines as a kind of armor that covers and protects the body on its back and hips. In nature, it inhabits mostly forest habitats, but individuals are commonly found in the shrubbery, thickets and hedges on the edges of arable land. It is also a common inhabitant of cities, urban and semi-urban areas, where it is found in parks, lawns, hedges, shrubbery and forests within human settlements. There, in the environment of urban infrastructure and plenty of green spaces, this animal has sufficient food and suitable shelter. Therefore, it is no more surprising to see hedgehog in various places in the cities. It is mostly active at night, when most people have observed it in their environment. It feeds primarily on food of animal origin, invertebrates and their larvae, as well as on small vertebrates, reptiles and amphibians. It occurs on most diverse habitats in the entire territory of the Ljubovija Municipality. The European Mole (Talpa europaea) is characterized by a short cylindrical body, elongated snout and short limbs with strongly developed claws. Fur is soft to the touch (“velvet”) and consists of densely packed, short hair. The eyes are very small, mostly covered with fur, but fully functional and visible. It usually inhabits forests, agricultural land, meadows and pastures. It prefers wetter habitats, so avoids stony and sandy places. It lives underground, digging long and extensive corridors by its powerful claws. Its presence can be easily registered by molehills, that can be numbered in the longer or shorter series. It feeds Tipično pećinsko stanište slepih miševa / Typically cave habitat of bats

on food of animal origin, invertebrates and their larvae, hunted under the ground surface. It is also common and normal inhabitant of the city’s urban and semi-urban areas, parks and lawns, gardens and yards, and forests in urban parts of Ljubovija Municipality. Certainly the most interesting species of insectivores in the area of Ljubovija Municipality is the Alpine Shrew (Sorex alpinus). Fur of this unusual and rare animal is shiny, dark (black) all over the body. Foots and underside of tail are slightly lighter on the bottom side. It feeds on snails, worms, millipedes, insects and their larvae. In Serbia only a few specimens of this species were found, in the mountainous areas in the west and southwest regions. The territory of Ljubovija Municipality (Tornička Bobija locality) is also the most northern point of its distribution. It inhabits mountain beech, mixed beech-spruce and spruce forests, rocky habitats near to the mountain streams. BATS (Chiroptera) are very characteristic, specific and rich in species group of mammals. According to the number of species present in Serbia (29 species of bats are registered so far), this order is close to rodents, the largest group currently in Serbia. Since bats are not yet well studied animal group in Serbia, it is expected that in the future the presence of several other species will be discovered, so mutual relationship between these two groups could be changed. They are the only mammals capable for active flight. Also, one of their fundamental and most striking feature is the ability of echolocation, or orientation in space by using ultrasonic signals emitted into the environment. Natural habitats of bats are mostly caves, large and small cracks in the rocks, abandoned mining shafts and similar places, but also hollow trees and places under the bark of trees. They are extremely accommodated to the life in human settlements or in their immediate vicinity; so many bats are common inhabitants of our skyscrapers, house attics, porches, abandoned buildings and trees in urban parks. Taking into account the existence of different types of characteristic bats habitats and current knowledge of areas of distribution of individual species, in the territory of Ljubovija Municipality the presence of at least eighteen species can be reliably noted which is a significant number. In ecological terms, present bats species inhabit the forest and cave habitats, or some of them are secondarily adapted to life in human settlements and buildings (house attics, porches, abandoned houses and buildings, etc.). Thus, following species occur as characteristic ones: Greater Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum), Lesser Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros), Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus euryale), Whiskered Bat (Myotis mystacinus), Brandt’s Bat (Myotis brandtii), Bechstein’s Bat (Myotis bechsteinii), Nathusius’s pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii), Common Noctule (Nyctalus noctula) and Schreibers’ Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii). They feed on flying insects, so they are extremely important regulators of many undesirable or even harmful insects for people (mosquitoes, for example.). They show their regulatory role both in natural and artificial ecosystems, such as urban areas. All bat species in Serbia are “strictly protected wild species.” Therefore, the destruction of their individuals, populations and habitats are strictly prohibited and punishable by law, and their protection and preservation are under special attention in Europe, as well in Serbia.

RODENTS (Rodentia) are the most numerous and the most widespread group of mammals in Serbia. The presence of 32 species is recorded so far; two of them are non-native to our area. The main morpho-anatomy characteristic is the existence of a single pair of continuously growing incisors in each of the upper and lower jaws that must be kept short by gnawing. These teeth have no roots and grow during the all rodents’ life. Most of the species have a large reproductive potential, and variation in population number can be significant, with periods of rapid multiplication of rodent’s population. They occupy various ecological niches, adapting to different favorable and unfavorable influences from the environment. After the bats, rodents are the largest group of mammals on the territory of the Ljubovija Municipality, where the presence of fourteen species was registered. Lesser Mole Rat (Spalax leucodon) is unusual and in many ways unique animal. It inhabits open dry steppe habitat types, from plains to high mountain pastures. It lives underground, digging long and extensive corridors. The basic anatomy of the Lesser Mole Rat is largely defined by the lifestyle and ecological environment, so it has a squat body, conical head for easy moving through dug underground channels and long, strong teeth for digging the channels. Its eyes are completely covered by skin and they are not functional. It feeds on the underground parts of plants, rarely leaves, herbs or fruit. In Ljubovija Municipality this species is present in dry sunny open meadows without forest vegetation, but it is characteristic also for agrobiocenoses and fields planted by different crops. Striped Field Mouse (Apodemus agrarius) is also characteristic species recorded in the Ljubovija Municipality. Its fur is a yellow colored, while along the back occur recognizable and clearly visible dark stripes. It feeds on seeds, berries and various parts of the plants, insects and their larvae. It lives mostly in forests and forest edges, cornfields and other agricultural land, uncultivated land, boundary strips, gullies, ravines and gardens, stream banks and marshy land. It has no special protection status. One of the very rare species of rodents in Serbia, with relatively few records, is the Harvest Mouse (Micromys minutus). It is characterized by reddish (sorrel) fur on the back and white on the belly. This is the smallest European rodent. It feeds on seeds, grain cereals, fruits and berries. Typical habitats are reed beds, abandoned pastures, shrubs and meadows with tall grass. It makes recognizable nests of dry, ball-shaped grass, set on the stems of plants or in shrubs of ferns. Another species with few records in Serbia is a Common Dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius). It is characterized by a yellowish fur, which can be a bit darker, chestnut. The tail is long and covered with hairs. It feeds on bony forest fruits (walnuts and hazelnuts), fruits of wild berries, and sometimes on bird eggs. Typical habitats are edges of mixed deciduous forests, rarely evergreen forests, with rich scrub vegetation. LAGOMORPHS (Lagomorpha) have only one representative of the entire row in Serbia; it is the European Hare (Lepus europaeus). It has characteristic hare-look: elongated body, long ears and legs (especially the rear), which are all characteristics of a good runner. They are strict herbivore. It feeds mainly on herbaceous plants and agricultural crops, grains and vegetables. In winter it gnaws the bark of young fruit trees and forest plantations. It could be found almost on the entire territory of Serbia. It has the status of “protected wild species” and it is an important hunting species.

