Introduction 121 General Concept 121 Terzaghi's Bearing Capacity Theory 124 Factor of Safety 128 Modification of Bearing Capacity Equations for Water Table 130 The General Bearing Capacity Equation 131 Meyerhofs Bearing Capacity, Shape, Depth, and Inclination Factors 136 Some Comments on Bearing Capacity Factor, N,. and Shape Factors 138 A Case History for Bearing Capacity Failure 140 Effect of Soil Compressibility 142 Eccentrically Loaded Foundations 146 Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading-Meyerhofs Theory 148 3.13 Eccentrically Loaded Foundation-Prakash and Saran's Theory 154 3.14 Bearing Capacity of a Continuous Foundation Subjected to Eccentric Inclined Loading 161 Problems 165 References 168
Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations: Special Cases 170 4.1 4.2 4.3
Introduction 170 Foundation Supported by a Soil with a Rigid Base at Shallow Depth Bearing Capacity of Layered Soils: Stronger Soil Underlain by Weaker Soil 177 4.4 Closely Spaced Foundations-Effect on Ultimate Bearing Capacity 185 4.5 Bearing Capacity of Foundations on Top of a Slope 188 4.6 Bearing Capacity of Foundations on a Slope 191 4.7 Uplift Capacity of Foundations 193 Problems 199 References 202
Shallow Foundations: Allowable Bearing Capacity and Settlement 203 5.1
Introduction 203
Ve~iical si~e;s increase in a Soil Mass Caused by Foundation Load .. 264 5.2 Stress Due to a Concentrated Load 204 5.3 Stress Due to a Circularly Loaded Area 205 5.4 Stress below a Rectangular Area 206 5.5 Average Vertical Stress Increase Due to a Rectangularly Loaded Area 213 5.6 Stress Increase under an Embankment 216 Elastic Settlement 220
5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11
5.U 5.13 5.14
Elastic Settlement Based on the Theory of Elasticity 220 Elastic Settlement of Foundations on Saturated Clay 230 Improved Equation for Elastic Settlement 230 Settlement of Sandy Soil: Use of Strain Influence Factor 236 Range of Material Parameters for Computing Elastic Settlement 240 Settlement of Foundation on Sand Based on Standard Penetration Resistance 241 General Comments on Elastic Settlement Prediction 246 Seismic Bearing Capacity and Settlement in Granular Soil 247
Cons~lidation Settlement 252 5.15 Primary Consolidation Settlement Relationships 252 5.16 Three-Dimensional Effect on Primary Consolidation Settlement 254 5.17 Settlement Due to Secondary Consolidation 258 5.18 Field Load Test 260
6.1 Introduction 272 6.2 Combined Footings 272 6.3 Common Types of Mat Foundations 275 6.4 Bearing Capacity of Mat Foundations 277 6.5 Differential Settlement of Mats 280 6.6 Field Settlement Observations for Mat Foundations 281 6.7 Compensated Foundation 281 6.8 Structural Design of Mat Foundations 285 Problems 304 References 307
Lateral Earth Pressure 7.1 7.2
Introduction 308 Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest 309
Active Pressure 312 7.3 Rankine Active Earth Pressure 312 7.4 A Generalized Case for Rankine Active Pressure 315 7.5 Coulomb's Active Earth Pressure 323 7.6 Active Earth Pressure for Earthquake Conditions 328 7.7 Active Pressure for Wall Rotation about the Top: Braced Cut 333 7.8 Active Earth Pressure for Translation of Retaining Wall-Granular Backfill 334 7.9 General Comments on Active Earth Pressure 338 Passive Pressure 338 7.10 Rankine Passive Earth Pressure 338 7.11 Rankine Passive Earth Pressure: Inclined Backfill 344 7.12 Coulomb's Passive Earth Pressure 345 7.13 Comments on the Failure Surface Assumption for Coulomb's Pressure Calculations 347 7.14 Passive Pressure under Earthquake Conditions 348 Problems 349 References 352
:I !
