Principles of Teaching

April 17, 2017 | Author: Mei Lontoc | Category: N/A
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PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING THE ELEMENTS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING (ETL) 1. The Teachers-serve as the prime mover of the educational wheel 2. The learners–are the key participants in the learning process. 3. The learning environment-provides essential features and ingredients that could make headway in guiding the processes and methodologies needed for a smooth linkage among the three. LEARNER-is an embodied spirit. He is a union of a sentient body and rational soul. His body experiences sensations and feels, pleasure and pain His soul is the principle of spiritual acts, the source of intellectual abstraction, self-reflection and free volition Body and soul exist in mutual dependence (Kelly, 1965) THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUIPMENT OF LEARNER 1. Cognitive 2. Appetitive faculties COGNITIVE FACULTIES INCLUDE 1. Five Senses-by his senses, the learner is able to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell whatever is to be learned. 2. Instinct-nature, character and natural feeling. 3. Imagination- by the power of imagination, the learner is able to form representation of materials objects which are not actually present to the senses. 4. Memory -By his power of memory he is able to retain, recall, recognize past mental acts. 5. Intellect-s/he can form concepts, ideas, makes judgment and reason out. APPETIVE FACULTIES INCLUDE- They differ however in the degree to which they are utilized and expressed on account of learners’ abilities. 1. Feelings and emotions - By his feelings and emotions, s/he experiences the pleasantness or unpleasantness, the satisfactoriness or unsatisfactoriness, the pain and the joy of an object or an activity 2. Rational will- By his will the learner wills what his/her intellect presents as good and desirable. LEARNERS DIFFERS IN (FIVE DISTINGUISHING ELEMENTS) 1. Ability - It determines their capacity to understand and assimilate information for their own use and application As learners they differ in the way they observe and interpret happenings in their surroundings. 2. Aptitude – Refers to the students’ innate talent or gift. It indicates a natural capacity to learn certain skills 3. Interests – Learners vary in activities that are undertaken to a strong appeal or attraction. Lessons that give the learners chance to express their deep feelings for objects or action will be more meaningful and easily absorbed. 4. Family and Cultural Background – Beneficial relationships of learners with their mentors and with one another affirm the king of bond they enjoy at home, cooperation, coupled with a willingness to share, is instilled and is carried over to all association they join. 5. Attitudes – Students have a unique way of thinking and reacting. It refers to an individual’s perspective and disposition. Some positives attitudes are:  Curiosity – endlessly questioning until they get the right information  Responsibility – students pursue assigned task to completion despite personal constraints  Creativity – students with creative minds are capable of generating own ideas of doing things. Being imaginative they can think of new ways of arriving at solutions to their problems.  Persistence – students sustain interest in a learning activity not mindful of the extra time and effort being mmmmmmmspent. They pursue the task to completion and never give up when confronted with problems. GARDNER’S MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE THEORY (HOWARD GARDNER)

When you hear the word intelligence, the concept of IQ testing may immediately come to mind. Intelligence is often defined as our intellectual potential; something we are born with, something that can be measured and a capacity that is difficult to change. In recent years, however, other views of intelligence have emerged. One such conception is the theory of multiple intelligences proposed by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner. This theory suggests that traditional psychometric views of intelligence are too limited. Gardner first outlined his theory in his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, where he suggested that all people have different kinds of "intelligences."1 Gardner proposed that there are eight intelligences, and has suggested the possible addition of a ninth known as "existentialist intelligence" 1. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)  Sensitivity to speaking, writing , listening and reading  Sounds, meaning, structures and styles of language  Ability to speak and write effectively  Examples: (Speak) Teacher, Religious Leader, Politician (Write) Poet, Journalist, Novelist, Copywriter and Editor  People who are strong in linguistic-verbal intelligence are able to use words well, both when writing and speaking. These individuals are typically very good at writing stories, memorizing information and reading.  Characteristics: Good at remembering written and spoken information, Enjoys reading and writing, Good at debating or giving persuasive speeches, Able to explain things well and Often uses humor when telling stories 2. Logical or Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart)  Sensitivity to finding patterns, making calculations, forming and testing hypothesis, using the scientific method, deductive and inductive reasoning  Patterns, numbers and numerical data, causes and effects, objective and quantitative reasoning  Ability to work effectively with numbers and reason effectively  Examples: (Numbers) Accountant, Statistician, Economist (Reasoning) Engineer, Scientists and Computer programmer  People who are strong in logical-mathematical intelligence are good at reasoning, recognizing patterns and logically analyze problems. These individuals tend to think conceptually about numbers, relationships and patterns.  Characteristics: Excellent problem-solving skills, Enjoys thinking about abstract ideas, Likes conducting scientific experiments, Good and solving complex computations 3. Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart)  Sensitivity to representing ideas visually ,creating mental images, noticing visual details, drawing, and sketching  Colors, shapes, visual, puzzles, symmetry, lines and images  Ability to create visually and visualize accurately  Examples: (Visually) Artist, Photographer, Engineer and decorator (Visualize) Tour Guide, Scout and Ranger  People who are strong in visual-spatial intelligence are good a visualizing things. These individuals are often good with directions as well as maps, charts, videos and pictures.  Characteristics: Enjoys reading and writing, Good at putting puzzles together, Good at interpreting pictures, graphs and charts, Enjoys drawing, painting and the visual arts, Recognizes patterns easily, Potential Career Choices 4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence ( Body Smart)  Sensitivity to activities requiring strength, speed, flexibility, hand-eye coordination and balance.  Touch, movement, physical self and athleticism  Use the hands to fix or create and use the body expressively