CARNIVORES are relatively large group in Serbia, with 16 recorded species. In the literature they are often defined as “carnivorans”, although plant foods represent a large proportion of the diet of many species of this group. The main characteristic for all representatives of the group is physical organization adapted to hunt prey actively. Muscles are strong, stern is usually slim, movements are flexible and agile. Limbs are equipped with sharp claws, which in cats family can be fed if needed. Senses are well developed, especially the eyesight, auricular and smell. Fauna of carnivores of the territory of Ljubovija Municipality is quite diverse and consists of eleven species. One of the most interesting is certainly the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos). This is the largest member of the order of carnivores in Serbia. It used to be widespread in Serbia, but since the late 19th century the population was significantly reduced by excessive hunting, poaching and habitat destruction. Current range of the species includes the mountainous areas on the west and southwest and mountainous area between the Danube River and Crni Timok in northeastern Serbia. It feeds on food of plant and animal origin. Typical habitats are spacious mixed, deciduous-coniferous and coniferous forests, gorges and canyons. It is occasionally observed in the territory of Ljubovija Municipality, although reproductive groups were previously registered, as a sign of permanent presence. This species is strictly protected with a permanent ban on hunting. European Otter (Lutra lutra) is a typical inhabitant of aquatic habitats with characteristic long, slender body, long tail and short massive legs. It has webbed toes, which allow skillful, agile and quick movement through the aquatic environment. Today, this species has a wide distribution in Serbia, along the major and minor streams, lakes, canals and wetlands, which are also typical habitats of this species. It feeds mainly on fish, but often on amphibians and invertebrates (crustaceans, worms, and insects). It is a common inhabitant of clean, large and small watercourses in Ljubovija Municipality. Wildcat (Felis silvestris) is a secretive and rarely seen forest dweller. It is similar to the domestic cat, but Wildcat is bigger and more robust. It has a massive and ornated tail with 3-5 rings made out of black hair. It feeds mainly on rodents and rabbits, rare on birds and amphibians. Natural habitats are mostly deciduous oak, beech and mixed forests with clearings and the openings. EVEN-TOED UNGULATES (Artiodactyla) are a group of related species within the class of mammals which are named by the characteristic structure of the limbs - hooves. During the phylogenetic development of the original pentadactyle (five-toe) relatives, today modern forms are developed with the longitudinal axis of the leg passes between the third and fourth toe. These toes are the most developed and support the whole body, while the others are vestigial and mainly nonfunctional (first toe is completely absent in all Even-toed Ungulates, while the second and the fifth toes are developed differently in certain groups). Digits are ended on the top by handles - hooves. Even-toed Ungulates fauna in Serbia is relatively poorly diversed, compared to the European, presented with only four native species: Red Deer (Cervus elaphus), Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus), Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) and Chamois (Rupicapra Rupicapra). In Ljubovija Municipality only two native species live - Roe Deer and Wild Boar. These are the species of very different biological and ecological features, primarily in the habitat and trophic preferences.

Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) has a strong, muscular conical body, high in the shoulder and flattened on the sides, large elongated head and short legs. It has a wide ecological valence in terms of food choices, as it is omnivorous. It occurs in most of the territory of Serbia. Environmental types are predominantly oak and beech, and flooded fields covered with soft hardwoods with a dense ground vegetation. They live in herds formed by females with young animals. Adult males live separately and solitary. This is the protected wild species and significant hunting species. On the other hand, Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) is the numbered and most widespread species of ungulates in Serbia. It is medium-sized and has a graceful look. Only the males have antlers. It inhabits a variety of habitats, from wetland floodplain forests to high mountain landscape at the edge of the tree line. Males and females with cubs live independently most of year and they are territorial, while in the winter they start to live together in small herds of a few individuals, and several smaller herds can make greater aggregations. They are strict herbivores. This species is protected wild species and significant hunting species.

LITERATURA – REFERENCES Adamovic, Z. R. (1969): The distribucion and the abundance of Orthoptera in the area of the Djerdap Gorge in Srbija. Glasnik Prir. muz., B, 24 : 73-136, Beograd. Adamović, Ž. R. (1975): Pregled vrsta Mantodea i Saltatoria nađenih u SR Srbiji. Zbor radova o entomofauni SR Srbije. SANU, T. I: 9-84. Beograd. Ajtić, R., Tomović, Lj. & Krizmanić, I. (2004): Contribution to Batrachofauna and Herpetofauna of Beljanica Mountain in the Eastern Serbia. 1st Symposium of Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro, Book of Abstracts, p. 71-72. Arnold, E. & Ovenden, D. (2002): A Filed Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Britain and Europe. 2nd edition, Collins, London. Djikstra, K-D. B. & Lewington, R. (2006): Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain and Europe including Western Turkey and North-western Africa. British Wildlife Publishing, 320 pp., Milton on Stour. Džukić, G. (1972): Herpetološka zbirka Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu. Glasnik Prirodnjačkog muzeja, Ser. B 27: 165-180, Beograd. Džukić, G. (1980): II Prilog herpetofauni Srbije. U: IV Simpozijum biosistematičara Jugoslavije, Flora i Fauna. Rezimei referata: 85, Donji Milanovac. Džukić, G. (1995): Diverzitet vodozemaca (Amphibia) i gmizavaca (Reptilia) Jugoslavije, sa pregledom vrsta od međunarodnog značaja; pp. 449-469. U: Stevanović, V. i Vasić, V. (eds): Biodiverzitet Jugoslavije, Biološki fakultet i Ecolibri, 562 pp., Beograd. Elaborat o zaštiti predela posebnih prirodnih odlika i lepota, Trešnjica 1990. Gasc, J.-P., Cabela, A., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Dolmen, D., Grossenbacher, K., Haffner, P., Lescure, J., Martens, H., Martinez Rica, J. P., Maurin, H., Oliveira, M. E., Sofianidou, T. S., Veith, M. & Zuiderwijk, A. (eds.) (1997): Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe. Societas Europaea Herpetologica and Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Grimaldi, D. & Engel, M. S. (2005): Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: xv + 755 pp., London. Harz, K. (1969): Die Orthopteren Europas vol. 1. Series entomologica 5: 1-749 Harz, K. (1975): Die Orthopteren Europas vol. 2. Series Entomologica 11: 1-939 Hegediš, A., Nikčević, M. & Mićković, B. (2008): Srednjoročni program unapređenja ribarstva na delu ribarskog područja „Srbija – zapad“ za period 2008 - 2012. godina. Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja i OOSR „Drina“, Beograd, Ljubovija.

