Princeton Hit Parade for GRE

January 24, 2017 | Author: Tanvir Hamid | Category: N/A
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Princeton Hit Parade for GRE...



A Abash – v – To make ashamed

Anathema – n – something or someone

Abject – adj – Hopeless

loathed or detested

Abysmal – adj – Extremely hopeless

Animosity – n – resentment, hostility

Accrete – v – To increase by growth

Antecedent – n – someone that went b4

Accede – v – to give in, to agree

Antithesis – n – the direct opposite

Acumen – n – Accurate Judgment

Anodyne – adj/n – soothing

Adulation – n – Excessive Praise

Aphorism – n – proverb

Advent – n – arrival

Apocryphal – n – fictitious

Adumbrate – v – to foreshadow vaguely

Apostasy – n – rejection of faith

Affable – adj – Friendly

Apotheosis – n – the perfect example

Affectation – n –Artificial behavior

Apex – n – highest point

Aggrandize -v- to increase in intensity

Apogee – n – the most distant point in

or power or prestige

the orbit of the moon or of an artificial

Aghast – adj – shocked, terrified


Allege – v – to assert without proof

Arbiter – n – a judge

Allusion – n – an indirect reference

Arcane – adj – mysterious

Alchemy – n – a medieval science aimed

Archaic – Adj – Outdated

at the transmutation of the metals

Arrant – adj – utter, very bad

Ambience – n – atmosphere, feeling

Archetype – n – an original model

Ambivalent – adj – undecided

Artful – adj – crafty, wily, sly

Amiable – adj – friendly

Astringent – adj/n – Harsh, severe

Amorphous – adj – shapeless

Astute – adj – keen in judgment, shrewd

Amenable – adj – Agreeable

Assay – v – to evaluate

Asseverate – v – to assert

Catholic – adj – universal

Attrition – n – weakening

Cavil – v – to quibble

Augment – v – to make bigger

Chagrin – n – humiliation

Augur – v – to predict or foretell

Chary – adj – cautious

Auspicious – adj – favorable

Choleric – adj – quick to anger

Avow – v - to claim, to admit

Circumspect – adj – cautious

Avarice – n – Greed for wealth

Coalesce – v – to unite

Axiomatic – Adj – Taken as a given

Cognizant – adj – aware Collusion – n – conspiracy

B Belabor – v – to go over repeatedly Beleaguer – v – to surround Benign – adj – gentle, kind, mild Bereaved – adj – deprived or left desolate Blithe – adj – carefree Broach – v – to open up a subject for discussion Brook – v – To bear or tolerate Bucolic – adj – rustic and pastoral

Consecrate – v - to make or declare sacred Consonant – adj – harmonious Consummate – adj – perfect Contiguous – adj – side by side Contumely – n – rudeness Conterie – n – a select group of close associates Conventional – adj – common Convivial – adj – fond of partying Copious – adj – plentiful Corroborate – v – to confirm






Callow – adj – immature

Covet – v – to wish for enviously

Canonical – adj – following or in

Credulous – adj – eager to believe

agreement with accepted

Cull – v – to select; to collect

Canon – n – often religious in nature

Culpable – adj – deserving blame

Cardinal – adj – most important; chief


Cynicism – n – a belief that all people

Enigmatic – adj – mysterious

are motivated by selfishness

Ennui – n – dissatisfaction resulting from apathy Enormity – n – extremely evil


Espouse – v – to support

Debacle – n – violent breakdown

Evanescent – adj – to remove blame

Debauchery – n – wild living Decorous – adj – proper; in good taste Deprecate – v – to express disapproval

Exonerate – v – to remove blame Extemporaneous – adj – done without


preparation; improvised

Derision – n – scorn; ridicule

Exposition – n – a discourse intended to

Dilapidated – adj – broken down Dilettante

Exhort – v – to give a serious warning





superficial knowledge of the arts; an amateur


Didactic – adj – intended to teach

Facile – adj – fluent

Discomfit – v – to frustrate, to confuse

Fell – v – to cause to fall by striking

Discretion – n – ability to make

Fervent – adj - jealous

responsible decision

Fetter – v – to hamper

Divulge – v – to reveal (secret)

Filibuster – n – intentional obstruction

Doggerel – n – comic; loose verse

Flippant – adj – saucy; pert Forbear – v – to abstain


Fortuitous – adj – happening by chance Founder – v – to fail, to sink

Eccentric – adj – departing from norms

Fulminate – v – to loudly attack

Eloquent – adj – well spoken, expressive

Furtive – adj – marked by stealth

Elucidate – v – to explain Emollient – adj/v – making less harsh

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Gambit – n – a ploy

Idyllic – adj – naturally peaceful

Genial –adj - helpful; friendly

Ignominy – n – deep disgrace

Germane – adj – applicable, relevant

Imbroglio – n – difficult or embarrassing

Gratis – adj – free from charge


Gregarious – adj – sociable

Imminent – adj – just about to happen

Guile – n – cunning; artfulness

Imperturbable – adj – marked by extreme calm; impassivity Impecunious – adj – lacking funds

H Hackneyed



commonplace by frequent usage Halcyon – adj – calm and peaceful Harbinger – n – a signal of; a forerunner Hedonism – n – devotion to pleasurable persuits Hegemony – n – the consistence dominant of one state or ideology over others Heretical – adj – violating accepted convention Hirsute – adj – hairy; shaggy Hubris – n – arrogance Husband – v – to use sparingly or economically