 Example: (Create) Mechanic, Surgeon, Carpenter, Sculptor, Mason (Body) Dancer, Athlete and Actor  Those who have high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are said to be good at body movement, performing actions and physical control. People who are strong in this area tend to have excellent hand-eye coordination and dexterity.  Characteristics: Good at dancing and sports, Enjoy creating things with their hands, Excellent physical coordination and Tends to remember by doing, rather than hearing or seeing 5. Musical Intelligence (Music Smart)  Sensitivity to listening, singing and playing an instrument  Tone, beat, tempo, melody pitch and sound  Ability to create music and analyse music  Examples: (Create Music) Song writer, composer and Conductor (Analyze Music) Music Critic  People who have strong musical intelligence are good and thinking in patterns, rhythms and sounds. They have a strong appreciation for music and are often good at musical composition and performance.  Characteristics: Enjoy singing and playing musical instruments, Recognizes musical patterns and tones easily, Good at remembering songs and melodies and Rich understanding of musical structure, rhythm and notes 6. Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart)  Sensitivity to noticing and responding to other people’s feelings and personalities.  Body Language, moods, voice and feelings  Ability to work with people and help people identify and overcome problems  Examples: (Work with people) Administrator, Manager , Consultant and Teacher (Help people) Therapist and Psychologist  Those who have strong interpersonal intelligence are good understanding and interacting with other people. These individuals are skilled at assessing the emotions, motivations, desires and intentions of those around them.  Characteristics: Good at communicating verbally, Skilled nonverbal communicators, See situations from different perspectives, Create positive relationships with others and Good at resolving conflict in groups 7. Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart)  Sensitivity to settings goals, assessing personal abilities and liabilities, monitoring one’s own thinking.  One’s own strengths, weaknesses, goals and desires  Ability to meditate, reflect, exhibit, self-discipline, maintain composure, and get the most out of oneself  Examples: Philosopher, Scientist, Theorist and Writer  Individuals who are strong in intrapersonal intelligence are good at being aware of their own emotional states, feelings and motivations. They tend to enjoy self-reflection and analysis, including day-dreaming, exploring relationships with others and assessing their personal strengths.  Characteristics: Good at analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, Enjoys analyzing theories and ideas, Excellent self-awareness, Clearly understands the basis for their own motivations and feelings 8. Naturalist Intelligence (Nature Smart)  Sensitivity to identifying and classifying living things and natural objects  Natural objects, plants, animals, naturally occurring patterns and ecological issues  Ability to analyse ecological and natural situations and data learn in living things and work natural  Examples: (Analyze) Ecologists and Rangers ( Living) Zoologists, Botanist, Vetenerarian  Naturalistic is the most recent addition to Gardner’s theory 5 and has been met with more resistance than his original seven intelligences. According to Gardner, individuals who are high in this type of intelligence are more in tune with nature and are often interested in nurturing, exploring the environment and learning about other species. These individuals are said to be highly aware of even subtle changes to their environments.

 Charateristics: Interested in subjects such as botany, biology and zoology, Good at categorizing and cataloging information easily, May enjoy camping, gardening, hiking and exploring the outdoors, Doesn’t enjoy learning unfamiliar topics that have no connection to nature