Jakšić, P., Tomić, Đ., Duli, R. & Lukač, Š. (2003): Crvena knjiga dnevnih leptira Srbije: Lepidoptera: Hesperiodea i Papilionoidea, Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije, 198 str., Beograd. Jančić, R. (2004): Botanika Farmaceutika. Službeni list SCG, Beograd. Kryštufek, B. & Kovačić, D. (1984): Distribution, habitat requirements and morphometric characteristics of Micromys minutus Pallas, 1771 (Rodentia, Mammalia) in Yugoslavia. Biosistematika, 10, 99-112. Beograd. Lakušić, D., Blaženčić, J., Ranđelović, V., Butorac, B., Vukojičić, S., Zlatković, B., Jovanović, S., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Žukovec, D., Ćalić, I. & Pavićević, D. (2005): Staništa Srbije – Priručnik sa opisima i osnovnim podacima. - U: Staništa Srbije, Rezultati projekta “Harmonizacija nacionalne nomenklature u klasifikaciji staništa sa standardima međunarodne zajednice” (Lakušić, D. ed.), Institut za Botaniku i Botanička Bašta “Jevremovac”, Biološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Ministarstvo za nauku i zaštitu životne sredine Republike Srbije. Beograd. Marinković, A. (1986): Stanje kolonije beloglavog supa (Gyps fulvus Habl.) u kanjonu reke Trešnjice. Zaštita prirode 39: 77-89. Beograd. Marković, J. (1980): Regionalna geografija SFR Jugoslavije. Građevinska knjiga, Beograd. McDonald, D., Barrett, P. (1993): Collins Field Guide – Mammals of Britain & Europe. Harper Collins Publishers, 312 pp., London. Mihajlović, Lj. (2008): Šumarska entomologija. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet, Beograd. Mijović Magdić, J. & Hegediš, A. (2000): Savremeni status mladice (Hucho hucho) u vodama Srbije i mogućnost kontrolisanog mresta i gajenja mlađi u uslovima intenzivne ribnjačke proizvodnje. Izbor radova saopštenih na IV jugoslovenskom simpozijumu „Ribarstvo Jugoslavije“, Vršac. Mitchell-Jones, A. J., Amori, G., Bogdanowicz, W., Kryštufek, B., Reijnderes, P. J. H., Spitzenberger, F. et al. (1999): The Atlas of European Mammals. Academic Press. 484 pp., London. Nikolić, V., Marić, S., Hegediš, A. & Simonović, P. (2003): Srednjoročni program unapređenja ribarstva na ribarskom području „Drina“ za period 2003 – 2007. godina. Biološki fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu, OSR „Mladica“, Bajina Bašta; OSR „Drina“, Ljubovija; OSR „Drinsko jezero“, Mali Zvornik; OSR „Drina“, Loznica. Pančić, J. (1883): Ortoptere u Srbiji. 172 pp., Beograd. Paunović, M., Ćirović, D. & Milenković, M. (2007): Akcioni plan za očuvanje mrkog medveda Ursus arctos L. 1758. u Srbiji (Faza 1. – Strateški plan). Biološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 45 pp., Beograd. Petrov, B. & Živković, S. (1979): Present knowledge on the systematics and distribution of Pitymys (Rodentia, Mammalia) in Yugoslavia. Biosistematika, 5 (1), 113-125. Beograd.

Petrov, B. (1992): Mammals of Yugoslavia - Insectivores and Rodents. Nat. Hist. Mus. in Belgrade, Special issues, 37, 186 pp., Belgrade. Radovanović, M. (1951): Vodozemci i gmizavci naše zemlje. Naučna knjiga, Beograd. Savić, I. (1967): Range and vertical distribution of the genus Spalax Guld. in Yugoslavia. Ekologija, 2 (1/2), 151-157. Beograd. Savić, I., Paunović, M., Milenković, M. & Stamenković, S. (1995): Diverzitet faune sisara (Mammalia) Jugoslavije, sa pregledom vrsta od međunarodnog značaja. U: Stevanović, V. i Vasić, V. (eds.): Biodiverzitet Jugoslavije, Biološki fakultet i Ecolibri, 517-554, Beograd. Simonović, P. (2001): Ribe Srbije. NNK International, Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije, Biološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 115-116, Beograd. Tasić, S., Šavikin, K. & Menković, N. (2009): Vodič kroz svet lekovitog bilja. Aleksandrija, Beograd. Tomić, Z. (1992): Šumske fitocenoze Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd. Tomović, G. (2007): Fitogeografska pripadnost, distribucija i centri diverziteta balkanske endemične flore u Srbiji. Doktorska disertacija (manuscript): 1-532. - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Biološki fakultet, Beograd. Tucakov, J. (1984): Lečenje biljem – fitoterapija. Rad, Beograd. Wilson, D. E. & Reeder, D.M. (eds.) (2005): Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3rd ed. John Hopkins University Press, 2000 pp., Baltimore.

Tabela 1: Pregled značajnih biljnih vrsta u opštini Ljubovija Table 1: Rewiev of important plant species in Ljubovija Municipality Familija/ Family

Vrsta/ Species


Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation


Asarum europaeum L. (Kopitnjak, European Ginger)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII


Pulmonaria officinalis L. (Plućnjak, Medunika, Lungwort)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII


Symphytum officinale L. (Gavez, Common Comfrey)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII

Compositae (Asteraceae)

Achillea millefolium L. (Hajdučka trava, Bloodwort)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII

Compositae (Asteraceae)

Arctium lappa L. (Čičak, Greater Burdock)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII

Compositae (Asteraceae)

Carlina acaulis L. (Vilinsko sito, Stemless Carline Thistle)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII


Cornus mas L. (Drenjina, Dren, Cornelian Cherry)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII

Guttiferae (Hypericaceae)

Hypericum perforatum L. (Kantarion, St John’s Wort)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII

Labiatae (Lamiaceae)

Leonurus cardiaca L. (Srdačica, Common Motherwort)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII

Labiatae (Lamiaceae)

Marrubium vulgare L. (Beli tetrljan, očajnica, White Horehound)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII

Labiatae (Lamiaceae)

Origanum vulgare L. (Vranilova trava, Oregano)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII

Labiatae (Lamiaceae)

Teucrium chamaedrys L. (Dubačac, Podubica, Wall Germander)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII


Allium ursinum L. (Sremuš, Ramsons)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII


Rel *



Familija/ Family

Vrsta/ Species


Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation


Ruscus hypoglossum L. (Širokolisna kostrika, Mouse Thorn)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII


Althaea officinalis L. (Beli slez, Common Marshmallow)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII

Onagraceae (Oenotheraceae)

Epilobium montanum L. (Svilovina, Broad-leaved Willowherb)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII


Fragaria vesca L. (Šumska jagoda, Wild Strawberry)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII


Crataegus monogyna Jacq. (Jednosemeni glog, SingleSeeded Hawthorn)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII


Rosa canina L. (Šipak, Dog Rose)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII


Galium odoratum (L.) Scop. (Lazarkinja, Woodruff )


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII


Veronica officinalis L. (Razgon, Zmijina čestoslavica, Heath Speedwell)


ZV*, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII

Compositae (Asteraceae)

Centaurea derventana Vis. & Pancic (Derventanski različak, Derventian Knapweed)


SZV, Prilog VII/SPS, Appendix VII


Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Sprengel (Smičak, Kosonoška, Lizard Orchid)


SZV, Prilog II , VI i VII/SPS, APPENDIX Appendix 2, 6 and 7 B


Galanthus nivalis L. (Visibaba, Common Snowdrop)


ZV Prilog II , VI i VIII/PS, APPENDIX Appendix II , VI and VIII B


Edraianthus graminifolius (L.) DC (Zvončić, Jugoslovenski zvončić, Edraianthus)


ZV, Prilog VIII/PS*, Appendix VIII



Labiatae (Lamiaceae)

Stachys anisochila Vis. & Pancic (Pčelija trava, Heal-All)


ZV, Prilog VIII/PS, Appendix VIII




Lilium martagon L. (Zlatan, Šumski ljiljan, Lilium)


ZV, Prilog VIII/PS, Appendix VIII



Staphylea pinnata L. (Klokočika, Bladder Nut)


