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Rrcihcp`os ef Ovcaoiho4 Npprohcntcei ci Hcvc` & Hrckcin` Hnsos
My Dustcho Voa Rrnjnsg Hgncrporsei @nw Hekkcsscei ef Knagyn Rrnaosg
Citreauhtcei 4
Ns n Dualo gnppois te mo tgo mnhjmeio ef systok ef acspoisntcei ef dustcho, `cjowcso knrsgn``cil nia npprohcntcei cs tgo er eraor. mnhjmeio ef n dualkoit. Qgo qun`cty ef tgo dualkoit er eraor u`tcknto`y aopoias upei prepor knrsgn``cil nia npprohcntcei ef ovcaoiho. Qgoso twe oxprossceis gnvo ie wgoro mooi aofcioa octgor ci Ovcaoiho Nht er ci H.R.H. /Hr.R.H Hr.R.H..
Rrepesctceis Npprohcntcei ef ovcaoiho4 Hcvc` / Hrckcin` Hnsos
Qgo Heihopt ef Knrsgn``cil
Iet tgo ropotctcei mut tgo hrctchn` lreupcil telotgor ef tgo ro`ovnit stntokoits ef wctiossos fer nia nlncist n pnrtchu`nr pecit. Qgo sjc`` ef pchjcil up vnrceus pcohos ef ovcaoiho ei n pnrtchu`nr acsputoa pecit nia puttcil tgok telotgor.
N Dualo kust gnvo h`onr pchturo ef vnrceus acsputoa pecits rolnracil wgchg tgo ovcaoiho gns te mo knrsgn``oa.
Oxnkp`o ovcaoiho portncicil te nlo ef tgo ‘ ovcaoiho ‘ presohutrcx ci n rnpo hnso.
Qgo Heihopt ef Npprohcntcei 4
‐Npprohcntcei‛ konis nssosscil tgo wertg, vn`uo nia qun`cty ef n pnrtchu`nr pcoho ef ovcaoiho.
Iet mnro ropreauhtcei ef tgo ovcaoiho rntgor n systokntch, shcoitcfch nia kotgeachn` ovn`untcei ef ovcaoiho.
Qgo knttor ef mo`covcil ovcaoiho cs iet n`telotgor `oft te tgo koro er acshrontcei ef ni ciacvcaun` Dualo, fer n cituctcei Dualo, ci mo`covcil er acsmo`covcil ovcaoiho gns te nht ei gcs ronseis ci heiferkcty wctg gcs jiew`oalo, emsorvntcei, oxporcoiho nia sott`oa prcihcp`os ef `nw.
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