Retaining Walls ~--·
Introduction 353
8.1 .,,
355 Proportioning Retaining Walls 355 Application of Lateral Earth Pressure Theories to Design 356 Stability of Retaining Walls 358 Check for Overturning 359 Check for Sliding along the Base 361 Check for Bearing Capacity Failure 364 Construction Joints and Drainage from Backfill 374 Some Comments on Design of Retaining Walls 377
Introduction 409 Construction Methods 413 Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls 414 Cantilever Sheet Piling Penetrating Sandy Soils 415 Special Cases for Cantilever Walls Penetrating a Sandy Soil 422 Cantilever Sheet Piling Penetrating Clay 423 Special Cases for Cantilever Walls Penetrating Clay 428 Anchored Sheet-Pile Walls 429 Free Earth Support Method for Penetration of Sandy Soil 430 Design Charts for Free Earth Support Method (Penetration into Sandy Soil) 435 Moment Reduction for Anchored Sheet-Pile Walls 440 Computational Pressure Diagram Method for Penetration into Sandy Soil 443 Field Observations of an Anchored Sheet Pile Wall 447 Free Earth Support Method for Penetration of Clay 448 Anchors 452 Holding Capacity of Anchor Plates in Sand 454
9.17 Holding Capacity of Anchor Plates in Clay (cp = 0 Condition) 9.18 Ultimate Resistance of Tiebacks 460 Problems 461 References 464
Braced Cuts
10.1 Introduction 466 10.2 Pressure Envelope for Braced-Cut Design 467 10.3 Pressure Envelope for Cuts in Layered Soil 471 10.4 Design of Various Components of a Braced Cut 472 10.5 Bottom Heave of a Cut in Clay 482 10.6 Stability of the Bottom of a Cut in Sand 485 10.7 Lateral Yielding of Sheet Piles and Ground Settlement 487 Problems 489 References 490
Introduction 491 Types of Piles and Their Structural Characteristics 493 Estimating Pile Length 502 Installation of Piles 504 Load Transfer Mechanism 508 Equations for Estimating Pile Capacity 509 Meyerhofs Method for Estimating Q, 512 Vesic's Method for Estimating Q, 515 Janbu's Method for Estimating Q, 516 Coyle and Castello's Method for Estimating Q, in Sand 520 Other Correlations for Calculating Q, with SPT and CPT Results 521 Frictional Resistance (Q,) in Sand 524 Frictional (Skin) Resistance in Clay 528 Point-Bearing Capacity of Piles Resting on Rock 531 Pile Load Tests 538 Comparison of Theory with Field Load Test Results 542 Elastic Settlement of Piles 543 Laterally Loaded Piles 546 Pile-Driving Formulas 562 Pile Capacity For Vibration-Driven Piles 568 Negative Skin Friction 570
Group Pile; 573 11.22 Group Efficiency 573 11.23 Ultimate Capacity of Group Piles in Saturated Clay 576 11.24 Elastic Settlement of Group Piles 580
11.25 Consolidation Settlement of Group Piles 11.26 Piles in Rock 584 Problems 584 References 588
· 12
Drilled-Shaft Foundations
U.1 U.2 U.3 U.4
Introduction 591 Types of Drilled Shafts 592 Construction Procedures 593 Other Design Considerations 598 u.s Load Transfer Mechanism 598 U.6 Estimation of Load-Bearing Capacity 599 U.7 Drilled Shafts in Granular Soil: Load-Bearing Capacity 602 U.8 Drilled Shafts in Clay: Load-Bearing Capacity 613 U.9 Settlement of Drilled Shafts at Working Load 620 U.10 Lateral Load-Carrying Capacity-Characteristic Load and Moment Method 622 U.11 Drilled Shafts Extending into Rock 631 Problems 635 References 639
Foundations on Difficult Soils
13.1 Introduction 640 640 Definition and Types of Collapsible Soil 640 Physical Parameters for Identification 641 Procedure for Calculating Collapse Settlement 645 Foundation Design in Soils Not Susceptible to Wetting 646 Foundation Design in Soils Susceptible to Wetting 648
Collapsible Soil
13.2 13.3 13.4 13.S 13.6
649 13.7 General Nature of Expansive Soils 649 13.8 Laboratory Measurement of Swell 650 13.9· Classification of Expansive Soil on the Basis of Index Tests 655 13.10 Foundation Considerations for Expansive Soils 656 13.11 Construction on Expansive Soils' 661 Expansive Soils
Sanitary Landfills 665 13.U General Nature of Sanitary Landfills 665 13.13 Settlement of Sanitary Landfills 666 Problems 668 References 670 I
Soil Improvement and Ground Modification
Introduction 672 General Principles of Compaction 673 Correction for Compaction of Soils with Oversized Particles 676 Field Compaction 678 Compaction Control for Clay Hydraulic Barriers 681 Vibroflotation 682 Precompression 688 Sand Drains 696 Prefabricated Vertical Drains 706 Lime Stabilization 711 Cement Stabilization 714 Fly-Ash Stabilization 716 Stone Columns 717 Sand Compaction Piles 722 Dynamic Compaction 725 Jet Grouting 727 Problems 729 References 731
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