ZV, Prilog VIII/PS, Appendix VIII







Familija/ Family

Vrsta/ Species


Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation


Epimedium alpinum L. (Prevolac, Devet Jugovića, Barrenwort)




Onosma stellulata Waldst. & Kit. (Zvezdasti oštrolist, Golden Drop)





Cerastium decalvans Schlosser & Vuk. (Tičinac, Snow-in-Harvest)




Compositae (Asteraceae)

Hieracium suborieni (Zahn) & C. West (Runjavica, Meadow Hawkweed)





Ostrya carpinifolia Scop. (Crni grab, Crnograb, Hop Hornbeam)



Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)

Erysimum linariifolium Tausch (Prstenka, Alpine Wallflower)




Centaurium umbellatum Gilib. (Kičica, Common Centaury)



Gramineae (Poaceae)

Helictotrichon blavii (Ascherson & Janka) C. E. Hubb. (Ovsika, Avena Blavii)




Juglans regia L. (Orah, the Persian Walnut)



Onagraceae (Oenotheraceae)

Epilobium hirsutum L. (Crveni noćurak, Great Willowherb)



Onagraceae (Oenotheraceae)

Epilobium lanceolatum Sebastiani & Mauri (Vrbovica, Willowherbs)




Pseudofumaria alba (Miller) Liden subsp. leiosperma (Conrath) Liden (Bledožuta mlađa, White Corydalis)




Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)

Athamanta turbith (L.) Brot. subsp. haynaldii (Borbas & Uechtr.) Tutin (Nevesika, Athamanta)




Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)

Bupleurum karglii Vis. (Zvezdica, Bupleurum)












Tabela 2: Pregled vrsta insekata registrovanih na teritoriji opštine Ljubovija Table 2: Rewiev of the insect species recorded in Ljubovija Municipality





Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation



Cerambyx cerdo Linnaeus, 1758



Morimus funereus Mulsant, 1863



Rosalia alpina (Linnaeus, 1758)





Adalia bipunctata (Linnaeus 1758)



Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758)



Aeshna cyanea (Müller, 1764)


Aeshna mixta (Latreille, 1805)


Anax imperator (Leach, 1815)


Calopterix splendens (Harris, 1782)


Calopteryx virgo (Linnaeus, 1758) Coenagrionidae

Coenagrion puella (Linnaeus, 1758)


Enallagma cyathigerum (Charpentier, 1840) Erythromma viridulum (Charpentier, 1840) Ischnura elegans (Vander Linden, 1820)



Cordulegaster heros Theischinger, 1979



Lestes barbarus (Fabricius, 1798)


Lestes virens (Charpentier, 1825) Lestes viridis (Vander Linden, 1825) Libellulidae

Crocothemis erythraea (Brulle, 1832)

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation 1-II 4-II/IV

1-II 4-II/IV

1-III 4-II






Libellula depresa (Linnaeus, 1758) Orthetrum brunneum (Fonscolombe, 1837) Orthetrum coerulescens (Fabricius, 1798) Sympetrum meridionale (Selys, 1841) Sympetrum fonscolombii (Selys, 1840) Sympetrum sanguineum (Muller, 1764) Sympetrum striolatum (Charoentier, 1840)



Platycnemis pennipes (Pallas, 1771)


Aiolopus strepens (Latreille, 1804) Arcyptera fusca (Pallas 1773) Chorthippus biguttulus (Linnaeus, 1758) Chorthippus brunneus (Thunberg, 1815) Chorthippus dorsatus (Zetterstedt, 1821) Dociostaurus marocanus (Thunberg 1815) Euchorthippus declivus (Brisout de Barneville, 1848) Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758) Paracaloptenus caloptenoides (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1861) Pezotettix giornae (Rossi,1794)


Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation






Stenobothrus lineatus (Panzer, 1796)


Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation



1-II 4-II/IV

Stenobothrus nigromaculatus (Heirich-Schaeffer, 1840) Conocephalidae

Ruspolia nitidula (Scopoli 1786)


Gryllus campestris (Linnaeus, 1758) Oecanthus pellucens (Scopoli 1763)


Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Linnaeus, 1758)


Meconema thalassinum (De Geer 1773)


Isophya modestior (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1882) Isophya speciosa (Frivaldszky 1867) Poecilimon thoracicus (Fieber 1853) Polysarcus denticauda (Charpentier, 1825)


Bicolorana bicolor (Philippi, 1830) Decticus verrucivorus (Linnaeus, 1758) Pachytrachis gracilis (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1861) Roeseliana roeselii (Hagenbach 1822) Pholidoptera transsylvanica (Fischer von Waldheim, 1853) Tettigonia viridissima (Linnaeus,1758)



Lycaena dispar (Haworth, 1802) Satyrium w-album (Knoch, 1782)


Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation





Apatura ilia (Denis und Schiffermüller, 1775)


Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1758)


Argynnis pandora (Denis und Schiffermüller, 1775)


Melitea aurelia (Nickerl, 1850)


Nymhalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758)


Papilio machaon (Linnaeus, 1758)


Parnassius apollo (Linnaeus, 1758)


1-II 4-IV

Parnassius mnemosyne (Linnaeus, 1758)


1-II 4-IV

Colias myrmidone (Esper, 1780)


Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus, 1758)





Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation


Tabela 3: Vrste riba registrovane u vodotocima opštine Ljubovija Table 3: Fish species registred in watercourses of Ljubovija Municipality




Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation


Salmo trutta (Potočna pastrmka, Brown Trout)



Oncorhynchus mykiss (Kalifornijska pastrmka, Rainbow Trout)


Hucho hucho (Mladica, Danube Salmon)



1-III, 4-II/V, 6


Thymallus thymallus (Lipljen, Grayling)



1-III, 4-V


Esox lucius (Štuka, Northern Pike)




Alburnus alburnus (Uklija, Ukljeva, Bleak)





Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation


Alburnoides bipunctatus (Pliska, Dvoprugasta uklija, Schneider)




Aspius aspius (Bucov, Asp)



Barbus barbus (Rečna mrena, Common Barbel)



Barbus peloponnesius (Potočna mrena, Brook Barbel)



Chalcalburnus chalcoides (Pegunca bucov, Danube Bleak)



1-III, 4-II, 6

Chondrostoma nasus (Skobalj, Common Nase)




Gobio gobio (Krkuša, Gudgeon)



Phoxinus phoxinus (Pijor, Eurasian Minnow)


Rhodeus amarus (Gavčica, Bitterling)


Rutilus pigus (Plotica, Pigo)


Rutilus rutilus (Bodorka, Common Roach)


Squalius cephalus (Klen, Chub)



Vimba vimba (Nosara, Vimba Bream)



Cobitis elongata (Veliki vijun, Balkan Loach)



Sabanejewia aurata (Zlatni vijun, Golden Spined Loach)




Barbatula barbatula (Brkica, Stone Loach)



Gymnocephalus schraetser (Šrac, Striped Ruffe)



Perca fluviatilis (Grgeč, European Perch)



Zingel zingel (Veliki vretenar, Common Zingel)




Lepomis gibbosus (Sunčica, Pumpkinseed Sunfish)



Cottus gobio (Peš, Bullhead)