Impetuous – adj – impulsive Importune – v – to trouble Impunity



punishment Impromptu – adj – done without preparation Incandescent – adj – brilliant Incipient – adj – to become apparent Indifferent – adj – not caring one way or other Indulgent – n – yielding to desire Ineluctable – adj – inescapable Inept – adj – clumsy Inexorable



relentless Infelicitous – adj – unfortunate

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Inimical – adj – unfavorable Insouciant – adj – nonchalant

Inveigle – v – obtain by deception

Mellifluous – adj – sweetly flowing

Inveterate – adj – habitual

Mercurial – adj – rapidly changing in mode

J Jegune – adj – childish, vapid Judicious – adj – exercising sound

Meretricious – adj – gaudy; showy Minatory – adj – threatening Motility – n – spontaneous movement


N L Lachrymose – adj – tearful Lament – v – to mourn Lascivious – adj – lustful Ligneous – adj – woodlike Limn – v – to draw List – v – to tilt or lean to one side Lubricious – adj – wanton; greedy; lewd

Nascent – adj – early development stage Nebulous – adj – vague; cloudy Nice – adj – exacting Nominal – adj – insignificant Nonplus – v – to baffle; to bewilder Novel – adj – new; original Noxious – adj – harmful Nugatory






Magnate – n – q rich, powerful or very successful business person Malevolent – adj – having or showing often vicious ill will Manifest – adj – visible Martial – adj – associated with war Maxim – n – an old saying Meet – adj – proper




uncompromising Oblique – adj – indirect Odious – adj – dislike Opaque – adj – not reflecting light Ossify – v – to convert into bone Otiose – adj – lazy; futile

P Paean – n – a song of thanksgiving Paradigm – n – a model or example Paradox – n – a true statement that seems to be contradict itself Parry – v – to evade or avoid Pedagogy – n – instructing Pedestrian – adj – unimaginative; banal Pellucid – adj – easy to understand Perturb – v – to disturb greatly Penurious – adj – ungenerous Peripatetic – adj – wandering Pernicious – adj – extremely harmful Perorate – v – to speak formally Peruse – v – to examine with great care Perspicacious – adj – acutely perceptive Pervade – v – to spread throughout Pine – v – to lose vigor Piquant – adj – pleasantly pungent or tart Pith – n – the essential or central part

Polemical – adj – controversial Portent – n – an omen; a sign of something coming in the future Prattle – v – to talk in an empty and idle manner Precipitous – adj – steep Predilection – n – preference Preen – v – dress up Prescience – n – foreknowledge of events Pristine – adj – original; pure Prize – v – to pry Proclivity – n – a natural predisposition Prodigious – adj – extraordinary Profuse – adj – extravagant Prolific – adj – productive Prosaic –adj – dull; unimaginative Puissant – adj – powerful Pulchritude – n – physical beauty Putative – adj – commonly accepted Putrefy – v – to rot

Pithy – adj – precise and brief Placid – adj – peaceful


Plaintive – adj – expressing sorrow

Qualms – n – misgiving

Pluck – n – courage

Quaff – v – to drink deeply

Plumb – v – to measure the depth of

Queries – n – questions


Querulous – adj – peevish

Quixotic – adj – romantic or idealistic to

Sordid – adj – foul

a foolish or impractical degree

Sparse – adj – thin Spendthrift – n – one who spend money wastefully

R Rampart – n – defensive mound on

Squalid – adj – sordid

earth Rancorous

Spurious – adj – false




resentment Rarefy – v – to make thin Redoubtable – adj - worthy of honor Redolent – adj – fragrant Refulgent – adj – shiny; brilliant Remonstrate – v – to argue against Replete – adj – completely filled Reprove – v – to criticize mildly Respite – n – a period of rest or relief

Squander – v – waste by spending irresponsibly Stupefy – v – baffle Stoic – adj – steadfast Stygian – adj – gloomy Stymie – v – to block Subtle – adj – not obvious Succinct – adj – brief Succor – n – assistance Surfeit – n/v – excess

Rhetoric – n – the art of effective use of language

T Taciturn – adj – untalkative by nature

S Sagacity – n – wisdom Salutary – adj – healthful; wholesome Satire – n – a literary work that criticizes human vice through humor Saturnine – adj – gloomy Sedulous – adj – diligent; hardworking Sidereal – adj – astral

Tenacity – n – persistent determination Terse – adj – succinct Tendentious – adj – biased Torpid – adj – sluggish Tout – v – to praise highly Transient – brief Turbid – adj – unclear Tyro – n – novice


Prepared by:

Ubiquitous – adj – widespread

Mohammad Yasin Rume

Unalloyed – adj - pure

BBA (Finance & Management)

Unfeigned – adj – genuine


Unsury – n – landing money at high rate

Cell: +8801920542363 +8801675891476

Untenable – adj – indefensible; not viable

Mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Urbane – adj – sophisticated

[email protected] [email protected]

V Fb: Vagary – n – whim Veracity – n – truthfulness Venal – adj – capable of being bribed Vestige – n – a last trace Vexation – n - annoyance Vilify – v – to defame Virulent – adj – extremely harmful Voluble – adj – fluent

W Waver – v - to move to and fro Wag – n – a joker

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