LEARNERS DIFFERS IN (LEARNING STYLES) 1. Sensing Thinking or Mastery  Learner prefers to learn by: Seeing tangible results, Practicing what he has Learned Following directions one step at a time  Being active rather than passive  Knowing exactly what is expected of her.  Learns best from- Drill, Demonstration, Practice and Hands-on experience  Likes: Doing things that have immediate practical use, Being acknowledge, Praise for prompt and complete work and Immediate feedback  Dislikes: Activities that focus on feelings Open-ended activities, Activities that require imagination  Sensitivity to acts, details, physical actions and steps  Inclination to remembering, describing, manipulating and ordering  Ability to organize, report, build and plan and carry out projects  Efficient, results-oriented, preferring actions to words and involvement to theory. They like to complete their work in an organized and efficient manner. They tend to be neat, well-organized, and precise in their work. They need to be kept busy and require immediate feedback. They need to be active. They prefer step-by-step directions when assigned a task and become impatient if the instructions become long and involved. They want to know exactly what is expected of them. They need clearly structured environments that focus on factual mastery of skills and an opportunity to apply them to something practical or to demonstrate proficiency. They prefer right or wrong questions to open-ended or interpretive ones. 2. Intuitive Thinking or Understanding  Prefers to learn by: Studying about ideas and how things are related, Planning and carrying out a project, Arguing and debating a point based on logical analysis, Problem solving that requires collecting , organizing ,and evaluating.  Learns best from: Lectures, Reading and Logical discussions and debate  Likes: Time to plan, Working independently and Working with ideas  Dislikes: Routine, Memorization, Concern for details and Rigid rules  Sensitivity to gaps/flaws, questions, patterns and ideas  Inclination for analyzing, testing/proving, examining and connecting  Ability to argue, research, develop theories and explain  They tend to be challenged intellectually and to think things through for themselves. They are curious about ideas, like theory and complex problems. They approach learning in a logical, organized, systematic fashion, bringing organization and structure to people and things. They take time to plan, organize ideas, and determine necessary resources before beginning to work on an assignment. They prefer to work independently or with other thinking types and require little feedback until their work is completed. They do not like being pressed for time. When they are working on something of interest, time is meaningless. They have great patience and persistence. They attack problems by breaking them down into their component parts. They like to reason things out and to look for logical relationships. They are constantly asking "why?" They are avid readers, and they have a facility for language and express their ideas in detail. They are concerned about being correct and strive for perfection. 3. Intuitive-Feeling or Self expressive  Prefers to: Being creative and using his imagination, Planning ad organizing, Working on a number, Searching for alternative solutions and Discussing real problems

 Learns best from: Creative and artistic activities, Open-ended discussions, Activities that enlighten or enhance myths and human achievement  Likes: Contemplation, Being able to learn through discovery, Opportunity to plan, Recognition to personal insights and discoveries  Dislikes: Too much attention to detail, Facts . Memorization, role learning and Task with predetermined correct answers  Sensitivity to hunches, images, possibilities and inspiration  Inclination for predicting/speculating, imagining, generating ideas and developing insights  Ability to develop original solutions, thinks metaphorically, articulate ideas and express and create  They are the ones who dare to dream, are committed to their values, are open to alternatives, and are constantly searching for new an unusual ways to express themselves. They approach learning eager to explore ideas, generate new solutions to problems, and discuss moral dilemmas. Their interests are varied and unpredictable, but they prefer activities which allow them to use their imaginations and do things in unique ways. They do not like routine or rote assignments and prefer questions which are open-ended, such as, "What would happen if...?" They are highly motivated by their own interests. Things of interest will be done inventively well. When working on a project that interests them, time is meaningless. They are independent and do not fear being different. They are sensitive to beauty and symmetry and will comment on the aesthetic characteristics of things. They prefer not to follow step-bystep procedures but rather move where their intuitions take them. They prefer to find their own solutions rather than being told what to do or how to do it. They often take circuitous routes to solving problems and may not be able to explain how they arrived at the answer. They are flexible in thought and action. They are not likely to be disturbed by changes in routine, and they are comfortable working with a minimum of directions. 4. Sensing Feeling or Interpersonal  Learner-Prefers to study about things that directly affects about people’s lives.  Receiving personal attention: Being part of a team activities that help her learn out herself and how she feels about things.  Learns best from : Group experience, Loving attention, Personal expression and Role Playing  Likes: Receiving personal attention and encouragement, Opportunities to be helpful in class, Personal feedbacks and Sharing personal experiences  Dislikes: Long period of working alone silently, Emphasis on factual detail, Highly competitive games and Detailed and demanding routine  Sensitivity to feelings, people, gut reactions and experiences  Inclination for supporting, personalizing, expressing emotions and learning from experience  Ability to build trust and rapport, empathize, respond and teach  They are sensitive to people's feelings - their own and others'. They prefer to learn about things that directly affect people's lives rather than impersonal facts or theories. They take a personal approach to learning. They work best when emotionally involved in what they are being asked to learn. They tend to be spontaneous and often act on impulse, in terms of what "feels right." They are interested in people and like to listen to and talk about people and their feelings. They like to be helpful to others and need to be recognized for their efforts. They enjoy personal attention. They need to feel relaxed, comfortable, and to enjoy themselves when they learn. They like to think out loud, to work with other students, to share their ideas, and to get the reactions of their friends. They prefer cooperation to competition, and they need reassurance or praise that lets them know they are doing well. They are greatly influenced by the likes and dislikes of others.

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