1-III, 4-II/V, 6 4-V 1-III, 4-II/V, 6

1-III, 4-II, 6/I ZV/PS


1-III, 4-II/V, 6

1-III, 4-II, 6/I 1-III, 4-II, 6

1-III, 4-II, 6

1-III, 4-V, 6

4-II, 6

Tabela 4. Pregled batrahofaune i herpetofaune opštine Ljubovija Table 4. Review of batrachofauna and herpetofauna of Ljubovija Municipality VODOZEMCI / AMPHIBIANS Međunarodna Nacionalna regulativa/ regulativa/International National legislation legislation




Salamandra salamandra (Šareni daždevnjak, Fire Salamander)


Triturus vulgaris (Obični mrmoljak, Common Newt)



Bombina variegata (Žutotrbi mukač, Yellow-Bellied Toad)


1-II; 4-II/IV


Bufo viridis (Zelena krastava žaba, Green Toad)


1-II; 4-IV

Bufo bufo (Velika krastača, Common Toad)


Rana kl. esculenta (Velika zelena žaba, Green Frog)


Rana dalmatina (Livadska žaba, Agile Frog)


1-II; 4-IV


1-II; 4-IV



Ablepharus kitaibalii (Kratkonogi gušter, European Copper Skink)


Podarcis muralis (Zidni gušter, Common Wall Lizard) Lacerta viridis (Zelembać, European Green Lizard) Lacerta agilis (Livadski gušter, Sand Lizard)



Anguis fragilis (Slepić, Blindworm)



Zamenis longissimus (Obični smuk, Aesculapian Snake)


1-II; 4-IV

Coronella austriaca (Smukulja, Smooth Snake)


1-II; 4-IV

Natrix natrix (Belouška, Grass Snake)


Natrix tessellata (Ribarica, Dice Snake)


1-II; 4-IV

Vipera ammodytes (Poskok, Nose-horned Viper)




Tabela 5. Pregled ornitofaune opštine Ljubovija Table 5. Review of ornitofauna of Ljubovija Municipality Familija/Family


Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation


Gavia stellata (Riđogrli morski gnjurac, Red-throated Diver)


1-II; 2-II; 5-I


Gavia arctica (Crnogrli morski gnjurac, The Blackthroated Loon)


1-II; 2-II; 5-I


Tachybaptus ruficolis (Mali gnjurac, The Little Grebe)




Podiceps cristatus (Ćubasti gnjurac, The Great Crested Grebe)




Phalacrocorax carbo (Veliki vranac, The Great Cormorant)




Phalacrocorax pygmaeus (Mali vranac, Pygmy Cormorant)


1-II; 2-II; 5-I


Ixobrichus minute (Čapljica, The Little Bittern)


1-II; 2-II; 5-I


Egretta garzetta (Mala bela čaplja, Little Egret)


1-II; 3-III; 5-I


Egretta alba (Velika bela čaplja, Great White Egret)


1-II; 2-II; 3-III; 5-I


Ardea cinerea (Siva čaplja, Grey Heron)




Ciconia ciconia (Bela roda, White Stork)


1-II; 2-II; 5-I


Cygnus olor (Labud grbac, Mute Swan)


1-III,; 2-II; 5-II/B


Anser albifrons (Lisasta guska, Greater White-fronted Goose)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/B, III/B


Anser anser (Divlja guska, Greylag Goose)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/A, III/B


Anas penelope (Zviždara, Eurasian Wigeon)


1-III; 2-II; 3-III; 5-II/A, III/B


Anas strepera (Čegrtuša, Gadwall)


1-II; 2-II; 5-II/A


Anas crecca (Krdža, Common Teal)


1-III; 2-II; 3-III; 5-II/A, III/B


Anas platyrhinchos (Gluvara, Mallard)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/A, III/A


Anas acuta (Šiljkan, Pintail)


1-II; 2-II; 3-III; 5-II/A, III/B



Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation


Anas querquedula (Grogotovac, Garganey)


1-III; 2-II; 3-III; 5-II/A


Anas clypeata (Plovka kašikara, Northern Shoveler)


1-II; 2-II; 3-III; 5-II/A, III/B


Aythya ferina (Riđoglava patka, Common Pochard)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/A


Aythya nyroca (Patka crnka, Ferruginous Duck)


1-III; 2-I,II; 3-III; 5-I


Aythya fuligula (Ćubasta patka, Tufted Duck)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/A, III/B


Mergus merganser (Veliki ronac, Common Merganser)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/B


Pernis apivorus (Osičar, European Honey Buzzard)


1-II; 2-II; 3-II; 5-I


Haliaeetus albicilla (Orao belorepan, White-tailed Eagle)


1-II; 2-I,II; 3-I; 5-I


Gyps fulvus (Beloglavi sup, Griffon Vulture)


1-II; 2-II; 3-II; 5-I


Circaetus gallicus (Orao zmijar, Short-toed Snake Eagle)


1-II; 2-II; 3-II; 5-I


Circus aeruginosus (Eja močvarica, Western Marsh-harrier)


1-II; 2-II; 3-II; 5-I


Circus cyaneus (Poljska eja, Hen Harrier)


1-II; 2-II; 3-II; 5-I


Accipiter gentilis (Jastreb, Northern Goshawk)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/A


Accipiter nisus (Kobac, Eurasian Sparrowhawk)


1-II; 2-II; 3-II


Buteo buteo (Mišar, Common Buzzard)


1-II; 2-II; 3-II


Aquila chrysaetos (Suri orao, Golden Eagle)


1-II; 2-II; 3-II; 5-I


Hieraaetus pennatus (Patuljasti orao, Booted Eagle)


1-II; 2-II; 3-II; 5-I


Falco tinnunculus (Vetruška, Common Kestrel)


1-II; 2-II; 3-II


Falco subbuteo (Soko lastavičar, Eurasian Hobby)


1-II; 2-II; 3-II


Falco peregrinus (Sivi soko, Peregrine Falcon)


1-II; 2-II; 3-I; 5-I


Perdix perdix (Poljska jarebica, Grey Partridge)


1-III; 5-II/A, III/A


Coturnix coturnix (Prepelica, Common Quail)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/B



Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation


Phasianus colchicus (Fazan, Common Pheasant)


1-III; 5-II/A, III/A


Crex crex (Prdavac, Corn Crake)


1-II; 2-II; 5-I


Gallinula chloropus (Barska kokica, Common Moorhen)


1-III; 5-II/B


Fulica atra (Liska, Eurasian Coot)


1-III; 5-II/A, III/B


Charadrius dubius (Žalar slepić, Little Ringed Plover)


1-II; 2-II


Vanellus vanellus (Vivak, Northern Lapwing)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/B


Gallinago gallinago (Barska šljuka, Common Snipe)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/A, III/B


Scolopax rusticola (Šumska šljuka, Eurasian Woodcock)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/A, III/B


Tringa ochropus (Sprudnik pijukavac, Green Sandpiper)


1-II; 2-II


Tringa glareola (Sprudnik migavac, Wood Sandpiper)


1-II; 2-II; 5-I


Actites hypoleucos (Polojka, Common Sandpiper)


1-II; 2-II


Larus minutus (Mali galeb, Little Gull)


1-II; 5-I


Larus ridibundus (Obični galeb, Black-headed Gull)


1-III; 5-II/B


Larus cachinnans (Sinji galeb, Caspian Gull)


1-III; 5-II/B


Sterna hirundo (Obična čigra, Common Tern)


1-II; 2-II; 5-I


Chlidonias hybridus (Belobrka čigra, Whiskered Tern)


1-II; 5-I


Columba livia (Divlji golub, Rock Dove)


1-III; 3-III; 5-II/A


Columba palumbus (Golub grivnaš, Common Wood Pigeon)




Streptopelia decaocto (Gugutka, Collared Dove)


1-III; 5-II/B


Streptopelia turtur (Grlica, Turtle Dove)


1-III; 2-II; 3-III; 5-II/B


Cuculus canorus (Kukavica, Common Cuckoo)




Otus scops (Ćuk, Scops Owl)


1-II; 3-II



Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation


Bubo bubo (Buljina, Eurasian Eagle-Owl)


1-II; 3-II; 5-I


Athene noctua (Kukumavka, Little Owl)


1-II; 3-II


Strix aluco (Šumska sova, Tawny Owl)


1-II; 3-II


Asio otus (Mala ušara, Long-eared Owl)


1-II; 3-II


Caprimulgus europaeus (Leganj, Nightjar )


1-II; 5-I


Apus apus (Crna čiopa, The Common Swift)




Alcedo atthis (Vodomar, The Common Kingfisher)


1-II; 5-I


Merops apiaster (Pčelarica, The European Bee-eater)


1-II; 2-II


Upupa epops (Pupavac, The Hoopoe )




Jynx torquilla (Vijoglava, The Eurasian Wryneck)




Picus canus (Siva žuna, The Grey-headed Woodpecker )


1-II; 5-I


Picus viridis (Zelena žuna, The European Green Woodpecker)




Dryocopus martius (Crna žuna, The Black Woodpecker)


1-II; 5-I


Dendrocopos major (Veliki detlić, The Great Spotted Woodpecker)




Dendrocopos syriacus (Seoski detlić, The Syrian Woodpecker)


1-II; 5-I


Dendrocopos medius (Srednji detlić, The Middle Spotted Woodpecker)


1-II; 5-I


Dendrocopos minor (Mali detlić, The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker)




Galerida cristata (Ćubasta ševa, The Crested Lark)




Lullula arborea (Šumska ševa, The Woodlark)


1-III; 5-I


Alauda arvensis (Poljska ševa, The Eurasian Skylark)


1-III; 5-II/B



Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation


Riparia riparia (Bregunica, The Sand Martin)




Hirundo rustica (Seoska lasta, The Barn Swallow)




Delichon urbica (Gradska lasta, The Common House Martin)




Anthus campestris (Poljska treptaljka, The Tawny Pipit)


1-II; 5-I


Anthus trivialis (Šumska treptaljka, Tree Pipit)




Anthus pratensis (Poljska treptaljka, The Meadow Pipit)




Motacilla flava (Žuta pliska, The Western Yellow Wagtail)




Motacilla cinerea (Planinska pliska, The Grey Wagtail)




Motacilla alba (Bela pliska, The White Wagtail)




Cinclus cinclus (Vodenkos, The White-throated Dipper)




Troglodytes troglodytes (Carić, The Eurasian Wren)




Prunella modularis (Popić, The Dunnock)


1-II; 2-II


Erithacus rubecula (Crvendać, The European Robin)


1-II; 2-II


Luscini megarhynchos (Mali slavuj, Nightingale)


1-II; 2-II


Phoenicurus ochruros (Planinska crvenrepka, The Black Redstart)


1-II; 2-II


Phoenicurus phoenicurus (Obična crvenrepka, The Common Redstart)


1-II; 2-II


Saxicola rubetra (Obična travarka, The Whinchat)


1-II; 2-II


Saxicola torquata (Crnoglava travarka, The African Stonechat)


1-II; 2-II


Oenanthe oenanthe (Obična belka, Wheatear)


1-II; 2-II



Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation


Monticola saxatilis (Drozd kamenjar, The Common Rock Thrush)


1-II; 2-II


Turdus merula (Kos, The Common Blackbird)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/B


Turdus pilaris (Drozd branjug, The Fieldfare)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/B


Turdus philomelos (Drozd pevač, The Song Thrush)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/B


Turdus iliacus (Crvenokrili drozd, The Redwing)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/B


Turdus viscivorus (Drozd imelaš, The Mistle Thrush)


1-III; 2-II; 5-II/B


Sylvia curruca (Grmuša čevrljinka, The Lesser Whitethroat)


1-II; 2-II


Sylvia communis (Obična grmuša, The Common Whitethroat)


1-II; 2-II


Sylvia atricapilla (Crnoglava grmuša, The Eurasian Blackcap)


1-II; 2-II


Phylloscopus collybita (Obični zviždak, Chiffchaff )


1-II; 2-II


Phylloscopus trochilus (Brezov zviždak, The Willow Warbler)


1-II; 2-II


Regulus regulus (Kraljić, The Goldcrest)


1-II; 2-II


Muscicapa striata (Siva muharica, The Spotted Flycatcher)


1-II; 2-II


Ficedula albicollis (Belovrata muharica, The Collared Flycatcher)


1-II; 2-II; 5-I


Ficedula hypoleuca (Šarena muharica, The European Pied Flycatcher)


1-II; 2-II


Aegithalos caudate (Dugorepa senica, Long-tailed Tit)




Parus palustris (Siva senica, The Marsh Tit)




Parus lugubris (Mediteranska senica, The Sombre Tit)




Parus ater (Jelova senica, The Coal Tit)




Parus caeruleus (Plava senica, The Blue Tit)





Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation


Parus major (Velika senica, The Great Tit)




Sitta europaea (Brgljez, The Eurasian Nuthatch)




Certhia familiaris (Kratkokljuni puzić, Common Treecreeper)




Certhia brachydactyla (Dugokljuni puzić, Short-toed Treecreeper)




Remiz pendulinus (Bela senica, Eurasian Penduline Tit)




Oriolus oriolus (Vuga, Golden Oriole)




Lanius collurio (Rusi svračak, Red-backed Shrike)


1-II; 5-I


Lanius excubitor (Veliki svračak, Great Grey Shrike)




Garrulus glandarius (Kreja, Eurasian Jay)




Pica pica (Svraka, Common Magpie)




Corvus monedula (Čavka, Jackdaw)




Corvus frugilegus (Gačac, Rook)




Corvus cornix (Siva vrana, Hooded Crow)




Corvus corax (Gavran, Common Raven)




Sturnus vulgaris (Čvorak, Common Starling)




Passer domesticus (Domaći vrabac, House Sparrow)




Passer montanus (Poljski vrabac, Eurasian Tree Sparrow)




Fringilla coelebs (Zeba, Chaffinch)




Fringilla montifringilla (Severna zeba, Brambling)




Serinus serinus (Žutarica, Serin)




Carduelis chloris (Zelentarka, Greenfinch)




Carduelis carduelis (Štiglić, Goldfinch)





Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation


Carduelis spinus (Cajzl, Siskin)




Carduelis cannabina (Konopljarka, Common Linnet)




Pyrrhula pyrrhyla (Zimovka, Bullfinch)




Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Batokljun, Hawfinch)




Emberiza citronella (Strnadica žutovoljka, Yellowhammer)




Emberiza cirlus (Crnogrla strnadica, Cirl Bunting)




Emberiza cia (Planinska strnadica, Rock Bunting)




Emberiza hortulana (Vrtna strnadica, Ortolan)




Miliaria calandra (Velika strnadica, Corn Bunting)



Tabela 6: Pregled vrsta sisara registrovanih u opštini Ljubovija Table 6: Rewiev of mammalian species recorded in Ljubovija Municipality




Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation


Erinaceus roumanicus (Jež, Northern WhiteBreasted Hedgehog)





Sorex minutus (Mala rovčica, Eurasian Pygmy Shrew)





Sorex araneus (Šumska rovčica, Common Shrew





Sorex alpinus (Planinska rovčica, Alpine Shrew)





Neomys fodiens (Vodena rovčica, Eurasian Water Shrew)





Neomys anomalus (Močvarna rovčica, Mediterranean Water Shrew)




Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation




Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation


Crocidura suaveolens (Baštenska rovčica, Lesser White-toothed Shrew)




Crocidura leucodon (Poljska rovčica, Bicolored Shrew)





Talpa europaea (Krtica, European Mole)





Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Veliki potkovičar, Greater Horseshoe Bat)



1-II; 2-II; 4-II/IV;


Rhinolophus hipposideros (Mali potkovičar, Lesser Horseshoe Bat



1-II; 2-II; 4-II/IV;


Rhinolophus euryale (Južni potkovičar, Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat)



1-II; 2-II; 4-II/IV;


Myotis mystacinus (Mali brkati večernjak, Whiskered Bat)



1-II; 4-IV;


Myotis brandtii (Veliki brkati večernjak, Brandt’s Bat)



1-II; 4-IV;


Myotis emarginatus (Šiljouhi večernjak, Geoffroy’s Bat)



1-II; 4-II/IV;


Myotis bechsteinii (Dugouhi večernjak, Bechstein’s Bat)



1-II; 4-II/IV


Myotis myotis (Veliki mišouhi večernjak, Greater Mouse-eared Bat)



1-II; 4-II/IV


Myotis blythii (Mali mišouhi večernjak, Lesser Mouse-eared Bat)



1-II; 4-II/IV


Myotis capaccinii (Dugoprsti večernjak, LongFingered Bat)



1-II; 4-II/IV


Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Patuljasti slepi miš/Common Pipistrelle)



1- III; 4-IV


Pipistrellus nathusii (Šumski slepi miš, Nathusius’ Pipistrelle)



1- II; 4-IV



Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation

Nyctalus noctula (Srednji noćnik, Common Noctule)



1- II; 4-IV


Eptesicus serotinus (Širokokrili ponoćnjak, Serotine Bat)



1- II; 4-IV


Barbastella barbastellus (Širokouhi ljiljak, Barbastelle)



1-II; 4-II/IV;


Plecotus austriacus (Sivi dugouhi ljiljak, Grey Long-eared Bat)



1- II; 4-IV


Plecotus auritus (Smeđi dugouhi ljiljak, Common Long-eared Bat)



1- II; 4-IV


Miniopterus schreibersii (Dugokrili ljiljak, Schreibers’ Bat)



1-II; 2-II; 4-II/IV;


Sciurus vulgaris (Veverica, Red Squirrel)


ZV (L)/PS (H)

1- III


Spalax leucodon (Slepo kuče, Lesser Mole Rat)





Myodes glareolus (Riđa voluharica, Bank Vole)





Ondatra zibethica (Bizamski pacov, Muskrat)





Microtus subterraneus (Podzemna voluharica, European Pine Vole)





Microtus arvalis (Poljska voluharica, Common Vole)





Micromys minutus (Patuljasti miš, Harvest Mouse)





Apodemus flavicollis (Žutogrli miš, Yellow-necked Mouse)





Apodemus sylvaticus (Šumski miš, Wood Mouse)





Apodemus agrarius (Prugasti miš, Striped Field Mouse)








Nacionalna regulativa/ National legislation

Međunarodna regulativa/ International legislation


Mus musculus (Tipični domaći miš, House Mouse)





Glis glis (Sivi puh, Fat Dormouse)


ZV (L)/PS (H)



Muscardinus avellanarius (Puh lešnikar, Hazel Dormouse)



1-III; 4-IV


Dryomys nitedula (Šumski puh, Forest Dormouse)



1-III; 4-IV


Lepus europaeus (Zec, European Hare)


ZV (L)/PS (H)

1- III


Canis lupus (Vuk, Gray Wolf )


ZV (L)/PS (H)

1-II (reserve); 3-II; 4-II/IV


Canis aureus (Šakal, Golden Jackal)


ZV (L)/PS (H)



Vulpes vulpes (Lisica, Red Fox)


ZV (L)/PS (H)



Ursus arctos (Mrki medved, Brown Bear)



1-II; 3-II; 4-II;


Mustela nivalis (Lasica, Least Weasel)


ZV (L)/PS (H)

1- III


Mustela putorius (Mrki tvor, European Polecat)


ZV (L)/PS (H)

1- III, 4-V


Martes martes (Kuna zlatica, European Pine Marten)


ZV (L)/PS (H)

1- III, 4-V


Martes foina (Kuna belica, Beech Marten)


ZV (L)/ PS (H)

1- III


Meles meles (Jazavac, European Badger)


ZV (L)/ PS (H)

1- III


Lutra lutra (Vidra, European Otter)



1-II; 3-I; 4-II/IV;


Felis silvestris (Divlja mačka, Wildcat)


ZV (L)/ PS (H)

1-II (reserve); 3-II; 4-IV


Sus scrofa (Divlja svinja, Wild Boar)


ZV (L)/ PS (H)



Capreolus capreolus (Srna, European Roe Deer)


ZV (L)/ PS (H)

1- III

LEGENDA: IUCN – Kategorije ugroženosti taksona po IUCN; verzija 2013.1;; DD – nedovoljno podataka; NT i LR/nt – skoro ugrožena; LC – najmanja briga; VU – ranjiva vrsta; NA – nije primenjivo; EN – ugrožena vrsta Sve prikazane vrste vodozemaca i gmizavaca imaju status LC – najmanja briga; Sve prikazane vrste ptica imaju status LC (least concern – najmanja briga), osim vrste Aythya nyroca/ Patka crnka koja ima status NT (near threatened – skoro ugrožene, blizu je kategoriji “ranjiva” (VU); Nacionalna regulativa: • Pravilnik o proglašenju i zaštiti strogo zaštićenih i zaštićenih divljih vrsta biljaka, životinja i gljiva ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 5/10 i 47/11): SZV – Strogo zaštićena vrsta; ZV – Zaštićena vrsta; ZV* – Zaštićena vrsta koja je ujedno i na Uredbi o stavljanju pod kontrolu korišćenja i prometa divlje flore i faune ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 31/05, 45/05 – ispravka, 22/07, 38/08, 9/10 i 69/11); ZV (L) – Zaštićena divlja vrsta koja se tiče i Zakona o divljači i lovstvu •

Pravilnik o prekograničnom prometu i trgovini zaštićenim vrstama ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 99/2009) Prilog II – Vrste iz Dodatka B Uredbe Komisije (EZ) br. 407/2009 od 14. maja 2009. koja dopunjuje Uredbu Saveta (EZ) br. 338/97 o zaštiti vrsta divlje faune i flore regulisanjem njihove trgovine (CITES vrste); Prilog VI – Vrste čiji je unos u Republiku Srbiju zabranjen; Prilog VII – Strogo zaštićene divlje vrste na teritoriji Republike Srbije; Prilog VIII – Zaštićene divlje vrste na teritoriji Republike Srbije Rel – Vrsta reliktne starosti BE – Balkanski endemit

Međunarodna regulativa Vrste zaštićene prema Bernskoj konvenciji: 1-II,III, rezerva – Zakon o potvrđivanju Konvencije o očuvanju evropske divlje flore i faune i prirodnih staništa – „Službeni glasnik RS - Međunarodni ugovori“ br. 102/2007 (Bernska Konvencija – Dodatak II – strogo zaštićena divlja vrsta faune; Dodatak III – zaštićena vrsta faune; rezerva – vrsta za koju Republika Srbija izražava rezerve u odnosu na tekst Konvencije); Vrste zaštićene prema Bonskoj konvenciji: 2-I,II – Zakon o potvrđivanju Konvencije o očuvanju migratornih vrsta divljih životinja - „Službeni glasnik RS – Međunarodni ugovori“ br. 102/2007 (Bonska Konvencija – Dodatak I - ugrožena migratorna vrsta; Dodatak II – migratorna vrsta koja bi trebalo da bude predmet Sporazuma). Vrste zaštićene prema CITES konvenciji: 3-I,II,III – Zakon o potvrđivanju Konvencije o međunarodnom prometu ugroženih vrsta divlje faune i flore – „Službeni glasnik RS - Međunarodni ugovori“ br. 11/2001 (CITES Konvencija – Dodatak I – vrsta kojoj preti opasnost od izumiranja, a zahvaćena je ili može da bude zahvaćena prometom; Dodatak II – vrsta kojoj trenutno možda i ne preti opasnost od izumiranja, ali može da zapreti ukoliko se promet jedinki takve vrste ne podvrgne strogim propisima i vrsta koja mora da bude podvrgnuta regulativi kako bi se uspostavila efikasna kontrola prometa jedinki pojedinih vrsta iz ovog dodatka; Dodatak III – vrsta koju bilo koja od strana identifikuje kao podložna regulativi u okviru njihove jurisdikcije, u cilju sprečavanja ili ograničavanja eksploatacije, kao i ona čiji se promet može kontrolisati samo u saradnji s drugim stranama)

Direktiva o očuvanju prirodnih staništa i divljih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta 4-II,IV,V – Direktiva o staništima – Prilog II – životinjska i biljna vrsta od zajedničkog interesa čije očuvanje zahteva proglašenje posebno zaštićenih područja; Prilog IV – životinjska i biljna vrsta od zajedničkog interesa kojoj je potrebna stroga zaštita; Prilog V – životinjska i biljna vrsta od zajedničkog interesa zbog čijeg se uzimanja iz prirode i eksploatacije mogu primeniti mere upravljanja EC Direktiva o pticama Aneksi 5-I, II/A, B, III/A, B Rezolucija 6, 1998, spisak vrsta koje zahtevaju posebne mere zaštite staništa (usvojena od strane Stalnog komiteta 4. decembra 1998) – Stalni komitet Konvencije o zaštiti evropskih divljih vrsta i prirodnih staništa 6/I Revidirani Aneks 1 Rezolucije 6 Bernske konvencije, 2011 LEGEND: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1.; DD – Data deficiend; NT; LR/nt – Near Threatened; LC – Least concern; VU – Vulnerable; EN – Endangered; NA – Not apllicabile; All species listed in table Ambhibians and Reptiles have status LC – least concern All bird species listed in table above have status LC – least concern, except Aythya nyroca/Ferruginous Duck it is NT – near threatened species, close to category “vulnerable“ VU. National legislation: • The Rulebook on Designation and Protection of Strictly Protected and Protected Wild Flora, Fauna and Fungi (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 5/2010 and 47/11) SPS – Strictly protected species; PS – Protected species; PS* – Protected species that is also in the Decree on Control of Utilization and Trade of Wild Flora and Fauna ("Official Gazette RS", no. 31/05, 45/05 – correction, 22/07, 38/08 , 9/10 and 69/11); PS (H) - Protected wild species which is of interest of the Law on Hunting. • The Decree on Control of Utilization and Trade of Wild Flora and Fauna (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, Nos. 31/2005, 45/2005, 22/2007, 38/2008 and 9/2010); Appendix II – Species of Annex B of the Regulation (EC) no. 407/2009, from May 14, 2009 amending Council Regulation (EC) no. 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating their trade (CITES species); Appendix VI – Species which entry into the Republic of Serbia shall be prohibited; Appendix VII – Strictly protected species in the Republic of Serbia; Appendix VIII – Protected species in the Republic of Serbia RE – Relict species BE – Balkan endemic species International legislation Bern Convention – 1 Annexes II, III, IV, V reserve – Law on Ratification of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and natural habitats – "Official Gazette RS – International Treaties" no. 102/2007 (the Bern Convention – Annex II strictly protected fauna species – Annex III - protected fauna species; reserve – Republic of Serbia expres reserve to the species in terms of Convention) Species protected according to Bonn Convention: 2-I,II – Law on Ratification of the Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals – „Official Gazette RS – International

Treaties no. 102/2007 (Bonn Convention – Appendix I – Threatened Migratory Species; Appendix II - Migratory Species requiring international cooperation; CITES species: 3-I,II;III – Law on Ratification of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora - "Official Gazette – International Treaties" no. 11/2001 (CITES – Appendix I lists species that are the most endangered among CITES-listed animals and plants; Appendix II lists species that are not necessarily now threatened with extinction but that may become so unless trade is closely controlled; Appendix III is a list of species included at the request of a Party that already regulates trade in the species and that needs the cooperation of other countries to prevent unsustainable or illegal exploitation Council Directive - 92/43/EEC – Habitat Directive – 4-II,IV,V; Annex II – animal and plant species of community interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation; Annex IV – animal and plant species of community interest in need of strict protection; Annex V – Animal and plant species of community interest whose taking in the wild and exploitation may be subject to management measures. EU DIRECTIVE 2009/147/EC on the conservation of wild birds, Annexes 5-I, II/A, B, III/A, B Resolution No. 6 (1998); List of the species requiring specific habitat conservation measures (adopted by the Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, on 4 December 1998) 6/I Council of Europe, 2011. Draft revised Annex I of Resolution 6 (1998) of the Bern Convention.

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 502.211(497.11)(082) 574.1(497.11)(082) PRIRODNE vrednosti opštine Ljubovija = Natural Values of Ljubovija Municipality / [Nenad Sekulić ...[et al.] ; fotografije Alaksandar Simović ... [et al.] ; prevod Jovana Jaramaz]. - Beograd : Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije ; Ljubovija : Opština, 2013 (Gornji Milanovac : Codex print). - 94 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm Podaci o autorima preuzeti iz kolofona. Uporedo srp. tekst i engl. prevod. - Tiraž 500. - Bibliografija: str. 69-71 ISBN 978-86-80877-42-6 (ZZPS) 1. Секулић, Ненад, 1968- [аутор] [фотограф] a) Живи свет - Љубовија (општина) Зборници b) Биолошки диверзитет - Љубовија (општина) - Зборници COBISS.SR-ID 201044492

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